LZ_predator, revision 3, written by Kaze, in fact a modified LZPRE originally written by Matt Mahoney. HTSIZE: 268435456slots x 4bytes Allocating 768MB ... OK Decompressed stream being delivered at 72 MB/s Compressed stream being decompressed at 19 MB/s Number Of Lines: 2459508 Longest Line: 162 Original/Compressed ratio: 3.81:1 Performance of memcpy() for block 206908949 bytes in length: 3853 MB/s Writing the decompressed stream at once ... Input Pattern (it is case-sensitive; hit only 'Enter' to skip): Lao Context #0,000,000,001 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...lternating every month between Hindi and English. His discourses offer insights into all the major spiritual paths, including Yoga, Zen, Taoism, Tantra and Sufism. He also speaks on Gautam Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tzu, and other mystics. These discourses have been collected into over 300 volumes and 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, publis...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,002 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...can jump, just like a cat jumps on a mouse and catches hold of it. Truth cannot be delivered, there is no way to deliver it. Once delivered it is dead, it has already become untrue. Lao Tzu insisted on not saying anything about the truth his whole life. Whenever someone asked about truth he would say many things, but he would not say anything about the truth; he would avoid it. In the end he was...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,003 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... it. In the end he was forced to say something. Disciples, lovers, said he should write because he had known something which was rarely known, he had become something which was unique -- there would be no Lao Tzu again. So he wrote a small book, Tao Te Ching, but the first thing he said in it was, "Tao cannot be said, Truth cannot be uttered. And the moment you utter it, it is already false." And then he said, "Now I ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,004 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... GIVEN WITH WORDS I HAVE GIVEN TO YOU; BUT WITH THIS FLOWER, I GIVE TO MAHAKASHYAP THE KEY TO THIS TEACHING." To all teachings, not only for a Buddha but for all masters -- Jesus, Mahavira, Lao Tzu -- the key cannot be given through verbal communication, the key cannot be delivered through the mind. Nothing can be said about it. The more you say the more difficult it becomes to deliver, because a ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,005 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... incident where he behaved illogically, where he did something which was mysterious. He was not a mysterious man at all. You cannot find another master who was less mysterious. Jesus was very mysterious, Lao Tzu was absolutely mysterious. Buddha was plain, transparent; no mystery surrounds him, no smoke is allowed. His flame burns clear and bright, absolutely transparent, smokeless. This was the only thing that seeme...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,006 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ained in it. Those are utterances of tremendous value, but no philosophy is woven around them, no system is created. Those are atomic utterances. And the substratum of them all is that nothing can be said. Just like Lao Tzu's TAO TE KING: The Tao that can be uttered is no longer Tao. The truth that is said is no longer truth. Truth said becomes untrue -- said and it becomes false. Now what to do? How to understand? ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,007 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...y else -- Lazarus is not my name. " Let me tell you: Lazarus is your name! And don't think about this story just as a story. That's what Buddha has done, that's what Bodhidharma has done, that's what Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu have done: they have shouted at you, they have taken you by your hands and shaken you. Very few understand. In most of the cases people become angry, they become annoyed, because you are distur...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,008 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... somebody who is born in the West and is seeking God is an Indian; and somebody who is born in India and is seeking money is an American. Then there is no trouble -- then Jesus is Indian, Zarathustra is Indian, Lao Tzu is Indian, Chuang Tzu is Indian, Bokuju, Rinzai -- all are Indians. Then 'India' has a totally different meaning. I also say that India is significant, but just as a psychological symbol. Longest India ha...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,009 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...mundane into the sacred. And it is tremendously extraordinary because THIS way life has never been approached before, THIS way life has never been respected before. Zen goes beyond Buddha and beyond Lao Tzu. It is a culmination, a transcendence, both of the Indian genius and of the Chinese genius. The Indian genius reached its highest peak in Gautam the Buddha and the Chinese genius reached its highest peak in L...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,010 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Lao Tzu. It is a culmination, a transcendence, both of the Indian genius and of the Chinese genius. The Indian genius reached its highest peak in Gautam the Buddha and the Chinese genius reached its highest peak in Lao Tzu. And the meeting...the essence of Buddha's teaching and the essence of Lao Tzu's teaching merged into one stream so deeply that no separation is possible now. Even to make a distinction between what belongs t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,011 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...f the Chinese genius. The Indian genius reached its highest peak in Gautam the Buddha and the Chinese genius reached its highest peak in Lao Tzu. And the meeting...the essence of Buddha's teaching and the essence of Lao Tzu's teaching merged into one stream so deeply that no separation is possible now. Even to make a distinction between what belongs to Buddha and what to Lao Tzu is impossible, the merger has been so total. It is...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,012 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...sence of Buddha's teaching and the essence of Lao Tzu's teaching merged into one stream so deeply that no separation is possible now. Even to make a distinction between what belongs to Buddha and what to Lao Tzu is impossible, the merger has been so total. It is not only a synthesis, it is an integration. Out of this meeting Zen was born. Zen is neither Buddhist nor Taoist and yet both. To call Zen "Zen Buddhism...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,013 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...an integration. Out of this meeting Zen was born. Zen is neither Buddhist nor Taoist and yet both. To call Zen "Zen Buddhism" is not right because it is far more. Buddha is not so earthly as Zen is. Lao Tzu is tremendously earthly, but Zen is not only earthly: its vision transforms the earth into heaven. Lao Tzu is earthly, Buddha is unearthly, Zen is both -- and in being both it has become the most extraordinar...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,014 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... To call Zen "Zen Buddhism" is not right because it is far more. Buddha is not so earthly as Zen is. Lao Tzu is tremendously earthly, but Zen is not only earthly: its vision transforms the earth into heaven. Lao Tzu is earthly, Buddha is unearthly, Zen is both -- and in being both it has become the most extraordinary phenomenon. The future of humanity will go closer and closer to the approach of Zen, because the mee...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,015 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...is very earthly, the East is very unearthly. Who is going to become the bridge? Buddha cannot be the bridge; he is so essentially Eastern, the very flavor of the East, the very fragrance of the East, uncompromising. Lao Tzu cannot be the bridge; he is too earthly. China has always been very earthly. China is more part of the Western psyche than of the Eastern psyche. It is not an accident that China is the first country in ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,016 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... materialist, to believe in a godless philosophy, to believe that man is only matter and nothing else. This is not just accidental. China has been earthly for almost five thousand years; it is very Western. Hence Lao Tzu cannot become the bridge; he is more like Zorba the Greek. Buddha is so unearthly you cannot even catch hold of him -- how can he become the bridge? When I look all around, Zen seems to be the only possi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,017 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e is more like Zorba the Greek. Buddha is so unearthly you cannot even catch hold of him -- how can he become the bridge? When I look all around, Zen seems to be the only possibility, because in Zen, Buddha and Lao Tzu have become one. The meeting has already happened. The seed is there, the seed of that great bridge which can make East and West one. Zen is going to be the meeting-point. It has a great future --...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,018 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...the opposite: what your society has done to you the Master has to undo. His function is basically anti-social, and nothing can be done about it. The Master is bound to be anti-social. Jesus, Pythagoras, Buddha, Lao Tzu, they are all anti-social. Not that they want to be anti-social, but the moment they recognize the beauty of not knowing, the vastness of not knowing, the innocence of not knowing, the moment the taste of not...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,019 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... remained silent out of the awareness that whatsoever you say goes wrong; the moment you say it, it goes wrong. Those who have spoken, they have spoken with the condition: "Don't cling to our words." Lao Tzu says: "Tao, once described, is no more the real Tao." The moment you say something about it you have already falsified it, you have betrayed it. It is such an intimate knowing, incommunicable. "Wh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,020 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... power has come that ANY moment the third world war can start, and that will destroy the whole of humanity. And all the work of the ages, of all the Buddhas, will be simply destroyed. Krishna, Jesus, Lao Tzu, Buddha, Pythagoras, Socrates: these people have worked hard to create this garden. And now we are getting ready to burn it totally. Before it is too late...wake up! At least move to the second state of m...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,021 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...h the Chinese consciousness. There are a few very wise people who think that Zen is more a rebellion against the Indian seriousness than a continuity of it. And they have a point there; a certain truth is there. Lao Tzu is more Jewish than Hindu -- he can laugh. Chuang Tzu has written such beautiful and absurd stories; nobody can conceive of an enlightened person writing such stories, which can only be called, at the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,022 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... only be called, at the best, entertainment. But entertainment can become the door to enlightenment. Zen is originally connected with Buddha, but the color and the flavor that came to it came through Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu and the Chinese consciousness. And then it blossomed in Japan; it came to its ultimate peak in japan. Japan also has a great quality: of taking life playfully. The consciousness of Japan...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,023 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...re. Where else have so many saints happened?" I said, "Do you know how many saints have happened in China? Just tell me a few names." He had not even heard of a single name. He does not know anything about Lao Tzu, he does not know about Chuang Tzu, he does not know about Lieh Tzu. He does not know anything of the long long tradition of Chinese mysticism. But he knows about Nanak, Kabir, Mahavira, Kris...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,024 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ional mind cannot understand, he was not crucified for any other reason. He was crucified by the left hemisphere because he was a right-hemisphere man. He was crucified because of the inner conflict. Lao Tzu says, 'The whole world seems to be clever, only I am muddle-headed; the whole world seems to be certain, only I am confused and hesitant.' He is a right-hemisphered man. The right hemisphere is the hemisp...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,025 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...h has been religious -- not even Indian civilization. Not a single nation has become like a being which is religious -- only rare individuals, here and there, far apart. Somewhere a Buddha, a Jesus, a Zarathustra, a Lao Tzu -- islands. Otherwise, ordinarily, the main current of humanity has remained political. Politics is basically ambition. Politics is basically wrong because ambition is wrong. You are not to be...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,026 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... happens: you have accumulated much rubbish and when you meditate that rubbish starts disappearing, falling away. AND I FEEL MYSELF A STUPID CHILD. That is the way, the way to the kingdom of God. Lao Tzu says, 'Be like an idiot in this world so that you can understand the illogical ways of Tao.' Jesus says, 'Be like a child -- because only those who are like children will be able to enter into the kingdom of ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,027 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... cases. Ordinarily you are both. In certain ways you are psychotic: you have decided the ultimate, that Jesus is the only Son of God, the only begotten Son -- this is psychosis. Then what about Buddha and what about Lao Tzu and what about Zarathustra? In certain matters you have decided and in certain matters you are completely in confusion. A part of your being is neurotic and a part of your being is psychotic. And because of t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,028 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ere. People go on asking about the Way, and there are millions of ways proposed -- but there cannot be. There is only one Way. The same Way passes before Buddha's eyes, and the same Way passes before Lao Tzu, and the same Way before Jesus. Millions are the travelers but the Way is one, the same. That is the tao, the dhamma, the logos of Heraclitus -- it is one. Millions are the travelers but the Way is one. T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,029 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...in. Man lives in freedom. Freedom needs insecurity and uncertainty. A real man of intelligence is always hesitant because he has no dogma to rely upon, to lean upon. He has to look and respond. Lao Tzu says, 'I am hesitant, and I move alertly in life because I don't know what is going to happen. And I don't have.any principle to follow. I have to decide every moment. I never decide beforehand. I have to dec...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,030 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ergy, such an overflowing of God, that wherever he was, life would move faster. A speed would happen to all the existence around him. He would not be doing anything but things would start happening. Lao Tzu has said that the greatest religious person never does anything, but millions of things happen through him. He is never a doer but much happens through him. He simply goes on sitting and yet the impact of his...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,031 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ve come across. We don't have the language, the right language for it, because we have never known it. Now the right language has to be found in the words of the mystics: a Buddha will be helpful, a Lao Tzu will be helpful And scientists ARE looking into the words of the Buddhas to find the right language, because these are the people who have been talking about paradox, mystery. And now science is coming across...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,032 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... It makes no difference whether it is a Jewish establishment or a Christian establishment or a Hindu establishment; all establishments function in the same way. Jesus is a rebel, just as Buddha is or Lao Tzu is. When the church starts establishing itself it starts destroying the rebelliousness of Jesus, Buddha, because rebellion cannot go with an establishment. It starts imposing its own ideas -- once Jesus is go...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,033 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ing to listen to the priests? Jesus is salvation -- not only that but the ONLY salvation! Just the other night I was looking at a book: JESUS, THE ONLY WAY. Why the only way? Is Buddha not a way? Is Lao Tzu not a way? Is Zarathustra not a way? Is Moses not a way? Is Mohammed not a way? There are infinite ways to reach God. Why make God so poor? -- only one way? But the Christian priest is not in...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,034 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...r whole history; at the most they create magicians. Their religion consists only of rituals, formalities; it never attains to the heights of prayer and meditation; it never reaches to the heights of a Patanjali or a Lao Tzu or a Mohammed. They have not produced any Koran, Upanishads, Bible; they cannot. They are people who have not yet said no, they are people who have not yet disobeyed. They have not eaten the fruit of knowledg...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,035 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...7 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- with me, you will be in communion with Zarathustra, with Lao Tzu, with Mahavira, with Mohammed. But this is a totally different approach I become the door, and when you enter in me you find all the Buddhas -- because it is like the ocean: you can taste it from anywhere, it...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,036 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...this is the greatest of all, that you all are potentially Buddhas. It is impossible for your mind to accept it. You can accept somebody far away, a Siddhartha Gautam, being a Buddha, a Jesus Christ, a Zarathustra, a Lao Tzu. They are so far away, millions of light years away; they have become mythological. They are no more thought to be real persons. They have lost all substance, they have become pure shadows -- pure poetry with...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,037 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...cannot believe it, because that is too dangerous for you, for your established pattern of life. You can't allow me too close; you will create a distance. Pradeepa has asked a question: "Osho, when-ever you quote Lao Tzu as saying, 'Everybody is clear, only I am muddleheaded,' I love it, because I am also muddleheaded. But there must be some difference between my muddleheadedness and Lao Tzu's." There is none,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,038 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ed a question: "Osho, when-ever you quote Lao Tzu as saying, 'Everybody is clear, only I am muddleheaded,' I love it, because I am also muddleheaded. But there must be some difference between my muddleheadedness and Lao Tzu's." There is none, Pradeepa. But you cannot believe it. Lao Tzu is exactly as muddleheaded as Pradeepa. Lao Tzu will agree with me, Pradeepa will not agree. There is the problem: how can Prade...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,039 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... clear, only I am muddleheaded,' I love it, because I am also muddleheaded. But there must be some difference between my muddleheadedness and Lao Tzu's." There is none, Pradeepa. But you cannot believe it. Lao Tzu is exactly as muddleheaded as Pradeepa. Lao Tzu will agree with me, Pradeepa will not agree. There is the problem: how can Pradeepa agree that her muddleheadness...? Lao Tzu must be meaning something very mys...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,040 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...am also muddleheaded. But there must be some difference between my muddleheadedness and Lao Tzu's." There is none, Pradeepa. But you cannot believe it. Lao Tzu is exactly as muddleheaded as Pradeepa. Lao Tzu will agree with me, Pradeepa will not agree. There is the problem: how can Pradeepa agree that her muddleheadness...? Lao Tzu must be meaning something very mysterious, something of a totally different dimens...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,041 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...one, Pradeepa. But you cannot believe it. Lao Tzu is exactly as muddleheaded as Pradeepa. Lao Tzu will agree with me, Pradeepa will not agree. There is the problem: how can Pradeepa agree that her muddleheadness...? Lao Tzu must be meaning something very mysterious, something of a totally different dimension. No. Lao Tzu is simply saying there is no need to be a great genius to know God. God is available to all, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,042 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e, Pradeepa will not agree. There is the problem: how can Pradeepa agree that her muddleheadness...? Lao Tzu must be meaning something very mysterious, something of a totally different dimension. No. Lao Tzu is simply saying there is no need to be a great genius to know God. God is available to all, unconditionally to all, categorically to all. You do not have to fulfill certain conditions, you do not have to ris...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,043 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...as American and answered, "George Washington." Patrick O'Kelly was next and he said that St. Patrick was the greatest man who ever lived. Then there was an Indian child who said Gautam Buddha, and a Chinese who said Lao Tzu. Then little Abe was next in line and without hesitation he answered, "Jesus." The teacher promptly gave him the shilling and said, "Now tell me how it is that you, being a little Jew, and no...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,044 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...E BAUL ATTITUDE. There are two approaches towards God: one is of the male mind -- aggressive, active; the other is of the feminine mind -- passive, receptive. Bauls belong to the second approach. Just as Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu belong to the second approach, Mahavir and Patanjali belong to the first approach. The male mind seeks and searches God as if God is somewhere else and has to be discovered. The...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,045 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ng is needed to be done; simple waiting -- but it needs great trust. Otherwise the mind will say, "What are you doing? If you are not going to seek Him, you will never find Him." Bauls say, just like Lao Tzu, "Seek and you will miss. Seek not and find." He is here; your seeking takes you somewhere else. He has already come. The guest is at the door; He is knocking. But you are so occupied inside the mind -- maybe...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,046 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...t in the hearts of man belong to a totally different category: they were the people of awareness, people with soul. Their impact has been so deep that it will remain unto the last man. Gautam Buddha, Lao Tzu, Kabir, Christ, al-Hillaj Mansoor -- these people cannot be forgotten. They will go on living in the deepest parts of your being for the simple reason that they never compromised their awareness for the expec...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,047 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Nothing like this has ever existed in the world before. Because I don't have any prejudice -- you can become a Christ here, you can become a Buddha here, you can become a Mahavira, you can become a Lao Tzu. I don't have any prejudice because I know these are only different names. Behind them is the same universal consciousness. So don't be bothered about your beliefs; just drop them. Trust...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,048 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...aw in it. It is absolutely right. In fact, he is the first benefactor of humanity. Without him, perhaps there would have been no humanity -- no Gautam Buddha, no Kabir, no Christ, no Zarathustra, no Lao Tzu... just buffaloes, donkeys, and yankees, all eating grass, chewing grass contentedly. And God would have been very happy, that his children are very obedient. But this obedience is poison, pure poison. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,049 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...7 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- This is such a contrast. Gautam Buddha, Lao Tzu, Nagarjuna, Bodhidharma, they talk of blissfulness, of tremendous possibilities of ecstasy, of growing into new dimensions of being. What has happened? Why this diametrical opposition? And Jea...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,050 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...TIONS? Milarepa, as far as you are concerned, if a buddha -- as a woman -- meets you on the way, your job is easier. You are a great ladykiller. So kill her lovingly -- what is the problem in it? Lao Tzu has made things very easy for you. It is true that all great qualities are feminine -- love, compassion, sympathy, kindness. All these qualities have a flavor of the feminine. There are ma...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,051 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...repressing their abnormalities. But it brings no transformation. Even the founders of modern psychology -- Freud or Jung or Adler or Assagioli -- are not people who you can put in the category of Gautam Buddha, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu. You cannot put these people with the seers of the UPANISHADS, with Kabir and Nanak and Farid. These are the sanest people humanity has produced, and they have not bothered about dreams, they have...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,052 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...u as to Gautam Buddha, the same moon as to Zarathustra, the same wind as to Mahavira, the same rain as to Jesus -- it makes no difference, it has no idea of discrimination. For existence, Gautam Buddha, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, Bodhidharma, Kabir, Nanak or you are just the same. The only difference is that Gautam Buddha did not accept the idea of being unworthy, he rejected the idea. It was easy for him to reject i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,053 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...mained 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- himself. And all these beautiful names -- Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu, Bodhidharma, Nagarjuna, Pythagoras, Socrates, Heraclitus, Epicurus -- all these beautiful names which have been a great inspiration to many people were themselves never inspired by anyb...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,054 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...y the side of a river, which is running so fast that each time I look at it there are new faces to whom I have to speak again. In thirty years so many people have changed. It was not true about Socrates or Buddha or Lao Tzu, they worked with a group their whole life. I have been working with so many new people, and I have always to find out a new mode, a new phase, new expressions, new bottles for the old wine... but the wine is...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,055 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...TENED MASTER HAS SPOKEN SO MANY MILLIONS OF WORDS ABOUT THE TRUTH AS YOU HAVE. LAO TZU SAYS, "THE TRUTH THAT CAN BE SPOKEN IS NOT THE TRUTH." BELOVED MASTER, WHAT DO YOU SAY? Lao Tzu is right. The truth that can be spoken is no longer true, because the mechanism of language distorts the experience -- which happens beyond mind, beyond words. To pull it down to the darker valleys of languag...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,056 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...stures -- something not from the words but the way the words are spoken, the emphasis, the gaps. The presence of such a man speaking may be just an excuse to allow you to be showered by his presence. Lao Tzu cannot speak truth, but to be with Lao Tzu you may get the right direction. His presence may prove to you that there exists something that you know nothing about, and that it is so precious that all that you ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,057 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...the way the words are spoken, the emphasis, the gaps. The presence of such a man speaking may be just an excuse to allow you to be showered by his presence. Lao Tzu cannot speak truth, but to be with Lao Tzu you may get the right direction. His presence may prove to you that there exists something that you know nothing about, and that it is so precious that all that you know and all that you have is worth sacrifi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,058 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... you may not get the truth, but you may be transported into another world: a world of silence, a world of immense peace, a world of benediction. And all those are immensely helpful for the search. So Lao Tzu is both right and wrong: right because what he is saying is exactly so -- the spoken truth is no longer true. But that is not all. If the truth is spoken by someone, and if it is out of experience -- and it c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,059 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ced that there is something like truth, there is a certain transformation that brings the full flowering of the being, then the word, the language, has done more than can be expected! So I say again, Lao Tzu is right and not right. And my emphasis on not right is more than on his being right; otherwise I would not have spoken millions of words, I would have remained silent. But I saw that it is not only a que...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,060 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...E STADIUM AND SAT SILENTLY WITH EACH OTHER. WHAT HAPPENED TO US? WHY DOES ONE HAVE SUCH DIFFERENT FEELINGS ABOUT DIFFERENT PLACES? People like Pythagoras, Socrates, Plotinus, Gautam Buddha, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu... the people of such state are continuously radiating -- not with any effort, but effortlessly and spontaneously. Their experience, just like a candle, radiates light; their consciousness has bec...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,061 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...y go on explaining in different ways so the meaning of waking gathers around you. Then ANYTHING... People have become enlightened, awakened, in strange situations -- there is no causal relationship. Lao Tzu became enlightened when he was sitting under a tree and a dry leaf started falling from the tree. There was no strong wind so the leaf was falling very slowly, like a feather, and he simply watched it falling...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,062 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...tree its whole life, but not even a look back, no hurry to reach anywhere, just a tremendous let-go, that wherever the wind takes it... A great trust. All these things, with the dropping of the dry leaf, happened in Lao Tzu. From that day he was a different man. The master can only do one thing: he can go on spinning around you meanings of a thousand kinds. Perhaps one of them may trigger the process, but nothing can be sai...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,063 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ng about the inner mysteries of life. In fact, he denies that there is anything inner. Everything is outer; refine it, polish it, culture it, make it as beautiful as possible. There were people like Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu, contemporaries of Confucius, but they were mystics not masters. They could not create a counter movement against Confucius in the hearts of the Chinese people. So there was a vacuum. No...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,064 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...idea that there is no soul inside you, no consciousness, cuts you away from existence. One starts shrinking, one starts feeling suffocated. But Confucius was a very great rationalist. These mystics, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu, knew that what Confucius was doing was wrong, but they were not masters. They remained in their monasteries with their few disciples. When Buddhism reached China, it im...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,065 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ly. He is throwing dust into their eyes. It is not an answer. But this is not only the case with Bodhidharma. This is the case with everyone ...with Gautam Buddha, with Mahavira, with Confucius, with Lao Tzu, with Zarathustra, with Jesus, with Moses ...with everyone without exception. Whenever they come close to the ultimate question, they start talking nonsense. And these are very sensible people, very intellige...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,066 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ciple say that the words of the master are not right? It is a unique opportunity for you to listen to a man who has no master, and who has a tremendous respect for truth -- whether it comes from Zarathustra, or Lao Tzu, or Buddha, or Moses, or Jesus, or Mohammed. If it is truth which rings bells in my heart, I am in absolute support of it. But if it is not true, I know my heart. The bells don't ring and I immediately know s...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,067 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [..., must have wondered .... "From India an enlightened man has come. We have also heard" -- those Chinese had also heard much about meditation -- "but this is really original!" They have also their own Lao Tzu, and Chuang Tzu and Lieh Tzu -- contemporaries of Gautam Buddha, of the same caliber, who know what meditation is. And he is trying to make a definition, an almost unbelievable one. He has just lost his nerve...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,068 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...erly unintelligent. The intelligent person hesitates, ponders, wavers. The unintelligent never wavers, never hesitates. Where the wise will whisper, the fool simply declares from the housetops. Lao Tzu says, "I may be the only muddle-headed man in the world. Everybody seems to be so certain, except me." He is right; he has such tremendous intelligence that he cannot be certain about anything. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,069 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... greatest contributions of Eastern consciousness to the world. The Western religions still go on hanging around the idea of good and bad. That's why it is so difficult for the Christian to understand the Upanishads, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu; it is impossible for them to understand. They are always looking with the Christian mind, "Where are the commandments?" And there are none! The Upanishads never say what is good and what is wrong...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,070 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ision is very narrow. He can say sannyas is wrong, he can say I am wrong. Still, I cannot say that he is wrong, because I have a wider vision, very inclusive. If I can say Buddha is right, Zarathustra is right, Lao Tzu is right, Tilopa, Atisha, and many many more are right, I can also say Krishnamurti is right. Yes, there are people for whom his vision will be of help, but those people will be very few. In ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,071 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ving mind is the only barrier. They are already here. You have to drop the achieving mind, you have to forget journeying from this point to that, you simply have to relax and be, and all is attained. Lao Tzu calls it wu-wei, action without action. You have not moved a single inch, and you have arrived; this is wu-wei. You have not gone anywhere, you have not even thought of going anywhere, and you are already the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,072 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- But that knowing is not knowledge, that knowing is wisdom. Truth cannot be defined. Lao Tzu says if you define it you have already made it untrue. He lived a long life; it must have been really long because the story is that for eighty-two years he lived in his mother's womb, so when he was born he ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,073 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... I cannot become a solo flute player -- not that it is not beautiful, but it is simply not my way. I enjoy being an orchestra. I would like Atisha to play with me, and Bahauddin and Kabir and Nanak and Lao Tzu and Zarathustra and many many more. I would like to play with them all and become part of this orchestra. This is my way. There is nothing higher or lower. Once you are enlightened, there is nothing ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,074 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Science is a tunnel vision. Krishnamurti is a scientific individuality, very scientific. Hence his appeal for all those who love analysis, dissection, who love going into minute details. He is just the opposite of Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu says, "Everybody seems to be so clear; only I am confused." A man of the quality of Lao Tzu, a man of ultimate enlightenment, saying this: "Everybody seems to be so clear about everything, excep...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,075 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... is a tunnel vision. Krishnamurti is a scientific individuality, very scientific. Hence his appeal for all those who love analysis, dissection, who love going into minute details. He is just the opposite of Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu says, "Everybody seems to be so clear; only I am confused." A man of the quality of Lao Tzu, a man of ultimate enlightenment, saying this: "Everybody seems to be so clear about everything, except me. I a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,076 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...l for all those who love analysis, dissection, who love going into minute details. He is just the opposite of Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu says, "Everybody seems to be so clear; only I am confused." A man of the quality of Lao Tzu, a man of ultimate enlightenment, saying this: "Everybody seems to be so clear about everything, except me. I am so confused, I am so muddle-headed, that I don't know what is what. Everybody walks with such c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,077 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ssing a cold, icy cold stream." 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Lao Tzu is just the opposite of J. Krishnamurti. He has no tunnel vision. His vision is so wide, so spread out, it cannot be very clear. It is bound to be hazy, misty, but that too has its own beauty. Krishnamurti's ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,078 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...osite of J. Krishnamurti. He has no tunnel vision. His vision is so wide, so spread out, it cannot be very clear. It is bound to be hazy, misty, but that too has its own beauty. Krishnamurti's statements have logic. Lao Tzu's statements have poetry. My vision is even wider than Lao Tzu's. I include Lao Tzu and many more. Obviously Lao Tzu could not have included me. Twenty-five centuries have passed; in those twenty-five cen...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,079 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... spread out, it cannot be very clear. It is bound to be hazy, misty, but that too has its own beauty. Krishnamurti's statements have logic. Lao Tzu's statements have poetry. My vision is even wider than Lao Tzu's. I include Lao Tzu and many more. Obviously Lao Tzu could not have included me. Twenty-five centuries have passed; in those twenty-five centuries great enlightened people have happened on the earth. I claim...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,080 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... it cannot be very clear. It is bound to be hazy, misty, but that too has its own beauty. Krishnamurti's statements have logic. Lao Tzu's statements have poetry. My vision is even wider than Lao Tzu's. I include Lao Tzu and many more. Obviously Lao Tzu could not have included me. Twenty-five centuries have passed; in those twenty-five centuries great enlightened people have happened on the earth. I claim the whole heritage, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,081 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ound to be hazy, misty, but that too has its own beauty. Krishnamurti's statements have logic. Lao Tzu's statements have poetry. My vision is even wider than Lao Tzu's. I include Lao Tzu and many more. Obviously Lao Tzu could not have included me. Twenty-five centuries have passed; in those twenty-five centuries great enlightened people have happened on the earth. I claim the whole heritage, as nobody has ever cl...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,082 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...have included me. Twenty-five centuries have passed; in those twenty-five centuries great enlightened people have happened on the earth. I claim the whole heritage, as nobody has ever claimed before. Lao Tzu had never heard about Krishna, Lao Tzu had never heard about Patanjali. Patanjali had never heard about Lao Tzu or Chuang Tzu or Lieh Tzu. Buddha had no awareness of Zarathustra or Moses. Now ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,083 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... have passed; in those twenty-five centuries great enlightened people have happened on the earth. I claim the whole heritage, as nobody has ever claimed before. Lao Tzu had never heard about Krishna, Lao Tzu had never heard about Patanjali. Patanjali had never heard about Lao Tzu or Chuang Tzu or Lieh Tzu. Buddha had no awareness of Zarathustra or Moses. Now the world has become a small village, a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,084 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e happened on the earth. I claim the whole heritage, as nobody has ever claimed before. Lao Tzu had never heard about Krishna, Lao Tzu had never heard about Patanjali. Patanjali had never heard about Lao Tzu or Chuang Tzu or Lieh Tzu. Buddha had no awareness of Zarathustra or Moses. Now the world has become a small village, a global village, and the whole history of humanity is ours. I am in a tot...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,085 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...wareness of Zarathustra or Moses. Now the world has become a small village, a global village, and the whole history of humanity is ours. I am in a totally different situation. I know everything about Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu, Confucius, Mencius, Milarepa, Marpa, Tilopa, Naropa, Bodhidharma, Mahakashyap, Sariputra, Mahavira, Adinatha, Moses, Abraham, Jesus, Francis, Kabir, Nanak, Dadu, Meera, Rabiya -- all. T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,086 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...the game, I am utterly at your disposal." The saint has character, hence he is respected. The sage has no character, hence it is very difficult to recognize him. Socrates is a sage, Jesus is a sage, Lao Tzu is a sage but they are very difficult to recognize, almost impossible, because they don't leave any trace behind them. They don't fit into any mold, they are pure freedom. They are like birds flying in the sk...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,087 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...derstand rightly, God is not something that has happened, but is happening. God is happening every day. Buddha has created something, Mahavira has created something, Patanjali has created something, Lao Tzu, Zarathustra, Atisha, Tilopa -- they have all contributed. God is being created. Let your hearts be thrilled that you can become a creator of God! You have been told again and again that God created the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,088 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Everybody seeks, searches for bliss, and almost everybody succeeds in finding just the opposite. I say "almost" because a few people have to be left out of the account -- a Buddha, a Zarathustra, a Lao Tzu, an Atisha. But they are so few and far between; they are exceptions, they only prove the rule. So I say almost everybody who searches for bliss finds misery and suffering. People try to enter into heaven, bu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,089 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e is like the Ganges near Varanasi -- dirty, dead bodies floating in it, all kinds of garbage being poured into it. But still it is alive. Many have completely disappeared. For example, no commune of Lao Tzu survives, no commune of Zarathustra survives. Yes, a few followers are there, but they are not communes. No commune of Saraha, Tilopa, Atisha, survives. They all had created communes. But the society is reall...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,090 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...Y SOCIETY AND RELIGION THAT IT IS SEX THAT BRINGS DEATH. WHAT IS THE TRUTH ABOUT IT? Suresh, can't you see a simple fact, that even your great saints die? Buddha and Christ and Zarathustra and Lao Tzu -- where are they?If it is through sex that death comes, then your celibates must be alive, they will never die. Then all the Catholic monks will live forever and will make the world so ugly. Then all the nun...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,091 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... My own suggestion is: act only when it is essential. And even while doing things, don't become a doer, become a non-doer. Let God do things through you, then action and inaction are one. That's what Lao Tzu says: Wu-wei -- action through inaction. Then action and laziness are no more opposite but complementaries. A real man will have both the capacities: he can act; he can be lazy, he can rest. W...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,092 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... is nothing to create the split. Hitherto, man has been schizophrenic. And I am not saying that a few people have been schizophrenic: the whole humanity has been schizophrenic. Leave a few exceptions -- a Krishna, a Lao Tzu here and there -- you can count them on your fingers. They don't constitute humanity, they are exceptions, and the exceptions only prove the rule. But the greater part of humanity has lived a schizophrenic li...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,093 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...o be unique in his expressions. They are all saying the same thing, they are all indicating towards the same moon, but their fingers are different. They are bound to be different. The finger of Buddha, the finger of Lao Tzu, the finger of Chuang Tzu, are bound to be different. If you pay too much attention to the finger, there is every possibility you will forget the purpose. The purpose was not the finger, the purpose was the m...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,094 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... to convince the unconscious masses that the world is moving towards a global suicide. By the end of this century, perhaps, the only planet in the universe which has created people like Buddha and Jesus, people like Lao Tzu and Rinzai, will disappear. In the whole of existence, 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Quer...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,095 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ve thousand years old, it is shown that they had found how to use solar energy. And the Christians go on insisting that "We have civilized the world." Socrates was not civilized? Gautam Buddha was not civilized? Lao Tzu was not civilized? Confucius was not civilized? Even before Jesus Christ was born, three thousand years before, India had discovered the alphabet. China had discovered gunpowder and all kinds ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,096 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... have given the sense of morality to the world ...." Then what was Gautam Buddha doing five hundred years before Christ? What was Mahavira doing? What were the twenty-four tirthankaras of the Jainas doing? What were Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu doing? They were all before Jesus Christ. And, in fact, Jesus Christ had come to India, hearing about Gautam Buddha. Although Gautam Buddha was dead, he had left enlighte...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,097 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...shyapa. Of course, Mahakashyapa could not be understood by a nation which had been dominated by intellect and mind and priesthood for century after century. But China was a better ground, because of Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu and Lieh Tzu. They had prepared the ground. They were people exactly like Mahakashyapa, so when Bodhidharma reached to China, the ground was ready. There were many people who could understand B...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,098 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... have grown together, side by side. Zen masters go to Shinto temples and monasteries and live there. Shinto masters come to Zen monasteries and live there. Japan was even more peaceful and innocent. China had Lao Tzu, but it had also Confucius. Confucius has confused the whole problem. He was just a moralist, he knew nothing about the inner, but he was a predominant figure. Kings and princes, emperors, asked his advice. H...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,099 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...s a predominant figure. Kings and princes, emperors, asked his advice. He was a great intellectual. Because of his dominance, China was not so innocent. The small stream of Tao immediately welcomed Bodhidharma as if Lao Tzu had come back, their old master. They saw in Bodhidharma's eyes the same shine, the same depth, the same mystery, the same dance. Tao, and whatever Bodhidharma had brought -- in Pali it is ca...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,100 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...o founded Christianity? You can find Buddhism in the teachings of Gautam Buddha; he was the founder. You can find in the teachings of Mahavira that he was the founder of Jainism. You can find in the teachings of Lao Tzu that he was the founder of Taoism. But it is a very strange thing about Christianity: the founder had no idea at all, was not interested in creating a new religion. The man who founded it -- y...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,101 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... courts, which are thought to be just, go on judging people by small actions. Those small actions may have been done for a certain purpose. Nobody looks at the purpose, nobody looks at the cause. I am reminded of Lao Tzu .... The emperor of China wanted the most wise man to be the chief justice of the supreme court of China. People suggested Lao Tzu's name. It was absolutely right, there was no disagreement about it ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,102 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... looks at the purpose, nobody looks at the cause. I am reminded of Lao Tzu .... The emperor of China wanted the most wise man to be the chief justice of the supreme court of China. People suggested Lao Tzu's name. It was absolutely right, there was no disagreement about it in his court, and Lao Tzu was called. Lao Tzu came in his own way. He used to ride on a buffalo -- which is a very rare thing. People ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,103 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... The emperor of China wanted the most wise man to be the chief justice of the supreme court of China. People suggested Lao Tzu's name. It was absolutely right, there was no disagreement about it in his court, and Lao Tzu was called. Lao Tzu came in his own way. He used to ride on a buffalo -- which is a very rare thing. People ride on horses, and people ride on elephants, but a buffalo ...? But he loved his buffalo; it ca...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,104 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...most wise man to be the chief justice of the supreme court of China. People suggested Lao Tzu's name. It was absolutely right, there was no disagreement about it in his court, and Lao Tzu was called. Lao Tzu came in his own way. He used to ride on a buffalo -- which is a very rare thing. People ride on horses, and people ride on elephants, but a buffalo ...? But he loved his buffalo; it carried him from one place...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,105 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...n horses, and people ride on elephants, but a buffalo ...? But he loved his buffalo; it carried him from one place to another, and it gave him nourishment. No horse can do that. And buffalos are so silent -- and Lao Tzu was in immense love with silence -- they don't chatter. They are so contented, they don't have any grudge against existence. He came into the court riding on his buffalo. The emperor was shocked, but they...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,106 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... He came into the court riding on his buffalo. The emperor was shocked, but they had invited him, and they were well-mannered, well-educated people, so they ignored the buffalo. The emperor asked Lao Tzu, "I want you to be the chief justice of the supreme court of China." Lao Tzu said, "You are choosing a wrong person." The emperor said, "Why?" "Because," Lao Tzu said, "I will be really just." ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,107 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ut they had invited him, and they were well-mannered, well-educated people, so they ignored the buffalo. The emperor asked Lao Tzu, "I want you to be the chief justice of the supreme court of China." Lao Tzu said, "You are choosing a wrong person." The emperor said, "Why?" "Because," Lao Tzu said, "I will be really just." The emperor said, "That is the very function. Don't say no to your own emper...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,108 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...uffalo. The emperor asked Lao Tzu, "I want you to be the chief justice of the supreme court of China." Lao Tzu said, "You are choosing a wrong person." The emperor said, "Why?" "Because," Lao Tzu said, "I will be really just." The emperor said, "That is the very function. Don't say no to your own emperor." Lao Tzu said, "Okay, but it won't last long -- perhaps one day." And it lasted only one ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,109 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e choosing a wrong person." The emperor said, "Why?" "Because," Lao Tzu said, "I will be really just." The emperor said, "That is the very function. Don't say no to your own emperor." Lao Tzu said, "Okay, but it won't last long -- perhaps one day." And it lasted only one day. The first case was about a thief who had stolen money from the richest man in China. The man was so rich that even the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,110 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...one day." And it lasted only one day. The first case was about a thief who had stolen money from the richest man in China. The man was so rich that even the emperor used to borrow money from him. Lao Tzu listened to the whole case and gave his judgment: "Six months jail for both the rich man and the thief." The rich man said, "What?! My money is stolen and you are sending me to jail?" Lao ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,111 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Lao Tzu listened to the whole case and gave his judgment: "Six months jail for both the rich man and the thief." The rich man said, "What?! My money is stolen and you are sending me to jail?" Lao Tzu said, "I am looking at the whole thing as deeply as possible. This thief is a secondary criminal, you are the primary criminal. You have collected all the money of the capital, you have deprived millions of p...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,112 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... is not ended, this is just the first case!" 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Lao Tzu was given his freedom and told, "You are right. You go on your buffalo wherever you want to go." He was a man of tremendous consideration, of in-depth exploration of everything. Don't judge anybody supe...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,113 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... so that God could ascend in them. Both are the possibilities: either you ascend into God or God descends in you. Descendence is easier because you simply wait -- receptive, like a womb. You must have observed: Lao Tzu never talks about fire, he always talks about water. His method of initiation was just like John the Baptist's. That's why he talks about the feminine mind: one has to become feminine to receive. Just like wa...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,114 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...published and unpublished Query:- not the first. Jesus brought something totally new to the earth; he was the beginning of a new line, of a new search, of a new inquiry. John could not understand. Lao Tzu, if he had been there, would have understood -- but not John. John was a totally different type of man. In his last days he was very worried that something had gone wrong: "Has this disciple betrayed me or wh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,115 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...s standing here." He had to be pardoned because he had given a reason that was even more foolish. But to find such a reason, the fool must have been very wise. Every great wise man -- Lao Tzu, Jesus -- they have a certain quality of sublime foolishness. This has to be so because a wise man otherwise will be a man without salt, he will taste awful. He has to be a little foolish also. Then things ar...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,116 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...eople, "I am the Son of God." Look at it! He must have been both. People must have laughed: "What are you saying? Saying such things, and behaving in such a way...." But I know that's how perfect wisdom appears. Lao Tzu says, "Everybody is wise, except me. I seem to be foolish. Everybody's mind is clear; only my mind seems to be murky and muddled. Everybody knows what to do and what not to do: only I am confused." What does ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,117 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... nothingness the separation disappears: you become the whole. Then the whole exists through you. The rabbi was right who said, "God shouting to man: 'Enthrone Me!' " Jesus, Krishna, Christ, Mohammed, Lao Tzu, all are shouts of God to man: "Enthrone Me!" FROM THAT TIME JESUS BEGAN TO PREACH... Immediately: knowledge needs time, knowing is immediate. If I want to share my knowledge with you...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,118 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ises as the only one. That is the only way to understand him. You have to be deeply in love. When I talk about Buddha I forget about Jesus, because even to remember jesus will be a disturbance. When I talk about Lao Tzu I forget about everybody else. He is enough, more than enough. He himself is such a vast sky that you can go on and on and on, and there is no end to it. They all are vast skies. But the stand...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,119 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... risk anything, to search, to inquire. Then, DHAMMA. Then you have to take refuge, you have to surrender and take refuge, only in the pure principle of dharma. The pure principle, the basic law: what Lao Tzu calls tao, what Buddha calls DHAMMA, what Jesus calls the kingdom of God. Then you have to surrender to the unknown. It will be difficult because Buddha is visible; you can touch him. The community is als...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,120 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...something has to be given to them also. Then Jesus says a very paradoxical thing, one of the most paradoxical that he ever uttered -- but very significant. Always remember, whenever you find a paradox in Jesus, Lao Tzu, Krishna, remember, something very, very significant, tremendously significant, is being asserted. The greater the truth, the more difficult it is to assert it in ordinary language. A paradox has to be used f...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,121 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...hes. Impossible. Jesus was totally a different man -- alive! Churches go on worshipping somebody who was never there. It is their invention. Why do I go on speaking on Jesus, Buddha or Krishna, or Zarathustra or Lao Tzu? This is the reason: I would like to bring you Jesus as he was before the transit: unbroken, complete -- before the priests entered. In one of my friends' house, there's a very valuable painti...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,122 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...again, there is no better way to be lost than to have a map. In the world of truth, all maps are false, because the truth is undefined and remains indefinable. Defined, it becomes untrue. That's what Lao Tzu means when he says: "The truth cannot be said. Once said, it is no more the truth." God IS unknown. Or, it would be even better to say, the unknown is God. And that unknown resides in you, abi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,123 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- stupid. They are idiots because they are wise. Yes, I know: Jesus, Lao Tzu, Buddha, look like idiots. In India we have a word for the idiot which comes from Buddha. It is BUDDHU. The word is derived from Buddha himself. Buddha: BUDDHU. BUDDHU means'idiot' and BUDDHA means'the awaken...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,124 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...you call your life is made of the same stuff as dreams. It is dream-stuff. So whenever you become awakened and enlightened, it will always be in a dream. Buddha became enlightened -- or Jesus, or Zarathustra, or Lao Tzu -- they all became enlightened in a dream. The dream was shattered; they awoke out of sleep. They looked around: the dream was never found anywhere; it was a totally different thing. That's what they call God...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,125 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...D HIS SISTERS, ARE THEY NOT ALL WITH US? WHENCE THEN HATH THIS MAN ALL THESE THINGS? AND THEY WERE OFFENDED IN HIM. Nobody was so much offended in Buddha, ever; nobody was so much offended in Lao Tzu, ever; nobody was offended, as people were offended with Jesus. Why? A Buddha is a faraway peak. If you cannot understand him, how can you be offended with him? If you cannot understand him, how c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,126 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...said, "I think, therefore I am." COGITO ERGO SUM. And Descartes is the father of modern Western philosophy.'I think, therefore I am.'Just the opposite has been the experience in the East. Buddha, Nagarjuna, Sankara, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, they will laugh, they will laugh tremendously when they hear Descartes' dictum,'I think, therefore I am'; because they say, "I don't think, therefore I am." Because when thinking ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,127 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...d only the gateless can be achieved through so many gates. Don't be poor. Become rich, and claim the whole heritage of man! That's why I go on talking of Christ, Mahavir, Krishna, Patanjali, Buddha, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu. This is nothing but to show-you that the whole of humanity is yours. You are vast! You are not frozen dead particles -- you are alive beings, and life is infinite. I have no particular path. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,128 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...derstood, this distinction. It is very significant. And if you miss it, you will miss the very meaning of the life of Jesus, because he is a rebel -- he is not a revolutionary. Neither is Buddha a revolutionary, nor Lao Tzu. Manu is revolutionary, Marx is revolutionary, Mao is revolutionary, but not Jesus, not Krishna, not Buddha. They are rebels. A revolution is a planning. A revolution thinks of the future; a r...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,129 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...nocent man who had no power at all; or, his power was not of this world -- his power was that of a meek and humble man; his power was that of a realized man. The power is not violent. His power is that of love, what Lao Tzu calls 'the man of tao'. He is powerful, because he is powerless. He is supremely high, because he lives at the lowest point. He's at the peak, because he lives in the darkest valley. He's great, because ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,130 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...tical, social; and the attitude of love is non-political, non-social, individual, personal, religious. Moses, Manu, Marx, Mao, these are the legal minds: they have given the law to the world. Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Lao Tzu, these are the people of love. They have not given a legal commandment to the world; they have given a totally different vision. I have heard a story about Frederick the Great, the King of Pru...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,131 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... ... FOR I AM FROM HIM, AND HE HATH SENT ME. Always remember: whenever Jesus talks about God, he means the whole. His terminology is not as perfect as Buddha's. Even Buddha's terminology is not as perfect as Lao Tzu's. Terminology does not depend on Buddha, Jesus, or Lao Tzu; it depends on the people to whom they are talking. Jesus was talking to Hebrews, to Jews. They have a terminology. He has to use it; there was ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,132 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...remember: whenever Jesus talks about God, he means the whole. His terminology is not as perfect as Buddha's. Even Buddha's terminology is not as perfect as Lao Tzu's. Terminology does not depend on Buddha, Jesus, or Lao Tzu; it depends on the people to whom they are talking. Jesus was talking to Hebrews, to Jews. They have a terminology. He has to use it; there was no other way. If he had started talking like a Buddha, nobod...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,133 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...terminology of Buddha needs a long heritage of Upanishadic teaching. Buddha was against the Upanishads, but the Upanishads prepared the background. Without the Upanishads he could not have been here. Lao Tzu uses such a beautiful terminology that nobody can ever find a fault with it. But that is the reason he could never become such a great religious leader as Buddha or Jesus: nobody understood him. He talks very...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,134 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...understood him. Nobody even tried to crucify him; nobody threw even a stone at him, because even for that you have at least to be misunderstood. If you don't understand, okay. But you have at least to misunderstand. Lao Tzu was simply neglected. I have heard a story. Once he was going from one town to another on his donkey. A messenger from the emperor came and told Lao Tzu, "The emperor has heard about you and he would like...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,135 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... okay. But you have at least to misunderstand. Lao Tzu was simply neglected. I have heard a story. Once he was going from one town to another on his donkey. A messenger from the emperor came and told Lao Tzu, "The emperor has heard about you and he would like you to become a part of his court. He needs wise men there." Lao Tzu treated the messenger very courteously, but said, "No, it is impossible. I am grate...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,136 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... one town to another on his donkey. A messenger from the emperor came and told Lao Tzu, "The emperor has heard about you and he would like you to become a part of his court. He needs wise men there." Lao Tzu treated the messenger very courteously, but said, "No, it is impossible. I am grateful. Thank the emperor, but it is impossible." When the messenger was going, Lao Tzu washed his ears with water, and wash...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,137 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [.... He needs wise men there." Lao Tzu treated the messenger very courteously, but said, "No, it is impossible. I am grateful. Thank the emperor, but it is impossible." When the messenger was going, Lao Tzu washed his ears with water, and washed the ears of the donkey also. A man who was standing by the road asked, "What are you doing, sir?" He said, "I am washing my ears, because even the me...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,138 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...he understands, because similar donkeys are there. The language is the same." The man laughed. It is said, even when the story was reported to the king, that he also laughed. People laughed about Lao Tzu; at the most, a crazy old man, eccentric, but nobody took him seriously. And he could never influence people to such an extent that they should organize his teaching. No religion, no organization, could come ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,139 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...NDER OR BHAKTI. IT SEEMS TO ME THAT LAO TZU HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH EITHER OF THEM -- IS THERE A THIRD TYPE THEN WHO FOLLOW NEITHER OR BOTH? LAO Tzu has no path, or, the no-path is his path. Lao Tzu says,'There is nowhere to go, you are already there.' So the very word 'path' becomes meaningless. A path is needed if you are going somewhere. If you are already there then the path is not needed at all. In ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,140 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...' So the very word 'path' becomes meaningless. A path is needed if you are going somewhere. If you are already there then the path is not needed at all. In fact, to have a path will be dangerous; you will go astray. Lao Tzu says,'Those who follow a path go astray.' By and by, they go further and further away from themselves. 'Seeker, follow no path, because all paths lead there, truth is here.' Lao Tzu is the las...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,141 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...u will go astray. Lao Tzu says,'Those who follow a path go astray.' By and by, they go further and further away from themselves. 'Seeker, follow no path, because all paths lead there, truth is here.' Lao Tzu is the last word in spirituality; beyond him there is nothing. Ordinarily it is very difficult to conceive no-path because then you are suddenly thrown to yourself, with nothing to cling to, nothing to do...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,142 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ve the world, you leave your family, you renounce everything, but you never renounce the 'other'. In some form or other: in the form of God, in the form of yoga, in the form of a technique, you still have something. Lao Tzu takes that too away from you. He leaves you totally empty. That emptiness needs much courage. In fact, all other paths finally come to the same point. If you follow bhakti, surrender, one day ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,143 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... at the whole ridiculousness of it: that you were surrendering something to your Master that you never had, or you were surrendering something to God that was just a false notion. But this will come in the end; with Lao Tzu it comes in the beginning. With Lao Tzu, the first step is the last. In fact, no-step is the last; there is no beginning and no end. The same is true about Zen. These are not ideologies or philosophies. These...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,144 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... surrendering something to your Master that you never had, or you were surrendering something to God that was just a false notion. But this will come in the end; with Lao Tzu it comes in the beginning. With Lao Tzu, the first step is the last. In fact, no-step is the last; there is no beginning and no end. The same is true about Zen. These are not ideologies or philosophies. These are not scriptures; these are tremendou...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,145 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...on't have? -- how is it possible? Suddenly the ego has disappeared. Now there is no need to surrender, because there is no ego left. The path of surrender and the path of will both bring you to where Lao Tzu starts. Their end is the beginning of Lao Tzu. His path is of pathlessness. He is the ultimate word, beyond which nothing exists. He is the last word. Buddha can be improved upon, Jesus can be improved upon, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,146 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... ego has disappeared. Now there is no need to surrender, because there is no ego left. The path of surrender and the path of will both bring you to where Lao Tzu starts. Their end is the beginning of Lao Tzu. His path is of pathlessness. He is the ultimate word, beyond which nothing exists. He is the last word. Buddha can be improved upon, Jesus can be improved upon, Meera and Mahavir, Krishna and Chaitanya can b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,147 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...athlessness. He is the ultimate word, beyond which nothing exists. He is the last word. Buddha can be improved upon, Jesus can be improved upon, Meera and Mahavir, Krishna and Chaitanya can be improved upon, but not Lao Tzu. You cannot improve upon him; there is nothing to improve. He simply does not play the game. From the very beginning he is a non-participant. The questioner has asked,'Is there a third type of...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,148 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... any category. He simply transcends all categories. He is a flood -- he is flowing in all directions, he is spread all over. He is not like a stone, he is like the sky: indefinable, elusive. The third is not a type, Lao Tzu is not a type. He does not belong to the world of types, the world of categories; he is simply beyond. When Confucius went to see him, Confucius became very frightened, because to look into the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,149 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... not a type. He does not belong to the world of types, the world of categories; he is simply beyond. When Confucius went to see him, Confucius became very frightened, because to look into the eyes of Lao Tzu is to look into the eternal abyss... bottomless. It is what Buddha calls SHUNYA: eternal void, emptiness. He started trembling, he tried to escape from him. When his disciples said,'Say something about Lao Tz...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,150 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...es of Lao Tzu is to look into the eternal abyss... bottomless. It is what Buddha calls SHUNYA: eternal void, emptiness. He started trembling, he tried to escape from him. When his disciples said,'Say something about Lao Tzu, because you have been to see him,' he was still trembling and perspiring. He said,'Don't ask about that man! He is not a man at all; he is a dragon. And never go near him, he is dangerous! He can suck you in...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,151 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e the rule. Happiness should be the rule; it has become an exception. I would like a world where buddhas are born, but nobody remembers them because they are the rule. Now Buddha is remembered, Christ is remembered, Lao Tzu is remembered, because they are exceptions. Otherwise, who would bother about them? If there were a buddha in every house, and if there were buddhas all over the marketplace and you could meet Lao Tzu anywher...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,152 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...is remembered, Lao Tzu is remembered, because they are exceptions. Otherwise, who would bother about them? If there were a buddha in every house, and if there were buddhas all over the marketplace and you could meet Lao Tzu anywhere, who would bother? Then that would be the simple rule. It should be so. Lao Tzu says,'When the world was really moral there was no possibility of becoming a saint.' When the world was...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,153 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...? If there were a buddha in every house, and if there were buddhas all over the marketplace and you could meet Lao Tzu anywhere, who would bother? Then that would be the simple rule. It should be so. Lao Tzu says,'When the world was really moral there was no possibility of becoming a saint.' When the world was really religious there was no need for religions. People were simply religious; religions were not neede...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,154 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... that would be an obsession, foolish. Then you can walk in the middle of the road, or whatsoever you like you can do. In your privacy there should be no rules. One should live a life of total freedom -- that is what Lao Tzu is. But where there are others your freedom can become a chaos, and chaos is not freedom. Where others are involved you have to follow certain rules. There is no need to get obsessed about them. There are peo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,155 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... has to be a Justice: this is what Confucianism means. Confucius thinks about the relationship between people, the society, the world: etiquette, manners, the law. Confucius is like Moses or Manu: the law-giver. Lao Tzu brings love, freedom to the world. And it is good to move in these two polarities. Don't think that they divide you. They don't divide you. In fact, they give you more freedom, more flow, more possibilities, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,156 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ot even relax in your bathroom, that too is obsession. The proverb is perfectly beautiful. I approve of it totally. Be a Confucian in the world, and in your innermost world be a Taoist, a follower of Lao Tzu. And there is no division! There is nothing wrong with it. You simply have a fluidity: when the other comes you follow the rules, because with the other, rules come; when you are alone there is no need for an...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,157 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... necessary, but it is a necessary evil; it has to be tolerated. But society does not bother about whether you become enlightened or not. For society, Confucius is enough. For the individual, Confucius is not enough, Lao Tzu is needed. For society, Moses is enough. For the individual, Moses is not enough -- maybe necessary, but not enough -- Jesus is needed. And once you understand, you can create an inner synthesis of the two, a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,158 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ible only in an outer chaos. All great religious people are rebels; they have to be. They have to destroy your illusion of order so that you can come to seek and search for the real order. It is what Lao Tzu calls the Tao.'Tao' means the real order which is not man-made, which is just part of reality, intrinsic to it. It is not the laws that man has managed to make, but the Law out of which man is born. Remember,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,159 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...does not contain the present at all. And when there is no mind, all that is left is pure present. You act moment to moment, and each moment is enough unto itself. Hence the beauty of the statements of Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, because each statement is in itself perfect, it needs nothing. You can take any statement from anywhere, and you can meditate over it 10/28/07 Copyright Osho Internationa...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,160 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... the East and he was introducing something that had never existed in the Jewish tradition before -- that was his crime. The orthodox, the traditional, the conventional mind could not understand him. Lao Tzu was far more fortunate -- he had the right people to talk to. Buddha was blessed -- he could say things in as subtle a way as possible. In that sense Jesus was hoping against hope. It was a great challenge an...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,161 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ith, and Christians have been clinging to those half-truths for two thousand years. For example, this statement is only a half-truth: "Seek and ye shall find." The other half, which has been said by Lao Tzu, is far more important; without it the first half becomes not only meaningless but dangerous. Lao Tzu says, "Do not seek and you will find. Do not seek and you have found it already." Both statements will loo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,162 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...or example, this statement is only a half-truth: "Seek and ye shall find." The other half, which has been said by Lao Tzu, is far more important; without it the first half becomes not only meaningless but dangerous. Lao Tzu says, "Do not seek and you will find. Do not seek and you have found it already." Both statements will look contradictory to each other; they are not. The beginning of the pilgrimage starts with searchin...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,163 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...d so that you become silent, so that the mind disappears, so that the future evaporates and you are simply herenow, neither seeking nor searching. In that stillness of no-search, truth is found. And Lao Tzu is right when he says, "Seek and ye shall miss. Seek not and find immediately." But his statement is the second part of the journey. Jesus was speaking to the beginners; he is like a primary school teacher. L...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,164 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Lao Tzu is right when he says, "Seek and ye shall miss. Seek not and find immediately." But his statement is the second part of the journey. Jesus was speaking to the beginners; he is like a primary school teacher. Lao Tzu is talking to the adepts, to those who have come a long way; he is talking to the initiates. He is talking to people who can understand the joy of not searching, the stillness, the tranquility, the calmness o...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,165 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... obtaining an answer. Can you tell me?" Sylvia, the statement of Jesus, "Seek and ye shall find, ask and it shall be given to you, knock and the doors shall be opened unto you," contains religiousness. Lao Tzu's statement: "Seek not and find immediately," or Rabiya al-Adabiya's statement to Hassan.... Hassan was a Sufi seeker; Rabiya was a Sufi master. Every day Rabiya used to pass through the mark...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,166 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...n! People are living with painted faces, wearing masks. These people are called religious. Christians, Hindus, Mohammedans, Jainas -- these are religious people. Buddha, Jesus, Zarathustra, Krishna, Lao Tzu -- these people are spiritual. Spirituality belongs to your essential being, and religiousness only to the outermost: actions, behavior, morality. Religiousness is formal; going to the church every Sunda...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,167 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... can allow only a certain type to grow: it is linear. You cannot conceive that in a communist pattern even Karl Marx would be possible; he would not be allowed. You cannot conceive a Jesus, a Buddha, a Krishna, or a Lao Tzu being born in a communist society; they would be destroyed at the very beginning. Before the Russian revolution, Russia produced the greatest novelists in the world. Before the revolution, Rus...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,168 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...'S END, IN VIEW OF YOUR VIRTUALLY COMPLETE PHYSICAL INACCESSIBILITY? James, it is true that one should not choose someone as a master JUST because he is famous. Jesus was not famous when he was alive nor was Lao Tzu famous when he was alive. To be famous is one thing; to know the truth is totally another. In fact, there is a greater possibility that the master, the real master, will be notorious rather than famous. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,169 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- is one flower; I love Buddha, that is another flower; somebody else loves Lao Tzu, that is another flower. We are all friends because we love flowers. And I can appreciate your rose, you can appreciate my lotus. There is no need to create any divisions. The divisions come f...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,170 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... THE ONE WHO SUFFERS FROM THIS ILLNESS IS NOT ILL. THE WISE IS NOT ILL BECAUSE HE SUFFERS FROM THIS ILLNESS -- THAT'S WHY HE IS NOT ILL." Eiko, Lao Tzu is one of those few masters who have tried to say the truth as accurately as it is humanly possible. He has made tremendous effort to bring the inexpressible to the world of expression, to bring the wordless ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,171 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...; they are meant for ordinary day-to-day use. And the experience that happens in absolute silence is absolutely beyond them. But still it has to be expressed -- if not expressed, at least hinted at. Lao Tzu's words are fingers pointing to the moon. Don't cling to the fingers. Forget the fingers and look at the moon, and great insight will descend upon you. There is no other scripture like the TAO TE CHING f...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,172 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ce. These words are not ordinary words. Unless you come to them with great meditation it is impossible to figure out what is what. If you come with meditation, then things cannot be more simple than Lao Tzu's words are. He says, "Knowing the not-knowing -- that is high." The highest point is that nothing can be known, that everything is unknowable -- and not only unknown, but unknowable. A distinction has t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,173 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...nted. He said, "That's right -- trees are green because they are green!" But only a child can ask such a question, and only a child can receive such an answer. What Lawrence is saying is exactly what Lao Tzu is saying. To say that trees are green because they are green, is to accept the ultimate mystery, that nothing can be said. It is so. That was Buddha's way of answering. His word was TATHATA. Tathata can ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,174 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...is, `Such is the nature of things.' So WE can say it to you! This will be his answer to these eleven questions: `Such is the nature of things.' So don't ask these questions." Neither is Buddha a philosopher, nor Lao Tzu; in fact, no one who has KNOWN is a philosopher. Philosophers are blind people thinking about light. You must have heard the ancient Panchtantra story.... Five blind men went to see an e...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,175 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...the unknowable belongs to the higher world of knowledge. That higher will always remain the same; it will be always there to inquire into, to go into; to merge with, to melt into, to become one with. Lao Tzu says: KNOWING THE NOT-KNOWING -- knowing that life is absolutely mysterious, that there is no way to know it -- THAT IS HIGH. That is the ultimate of experience. There is no beyond to it, nothing more transce...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,176 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...me. The moment you enter the mysterious, you have found the home. No knowledge can satisfy you unless you are merged with the unknowable. NOT KNOWING THE KNOWING -- THAT IS AN ILLNESS. Lao Tzu calls even wisdom an illness, because you are falling from the ultimate health, ultimate well-being. NOT KNOWING THE KNOWING.... Even by saying, "I don't know," you have asserted somethin...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,177 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... well-being. NOT KNOWING THE KNOWING.... Even by saying, "I don't know," you have asserted something, you have said something, you have claimed some knowledge. For example, if Socrates had met Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu would have said, "You are ill -- ill with wisdom! A good illness, but you are just a step below," because Socrates' famous statement is: "I know only one thing, that I know nothing." But there is a c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,178 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...eing. NOT KNOWING THE KNOWING.... Even by saying, "I don't know," you have asserted something, you have said something, you have claimed some knowledge. For example, if Socrates had met Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu would have said, "You are ill -- ill with wisdom! A good illness, but you are just a step below," because Socrates' famous statement is: "I know only one thing, that I know nothing." But there is a claim: "I ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,179 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ssion. To say that the truth cannot be said means you have said something about it. Your very statement falsifies it; it is self-contradictory. Hence he calls it illness -- it is self-contradictory. Lao Tzu was one of the most consistent men; it is rare to find a buddha so consistent as Lao Tzu. His whole life he never wrote. All the teaching that he gave to his disciples was not a teaching at all; his whole met...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,180 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ut it. Your very statement falsifies it; it is self-contradictory. Hence he calls it illness -- it is self-contradictory. Lao Tzu was one of the most consistent men; it is rare to find a buddha so consistent as Lao Tzu. His whole life he never wrote. All the teaching that he gave to his disciples was not a teaching at all; his whole method was VIA NEGATIVA. The disciple would come to him with all his knowledge, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,181 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...Tzu. His whole life he never wrote. All the teaching that he gave to his disciples was not a teaching at all; his whole method was VIA NEGATIVA. The disciple would come to him with all his knowledge, and Lao Tzu would start dismantling his knowledge, destroying his knowledge; that was his whole and sole purpose. He would go on taking away your knowledge brick by brick. A moment comes when the whole building of your k...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,182 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...his whole and sole purpose. He would go on taking away your knowledge brick by brick. A moment comes when the whole building of your knowledge collapses; then you are left in a vacuum. That is the moment Lao Tzu would say, "Now you can sit by my side -- just sit in this vacuum." And of course in a vacuum you cannot ask any question, you cannot expect any answer. If you can ask, if you can expect, it is not a true vac...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,183 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...A true vacuum means no answer, no question; nothing is left, all has disappeared. The very earth beneath your feet has been taken away; you are falling into a bottomless abyss. These were the people Lao Tzu had gathered around himself. They would sit with him, they would walk with him, they would move from one village to another village. But he was not like Buddha or Mahavira, who were teaching, who were trying ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,184 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ight Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- know! Please write something, just a few words for the future generations to know that a man like Lao Tzu has been in existence." But he was very reluctant. He would simply laugh, he would not even say no. Once a disciple asked, "At least just to be polite you can say no!" And Lao Tzu said, "T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,185 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ike Lao Tzu has been in existence." But he was very reluctant. He would simply laugh, he would not even say no. Once a disciple asked, "At least just to be polite you can say no!" And Lao Tzu said, "To say no means you are on the way to saying yes! If they can get a no out of me, sooner or later they will get a yes too, because yes and no are two sides of the same coin." And he is right, he is...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,186 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...the morning becomes yes in the evening, your yes in the evening becomes no in the morning; they are interchangeable. They are not so contradictory as they appear. Somewhere deep down they are joined. Lao Tzu would not even say no, he would only laugh. Now, what to make of this laugh? You cannot make anything out of it. He is neither saying yes nor saying no; he is not falling from his high state. But at the last ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,187 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...r not! Beauty is something higher than truth. Truth is logical, beauty is aesthetic. Truth is of the head, beauty is something deeper -- of the heart. I love the story.... Lao Tzu lived in his mother's womb for eighty-two years! It is almost impossible. When he was born he was already eighty-two years old, with a long beard, long hair, and all white. He was already an ancient man -- an...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,188 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...n he must have lived at least eighty years more. That has been the habit in the East of all the enlightened people. Buddha lived eighty-two years, Mahavira lived eighty-two years, Krishna lived eighty-two years, but Lao Tzu defeated all of them. He lived eighty-two years in the mother's womb first! Then to balance things he must have lived at least eighty-two years outside the womb. He was a man of balance! So by...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,189 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...their master -- that when he said something he meant it. Reluctantly, they gave him the farewell. When he was leaving the country, the emperor of the country ordered all the guards at all the posts: "Lao Tzu is not to be allowed to leave the country unless he writes down his experience in short, to be preserved for future generations." He was caught at the border, and the military guards wouldn't allow him le...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,190 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...u remain silent? It is irresistible! But the problem is, the moment you say, "This is the right road," it becomes wrong. Saying it is falsifying it. Truth is infinite and words are very finite. Hence Lao Tzu says: The best is not to say, the next best is to say. The best is to be whole, the next best is to be partially true. But remember: because truth is indivisible, you cannot be partially true. Hence his insis...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,191 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ut where the sunset is, they have forgotten all about the sunset. It is as if you have seen the sunset through the window. You have forgotten about the sunset, and you are worshipping the frame of the window. Hence, Lao Tzu says that the best is not to say anything about the truth, about your experience. Then what is a master supposed to do? He can say how he achieved, he can say what the pitfalls to be avoided a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,192 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... These are the ways. When you have arrived, only then will you know what it is; it cannot be said. The moment you say it, something goes "ill" -- something goes wrong, something goes sour. But still, Lao Tzu feels that sometimes the masters have spoken out of compassion for those who are still lost in darkness. Hence he says: "The one who suffers from this illness is not ill." He himself is not ill, but what he s...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,193 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...istians come to look for a Christ -- I am not. If you have come to look for somebody else in me, you will not be able to recognize me, because I am simply myself. I have no obligation to be a Christ or a Buddha or a Lao Tzu. If Christ is free to be himself, he need not be me, why should I be him? There is no need. Such expectations create a barrier. An elephant is walking through a forest and spies a naked man. He looks at ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,194 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...young people have come to me. This has been always so. The twelve apostles of Jesus were all young people, younger than Jesus. The people who surrounded Gautam Buddha were all young people. The people who lived with Lao Tzu were very young people. It has always been so for the simple reason that the old mind has so many conditionings that unless those conditionings are fulfilled he cannot see. Only somebody who is a fraud is goi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,195 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... only way to remain young is go on dying to the past, go on discarding the old, go on dropping all your accumulated knowledge so you are always in a state of not knowing. That is the highest according to Lao Tzu, and according to me also: remaining in a state of not knowing. "Not even knowing that I know nothing" -- that's the highest, the most beautiful space one can ever be in. And only then can you recognize me; o...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,196 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...hemselves that they are not inferior, they are superior. But what is the need to prove it if you are superior? The superior man does not try to prove anything, he is so at ease with his superiority. That's what Lao Tzu says: The superior man is not even conscious of his superiority; there is no need at all. It is only the ill person who starts thinking of health; the healthy person never thinks about health. The healthy per...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,197 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... To be an Italian is to be really upside down, and not half-heartedly! I must have been an Italian; otherwise whatsoever I am now today would not have been possible. And I can say the same about Gautama the Buddha, Lao Tzu, Jesus, Bahauddin: all these people must have been Italian in some of their lives! You cannot bypass being an Italian. If you bypass, you are bypassing it at your own risk; you will have to come back. The Ita...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,198 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...g to you; the corpse is in your hands. But when religion is alive and breathing -- that's what I mean by religiousness -- then you are possessed by it, but you cannot possess it. You cannot possess a Buddha or a Lao Tzu or a Zarathustra. You cannot possess Bahauddin, Jalaluddin, al-Hillaj Mansoor...no, that is not possible. These are people who have known the ultimate freedom -- how can you possess them? They cannot ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,199 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ighting against the slavery imposed by the Egyptians on the Israelis. Hence the color of his revolution was less religious and more political. That's why in Judaism you will not find enlightened masters like Buddha, Lao Tzu or Krishna, but you will find prophets. The word "prophet" is absolutely irrelevant in the Eastern context. You cannot call Buddha a prophet; he has nothing to do with prophecy. You cannot ca...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,200 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...rophets. The word "prophet" is absolutely irrelevant in the Eastern context. You cannot call Buddha a prophet; he has nothing to do with prophecy. You cannot call Mahavira a prophet, you cannot call Lao Tzu a prophet -- the word will not fit -- but all the Jewish religious leaders are prophets. The prophet is a special thing that has happened to Judaism. The prophet is something in between the religious master a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,201 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...TI? MY GOD! HOW CAN YOU HONESTLY ASSERT THAT SOMEONE SO SANE AND SOBER AS KRISHNAMURTI HAS EVER BEEN AN ITALIAN? WE HOPE YOU APOLOGIZE. Svatantra Sarjano, in fact, I myself, Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Nanak and Ramana may not have been Italians at all; hence still the attraction. I love the Italians -- that is proof enough I have never been an Italian before! But Krishnamurti? -- it is absolutely certain ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,202 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ng a body is so poor. I want the Soviet Union to become richer -- not only richer in objects but richer in consciousness, in enlightenment. I want the Soviet Union also to have awakened people like Gautam Buddha, or Lao Tzu, or Chuang Tzu. I would like to introduce Zen to the Soviet Union. That is my revolution. One of the most famous spiritualists of Europe, Francis Israel Regardie, a famous occult magician w...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,203 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...eligion. Christians are very anxious, and Christianity is also not worthy to be called a religion. It is just an old cult. I suggest there is only religiousness, which has come as a crossbreed between Buddha and Lao Tzu. And the crossbreed is always better than both the parents. That crossbreed is Zen. Its Sanskrit name is dhyan; its Pali name, which Buddha used, is zhan. When it reached China with Bodhidharma it...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,204 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...led by the Christian church than by anybody else. Karl Marx was reacting to these two religions, which are not religions at all but fictions, superstitions, cults. He was not aware of Taoism, he was not aware of Lao Tzu, he was not aware of Gautam Buddha and Mahavira. He was not aware that there are religions in the world which don't believe in God, which don't believe in prayer, which don't believe in heaven and hell. Becau...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,205 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...u want to allow people, then allow the people whose religion is based on meditation, not on prayer. That should be the clear-cut distinction, a criterion that can be followed without any fear. Allow Lao Tzu, allow people of Tao, allow people of Zen, allow people who belong to Sufism, allow people who belong to Hassidism. These are all people who in some way or other are meditative. But Zen comes...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,206 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... millions of years before. You had to concentrate very much on the board and only then you could figure out, yes it says Paradise. He asked the stationmaster, "Have you heard anything of Socrates, Gautam Buddha, Lao Tzu, Bodhidharma? Are they here?" The stationmaster said, "Never heard. Nobody with those names has ever appeared here. But you can go around, have a look; there are only a few saints playing on t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,207 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [..., he met the stationmaster, a very nice and beautiful fellow who was just going to the golf course. The archbishop said, "Golf? In hell?" He said, "Since these people have come here -- Gautam Buddha, Lao Tzu, Socrates, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Bodhidharma -- since these people have come here they have changed the whole scene. It used to be very dirty, but now we have the best golf course in the whole world, the be...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,208 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... is foolish in the eyes of the world, in the eyes of the worldly because it belongs to a different realm. It is not of the world of calculation, cleverness. It is innocent. Jesus looked like a fool. Lao Tzu also looked like a fool. In India for the fool we have a term, BUDDHU -- it comes from Buddha. Buddha must have looked like a fool, tremendously like a fool, hence the term BUDDHU. We call a man BUDDHU if we ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,209 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ch men are foolish. Then what about Alexander the Great? If Alexander the Great is right, then of course Jesus is a fool. And Alexander the Great seems to be right because the crowd believes in him. Jesus is lonely, Lao Tzu is lonely, Zen Masters are lonely -- solitary beings, idiots, they have their own idiom. They live their life according to their own being, they don't bother a bit, they don't fulfil the formalities of the so...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,210 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...telligence. Your mind has accumulated all your experiences, your past. And when the past starts withering away and you become fresh and alive in the moment, you are again like a child, again a fool. Lao Tzu said, 'Everybody is clever except me. Everybody seems to be very calculating, I am just muddle-headed.' It is related that Rabbi Hanuk told this story. For a whole year I felt a longing to ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,211 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ses, come and go, are born and then die. But there is an inner continuum, an inner continuity -- that is eternal, timeless, deathless. Whenever you can love a master -- a master like Jesus, Buddha, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu -- if your passion is total, immediately you are bridged. My talking on Buddha is not just a commentary: it is creating a bridge. Buddha is one of the most important masters who has ever exis...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,212 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...parate from you: you are truth. It is your very consciousness, the very ground of your being. You need not go anywhere else to seek and search, to Kashi or to Kaaba. Not even a single step is needed. Lao Tzu says: You can find it sitting in your own house, no need to go anywhere -- because it is already there! When you go on a search, when you move into seeking, you go farther away from it. Each search takes you ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,213 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...act. He became enlightened in the forest. Just sitting there, doing nothing, and suddenly it came. It comes like a flood. Mohammed became enlightened on a mountain. And so is the case with everybody: Lao Tzu, Zarathustra, Kabir, Nanak...not a single person has ever become enlightened in a temple, church or mosque. Why do you go there? Go early in the morning to see the sunrise. Sit in the middle o...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,214 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...in any other language. There are things which can be said only in Chinese and cannot be said in any other language. If the world has only one language, many many beautiful things will remain unsaid. Lao Tzu can speak only Chinese. You may not have pondered over the problem: just think of Lao Tzu writing his TAO TEH CHING in English...and the book will be totally different. It will miss something of immense value...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,215 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...id in any other language. If the world has only one language, many many beautiful things will remain unsaid. Lao Tzu can speak only Chinese. You may not have pondered over the problem: just think of Lao Tzu writing his TAO TEH CHING in English...and the book will be totally different. It will miss something of immense value; it will have something different, a totally different color to it, but it will miss the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,216 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...oetic, less prosaic. One symbol can mean many things. It is not scientific; it is very difficult to write scientific treatises in Chinese. For that, English is a far more adequate language. But what Lao Tzu has given to the world would not have been possible without Chinese. Each symbol has many meanings, a multiplicity of meanings. You can choose your meaning according to your state of mind. Each symbol has man...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,217 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...all the buddhas of the world agree, this is the theme: that man as he is is asleep, and man as he should be should be awake. Wakefulness is the goal, and wakefulness is the taste of all their teachings. Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, Jesus, Buddha, Bahauddin, Kabir, Nanak -- all the awakened ones have been teaching one single theme, in different languages, in different metaphors, but their song is the same. Just as the sea tastes of salt...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,218 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...se three dimensions. And if all these three dimensions are meeting, merging, melting into one, of course that synthesis is the fourth. I am speaking on Buddha, on Mahavira, on Jesus, on Patanjali, on Lao Tzu, and many more. But always remember that all these people are one-dimensional. I want to enrich your life through their teachings, but I don't end with them. I would like you to go a little deeper into other ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,219 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- I love Buddha, I love Jesus, I love Zarathustra, I love Lao Tzu, I love Patanjali -- BECAUSE I love...because I love you, because I love the trees, because I love the birds. My love is not less. And you are perfectly right that I am standing apart -- I will be standin...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,220 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... be a crime against humanity. It is time that somebody should have the guts to say it! Nobody in the whole world is doing it, and the time is ripe that somebody should shout and say that Buddha, Mahavira, Patanjali, Lao Tzu, are immensely beautiful people, and they have contributed much -- humanity would not have been what it is without them -- they are our very soul, that is absolutely true, but there is a disadvantage because ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,221 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ing away from it, because the asking implies that an answer is possible from somebody else. Asking implies that somebody else can tell you what the truth is. Nobody can tell you it, it can't be told. Lao Tzu says: The truth that can be said is no longer truth. Once said, it becomes a lie. Why? -- because the person who knows, knows it not as information; otherwise, it would have been very easy to transfer the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,222 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...d, and the Christian knew only about Jesus. Now we have become inheritors of the whole heritage of humanity. Now you know Jesus, you know Zarathustra, you know Patanjali, you know Buddha, you know Mahavira, you know Lao Tzu and hundreds of other explanations, other hints -- and they are all jumbled up in you. Now it is very difficult to pull you out of this confusion. The only possible way is to drop this whole noise, not in par...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,223 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... when Buddhism reached China it met a very profound philosophy -- the polar opposite. The dialectics happened there. Buddhism became the thesis and Taoism became the antithesis: the meeting of Buddha and Lao Tzu. The Chinese statue of Buddha is a cross, it is half Gautam Buddha and half Lao Tzu -- they are mingled into each other. That belly belongs to Lao Tzu, that laughter belongs to Lao Tzu, and the silence belong...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,224 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [.... The dialectics happened there. Buddhism became the thesis and Taoism became the antithesis: the meeting of Buddha and Lao Tzu. The Chinese statue of Buddha is a cross, it is half Gautam Buddha and half Lao Tzu -- they are mingled into each other. That belly belongs to Lao Tzu, that laughter belongs to Lao Tzu, and the silence belongs to Buddha. It has been the greatest meeting that has ever happened in the world. O...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,225 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...esis and Taoism became the antithesis: the meeting of Buddha and Lao Tzu. The Chinese statue of Buddha is a cross, it is half Gautam Buddha and half Lao Tzu -- they are mingled into each other. That belly belongs to Lao Tzu, that laughter belongs to Lao Tzu, and the silence belongs to Buddha. It has been the greatest meeting that has ever happened in the world. Out of it is born the most profound, the most significant phenomenon...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,226 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ting of Buddha and Lao Tzu. The Chinese statue of Buddha is a cross, it is half Gautam Buddha and half Lao Tzu -- they are mingled into each other. That belly belongs to Lao Tzu, that laughter belongs to Lao Tzu, and the silence belongs to Buddha. It has been the greatest meeting that has ever happened in the world. Out of it is born the most profound, the most significant phenomenon in all history: Zen. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,227 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... in the world. Out of it is born the most profound, the most significant phenomenon in all history: Zen. Zen is neither Buddhist nor Taoist, or it is both together. It is a strange meeting. In fact, Lao Tzu and Buddha, if they had met physically, would not have agreed on ANY point. Lao Tzu was a man of laughter. He used to move from one village to another sitting on his buffalo -- must have looked li...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,228 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...in all history: Zen. Zen is neither Buddhist nor Taoist, or it is both together. It is a strange meeting. In fact, Lao Tzu and Buddha, if they had met physically, would not have agreed on ANY point. Lao Tzu was a man of laughter. He used to move from one village to another sitting on his buffalo -- must have looked like a clown. And he was almost always laughing, rolling on the ground -- at the whole ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,229 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...er sitting on his buffalo -- must have looked like a clown. And he was almost always laughing, rolling on the ground -- at the whole ridiculousness of existence, at the absurdity of life. Buddha and Lao Tzu are polar opposites. Maybe that's why both these philosophies became attracted to each other. Both were incomplete -- the meeting made them more complete. Neither will Lao Tzu agree with Zen nor will Buddha a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,230 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ty of life. Buddha and Lao Tzu are polar opposites. Maybe that's why both these philosophies became attracted to each other. Both were incomplete -- the meeting made them more complete. Neither will Lao Tzu agree with Zen nor will Buddha agree with Zen. I have heard a story: In heaven, in a cafe, Buddha, Confucius and Lao Tzu, all the three are sitting, chitchatting. And the woman, the owner of...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,231 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...r. Both were incomplete -- the meeting made them more complete. Neither will Lao Tzu agree with Zen nor will Buddha agree with Zen. I have heard a story: In heaven, in a cafe, Buddha, Confucius and Lao Tzu, all the three are sitting, chitchatting. And the woman, the owner of the cafe, a beautiful woman, comes. She brings the juice of life. Buddha immediately closes his eyes. He says, "I cannot look at it! It is...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,232 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...a. But I will again say that Buddha is wrong -- without tasting it, nothing should be said. Although he is right -- I can approve him, on MY witnessing he is right -- but on his own he is not right." Lao Tzu takes the whole flask and before the owner woman can say anything, he takes it down in a gulp. He drinks the whole flask and he becomes so drunk that he starts dancing. He does not say a word -- bitter or swe...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,233 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... love is. Transform your sex into love, and transform your love into prayer -- so one day even kings like Bimbisara may feel jealous of you. Become a Mahavira, a Buddha, become a Christ, a Zarathustra, a Lao Tzu. Only then have you lived, only then have you known the mysteries of life! Money and sex are the lowest, and people are living only in the world of money and sex -- and they think they are living. They ar...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,234 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...search of truth is bound to come. It is irresistible, it HAS to happen. That's how it has been happening all along, down the ages. Thousands of people traveled to Buddha, thousands of people traveled to Mahavira, to Lao Tzu, to Zarathustra -- for no reason at all, because whatsoever they were saying was available in the scriptures. What I am saying here you can read in the Bhagavadgita, in the Bible, in the Koran, in THE ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,235 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...be surprised: all the buddhas become alive because they are all contemporary, time makes no difference. That's my whole effort here: to make you contemporaries of Jesus, of Buddha, of Zarathustra, of Lao Tzu. If you can be contemporaries of these awakened souls, what is the point of remaining contemporaries to your ordinary world and its ordinary citizens, the so-called human beings, who have nothing of humanity ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,236 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e way that helps you to dissolve into the whole. He is not talking about religions, he is not talking about so-called techniques, devices, methods. When he uses the word 'way', he means exactly what Lao Tzu means by 'tao'. Tao exactly means "the way" -- the way to what? The way beyond yourself, the way that leads you out of your confined, imprisoned state, into the open. HOW LONG THE WANDERING O...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,237 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...s, you will not find the way to God." That is sheer nonsense! -- because Buddha has found without being a Christian, and Mohammed has found without being a Christian, and Mahavira has found and Krishna has found and Lao Tzu has found...I have found without being a Christian. That is nonsense. But what Jesus really means IS true. Moses asked God when he encountered him...a beautiful story; remember, it is a story...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,238 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...nine percent of the people in the world; the East consists of only a few people, they can be counted on the fingers. To me, the East and the West are not geographical -- they are spiritual dimensions. Gautam Buddha, Lao Tzu, Zarathustra, Abraham, Moses, Christ, Saint Francis -- the East consists of these people. Where they were born is immaterial, is irrelevant. Certainly Saint Francis was not born in the East, but I count him a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,239 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...s is possible only when self-knowledge has happened. Karl Marx or Friedrich Engels, Joseph Stalin or Mao Zedong, these are not the real communists. They live in the ego. The real communists are Gautam Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tzu -- nobody knows them as communists but they are real communists, because if you understand their vision, all comparison disappears. And when there is no comparison, there is communism. Equality is...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,240 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... safe, secure. And he does not allow you rest; he gives you great work to do upon yourself. The ordinary humanity has always hated a wise man -- he may be a Buddha or a Socrates or a Zarathustra or a Lao Tzu, it doesn't matter who, but down the ages the wise man has been hated by the ordinary people, by the masses, by the crowds. The wise man has been loved only by a few seekers of truth, a few lovers of truth, a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,241 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...nswer it. Hence, Chitten, the first thing to be remembered is: truth is simple. That's why nobody has yet been able to say anything about it, and all that has been said about it is superficial. Lao Tzu insisted his whole life that he would not write anything about truth. When finally he was forced to write -- he was really forced to write... that is the only great scripture which has been written at the poi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,242 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...at he would not write anything about truth. When finally he was forced to write -- he was really forced to write... that is the only great scripture which has been written at the point of a bayonet! Lao Tzu was leaving China in his very old age... and you can think of his old age, because when he was born the story is he was eighty-two -- when he was born! So you can imagine how much older he must have been when...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,243 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... remember the distance and difference between a child and the one who is childish. When Jesus says, "Those who are like children..." he is not talking about childish people; he is talking about innocent people. Lao Tzu must have been so innocent that the people who wrote about him could not write that he was only nine months old. His innocence was so deep and so profound that it cannot be attained in only nine months; hence...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,244 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...to go back to nature, and before he entered into the ultimate he wanted to die amidst trees and mountains and virgin peaks. But the king of the country ordered all the guards on all the boundaries, "Don't allow Lao Tzu to escape. Wherever he is caught, force him to write down his experiences, because he has something invaluable and we cannot allow this man to escape taking it with him." He was caught at one...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,245 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...as caught at one of the posts and the policeman insisted, "You have to write it down; otherwise I will not allow you to leave the country." So sitting in the policeman's hut, and the policeman with his bayonet, Lao Tzu wrote TAO TEH CHING. The first sentence is: "Truth cannot be said, and that which can be said is not truth anymore." No great scripture begins with such a beautiful sentence. He is sayin...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,246 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e that happens once in a while to a person. The whole humanity up to now has been schizophrenic. It is very rarely, only once in a while, that a man like Jesus, or Buddha, or Mahavira, or Socrates, or Pythagoras, or Lao Tzu, has been able to escape from this schizophrenic pattern of our living. To divide reality into antagonistic, inimical realism is dangerous because it is dividing man. Man is a miniature unive...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,247 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... as spiritualist as Buddha, Mahavira. I am the beginning of a totally new vision. In the new commune, just as there will be a Buddha Auditorium, a Mahavira Meditation Hall, a Jesus House, a Krishna House, a Lao Tzu House, there are going also to be gardens dedicated to Epicurus -- because his school was called "The Garden." There are going to be lakes dedicated to Charvakas. In the new commune the spiritualists and the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,248 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...world would have lacked humanity. It is the serpent and his wisdom that creates this great journey of humanity -- and it has been of immense value; otherwise there would have been trees and animals and birds, but no Lao Tzu, no Zarathustra, no Krishna, no Buddha, no Mohammed, no Christ, no Kabir, no Nanak. Yes, trees would have been there and birds and animals, but the existence would have missed something of immense importance;...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,249 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ssed Sigmund Freud. Sigmund Freud's insight is very accurate about it. He does not go very far, but he begins rightly, though he becomes stuck in the middle because he was not aware of Buddha and he was not aware of Lao Tzu. He remained basically part of the Judaic-Christian tradition -- which is not very evolved, which is not yet a metaphysics in the true sense of the term. Christianity and Judaism are very ear...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,250 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...s if something triggered in one part invisibly affects other sensitive souls everywhere else. When Buddha was alive in India, Greece was rich with Heraclitus, with Socrates, with Pythagoras. China was rich with Lao Tzu, Confucius, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu. And all these people have something very similar, although their languages are different. Heraclitus says: You cannot step in the same river twice. Buddha will agree abs...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,251 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...t the yielding earth -- soft, humble, surrendering, receptive, womblike -- can give birth to new experiences, can give birth to new visions, new songs, new poetries. The awakened person is not rigid. In the words of Lao Tzu, he is not like the rock but like water. His way is the way of water -- the watercourse way. JOYOUS AND CLEAR LIKE THE LAKE.... The man who is awakened, who is alert, becomes clear; all his co...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,252 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...t happens between the master and the disciple. The love that happened between John and Jesus, the love that happened between Sariputta and Buddha, Gautama and Mahavira, Arjuna and Krishna, Chuang Tzu and Lao Tzu -- these are the real love stories, the highest pinnacles of love. The disciple starts melting into the master. The disciple destroys all distance between himself and the master; the disciple yields, the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,253 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...nk I am crazy or something? I am myself. Why should I be Christ or somebody else? Christ is Christ. He is not Krishna and he is not Buddha and he is not Zarathustra. Buddha is Buddha; he is not Yagnavalka, he is not Lao Tzu. And Socrates is Socrates; he is not 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Mah...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,254 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ay is the ancientmost: AES DHAMMO SANANTANO... so ancient that in fact there has never been a beginning. SANANTANO means beginningless -- forever it has been. To represent this there is told another phenomenon: Lao Tzu is said to have been born old. Buddha died when he was eighty-two and Lao Tzu was born when he was eighty-two. He was born eighty-two years old; he lived in his mother's womb for eighty-two years. A beautiful...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,255 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...as never been a beginning. SANANTANO means beginningless -- forever it has been. To represent this there is told another phenomenon: Lao Tzu is said to have been born old. Buddha died when he was eighty-two and Lao Tzu was born when he was eighty-two. He was born eighty-two years old; he lived in his mother's womb for eighty-two years. A beautiful story. Not that he really lived -- because one has to think of the woman also...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,256 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... the same moon. If you can see the moon, will you be worried about the fingers? If you can see the moon, will you be obsessed with the finger -- whether the finger is that of Krishna or Christ or Buddha or Lao Tzu? What does it matter? Once the moon is known, the fingers are forgotten. To become obsessed too much with the finger is a state of pathology. The Hindu is ill, the Mohammedan is ill, the Christian is ill. The...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,257 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...esus only. Christ is a state of ultimate consciousness: in the East we call it the state of being a buddha, the state of being a JINA. These are the same words. Jesus is only one of the christs -- Buddha is another, Lao Tzu is another, and there have been so many, and there will be so many. It is a long procession of lights. And there is always a living christ somewhere or other. You can call him a buddha, you can call ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,258 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...en tree which moves with the wind, dances with the wind, bows down to let the wind pass and then stands back. The real religious man is like a green tree -- in fact, more like green grass. That's how Lao Tzu defines the religious man: he is like the grass. Let the wind come, and the grass bows down, falls on the earth, is not in any way fighting with the wind. Why fight it? We are part of one organic unity; ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,259 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ave arrived -- and you can see people arriving from the other door also; there is no need for you yourself to go and experiment. You will meet there Meera and Mahavira, both sitting together. You will meet there Lao Tzu and Krishna and Mohammed and Christ sitting together... sipping tea and gossiping! What else is left? But if you are interested, if you want to really inquire whether the other way also comes to the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,260 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... FOR AN UNWOUNDED HAND MAY HANDLE POISON. THE INNOCENT COME TO NO HARM. If you become aware of folly and mischief.... Remember, Buddha is not saying avoid; he is saying beware. Lao Tzu says: A man of wisdom walks as if at each step there is danger. A man of wisdom walks as if in cold winter he is crossing a frozen stream, that is what Lao Tzu says. Yes, exactly, it is so: the man of wisdom ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,261 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... not saying avoid; he is saying beware. Lao Tzu says: A man of wisdom walks as if at each step there is danger. A man of wisdom walks as if in cold winter he is crossing a frozen stream, that is what Lao Tzu says. Yes, exactly, it is so: the man of wisdom walks alert. Each step is full of dangers, because your mind can any moment assert. Your mind is very ancient, its habits are very deeply ingrai...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,262 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...the whole edifice falls. But I am possible without there ever being a Christ. I am possible not because there has been a Mahavira or a Patanjali, not because there has been a Buddha or a Confucius or Lao Tzu. Religion is not a continuum; it is an individual phenomenon, it is an individual flowering. You can become awakened even if you are not aware of anybody ever becoming awakened before. You are not ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,263 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...a little, wait." And I tell many people, "Go on bringing them!" Now Niranjana is going especially to the West to bring as many fountain pens as possible. But if I have to keep all these egos it will be impossible -- Lao Tzu House is too small! 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- I a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,264 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ali, a Krishna -- who were utterly spiritual. But such people have been everywhere! Heraclitus, Pythagoras, Socrates, Plotinus, in Greece -- the same type of people, the same quality, the same fragrance. Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu, Mencius, in China -- the same perfume. Christ, Eckhart, Francis, Bohme -- the same dimension. Spiritual people have been everywhere; it is nobody's possession. But Indians brag about it...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,265 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... people to remain poor; it has helped them to remain contented as they are, hoping for the best in the next life. In that way he is right. But he is not right if we take into consideration a Buddha, a Zarathustra, a Lao Tzu -- then he is not right. And these are the really religious people, not the masses; the masses know nothing of religion. I would like you to be enriched by Newton, Edison, Eddington, Rutherfo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,266 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...are doing what you should have done on your own. A witness is not a spectator. Then what is a witness? A witness is one who participates yet remains alert. A witness is in a state of WU-WEI. That is Lao Tzu's word: it means action through inaction. A witness is not one who has escaped from life. He lives in life, lives far more totally, far more passionately, but yet remains deep down a watcher; goes on remember...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,267 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...d the helped, the guide and the guided are all in the same boat. Unless you can find a buddha you will be following some other blind person. Unless you are with a man like Buddha, Jesus, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, you will be with people who are just like you. That is one of the greatest calamities that is happening to the modern mind, to the modern man. The spiritual guides have disappeared -- long ago they disappear...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,268 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... immensely. I agree with him totally. These two persons, Friedrich Nietzsche and D.H. Lawrence, are beautiful people. It was unfortunate that they were born in the West; hence they were not aware of Lao Tzu, of Chuang Tzu, of Buddha, of Bodhidharma, of Rinzai, of Basho, of Kabir, of Meera. It is unfortunate that they knew only the Jewish and the Christian tradition. And they were very much offended by the whole ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,269 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... reflection is not needed. These are the two basic types of work. Buddha says: YOUR WORK IS TO DISCOVER YOUR WORK. The first thing is to discover exactly what type of person you are. Mahavira, Buddha, Lao Tzu, these are meditation types, meditative people. But Jesus, Chaitanya, Kabir, these are love types; they need a dialogue with existence. In meditation there is no prayer because there is no other; in prayer th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,270 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...! Go upstairs and remove your father's clothes before he comes in and catches you!" They cannot understand you. In fact, nobody can understand you except an enlightened person, a Buddha, a Jesus, a Lao Tzu -- but not Freud, Jung, Adler, they cannot understand. They don't have that light in their being yet; they cannot shower that light on you. They are not really authentic people; they are as inauthentic as you...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,271 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...EN IT WANTS OR IS THERE SOMETHING WE DO, LET DOWN, OPEN UP, TO ALLOW IT? Madhuma, positively, nothing can be done; negatively, much can be done. You will have to learn what negative action is. Lao Tzu calls it WU-WEI: doing without doing, action without action, effort without effort. It is one of the most significant things to learn. We know how to do things; that is a positive, aggressive, masculine way....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,272 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...MASCULINE PEOPLE? I AM CONFUSED AS BUDDHA, LAO TZU AND ALL THESE PEOPLE SEEM TO BE MORE FEMININE. PLEASE EXPLAIN. Anand Dharmen, you are right and yet wrong. You are right because Buddha and Lao Tzu ARE feminine, but they are feminine when they have attained to the ultimate peak of meditation -- at the peak they are feminine. At the peak everybody is feminine, only God is masculine. At the peak only ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,273 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... a thing ever before, but I can see it, I can feel it -- it is the truth." At the highest peak, whether you follow the path of love or meditation, you become feminine. So you are right, Dharmen, that Buddha and Lao Tzu, all these people seem to be feminine, because you know them only when they have reached the highest peak. But you don't know their path, you don't know their journey. Their journey was masculine, it was not ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,274 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...all, you create walls which become imprisonments for you. You are your worst enemy. Life is hard, but the hardest thing is to hear of the way: to find a buddha, a master -- a Christ, a Zarathustra, a Lao Tzu. It is very hard to find a buddha, and harder to hear him and to understand what he is saying. It is easier to misunderstand him, it is easier not to recognize him. You can find a 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,275 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... They have to use words -- words which have YOUR meanings, so they have to be very very alert in choosing their words, but even then those words are inadequate. The word 'path' is so inadequate that Lao Tzu always uses "the pathless path." Now what is the sense of saying "pathless path"? It is empty paper. "Gateless gate," "effortless effort," "action in inaction" -- WU-WEI: all these contradictions together, pa...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,276 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...statement, he makes it a universal thing: Whosoever is awakened, this is going to be his teaching. And this is very rare, this is unique. Awakening can happen to anybody: it has happened to Jesus, it has happened to Lao Tzu, it has happened to Basho -- it can happen to anybody. Buddha is saying that whosoever is awakened, this is going to be his teaching. MASTER YOURSELF ACCORDING TO THE LAW. THIS IS THE SIMPLE T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,277 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...w people create stupid stories. There have been many buddhas. Mahavira's mother did not die, but if you ask the Buddhists they will say, "That simply proves that Mahavira is not a buddha." Jesus' mother did not die, Lao Tzu's mother did not die -- but to the prejudiced mind that simply proves that these were not buddhas. Whenever there is a buddha the mother has to die; that has become the definition. The real re...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,278 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... of man and the Son of God. He knows the dark valley, he also knows the sunlit peak -- and he has a very human heart. That humanity remains with him to the very end. All the buddhas are unique. In the same situation Lao Tzu, looking back, would have laughed at the foolishness, at the ridiculousness, at the absurdity of human beings. And in the same situation Gautama the Buddha would not even have cared to look back; that is his ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,279 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...will not weep, because it helps nobody. If you weep for the world, it does not help the world. If you weep at the stupidity of people it makes you look silly, that's all. It does not help people. But Lao Tzu would have certainly laughed because looking at people's absurdity, their ridiculousness, what else can you do? Lao Tzu used to ride on a water buffalo, moving from one place to another. He was a jolly fellow...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,280 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... stupidity of people it makes you look silly, that's all. It does not help people. But Lao Tzu would have certainly laughed because looking at people's absurdity, their ridiculousness, what else can you do? Lao Tzu used to ride on a water buffalo, moving from one place to another. He was a jolly fellow, telling jokes, telling stories to people, always in a laughing state. If you see the statues of Buddha...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,281 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...rble statues you can see the belly laughing, there are ripples of laughter on the belly. It has been conceived according to the Taoist idea; because China could understand only if Buddha was presented in the form of Lao Tzu. They knew Lao Tzu, they were acquainted with this enlightened man, and he was always laughing. To him there is nothing to weep for. What reason is there to weep at the ridiculousness of man? ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,282 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...n see the belly laughing, there are ripples of laughter on the belly. It has been conceived according to the Taoist idea; because China could understand only if Buddha was presented in the form of Lao Tzu. They knew Lao Tzu, they were acquainted with this enlightened man, and he was always laughing. To him there is nothing to weep for. What reason is there to weep at the ridiculousness of man? Three college boys...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,283 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... The model said, "I would love to." Just then the artist heard familiar footsteps approaching the door. "Oh my gosh," he gasped. "Here comes my wife. Get your clothes off -- quick!" Lao Tzu would laugh; Jesus wept. Now it is for you to choose. I love both the men; in fact laughing and weeping are two sides of the same coin. And because of this story that Jesus wept, I say something which Christi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,284 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e lotus will need a lake, a different situation to happen in, it will have a different fragrance. But all kinds of flowers enrich the garden. The garden of buddhahood is full of strange, unique, incomparable beings: Lao Tzu, 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Zarathustra, Mohammed, Mahavira, Buddha...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,285 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...me is true about the inner world; so many possibilities of growing, so many different, unique expressions when you become mature -- different flowers. The world is richer because there is a Buddha and a Christ and a Lao Tzu. The world would have been really very poor if there were only Ramas, just Ramas; the world would have been very poor. In each village and town you can find a few Ramas, carrying their bow. Or if there were m...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,286 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...FREE YOURSELF FROM IT. BE PURE. The first myth of man is that he exists. Man is only a possibility. Rarely has man become an actuality. Only once in a while a Gautam Buddha, a Jesus Christ, a Lao Tzu, a Zarathustra -- the names are not many, they can be counted on the fingers. They are the only proof that man is not impossible. But the so-called ordinary humanity is only a myth, a belief in something whic...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,287 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...o understand this situation, we have to transcend this situation. Buddha has to be revived, resurrected in such a way that you can recognize him again, and I have been doing the same with Jesus, with Lao Tzu, with Kabir and with other enlightened ones. Their names are different, but their taste is the same. Buddha is reported to have said: You can taste the ocean from anywhere, and you will find the taste always ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,288 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... is worse -- worse than being driven in a plumber's or a pimp's car!" So I told Laxmi, "Now, for a poor man like me, only a Rolls Royce will do!" Now, please don't make any objection to it... because coming from Lao Tzu to Buddha Hall, a helicopter won't do. Don't create troubles for me! The fourth question: BELOVED MASTER, I KNOW NOW THAT I AM ALRIGHT JUST AS I AM, BUT HOW CAN I MAKE SURE T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,289 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...d their heredity. They never cross the limit of what is allowed by their instincts; they never do anything beyond the instinctive, beyond the unconscious. It is only man who has been able to produce a Buddha, a Lao Tzu, a Jesus, a Bahauddin. It is because of the buddhas that we can say man has the capacity to be a god. It is in the buddhas that we have found the link between man and God. Darwin and his followers have not be...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,290 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... whatsoever he says is not what he knows. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Lao Tzu says: The tao cannot be said, and if you say it, it is no more tao. Read instead of tao, "dhamma," and it becomes the statement of Buddha. Read instead of tao, "truth," and it becomes a statement of Socrates....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,291 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...n. If you want to study the feminine psychology, then the best examples will be the mystics -- the purest examples will be the mystics. Then you will have to learn about Basho, Rinzai, Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tzu. You will have to learn about these people, because only through their understanding will you be able to understand the peak, the highest crescendo of feminine expression. Because the woman has been domin...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,292 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ord. He is a seer who has seen. And because he has seen he has become free: free of mind. Mind is needed only if you are a thinker. Plato and Kant and Hegel and Marx and Bertrand Russell, these are philosophers. Lao Tzu, Buddha, Zarathustra, Jesus, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Eckhart, these are not philosophers; these are seers. These are two totally different currents. Belong to the seers. Be a seer, because wit...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,293 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... has still the perfume of the beyond, that the earth has salt. Otherwise the crowds are dead. If you look at the crowds the earth is a big cemetery. Only these few people -- a Zarathustra, a Jesus, a Lao Tzu, a Buddha, a Kabir, a Nanak... these people who can be counted on the fingers keep the flame burning. But you can become the flame any moment, your heart is ready to burst into flame. But rather than looking ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,294 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- not philosophers at all, not in the sense of Socrates, Buddha, Lao Tzu. George Bernard Shaw had been wearied by the tedious conversation of a philosopher who was trying to impress him with his knowledge. Finally Shaw cut in, "You know, between the two of us...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,295 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ut if it happens INvoluntarily, then the fast is not broken. Then for centuries people go on discussing such stupid nonsense -- sheer nonsense! They will miss a Mohammed, they will miss a Moses, they will miss a Lao Tzu; and then for centuries they will discuss useless things. Useless things are not dangerous. The real danger comes from people who are awake, because to be in their presence it is possible that...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,296 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... West is absolutely unaware of that dimension. That's why Jesus could not be understood, Socrates could not be understood. In the East, crucifying a Buddha has not been our practice; giving poison to Lao Tzu has not been our way. Why were Jesus, Socrates and Mansoor killed? For the simple reason that they were trying to bring something absolutely Eastern to the West. They were trying to bring a new insight ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,297 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...is only absence of light. You can wake up any moment, the candle can be lit any moment, and all dreams and desires will disappear; hence devices have been invented. What Buddha says, Patanjali says, Lao Tzu says, is that these are only devices to wake you up, alarms and nothing else. Secondly, whether you want it or not, if you remain asleep next lifetime you are going to be a woman. Even if you...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,298 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...it, Krishna had it, Mahavira had it, Nanak had it; that does not mean that all Indians have it. Socrates had it, Pythagoras had it, Heraclitus had it, Plotinus had it; that does not mean that all the Greeks have it. Lao Tzu had it, Chuang Tzu had it, Lieh Tzu had it; that does not mean that all the Chinese have it. These rare people have happened everywhere; it is nothing special to you. So stop bragging about it...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,299 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... be more skillful, more productive, and less creative. It wants you to function like a machine, efficiently, but it does not want you to become awakened. It does not want buddhas and christs -- Socrates, Pythagoras, Lao Tzu. No, these people are not needed at all by the society. If sometimes they happen, they don't happen because of the society; they happen in spite of the society. It is a miracle how a few peopl...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,300 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...he will do something wrong if he is alive, he will do something wrong if he has eyes -- he will see something wrong. Unless you are conscious you are going to do wrong. That's why in the East, Buddha, Mahavira, Lao Tzu and people like them have never done any miracles -- or they have done only one miracle, and that miracle is the transformation of unconsciousness into consciousness -- because unless that happens everything ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,301 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...nreachable. When Buddhism was introduced into China they brought it down to the earth. Chinese are very down-to-earth people. They have never given birth to any men like Buddha. They had their own awakened people -- Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu -- but they are full of laughter, full of joy, full of gratitude. They belong to this existence; they are not in any way escaping from it. They are living it in its totality. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,302 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...w nothing. No maps exist; no maps can exist, in the very nature of things. Hence it is very rare to find the awakened master. In hundreds of years it happens only once that there is a man like Jesus or Buddha or Lao Tzu. There are thousands of pretenders and they are easily available and they are very cheap. In fact, even if you don't find them, they will find you. They are constantly searching for followers. Their whole bus...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,303 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Travel you must. If you can find a master, a companion, a friend, you are blessed, you are fortunate. If you cannot find, just don't make it an excuse that what can you do? -- there is nobody like Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tzu available. "What can I do? I have to live the ordinary life. I cannot go into the unknown on my own." No, you CAN go. It will be a little bit difficult, hazardous, risky, but the risk is worth taking. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,304 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... the joy that was felt in existence itself. Whenever there is a man like Buddha, the whole humanity takes an upward surge; it soars higher. Just take two dozen names from human history -- Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Mohammed, Bahauddin, Kabir -- just two dozen names. Take them out of human history and you will not be human at all; you will lose all your humanity. It is through these few people that great con...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,305 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...rsonal. Your misery is YOUR misery; it defines you. It is nobody else's misery, it is especially yours; it gives you a certain uniqueness. But bliss? Bliss is universal. Hence Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, Lao Tzu, these people have disappeared into bliss. They don't have any personality. They are no-persons, they are nonentities. They are tremendously alive, but they are not separate from the whole. They have allowed ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,306 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... it is Mohammedan, but just because it is a beautiful piece of objective art. I praise the Upanishads not because Hindus have written them but because they are so immensely valuable, intrinsically valuable. I praise Lao Tzu in the same way, I praise Jesus in the same way, I praise Mohammed in the same way. Wherever truth has happened, whomsoever it has happened to -- to Bahauddin or to Buddha -- it does not make any difference t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,307 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...descending from heaven will have the color of the earth on which it falls, will have the taste of the earth on which it falls. Exactly the same is the case with the words falling from Buddha, Jesus, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu. It depends on your earth -- on your mind. And what is the state of your mind? Can you think anything original? Can you understand anything original? Your mind only repeats that which it has heard or ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,308 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... prove that their master is extraordinary; he is not an ordinary human being. In fact, the truth is that you cannot find a more ordinary human being than Buddha, Mahavira, Jesus, Moses, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu. They are so simple! They have accepted themselves as they are. They live in suchness, in TATHATA. They don't hanker for any perfection. They are perfectly at ease with the imperfect world, utterly contented ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,309 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ooted in lies and the truth hurts, it shatters. And the masses are vast, the blind people are millions. The people with eyes are rare, few and far between. Only once in a while comes a Zarathustra, a Lao Tzu, a Jesus, a Moses, a Buddha. They are doing something unimaginable. They are trying to explain light to the millions who are blind. The blind people can hear the word 'light', but they cannot understand it --...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,310 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- have to learn how to go with the river, how to go with the wind. Lao Tzu says: Be like a dead leaf, so wherever the wind blows the leaf goes with it. It has no destiny of its own, it has no private goals of its own, it has no will of its own. It is utterly surrendered. That is the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,311 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... the society, moreover, is not interested in it at all. In fact, it is afraid of it because whenever a REALLY good person has happened in the world he has created trouble for the society. A Jesus, a Lao Tzu, a Buddha, a Kabir, these are the greatest rebels for the simple reason that they were so conscious that they could see through the whole stupid game that we go on playing. They could see through our lies, th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,312 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...s invention, pure invention. It has never been there, it has never existed. Yes, there have been people like Krishna and Mahavira and Buddha, but they are not Indians at all. Jesus is not Jewish and Lao Tzu is not Chinese. These people are universal; nobody can claim them. The whole earth belongs to them; they are our common heritage, so you cannot brag about them. But every country has to inven...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,313 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... CONVERTING PEOPLE TO YOUR OWN RELIGION? Christina, I don't have any religion at all: a certain kind of religiousness, but no religion in particular. That's why it is so easy for me to absorb Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Zarathustra, Moses, Mohammed, Mahavira. If I had a religion, then it would not be possible for me to be so universal. To have a religion means to become limited. To have a religion means you have define...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,314 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...y, Shakespeare. They are one-dimensional: beauty is their god. And there have been moral people, absolutely moral people, virtuous people whose whole life was devoted to being just as virtuous as possible: Mahavira, Lao Tzu. But all are one-dimensional. Humanity has come now to a crossroads. We have lived the one-dimensional man, we have exhausted it. We need now a more enriched human being, three-dimensional. I call them th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,315 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...become awakened are contemporaries; it does not make much difference at all." That's why I say I am a contemporary to Buddha, a contemporary to Jesus, a contemporary to Zarathustra, a contemporary to Lao Tzu. Once you know, you become contemporary to all the knowers. All small time gaps simply disappear, they are so tiny. Twenty-five hundred years make no difference at all. That's why in the East ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,316 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ommit suicide or actually commit suicide. The man who lives life becomes a buddha. How many buddhas do you have? They can be counted on your fingers. Only once in a while is there a man like Jesus, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu. Centuries pass; millions of people come and go, then only is there a man who really lives, authentically lives, lives to the utmost, lives fearlessly. Then what are the others doing? Their life is ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,317 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...Man, I'm really nervous. I've never screwed a cop before!" Misunderstandings and misunderstandings.... Buddhas have been misunderstood so much that whatsoever you think about Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Lao Tzu, be very cautious -- ninety-nine percent of it is going to be a misunderstanding. If you ask me, "Who are Christians?" I say "The people who have misunderstood Christ." If you ask me, "Who are Buddhists?" I w...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,318 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... have become interested in the cross are pathological. They are not interested in Christ, they are interested in the cross. If they were really interested in Christ they would have also been interested in Buddha, in Lao Tzu, in Krishna, in Kabir. But they are not interested in Christ, they are interested in the cross. Hence I don't call Christianity "Christianity," I call it "Crossianity." If Jesus had not been ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,319 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... you. And he evolved a new technique of meditation. His greatest contribution to the world is vipassana; no other teacher has given such a great gift to the world. Jesus is beautiful, Mahavira is beautiful, Lao Tzu is beautiful, Zarathustra is beautiful, but their contribution, compared to Buddha, is nothing. Even if they are all put together, then too Buddha's contribution is greater because he gave such a scientific m...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,320 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ose who are meditating. HOW GLADLY YOU FOLLOW THE WORDS OF THE AWAKENED. Then all the awakened ones suddenly become your contemporaries. Then only can you understand Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Mahavira, Lao Tzu. Then only, when you meditate, suddenly mysteries open up, closed doors open and things which were never clear to you suddenly become clear. But it happens through meditation and there is no other way. Not by...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,321 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... without any maps and you are going into the ocean. The other shore, the farther shore is not visible; there is no guarantee that you will ever reach it. By loving a Buddha, a Christ, a Zarathustra, a Krishna, a Lao Tzu, a deep trust arises in you about the farther shore -- that it exists: "If I search with my total being there is a possibility I may discover it." But the risk is great and everything has to be done by you. Y...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,322 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...Buddha would have appreciated them. If Adam and Eve had not rebelled, had not eaten from the tree of knowledge, there would have been no humanity -- and there would have been no Christ, no Buddha, no Zarathustra, no Lao Tzu. Adam and Eve would be still roaming naked like animals in the Garden of Eden. There would have been nothing like humanity. This consciousness, this awareness, this inquiry -- nothing would have been there. T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,323 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...t has become hell." I agree absolutely with the dream. I can visualize that your so-called saints, wherever they are, will create hell. But if a man like Buddha or Socrates or Mahavira or Jesus or Lao Tzu or Zarathustra is in hell, then hell has to change. It is not a question of the place; the question is of who is there. BUT DAY AND NIGHT THE MAN WHO IS AWAKE SHINES IN THE RADIANCE OF THE SPIRIT. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,324 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... language that you understand. They are just people like you; they live in the same kind of sleep. Hence there is a communication between you and them which is missing between you and a Buddha, between you and a Lao Tzu. Buddha stands on the Everest and you live in the dark valleys far below. You don't look up, you have forgotten how to look up. You crawl in the mud. Those who are crawling by your side can be ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,325 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... inner being blooms into a one-thousand-petaled lotus. That day you have also become a buddha, and only then will you be able to understand the meaning of Jesus' life, the meaning of Buddha's sayings, the meaning of Lao Tzu, Zarathustra. Before that whatsoever you try to understand is just your mind interpreting, and that interpretation has been one of the greatest causes of mischief. Drop the mind -- the only th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,326 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...statue. He will say, "This is not right, Buddha was not like this, with such a big belly...." The Chinese Buddha looks like a clown -- but I have great respect for the Chinese Buddha. The Chinese Buddha has absorbed Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu. He is pregnant with Lao Tzu, that's why that big belly. Inside his belly there is Lao Tzu. And you cannot keep Lao Tzu quiet. He must be laughing and kicking and doing things; hence the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,327 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... this, with such a big belly...." The Chinese Buddha looks like a clown -- but I have great respect for the Chinese Buddha. The Chinese Buddha has absorbed Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu. He is pregnant with Lao Tzu, that's why that big belly. Inside his belly there is Lao Tzu. And you cannot keep Lao Tzu quiet. He must be laughing and kicking and doing things; hence the ripples on the belly. Lao Tzu has ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,328 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...looks like a clown -- but I have great respect for the Chinese Buddha. The Chinese Buddha has absorbed Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu. He is pregnant with Lao Tzu, that's why that big belly. Inside his belly there is Lao Tzu. And you cannot keep Lao Tzu quiet. He must be laughing and kicking and doing things; hence the ripples on the belly. Lao Tzu has the sense of humor. Maybe because of that Lao Tzu could not be...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,329 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...spect for the Chinese Buddha. The Chinese Buddha has absorbed Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu. He is pregnant with Lao Tzu, that's why that big belly. Inside his belly there is Lao Tzu. And you cannot keep Lao Tzu quiet. He must be laughing and kicking and doing things; hence the ripples on the belly. Lao Tzu has the sense of humor. Maybe because of that Lao Tzu could not become the founder of a great r...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,330 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...egnant with Lao Tzu, that's why that big belly. Inside his belly there is Lao Tzu. And you cannot keep Lao Tzu quiet. He must be laughing and kicking and doing things; hence the ripples on the belly. Lao Tzu has the sense of humor. Maybe because of that Lao Tzu could not become the founder of a great religion. There exists no religion in his name. Yes, a few rare people have followed his path, but there is no org...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,331 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... his belly there is Lao Tzu. And you cannot keep Lao Tzu quiet. He must be laughing and kicking and doing things; hence the ripples on the belly. Lao Tzu has the sense of humor. Maybe because of that Lao Tzu could not become the founder of a great religion. There exists no religion in his name. Yes, a few rare people have followed his path, but there is no organized church, for the simple reason that Lao Tzu seem...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,332 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...use of that Lao Tzu could not become the founder of a great religion. There exists no religion in his name. Yes, a few rare people have followed his path, but there is no organized church, for the simple reason that Lao Tzu seems so nonserious. He used to ride on a buffalo. Now, can't you find a horse? Anybody could have afforded at least a donkey -- but a buffalo...? And that too, not in the right position, but sitting backward...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,333 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... to ride on a buffalo. Now, can't you find a horse? Anybody could have afforded at least a donkey -- but a buffalo...? And that too, not in the right position, but sitting backwards! The buffalo is going one way and Lao Tzu is looking the other way. He must have created laughter wherever he passed. People must have gathered to see the scene, what is happening. And Chuang Tzu far surpassed his master. There has never been suc...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,334 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... to laugh at? Hence they attracted the people who are incapable of laughter, of living, of loving. My effort here, Amitabh, is just the opposite. I want you to learn as much from Buddha, as much from Lao Tzu, as much from Krishna, as much from Chuang Tzu as possible. I would like you to absorb all the great experiences that have happened in the past, so that a higher synthesis becomes possible. In that higher syn...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,335 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... is no change ever in my food. Thirdly, I don't know where my kitchen is! So, Pantha, even if I want I cannot find it. I know only my room, and the way from the room to Buddha Hall and back. I will get lost into Lao Tzu House. And after many many lives somehow I have found the way. Please don't make me get lost again. The sixth question: BELOVED MASTER, WHAT IS THE DIRTIEST FOUR-...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,336 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...in an ordinary way. You can behave like an enlightened person. What can we do about it? We are made in this way. The responsibility is God's, not ours. It is not our fate to be a Buddha or to be a Krishna or to be a Lao Tzu. It is not our destiny to be a Zarathustra. They were destined and we are not destined. So if something happened to them it was bound to happen, and if nothing is happening to us, nothing is 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,337 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ve that 'This man is my master.'" Now, what do my shoulders have to do with my being a master or not? This is something new! I have come across thousands of definitions of what a master means, but neither Buddha nor Lao Tzu nor Zarathustra nor Jesus, nobody has said anything about the shoulders! And he was looking at my shoulders, not looking into my eyes -- I had asked him to look into my eyes. But this is how t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,338 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...iven to you with no preprogram; now it is up to you what you want to make out of it. You can become an ugly monster -- a Genghis Khan, a Tamerlane, a Nadirshah -- or you can become a Gautam Buddha, a Jesus Christ, a Lao Tzu, a Zarathustra. It all depends on you, it is your freedom. Choose! But you can choose only when you are conscious; you can choose only when you are aware, alert. The more aware you are, the mo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,339 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...y "nature," if "God" has lost its appeal for you. If the word 'God' has lost its appeal for you, 'nature' is as beautiful, or 'existence', or whatsoever you want. Buddha likes the word 'dhamma' -- the universal law. Lao Tzu loves the word 'tao' -- the harmony of existence, the inner order. The universe is not a chaos, that much is certain. Whether there is a God or not is irrelevant, the universe is not a chaos. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,340 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ng. And it is time that you wake up! The master cannot force you to wake up; the master can only create a situation in which a process can be triggered in you. And ANY situation can be helpful. Lao Tzu became enlightened just by seeing a leaf, a dry leaf falling from a tree. As the leaf started falling towards the earth, he became enlightened. Now what happened? Seeing the dead leaf falling on the wings of ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,341 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...able to us, it has no relevance to our world. We live in an ordinary world and they come from some extraordinary existence -- from the beyond." Every country, every race has convinced itself that Moses, Krishna, Lao Tzu, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed are not ordinary people. In some way or other we have been trying to prove that they are extraordinary. Not that we are much interested in their being extraordinary, we are simply int...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,342 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...is exalted through him. One of its members has reached the ultimate peak of awakening; through him the whole existence has moved a little ahead in evolution. Just cancel a dozen names from the history of humanity -- Lao Tzu, Moses, Abraham, Krishna, Buddha, Mahavira, Christ, Kabir, Nanak... just a dozen names, cancel them, and where will mankind be? You would all have been Reverend Bananas or Reverend Tomatoes, Rever...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,343 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...tween, in a limbo. It is uncomfortable, but just wait. Things will settle by themselves. In the inner world, action is not needed; only inaction is helpful. Inaction is the action of the inner world. Lao Tzu calls it wu wei -- inactive action, passive action. You don't do anything, you simply wait and things happen just by your waiting. It is good that you are freed from the opinions of others. It is better t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,344 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... -- that there is a dhamma, a natural law, which is immaterial. He will not say spiritual; he simply says WHICH IS IMMATERIAL. What is this dhamma? What is this law? It will be easy if you understand Lao Tzu's concept of tao, or if you understand the vedic concept of rita. There must be something like a law which holds everything together. The changing seasons, the moving stars... the whole universe goes on so sm...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,345 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ona' means sound. 'Persona' means you can have a contact only with their sounds, not with their faces. They are hiding somewhere. From that comes the word 'personality'. In that sense Buddha, Jesus, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, have no personalities. They are just there in front of you, not hiding anything. They are naked, confronting you in their absolute purity. There is nothing to hide. You can see them through and through, they...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,346 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...his is human anxiety. No, never do all these three layers agree on any point. There is no agreement ever. Now there are teachers who believe in the child. They emphasize the child more. For example, Lao Tzu. He says, 'The agreement is not going to come. You drop this parental voice, these commandments, these Old Testaments. Drop all 'shoulds' and become a child again.' That's what Jesus says. Lao Tzu and Jesus, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,347 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ample, Lao Tzu. He says, 'The agreement is not going to come. You drop this parental voice, these commandments, these Old Testaments. Drop all 'shoulds' and become a child again.' That's what Jesus says. Lao Tzu and Jesus, their emphasis is: become a child again -- because only with the child will you be able to gain your spontaneity, will you again become part of the natural flow, tao. Their message is beautifu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,348 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...You will follow the ten commandments of Moses without ever having heard about them; you will naturally follow them. That's where Moses got them -- not on the mountain but on the inner peak. And you will be following Lao Tzu and Jesus -- and you may not have heard about Lao Tzu and Jesus. That's where they got their childhood again, that's where they got born. And you will be following Manu and Mahavir and Mohammed, very naturall...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,349 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ever having heard about them; you will naturally follow them. That's where Moses got them -- not on the mountain but on the inner peak. And you will be following Lao Tzu and Jesus -- and you may not have heard about Lao Tzu and Jesus. That's where they got their childhood again, that's where they got born. And you will be following Manu and Mahavir and Mohammed, very naturally, and still you will not be irrational. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,350 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ll over the world, people have talked about the devil, because in fact the devil is more a reality in people's experiences than god. God has happened to only few people. Somewhere a Buddha, a Jesus, a Zarathustra, a Lao Tzu, a Mahavir -- it has happened very rarely. The devil is everybody's experience, so there are people you can find, atheists, who don't believe in god -- but even atheists believe in the devil. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,351 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...appy will be irrelevant. Then priests and temples and churches will not be needed. Then by and by people will start forgetting about Jesus, Buddha, Christ, Krishna. There will be no need. That's what Lao Tzu says. 'When in the ancient days people were really religious, nobody had ever heard of religion.' True. Says Lao Tzu, 'In the ancient days, when people were simple, nobody had ever heard about saints, because...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,352 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...orgetting about Jesus, Buddha, Christ, Krishna. There will be no need. That's what Lao Tzu says. 'When in the ancient days people were really religious, nobody had ever heard of religion.' True. Says Lao Tzu, 'In the ancient days, when people were simple, nobody had ever heard about saints, because everybody was a saint, a saintly soul. When people became ill, evilish, then saints became important in contrast.' ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,353 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... intelligent to become aware that 'maybe it is just my style, not life itself'. They think of suicide and they sometimes commit suicide. Then there are the pinnacles of intelligence -- a Buddha, a Christ, a Lao Tzu, a Zarathustra -- who immediately see the point: 'I am missing because my ways are wrong.' And they change their ways. They change their life pattern radically. That radical transformation is sannyas. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,354 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...to be ambitious. People are habitually in discord with the way, and he becomes naturally in accord. Pythagoras calls this state harmonia. That is the right word -- in accord. Harmonia, in harmony.... Lao Tzu calls this tao. Buddha calls it dhamma. To be in accord... as if you are not swimming, not struggling; you are completely relaxed and floating with the river. You are so one with the river that there is n...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,355 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...into matter? The only possible way is to deny it, say it is not. Nietzsche says god is not, god is dead, because if god is, then you have to accept Jesus, you have to accept Buddha, you have to accept Patanjali, Lao Tzu, Zarathustra. They are like rainbows... bridges between the known and the unknown. But you have to raise your eyes towards the sky. If you look down into the earth and you go on digging there, you cannot ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,356 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... wave of the whole. Now there is no possibility of your ever being defeated. It looks paradoxical, because the meek person is one who does not want to conquer. The meek person is one who is ready to be defeated. Lao Tzu says, 'Nobody can defeat me because I have accepted defeat already. Now how can you defeat a defeated person? Lao Tzu says, 'Nobody can 10/28/07 Copyright Osho Internation...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,357 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...k person is one who does not want to conquer. The meek person is one who is ready to be defeated. Lao Tzu says, 'Nobody can defeat me because I have accepted defeat already. Now how can you defeat a defeated person? Lao Tzu says, 'Nobody can 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- defeat me because I a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,358 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...s not hurt at all. He was not even aware of what had happened, he was snoring. He had fallen on the ground. The others were crying and weeping and he was fast asleep. Chuang Tzu said, 'Seeing this, I understood what Lao Tzu means when he says "let go".' Children are doing this every day. You watch children. The whole day they fall here and there, but they are not hurt. You do the same. It will be impossible for ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,359 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...re like a fool. There is a beautiful novel of Feodor Dostoevsky, 'The Idiot'. Read it, meditate upon it. In that novel the main character is a fool... but a fool like St. Francis, a fool -- but like Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu. He has dropped, or he has no calculating mind. Of course, if you are a fool you will be cheated. Of course, if you are a fool you will not be an achiever in this world. If you ar...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,360 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...her really looked after him -- because he was born when the father was very old; he was his only hope. And suddenly one night he escaped. To all practical purposes he is a fool. Jesus is a fool. So is Francis, so is Lao Tzu, so is Chuang Tzu. Dayal, listen to your heart, and be simple. Be a fool. Let that be your very style of life, and more and more god will penetrate you. EMPATHY COMES AND GOES. W...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,361 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...rs will reflect each other, but nothing will be reflected. Two mirrors -- just think of two mirrors facing each other. If Christ comes to see Buddha, or Buddha somewhere on the roads of life comes across Lao Tzu, they will be absolutely silent -- there will be no echo. So when Buddha is speaking, remember it. He is not saying anything in particular. He is simply reflecting the people. That's why a Buddha can nev...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,362 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... quiet. What can he do? He simply reflects. He reflects whatsoever is the case. So buddhist sayings are very contradictory. Jesus is contradictory, Buddha is contradictory, Krishna is contradictory, Lao Tzu is tremendously contradictory. Hegel is not contradictory, Kant is not contradictory, Russell is not contradictory, Confucius is not contradictory, Manu is not contradictory. They have a certain dogma. They d...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,363 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ht that is unthinkable. It is a contradiction, a paradox. Now, no logician will ever utter such nonsense. It is from the very beginning nonsensical. That's why logicians go on saying that Buddha, Jesus, Bodhidharma, Lao Tzu, Zarathustra -- these people are all nonsense. Their propositions are meaningless -- because they say one thing and in the next breath they contradict. Now look at this sentence: MY SIDDHANTA IS TO THINK THE...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,364 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...y, a date with god. THE THOUGHT THAT IS UNTHINKABLE -- only that is worth thinking. All else is just wasting life energy. TO PRACTISE THE DEED THAT IS NON-DOING. This is what Lao Tzu calls wu-wei. Action in inaction -- again another paradox. But a siddhanta has to be paradoxical. TO PRACTISE THE DEED THAT IS NOT DOING... Ordinarily we know only deeds which we can ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,365 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e other name who is also so hesitant 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- and he is Lao Tzu; these two persons are very hesitant. Sometimes, because of their hesitance, you may not be impressed by them -- because you are confused you need somebody to be so confident that you can rely on him. He...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,366 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...aim absolutely, unconditionally, never hesitate! And that is one of the qualities of fools: they never hesitate. To hesitate you need some intelligence. A very intelligent person is always hesitant. Lao Tzu says: "I hesitate on every step. I must be confused. My whole town, everybody that I know, is so absolute; people are so clever -- I must be muddleheaded, because I feel so shaky. 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,367 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...or example: in ancient China, three thousand years ago, a man who could compose poetry was thought to be more intelligent than a man who could devise a machine -- because the society existed on different principles. Lao Tzu had said that machines are not needed; Lao Tzu had said that machines are a way to cheat nature, to exploit nature. They are aggressive. Man does not need any mechanical things; poetry, painting, sculpture, m...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,368 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...an who could compose poetry was thought to be more intelligent than a man who could devise a machine -- because the society existed on different principles. Lao Tzu had said that machines are not needed; Lao Tzu had said that machines are a way to cheat nature, to exploit nature. They are aggressive. Man does not need any mechanical things; poetry, painting, sculpture, music, is more valuable. So a child who was a bo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,369 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ould claim the whole heritage of humanity as one's own -- we are unnecessarily poor. Somebody says, "I am Christian." He is saying, "I claim only Jesus. I don't claim Buddha, I don't claim Zarathustra, I don't claim Lao Tzu." How poor a man! The whole humanity, the whole history of man, is yours. Jesus is as much yours as Lao Tzu, as Buddha, as Mohammed. They are all yours: claim them all together, that is your heritage. But tha...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,370 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ristian." He is saying, "I claim only Jesus. I don't claim Buddha, I don't claim Zarathustra, I don't claim Lao Tzu." How poor a man! The whole humanity, the whole history of man, is yours. Jesus is as much yours as Lao Tzu, as Buddha, as Mohammed. They are all yours: claim them all together, that is your heritage. But that is possible only if you are not conditioned to be a Christian, Hindu, Mohammedan. Good, yo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,371 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...y a corner -- and lives in that corner, crippled and paralyzed. In fact, the corner is so narrow you cannot move. It is not spacious enough. A religious person will claim all -- Buddha, Mahavir, Christ, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, Nanak, Kabir, etc., etc. He will claim ALL. They are all part of me; they are all part of you. Whatsoever has happened to human consciousness, you carry the seeds of it in you. This is the o...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,372 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... The word "God" is not God, but people have been fighting about it. All that you say about God has nothing to do with God because those who have known, they all have said nothing can be said about God. Says Lao Tzu, "If you say something about truth, it becomes untrue." The moment you assert, you falsify; truth cannot be said. But people go on discussing, arguing, "My God is right and your God is wrong." ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,373 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...create one saint, you will need millions of sinners. It is very costly and uneconomical. I would like a world where the sinners and the saints have disappeared. They are two aspects of the same coin. Lao Tzu says in his TAO TE CHING, "When the world was really natural and religious, there was not a saint and not a sinner." When the saints entered in the world, sin entered. When you say somebody is a saint, you ha...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,374 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Yes, it is how it happens. Sometimes just a hit from the Master, or sometimes just a look from the Master, and it can happen. And not only that, sometimes it can happen without the Master. It is said about Lao Tzu that he was sitting under a tree when he became enlightened, but he was not doing anything. Buddha was meditating; Lao Tzu was not doing anything, not even meditation. He was just sitting, and an old leaf fel...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,375 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... happen. And not only that, sometimes it can happen without the Master. It is said about Lao Tzu that he was sitting under a tree when he became enlightened, but he was not doing anything. Buddha was meditating; Lao Tzu was not doing anything, not even meditation. He was just sitting, and an old leaf fell from the tree, started falling, slowly, lazily, like a feather, and he watched it falling, and it settled on the ground.....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,376 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...f Chuang Tzu is beautiful. He says that a wise man is like an empty boat. SUCH IS THE PERFECT MAN -- HIS BOAT IS EMPTY. There is nobody inside. If you meet a Chuang Tzu, or a Lao Tzu, or me, the boat is there, but it is empty, nobody is in it. If you simply look at the surface, then somebody is there, because the boat is there. But if you penetrate deeper, if you really become intimate wi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,377 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...is the deepest religion that has existed on this earth. There is no comparison to it. There have been glimpses, there are glimpses in the sayings of Jesus, in Buddha, in Krishna -- but only glimpses. Lao Tzu or Chuang Tzu's message is the purest -- it is absolutely pure, nothing has contaminated it. And this is the message: it is all because there is somebody in the boat. This whole hell is all because there is s...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,378 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... This is unique. Chuang Tzu is saying that the halo of saintliness around you shows that you are still there. The halo that you are good is sure to create calamity for you, and calamity for others also. Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu -- master and disciple -- have never been painted in pictures with halos, auras, around them. Unlike Jesus, Zarathustra, Krishna, Buddha, Mahavira, they have never been painted with an aura aro...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,379 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...there are many foxes around you. Beware of them -- philosophers, theologians, logicians, professors all around you -- foxes. They ask you questions and they create a disturbance. Chuang Tzu's master, Lao Tzu, said: When there was not a single philosopher, everything was solved, there were no questions, and all answers were available. When philosophers arose, questions came and answers disappeared. Whenever there ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,380 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...erfect sage is absolutely useless. NO SELF IS TRUE SELF. When you feel that you are not, for the first time you are, because the self is nothing but a synonym for the ego. That is why Buddha, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, they all say there is no self, no ATMAN. Not that there is not -- they say there is no atman, there is no self, because your ego is so cunning it can hide behind it. You can say, AHAM BRAHMASMI, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,381 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... mind is ambitious or nonambitious. Your whole search will be futile, because ambition can never lead to the divine. Only non-ambition can become the door. Modern psychology also agrees with Chuang Tzu, with Lao Tzu, with Buddha, with all those who have known, that inferiority creates ambition. Hence politicians come from the worst stuff in humanity. All politicians are SUDRAS, untouchables. It cannot be otherwise, becau...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,382 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...The police searched and searched for many days and couldn't find him. You can find only that which you are. You always find yourself in others, because others are just mirrors. To catch Chuang Tzu, a Lao Tzu was needed. Nobody else could catch him, for who could understand him? A Buddha was needed; Buddha would have guessed where he was. But a policeman? -- impossible! Only if he were a thief would it be possible...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,383 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...h, not an event in the outer world; it belongs to the inner. "HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THE BIRD THAT LIVES IN THE SOUTH?" To China, India is the south, and that bird lives here. It is said that when Lao Tzu disappeared, he disappeared into the south. They don't know when he died...he never died. Such people never die, they simply go to the south -- they disappear into India. It is said that Bodh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,384 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... much that the river keeps fighting with itself. Nothing is left to move, no energy is left; you are so tired fighting with yourself, how can you move towards the sea? One of the basic laws of Tao, of Lao Tzu, of Chuang Tzu, is that if you are spontaneous it is the highest prayer; you cannot miss God, whatsoever you do you will reach him. So Chuang Tzu never talks about God; talk is irrelevant, it isn't needed. He...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,385 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... mystical. And remember, Hindus have one theology, Mohammedans another, Christ-ians again another, but religion, the mystic religion, is the same; it cannot be different. Buddha and Jesus and Chuang Tzu and Lao Tzu, they are the same because they are not theologians. They are not talking from the head, they are simply pouring from their heart. They are not logicians, they are poets. They are not saying something from th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,386 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- IS FREE OF ALL FORMALITY. It happened that Confucius came to see Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu's master. And Confucius was the image of formal politeness. He was the greatest formalist in the world, the world has never known such a great formalist. He was simply manners, formality, culture ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,387 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...And Confucius was the image of formal politeness. He was the greatest formalist in the world, the world has never known such a great formalist. He was simply manners, formality, culture and etiquette. He came to see Lao Tzu, the polar opposite. Confucius was very old, Lao Tzu was not so old. The formality was that when Confucius came in, Lao Tzu should stand up to receive him. But he remained sitting. It was impo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,388 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... formalist in the world, the world has never known such a great formalist. He was simply manners, formality, culture and etiquette. He came to see Lao Tzu, the polar opposite. Confucius was very old, Lao Tzu was not so old. The formality was that when Confucius came in, Lao Tzu should stand up to receive him. But he remained sitting. It was impossible for Confucius to believe that such a great master, known all o...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,389 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...st. He was simply manners, formality, culture and etiquette. He came to see Lao Tzu, the polar opposite. Confucius was very old, Lao Tzu was not so old. The formality was that when Confucius came in, Lao Tzu should stand up to receive him. But he remained sitting. It was impossible for Confucius to believe that such a great master, known all over the country for his humbleness, should be so impolite. He had to me...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,390 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... to believe that such a great master, known all over the country for his humbleness, should be so impolite. He had to mention it. Immediately he said, "This is not good. I am older than you." Lao Tzu laughed loudly and said, "Nobody is older than me. I existed before everything came into existence. Confucius, we are of the same age, everything is of the same age. From eternity we have been in existence, s...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,391 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...of the same age. From eternity we have been in existence, so don't carry this burden of old age, sit down." Confucius had come to ask some questions. He said, "How should a religious man behave?" Lao Tzu said, "When the how comes, there is no religion. How is not a question for a religious man. The how shows that you are not religious but that you want to behave like a religious man -- that is why you ask how...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,392 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... that he has been in love. It may be that only when love has gone does he become aware that he has been in love. He simply loves. It happens. It is a happening, not a doing." Whatsoever Confucius asked, Lao Tzu replied in such a way that Confucius became very much disturbed: "This man is dangerous!" When he returned, his disciples asked, "What happened, what manner of man is this Lao Tzu?" Confuc...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,393 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Whatsoever Confucius asked, Lao Tzu replied in such a way that Confucius became very much disturbed: "This man is dangerous!" When he returned, his disciples asked, "What happened, what manner of man is this Lao Tzu?" Confucius said, "Don't go near him. You may have seen dangerous snakes, but nothing can compare with this man. You may have heard about ferocious lions, they are nothing before this man. Thi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,394 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... small. He is dangerous, vast like an abyss. Don't go near him, otherwise you will feel dizzy and you may fall. Even I felt dizzy. And I couldn't understand what he said, he is beyond understanding." Lao Tzu is bound to be beyond understanding if you try to understand him through formality; otherwise he is simple. But for Confucius he is difficult, almost impossible to understand, because he sees through forms an...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,395 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...o Tzu is bound to be beyond understanding if you try to understand him through formality; otherwise he is simple. But for Confucius he is difficult, almost impossible to understand, because he sees through forms and Lao Tzu has no form and no formality. Nameless, without any form, he lives in the infinite. THE GREATEST POLITENESS IS FREE OF ALL FORMALITY. Lao Tzu is sitting, Confucius is w...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,396 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... sees through forms and Lao Tzu has no form and no formality. Nameless, without any form, he lives in the infinite. THE GREATEST POLITENESS IS FREE OF ALL FORMALITY. Lao Tzu is sitting, Confucius is waiting for him to stand up. Who was really polite? Confucius waiting for Lao Tzu to stand up and welcome him and receive him because he is older, is just egotistical. Now the ego has...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,397 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... in the infinite. THE GREATEST POLITENESS IS FREE OF ALL FORMALITY. Lao Tzu is sitting, Confucius is waiting for him to stand up. Who was really polite? Confucius waiting for Lao Tzu to stand up and welcome him and receive him because he is older, is just egotistical. Now the ego has taken the form of age, seniority. But Confucius could not look directly into the eyes of Lao Tzu, beca...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,398 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... waiting for Lao Tzu to stand up and welcome him and receive him because he is older, is just egotistical. Now the ego has taken the form of age, seniority. But Confucius could not look directly into the eyes of Lao Tzu, because Lao Tzu was right. He was saying: We are of the same age. Really, we are the same. The same life flows in you that flows in me. You are not superior to me, I am not superior to you. There is no quest...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,399 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...Tzu to stand up and welcome him and receive him because he is older, is just egotistical. Now the ego has taken the form of age, seniority. But Confucius could not look directly into the eyes of Lao Tzu, because Lao Tzu was right. He was saying: We are of the same age. Really, we are the same. The same life flows in you that flows in me. You are not superior to me, I am not superior to you. There is no question of superiorit...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,400 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...am not superior to you. There is no question of superiority and inferiority, and there is no question of seniority and juniority. There is no question, we are one. If Confucius could have looked into the eyes of Lao Tzu he would have seen that those eyes were divine. But a man whose own eyes are filled with laws, rules, regulations, formalities, is almost blind, he cannot see. PERFECT CONDUCT IS FREE OF CONC...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,401 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ave laughed within, because he knew the total. And he yielded. Only a wise man yields. A foolish man always resists. Foolish people say it is better to die than to bend, better to break than to bend. Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu always say: When there is a strong wind the foolish egoistic trees resist and die, and the wise grass bends. The storm goes by and again the grass stands straight, laughing and enjoying. The gr...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,402 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ecause he thinks life is a riddle and a solution can be found. He works on life with his mind, and he gets more and more serious. The more he misses life, the more he gets serious and dead. Taoists, Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu, say that if you can laugh, if you can feel belly laughter that comes from the very core of your being, that is not just painted on the surface, if you can feel laughter that comes from the dee...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,403 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... CONFUCIUS SENT A DISCIPLE TO HELP THE OTHER TWO CHANT HIS OBSEQUIES. Confucius is the man of manners par excellence. Nobody can transcend him. So he is always the butt of Chuang Tzu and Lao Tzu. They bring Confucius into their stories just to laugh at his foolishness. What was his foolishness? He lived by a system, he lived by a form-ula, by theories and beliefs. He was the perfectly...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,404 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ks according to the rule. He laughs, and he laughs according to the rule. He never moves beyond the boundary, he lives in a constant bondage of his own making. So he is the butt of their laughter, and Chuang Tzu and Lao Tzu very much enjoy bringing him into their stories. THEN ONE FRIEND DIED. CONFUCIUS SENT A DISCIPLE TO HELP THE OTHER TWO CHANT HIS OBSEQUIES. Neither life ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,405 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... work, any duty. This is very difficult because our whole emphasis is on the useful. If somebody asks you what a house consists of, you will say, walls. And Chuang Tzu would say, just like his master Lao Tzu, that a house consists not of walls but of doors and windows. Their emphasis is on the other part. They say that walls are useful, but their use depends on the useless space behind. A room is ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,406 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... I WOULD LIKE TO TALK TO. He is searching. I have seen him here many times wandering around you, just waiting, waiting. If you forget the words he will talk to you. And not only Chuang Tzu -- Krishna, Christ, Lao Tzu, Buddha, they are all in search of you; all the enlightened people are in search of the ignorant. But they cannot talk because they know a language which is of silence, and you know a language which ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,407 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... it to be otherwise; be in a letgo, and allow the whole to function. And when you allow the whole to function and you are not a barrier, a resistance, then you cannot be defeated. In Japan, through Buddha, Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu, a particular art has been developed called ZENDO. Zendo means the Zen of the sword, the art of the warrior -- and nobody knows it like they do. The way they have developed it is supreme. It ta...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,408 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... That is why I insist again and again that Jesus is from the East; that is why he could not be understood in the West. The West has misunderstood him. The East could have understood him because the East knows Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Buddha, and Jesus belongs to them. He says: Those who are last will be the first in my kingdom of God. The humblest, the meekest, will possess the kingdom of God. The poor in spirit is the goal. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,409 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...IDE IN SECRET TAO. HIS NATURE SINKS TO ITS ROOT.... The ego exists in the head, remember, and you carry your head very high. The root is just at the other pole of your being. Chuang Tzu and Lao Tzu used to say: Concentrate on the toe. Close your eyes and move into the toe and remain there. That will give you a balance. The head has given you much imbalance. The toe...? It looks as if they are joking. Th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,410 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...onresistant; yes makes you vulnerable. God is dead or dying because man has not yet grown. There have been millions of Adams and Eves, and only very rarely Christs -- a Buddha here, a Christ there, a Lao Tzu -- only few and far between. The people who have really said yes, they give life to God. By saying no, you give life to yourself. By saying yes, you give life to the total, to the whole; you pour your life in...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,411 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...he goes on saying that "Rajneesh holds the foolish view that through meditation man can'feel the very core of existence'." If this is the foolish view, then Buddha is a fool and so is Krishna and so is Christ, so is Lao Tzu, so is Chuang Tzu, so is Zarathustra, and so is Mohammed, because they all hold the view that through meditation you can come to the very core of existence -- because through meditation you come to your inner...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,412 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...et, and they will never try, because they don't believe in scriptures. They say it is beyond the scriptures; it is a transmission beyond the scriptures. But if they ever write a Bible, or if they are forced to, like Lao Tzu was once forced to write the Tao Te Ching because the king wouldn't allow him to leave the country unless he wrote his experiences.... Lao Tzu wanted to go to the Himalayas, to die there; cer...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,413 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...they ever write a Bible, or if they are forced to, like Lao Tzu was once forced to write the Tao Te Ching because the king wouldn't allow him to leave the country unless he wrote his experiences.... Lao Tzu wanted to go to the Himalayas, to die there; certainly there cannot be any more beautiful a place to die. Those eternal peaks, those snow -- covered virgin peaks, where can you find a better place to disappea...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,414 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ause of variety. Yes, it is good sometimes a Mahavir keeps silent, and it is good sometimes a Meera goes mad, dancing. It is good to have a Christ and a Krishna. It is good to have a Zarathustra and a Mohammed and a Lao Tzu. All are so different and so unique, and yet the message is the same. Those who have eyes to see, they will see the same truth being expressed in millions of forms. And those who have ears to...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,415 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...sm, met with Buddhism. These are two of the greatest flowerings of human consciousness. Never again has humanity reached such a peak as Buddhism, as it reached in Buddha; and never again has it reached anything like Lao Tzu. And just think: Zen is a crossbreeding of Taoism and Buddhism. It is a meeting of Buddha and Lao Tzu. It is a meeting of two of the highest peaks. Naturally Zen goes still higher. Zen goes higher than ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,416 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...s humanity reached such a peak as Buddhism, as it reached in Buddha; and never again has it reached anything like Lao Tzu. And just think: Zen is a crossbreeding of Taoism and Buddhism. It is a meeting of Buddha and Lao Tzu. It is a meeting of two of the highest peaks. Naturally Zen goes still higher. Zen goes higher than Buddhism and higher than Taoism because it contains all that was beautiful in these two cultures, the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,417 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...na is also 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- like Christ; Mahavira, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, all are like Christ... the world would look very sad, boring. Wherever you go, you meet Christ. You will get tired. It is good that once in a while the cross disappears and the flute appears, and...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,418 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...They miss all opportunities. And three are the great opportunities in life. The first is birth. Only once in a while is a man so intelligent that he uses that opportunity -- only very rarely. Maybe a Lao Tzu -- hence the story. It is said Lao Tzu lived in his mother's womb for eighty-two years. Now this is nonsense, but it has some truth in it. It is not factual, but it has some truth in it. And that is the d...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,419 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... And three are the great opportunities in life. The first is birth. Only once in a while is a man so intelligent that he uses that opportunity -- only very rarely. Maybe a Lao Tzu -- hence the story. It is said Lao Tzu lived in his mother's womb for eighty-two years. Now this is nonsense, but it has some truth in it. It is not factual, but it has some truth in it. And that is the difference between the Western way of thinki...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,420 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...les; there is no other way to express truth. Truth can only be expressed through metaphors, through poetry, not through history. It is poetry, pure poetry, and of tremendous power. It means that when Lao Tm was born he was already so mature, so ripe, that he used his first opportunity to wake up. Ordinarily it takes eighty-two years for a person to wake up, and even then, how many people wake up? People wake up a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,421 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ortunity to wake up. Ordinarily it takes eighty-two years for a person to wake up, and even then, how many people wake up? People wake up at the time of death, but how many? -- that too is very rare. Lao Tzu must have been of immense intelligence, must have carried the intelligence from his past lives -- maybe just a little bit was missing, just the last straw on the camel. He used the opportunity. The first oppo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,422 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ished and unpublished Query:- all his comfort and security. He knows he is dying! Hence the birth trauma -- because the birth enters into the child's consciousness as death. He dies and is reborn. Lao Tzu used his first opportunity. And the same is the case with Zarathustra, another beautiful story. It is said that Zarathustra is the only child in the whole history of man who laughed when he was ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,423 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... And the most important thing will be to bring a little more femininity, a more soft heart to human beings -- men and women both. A little more liquidity. You need not be like rocks: please be like water. Lao Tzu says that his path is that of the watercourse way -- liquid, fragile, feminine, non-resisting, flowing, dynamic OTHER WOMEN WHO MANAGED TO GET UP EARLY HAVE ALREADY FOUND AN ELEPHANT OR A ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,424 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...." Remember love. Love is the quintessence of the whole of religion, the very perfume of all the flowers that have bloomed in the name of religion -- Buddha, Krishna, Christ, Mohammed, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, Kabir, Farid, Nanak, Meera -- all the flowers in all the ages that have ever bloomed, they have the same fragrance and that fragrance is love. If you can love, then everything is allowed -- because a lov...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,425 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...g life misery, it rationalizes its own clinging to misery. I have heard a beautiful story -- I don't know how far it is correct, I cannot vouch for it: In paradise, one afternoon, in the most famous cafe, Lao Tzu, Confucius and Buddha are sitting, and talking sweet nothings. The bearer comes and in a tray brings three glasses of the juice called life and offers them. Buddha immediately closes his eyes ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,426 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...aviourist the world has known, very logical. And it looks perfectly right: he says, "First I will have a sip and then I will say." He takes a sip and he says, "Buddha is right -- life is misery." Lao Tzu takes all the three glasses and he says, "Unless one drinks totally how can one say anything?" He drinks all the three glasses and starts dancing! Buddha and Confucius ask him, "Are you not go...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,427 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Unless you taste totally, you cannot say. And when you taste totally, you cannot say because what you know is so much that no word is adequate. Buddha is on one extreme, Confucius is in the middle, Lao Tzu has drunk all the three glasses. The one that was brought for Buddha he has drunk, and the one that was brought for Confucius he has drunk, and the one that was brought for him he has drunk -- he has lived li...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,428 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...uddha he has drunk, and the one that was brought for Confucius he has drunk, and the one that was brought for him he has drunk -- he has lived life in its three-dimensionality. My own approach is that of Lao Tzu. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Gregg Johnson, live life in all ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,429 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- My own experience is this, that all those who have become enlightened in the world -- and Moses is enlightened, and Zarathustra is enlightened, and Lao Tzu is enlightened and Mohammed and Jesus and Krishna, Buddha, Mahavira, Kabir, and many many more -- what they have experienced is the same. But still their personalities are so different, their individuality is...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,430 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... ARE different, they are unique. And I respect their uniqueness. In fact, the world is richer because there is a Koran and there is a Gita and there is a Dhammapada. The world is richer because Zarathustra happened, Lao Tzu happened, Buddha happened; the world is richer because there is Nanak and Kabir and Farid. So many different flowers! The world is a beautiful garden. And the rose is not the lotus, and the lo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,431 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Enjoy life. Act, but act in a relaxed way. The greatest art in life is to learn how to act in a relaxed way. Action is a must -- you cannot live without action -- but action can be almost inaction. That's what Lao Tzu means when he uses the word WU-WEI. That is very fundamental to Lao Tzu and that is very fundamental to me too: I would like you to learn WU-WEI. WU-WEI means action without action -- doing a thing in such a ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,432 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e is to learn how to act in a relaxed way. Action is a must -- you cannot live without action -- but action can be almost inaction. That's what Lao Tzu means when he uses the word WU-WEI. That is very fundamental to Lao Tzu and that is very fundamental to me too: I would like you to learn WU-WEI. WU-WEI means action without action -- doing a thing in such a way that you are not tense in doing it, doing a thing in such a way ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,433 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [..., doing a thing in such a way that you are playful about it, doing a thing in such a way that you are not worried about it, doing it and yet remaining detached, doing it and yet remaining a witness. Lao Tzu seems to be the way out for Jews and Hindus. And this is strange that no tradition arose out of Lao Tzu, no religion. Jews have created three great religions, Hindus have created three great religions -- all ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,434 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...t worried about it, doing it and yet remaining detached, doing it and yet remaining a witness. Lao Tzu seems to be the way out for Jews and Hindus. And this is strange that no tradition arose out of Lao Tzu, no religion. Jews have created three great religions, Hindus have created three great religions -- all the six great religions belong to these two peoples. Lao Tzu remained an individual. Yes, a few people f...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,435 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...And this is strange that no tradition arose out of Lao Tzu, no religion. Jews have created three great religions, Hindus have created three great religions -- all the six great religions belong to these two peoples. Lao Tzu remained an individual. Yes, a few people followed him; down the centuries, a few individuals have moved into the world of Lao Tzu, but only individuals -- no religion came out of it, because the whole Taoist...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,436 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...at religions -- all the six great religions belong to these two peoples. Lao Tzu remained an individual. Yes, a few people followed him; down the centuries, a few individuals have moved into the world of Lao Tzu, but only individuals -- no religion came out of it, because the whole Taoist approach is such that it cannot create fanatics. And unless you can create fanatics, you cannot create a religion. The whole of La...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,437 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Lao Tzu, but only individuals -- no religion came out of it, because the whole Taoist approach is such that it cannot create fanatics. And unless you can create fanatics, you cannot create a religion. The whole of Lao Tzu's philosophy is such that it gives you such balance, such tranquillity, such serenity, that you cannot become a fanatic -- Hindu, Christian, Mohammedan. It is impossible. These things happen only to neurotic ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,438 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...eate another kind of neurosis, and both have created great religions in the world. And I absolutely agree with Sigmund Freud that these so-called religions are nothing but collective obsessions. A Buddha, a Jesus, a Lao Tzu, a Zarathustra, they are not religious people in the sense Christians, Mohammedans and Buddhists are. They are very balanced, they are so whole, they are so tranquil, they cannot become parts of crowds, they ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,439 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Then you are neither Eastern nor Western -- that's what I call the new man. He will not be Eastern, he will not be Western, or he will be both together. It has never happened before: my sannyasin has to prove it. Lao Tzu talked about it and a few people have tried it, but I am making an effort to create such a big space that millions of people can try it. It is such a blessing to know how to act without acting that everybody ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,440 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ing to them -- that means nothing special is happening to them. All that is happening is so superficial that language is adequate to express it. The deeper the happening, the more dumb you will feel. Lao Tzu says: "People can say whatsoever they want to say -- except me. Compared to them I look a little muddle-headed. People are very clear, but I am vague." People are clear because they don't have any experience ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,441 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...oever they want to say -- except me. Compared to them I look a little muddle-headed. People are very clear, but I am vague." People are clear because they don't have any experience of the mysterious. Lao Tzu is joking. Lao Tzu is saying: "You are poor because you can say everything that you know and you are so clear about your life -- how can you be so clear about the mysterious?" The mysterious remains in the mi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,442 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...say -- except me. Compared to them I look a little muddle-headed. People are very clear, but I am vague." People are clear because they don't have any experience of the mysterious. Lao Tzu is joking. Lao Tzu is saying: "You are poor because you can say everything that you know and you are so clear about your life -- how can you be so clear about the mysterious?" The mysterious remains in the mist. One only feels ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,443 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...manity. You never ask, Who was Jesus trying to become? Who was Gautam Buddha trying to become? If you are really understanding, one thing is clear: Gautam Buddha, Mahavira, Jesus Christ, or Moses, or Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu -- they were not trying to become anybody else. That is the basic reason why they could become what was their own potential. If you have to learn something from their lives, this is the most f...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,444 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... somebody was Mohammedan, somebody was Christian. There was not a single person who was freely available to me. Then naturally I started speaking on Jesus, Krishna, Mahavira, Buddha, Sufis, Zen mystics -- Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Milarepa, Marpa.... I covered the whole range, and got hold of many customers from other shops. It was necessary. Now I have got my own customers, and I can say to you the truth. And you are...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,445 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...understand that there is no way to express truth in words? Not a single enlightened person in the whole history has said that truth can be said. So whatever can be said will be a lie. Lao Tzu, one of the greatest masters, never wrote any book. He continuously avoided his disciples persuading him, asking him, "Soon you will be gone; you are too old, and you have not given us anything written that w...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,446 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...er wrote any book. He continuously avoided his disciples persuading him, asking him, "Soon you will be gone; you are too old, and you have not given us anything written that we can remember, understand." And one day Lao Tzu left. Even the emperor of China was a disciple of Lao Tzu. When he heard that Lao Tzu had left towards the Himalayas -- that was his long, long dream, to die in the peace, the eternal peace of the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,447 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ading him, asking him, "Soon you will be gone; you are too old, and you have not given us anything written that we can remember, understand." And one day Lao Tzu left. Even the emperor of China was a disciple of Lao Tzu. When he heard that Lao Tzu had left towards the Himalayas -- that was his long, long dream, to die in the peace, the eternal peace of the Himalayas -- he immediately sent messengers to all checkposts on the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,448 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... you will be gone; you are too old, and you have not given us anything written that we can remember, understand." And one day Lao Tzu left. Even the emperor of China was a disciple of Lao Tzu. When he heard that Lao Tzu had left towards the Himalayas -- that was his long, long dream, to die in the peace, the eternal peace of the Himalayas -- he immediately sent messengers to all checkposts on the roads which lead to the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,449 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Himalayas -- that was his long, long dream, to die in the peace, the eternal peace of the Himalayas -- he immediately sent messengers to all checkposts on the roads which lead to the Himalayas to say that, wherever Lao Tzu is found, he should be prevented from leaving. Unless he writes his experience he cannot leave China. And he was caught at one of the posts on the border. The man on the post also happened to be a ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,450 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...nd, he should be prevented from leaving. Unless he writes his experience he cannot leave China. And he was caught at one of the posts on the border. The man on the post also happened to be a lover of Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu was a man worth loving. He said, "It is difficult for me to prevent you, but these are orders from the emperor. And my own feeling also is that you should write the essential experience of your t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,451 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ould be prevented from leaving. Unless he writes his experience he cannot leave China. And he was caught at one of the posts on the border. The man on the post also happened to be a lover of Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu was a man worth loving. He said, "It is difficult for me to prevent you, but these are orders from the emperor. And my own feeling also is that you should write the essential experience of your truth -- j...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,452 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... experience of your truth -- just a small treatise and you will be allowed to go. So rest in my cottage and start writing, because otherwise you cannot go to the Himalayas." Under such circumstances, Lao Tzu wrote his only book, TAO TE CHING. The first sentence he wrote is, "The truth cannot be said, cannot be written. Please remember it while you are reading this book. "This is a reminder that ev...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,453 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... outside. That's how you have come into the world, that's how everybody else has come into the world. It is good that Gautam Buddha's father was not a monk. Just a few people: Gautam Buddha's father, Lao Tzu's father, Chuang Tzu's father, Moses' father -- if all these people were monks, there would have been no religions, except Christianity... because the poor father of Jesus had nothing to do with Jesus' birth ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,454 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... kinds of crimes; but they believed, they had faith, and they will be saved? You have to answer me." The bishop was in a difficulty. He could not say that men like Socrates, Gautam Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, will go into hell. No intelligent man can say that. Certainly they were not believers; they were very much seekers, searchers. They doubted everything, they were skeptical. Unless they came to so...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,455 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...d to Edmund Burke, "Please forgive me. It is not a question of who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. We have to look at the whole question from a different angle. Wherever people like Socrates, Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tzu are, they create heaven. And wherever dull, retarded, idiotic saints are, they create hell. So it is not a question of you going to hell, it is a question of what you can create. You bring your heaven and hel...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,456 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... the way, how you have arrived, how you have been able to experience it. It is a taste on the tongue -- very sweet. I am reminded of a story.... In a cafeteria in paradise, Gautam Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tzu are all sitting around a table talking about great things of life. A naked, beautiful woman comes with a jar in her hands, and she says, "This jar contains the very juice of life. Would any of you like to tas...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,457 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...temptation is so great -- he looks at her. And the woman says, "Perhaps you would like...?" He says, "First I will have just a sip to taste what it is." He takes a sip and says, "It is bitter!" Lao Tzu is sitting with wide open eyes, enjoying the beauty of the woman. He takes the whole jar, and drinks it completely. The woman says, "What are you doing?" He says, "Keep quiet! I never do anyt...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,458 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...t about it? All the enlightened persons had to rebel against the organized religions; only then could they become enlightened. It seems organized religions are the greatest barrier to enlightenment. Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Gautam Buddha, Bodhidharma, Baal Shem Tov -- all these people had to go out of the organized religion for the simple reason that the organized religions exist for the mob, and the mob has no desi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,459 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...s sixty thousand times bigger than the earth. And this sun is a very mediocre one; there are very big suns that you see as stars. There are millions of solar systems, but no solar system can claim a Gautam Buddha, a Lao Tzu, a Bodhidharma, a Kabir. This earth has done something immensely great, it has made the whole universe rich. It cannot be destroyed. War should be stopped -- and it is within our hands to do so. Don't be ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,460 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...reedom, to total newness, freshness, a new birth. Because of this phenomenon all religions have failed, because they were trying just to imitate somebody's enlightenment. The Taoists are still trying to imitate Lao Tzu -- after twenty-five centuries doing the same things, eating the same things, living the same way, thinking that they will become Lao Tzu. But in twenty-five centuries not a single man has been able to attain...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,461 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...mitate somebody's enlightenment. The Taoists are still trying to imitate Lao Tzu -- after twenty-five centuries doing the same things, eating the same things, living the same way, thinking that they will become Lao Tzu. But in twenty-five centuries not a single man has been able to attain the goal. Jainas are doing it, Buddhists are doing it, all religions are doing a single thing: they have seen somebody w...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,462 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #1 Chapter title: Who says humanity needs saving? 28 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502285 ShortTitle: DARK01 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 116 mins BELOVED OSHO, HOW CAN WE SAVE...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,463 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #2 Chapter title: Innocence: the price you pay for the failure of success 1 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503015 ShortTitle: DARK02 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 129 mins BELOVED OSHO, HOW DID...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,464 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #3 Chapter title: Help your child -- protect him from yourself! 2 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503025 ShortTitle: DARK03 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 143 mins BELOVED OSHO, WHAT IS T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,465 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #4 Chapter title: The death penalty: not punishment but revenge 3 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503035 ShortTitle: DARK04 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 136 mins BELOVED OSHO, WOULD YOU...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,466 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #5 Chapter title: Successful criminals and cowardly politicians 4 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503045 ShortTitle: DARK05 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 124 mins BELOVED OSHO, HOW COME ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,467 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #6 Chapter title: Every child's original face is the face of god 5 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503055 ShortTitle: DARK06 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 129 mins 10/28/07 Copy...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,468 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #7 Chapter title: Time is very short but my methods are very quick 6 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503065 ShortTitle: DARK07 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 110 mins BELOVED OSHO, HOW DO YO...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,469 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #8 Chapter title: Agony is missing yourself, ecstasy is finding yourself 7 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503075 ShortTitle: DARK08 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 104 mins BELOVED OSHO, WHAT IS A...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,470 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #9 Chapter title: Your suffering makes you special 8 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Archive code: 8503085 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,471 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #10 Chapter title: Not spiritual guidance but spiritual presence 9 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503095 ShortTitle: DARK10 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 108 mins BELOVED OSHO, IS NOT SP...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,472 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #11 Chapter title: Science and religion -- two petals of the same rose 11 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503115 ShortTitle: DARK11 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 127 mins BELOVED OSHO, ISN'T A S...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,473 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #12 Chapter title: A single humanity rejoicing 12 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503125 ShortTitle: DARK12 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 123 mins BELOVED OSHO, THE EUROP...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,474 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #13 Chapter title: Truth is found in your own boutique 13 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503135 ShortTitle: DARK13 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 109 mins BELOVED OSHO, WHY SHOUL...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,475 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #14 Chapter title: The best government is no government 14 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503145 ShortTitle: DARK14 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 119 mins BELOVED OSHO, WHAT IS T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,476 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Chapter title: The sweet taste of corruption 15 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503155 ShortTitle: DARK15 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 105 mins BELOVED OSHO, THE OTHER...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,477 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #16 Chapter title: Till you live life totally 16 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503165 ShortTitle: DARK16 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 104 mins BELOVED OSHO, WHAT IS T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,478 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #17 Chapter title: Love is a very unscientific idea 17 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503175 ShortTitle: DARK17 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 117 mins BELOVED OSHO, I HAVE HE...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,479 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #18 Chapter title: Meditation: the door from slavery to freedom 18 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503185 ShortTitle: DARK18 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 93 mins 10/28/07 Copy...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,480 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #19 Chapter title: Where nothing is right and nothing is wrong 19 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503195 ShortTitle: DARK19 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 101 mins BELOVED OSHO, YOU HAVE ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,481 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #20 Chapter title: Don't drop -- transform! 20 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503205 ShortTitle: DARK20 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 96 mins BELOVED OSHO, WHY DO I C...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,482 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #21 Chapter title: I am a man who hopes against hope 22 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503225 ShortTitle: DARK21 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 89 mins BELOVED OSHO, I HAVE HEA...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,483 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #22 Chapter title: Truth is here but you are not 23 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503235 ShortTitle: DARK22 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 108 mins BELOVED OSHO, WHAT IS T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,484 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #23 Chapter title: Our way is of humour our way is of bliss 24 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503245 ShortTitle: DARK23 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 107 mins BELOVED OSHO, IF PEOPLE...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,485 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #24 Chapter title: The third alternative: the whole man 25 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503255 ShortTitle: DARK24 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 87 mins BELOVED OSHO, I HAVE HEA...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,486 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #25 Chapter title: The bell always tolls for somebody else 26 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503265 ShortTitle: DARK25 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 120 mins BELOVED OSHO, I KNOW IT...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,487 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #26 Chapter title: The enlightened and the endarkened 27 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503275 ShortTitle: DARK26 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 122 mins BELOVED OSHO, HISTORY S...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,488 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...-- not more than that -- but it seems that even in three years he became utterly tired. Impatient people become really tired very soon. Buddha was teaching for forty-two years; Mahavira was teaching for forty years; Lao Tzu was teaching for sixty years -- but not a single statement of impatience. Even in the time after teaching for sixty years, Lao Tzu is not impatient. In these centuries, which are crystal-clea...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,489 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...oon. Buddha was teaching for forty-two years; Mahavira was teaching for forty years; Lao Tzu was teaching for sixty years -- but not a single statement of impatience. Even in the time after teaching for sixty years, Lao Tzu is not impatient. In these centuries, which are crystal-clear before me .... I don't have any suicidal instinct because to me the suicidal instinct means that something in you has still remai...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,490 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Chapter title: This time it can be one earth 28 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503285 ShortTitle: DARK27 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 137 mins BELOVED OSHO, WHY HAS I...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,491 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #28 Chapter title: Either politicians remain or humanity remains 29 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503295 ShortTitle: DARK28 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 115 mins 10/28/07 Cop...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,492 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #29 Chapter title: History repeats itself, unfortunately 30 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503305 ShortTitle: DARK29 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 127 mins BELOVED OSHO, AMERICA H...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,493 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...n and on. But that needs intelligence; to break out of this law of mediocrity you need intelligence to understand how it has been happening up to now. The East was very rich. Then its Gautam Buddhas, Lao Tzus, Mahaviras, they condemned riches; it became poor, it became dependent on other people. Now it has reached the very depths of poverty. Talking in India about meditation I have felt as if I am committing ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,494 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Darkness to Light Chapter #30 Chapter title: Does a flower need religion? 31 March 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8503315 ShortTitle: DARK30 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 105 mins 10/28/07 Cop...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,495 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... universe. Life certainly -- perhaps there are trees, perhaps some kind of animals, but there is no indication that consciousness exists. And certainly there is no indication that people like Gautam Buddha, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Bodhidharma exist -- people who have attained to their self, who have realized their truth. Without consciousness this is not possible. This earth is the richest in the whole universe, and t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,496 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... choose from one hundred and twelve methods. This is for the first time that anybody is making one hundred and twelve methods available to his disciples. Buddha had one method, Mahavira had one method, Lao Tzu had one method, Patanjali had one method. I am not a man who is linear; I am multi-dimensional. Those single methods were enough for self-realization, but if you move through different 1...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,497 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...rba so that you can become the Buddha." I am telling you, "Live the Zorba so completely that the Buddha has to follow." I have heard a beautiful story. In a restaurant in paradise Gautam Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tzu -- they were all contemporaries -- were just sitting and chitchatting. What else can you do in heaven? Everybody is wise; you cannot teach. You can only chitchat -- small gossip, small talk. And as they ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,498 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ife; and he was teaching his disciples to renounce life, and he has renounced life himself. A great stir in him -- perhaps it is worth tasting? But to go against his own philosophy, and that too before Confucius and Lao Tzu. No, it was against his ego. He is the suprememost Buddha and he cannot fall just because of a naked woman with a flask containing the juice of life. Confucius was a very practical man. He lo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,499 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... poisoned millions of people, convinced them not to live. The bitterness is not in the juice, it is in the tongue of Confucius. His tongue has become bitter through all that condemnation, hatred.... Lao Tzu was a totally different man. He stood up, touched the woman, went through her geography, said, "Really groovy! Now give me the flask" -- and he drank the whole flask. And he said to Confucius, "To know t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,500 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... the juice of life is also gone. I have drunk it completely." Now this is the man I want to be. Whatever is available to you, live totally. You may not get a woman of such proportions as Lao Tzu got. It does not matter, just put the light off -- and then drink as much as you can. But dying, you should be grateful to the life which gave you so many opportunities. And you can be gratef...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,501 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...inuity with my thirty years' work in the past. I had spoken on Jesus, but only on chosen parts which I could appreciate. I have spoken on Krishna, but given my own interpretations. I have spoken on Buddha, Mahavira, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, but I was using their statements for my message. They all must be freaking out, wherever they are. This break has had tremendous significance. Now I am speaking exactly the truth. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,502 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #1 Chapter title: Pseudo-religion: the stick-on soul 29 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411295 ShortTitle: IGNOR01 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 106 mins OSHO, WHY IS HUMANITY ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,503 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #2 Chapter title: The other cheek: the masochist's slap-up feast 30 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411305 ShortTitle: IGNOR02 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 104 mins OSHO, WHAT DO YOU THIN...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,504 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #3 Chapter title: The nuclear family -- the imminent meltdown 1 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412015 ShortTitle: IGNOR03 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 111 mins OSHO, SENATOR BOB SMIT...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,505 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #4 Chapter title: Danger: truth at work 2 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412025 ShortTitle: IGNOR04 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 102 mins OSHO, WHY ARE THE COMM...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,506 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #5 Chapter title: Ecstasy is now -- why wait? 3 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412035 ShortTitle: IGNOR05 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 106 mins OSHO, WHAT IS RENUNCIA...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,507 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #6 Chapter title: Renunciation: mortgage today for a tomorrow that never comes 4 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412045 ShortTitle: IGNOR06 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 107 mins OSHO, IS THERE REALLY ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,508 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #7 Chapter title: Shame is the name of their game 5 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412055 ShortTitle: IGNOR07 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 103 mins OSHO, WHY HAVE ALL THE...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,509 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #8 Chapter title: God is not a solution but a problem 6 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412065 ShortTitle: IGNOR08 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 92 mins OSHO, DO YOU REALLY BEL...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,510 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #9 Chapter title: I teach a religionless religion 7 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412075 ShortTitle: IGNOR09 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 104 mins OSHO, I WAS SHOCKED TO...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,511 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #10 Chapter title: God -- the nobody everybody knows 8 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412085 ShortTitle: IGNOR10 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 126 mins OSHO, GOD DID NOT CREA...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,512 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #11 Chapter title: Truth: not a dogma but a dance 9 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412095 ShortTitle: IGNOR11 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 113 mins OSHO, 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,513 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #12 Chapter title: Faith: the suicide of intelligence 10 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412105 ShortTitle: IGNOR12 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 104 mins OSHO, WHAT IS THE GREA...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,514 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ppening. It is time that we got rid of all this nonsense which the past has left over our heads. If you can become Adam and Eve again -- no Moses, no Mahavira, no Mohammed, no Jesus, no Confucius, no Lao Tzu.... If you are Adam and Eve, just born, just getting out of the garden of Eden -- nobody to ask what to do, nobody to ask what discipline is right, no priest, no rabbi, no pope is available -- what are you go...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,515 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #13 Chapter title: Ecstasy is knowing that nobody is holding your hand 11 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412115 ShortTitle: IGNOR13 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 103 mins OSHO, WHAT IS MORE I...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,516 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #14 Chapter title: Society crowds you out; religon outs your crowd 13 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412135 ShortTitle: IGNOR14 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 111 mins OSHO, WHY, IN THE FIRS...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,517 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #15 Chapter title: They say believe; I say explore 14 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412145 ShortTitle: IGNOR15 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 134 mins OSHO, IS IT POSSIBLE F...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,518 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #16 Chapter title: Let's not face it -- you're absolutely alone 15 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412155 ShortTitle: IGNOR16 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 121 mins OSHO, IS THE HYPOTHE...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,519 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #17 Chapter title: Jesus, the only forgotten son of god 16 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412165 ShortTitle: IGNOR17 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 127 mins OSHO, YOU SAY GOD IS N...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,520 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #18 Chapter title: One god, one messenger, one book -- one big lie 17 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412175 ShortTitle: IGNOR18 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 103 mins OSHO, WHAT IS THE DIFF...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,521 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... being into their being, the people were avoiding him. But once he was dead, the priests were not going to miss the opportunity. The priests immediately gather around the dead body of a Buddha, of a Jesus, of a Lao Tzu, and they immediately make the catechism. They start making a church on the dead body. If Jesus comes back, the pope will be the first person to ask for his crucifixion again, because ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,522 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #19 Chapter title: Religion is rebellion 18 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412185 ShortTitle: IGNOR19 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 124 mins OSHO, IS IT NOT POSSIB...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,523 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #20 Chapter title: Surrender: the ego upside down 19 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412195 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,524 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #21 Chapter title: Personality: the carbon cop-out 20 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412205 ShortTitle: IGNOR21 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 102 mins OSHO, WHY WERE YOU SO ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,525 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #22 Chapter title: The commune: the distillation of rebellious spirits 21 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412215 ShortTitle: IGNOR22 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 118 mins OSHO, YOU HAVE BEEN SP...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,526 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #23 Chapter title: Conscience: a coffin for consciousness 22 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412225 ShortTitle: IGNOR23 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 130 mins OSHO, IS THERE ANY POI...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,527 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #24 Chapter title: Imitation is your cremation 23 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412235 ShortTitle: IGNOR24 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 125 mins OSHO, YOU HAVE BEEN SA...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,528 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... ago. But in the East, in India, psychology goes as far back as Patanjali -- five thousand years. And Patanjali cannot be said to be the source because he quotes more ancient sources. In China it goes as far back as Lao Tzu. But Lao Tzu quotes at least five-thousand-year-old sources: five thousand years before Lao Tzu, who is twenty-five centuries before us. Eastern psychology says that when the mother is pregnan...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,529 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...the East, in India, psychology goes as far back as Patanjali -- five thousand years. And Patanjali cannot be said to be the source because he quotes more ancient sources. In China it goes as far back as Lao Tzu. But Lao Tzu quotes at least five-thousand-year-old sources: five thousand years before Lao Tzu, who is twenty-five centuries before us. Eastern psychology says that when the mother is pregnant, those nine...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,530 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [.... And Patanjali cannot be said to be the source because he quotes more ancient sources. In China it goes as far back as Lao Tzu. But Lao Tzu quotes at least five-thousand-year-old sources: five thousand years before Lao Tzu, who is twenty-five centuries before us. Eastern psychology says that when the mother is pregnant, those nine months are the most important period in the life of the child who is not born yet....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,531 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...'s books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Chapter #25 Chapter title: Jesus -- the only savior who nearly saved himself 24 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412245 ShortTitle: IGNOR25 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 140 mins OSHO, YESTERDAY AFTER ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,532 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #26 Chapter title: Meditation: watchfulness, awareness, alertness -- the real trinity 25 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412255 ShortTitle: IGNOR26 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 147 mins OSHO, HOW DOES ONE EXP...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,533 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #27 Chapter title: Baptism: wading for godot 26 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412265 ShortTitle: IGNOR27 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 117 mins 10/28/07 Cop...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,534 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #28 Chapter title: Science plus religion -- the dynamic formula for the future 27 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412275 ShortTitle: IGNOR28 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 113 mins OSHO, IT SEEMS THAT AL...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,535 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #29 Chapter title: Positive thinking: philosophy for phonies 28 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412285 ShortTitle: IGNOR29 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 153 mins OSHO, I AM A FIRM BELI...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,536 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...have acted in evil ways, and this is the outcome of that. The crucifixion of Jesus does not prove to the Hindu or the Jaina or the Buddhist that he is a messiah. But to the Christian, Mahavira, Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tzu -- nobody seems to be comparable to Jesus. In fact to a Christian mind they all look very selfish: they are just working for their own redemption while Jesus is working for the redemption of the whole of huma...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,537 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Ignorance to Innocence Chapter #30 Chapter title: Surrender: the ego upside down 29 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412295 ShortTitle: IGNOR30 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 116 mins OSHO, WHAT IS THE PLAC...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,538 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #1 Chapter title: Your birthright: to take flight 29 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501295 ShortTitle: MISERY01 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 155 mins OSHO, SEEING AND HEAR...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,539 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ants you immediately, and he also says,'Bring a mala and the sannyas form.' I don't know what has happened to him." He had been sitting for three hours; he was staying in the room where afterwards Laxmi stayed -- in Lao Tzu house in Poona, the same room. He had just come for a few days, so Laxmi had moved out and he was staying there. I went into the room. He said, "Now the time has come: give me sannyas. After t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,540 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #2 Chapter title: Meditation -- jumping board to your being 30 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501305 ShortTitle: MISERY02 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 117 mins OSHO, 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,541 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #3 Chapter title: Initiation: when one and one add up to none 31 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501315 ShortTitle: MISERY03 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 130 mins OSHO, WHAT IS INITIAT...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,542 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #4 Chapter title: Above all, the truth of man -- beyond that, nothing 1 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502015 ShortTitle: MISERY04 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 136 mins OSHO, WHAT IS INTUITI...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,543 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #5 Chapter title: Sex to ecstasy 2 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502025 ShortTitle: MISERY05 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 146 mins 10/28/07 C...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,544 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...g, only on the second level. As you reach the third level... these things will help you to move to the third. Then things are beyond description. It is on the third level, the highest level -- intuition -- where Lao Tzu feels nothing can be said. Only up to the second can something be said, because intellect is still functioning. On the third, you have gone beyond intellect. Now things cannot be said, but can only be showed....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,545 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #6 Chapter title: From pseudo-faith to your original face 3 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502035 ShortTitle: MISERY06 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 121 mins OSHO, 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,546 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #7 Chapter title: Politics brings out the beast in you 4 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502045 ShortTitle: MISERY07 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 150 mins OSHO, WOULD YOU LIKE ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,547 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...t is true, what is the meaning of life. Why are we here? At the time of Gautam Buddha, perhaps around the whole world, the second level of consciousness came to its highest peak. In China, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Mencius, Chuang Tzu, Lieh 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Tzu -- thes...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,548 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...shed and unpublished Query:- Only on the third level, when intuition starts functioning, is there no fight at all. Buddha never went to anybody to conquer them, Mahavira never went to anybody to conquer them, Lao Tzu never went to anybody to conquer them. People came; whosoever was thirsty came to them. They were not even interested in those who came to challenge them for an intellectual discussion. Many c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,549 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #8 Chapter title: From idiotocracy to meritocracy 5 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502055 ShortTitle: MISERY08 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 147 mins OSHO, HOW CAN THE IDE...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,550 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...u can graduate in two years, you can graduate in three years, four years. But four years is too much. Any imbecile, if he just sits for one hour every day doing nothing for four years is bound to find what Buddha or Lao Tzu have found, what I have found. It is not a question of intelligence, talent, genius. It is only a question of patience. So from the university meditation institute you get a degree, a bach...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,551 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #9 Chapter title: Courage is a love affair with the unknown 6 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502065 ShortTitle: MISERY09 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 155 mins OSHO, YOU WERE MORE A...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,552 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...pyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Chapter title: Drop god, drop guilt -- become religious 7 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502075 ShortTitle: MISERY10 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 101 mins OSHO, WHAT IS THE DIF...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,553 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #11 Chapter title: Consciousness: the only criterion of virtue 8 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502085 ShortTitle: MISERY11 Audio: Yes Video: Yes 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundati...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,554 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #12 Chapter title: God: an idea whose time has come -- and gone 9 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502095 ShortTitle: MISERY12 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 111 mins OSHO, ARE YOU AGAIN...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,555 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #13 Chapter title: Real love is real wild! 10 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502105 ShortTitle: MISERY13 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 104 mins OSHO, YOU SAY THAT LO...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,556 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #14 Chapter title: Don't walk on water -- jump into consciousness 11 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502115 ShortTitle: MISERY14 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 104 mins OSHO, DO MIRACLES REA...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,557 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #15 Chapter title: From oy-veh to ole 12 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502125 ShortTitle: MISERY15 Audio: Yes 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,558 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... I am reminded of a beautiful story; it is so beautiful that one wants.... It would have been good if it was true too; but it is very close to truth. In paradise, in a restaurant, Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tzu, all four are sitting gospeling. And then an apsara, a beautiful dance girl, comes dancing with a flask in her hands -- it is full of wine -- looks at them and says, "You are talking about life, and listening...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,559 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... a practical man. I cannot say anything without tasting -- give me a little taste of the juice you call life." He tasted it a little, gave the cup back and said, "No, it is bitter. Those two fellows are right." Lao Tzu said, "Unless you drink the whole of it you cannot pass any judgment, because there are things which are bitter in the beginning and sweet in the end. And moreover, one has to learn tasting too. Just taking o...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,560 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...matism is this, that just by tasting a little bit you make a judgment about the whole? By knowing the part you don't know the whole. Yes, by knowing the whole you know the part, but not vice versa." Lao Tzu took the whole flask -- he was not a man to drink from a cup -- drank the whole flask, emptied the flask, thanked the lady, and told all those great friends of his, "You are all idiots! It is tremendously bea...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,561 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...nds of his, "You are all idiots! It is tremendously beautiful, delicious, but one has to experience it in its totality. Less than that won't do." This is the whole approach of the pagan. Lao Tzu is a pagan. That's why in his writings you will not find God mentioned, or heaven and hell talked about. He is solely concerned with here and now. He lived that way. Once Confucius had asked him, "People...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,562 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... ask me about death but I don't know anything about death. Perhaps -- you are older and wiser, and you love to move into dangerous spaces of consciousness -- perhaps you have some idea about death." Lao Tzu said, "Without dying, there is no way to know death. Commit suicide; go and jump from the hill and you will know what death is. The only way to know is to live it. Asking about death, trying to find an answer...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,563 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...hem cannot say that they were bad people. It is difficult to find better people than those -- but they were without faith. What about these people? And there have been many like that: Mahavira, Epicurus, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu -- what will happen to these people? "And we know there are, in your congregation, all kinds of sinners. In fact you even go to the 10/28/07 Copyright Osho ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,564 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #16 Chapter title: The Master: a gesture to the light within 13 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502135 ShortTitle: MISERY16 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 80 mins OSHO, I HEARD ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,565 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #17 Chapter title: Religion begins where ideas end 14 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502145 ShortTitle: MISERY17 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 99 mins OSHO, WHY ARE YOU DE...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,566 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #18 Chapter title: In the silences, the semi-colons and the full stops... 15 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Archive code: 8502155 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,567 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #19 Chapter title: Man: the greatest problem -- and the only solution 16 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502165 ShortTitle: MISERY19 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 111 mins OSHO, WHAT IS THE GRE...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,568 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #20 Chapter title: The pagan: chrysalis of consciousness 17 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502175 ShortTitle: MISERY20 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 128 mins OSHO, WERE PAGANS REL...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,569 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #21 Chapter title: My message -- a matter of life and death 18 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502185 ShortTitle: MISERY21 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 122 mins OSHO, WHY ARE PEOPLE ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,570 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #22 Chapter title: Exactly how do you do it! 19 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502195 ShortTitle: MISERY22 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 112 mins OSHO, EXACTLY HOW DO ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,571 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #23 Chapter title: You'll never find a lion in the lion's club 20 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502205 ShortTitle: MISERY23 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 126 mins OSHO, WHY ARE PEOPLE ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,572 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #24 Chapter title: The key to unawareness: keep thinking 21 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502215 ShortTitle: MISERY24 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 124 mins OSHO, I WAS SHOCKED T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,573 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #25 Chapter title: Religions, like diseases, are many: truth, like health, is one 22 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502225 ShortTitle: MISERY25 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 146 mins OSHO, WHAT IS RELIGIO...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,574 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #26 Chapter title: Innocence -- the natural outlaw 23 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502235 ShortTitle: MISERY26 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 119 mins OSHO, WHAT IS CORRUPT...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,575 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #27 Chapter title: One ma, one swami -- and we can start the whole game again 24 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502245 ShortTitle: MISERY27 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 116 mins OSHO, IS THE WORLD GO...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,576 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #28 Chapter title: AIDS: disease of the existential orphan 25 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502255 ShortTitle: MISERY28 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 123 mins OSHO, WOULD YOU PLEAS...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,577 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #29 Chapter title: Rebel or robot? 26 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502265 ShortTitle: MISERY29 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 117 mins OSHO, YOU SAY THE RAJ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,578 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Misery to Enlightenment Chapter #30 Chapter title: Rebellion: hallmark of the new man 27 February 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8502275 ShortTitle: MISERY30 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 106 mins OSHO, YOU HAVE BEEN P...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,579 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #1 Chapter title: Man is born with a question mark in his heart 30 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412305 ShortTitle: PERSON01 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 140 mins OSHO, WHAT PLACE HAS ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,580 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...sts, "If you know, then give me the answer," and you are a true, honest man, you will say, "I have a sense of knowing but I also have another sense that it cannot be reduced to knowledge." That's why Lao Tzu refused to write anything his whole life... for the simple reason that the moment you write it, it is something else. But this can be detected only by one who has some acquaintance with mystery. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,581 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... moment you write it, it is something else. But this can be detected only by one who has some acquaintance with mystery. It is not a question of scholarship: a scholar cannot detect anything wrong in Lao Tzu. Confucius was a great scholar in Lao Tzu's time, his contemporary. The world knows Confucius more than Lao Tzu, naturally: he was a great scholar, a well-known wiseman. Great emperors used to visit him for ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,582 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [.... But this can be detected only by one who has some acquaintance with mystery. It is not a question of scholarship: a scholar cannot detect anything wrong in Lao Tzu. Confucius was a great scholar in Lao Tzu's time, his contemporary. The world knows Confucius more than Lao Tzu, naturally: he was a great scholar, a well-known wiseman. Great emperors used to visit him for advice. The emperor of China, who must have...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,583 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ntance with mystery. It is not a question of scholarship: a scholar cannot detect anything wrong in Lao Tzu. Confucius was a great scholar in Lao Tzu's time, his contemporary. The world knows Confucius more than Lao Tzu, naturally: he was a great scholar, a well-known wiseman. Great emperors used to visit him for advice. The emperor of China, who must have been the greatest emperor of those days -- because China ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,584 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... those days -- because China has always been a continent unto itself -- appointed Confucius to be his prime minister, so that he was always available to him for advice. But when Confucius went to see Lao Tzu, do you know what happened? He came back with almost a nervous breakdown. Lao Tzu was known at least to those people who were in search. And when the disciples of Confucius came to know that he was going to L...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,585 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...Confucius to be his prime minister, so that he was always available to him for advice. But when Confucius went to see Lao Tzu, do you know what happened? He came back with almost a nervous breakdown. Lao Tzu was known at least to those people who were in search. And when the disciples of Confucius came to know that he was going to Lao Tzu they waited outside -- Lao Tzu was living in a mountain cave. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,586 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Lao Tzu, do you know what happened? He came back with almost a nervous breakdown. Lao Tzu was known at least to those people who were in search. And when the disciples of Confucius came to know that he was going to Lao Tzu they waited outside -- Lao Tzu was living in a mountain cave. Confucius did not want anybody else to accompany him because he knew that that man was strange, unpredictable. How he may behave, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,587 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e back with almost a nervous breakdown. Lao Tzu was known at least to those people who were in search. And when the disciples of Confucius came to know that he was going to Lao Tzu they waited outside -- Lao Tzu was living in a mountain cave. Confucius did not want anybody else to accompany him because he knew that that man was strange, unpredictable. How he may behave, what he will do, what he will say, nobody k...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,588 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e was trembling. The disciples said, what happened?" He said, "Just take me home. I am not myself That man is a dragon, never go to that man." What had happened there inside the cave? Lao Tzu's disciples were there, that's why we know what happened, otherwise a great meeting would have been missed. Lao Tzu's disciples were also very shocked even his disciples, because Confucius was older than Lao ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,589 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ot myself That man is a dragon, never go to that man." What had happened there inside the cave? Lao Tzu's disciples were there, that's why we know what happened, otherwise a great meeting would have been missed. Lao Tzu's disciples were also very shocked even his disciples, because Confucius was older than Lao Tzu, far more well-known, respected. Who knew Lao Tzu? -- very few people. And the way Lao Tzu behav...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,590 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ve? Lao Tzu's disciples were there, that's why we know what happened, otherwise a great meeting would have been missed. Lao Tzu's disciples were also very shocked even his disciples, because Confucius was older than Lao Tzu, far more well-known, respected. Who knew Lao Tzu? -- very few people. And the way Lao Tzu behaved with Confucius was simply outrageous. But not for Lao Tzu. He was a simple man, neither arrog...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,591 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... what happened, otherwise a great meeting would have been missed. Lao Tzu's disciples were also very shocked even his disciples, because Confucius was older than Lao Tzu, far more well-known, respected. Who knew Lao Tzu? -- very few people. And the way Lao Tzu behaved with Confucius was simply outrageous. But not for Lao Tzu. He was a simple man, neither arrogant nor humble, just a pure human being. And if it hit hard --...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,592 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...been missed. Lao Tzu's disciples were also very shocked even his disciples, because Confucius was older than Lao Tzu, far more well-known, respected. Who knew Lao Tzu? -- very few people. And the way Lao Tzu behaved with Confucius was simply outrageous. But not for Lao Tzu. He was a simple man, neither arrogant nor humble, just a pure human being. And if it hit hard -- his purity, his innocence, and his ordinarin...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,593 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...d even his disciples, because Confucius was older than Lao Tzu, far more well-known, respected. Who knew Lao Tzu? -- very few people. And the way Lao Tzu behaved with Confucius was simply outrageous. But not for Lao Tzu. He was a simple man, neither arrogant nor humble, just a pure human being. And if it hit hard -- his purity, his innocence, and his ordinariness -- if it hit hard on Confucius, what could he do? 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,594 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...fore the mirror forget everything else. It is very difficult to take a woman away from the mirror. She goes on looking in the mirror. It must be something in the mirror, otherwise people are just homely. Lao Tzu's disciples said, "What did you do?" He said, "I have not done anything, I simply reflected; it was my response. That idiot thinks he knows, and he is only a scholar. Now what can I do if I made it clear ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,595 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...sponse. That idiot thinks he knows, and he is only a scholar. Now what can I do if I made it clear to him that all scholarship is rubbish, and told him,'You don't know anything at all'?" And when you face a man like Lao Tzu you cannot be dishonest either, at least in front of him. Confucius remained just like a statue, frozen, because what Lao Tzu was saying was right. Scholarship is not knowing. You are quoting ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,596 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...rubbish, and told him,'You don't know anything at all'?" And when you face a man like Lao Tzu you cannot be dishonest either, at least in front of him. Confucius remained just like a statue, frozen, because what Lao Tzu was saying was right. Scholarship is not knowing. You are quoting others, have you anything to say on your own?" And Confucius had nothing to say on his own. He was a great scholar he could have quoted all th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,597 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e was a great scholar he could have quoted all the old ancient scriptures but on his own? He had never thought about it, that anybody was going to ask, Have you something to say of your own? And when Lao Tzu looked at him Confucius knew that that man could not be deceived. Confucius asked him about something. Lao Tzu said, "No, I don't know anything." Then Confucius asked, "What happens after death?" ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,598 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...about it, that anybody was going to ask, Have you something to say of your own? And when Lao Tzu looked at him Confucius knew that that man could not be deceived. Confucius asked him about something. Lao Tzu said, "No, I don't know anything." Then Confucius asked, "What happens after death?" And Lao Tzu was just like a flare, became aflame, and he said, "Again! Are you going to drop your stupidity...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,599 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...looked at him Confucius knew that that man could not be deceived. Confucius asked him about something. Lao Tzu said, "No, I don't know anything." Then Confucius asked, "What happens after death?" And Lao Tzu was just like a flare, became aflame, and he said, "Again! Are you going to drop your stupidity or not? You are alive -- can you say what life is? You are alive -- can you reduce your experience of life into ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,600 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...makes them capable of tasting death too. And because they know life, they can know death. If living, you miss life; dying, you are going to miss death. "And you are wasting your time; just go out and live!" said Lao Tzu to Confucius. "And one day you will be dead. Don't be worried: I have never heard of anybody living for ever, so one day you will be dead. Death takes no exceptions -- that you are a great scholar or a prime ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,601 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...othing else is predictable but that much can be predicted easily -- that you will die. And in your grave, silently, meditate on what death is." Confucius was trembling. The king also asked him, "You have been to Lao Tzu -- what happened?" Confucius said, "All that I was afraid of happened. He made me look so idiotic that even after forty-eight hours I am still trembling. I am still afraid of that man's face -...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,602 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #2 Chapter title: To define is to confine -- existence has no boundaries 31 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8412315 ShortTitle: PERSON02 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 132 mins OSHO, WHY DO I FEEL T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,603 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #3 Chapter title: Beware! I am here to destroy your dreams 1 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501015 ShortTitle: PERSON03 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 140 mins OSHO, I HAVE HEARD YO...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,604 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...s all made in pure marble, and he made the statues of all the religious people, forgetting completely that you cannot make the statue of Mohammed. He thought he was doing a great work. He made Buddha, Mahavira, Lao Tzu, Jesus, Moses, Zarathustra. About them there was no problem. Even if no actual photograph exists, some kind of description is available. It just needed a creative artist, imaginative enough to figure it out. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,605 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #4 Chapter title: Jealousy: society's device to divide and rule 2 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501025 ShortTitle: PERSON04 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,606 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #5 Chapter title: Sannyas: the odyssey of aloneness -- a journey to the center of your being 3 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501035 ShortTitle: PERSON05 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 147 mins OSHO, OUR COMMUNE IS ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,607 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #6 Chapter title: Anxiety: Who are you? Anguish: Who am I? 4 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501045 ShortTitle: PERSON06 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 127 mins OSHO, WHAT IS ANGUISH...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,608 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #7 Chapter title: Conditioning: socially-sanctioned child abuse 5 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501055 ShortTitle: PERSON07 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 128 mins OSHO, IS J. KRISHNAMU...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,609 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #8 Chapter title: Rajneeshism: womb for transformation 6 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501065 ShortTitle: PERSON08 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 129 mins 10/28/07 C...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,610 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #9 Chapter title: The law of karma: A conspiracy of the priests to manipulate your mind 7 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501075 ShortTitle: PERSON09 Audio: Yes 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,611 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ge situation happens: bad people reach good positions, become respectable or honored, not only in their time but throughout history. It is full of their names. In history, Gautam Buddha, Mahavira, Kanad, Gautam, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu -- people like these you will not find even in the footnotes. And Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Nadirshah, Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler -- they make up the major port...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,612 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #10 Chapter title: Christianity: just a nice Jewish boy's hang-up 8 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501085 ShortTitle: PERSON10 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 133 mins 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,613 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #11 Chapter title: God -- the phantom fuehrer 9 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501095 ShortTitle: PERSON11 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 135 mins OSHO, ALAN WATTS ONCE...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,614 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #12 Chapter title: Death: The ultimate orgasm 10 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501105 ShortTitle: PERSON12 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 134 mins 10/28/07 C...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,615 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #13 Chapter title: The new man: intellect in harmony with the heart 11 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501115 ShortTitle: PERSON13 Audio: Yes Video: Yes 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundat...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,616 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #14 Chapter title: The only hope: the enlightenment of humanity 12 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501125 ShortTitle: PERSON14 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 142 mins OSHO, WOULDN'T IT HAV...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,617 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #15 Chapter title: Truth said, truth dead 13 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501135 ShortTitle: PERSON15 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 140 mins OSHO, WHAT ARE YOU PR...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,618 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #16 Chapter title: Superman: the fantasy for the inferior 14 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501145 ShortTitle: PERSON16 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 128 mins OSHO, ISN'T THE VISIO...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,619 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #17 Chapter title: Holy Scriptures: wholly Bullshit 15 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501155 ShortTitle: PERSON17 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 127 mins OSHO, WHAT IS THE DIF...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,620 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #18 Chapter title: The good shepherd -- the butcher's friend 16 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501165 ShortTitle: PERSON18 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 159 mins OSHO, ARE YOU ESPECIA...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,621 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... crusade. But what actually happens behind it? All atomic weapons, nuclear weapons, are produced in the Christian context. It is not that the world lacks intelligence. If China can produce Confucius, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Mencius, Lieh Tzu, there is no reason why China cannot produce an Albert Einstein, a Lord Rutherford. There is no reason at all, because Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu, Lao Tzu, Mencius, Confucius ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,622 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ce. If China can produce Confucius, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Mencius, Lieh Tzu, there is no reason why China cannot produce an Albert Einstein, a Lord Rutherford. There is no reason at all, because Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu, Lao Tzu, Mencius, Confucius -- any of them is a thousand fold wiser than Jesus or Moses. They are simply pygmies compared to these people. If such geniuses can be created by China, then there is no reason why China c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,623 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... like a Christian scorned 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- 17 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501175 ShortTitle: PERSON19 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 116 mins OSHO, TODAY, I OVERHE...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,624 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #20 Chapter title: Fear of hell, greed for heaven, the saviors soft sell 18 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501185 ShortTitle: PERSON20 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 130 mins OSHO, IS IT WRONG TO ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,625 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #21 Chapter title: Priest and politicians: from genesis to genocide 19 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501195 ShortTitle: PERSON21 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 143 mins OSHO, ALL THE OTHER M...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,626 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... If it cannot &d it, then at least it can imagine it. So that little fragment which has been found is surrounded by imagination, and it is made complete. All these people -- Jesus, Moses, Mahavira, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu -- had come to a certain aspect of truth, but they could not resist the temptation to complete it by imagination. That temptation is a great temptation. It is just like you remember three lines of poetry...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,627 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #22 Chapter title: Countdown to catastrophe: global suicide, or sannyas 20 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501205 ShortTitle: PERSON22 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 124 mins OSHO, WHY DO YOU THIN...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,628 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #23 Chapter title: Bored to death? -- you're on the trail to transformation 21 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501215 ShortTitle: PERSON23 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 140 mins OSHO, WHAT IS BOREDOM...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,629 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #24 Chapter title: Infallibility: just a popedream 22 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501225 ShortTitle: PERSON24 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 126 mins OSHO, WHY ARE YOU AGA...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,630 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #25 Chapter title: My day: the juice, the whole juice, and nothing but the juice 23 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501235 ShortTitle: PERSON25 Audio: Yes Video: Yes OSHO, YOU GOT AS FAR AS BREAKFAST. TO COMPLETE OUR RELIG...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,631 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #26 Chapter title: Only one sin -- to forget your being. Only one virtue -- to remember it 24 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501245 ShortTitle: PERSON26 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 139 mins OSHO, COULD YOU SAY S...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,632 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #27 Chapter title: Seek and ye shall miss; relax and ye shall find 25 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501255 ShortTitle: PERSON27 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 152 mins OSHO, IT SEEMS THAT Y...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,633 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Hearing that I am abnormal, Professor Shrivastava said, "Abnormal?" My professor said, "Not below normal, above normal. That is his definition: he counts all these people as abnormal -- Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tzu, Confucius, all are abnormal -- and we cannot argue with him. But he belongs to the same type of people." Professor Shrivastava became even more interested. He wanted me to be introduced to him. My ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,634 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #28 Chapter title: Knowledge is information; knowing is transformation 26 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501265 ShortTitle: PERSON28 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 141 mins OSHO, YOU SAID THAT Y...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,635 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #29 Chapter title: Belief -- just a blind man's bluff 27 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501275 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,636 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Personality to Individuality Chapter #30 Chapter title: The only authentic democracy: the dictatorship of the enlightened ones 28 January 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8501285 ShortTitle: PERSON30 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 168 mins OSHO, WHY ARE YOU AGA...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,637 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #1 Chapter title: Silence, the Pull of the Innermost Zero 30 October 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8410305 ShortTitle: UNCONC01 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 97 mins BELOVED OSHO, WHY DO Y...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,638 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...was to give new meanings to their words, give my meaning to their words. It was not their meaning. If Mahavira comes he will be angry; if Jesus comes he will be angry. If this whole crowd of Jesus, Mahavira, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu somewhere meets me they will all be mad at me because I have made them say things they would never have dreamed of. They could not. Sometimes I have even put meanings into their words ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,639 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ve said perhaps it may be the last religion too, for the simple reason that I have not given you anything which can be argued against. I can argue against Jesus. I can argue against Mahavira. I can argue against Lao Tzu. I can argue against Buddha. Nobody can argue against me, because in the first place I have not given you any dogma which can be argued against. I have given you only methods. Methods you can try or you may n...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,640 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #2 Chapter title: Don't Follow Me -- Because I am Lost Myself 31 October 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8410315 ShortTitle: UNCONC02 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 91 mins BELOVED OSHO, JESUS SA...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,641 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #3 Chapter title: Godliness, but there is no God 1 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411015 ShortTitle: UNCONC03 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 84 mins BELOVED OSHO, IF THERE...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,642 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #4 Chapter title: The Opium Called Religion 2 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411025 ShortTitle: UNCONC04 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 110 mins BELOVED OSHO, ARE YOU...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,643 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... from outside sources, hence he looked very new to the Jews; but to me he cannot look new. Before him, Buddha had been talking about love, and Mahavira had been talking about love -- five hundred years before Jesus, Lao Tzu in China was talking about love. And what Jesus is saying is almost the same. It would have been new if he had added something through his experience. For example, I would like to say to you.....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,644 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #5 Chapter title: To be Rebellious is to be Religious 3 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411035 ShortTitle: UNCONC05 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 109 mins BELOVED OSHO, YESTERD...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,645 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...uld like you to live as long as possible so that what you want to happen can happen." No, they were just dumb guys. I feel sorry for Jesus. Buddha was far more fortunate; he had really great giants as his disciples. Lao Tzu was fortunate. Jesus is the most unfortunate in this whole company of messiahs, avataras, tirthankaras -- most unfortunate. Fishermen -- what can they do and what do they understand? Do you k...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,646 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #6 Chapter title: The so-called holy books are just religious pornography 4 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411045 ShortTitle: UNCONC06 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 98 mins BELOVED OASHO, WHAT DO...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,647 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #7 Chapter title: From Crossianity to Jonestown 5 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411055 ShortTitle: UNCONC07 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 96 mins BELOVED OSHO, I HAVE B...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,648 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #8 Chapter title: Will-to-power: The Cancer of the Soul 6 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411065 ShortTitle: UNCONC08 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 92 mins BELOVED OSHO, WHY ARE ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,649 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #9 Chapter title: Just to be Born is Not Enough to be Alive 7 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411075 ShortTitle: UNCONC09 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 98 mins BELOVED OSHO, THE PEOP...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,650 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #10 Chapter title: Your Childhood -- an Education in Psychological Slavery 8 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411085 ShortTitle: UNCONC10 Audio: Yes 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,651 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #11 Chapter title: Yes, I Teach You Selfishness 9 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411095 ShortTitle: UNCONC11 Audio: Yes 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,652 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...d moved on. A Taoist old man stops. He is thirsty, and looks in the well. The man is still crying for help. The Taoist says, "This is not manly. One should accept everything as it comes -- that's what the great Lao Tzu has said. So accept it! Enjoy! You are crying like a woman. Be a man!" The man said, "I am ready to be called a woman but first please save me! I am not manly. And you can say anything that y...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,653 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #12 Chapter title: Live Now, Pray Later 10 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411105 ShortTitle: UNCONC12 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 89 mins 10/28/07 Co...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,654 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...pyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Chapter title: Ready-to-wear Religion at the Secondhand Store 11 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411115 ShortTitle: UNCONC13 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 116 mins BELOVED OSHO, ARE YOU...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,655 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #14 Chapter title: I am a gnostic 12 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411125 ShortTitle: UNCONC14 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 78 mins BELOVED OSHO, JUST A F...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,656 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...t Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Chapter title: The Priest and the Politician -- the Mafia of the Soul 13 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411135 ShortTitle: UNCONC15 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 102 mins BELOVED OSHO, WHY IS ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,657 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #16 Chapter title: God Is the Greatest Fiction Ever 14 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411145 ShortTitle: UNCONC16 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 93 mins BELOVED OSHO, WHERE ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,658 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #17 Chapter title: The Immaculate Deception 15 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411155 ShortTitle: UNCONC17 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 97 mins BELOVED OSHO, WHY DID ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,659 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #18 Chapter title: Marriage -- the Coffin of Love 16 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411165 ShortTitle: UNCONC18 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 113 mins BELOVED OSHO, YOUR RE...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,660 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...opyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Chapter title: Meditation -- the Science of Awareness 17 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411175 ShortTitle: UNCONC19 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 104 mins BELOVED OSHO, WHAT IS...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,661 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #20 Chapter title: You Cannot Manufacture Enlightenment 18 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411185 ShortTitle: UNCONC20 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 123 mins BELOVED OSHO, ARE YOU...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,662 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #21 Chapter title: Enlightenment -- The Only Way Home 19 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411195 ShortTitle: UNCONC21 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 118 mins BELOVED OSHO, WHAT ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,663 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #22 Chapter title: Theology -- The Jungle of Lies 20 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411205 ShortTitle: UNCONC22 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 119 mins BELOVED OSHO, YOU SAY...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,664 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #23 Chapter title: The Only Way to Fail Me is Not to Be Yourself 21 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411215 ShortTitle: UNCONC23 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 124 mins BELOVED OSHO, HAVE WE...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,665 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #24 Chapter title: The Psychology of Being -- The Golden Key 22 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411225 ShortTitle: UNCONC24 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 98 mins BELOVED OSHO, WHAT IS ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,666 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #25 Chapter title: I Am Against Religions, but I Am For Religion 23 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411235 ShortTitle: UNCONC25 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 114 mins BELOVED OSHO, WITH NO...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,667 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #26 Chapter title: Your Actions Are not My Concern -- Your Consciousness Is 24 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411245 ShortTitle: UNCONC26 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 116 mins BELOVED OSHO, IN YOUR...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,668 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #27 Chapter title: Religion -- The Last Luxury 25 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411255 ShortTitle: UNCONC27 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 104 mins BELOVED OSHO, ARE YOU...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,669 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #28 Chapter title: Commandments, No -- Just a Few Requests 26 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411265 ShortTitle: UNCONC28 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 117 mins BELOVED OSHO, WHAT DO...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,670 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e anybody? If you have just a little intelligence, a very little intelligence, that will do; it is not that you need genius to understand the simple fact. Whom has Christ imitated? Whom has Buddha imitated? Whom has Lao Tzu imitated? Nobody. That's why they have flowered. But you are imitating. The first thing to learn is that nonimitation is one of the fundamentals of religious life. Don't be a Christian and do...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,671 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #29 Chapter title: I Teach You Reverence For Life 27 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411275 ShortTitle: UNCONC29 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 134 mins BELOVED OSHO, MOSES G...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,672 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter #30 Chapter title: The Only Golden Rule is There are No Golden Rules 28 November 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8411285 ShortTitle: UNCONC30 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 104 mins BELOVED OSHO, YOU HAV...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,673 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Chapter #1 Chapter title: It all depends on the disciple 1 April 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8504015 ShortTitle: FALSE01 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 98 mins BELOVED OSHO, IS IT POS...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,674 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...onship; it is a far more crazy love affair. It cannot happen between somebody who is living and somebody who has been dead for thousands of years; the distance is too much. But people prefer to make Jesus, Mohammed, Lao Tzu, Zarathustra, their master, for the simple reason that the master is not present, he cannot say no. He cannot tell you, "First you have to go through a transformation." It is a one-way affair; the other party...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,675 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... say no. You can accept all the masters of the world, be a disciple of all the masters of the world. There are people who are following Zen, who are following Sufism, who are following Tao, anything. Neither Lao Tzu can prevent them, nor Bodhidharma can prevent them, nor Jalaluddin Rumi can prevent them. Those people are gone, just words echoing are left. But I am yet in the flesh. I am yet not only a word. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,676 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... From the False to the Truth Chapter #2 Chapter title: Here we call work, worship 2 April 1985 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive code: 8504025 ShortTitle: FALSE02 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 77 mins BELOVED OSHO, IS WORSHI...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,677 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...a retarded person cannot do that. He cannot even understand anything higher. He cannot even understand Leonardo da Vinci, he cannot understand Kalidasa, he cannot understand Rabindranath Tagore, he cannot understand Lao Tzu. He can only understand third-rate newspapers -- the OREGONIAN. Yes, that he can understand. He can follows a man like Reverend Jim Jones. Only a retarded man can do that. It is not a surpris...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,678 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...shna, on Buddha, on Mahavira. I was speaking on all other traditions of religion: Hassidism, Zen, Sufism. I had spoken on almost all important people who had contributed something to human consciousness: Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu, Bodhidharma, Bokuju, Socrates, Pythagoras, Zarathustra, Kabir, Shankara, Dadu, Milarepa, Marpa Nagarjuna, Vasubandhu. I covered almost the whole world. Wherever I found a man who has co...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,679 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e if he respects me he will expect me to remain respectable" -- and that I cannot promise. It is better to be notorious, because it gives you immense freedom. I am a notorious man. Jesus, Mohammed, Mahavira, Buddha, Lao Tzu -- none of them was courageous enough to drop the desire for respectability. People go on condemning me. The moment I come to know that they are condemning me for a certain thing, then I go on...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,680 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... not ordinary. I want you to be higher than your disciples." Why? My being higher simply makes it difficult to communicate. That's why all these people have failed. Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, Confucius, Lao Tzu -- they all have failed, for a simple reason: they were there sitting on the clouds, and you were crawling on the earth. What communication is possible? They maintained the distance; it was the fulfillment of...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,681 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... He was not an awakened being, he was not an enlightened being. Gautam Buddha also does not have a God, nor does Mahavira have a God, but they never went mad. All the Zen masters and all the great Tao masters -- Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu -- nobody went mad, and they don't have any God. They don't have any hell or heaven. What is the difference? Why did Gautam Buddha not go mad? And it is not only Gautam B...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,682 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... it. But none of those were awakened ones. They were great scholars who had gone and translated... And the scriptures were beautiful. China had nothing compared to it. It had only one book written by Lao Tzu on Tao, but that too does not come to the height of Gautam Buddha's sutras, because it was a written book, and written under force, compulsion. He had never written in his whole life, and he never spoke. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,683 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ce, good. If nothing happened, "What can I do?" That was his answer. A few people became enlightened, but very few. One Chuang Tzu, one Lieh Tzu -- just two persons became enlightened sitting silently by the side of Lao Tzu. To understand silence is not easy, you have to reach to that same depth. Otherwise you may be sitting by the side of Lao Tzu, but your mind will be going in circles, a continuous rush of thoughts. You may be...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,684 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Tzu, one Lieh Tzu -- just two persons became enlightened sitting silently by the side of Lao Tzu. To understand silence is not easy, you have to reach to that same depth. Otherwise you may be sitting by the side of Lao Tzu, but your mind will be going in circles, a continuous rush of thoughts. You may be silent from the outside, but inside there is too much talk going on. When for the first time talking movies c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,685 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...come beggars. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- It was only in China, under Lao Tzu's influence, that for the first time a new method was introduced. It was out of Lao Tzu's great compassion that he went to the emperor and said, "The whole medical profession is basically wrong, because the d...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,686 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- It was only in China, under Lao Tzu's influence, that for the first time a new method was introduced. It was out of Lao Tzu's great compassion that he went to the emperor and said, "The whole medical profession is basically wrong, because the doctor lives on the diseases of the people, and he is supposed to cure them. You are putt...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,687 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...terless because I am not living according to their scriptures. I am living according to my own consciousness. And my understanding is that all the great people of the world -- Socrates, or Buddha, or Lao Tzu, or Chuang Tzu, or Rinzai, or Sekito -- lived according to their own light. That's what makes them great and brings a great splendor to their life. Their contemporaries were as much against them as my contemp...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,688 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e lotus flowers, have all denied God. There are three religions in the world... one that arose out of Gautam Buddha's inspiration, another that arose out of Adinatha's inspiration, and a third that arose out of Lao Tzu's inspiration, Tao. These three are the highest peaks ever arrived at, and all three have no God. Compared to these three, Mohammedanism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism are just very 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,689 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ht. You are responding to me as deeply as your nature allows in this moment. Forcing anything is going against nature. Accepting, relaxing, contented, allowing the flow of nature to take you, is what Lao Tzu used to call `the watercourse way.' Sometimes the river flows fast. Sometimes it flows very slowly. Sometimes it falls with great speed in waterfalls from the mountains to the plains. But one thing is certain...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,690 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...tzsche is right; he must have said what he had experienced himself. It was unfortunate that he was born in the West. In the East he would have been in the same category as Gautam Buddha or Mahavira or Bodhidharma or Lao Tzu. In the West he had to be forced into a madhouse. He himself could not figure it out. It was too much: on the one hand his great philosophical rationality, on the other hand his insights into ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,691 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... make a little effort. And the effort has to be very relaxed -- that is the secret. We know efforts, but they become tensions, anxieties, worries. You have to learn a different kind of effort -- what Lao Tzu calls effortless effort -- utterly relaxed, because you are not going anywhere. You are simply relaxing within yourself. You are not going to find some goal, some achievement far away which creates worries --...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,692 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...can be called only playfulness, that can be called only loving radiation. And existence itself is eager to open its heart to the loving child, to open its secrets to the wondering eyes of the child. Lao Tzu says, "The moment you drop knowledge, you become wise." The moment you stop inquiring into the mysteries of existence, existence itself opens up all its doors, invites you. And to enter the mysteries of ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,693 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... not only people, like Friedrich Nietzsche who have missed the journey towards their own selves; they were great intellectuals, geniuses unparalleled -- but all that belongs to the mind. And to be a Gautam Buddha, a Lao Tzu, or a Zarathustra is to get out of the mind, to be in a state of mindlessness. It does not matter whether you had a big mind or a small mind, a mediocre mind, or a genius; the point is that you should be out ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,694 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Soviet Union, not in China. The only place where communism exists is when somebody becomes a Gautam Buddha, a Zarathustra, a Lao Tzu. Suddenly all distinctions, talents of the mind, disappear. There is only pure sky where you cannot make any distinctions of higher and lower. And you are asking, "What was it that in their previous live...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,695 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ers. And it is not a question of finding it in somebody else's house; it is there within you. There are no doors for you to knock on. You have just to be utterly centered, and the doors are always open. This is what Lao Tzu would say, and this is what Chuang Tzu would say. I know if Jesus had been born in the East, he would have said the same thing. It is the Western atmosphere, where all search is for the object and nobody care...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,696 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...shed and unpublished Query:- is right." If strong winds take you hither and thither, don't resist; they appear strong because of your resistance. Relax, go with them. Go with them, with totality. Lao Tzu became enlightened sitting under a tree, seeing an old dead leaf falling from the tree, slowly. Winds were taking it this way and that way, and it had no resistance. It was totally willing to go anywhere -- b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,697 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...r spiritual growth, freedom for inner search, freedom for knowing the secrets and the mysteries of life. If Gorbachev can introduce the Soviet Union to Gautam Buddha, to Mahavira, to Zarathustra, to Lao Tzu... why be so confined to Karl Marx? Why be so poor? Why not make the whole sky yours? -- all the stars and the whole beauty of the night, yours. Why remain confined? If he can open the doors for the spiritual...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,698 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... you don't need the arrows; your eyes are enough. If you are a perfect musician, you don't need instruments; your silence is music enough." It is a beautiful story, very ancient, almost three thousand years old. Lao Tzu used to tell the story to his disciples, and that was twenty-five centuries ago. The story must have been far older. As you become more and more in tune with me, just being here with me, there is music, t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,699 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... which is really insane. Because the world is insane, the sane people will appear as if they have gone mad. The sane people are so few, and they happen once in thousands of years -- a Gautam Buddha, a Zarathustra, a Lao Tzu, a Socrates, a Jesus. Centuries pass, and humanity goes on living in a lukewarm madness. But because everybody is in the same boat, nobody recognizes that anybody is doing something insane. C...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,700 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ng beyond thinking, and coming to a space where the sky is absolutely without clouds. And then no question arises, and no answer is needed. People think that Gautam Buddha, Mahavira, Zarathustra, or Lao Tzu have found the answer. They are wrong. They have lost both -- the question and the answer. They have found a silence, undisturbed either by questions or by answers. When I said this to Tibeta...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,701 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...starting in the wrong direction from the very beginning. Zen is not Buddhism -- the essential core of the heart of Buddha, certainly, but it is the essential core of Moses too, the essential core of Zarathustra too, Lao Tzu too. It is the essential core of all those who have become enlightened, of all those who have awakened from their dream, of all those who have seen that the goose is out, that the goose has never been in, tha...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,702 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... It has happened that in the company of a pseudo Master somebody has become enlightened; in a situation where no Master was present, just a natural accident, and somebody has become enlightened. Lao Tzu became enlightened through seeing a dead leaf falling from a tree. He was sitting under a tree meditating for years, and nothing was happening -- and he had been to great Masters. Something was missing. He wa...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,703 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... more closed it is, the more tight it is, the less is the possibility of anything being there. Enlightenment has to be achieved with open hands, by relaxed, calm, quiet resting in your being. It happened to Lao Tzu that way. For years he was trying to grasp and grasp, and nothing was happening. That morning he simply forgot all about it. It was so beautiful, so sunny, there was so much delight all around, who cared abou...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,704 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...s so much delight all around, who cared about enlightenment? For a moment that ambition was put aside. And just by coincidence a dead leaf, which must have been hanging off the tree, started falling. Lao Tzu saw it falling from above, slowly slowly. He watched it, he became just a watcher; there was nothing to do. He observed it; he remained aware of the swaying, and the leaf falling in the subtle breeze of the m...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,705 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...hed it, he became just a watcher; there was nothing to do. He observed it; he remained aware of the swaying, and the leaf falling in the subtle breeze of the morning. As it settled on the ground something settled in Lao Tzu too. Suddenly the feeling of "Eureka!" Suddenly a great outburst of joy: "Aha!" He danced... the goose was out! When the goose is out, what else can you do except dance, sing, laugh -- laugh at the whole...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,706 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...s never come. It is the opium of the people. Karl Marx says religion is the opium of the people. It is true, ninety-nine point nine percent it is true; just point one percent it is not true. A Buddha, a Jesus, a Lao Tzu, a Zarathustra, just these few people can be counted in that point one percent, otherwise Karl Marx is ninety-nine point nine percent right, that religion has proved the opium of the people. It has 10/28/07...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,707 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...were ready to kill, but when the time for real action came -- one man had become really angry, had lost his cool -- why did the crowd disappear?" The crowd said, "They are both Taoists, followers of Lao Tzu, and this is the criterion in Taoist schools; that the moment a person becomes angry he is defeated. There is no need to fight -- he has shown his impotence, he has shown his fear. That's enough! His anger sh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,708 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... benefactor of humanity, the first true messiah, because he seduced Adam and Eve and told them to disobey. He was the first Master Without him there would have been no humanity, no Jesus, no Buddha, no Confucius, no Lao Tzu. The whole credit goes to the poor serpent. And the cause of the whole sin was God himself -- he prohibited.... The Garden of Eden was a big garden. There were only two trees; he was afraid Adam and Eve ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,709 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...all because comparison is basically a wrong approach. I am myself! I don't want to be compared even with Jesus, what to say about the Pope. I don't want to be compared with Buddha, with Zarathustra, with Lao Tzu, because all comparison is basically wrong. Lao Tzu is Lao Tzu, I am who I am; there is no question of comparison. How can you compare a rose bush with a cedar of Lebanon? There is no question of comparis...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,710 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ong approach. I am myself! I don't want to be compared even with Jesus, what to say about the Pope. I don't want to be compared with Buddha, with Zarathustra, with Lao Tzu, because all comparison is basically wrong. Lao Tzu is Lao Tzu, I am who I am; there is no question of comparison. How can you compare a rose bush with a cedar of Lebanon? There is no question of comparison. How can you compare the lotus with t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,711 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...h. I am myself! I don't want to be compared even with Jesus, what to say about the Pope. I don't want to be compared with Buddha, with Zarathustra, with Lao Tzu, because all comparison is basically wrong. Lao Tzu is Lao Tzu, I am who I am; there is no question of comparison. How can you compare a rose bush with a cedar of Lebanon? There is no question of comparison. How can you compare the lotus with the marigold...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,712 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... to a distant star. I rushed... by the time I had reached there he had gone further ahead. It went on and on. Finally I arrived at a door, and on the door there was a signboard: "This is the house where God lives -- Lao Tzu House." Rabindranath says, I became very worried for the first time. I became very troubled. Trembling, I went up the stairs. I was just going to knock on the door and suddenly, in a flash, I saw the whol...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,713 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ached the bottom of the steps I have not looked back. Since then I have been running and running for thousands of years. I am still searching for God, although now I know where he lives. So I only have to avoid that Lao Tazu House and I can go on searching for him everywhere else. There is no fear.... But I have to avoid that house -- that house haunts me; I remember it perfectly. If by chance I accidentally enter that house, th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,714 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... be easier for you to be closer and closer to me. EVERY TIME LIEH TZU WAS NOT BUSY, YIN SHENG TOOK THE OPPORTUNITY TO BEG FOR SECRETS. Lieh Tzu was one of the masters of the school of Lao Tzu, one of the enlightened disciples of Lao Tzu. And Lieh Tzu was not an ordinary master, not concerned with your small problems, your actions, not concerned with small teachings. Lieh Tzu was concerned only wit...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,715 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... EVERY TIME LIEH TZU WAS NOT BUSY, YIN SHENG TOOK THE OPPORTUNITY TO BEG FOR SECRETS. Lieh Tzu was one of the masters of the school of Lao Tzu, one of the enlightened disciples of Lao Tzu. And Lieh Tzu was not an ordinary master, not concerned with your small problems, your actions, not concerned with small teachings. Lieh Tzu was concerned only with the ultimate. He had many disciples. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,716 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...imply allows the master to be; a sincere seeker allows a master to choose him. A foolish seeker tries to choose the master, and then, from the very beginning, trouble arises. Lieh Tzu and his master, Lao Tzu, had a totally different quality of relationship. Lao Tzu had chosen Lieh Tzu. This Yin Sheng had chosen Lieh Tzu, and when a disciple chooses he is aggressive -- because of the very choice the aggression sta...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,717 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...r allows a master to choose him. A foolish seeker tries to choose the master, and then, from the very beginning, trouble arises. Lieh Tzu and his master, Lao Tzu, had a totally different quality of relationship. Lao Tzu had chosen Lieh Tzu. This Yin Sheng had chosen Lieh Tzu, and when a disciple chooses he is aggressive -- because of the very choice the aggression starts. And a master cannot reject you, even if you ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,718 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...RNT FROM MY OWN MASTER. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- His own master, was Lao Tzu, the source of the Taoist tradition, one of the greatest beings who has ever walked on the earth. Says Lieh Tzu: THREE YEARS AFTER I BEGAN TO SERVE THE MASTER, MY MIND NO LONGER DARED TO T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,719 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... AGAIN SPEAKING OF BENEFIT AND HARM. FOR THE FIRST TIME THE MASTER'S FACE RELAXED INTO A SMILE. Not that the master was continuously sad for these eight years. Hard, serious? No! A master like Lao Tzu is always laughing. He is not a serious man. Seriousness is a disease. An enlightened man is always playful, his whole life is nothing but a play. How can he be serious? What happened? For these eight yea...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,720 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...is always laughing. He is not a serious man. Seriousness is a disease. An enlightened man is always playful, his whole life is nothing but a play. How can he be serious? What happened? For these eight years, did Lao Tzu never laugh nor smile? No, that is not the point: he must have laughed many times, and he must have smiled many times. But for Lieh Tzu, in his innermost being, something happened on that day: for the first t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,721 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... a smile. A master has to haunt the disciple continuously; he has to be very hard; out of compassion, he has to work continuously. This is about the inner face, not about the outer face. For these eight years Lao Tzu must have followed the innermost being of Lieh Tzu with a very hard face, very hard, for the inner discipline. Then seeing that Lieh Tzu's own conscience had evolved, he must have smiled, for the first time. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,722 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ey remain there. Eastern mysticism takes the final jump -- `I' and `Thou' also disappears. The dialogue disappears. There is only silence. EVERYTHING WAS THE SAME. Now Lieh Tzu was not even aware whether Lao Tzu was his master or not. He was not aware whether he was a disciple or not. In such moments many unbelievable things have happened in the history of Zen. The master always hits the disciple many times in ma...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,723 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...Many people ask me how it happened that such a religious country like China could fall a victim to communism, to an absolutely materialistic philosophy. It is not an accident. Buddha entered China with his teaching; Lao Tzu lived there; Chuang Tzu lived there -- but they could never become the central force. The central force has remained Confucius, and Confucius and Marx are fellow-travellers so there is no problem. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,724 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... remain silent. He must have read it in the scriptures where it is said millions of times that one who knows, never says; one who says, has not known yet. But these are very, very paradoxical things. Lao Tzu says, in the very beginning of'Tao-Te-Ching', that truth cannot be uttered, and that which can be uttered is not true. But Lao Tzu uttered this -- so what to think about it? Is it true, or not? It is the utte...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,725 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... says, has not known yet. But these are very, very paradoxical things. Lao Tzu says, in the very beginning of'Tao-Te-Ching', that truth cannot be uttered, and that which can be uttered is not true. But Lao Tzu uttered this -- so what to think about it? Is it true, or not? It is the uttered word, it has been said. Now you will be in very deep trouble, Lao Tzu says that truth cannot be said, but this much he is sayin...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,726 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...annot be uttered, and that which can be uttered is not true. But Lao Tzu uttered this -- so what to think about it? Is it true, or not? It is the uttered word, it has been said. Now you will be in very deep trouble, Lao Tzu says that truth cannot be said, but this much he is saying. So is this saying true or not? If it is not true that will mean that truth can be uttered; if it is true then even this cannot be uttered. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,727 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Query:- compromises with the world, compromises with the ordinary, mediocre mind, bringing religion to the ordinary mind. When religion speaks in its purity it is paradoxical, like the TAO TE CHING of Lao Tzu, or the fragments of Heraclitus, or these Zen stories. In its purity religion transcends logic, imagination, both. It is the very beyond. Now, a few things about the "very beyond", then we can enter int...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,728 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ened ones. It is not right to forget; in fact he had no idea -- and they are the highest creators. Poets and sculptors and musicians and dancers are very low categories in comparison to a Gautam Buddha, Bodhidharma, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu. What he is saying is absolutely right: sex is the only energy you have. But you can use it in a destructive way -- and that too he has forgotten. An Adolf Hitler or a Joseph Stal...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,729 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...d these idiots' hands. They don't know anything about it; otherwise they might have tried to keep it also undernourished. Devageet, your soul is as rich as any Gautam Buddha or as any Jesus or as any Lao Tzu. Your soul does not need anything -- except discovery. Never think for a moment that the soul is poor; it is the richest exploration. The finding of it will make you far richer than the richest man in the wor...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,730 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...that anybody can go beyond Gautam Buddha, just as the contemporaries of Gautam Buddha could not believe that he has gone beyond the VEDAS and beyond the seers of the UPANISHADS, just as contemporaries of Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu could not believe that they have gone far beyond Confucius. And if just out of humbleness I don't say the truth, I will be committing a crime against truth. I don't care about such humblen...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,731 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...here so much insanity? Even your great peaks, your highest suns behave like children. Jesus goes on declaring that he is the only son of God. Naturally, he cannot accept Gautam Buddha or Confucius or Lao Tzu or Basho or Bodhidharma -- not even as cousins. The family is very closed, and a very strange family at that!There is no woman in the family. And in fact the woman is the very center of a family; without a wo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,732 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ct, he throws away his instruments; whenever a swordsman becomes perfect, he throws away his sword. It is a very strange saying and goes back almost five thousand years, because it has been quoted by Lao Tzu as an ancient saying. What does it mean? Chuang Tzu was asked, "This seems to be a very strange kind of proverb. When the musician becomes perfect we should have thought that he would have purchased perfect m...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,733 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... alone, not by following somebody else's footsteps. The world of truth is something like the sky where birds fly but don't leave any footprints. The world of truth also has no footprints of Jesus or Gautam Buddha or Lao Tzu. It is the world of consciousness: where can you leave the footprints? All followers, without exception, are wrong. They are following someone because they are not courageous enough to seek a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,734 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... belonging to different religions and different paths; they are all repeating beautiful words, but because they come from them, they lose all beauty. They are the same words spoken by Zarathustra, by Lao Tzu, by Jesus Christ, by Gautam Buddha; they are the same words, but the man who is speaking is not the same. And those words have significance only if they are supported by an existential individual standing beh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,735 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... against my experience." A man of enlightenment is so full of love, so full of joy, that he shares it. Sharing comes to him without any effort -- it is not an effort, it is not an action. That's why people like Lao Tzu say "actionless action," and "effortless effort." But people like Ta Hui cannot understand that. To them, "effortless effort" and "actionless action" will look like illogical, absurd statemen...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,736 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...y in support; when things are wrong, I am absolutely against them. My commitment is towards truth. My commitment is not towards anybody else. Even if Jesus Christ or Buddha or Mahavira or Lao Tzu -- the great masters -- commit something which looks to me to be against my experience of truth, I am going to criticize it. That does not mean that I am against them. It simply means that I am totally for tr...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,737 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...not the disease of a beginner entering the path. It is purely a human curiosity, whether all living beings have the same potential to blossom into the ultimate ecstasy that only very few people -- a Gautam Buddha, a Lao Tzu, a Zarathustra -- have achieved. I consider it absolutely normal, not a disease. Ta Hui quotes Gautam Buddha, which needs some explanation because you will not understand it. And I don't thin...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,738 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...... you can't feel those same silent gaps. The presence of the master, his charisma, his energy is missing in the written word. The written word is absolutely dead. No master has ever written except Lao Tzu -- and that too under imperial pressure. His whole life he refused to write, and in the end he was going to leave China and go towards the Himalayas for his ultimate rest. The emperor of Chin...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,739 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... pressure. His whole life he refused to write, and in the end he was going to leave China and go towards the Himalayas for his ultimate rest. The emperor of China ordered the armies on the boundary, "If Lao Tzu passes through that area" -- because that was the only gate towards the Himalayas, he was bound to pass by there -- "imprison him. Take good care of him, but make it clear to him he cannot go out ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,740 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [..., he was bound to pass by there -- "imprison him. Take good care of him, but make it clear to him he cannot go out of China unless he writes his experiences. This is an order from the emperor." Poor Lao Tzu was not aware what was going on. He simply went to the place where it was easiest to move out of China. There was an army waiting, and he was caught immediately. Respectfully, with great honor, they told him,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,741 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ping all so-called knowledge. A simple criterion has to be used: whatever is not your experience is not true. It may be the experience of Gautam Buddha, it may be the experience of Jesus, it may be the experience of Lao Tzu -- but it is not your experience. When a Buddha eats, his hunger disappears, not your hunger. If Buddha finds the truth, his darkness disappears, not your darkness. Nobody can help anybody els...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,742 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... awe. Those few moments are knowing. Tomorrow you will tell somebody what a beautiful sunset you have seen the day before -- that will be knowledge. Now it is only words. I have told you the story of Lao Tzu. He used to go for a morning walk in the mountains. An old friend used to follow him, and one day the friend told him, "I have a guest in my house, and he also wants to come for the morning walk." ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,743 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...zu. He used to go for a morning walk in the mountains. An old friend used to follow him, and one day the friend told him, "I have a guest in my house, and he also wants to come for the morning walk." Lao Tzu said, "I have no objection, just make sure that he does not start talking. Knowing should remain knowing, it should not be converted into dead knowledge." The friend said, "I will take care of it." He con...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,744 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... remain knowing, it should not be converted into dead knowledge." The friend said, "I will take care of it." He convinced his guest that it is a great opportunity to be for two hours in the morning with Lao Tzu. "It is rare and invaluable, but the condition is that you should not speak." The guest said, "That is not a problem. I will keep completely silent." And then they started. It was still dark a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,745 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... all around, wild flowers opened their petals and their fragrance. The man forgot that he was not supposed to speak -- and he did not think that this was much speech. He simply said, "How beautiful." Lao Tzu looked at his old colleague and friend with such stern eyes... When they were back home he told his friend, "Please don't bring your guest again tomorrow because he is too talkative" -- and in two hours he ha...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,746 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... stern eyes... When they were back home he told his friend, "Please don't bring your guest again tomorrow because he is too talkative" -- and in two hours he had said only two words, "How beautiful"! Lao Tzu said to his friend, "I was present, he was present, you were present, the sun was present, the songs of the birds were present, the fragrance of flowers was present -- there is no need to say anything. I was ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,747 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- HAVE NOT STOPPED LAUGHING." Remember that Master Shui Lao is not an ordinary disciple; he is already recognized as a great master, although he is only a great teacher. But the difference is very subtle and can be known only by those who are beyond the master and the tea...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,748 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... not just a teacher; he had come gradually closer and closer to being a master but he needed a last push. He was fluttering his wings... he was waiting, but just on the verge of flying into the sky. Master Shui Lao asked Ma Tsu... Ma Tsu is one of the strangest masters in the assembly of strange masters of Zen. Shui Lao is asking a simple question: "Why did Bodhidharma come to China? What special transmission was there that...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,749 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e was fluttering his wings... he was waiting, but just on the verge of flying into the sky. Master Shui Lao asked Ma Tsu... Ma Tsu is one of the strangest masters in the assembly of strange masters of Zen. Shui Lao is asking a simple question: "Why did Bodhidharma come to China? What special transmission was there that he had to deliver?" MA TSU THEN KNOCKED HIM DOWN WITH A KICK TO THE CHEST: SHUI LAO WAS GREATLY ENLIGHTENE...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,750 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...m on the chest and knocking him down may have completely stopped the functioning of his mind, because it was so unexpected and so strange. In that stopping of the mind is the release. Suddenly the goose is out! Shui Lao became enlightened. HE GOT UP, CLAPPING HIS HANDS AND LAUGHING LOUDLY, AND SAID, "HOW EXTRAORDINARY! HOW WONDERFUL! INSTANTLY, ON THE TIP OF A HAIR, I HAVE UNDERSTOOD THE ROOT SOURCE OF MYRIAD ST...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,751 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...otherwise, who cares? -- he could have just answered the question and the whole thing would be over. He took so much effort, hit the man, knocked him down... And it is not only Ma Tsu who is compassionate: Shui Lao also knows tremendous 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- understanding. If it ha...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,752 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e then." Something that is not visible to the eyes must have happened in that moment. As Ma Tsu reached and knocked him, perhaps -- most probably -- he may have knocked him out of his body, and Shui Lao must have witnessed the whole scene, standing outside his own body. The first experience of being outside your own body is one of the most exquisite, sweet, marvelous experiences: you are released. Yo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,753 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...n an echo of your authentic experience. And these are ordinary realities: beauty, love, gratitude. Enlightenment is the ultimate experience of being one with the whole. There is no way to say it. Lao Tzu refused his whole life to say anything about it: "You can talk about everything, but don't mention the ultimate experience" -- because he cannot lie, and to say anything about the ultimate truth is a lie. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,754 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...r friends, listen. SAI MILE SUKH HOY. There is only one possibility of bliss, and that is when the beloved has been found. And what is the way to find the beloved? Search is not the way. Lao Tzu says, "Seek, and you wi]l not find. Do not seek, and find." Seeking is not the way, because seeking is again the male mind. Non-seeking, a passive waiting, just ready, the door open, the house prepared for th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,755 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Then you can read Shankara and you can read Nagarjuna and you can read Nimbarka, and you can read so many more in the West. But if you are really interested in transformation then Buddha will be of great help, Lao Tzu will 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- be of great help, Jesus will be of...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,756 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...the world, the most cowardly. It needs no guts. But to commit psychological suicide needs great courage -- to be and yet not to be, to drop the ego. Yes, there are a few people who even manage to do the first. Lao Tzu must have been one of those few people who were born and yet not born, who came into the world utterly egoless. Hence the story that Lao Tzu lived in his mother's womb for eighty-two years. Until he became ri...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,757 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Yes, there are a few people who even manage to do the first. Lao Tzu must have been one of those few people who were born and yet not born, who came into the world utterly egoless. Hence the story that Lao Tzu lived in his mother's womb for eighty-two years. Until he became ripe, until he became capable of existing in the world without the ego, he resisted the temptation to come out of the womb. He allowed himself,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,758 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ithout the ego, he resisted the temptation to come out of the womb. He allowed himself, permitted himself, to be born only when there was no possibility of any ego arising. What Buddha attained under the Bodhi tree, Lao Tzu must have attained in the mother's womb. Yes, there is a way to be aware even in the mother's womb. Then a person is born, but is born without the ego; Jesus must have come that way. A few ha...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,759 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...f you love it is not news, but if you hate and you destroy, it becomes news. Buddhas are really not counted in your history books. That's why it still remains a problem whether men like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tzu, ever existed, or whether they are only just mythology. Nobody is suspicious about Alexander the Great, and Napoleon, and Tamurlaine, and Genghis Khan, and Nadir Shah; nobody is suspicious about t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,760 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...abindranath's GITANJALI. 'Gitanjali' means 'offering of songs'. It has some totally different quality, not of this world. It echoes something of the Upanishads. It has some reflections of Buddha, Jesus, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu. But Rabindranath was not a mystic, he was only a poet. A poet is one who becomes a mystic once in a while, who enters into the world of the mystic once in a while but comes back because he h...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,761 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...re people. This is how it has happened here. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Lao Tzu says that you need not go outside your room; everything can happen just living inside your room. But Lao Tzu had to go out. He used to go on his buffalo, moving from one village to another. I have simply foll...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,762 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...rnational Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Lao Tzu says that you need not go outside your room; everything can happen just living inside your room. But Lao Tzu had to go out. He used to go on his buffalo, moving from one village to another. I have simply followed his advice -- I never go outside my room. Little Hasya lives in Lao Tzu. Other kids ask her, "Do yo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,763 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... inside your room. But Lao Tzu had to go out. He used to go on his buffalo, moving from one village to another. I have simply followed his advice -- I never go outside my room. Little Hasya lives in Lao Tzu. Other kids ask her, "Do you see Osho sometimes moving in the house?" but she has not seen me yet, so what can she say? I am just living in my room, and you have all come from different corners of the w...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,764 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ome bells are ringing, and nobody is ringing them. Some music, some melody, is there, but I can't see anybody creating it. This music is known by the Christian mystics as 'the Word', LOGOS. Nanak calls it NAM, Lao Tzu calls it Tao, Buddha calls it DHAMMA. But to call it music is the best, to call it NAD is the best, because it is a tremendous orchestra. All the planes of existence are involved in it. It is not only ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,765 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...o misunderstand. It is expected. It is nothing unexpected, because what I am saying is not according to their tradition. What I am saying is according to Buddha, Krishna, Christ, Kabir, Farid, Bahaudin, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, but not according to any tradition. These people are not part of any tradition. These are Himalayan peaks, alone. A Zarathustra is a Zarathustra and a Buddha is a Buddha. They don't belong to any coun...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,766 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...- is bound to retaliate, react. It is not an accident that Jesus is crucified, the real accident is why Buddha is NOT crucified. It is understandable why Socrates is poisoned, the more problematic thing is why Lao Tzu is not poisoned. How did they manage to escape? Maybe the only reason was that Lao Tzu was very mild 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,767 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e real accident is why Buddha is NOT crucified. It is understandable why Socrates is poisoned, the more problematic thing is why Lao Tzu is not poisoned. How did they manage to escape? Maybe the only reason was that Lao Tzu was very mild 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- in his expression, hence ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,768 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ted, mild, all manners, etiquette. Jesus was the son of a carpenter. He had that same raw quality of wood, and the same smell of raw wood. But one thing is certain: that whenever a man like Buddha or Jesus or Lao Tzu is there, he is bound to be misunderstood, because the crowd belongs to the tradition, to a certain tradition: Hindu, Mohammedan, Christian, Jew, Jaina, Buddhist, and the tradition cannot tolerate any new rev...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,769 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ttle difference is needed to know the sweetness of the sugar. The mystic becomes the sugar. Once in a while the mystic is also a poet; that is a coincidence. Whenever it happens -- as in the case of Lao Tzu, Zarathustra, Mohammed -- then we have something of the beyond available to us. But a mystic is not necessarily a poet; to be a poet is a different talent. One can be a mystic without being a poet, one can be...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,770 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...hat difference can there be? Buddha in his deep meditation is not different from Mahavira. Mahavira in his deep meditation is not different from Zarathustra. Zarathustra in his deep silence is not different from Lao Tzu. And I call THIS the Sanatan Dharma. The word SANATAN means eternal, and DHARMA means Tao -- the law, the ultimate law. Ais DHAMMO SANANTANO, Buddha repeats again and again: This is the eterna...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,771 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...hen one day you have to do it before me! Just seeing your belly dance, I will really enjoy it!" Jesus would have enjoyed Radha's belly dancing too. Buddha may have closed his eyes, but not Jesus! not Lao Tzu! The rumor is that one day Lao Tzu, Buddha and Confucius, all three were sitting in a restaurant in heaven, and a beautiful woman came with a big beautiful jar and told them, "This is the juice of ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,772 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ust seeing your belly dance, I will really enjoy it!" Jesus would have enjoyed Radha's belly dancing too. Buddha may have closed his eyes, but not Jesus! not Lao Tzu! The rumor is that one day Lao Tzu, Buddha and Confucius, all three were sitting in a restaurant in heaven, and a beautiful woman came with a big beautiful jar and told them, "This is the juice of life! Would you like it?" Con...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,773 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... it is bitter!" Buddha closed his eyes. He said, "There is no need for me to taste it. Many people have tasted it -- just now Confucius has tasted it. I declare it is bitter!" She went to Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu drank the whole jar. He said, "Unless you drink it totally you have no right to make any comment, any judgment on it." And when he had drunk the whole jar he started dancing, he started laughing. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,774 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... is bitter!" Buddha closed his eyes. He said, "There is no need for me to taste it. Many people have tasted it -- just now Confucius has tasted it. I declare it is bitter!" She went to Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu drank the whole jar. He said, "Unless you drink it totally you have no right to make any comment, any judgment on it." And when he had drunk the whole jar he started dancing, he started laughing. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,775 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ess you drink it totally you have no right to make any comment, any judgment on it." And when he had drunk the whole jar he started dancing, he started laughing. Buddha and Confucius left: "This man Lao Tzu is giving a bad name to all of us enlightened people!" And of course he was not dancing alone, he started dancing with the woman! When you are full of life... Jesus was a man of the earth. H...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,776 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... that has its own beauty. Beauty is not found only in one color and one size; it comes in all shapes, an sizes, all colors. There have been people who have loved deserts more than gardens. I live in Lao Tzu House and my garden is a forest. Mukta, my gardener, was very reluctant to make it that way -- obviously, she is a Greek and thinks logically, and this is very illogical. No symmetry, no pruning is allowed. S...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,777 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...to happen, but nothing is going to happen! The moment I saw him, the moment he saw me, everything was clear. He knows, I know, and we know the same thing! So what is the point of saying?" It is like Lao Tzu. A man asked Lao Tzu, "Can I follow you when you go on your morning walk?" Lao Tzu said, "Yes, but with one condition: no talking." 10/28/07 Copyright Osho I...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,778 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [..., but nothing is going to happen! The moment I saw him, the moment he saw me, everything was clear. He knows, I know, and we know the same thing! So what is the point of saying?" It is like Lao Tzu. A man asked Lao Tzu, "Can I follow you when you go on your morning walk?" Lao Tzu said, "Yes, but with one condition: no talking." 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundati...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,779 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... was clear. He knows, I know, and we know the same thing! So what is the point of saying?" It is like Lao Tzu. A man asked Lao Tzu, "Can I follow you when you go on your morning walk?" Lao Tzu said, "Yes, but with one condition: no talking." 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,780 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...n started rising. The valley was so beautiful with the sunrise that he forgot that he was not to talk and he didn't think that this was much talk either: he simply said, "What a beautiful dawn!" And Lao Tzu said, "That's the end! Never again come with me -- you chatter too much!" The man said, "What?! I have simply said 'What a beautiful dawn!' after one hour, and you are telling me, 'You chatter too much!"...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,781 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...t's the end! Never again come with me -- you chatter too much!" The man said, "What?! I have simply said 'What a beautiful dawn!' after one hour, and you are telling me, 'You chatter too much!" Lao Tzu said, "Yes, you chatter too much and unnecessarily, because I have got eyes, I am also seeing the beautiful dawn. What is the point of repeating it? Do you think I am blind? Do you think I am insensitive? Do ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,782 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- remain with those who are silent. One of the greatest sayings of Lao Tzu is: The most beautiful company is when you can be with someone as if you are alone. See the insight of Lao Tzu: . . . when you can be with someone as if you are alone, when he allows you so much silence and s...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,783 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... unpublished Query:- remain with those who are silent. One of the greatest sayings of Lao Tzu is: The most beautiful company is when you can be with someone as if you are alone. See the insight of Lao Tzu: . . . when you can be with someone as if you are alone, when he allows you so much silence and so much freedom that you are absolutely alone, as if actually alone. His presence is not a hindrance; his presen...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,784 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...usly; then only will you be whole. And to me, to be whole is to be holy. Man has not been holy up to now because he has not been whole -- how can he be holy? Yes, once in a while a person may have attained -- a Lao Tzu, a Zarathustra. Once in a while a person may have attained to wholeness, but the more I look I feel even Buddha's wholeness can be enriched a little more, even Lao Tzu's wholeness can become a lit...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,785 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...once in a while a person may have attained -- a Lao Tzu, a Zarathustra. Once in a while a person may have attained to wholeness, but the more I look I feel even Buddha's wholeness can be enriched a little more, even Lao Tzu's wholeness can become a little more than it is; something can be added to it. Even Jesus' wholeness can have a few more dimensions to it. My effort here is to give you a multi-dimensional ex...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,786 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... possibility: the moment the hearer starts telling it to others, what he has heard... All the Buddhist sutras begin with: "I have heard the Blessed One say this...." Buddha never wrote a book, neither did Christ nor Lao Tzu; they all depended on the spoken word. There is a reason for it: because while I am speaking, the word is one thing, but the pauses are far more pregnant, the silences are far more meaningful; my gestures may...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,787 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ere is only one kind of religiousness. There cannot be many. Just as science is one, the scientific approach is one, so is religion, so is the religious approach. Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, they all belong to one kind of religiousness. Of course, they speak different languages -- that is another matter. They are bound to speak different languages. Lao Tzu will speak in Chinese, Jesus will speak...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,788 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, they all belong to one kind of religiousness. Of course, they speak different languages -- that is another matter. They are bound to speak different languages. Lao Tzu will speak in Chinese, Jesus will speak in Aramaic, Buddha will speak in Pali, and of course they will use the idiom of their day. But that is the difference of expression. And one should not be deceived by e...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,789 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ing the known behind and moving into the unknown. To repeat somebody else is nothing but pretending, cheating, deceiving. It is beautiful to know Christ, it is beautiful to love Buddha, it is beautiful to understand Lao Tzu, but it is ugly, humiliating to repeat them, to be imitators. But for centuries man has been conditioned to be somebody else. There are vested interests against you being yourself. The vested ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,790 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...sted interests. The SAME people who had killed Jesus started worshipping him! And it has been happening almost all over the world. It happened with Mahavira, it happened with Buddha, it happened with Lao Tzu, it happened with Nanak, it happened with Mohammed -- the SAME people. They are not different people -- the SAME unconscious humanity.... One thing can be concluded: the unconscious humanity always worshi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,791 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...love. Knowing about love is not knowing love. Knowing about God is not knowing God. By knowing about God you will become a great theologian but not a mystic. You will not be a Christ or a Buddha or a Lao Tzu or a Zarathustra. You will be simply a pundit who has become capable of repeating the Bhagavad Gita, the Koran, the Bible, the Dhammapada, the Talmud, but the pundit knows nothing. He has not tasted God; he h...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,792 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...y feel fits with them. And no two persons are the same, hence no single path is applicable to everybody, no single hypothesis. That's why I speak here on Jesus, on Buddha, on Mahavira, on Krishna, on Lao Tzu, on Chuang Tzu, and Dionysius and Heraclitus, and I have been speaking on almost all kinds of mystics. And people think I am eclectic -- no, I am not. I am simply making you aware of the millions of paths to...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,793 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... cowards. Religion is not a mass phenomenon; it is not for the crowds. The crowds can only be Christians, Hindus, Mohammedans; the crowds can never be religious. Only very courageous people like Jesus, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, Buddha -- only very courageous people can be religious. It is not for the cowards. Cowards create a pseudo religion for themselves, a toy religion; they go on playing with it. They go every S...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,794 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...the disciple. Now people have completely forgotten those beautiful moments and those beautiful days and those beautiful people. It is said about Chuang Tzu that when for the first time he entered the hut where Lao Tzu, his would-be master, was living, Lao Tzu looked at Chuang Tzu and said, "Remember one thing, never ask me how to become enlightened." The poor fellow had come for that very purpose. But Lao Tzu m...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,795 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...se beautiful moments and those beautiful days and those beautiful people. It is said about Chuang Tzu that when for the first time he entered the hut where Lao Tzu, his would-be master, was living, Lao Tzu looked at Chuang Tzu and said, "Remember one thing, never ask me how to become enlightened." The poor fellow had come for that very purpose. But Lao Tzu made it clear, "Only on this condition will I accept yo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,796 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ntered the hut where Lao Tzu, his would-be master, was living, Lao Tzu looked at Chuang Tzu and said, "Remember one thing, never ask me how to become enlightened." The poor fellow had come for that very purpose. But Lao Tzu made it clear, "Only on this condition will I accept you as my disciple." There was a moment of silence. Chuang Tzu thought, "It is strange. I have come to become enlightened, that is the very...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,797 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... existence that this planet is so precious that to allow it to be destroyed will be sheer nonsense. Existence will have to wait again for fifty million years to bring such people, such consciousnesses as Buddha, Lao Tzu... Do you see my point? Make it so valuable that even existence withdraws, and destroys all that is being prepared for global suicide. You don't have to act! You have simply to meditate, be silent, be ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,798 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ons, for exploitation, and they have done it for so many centuries that it has become almost an inbuilt program in us. In China a strange experiment was done. The emperor was very much impressed by Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu. He lived long enough to be in contact with the master Lao Tzu, then his disciple Chuang Tzu, then his disciple Lieh Tzu. These three people impressed on the emperor a very n...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,799 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... almost an inbuilt program in us. In China a strange experiment was done. The emperor was very much impressed by Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu. He lived long enough to be in contact with the master Lao Tzu, then his disciple Chuang Tzu, then his disciple Lieh Tzu. These three people impressed on the emperor a very novel, original idea, but it has not been followed. The moment the emperor died the old vested ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,800 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...emperor a very novel, original idea, but it has not been followed. The moment the emperor died the old vested interests came back and destroyed something of tremendous value. Lieh Tzu, Chuang Tzu and Lao Tzu had a strange idea: that no doctor should be paid by his patients, because if the patient has to pay the doctor, knowingly or unknowingly the doctor would like the patient to remain sick as long as possible -...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,801 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...o has paid all your expenses in medical college. She was going to pay for your two other brothers. She was rich enough, there was no need for her to be healthy. And she was my main source of income." Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu impressed on the emperor that if the patient has to pay the doctor, you are creating a very dangerous situation. The doctor's interest will be that the patient remains a patient as long as poss...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,802 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...The doctor's interest will be that the patient remains a patient as long as possible. And he will apparently show concern that he wants to cure you. He will be in a dilemma himself. The emperor asked Lao Tzu, "Then what is your suggestion? -- because this has been always the case." 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, pu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,803 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...hole individuality has been erased. Then you are a Christian and you are a Jew, but you are not you. The phenomenon of the master and the disciple happened in the East in its golden days, when there were people like Lao Tzu and Zarathustra and Gautam Buddha. They created a totally new kind of relationship. Everybody cannot paint like a Picasso; neither can everybody be a Michelangelo. The West has missed having a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,804 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Jesus is not at all a comparison to him. Jesus is simply a Jew, believing in all the Jewish dogmas. He is faithful -- in fact, a little too much. Gautam Buddha is a rebel; he is not a follower of anyone. Neither is Lao Tzu a follower of anyone. They don't have any scriptures, they don't have any belief systems. They have searched on their own, alone -- risking, because they are moving away from the crowd on the lonely path,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,805 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ause of its mysteriousness. The next great name is Bodhidharma. His master told him to go to China, not to convert China to Buddhism... "But in China there is already a fragrance existing, created by Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu. Truth is nobody's monopoly. It will be good if you take the treasure that Mahakashyapa has given, from generation to generation, to China. And let these two beautiful streams of mystics...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,806 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...shyapa, Bodhidharma, they all used centering: going within to the point where nothing remains, just a pure presence, no person. The same became even more beautiful with the great heritage of Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu and Lao Tzu. They were also people of centering. They were exploring their interiority to find themselves, and what they found was an absolute absence of anybody -- even the finder disappeared. Out of that state came nei...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,807 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... There have been a few other women -- Sahajo... but they are very few. It is a condemnation of men that you did not allow a woman to become a Gautam Buddha, that you did not allow a woman to become a Lao Tzu. The crime is so big that it is incalculable. And, Milarepa, you are asking, "Theoretically speaking, enlightenment and women are just great. But what about practically speaking?" Practically...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,808 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...inding your truth you may be able to see different expressions in different people, but with a certain quality which joins them all. I have heard a story... In paradise Gautam Buddha, Confucius and Lao Tzu, all three are sitting in a restaurant and a naked woman comes with a jar and tells them, "I have brought the juice of life, would you like to taste it?" Buddha immediately closes his eyes, bu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,809 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ny judgement." He was a very calculative, mathematical man, so he just tasted a little and said, "No, it is all illusory, made of the stuff dreams are made of. I am not interested." She looked at Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu said, "Give me the jar." She said, "The whole jar?" He said, "Unless I have drunk it completely I cannot say anything about it. I am a man of totality." And he drank it before... Buddha and Confu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,810 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ent." He was a very calculative, mathematical man, so he just tasted a little and said, "No, it is all illusory, made of the stuff dreams are made of. I am not interested." She looked at Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu said, "Give me the jar." She said, "The whole jar?" He said, "Unless I have drunk it completely I cannot say anything about it. I am a man of totality." And he drank it before... Buddha and Confucius look...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,811 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ow, hence the question. So don't be befooled by the mind's toys. It supplies toys: it says, "Look, it is written in the Bible. Look, it is written in the Upanishads. This is the answer. Look, this is written by Lao Tzu, this is the 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- answer." The mind can throw...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,812 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ndian mind is predominantly hooked with the second type of ego. That's why Buddhism could not survive in India. Within five hundred years, Buddhism disappeared. It found better roots in China, because of Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu had created really a beautiful field for Buddhism there. The climate was ready -- as if somebody had prepared the ground; only the seed was needed. And when the seed reached China it grew into a grea...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,813 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...d is predominantly hooked with the second type of ego. That's why Buddhism could not survive in India. Within five hundred years, Buddhism disappeared. It found better roots in China, because of Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu had created really a beautiful field for Buddhism there. The climate was ready -- as if somebody had prepared the ground; only the seed was needed. And when the seed reached China it grew into a great tree. B...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,814 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...eautiful field for Buddhism there. The climate was ready -- as if somebody had prepared the ground; only the seed was needed. And when the seed reached China it grew into a great tree. But from India it disappeared. Lao Tzu had no idea of any permanent self, and in China people have not bothered much. There are these three cultures in the world: one culture, called the materialist -- very predominant in the West;...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,815 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...t and don't bother for the future, because to bother about heaven and hell and paradise and moksha is basically to be continuously concerned about yourself. It is very selfish, it is very self-centered. According to Lao Tzu, according to Buddha too, and according to me also, a person who is trying to reach heaven is a very, very self-centered person, very selfish. And he does not know a thing about his own inner bein...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,816 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... there is no conclusion behind it. You are not doing anything in particular, you are simply being. It has no past to it, it is uncontaminated by the past. It has no future to it, it is pure of all future. It is what Lao Tzu has called wei-wu-wei, action through inaction. This is what Zen masters have been saying: Sitting silently doing nothing, the spring comes and the grass grows by itself. Remember, 'by itself' -- nothing is b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,817 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...said, "I will disappear into existence. If you taste existence, you will taste me." And yes, that is true: if you taste existence you will taste all the Buddhas -- Krishna, Christ, Buddha, Mahavira, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, Kabir, Nanak -- you will taste all the Buddhas. The day you enter into that nothingness, you will be welcomed by all the Buddhas. The whole existence is throbbing with buddhahood because so many Buddhas have...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,818 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ld have been totally different. But he was not understood at all. He became more and more separate from the main current of Western thinking and the Western mind. Heraclitus was like Gautam Buddha or Lao Tzu or Basho. The Greek soil was absolutely not good for him. He would have been a great tree in the East: millions would have profited, millions would have found the way through him. But for Greeks he was just o...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,819 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...use at that peak the river itself is flowing in that direction; everything is fluid, nothing is fixed. Twenty-five centuries ago there were born in India, Gautam Buddha, Mahavira the Jaina; in China, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu; in Iran, Zarathustra; and in Greece, Heraclitus. They are the peaks. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, publis...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,820 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...s no trouble; he has avoided the paradox, he has made a neat and clean doctrine -- it appeals. You will be scared to face Heraclitus because he opens the door of life, and life is paradoxical. Buddha is paradoxical, Lao Tzu is paradoxical; all those who have known are bound to be paradoxical. What can they do? If life itself is paradoxical, they have to be true to life. And life is not logical. It is a logos, but it is not logic...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,821 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Illness is not bad: it is through illness that you regain health. Everything fits in the harmony -- that's why Heraclitus is called the Riddler. Lao Tzu would have understood him deeply, but Aristotle could not understand him. And, unfortunately, Aristotle became the source of Greek thought. And Greek thought, even more unfortunately, became the whole base of...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,822 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ent. You cannot see the movement because the movement is very subtle and fast. Now physicists agree with Heraclitus, not with Aristotle, remember. Whenever any science reaches nearer to reality, it has to agree with Lao Tzu and Heraclitus. Now physicists say everything is in movement. Eddington has said that the only word which is false is rest. Nothing is at rest, nothing can be; it is a false word, it doesn't correspond ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,823 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...s Spake Zarathustra consists of oracular maxims -- but since Heraclitus, only Nietzsche. In the East, everybody who has been enlightened has written in that way. That is the way of the Upanishads, the Vedas, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Basho: just maxims. They are so small that you have to penetrate them, and just by trying to understand them you will change and your intellect cannot cope with them. Says Basho in a small haiku:...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,824 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...here exists a harmony -- between the opposites? Opposites are opposites. There is no harmony. Life is life and death is death. Be clear about it, don't mix things -- this man seems to be a muddler." Lao Tzu also felt the same. Lao Tzu said, "Everybody seems to be wise except me. Everybody seems to be very clever except me -- I am a fool!" Lao Tzu is one of the greatest, one of the most wise persons ever born, bu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,825 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ween the opposites? Opposites are opposites. There is no harmony. Life is life and death is death. Be clear about it, don't mix things -- this man seems to be a muddler." Lao Tzu also felt the same. Lao Tzu said, "Everybody seems to be wise except me. Everybody seems to be very clever except me -- I am a fool!" Lao Tzu is one of the greatest, one of the most wise persons ever born, but he feels amidst you that h...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,826 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...it, don't mix things -- this man seems to be a muddler." Lao Tzu also felt the same. Lao Tzu said, "Everybody seems to be wise except me. Everybody seems to be very clever except me -- I am a fool!" Lao Tzu is one of the greatest, one of the most wise persons ever born, but he feels amidst you that he is a fool. Lao Tzu says, "Everybody seems to be so clear a thinker, I am muddle-headed." What Aristotle says to ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,827 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... "Everybody seems to be wise except me. Everybody seems to be very clever except me -- I am a fool!" Lao Tzu is one of the greatest, one of the most wise persons ever born, but he feels amidst you that he is a fool. Lao Tzu says, "Everybody seems to be so clear a thinker, I am muddle-headed." What Aristotle says to Heraclitus, Lao Tzu says about himself. Lao Tzu says, "When somebody listens to my teaching withou...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,828 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ne of the greatest, one of the most wise persons ever born, but he feels amidst you that he is a fool. Lao Tzu says, "Everybody seems to be so clear a thinker, I am muddle-headed." What Aristotle says to Heraclitus, Lao Tzu says about himself. Lao Tzu says, "When somebody listens to my teaching without the mind, he becomes enlightened. If somebody listens to my teaching through the mind, then he finds his own ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,829 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ons ever born, but he feels amidst you that he is a fool. Lao Tzu says, "Everybody seems to be so clear a thinker, I am muddle-headed." What Aristotle says to Heraclitus, Lao Tzu says about himself. Lao Tzu says, "When somebody listens to my teaching without the mind, he becomes enlightened. If somebody listens to my teaching through the mind, then he finds his own explanations -- which have nothing to do with m...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,830 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... -- there are people who listen without listening -- when somebody listens as if he is listening without listening, then he laughs at my foolishness." And the third type of mind is the majority. And says Lao Tzu, "If the majority doesn't laugh at you, you must be aware that you must be saying something wrong. If the majority laughs, only then are you saying something true. When the majority thinks you are a fool, onl...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,831 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Indian or Greek. Truth cannot be private. Dreams are private. Whatsoever is private, remember, it must belong to the world of dreams. Truth is an open sky, it is for all, it is one. That's why when Lao Tzu speaks, the language may be different; Buddha talks, the language is different; Heraclitus talks, the language is different -- but they mean the same, they indicate towards the same. They don't live in a priv...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,832 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... otherwise you will fall into an abyss, you will get dizzy and the mind will simply crack, and it will be difficult to repair it. These are the problems, and this is why man listens to Heraclitus, to Lao Tzu, to Buddha, to Jesus, but never tries. Only a few try it. If you are ready to try it, you have to be aware of what it means. Just a desire to be happy won't help -- a desire to know the truth, not a desire to...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,833 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ished Query:- will suggest just the opposite. Be alert: when the mind suggests just the opposite to you, don't follow it! Always find the golden mean. Don't listen to the mind, know where to stop. Lao Tzu has said, "Three treasures I give to you. One treasure is love. The second treasure is never go to the extreme. And the third treasure is be natural." And he says everything will take care of itself. Why will...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,834 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...r is open for the divine. In the middle you meet him; at the extremes you miss. WISDOM CONSISTS IN SPEAKING AND ACTING THE TRUTH, GIVING HEED TO THE NATURE OF THINGS. Heraclitus is just like Lao Tzu, exactly the same. He says: WISDOM CONSISTS IN SPEAKING AND ACTING THE TRUTH.... Try, because to know the truth it is going to be a long journey. Much preparation will be needed. Bef...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,835 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... never penetrated to that depth. It is in you also, near the center, but you have lived on the periphery so you don't know about it. Heraclitus says, "But listening to me" -- listening to a Buddha, to Heraclitus, to Lao Tzu -- "it is good to acknowledge that all things are one." This is not your experience yet. Here enters trust, SHRADDHA, faith. And religion cannot exist without trust, because you don't know th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,836 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [..., you will never feel any contradiction. And if you feel, not just think, you will start feeling, by and by, that whatsoever I say is the same. Whether I say it through Heraclitus or through Jesus or through Buddha, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu -- whatsoever I say, I always say the same thing. The language differs, words differ, but not the logos of it. LISTENING TO ME... IT IS WISE TO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,837 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... the only God, and Mohammed is the only prophet.'" What do you mean? Is God exhausted in Mohammed? Then God is very poor. Then what about Mahavira? Then what about Buddha? Then what about Jesus, Krishna, Lao Tzu, Heraclitus? And what about all of you who are some day or the other going to become the prophets? What about the whole? Mohammed is beautiful, but Mohammedans claim that he is the only prophet, and then ugli...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,838 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...y book. The word bible means the book. They have not named it because for them this is the only book, all else is rubbish. What about the Upanishads? What about the sayings of Buddha? What about the Tao Teh Ching of Lao Tzu? Why should The Bible be the only book? It is beautiful, but when it becomes the only book it has become ill. This is the sacred disease. When you claim for your truth that it is the whole and all, the e...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,839 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...tive; just to protect himself he becomes insulated -- that is not the point. You have to be like a child -- alive, elegant, graceful, agile -- and yet dry like an old man. This is what is said about Lao Tzu, a beautiful story, that Lao Tzu was born already an old man. When he was born, he was eighty-two years old; he lived in his mother's womb for eighty-two years. This is a beautiful phenomenon! It is said that...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,840 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... becomes insulated -- that is not the point. You have to be like a child -- alive, elegant, graceful, agile -- and yet dry like an old man. This is what is said about Lao Tzu, a beautiful story, that Lao Tzu was born already an old man. When he was born, he was eighty-two years old; he lived in his mother's womb for eighty-two years. This is a beautiful phenomenon! It is said that he was born with gray hair -- ei...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,841 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...AGAINST IT. HOW CAN ANYONE HIDE FROM THAT WHICH NEVER SETS? The logos is the logic of the whole, the logic of the existence itself. The logos is the ultimate law. It is the same as what Lao Tzu calls tao, what the Upanishads and Vedas have called the RIT: the cosmic harmony where opposites meet and disappear, where two become one, where no polarity exists, where all paradoxes are dissolved, all cont...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,842 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... meet. In him, sound and silence meet. And if you have a musical ear and a heart, then you will see the harmony in such a person. And such a person is rare, because he himself has become a logos. Such are Krishna, Lao Tzu, Buddha, Heraclitus, Jesus: they live in the logos, they are miniature logoi. The working of their beings is the same as existence; in their beings the same existence mirrors. They don't reject anything, they...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,843 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...l that theology is. Not a single problem has been solved. The most useless effort that man has made ever is theology. And it starts with: "God created the world." Men like Heraclitus, Gautam Buddha, Lao Tzu, Zarathustra, they don't talk about these things. They simply say: "Existence is God. Nobody has created it. There is no creator who is responsible for it, so don't raise unnecessary questions. And don't wast...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,844 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... will say, "Exactly, precisely because there is no controller, things cannot fall apart." When you control, you mismanage. You cannot find greater mismanagers than managers -- they mismanage. That's what Lao Tzu says. He says: When there were no rulers everything was beautiful; when there was no law there was no crime, and when there was no wise man there were no fools. Things moved in their cosmic beauty. Then enter...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,845 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...You cannot think of a more boring situation: God sitting there and you sitting there and nothing changing, nothing to say even. Even one moment will look like eternity -- so boring. No, for Heraclitus and Buddha and Lao Tzu, the soul of existence is change. And change beautifies everything. A young woman -- you would like her to remain always young and the same. But if it really happens you will be bored. If it ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,846 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...onsciousness there is no regularity. Sometimes it happens at one point of history that there are a dozen enlightened people. For example, it happened at the time of Gautam Buddha. Just at the same time there was Lao Tzu in China, and Chuang Tzu and Lieh Tzu; in Greece, there were Socrates, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Plotinus; in India, Mahavira and eight other teachers of the same status. And perhaps in other countr...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,847 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ple looked so happy, so joyous. He said, "My god, is there something wrong or what?" He enquired, "Is this really hell?" They said, "It used to be. Before Gautam Buddha, Socrates, Epicurus, Mahavira, Lao Tzu, people like these came here, it used to be hell. But now they have transformed the whole place." He entered hell and he could not believe -- it was sheer joy! The very air was full of blissfulness. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,848 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...one such great harm. Half of humanity has been completely prevented even from entering the area of religion. This was done out of fear. So you have Gautam Buddha and you have Jesus and you have Mahavira and you have Lao Tzu, but you don't have women of parallel height, because all chances were taken away, all possibilities were destroyed. My own experience is that women can enter into meditation more easily than men. Man ha...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,849 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... more beautiful flowers can come out of crossbreeding, and more beautiful children are born out of crossbreeding, the same has happened with Zen. Zen is a crossbreeding between Buddha's thought and Lao Tzu's thought. It is a great meeting, the greatest that ever took place. That's why Zen is more beautiful than Buddha's thought and more beautiful than Lao Tzu's thought. It is a tare flowering of the highest pea...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,850 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Zen is a crossbreeding between Buddha's thought and Lao Tzu's thought. It is a great meeting, the greatest that ever took place. That's why Zen is more beautiful than Buddha's thought and more beautiful than Lao Tzu's thought. It is a tare flowering of the highest peaks and the meeting of those peaks. Zen is neither Buddhist nor Taoist, but it carries both within it. India is a little too serious about religion -- a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,851 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... peaks. Zen is neither Buddhist nor Taoist, but it carries both within it. India is a little too serious about religion -- a long past, a long weight on the mind of India, and religion has become serious. Lao Tzu remained a laughingstock -- Lao Tzu is known as the old fool. He is not serious at all; you cannot find a more non-serious man. Then Buddha's thought and Lao Tzu's thought met, India and China met, and Z...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,852 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...t nor Taoist, but it carries both within it. India is a little too serious about religion -- a long past, a long weight on the mind of India, and religion has become serious. Lao Tzu remained a laughingstock -- Lao Tzu is known as the old fool. He is not serious at all; you cannot find a more non-serious man. Then Buddha's thought and Lao Tzu's thought met, India and China met, and Zen was born. And this So...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,853 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ia, and religion has become serious. Lao Tzu remained a laughingstock -- Lao Tzu is known as the old fool. He is not serious at all; you cannot find a more non-serious man. Then Buddha's thought and Lao Tzu's thought met, India and China met, and Zen was born. And this Sosan was just near the original source when Zen was coming out of the womb. He carries the fundamental. His biography is not re...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,854 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...you forgot about the whole project... suddenly it is there. This is the law of reverse effect. With the unconscious, remember, will is of no use -- not only of no use, it is also dangerous, harmful. Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Bodhidharma, Sosan -- they are the Masters of this law of reverse effect. And this is the difference between Yoga and Zen. Yoga makes every effort and Zen makes no effort, and Zen is truer than a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,855 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ignificant things, one of the foundations -- that whether you go back or you go ahead, you reach the same goal. The question is not of backward or forward, the question is of not being on the bridge. Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, they say fall back into nature, Tao. Shankara, Buddha, Jesus, they say go ahead, pass through the bridge, reach the divine. This will look very paradoxical, but it is not -- because both the bank...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,856 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...dy was not feeling to, they would not eat, and they never fell ill because of eating. And one more thing which no one ever suspected came to be understood, and that was miraculous. Only Sosan can understand, or Lao Tzu or Chuang Tzu, because they are the Masters of Tao. This was such a discovery! They came to understand that if a child was ill, then he would not eat particular foods. Then they tried to understand why he was...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,857 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...en I am taking my supper, she comes to see me -- she did not come. She really wanted to avoid me because I have seen something which she was hiding. Not only did she not come to me, but she even removed herself from Lao Tzu House to Krishna House, with an excuse that she was getting a cold. She phoned Nirvano to say that she was getting suspicious, and that by dedicating the new series to her, "Osho is trying to blackmail me." ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,858 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ng -- teaching, expounding. And even they are saying that Buddha has expounded the truth of The Diamond Sutra. Hyakujo says that such a man will never understand what I mean'. It is something like...Lao Tzu wrote a small treatise under compulsion. His first statement makes it clear. He says "Truth cannot be said. And that which can be said, can never be true. Now whatever I say, remember my first statement." You...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,859 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... consciousness, beauty. But all these words denote one oceanic feeling of awareness in which you are not separate from the cosmos. But the difficulty with man is, he makes everything into an ism. So when Lao Tzu died, people started making an ism. And his whole life he had been teaching that there is no ism, no philosophy, no theory. You have to drop all these mind activities. You have to attain to a silent and empty...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,860 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...on't know who you are, you don't know the meaning of your life, of your existence. You have to approach somebody who has arrived home, who has found the way. You have to approach a Buddha, an enlightened Master -- a Lao Tzu, a Zarathustra, a Jesus, a Mohammed. You have to approach somebody who is afire with God, aflame, who is radiating godliness, in whose presence you feel bathed, refreshed, in whose presence something starts f...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,861 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...sty for it and help them to get it... it is a rare gift. Krishnamurti is an ARHATA, he is not a BODHISATTVA. His enlightenment is as great as anybody else's enlightenment; he is a Buddha, a Jesus, a Lao Tzu. In enlightenment there are no degrees; either one is enlightened or one is not. Once a person is enlightened he has the same flavor, the same fragrance as anyone who has ever become enlightened or will ever ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,862 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e, Milton, Dostoevsky, Kalidas, Bharbhuti, Rabindranath, Kahlil Gibran. If you have not been acquainted with Tolstoy, Chekhov, Maxim Gorky, something in you will remain missing. The same is true if you have not read Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu, Gautam Buddha, Bodhidharma, Baso, Lin Chi, Socrates, Pythagoras, Heraclitus. These are very different, unique perspectives, but they will all help you to become wider. S...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,863 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [..., "Got any American cigarettes on you?" He is right about ninety-nine percent gurus, but he is wrong about one percent, and that one percent is really what matters. He is wrong about Buddha, he is wrong about Lao Tzu, he is wrong about Jesus. But to find a living Master one has to search, and in fact, all those false gurus help you in a way because experiencing them you become aware of that which is false...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,864 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...h -- millions of years. First you were like a fish and finally you were like a monkey -- and very few people grow out of that stage! Darwin may be right about a few people -- a Buddha, a Christ, a Zarathustra, a Lao Tzu... in fact, I cannot count even Darwin! He may be right about a few people, that they have evolved beyond the monkeys, but as far as others are concerned they have only descended from the trees -- that is tru...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,865 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... to fight for every single inch, then no work would have been possible. He had to compromise. He accepted many things which I know were accepted very unwillingly. And the same is true about Mahavira, Lao Tzu, Zarathustra, Jesus, Mohammed. But they had to function in a particular society, which was given, already there, and it had existed for thousands of years. And they decided it is better to work silently and h...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,866 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...y the same as the other. But man is not a machine, and to reduce man to be a machine will be destroying humanity from the earth. Do you think in Soviet Russia Gautam Buddha is possible, Jesus Christ is possible, Lao Tzu is possible? And what to say about Buddha, Jesus and Lao Tzu? I ask you: is even Karl Marx possible? Even Karl Marx is not possible, because Karl Marx has an intelligence of his own and he will not be ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,867 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e a machine will be destroying humanity from the earth. Do you think in Soviet Russia Gautam Buddha is possible, Jesus Christ is possible, Lao Tzu is possible? And what to say about Buddha, Jesus and Lao Tzu? I ask you: is even Karl Marx possible? Even Karl Marx is not possible, because Karl Marx has an intelligence of his own and he will not be tolerated. He is not an ordinary person; certainly he is not a part ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,868 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Christian. Love is a totally different phenomenon. If you become a Christian you are addicted with Christ, you become dependent on Christ. If you are a Christian you are bound to be anti-Buddha, anti-Mahavira, anti-Lao Tzu, anti-Zarathustra, anti-Patanjali.Just choosing Christ and becoming anti to all the other great awakened individuals who have walked on the earth is becoming poor, unnecessarily poor. When you can claim the w...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,869 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...uthfulness, rebellion, adventure, never happens. And with me only young people -- young in the spirit, I mean -- can have any communion. And not only with me: it has always been so. With Buddha, with Jesus, with Lao Tzu, it was always the case: only very few youthful adventurers went with these dangerous people. They attained great treasures, but those treasurers are not certain, not guaranteed; there is no insurance. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,870 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...er or later they want to be left alone. They are finished! Their dreams are shattered, they are disillusioned. It is the great work of woman; the whole credit goes to women. The Buddha, the Mahavira, Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu, they were possible only because the woman was continuously forcing them: either become enlightened or go crazy! And they decided to become enlightened. they said, "It is better to become enlig...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,871 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e; their whole religion has remained extrovert. Jesus was recognized only by very few people; those few people can be counted on fingers. It happened again and again around these precious diamonds -- Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu, Lin Chi, Baso, Bahauddin, Jalaluddin, Kabir, Nanak -- again and again. But the problem is: when the Master dies, the commune starts withering away. Maybe for a time being a sequence of ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,872 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...rs! I don't know who is living where, how many people are living in the commune. I have not visited the other houses of the commune. I simply know the way to my room! I cannot find even in my own house where I live, Lao Tzu House, the rooms of other sannyasins who are living with me Vivek has heen telling me that, "One day give us a surprise -- come to the kitchen!" I have never been there; I really don't know where it is. So in...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,873 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... experienced it, you have just thought about it. Yes, if you think about emptiness it will look boring, it will look dull, it will look dead. But the people who have experienced it -- Buddha, Jesus, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Mahavira, Bodhidharma, Bahauddin, Nanak, Kabir -- not a single person has said that it is boring. You are really an exception! If you have experienced it then you are denying all the awakened peo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,874 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...se other routes are not named, because no ancient teaching used them. But there are other routes. Mahavira never talked about kundalini, never. Buddha never talked about kundalini, never. Christ never knew about it, Lao Tse never heard about it. They had been through other routes. The way Buddha went could not have been through kundalini. His sex had become absolutely a boredom to him, he was not in the least interested in ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,875 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...inary fathers on the earth would love their children to be immortals. What kind of God was this? And if this is God -- who prevents his children from becoming wise, from becoming Socrates, and Gautam Buddha, and Lao Tzu, this is not a god worth having. If he has not died by himself, then somebody has to murder him. He has tortured humanity enough. And strange is the fact that it was the Devil who persuaded Eve to eat fro...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,876 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... to explore for truth. Prayer is not the way; meditation is the way. And those who have come to the ultimate experience of meditation -- a Gautam Buddha, a Bodhidharma, a Mahakashyapa, a Mahavira, a Lao Tzu, a Chuang Tzu, a Ma Tzu, a Sekito ... they all don't even talk about God. That which does not exist -- what is the point even to say that he does not exist? It is simply out of the question to discuss God, to...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,877 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e does not exist? It is simply out of the question to discuss God, to discuss heaven and hell. Hence I want you to understand that Zen has come as a flowering out of the meeting of Gautam Buddha and Lao Tzu. It is the meeting of Dhamma and Tao. It is a crossbreed of Bodhidharma and Chuang Tzu. These two religions have reached to the highest peak, and they are unorganized religions. Where they have become organiz...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,878 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...on destroys the individual, sacrifices the individual, and the individual is the only one who can know the highest peaks of consciousness and the depths of consciousness. Out of the meeting of Gautam Buddha and Lao Tzu, Zen is born. Zen is neither Buddhism, nor is it Tao; it is both, just as you are both your mother and your father. You are neither -- something of your father, something of your mother is flowing in you. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,879 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... morality, behavior, all are based on creating a better society. It is because of Confucius that China easily became communist, although Confucius lived twenty-five centuries ago, a contemporary of Gautam Buddha and Lao Tzu and Socrates. China's conversion to communism is strange, because it was a poor country, it did not have a capitalist class to exploit. It was still feudal with landlords; it was an agricultu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,880 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...a man like Jesus can become a proof for him. The Gospel carries all that is beautiful in Jesus' flowering, the Beatitudes. Those statements are the most beautiful ever made. Not even Buddha, not even Lao Tzu, have spoken that way. Buddha is very philosophic, very refined; Jesus is very plain, simple. Jesus speaks like a villager, a farmer, a fisherman. But because he speaks the way common people speak, his words ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,881 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e. It was not possible for the caveman to give these things. The caveman could not have given us an Albert Einstein either, or a Dostoevsky or a Picasso. The caveman could not have given us a Buddha or a Lao Tzu or a Jesus. It needs time, and it needs preparation, and it needs a certain milieu in which to grow, only then is Jesus possible. For Jesus to exist many things are needed; he can only exist in those cir...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,882 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... who has no ideas, who is simply like a mirror, can understand everybody and can become very much enriched by it. If you can understand Buddha, and Jesus and Moses and Mohammed and Mahavir and Zarathustra and Lao Tzu, your richness is growing. Because Lao Tzu will bring a new breeze in your being which only he can bring, because he opens a door which nobody else can open. He is a Master, a master technician. He knows how ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,883 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e a mirror, can understand everybody and can become very much enriched by it. If you can understand Buddha, and Jesus and Moses and Mohammed and Mahavir and Zarathustra and Lao Tzu, your richness is growing. Because Lao Tzu will bring a new breeze in your being which only he can bring, because he opens a door which nobody else can open. He is a Master, a master technician. He knows how to open a certain door, and at that door, n...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,884 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... compassion. Why be so poor? Why not claim the whole history of man? Why not claim ALL the enlightened people as yours? That's my work here. That's why one day I speak on Buddha, another day on Jesus, another day on Lao Tzu -- I go on changing. My effort here is to make you enriched, to make you available to all the joys possible 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,885 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ecstasy: the ecstasy that comes through intelligence. And Jesus brings another kind of ecstasy: the ecstasy that comes through love. Krishna brings another kind of ecstasy: the ecstasy that comes through action. And Lao Tzu brings another kind of ecstasy: the ecstasy that comes through inaction. These are very very different paths, but they all come into you, and they all meet you in your innermost core. Be simp...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,886 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...Wagner is born there or a Mozart. No country can be sacred because a Buddha or a Mahavir is born there. Jesus was not born in India. Mohammed was not born in India. Zarathustra was not born in India. Lao Tzu was not born in India. Sacred people have been coming to the world in different places. Places have nothing to do with it -- places are just places. Buddha is born, but only one in a million. And what about t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,887 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... THEY WRITE IN MAGAZINES ABOUT YOU. They are very very understandable. There is nothing special about them. If they didn't write those crude remarks about me, that would not be right. Lao Tzu has said: When I talk about Tao, very few are there who understand it. Those who understand -- they become silent. Many are there who feel offended -- they become angry. And the angry people there are more of...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,888 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...u has said: When I talk about Tao, very few are there who understand it. Those who understand -- they become silent. Many are there who feel offended -- they become angry. And the angry people there are more of. And Lao Tzu says: If people don't become angry, then what I am saying is not truth. One mystic used to stay with me. He was really a beautiful old man, very strange, very eccentric, but always to the poin...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,889 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...gle with you. You are the last already. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Lao Tzu used to say 'I am the last, that's why I am the most peaceful, because nobody comes to fight with me.' Who is ready to fight with the last? Everybody has compassion for the last; everybody feels 'Poor man.' A...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,890 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... been tried on a large scale. And whenever it has been tried on a small scale, it has always succeeded. With Buddha it succeeded: thousands of people went through rebellion, became new. With Jesus it succeeded, with Lao Tzu it succeeded, with Krishna it succeeded. success has always been with rebellion, but very few people... It has never been on a large scale. It has never gripped the soul of humanity. And that is where work is...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,891 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Jesus goes to the masses, Jesus goes very active! Buddha's rebellion is inactive, passive. Jesus' rebellion is very active, and that is the problem. Mahavir's rebellion was also very passive, so was Lao Tzu's. These are people who are utterly at ease, silent in themselves, happy with themselves. If somebody comes and partakes of their being, good; if nobody comes, they are not going to invite. Jesus DRAGS you in...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,892 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... stand on the tops of the houses and shout... because people are deaf. You will have to shout. Give the good message, the good news, that I have come. shout from the housetops!' Buddha cannot say that. Lao Tzu... not at all. It was even difficult to find where Lao Tzu was, people had to search for him for months together. And once he would come to know that somebody is searching for him, he would escape, he would r...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,893 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ause people are deaf. You will have to shout. Give the good message, the good news, that I have come. shout from the housetops!' Buddha cannot say that. Lao Tzu... not at all. It was even difficult to find where Lao Tzu was, people had to search for him for months together. And once he would come to know that somebody is searching for him, he would escape, he would remove himself from one village to another. He w...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,894 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...me. In this state of freedom the master and disciple can come closest, and naturally energy flows from the higher to the lower. It is just like water coming from a mountaintop towards the valley. Lao Tzu has actually called his philosophy of life "the watercourse way." When the master and disciple are so deeply in tune, because they are not in any bondage, both are meeting out of their freedom -- and an authe...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,895 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... to you, it is me -- and you are afraid of me. You have long been associated with me and now the spring is close and the hesitancy and the fear... What will the unknown bring to you? I informed you to come into Lao Tzu and work in the library. You became frightened, because to be too close to me is dangerous. You have chosen to continue to work in the kitchen making spaghetti. You know that spaghetti is a protection; I will...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,896 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...g exactly as it is without any distortion because he has no prejudices to distort. The state of the sage has no preconceived ideas to mix and to mess and to disfigure. There is a story in the life of Lao Tzu. I have loved it very much... He used to go for a morning walk deep in the mountains very early before the sunrise when it was dark and there were still stars in the sky. And he used to go to the peak ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,897 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... listening to the birds, seeing the trees dancing with joy and life, opening their flowers, releasing their fragrance. And then he would come back. One of his neighbors used to come with him. And he knew that Lao Tzu did not want to talk at all, because that would be a disturbance in his deep communion with nature. He had told him, "If you don't use any words not even hello, you can come. Silently you can join me, silentl...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,898 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... existence, the life again coming back from its sleep as the sun has set the day before. There is everywhere celebration, in the trees, in the flowers, in the birds. The man was immensely grateful to Lao Tzu that he allowed him to be with him for so many years. Lao Tzu said, "But I had implored you not to use language. Why are you using language today after so many years?" He said, "A problem has ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,899 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...un has set the day before. There is everywhere celebration, in the trees, in the flowers, in the birds. The man was immensely grateful to Lao Tzu that he allowed him to be with him for so many years. Lao Tzu said, "But I had implored you not to use language. Why are you using language today after so many years?" He said, "A problem has arisen. A guest is staying with me and he also wants to come t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,900 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...mplored you not to use language. Why are you using language today after so many years?" He said, "A problem has arisen. A guest is staying with me and he also wants to come tomorrow." Lao Tzu said, "The condition you have to tell him. He should remember that nothing has to be said on the way, then he can come." And the guest thought, It is a strange condition. Not a single word, not even hello...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,901 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...could see the sun rising just underneath, deep down in the valley, he forgot the condition; it was so beautiful. He had never seen such a thing, not even in a dream. He was so overwhelmed that he said to Lao Tzu, "It is so beautiful." Lao Tzu looked at the host. Suddenly the guest remembered that words are not to be used. Nothing was said. But as they reached home Lao Tzu told his neighbor, "From tomorrow don't ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,902 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...neath, deep down in the valley, he forgot the condition; it was so beautiful. He had never seen such a thing, not even in a dream. He was so overwhelmed that he said to Lao Tzu, "It is so beautiful." Lao Tzu looked at the host. Suddenly the guest remembered that words are not to be used. Nothing was said. But as they reached home Lao Tzu told his neighbor, "From tomorrow don't come." He said, "But...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,903 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e was so overwhelmed that he said to Lao Tzu, "It is so beautiful." Lao Tzu looked at the host. Suddenly the guest remembered that words are not to be used. Nothing was said. But as they reached home Lao Tzu told his neighbor, "From tomorrow don't come." He said, "But you are punishing me too much, and I have not spoken a single word. This guest is new; he does not know you. And he has also not sa...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,904 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e." He said, "But you are punishing me too much, and I have not spoken a single word. This guest is new; he does not know you. And he has also not said much, just that it is a beautiful sunrise." Lao Tzu said, "You say it was just a little? That fellow is very talkative. Although he was not saying I could hear his chattering mind. All the way he was chattering: This is beautiful, that is beautiful, and finall...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,905 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...he same. Thinking is talking with yourself inside. People don't hear it because they are engaged within themselves; they don't hear even when you talk to them. How can they hear your inner chattering. But a man like Lao Tzu, in the deepest meditativeness, is able to catch your chattering almost like whispering. Even that much is a disturbance and you will not be able to listen to what is being said. Gautam Buddha...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,906 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ndhand. They wanted to know everything about him because the people who were going to him were changing so miraculously. He was one of the highest categories of consciousnesses. The same category as Gautam Buddha or Lao Tzu or Mahavira. You reminded me of him by saying, "You know nothing and yet I put all my questions at your feet." Knowing that I know nothing, if you still put your questions at my feet, you are sure to find...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,907 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...itation for you to live intensely, totally, to squeeze every drop of juice from every moment. Death is a tremendous challenge and invitation. Without death there would not have been any Gautam Buddha, any Jesus, any Lao Tzu, any Tilopa. There would not have been any Kabir, any Raidas, any Mansoor, any Sarmad. It is death and its awareness that makes you live as totally, as deeply, as consciously as possible. Bef...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,908 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... no-mind, of meditation, of a transcendence of mind. Perhaps I am the first man in the whole history of mankind who has been using jokes as a preparation for meditation. Jesus would not laugh; Buddha will not laugh; Lao Tzu is not heard to have ever laughed... They were serious people, and they were doing serious work! It will be good to understand a small incident which began the tradition of Zen. Those are the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,909 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... preventing the mad powers from destroying this beautiful planet -- this planet which has produced a Gautam Buddha, a Jesus Christ, a Zarathustra; this planet which has given birth to a Krishna, to a Mahavira, to a Lao Tzu. And these are just the beginnings of spring; there are higher possibilities in the future. If man goes on living on the earth, we will be producing even higher peaks than we have produced in...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,910 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...is the Festival of Lights. If somebody asks you, "What is truth?", show him your silence. Show him your fragrance, show him your love. Share with him your presence. It is said about Lao Tzu... He used to go every morning for a walk in the mountains. A neighbor asked him, "Can I come with you?" Lao Tzu said, "The road does not belong to me. But if you want to come with me, then there is a ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,911 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [..., show him your love. Share with him your presence. It is said about Lao Tzu... He used to go every morning for a walk in the mountains. A neighbor asked him, "Can I come with you?" Lao Tzu said, "The road does not belong to me. But if you want to come with me, then there is a condition: you cannot speak a single word." And the neighbor managed. He gained enough insight just by following int...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,912 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...to come with me, then there is a condition: you cannot speak a single word." And the neighbor managed. He gained enough insight just by following into the deep forest in silence. Just the presence of Lao Tzu slowly slowly became more and more intimate. Soon he understood why Lao Tzu had put the condition "no talk," because talk would have disturbed this great benediction, this great blissfulness that was arising ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,913 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... And the neighbor managed. He gained enough insight just by following into the deep forest in silence. Just the presence of Lao Tzu slowly slowly became more and more intimate. Soon he understood why Lao Tzu had put the condition "no talk," because talk would have disturbed this great benediction, this great blissfulness that was arising from both the hearts -- these small flames, this radiation of light. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,914 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... because talk would have disturbed this great benediction, this great blissfulness that was arising from both the hearts -- these small flames, this radiation of light. But one day the neighbor asked Lao Tzu, "A friend has come to stay with me for a few days. Can I bring him also with me?" Lao Tzu said, "With the same condition." But the friend was not aware that it was not to be taken casually. H...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,915 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...m both the hearts -- these small flames, this radiation of light. But one day the neighbor asked Lao Tzu, "A friend has come to stay with me for a few days. Can I bring him also with me?" Lao Tzu said, "With the same condition." But the friend was not aware that it was not to be taken casually. He kept silent as far as he could, but there were many moments when he was just going to say something a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,916 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...mself. But when the sun started rising, it was so beautiful -- and the songs of the birds -- that he could not contain it. He forgot the condition, and he said, "What a beautiful morning!" It was not much... but Lao Tzu looked at his neighbor. And back home Lao Tzu said, "Your friend cannot come with me. He talks too much." The neighbor said, "He has only spoken one single sentence in two hours: `What a beautiful ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,917 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... so beautiful -- and the songs of the birds -- that he could not contain it. He forgot the condition, and he said, "What a beautiful morning!" It was not much... but Lao Tzu looked at his neighbor. And back home Lao Tzu said, "Your friend cannot come with me. He talks too much." The neighbor said, "He has only spoken one single sentence in two hours: `What a beautiful morning!'" Lao Tzu said, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,918 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...And back home Lao Tzu said, "Your friend cannot come with me. He talks too much." The neighbor said, "He has only spoken one single sentence in two hours: `What a beautiful morning!'" Lao Tzu said, "You only hear what he has said, you don't hear what he is talking inside and controlling. Because of him my whole morning has been contaminated. And if he feels the morning is beautiful... are we blind...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,919 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... care of. Keep an eye out, because this man is not going to stay unenlightened long. He is going to become a buddha very soon. So it is not a question Maneesha, that special treatment means "moving into Lao Tzu and having private, daily chats with the master." If you are aware of what you are asking... do you see your jealousy? Do you see your woman? How do you know that the people who are allowed to come to ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,920 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...called because of their work. It is not that they have the right to come to me to chitchat. What will I chitchat about? They have their work just as you have your work. Others are jealous of you. You are also in Lao Tzu and you have the special work of collecting my words, of editing my words. When we are all gone, Maneesha's collections will be remembered for centuries. But it is very difficult to get rid of our...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,921 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...he state of dhyan, or zen. I am reminded of a story. Twenty-five centuries ago it was a great coincidence that in Greece there was Socrates and in India were Gautam Buddha and Mahavira, and in China there were Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu -- all expressing the existential truth, indicating towards it. It is very strange 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Os...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,922 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ience has been destructive. It is not needed. Or, a totally different type of science is needed, based more on Kropotkin and less on Darwin. A totally different science is needed based on love, not on hate, based on Lao Tzu and not on Aristotle. Science has to be Eastern if it is to be right. It need not be so logical. It has to be a little more loving, then it is not against nature, then it is not a rape, rather it is a co...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,923 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...vel on the path, because who will help give you courage? Who will say, "Just two miles more..."? Who will say that you are almost at the end of the journey, you have almost reached, just a little bit more...? And as Lao Tzu says, a thousand-league journey is completed by taking only one step at a time. You take one step, then another, then another, and a thousand-mile journey is completed. Chaos is going to be th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,924 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...iser. You can give such wise 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- counsel that even Lao Tzu will feel jealous. Such a great wise man! But when the problem is yours, suddenly you become childish. Suddenly you lose your bearings, you lose balance. Why does it happen? -- because now it is too close...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,925 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ee, Sardar Gurudayal Singh... he will have to go and provoke him, that is the problem. Because Maitreya won't listen to anybody, he will have to be dragged out. And once in a while he comes, still knocks on doors in Lao Tzu House. For a few days Anando was very much terrified 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,926 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ointing to the truth. RINZAI SAID: FOLLOWERS OF THE TAO... Now, this is... from the very beginning he commits a mistake. Not intentionally -- he is a great lover of Buddha and Lao Tzu, of Tao and Dhamma. Dhamma is Buddha's finger pointing to the moon, and Tao is Lao Tzu's finger pointing to the same moon. Only the fingers differ. That's why Buddhism never came to clash with Taoism when it ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,927 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Now, this is... from the very beginning he commits a mistake. Not intentionally -- he is a great lover of Buddha and Lao Tzu, of Tao and Dhamma. Dhamma is Buddha's finger pointing to the moon, and Tao is Lao Tzu's finger pointing to the same moon. Only the fingers differ. That's why Buddhism never came to clash with Taoism when it reached China. This is a rare incident in history. Whenever one religion travels th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,928 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Don't get identified, because this body will change, this mind will change. A thousand times they have already changed. Only this watcher is your treasure, which always remains... eternity to eternity. Lao Tzu calls it Tao. Buddha calls it Dhamma. Whatever the name, this is your pure existence. It opens the doors of all the mysteries -- mysteries that you can feel, but you cannot say; ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,929 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ple, Jesus, Moses or Mohammed were not enlightened themselves. But there have been many: for example, Kabir, in India; Farid, a Mohammedan in India; Bodhidharma, an Indian in China; ChuangTzu, a Chinese; LaoTzu, a Chinese. It has happened around many people in different countries, and I have spoken on all these people. There are at least 350 books that I have spoken and I have talked about these people, their methods...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,930 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...interpretation on Jesus, I can have a certain communication with the Christian. We can come close. Now I have my own people so I don't take the trouble to interpret Jesus, Mohammed, Mahavira, Buddha, Lao Tzu. On the contrary, all the things that I left unsaid before my silence began I am saying now. And the interpretations that I had managed through Jesus's mouth I am taking back and putting Jesus in his own plac...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,931 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... smile come to his face. You may be a stranger, but you smiled at the person, you waved at the person. You have changed the person without his knowing it, without you intending it. Great Masters like Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu -- have called this action without action. You are not taking any action, yet something is happening. And when things happen on their own they have a beauty, because deep down there is f...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,932 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...isdom, life, beauty, health. We want those people's sympathy. That's enough, and the revolution will be on its way. Without any effort to create a revolution, the revolution has already started. This is what old Lao Tzu called effortless effort. We are not making any effort for the revolution; our whole work is meditation. But the outcome is going to be a tremendous revolution, the only revolution which can change this earth...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,933 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...OF SPIRITUALITY RISING AGAIN IN CHINA? 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- A: Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu, were certainly great Masters that have walked on the earth -- rare human beings -- but they have not made a clear-cut way so that others can also follow. No religion came into being bec...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,934 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... And these three great Masters remained individuals. Once in a while somebody was impressed by their writings, but it remained intellectual, so there is no hope in the near future of Lieh Tzu, Chuang Tzu or Lao Tzu being born again in China, or their influence in any way changing the course of China's history, because in fact they have never been of any great importance in China's mind. Confucius and Lao Tzu were c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,935 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...Chuang Tzu or Lao Tzu being born again in China, or their influence in any way changing the course of China's history, because in fact they have never been of any great importance in China's mind. Confucius and Lao Tzu were contemporaries. Confucius had even gone to meet Lao Tzu, because Lao Tzu was certainly a man of tremendous qualities. Confucius was a great thinker, but only a thinker. He had nothing as far as his own i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,936 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...luence in any way changing the course of China's history, because in fact they have never been of any great importance in China's mind. Confucius and Lao Tzu were contemporaries. Confucius had even gone to meet Lao Tzu, because Lao Tzu was certainly a man of tremendous qualities. Confucius was a great thinker, but only a thinker. He had nothing as far as his own inner consciousness is concerned, no experience, no ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,937 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e course of China's history, because in fact they have never been of any great importance in China's mind. Confucius and Lao Tzu were contemporaries. Confucius had even gone to meet Lao Tzu, because Lao Tzu was certainly a man of tremendous qualities. Confucius was a great thinker, but only a thinker. He had nothing as far as his own inner consciousness is concerned, no experience, no idea who he is, but he had ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,938 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...a thinker. He had nothing as far as his own inner consciousness is concerned, no experience, no idea who he is, but he had planned for the society perfectly well, a very mannered, cultured society. Hearing that Lao Tzu was nearby, living in a cave beyond the lake, he went to see him. A few of his disciples also went, but he told them, "You wait outside the cave." They said, "Why? It will be good, we can listen." He said, "Y...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,939 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...It will be good, we can listen." He said, "You don't understand. I will tell you the reason later on. Let me go first. If I feel it right I will call you in." They stayed outside, Confucius went in. Lao Tzu was sitting silently. He did not say to Confucius even to sit down, and Confucius was man of manners, etiquette. He had not expected that a great sage, Lao Tzu, would not even ask. He did not say hello or eve...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,940 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... They stayed outside, Confucius went in. Lao Tzu was sitting silently. He did not say to Confucius even to sit down, and Confucius was man of manners, etiquette. He had not expected that a great sage, Lao Tzu, would not even ask. He did not say hello or even hi -- even that short form, "hi." He simply sat down, looking at Confucius, and Confucius said, "Sir, don't you believe in manners?" Lao Tzu ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,941 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...t sage, Lao Tzu, would not even ask. He did not say hello or even hi -- even that short form, "hi." He simply sat down, looking at Confucius, and Confucius said, "Sir, don't you believe in manners?" Lao Tzu laughed. He said, 'I thought you knew an the manners -- what is the need for me to tell you? If you feel like sitting, you will sit down! You are not a man who does not know manners. If you like to stand up, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,942 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ke sitting, you will sit down! You are not a man who does not know manners. If you like to stand up, it is my etiquette not to disturb you. You can stand up!" Confucius said, "But you... you did not even say hello." Lao Tzu said, "I said it. You could not hear it. It was a test: I said it silently. I wanted to know whether the famous philosopher Confucius understands silence or not. So you understand only words -- that much is d...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,943 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... say it? It is not my cave, nothing belongs to me. Just the way I am sitting, you can sit down. You are not a child to be told." Confucius had never met such a man. And on each point he was rebuffed badly. Then Lao Tzu said, "If you really want to learn anything, first go and renounce all the idiots you have collected as your disciples. You don't know anything and you have thousands of disciples. It is hilarious! You ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,944 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...lone!" Confucius came out, and he had not the courage to say to his disciples that he did not know. He had thousands of disciples, he was the most famous man at that time. Very few people knew about Lao Tzu. Confucius has remained a shadow over the whole of Chinese history. It is only somewhere in the footnotes you can find the name of Lao Tzu. Confucius was not courageous enough to say "I do not know." The...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,945 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...sciples, he was the most famous man at that time. Very few people knew about Lao Tzu. Confucius has remained a shadow over the whole of Chinese history. It is only somewhere in the footnotes you can find the name of Lao Tzu. Confucius was not courageous enough to say "I do not know." The disciples said "You didn't ask us to come in. He said, "It was good that I didn't ask you to come in. And please don't ask the reason. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,946 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...iring. It was a cold morning and the cave was very cool, but he was perspiring. The disciples said, "But why are you perspiring?" He said, "I am alive -- that's enough! Just take me away from here." Lao Tzu has never been a great influence. He was a silent man. Once in a while somebody would come who was courageous enough to be with him He was not ready to come down to meet you, to be with you and to be amongst ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,947 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ng to the stars, but beyond human intelligence. They never were influential in China. In fact, listening to me you have become aware of their names. Otherwise, ordinarily nobody bothers about Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu or Lao Tzu. Nobody has written commentaries on these people. I am the only man who has spoken for years continuously... I spoke for one year continuously on Lao Tzu, every day. His book is very small, he wrote it in...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,948 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [..., ordinarily nobody bothers about Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu or Lao Tzu. Nobody has written commentaries on these people. I am the only man who has spoken for years continuously... I spoke for one year continuously on Lao Tzu, every day. His book is very small, he wrote it in three days. I spoke on it one year in Hindi, and then when people from outside started coming, I spoke again on a few chosen parts. And you know me -- my mem...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,949 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...to remain consistent with it. Certainly, what I said in English is more up to date, because it is five years afterwards. And this gives me an immense freedom. Any day if it happens to me, I can start speaking on Lao Tzu again, because I don't know now what I have spoken on him -- whether in Hindi or English. Both are forgotten. I can give you a third commentary. Otherwise, these peoples'names are not known --...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,950 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...t win over the rock? But finally, that's what happens. Just somebody who has seen it happen has to help you, that "Don't be discouraged by the rock and its strength. It is nothing before the water." Lao Tzu used to call his way the watercourse way -- a beautiful name, so soft, so liquid, no rigidity. You can put it into any form. It is always ready, gives no resistance. If you put it in a bottle, it takes the sh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,951 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...htened. Q:* BUT DON'T YOU THINK THAT THERE IS WISDOM CONTAINED IN THE TEACHINGS OF THE BUDDHA AND LAO TZU AND SOME OTHER... I MEAN, ALL OVER THE RANCH HERE THERE IS.... A:* Nothing. Lao Tzu begins his book -- he wrote only one book and that to be under compulsion. His whole life he never wrote. Q:* DO YOU THINK THE BUDDHA WAS AWAKENED, WAS ENLIGHTENED? A:* Yes. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,952 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...aid. So you have to read the truth between the words and between the lines, but never read it in the words and in the lines. There you will find only lies -- beautiful lies. When a man like Buddha or Lao Tzu speaks, even he is speaking a lie, he is a Master-mind. He speaks a beautiful lie. Q:* SO BASICALLY WHAT YOU'RE SAYING IS, THE FACT OF SPEAKING IT MAKES IT A LIE, THE FACT OF EXPRESSING IT. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,953 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...y can't drink, they can't smoke. What they can do? Just go on praying and nagging God. They must have killed that poor fellow long before. But in hell I can see all the beautiful people of the world. Lao-Tzu will be there. Chuang-Tzu will be there, Gautam Buddha will be there -- because he did not believe in God, he was an atheist. Bertrand Russell will be there, Socrates will be there, Plato and Heraclitus, all ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,954 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...hat anybody has asked, but he has never asked anything from anybody. He remained naked, but this is not necessarily a stage that every enlightened person has to go through. Buddha never became naked, Lao Tzu never became naked, Kabir never became naked. So it has been a very significant problem for religions. They cannot accept other enlightened people for small reasons, because they don't suit with their ide...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,955 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ligence does not mean anything. (Tape side C) And as far as being a heretic is concerned, I consider it a compliment because Socrates was considered a heretic, Gautam Buddha was considered a heretic, Lao Tzu was considered a heretic. I would immensely enjoy to be in their company. Even if it means to be insane, I would still like to be heretic. Q: I ALSO HAPPEN TO BE MODERN PAINTER. I NEVER HEARD...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,956 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... corpses, do you think you will remain alive? You yourself will become a corpse. These religions have been the most poisonous thing that has happened to humanity. Yes, once in a while a man like Gautam Buddha or Lao Tzu experienced. And the fragrance of his experience, without saying a single word, started drawing people towards him as if some invisible magnetic force was working. People loved to be near Gaut...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,957 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... has become really sacred. We will not allow this earth to be destroyed. Temples and churches and synagogues are not sacred, but this earth is because it gave birth to a Socrates, to a Gautam Buddha, to a Lao Tzu, to a Bodhidharma. This earth has done something which is unique. It is suspected that in the whole universe, where are at least two million solar systems. In those two million solar systems, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,958 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Q: AMONG THE ENLIGHTENED PERSONS IN THE WORLD -- TRUE, (INAUDIBLE) -- YOU FIND RAMAKRISHNA MOST (**UNINTELLIGIBLE) BEING, OR WHAT? A: No, there are many. Gautam Buddha is there, Mahavira is there, Lao Tzu in China is there, Chuang Tzu in China is there, Basho in Japan is there, Nagarjuna in India, Vasbandhu* in India.... Enlightenment has happened only in the East, for the simple reason because the whole Ea...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,959 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...lowly they feel that this is how human beings are -- they kill, they murder, they war. They do all these things and this is natural, this is just how human beings are. Why, when you can have Buddha, Lao Tzu, or Kabir and beautiful people...? So these people can feel that there is something greater than they are; and that greater has to be achieved, otherwise they would have failed. Q: WOULD YOU ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,960 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...o much attached. Although they are the causes of your misery, they are like cancer which needs to be operated. And operation is going to be painful but it is going to save your life. Buddha, Mahavir, Lao Tzu, Kabir, Nanak -- they all have said some truths, but those truths were not against your whole conditioning. They were simply talking about your spirituality. If I was also talking only about spirituality ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,961 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... cure people and they can earn money. This is not only the situation about doctor/patient relationship, this is the situation about so many things in our life. One of the great philosopher, Lao Tzu, was asked by the emperor of China to become his chief of the justice department. Lao Tzu tried to persuade him that, "It is better you leave me out." But he insisted, that "You are the wisest man." ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,962 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...r/patient relationship, this is the situation about so many things in our life. One of the great philosopher, Lao Tzu, was asked by the emperor of China to become his chief of the justice department. Lao Tzu tried to persuade him that, "It is better you leave me out." But he insisted, that "You are the wisest man." Finally Lao Tzu accepted and the first case appeared. A man has stolen a large sum of money ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,963 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ked by the emperor of China to become his chief of the justice department. Lao Tzu tried to persuade him that, "It is better you leave me out." But he insisted, that "You are the wisest man." Finally Lao Tzu accepted and the first case appeared. A man has stolen a large sum of money from the richest man of the capital. Lao Tzu gave both the people six years of jail: the thief and the rich man. The rich man said, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,964 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ter you leave me out." But he insisted, that "You are the wisest man." Finally Lao Tzu accepted and the first case appeared. A man has stolen a large sum of money from the richest man of the capital. Lao Tzu gave both the people six years of jail: the thief and the rich man. The rich man said, "Are you mad? I have been robbed and now I am being punished! I have not done anything." Lao Tzu said, "Y...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,965 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...of the capital. Lao Tzu gave both the people six years of jail: the thief and the rich man. The rich man said, "Are you mad? I have been robbed and now I am being punished! I have not done anything." Lao Tzu said, "You have accumulated so much money that it is bound to be sooner or later robbed. You have created the situation, you are the source. This thief is just a by-product and I cannot punish the by-product ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,966 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Soon you will be in jail because whatever you have, you have in the same way I have. It is better to dismiss this man, his idea is dangerous, although he is logical. I can understand what he is saying." Lao Tzu was dismissed. But this is the situation in the whole world. On the one hand we create solutions and on the other 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,967 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e individual and existence. No prayer, no priest, you alone are enough to face the sunrise, you don't need somebody to interpret for you what a beautiful sunrise it is. It is said that every morning Lao Tzu used to go for a walk in the hills. One friend asked him, "Can I come with you one day? I would particularly like to come tomorrow, because I have a guest who is very much interested in you, and he will be im...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,968 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...d particularly like to come tomorrow, because I have a guest who is very much interested in you, and he will be immensely glad to have the opportunity to be with you for two hours in the mountains." Lao Tzu said, "I have no objection, just one simple thing has to be remembered. I don't want anything to be said because I have my eyes, you have your eyes, he has his eyes, we can see. There is no need to say anythi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,969 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...eflection of all the colors, the birds singing and the lotuses blossoming, opening, he could not resist, he forgot. He said, "What a beautiful sunrise." His host was shocked because he has broken the condition. Lao Tzu did not say anything, nothing was said there. Back home he called his friend and told him, "Don't bring your guest again. He is too talkative. The sunrise was there, I was there, he was there, you were there ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,970 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...W AND LEGAL SYSTEMS IN THE WORLD, SO AS TO MAKE IT MORE EFFECTIVE AND ABIDING? A: I would like to start from a small story. It happened twenty five centuries before in China. There was a wise man, Lao Tzu. The emperor of China appointed him as supreme-most judge of the whole empire. And Lao Tzu tried to persuade the emperor that he will repent: "Don't do this; I am not going to fit with your legal systems, bec...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,971 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... A: I would like to start from a small story. It happened twenty five centuries before in China. There was a wise man, Lao Tzu. The emperor of China appointed him as supreme-most judge of the whole empire. And Lao Tzu tried to persuade the emperor that he will repent: "Don't do this; I am not going to fit with your legal systems, because it is basically wrong. It does not need reformation; it needs revolution." ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,972 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...fore him in the court -- a thief has stolen from the richest man of the capital almost half of his treasures. It was a great crime. The legal system that was prevailing in the country would have given him death. But Lao Tzu called the rich man also to the court and said that "Both these people are criminals. And they both should be sentenced to jail for six months." The rich man said, "What kind of justice is this? I have b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,973 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ld be sentenced to jail for six months." The rich man said, "What kind of justice is this? I have been robbed. My half treasure has been stolen by this man, and you are punishing me; for what?" Lao Tzu said, "Because you have accumulated so much money that it is bound to create thieves in the country. You are a criminal first. This man comes in a secondary category." The rich man rushed to the king and...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,974 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... The rich man rushed to the king and said that "What kind of man you have chosen to be your supreme judge? He is dangerous. Today I am going to jail, tomorrow you will go to jail!" Of course, immediately Lao Tzu was removed. You are asking me what improvements, what changes, are needed in the legal system. As I see it, it is basically wrong. It needs nothing less than a revolution; because down the centuries you...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,975 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ion 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- from the earth, because man does not need anybody to mediate between himself and existence. I am reminded of a great master, Lao Tzu. He used to go every day for a morning walk. One of his neighbors asked him, "A friend has come to visit me. He is a poet, a lover of beauty, and he is also very much interested in you. He wants to accompany ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,976 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...his neighbors asked him, "A friend has come to visit me. He is a poet, a lover of beauty, and he is also very much interested in you. He wants to accompany you tomorrow morning on your morning walk." Lao Tzu said, "I have no objection, except a simple condition: that he should not speak while we are walking in the mountains." The friend said, "That's acceptable." All three started the next day bef...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,977 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e flowers started opening and the birds started singing. The poet forgot about the condition. He said, "How beautiful!" Just two words, and then he remembered. He didn't say anything more. Back home, Lao Tzu called the neighbor and said, "Your friend is too talkative; I cannot afford to have him again. And he is stupid too. I was there, listening to the songs of the birds, seeing the sun rising, listening to the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,978 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...lished and unpublished Query:- He will have great ideas, he will make great systems, but his own personality, his own individuality, will remain very ordinary. He cannot become a Gautam Buddha, he cannot become a Lao Tzu, he cannot become a Chuang Tzu, because these are not philosophers; these are people who have tried to see within, to reach to the very center of their being. And the center of my being is als...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,979 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... The Last Testament, Vol 6 Chapter #16 Chapter title: None 21 July 1989 am in LaoTzu House, Poona, India Archive code: 8907210 ShortTitle: LAST616 Audio: Yes Video: No [NOTE: This is a typed tape transcript and has not been edited or publi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,980 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...-- yet even in those religions man is not free. He was not aware of Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism -- the most profound religions of all. For all these three religions there is no God. For the same reason Lao Tzu, Mahavira and Gautam Buddha have denied God -- because they could see that with God, man is just a puppet. Then all efforts for enlightenment are meaningless; you are not free, how can you become enlightened?...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,981 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...he has no function. There is no organized religion in which he can be a pope or a shankaracharya or Ayatollah Khomeini. He has no God whom he can represent; his function is finished. Buddha, Mahavir, Lao Tzu dropped God in the same way as Friedrich Nietzsche -- not knowing, not aware that if religion remained even without God, the priest would manage to keep man in slavery. And he has kept man in slavery. 10/28...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,982 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... If you have understood the meaning of the empty heart and its becoming just a mirror, Ma Tzu has not been a failure to you. These people like Ma Tzu, or Gautam Buddha, or Lao Tzu, they don't belong to different centuries. They are all contemporaries. The moment you enter into this emptiness, this mirrorlike reflection, a silence that knows no bounda...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,983 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... How do you know you are Christian? You have never been with Christ. You were not given the choice, the opportunity to choose whether you would like to be in love with Christ or Gautam Buddha or Mahavira or Lao Tzu or Zarathustra. Your religion is your bondage. It is your imprisonment. Your Christianity, your Hinduism, your Mohammedanism, your Jainism -- they are all chains which you cannot see, because they are not...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,984 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ener, younger, juicier. If they go on clinging to their old leaves, there will be no space, no possibility for the new leaves to appear. Have you ever wondered why, in the contemporary world, people like Buddha, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Basho, Kabir, Jesus, Zarathustra -- are not born? What has happened? Is humanity a spent force? No -- humanity is more powerful, has more energy than ever. But the past goes on becoming ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,985 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... going to learn meditation," the visa is denied. I would love to know -- is there another way of becoming wise? Has Rajiv Gandhi found some other key which Buddha missed, Mahavira missed, Patanjali missed, Lao Tzu missed? For ten thousand years, all the great masters have missed that which Rajiv Gandhi has found -- the key to wisdom. Then at least distribute those keys to people. It is very easy to use ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,986 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...es of history that only the East knows the secret of meditation; the West has no awareness of it. If Kahlil Gibran had been in the East, he would have touched the same heights of consciousness as any Lao Tzu, as any Bodhidharma. And he was more articulate than Gautam Buddha or Mahavira. If he had touched all those heights and remained on them, he would have been the greatest man on the earth, because neither Budd...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,987 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...rections, finding a path of which it has no knowledge and moving towards the ocean without any map, any guide. So is, just like a river, the river of your life. It happened: The emperor of China made Lao Tzu his supreme court chief justice. Lao Tzu tried to persuade him, but in vain: "You will repent if you make me the chief judge of your supreme court, because my ways of understanding and seeing are totally diff...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,988 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...no knowledge and moving towards the ocean without any map, any guide. So is, just like a river, the river of your life. It happened: The emperor of China made Lao Tzu his supreme court chief justice. Lao Tzu tried to persuade him, but in vain: "You will repent if you make me the chief judge of your supreme court, because my ways of understanding and seeing are totally different from yours." But th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,989 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...om yours." But the emperor was very insistent, because he had heard so much about the wisdom of this man. He said, "I have decided. And you cannot refuse it." The first case on the first day when Lao Tzu was in the seat of the chief justice, was about a man who was found red-handed, stealing from the house of the richest man in the capital. In fact there was no case -- he was caught red-handed. There were eye...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,990 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ing from the house of the richest man in the capital. In fact there was no case -- he was caught red-handed. There were eyewitnesses, and he himself confessed that "Whatever they are saying is true." Lao Tzu gave his famous judgment -- so unique and so full of understanding that it has never been given by anyone before or after. The judgment was that the thief had to go to jail for six months -- and with him, the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,991 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...t he is mad! What wrong has the rich man done? The rich man said, "I cannot believe my ears. My money is being stolen and I am being punished? The same punishment as you are giving to the thief?" Lao Tzu said, "You are the first criminal -- the thief comes number two. It is just my compassion that I am giving you only six months; you should be given a longer time in jail than the thief. You have gathered all ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,992 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...s sympathy, but nobody will ever think that he has to be punished. Your whole gang makes all the laws, which are favorable to you and unfavorable to the poor whose blood you all have been sucking."' Lao Tzu was relieved from his duties, and the emperor said, "You were right. Please forgive me. Our ways of thinking are totally different." Lao Tzu said, "Have you ever thought about it? You are saying our ways of t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,993 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... and unfavorable to the poor whose blood you all have been sucking."' Lao Tzu was relieved from his duties, and the emperor said, "You were right. Please forgive me. Our ways of thinking are totally different." Lao Tzu said, "Have you ever thought about it? You are saying our ways of thinking are totally different... if you had ever thought about it they would not have been different. They are different because I try to see...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,994 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... hand, empty, spent. These are only metaphors. I am saying a child is born full of possibilities -- he need not be jealous of anyone. I have never felt jealous of anyone; however great they may be -- Lao Tzu or Moses or Krishna or Buddha -- I have not felt jealous. I have simply felt immensely happy that at least a few people realized their potential. And it has given me the incentive: "You are also a man belongi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,995 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... starts growing on its own accord. Kahlil Gibran is saying something immensely beautiful. But, poor fellow, he does not know that he is using wrong words. But that is not his fault; he never came in contact with Lao Tzu, with Chuang Tzu, with Basho, with Kabir, with Nanak. His whole upbringing remained Christian -- all that he knows is Christianity; and Christianity is a very poor religion. It is not accidental that only ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,996 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ave himself been condemning it, but he has never tasted it. A beautiful story I would like to tell you: One day in paradise, in one of the ZORBA THE BUDDHA restaurants, Gautam Buddha, Confucius, and Lao Tzu were sitting and chitchatting. A beautiful naked woman -- it is my restaurant, nobody else's, and it is not in the territory of the Poona Police Commissioner -- came with a big jug and asked the three, "Would...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,997 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ve a little taste, because without tasting it I cannot say anything about it." She poured into a cup some juice of life. Confucius just sipped it, gave it back to her, and said, "It is very bitter." Lao Tzu said, "Give me the whole jug." The woman said, "The whole jug? Are you going to drink from the jug?" He said, "That's my approach to life: unless you have drunk it in its totality, you cannot say anything abo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,998 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... drank of it, the sweeter it became. First it was only pleasant; in the end it became ecstatic." Buddha could not stand this praise of life. He simply stood up and moved out of the ZORBA THE BUDDHA restaurant. Lao Tzu said, "What happened to this fellow? He has been sitting with closed eyes. In the first place, there is no need to close your eyes -- the woman is so beautiful. If there was something ugly you can close your ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,999 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ity, is to show humiliation, condemnation, is to show some deep-rooted fear. Perhaps that fellow is very repressed, and he is afraid his repression may surface." Confucius was not ready to listen to Lao Tzu, because he was going too far from the golden mean, so he left. And Lao Tzu started dancing. I have heard he is still dancing.... Life has to be lived before you decide anything about it -- for or agains...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,000 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Perhaps that fellow is very repressed, and he is afraid his repression may surface." Confucius was not ready to listen to Lao Tzu, because he was going too far from the golden mean, so he left. And Lao Tzu started dancing. I have heard he is still dancing.... Life has to be lived before you decide anything about it -- for or against. Those who have lived it in its intensity and totality have never been aga...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,001 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...he whole: `Make any song out of me, any music; I am at your disposal, totally without any conditions.'" That's why he says: was it i who spoke? was i not also a listener? People like Gautam Buddha, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Kabir, Nanak, Al-Hillaj Mansoor, or thousands of other mystics, will agree with Almustafa, that whatever they have said, they have not said it -- they were also a listener, not a speaker. And whe...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,002 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...are so closed, no seed can enter there. It is not for the first time that you have come to a man like me; you are ancient wanderers. Perhaps a few of you have been with Gautam Buddha, a few of you have been with Lao Tzu, a few may have been with Jesus. But you went on missing, because you never allowed your heart to be receptive. They were showering seeds on you, but unless you receive them, their showering is not of ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,003 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [.... For example, the printing machine was first developed in China three thousand years ago. Gunpowder was also developed in China three thousand years before, but they never used it. They listened to Lao Tzu, and Chuang Tzu, and Lieh Tzu who said "These are ugly and inhuman things. It is better to stop this kind of research; it is going to lead ultimately to the destruction of the whole humanity." This was said t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,004 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...om of this world. And Jesus explained and explained but it was difficult to make people understand. He said, "In my kingdom of God the poorest will be the richest, the last will be the first." He talked exactly like Lao Tzu, and he was a man like Lao Tzu. "The last will be the first in my kingdom of God." He was saying that the humblest will be the most significant, the poorest will be the richest, and one who is not recognized ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,005 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...lained and explained but it was difficult to make people understand. He said, "In my kingdom of God the poorest will be the richest, the last will be the first." He talked exactly like Lao Tzu, and he was a man like Lao Tzu. "The last will be the first in my kingdom of God." He was saying that the humblest will be the most significant, the poorest will be the richest, and one who is not recognized at all here will be ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,006 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...m of heaven cannot be explained directly, immediately. It is impossible. Unless you enter it there is no way to say anything about it. Whatsoever is said will be wrong. The truth cannot be said. Then what are Jesus, Lao Tzu and Buddha doing continuously, for years? If the truth cannot 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,007 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... time was of a different quality; after Jesus time became of a different quality. With Jesus, history starts. His attitude, his approach towards the human mind, is very different from that of a Buddha or a Lao Tzu. The ultimate goal is one, the ultimate flowering is going to be one, but Jesus' approach is absolutely different. He is unique. What is he saying? He is saying that through conflict growth is achieved; t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,008 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...on chattering. Look at the flower and make it a meditation. Look at the tree and don't name it, don't say anything. There is no need; the tree is there -- why say anything? I have heard it happened: Lao Tzu, one of the greatest Chinese mystics, used to go for a walk in the morning every day. A neighbor used to follow him, but the neighbor knew that Lao Tzu was a man of silence, so for years he followed him on th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,009 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...-- why say anything? I have heard it happened: Lao Tzu, one of the greatest Chinese mystics, used to go for a walk in the morning every day. A neighbor used to follow him, but the neighbor knew that Lao Tzu was a man of silence, so for years he followed him on the morning walk but he never said anything. One day there was a visitor at the neighbor's house, a guest, and he also wanted to come. The neighbor ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,010 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... so for years he followed him on the morning walk but he never said anything. One day there was a visitor at the neighbor's house, a guest, and he also wanted to come. The neighbor said, "Don't say anything, because Lao Tzu wants to live directly. Don't say anything!" They went out, and the morning was so beautiful, so silent, the birds were singing, and just out of habit the guest said, "How beautiful!" Just this much, not...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,011 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... the morning was so beautiful, so silent, the birds were singing, and just out of habit the guest said, "How beautiful!" Just this much, nothing much; for a one hour walk, this is not very much: "How beautiful!" But Lao Tzu looked at him as if he had committed a sin. Back home, going in his door, Lao Tzu said to the neighbor, "Never come again! And never bring anybody else -- this man seems to be so talkative." And he had o...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,012 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... the guest said, "How beautiful!" Just this much, nothing much; for a one hour walk, this is not very much: "How beautiful!" But Lao Tzu looked at him as if he had committed a sin. Back home, going in his door, Lao Tzu said to the neighbor, "Never come again! And never bring anybody else -- this man seems to be so talkative." And he had only said, "How beautiful!" -- too talkative. And Lao Tzu said, "The morning was beautif...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,013 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Back home, going in his door, Lao Tzu said to the neighbor, "Never come again! And never bring anybody else -- this man seems to be so talkative." And he had only said, "How beautiful!" -- too talkative. And Lao Tzu said, "The morning was beautiful, it was so silent. This man disturbed the whole thing." "How beautiful!" It fell like a stone in a silent pool. "How beautiful!" fell like a stone in a silent ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,014 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e, now don't hide it: ... NOR DOES HE PUT IT IN A HIDDEN PLACE, BUT HE SETS IT ON THE LAMPSTAND SO THAT ALL WHO COME IN AND GO OUT MAY SEE ITS LIGHT. This has always been a problem: Buddha, Mahavira, Lao Tzu, Jesus, Mohammed, Zarathustra, they always have to insist continuously that the disciples go and tell others. The opportunity will not be forever -- Jesus will not be there in his physical body forever, and i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,015 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...itself, but not a wise man -- because you can be wise without becoming enlightened There are wise men: Confucius was a wise man, but not enlightened. Manu was a wise man, but not enlightened. Buddha was enlightened, Lao Tzu was enlightened: their wisdom comes from a totally different source. They have reached the very center of life -- they have known. Their knowledge is not through intellect, their knowledge is through being. T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,016 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... even as much as Thomas has said. He came closest, he became the marrow. Jesus was not so fortunate. There are reasons: the climate was not good, the situation was absolutely different. China had known Lao Tzu, but the Jews have never known a man like Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu created the very soil in which Buddha's seed could sprout beautifully. When Bodhidharma went to China the soil was ready. It had been tilled by Lao T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,017 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... closest, he became the marrow. Jesus was not so fortunate. There are reasons: the climate was not good, the situation was absolutely different. China had known Lao Tzu, but the Jews have never known a man like Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu created the very soil in which Buddha's seed could sprout beautifully. When Bodhidharma went to China the soil was ready. It had been tilled by Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu -- rare phenomena! -- a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,018 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...he marrow. Jesus was not so fortunate. There are reasons: the climate was not good, the situation was absolutely different. China had known Lao Tzu, but the Jews have never known a man like Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu created the very soil in which Buddha's seed could sprout beautifully. When Bodhidharma went to China the soil was ready. It had been tilled by Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu -- rare phenomena! -- and then Buddha's seed...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,019 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...nown Lao Tzu, but the Jews have never known a man like Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu created the very soil in which Buddha's seed could sprout beautifully. When Bodhidharma went to China the soil was ready. It had been tilled by Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu -- rare phenomena! -- and then Buddha's seed was carried by Bodhidharma. It flowered beautifully, it blossomed beautifully. Jesus was not so fortunate, the soil was not ready. There have been prop...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,020 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...hen Buddha's seed was carried by Bodhidharma. It flowered beautifully, it blossomed beautifully. Jesus was not so fortunate, the soil was not ready. There have been prophets in the Jewish culture, but not sages like Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu, no. There have been saints, so Simon Peter was available. There have been moralists, because Moses put morality at the very base of Jewish culture: the Ten Commandments -- they are the base. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,021 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...an accident, a long history is needed behind him. Moses is the deepest cause, the root from where Simon Peter came: the Ten Commandments, the moral attitude towards the world, towards life. But there was no man like Lao Tzu who says, "All distinctions are false: the moment you say, 'This is good and that is bad,' you have divided life and killed it" -- a man who was for the whole, not for the division. Bodhidharma was fortunate,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,022 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... in the world, not renouncing it -- and yet totally renounced. Where contradictions meet, the ultimate appears. If you choose one, you have missed, you have sinned, you have missed the mark. Don't choose! That's why Lao Tzu, Jesus and others say, "Don't choose!" Choose and you miss. Be choiceless -- let movement be there, and let rest be there, and let movement and rest rest together. Become a symphony, not a single note. A sing...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,023 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... everything must be known, no secret should be allowed to remain a secret. So they -- men -- devised all the methods: Buddha is a man, Jesus is a man, Zarathustra is a man, Mahavira is a man, Krishna is a man, Lao Tzu is a man. No woman comparable to them has ever existed who devised any methods. There have been women who became enlightened, but even then they could not devise methods, even then they followed. They cannot,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,024 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... have been exactly with me; many times you were with a Buddha and that was to be with me. Many times you were with a Jina, with a Mahavira, and that was to be with me. Many times you were around Jesus, or Moses, or Lao Tzu -- that was being with me. A Lao Tzu or a Buddha cannot be defined in any way; they are two emptinesses, and two emptinesses have no qualities to differ. You may have been with a Lao Tzu and I say you wer...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,025 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...es you were with a Buddha and that was to be with me. Many times you were with a Jina, with a Mahavira, and that was to be with me. Many times you were around Jesus, or Moses, or Lao Tzu -- that was being with me. A Lao Tzu or a Buddha cannot be defined in any way; they are two emptinesses, and two emptinesses have no qualities to differ. You may have been with a Lao Tzu and I say you were with me, because there is nothing t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,026 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ound Jesus, or Moses, or Lao Tzu -- that was being with me. A Lao Tzu or a Buddha cannot be defined in any way; they are two emptinesses, and two emptinesses have no qualities to differ. You may have been with a Lao Tzu and I say you were with me, because there is nothing to make any distinction. A Lao Tzu is an emptiness. Two emptinesses are just the same, you cannot make any distinction. But you missed. You have been missi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,027 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... defined in any way; they are two emptinesses, and two emptinesses have no qualities to differ. You may have been with a Lao Tzu and I say you were with me, because there is nothing to make any distinction. A Lao Tzu is an emptiness. Two emptinesses are just the same, you cannot make any distinction. But you missed. You have been missing many times. You can miss again. And remember, you are wise, clever, calculating. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,028 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ll-power around him, just to hide the fact. A person who is really strong will be unaware that he is strong. Strength will be flowing, it will be there, but he will not even be conscious of it. Says Lao Tzu: A man of real virtue never knows that he is virtuous. A man who is really moral is never aware that he is moral. But a man who is aware that he is moral has immorality hidden deep down. A man who thinks he i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,029 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...de that you are in the head. In old Japan thinking from the belly really worked, but now they are shifting from the belly to the head. There have been other traditions that have thought from other parts of the body. Lao Tzu says you think from the soles of your feet. So there are techniques in Taoist yoga to get out of the soles of your feet -- because THERE the thinking is going on. What is the reality? The real...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,030 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...g of nature and the divine, a meeting of the created and the creator, a meeting of body and soul, a meeting of that which is below and of that which is above, a meeting of the earth and the sky. Says Lao Tzu: Tao happens when earth and heaven meet. This is the meeting. Witnessing is the basic source. But it will be difficult to become a witness in the sex act if you are not trying to become a witness in other...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,031 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... rich -- you can drop it, you can become poor, you can become a beggar like Buddha. And then your poverty is rich; then your poverty has a kingdom of its own. And the same happens with everything. Upanishads or Lao Tzu or Jesus or Buddha -- they all teach that knowledge is useless. Just getting more and more knowledgeable is not much help. Not only is it not much help, it can become a barrier. Knowledge is ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,032 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...thoughts. When you are silent, what is good and what is bad? The moment the idea arises: This is good, that is bad, the silence has been lost. In deep meditation there is nothing -- no good, no bad. Lao Tzu is reported to have said: A hair's distinction, and heaven and hell are set apart. In the mind of a meditator, if even a slight distinction arises then the whole world is divided. Meditation is non-distinctio...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,033 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...'m against morality for the simple reason that it gives you prejudices, superficial prejudices. Anything going against it you immediately take the idea that it is wrong, it is right. It happened to Lao Tzu, the source of Taoism, that he was made the chief justice of the Supreme Court of China. He begged the emperor, "You are committing a mistake; I'm not the right man. You will repent." But the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,034 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...he right man. You will repent." But the emperor knew that he was the wisest man alive, and he was, there was no doubt about it. He said, "Why should I repent? You are the wisest man." Lao Tzu said, "That is the problem. My judgement will come from my wisdom. And your judgements will never be adjustable with my judgements." But the emperor was stubborn; he said, "Let us see." So the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,035 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...nd your judgements will never be adjustable with my judgements." But the emperor was stubborn; he said, "Let us see." So the first case came: a thief was caught red-handed in the richest man's house. Lao Tzu listened to the whole story. The thief himself confessed that, "In front of you, I cannot lie. If there was another judge, it would be a different matter, but I have always respected you and l...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,036 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...l right, I will not 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- complain." Lao Tzu waited for a moment and then said, "Both of you, you and the man whose house you have been stealing from, are criminals." "Both?" the rich man asked. "Are you in your senses?" Lao Tzu said, "Y...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,037 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Lao Tzu waited for a moment and then said, "Both of you, you and the man whose house you have been stealing from, are criminals." "Both?" the rich man asked. "Are you in your senses?" Lao Tzu said, "You have collected so much money, that almost fifty percent of the wealth of the city is in your hands, with the other fifty percent in the whole city's hands. This situation creates the possibility of...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,038 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...according to him. You are the biggest criminal." The emperor said, "Perhaps he was right that I would repent. Don't be worried, I will release him from the service immediately." He called Lao Tzu and said, "This is a very strange judgement." Lao Tzu said, "It is not. If people were living in harmony with nature, if people were compassionate to each other, if they felt a certain brotherhood with ea...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,039 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... The emperor said, "Perhaps he was right that I would repent. Don't be worried, I will release him from the service immediately." He called Lao Tzu and said, "This is a very strange judgement." Lao Tzu said, "It is not. If people were living in harmony with nature, if people were compassionate to each other, if they felt a certain brotherhood with each other, then how could there be rich people and poor peo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,040 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... be rich people and poor people? There should only be people. And there is enough." At least in those times it was perfectly true, there was enough for everybody to live comfortably. At that time when Lao Tzu said that, in India the population was only two million. Now the population is nine hundred million, and by the end of this century, if humanity survives -- the chances are very slim -- India will have one th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,041 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... anybody to be rich or poor. Things could be easily, comfortably enjoyed by all. But it was not the case, neither in India nor in China nor anywhere else. Now it has become absolutely impossible. But Lao Tzu was right when he said, "A man who collects so much wealth that thousands of people become undernourished -- they don't have houses, they don't have jobs, they don't have enough to eat... What do you want? Sh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,042 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...uditorium is not part of your so-called world. It is an island in itself where only buddhas dwell. For you as meditators time does not matter. The deeper you go, the more contemporary you become to Gautam Buddha, to Lao Tzu, to Chuang Tzu, to all those who have experienced the ultimate. You meet them at the very source of your being. It is the same taste, it is the same flavor, it is the same goal. You are right ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,043 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... This tuning becomes possible if you surrender yourself to the whole. Why is man not in tune with the infinite? Because you go on living according to your own mind, not according to the mind of the whole. Lao Tzu calls the mind of the whole tao: the law, the cosmic law. We create our own laws; every society creates its own laws. Those laws are artificial. They are not universal, they are local. And bec...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,044 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...en become afraid of life. We cannot live, because to move in life is to move into the unknown. Religion is the most unknown dimension. Even those who have known it cannot say anything about it. Says Lao Tzu: "Truth cannot be said. And if it is said, it is no longer the truth." The ultimate cannot be named. If you name it, you have missed it. It remains inexpressible. Those who have gone to the inner space -- and...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,045 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...l be nothing then but a methodology to prepare the ground for you to jump from unconsciousness into consciousness. And that is the greatest quantum leap. Buddha is not dead; neither is Jesus nor Zarathustra nor Lao Tzu nor Nanak. Anybody who has lived with full consciousness goes on living without any form. Because there is no form, there is no disease; because there is no form, there is no death; because there is no form, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,046 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...hing clicked. And although Dhyan Om calls himself not an ordinary nut, but a coconut, something clicked in his mind also. Because what I was saying was so clear to everybody except these two persons. In the whole of Lao Tzu House everybody was worried what to do, because they are suffering so terribly just by being together. Whenever they are away from each other, they look happy, they look healthy. The moment they see each othe...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,047 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...the moment someone leaves you, you immediately rush to anybody who is close by. Now poor Shunyo was close by ... he had not even gone a little further, to Krishna House or Jesus House. Here, just in Lao Tzu House, immediately ... and not even bothering that she is already in love with someone. It is not good to interfere. It is not gentlemanly. It is not in any way compassionate to interfere wit...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,048 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... cunningness, a calculativeness. It was not purchased for Shunyo. It was purchased because it was certain that sooner or later he and Latifa will have to separate, because they are creating a constant scene in Lao Tzu House. So he brought the sari in case they have to separate and he will have to find another woman immediately. It is just a coincidence that he found Shunyo. If it was purchased for Shunyo, he would have...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,049 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...re, if Ronald Reagan allows. Ronald Reagan is just a representative of all the mad politicians of the world. If they allow, then we still have twelve hours to evolve. If in fifteen seconds Gautam Buddha, Pythagoras, Lao Tzu, Mahavira, Jesus, Ramakrishna, Raman Maharishi, J. Krishnamurti, Gurdjieff -- if all these people have happened just in fifteen seconds, then the coming twelve hours, if man remains on the ear...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,050 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [.... Half of the population of the world has been deprived of all kinds of spiritual growth. Women have asked again and again why there are not women as great as Gautam Buddha or Jesus or Zarathustra or Lao Tzu. Man has not allowed women even to be educated. He has not allowed women to have any financial independence. He has not allowed the woman free movement in society. At the most she can go to church. The only m...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,051 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...n is a demolishing of the personality. There was a great clash between meditation and Confucian philosophy, which was predominant in China. It was a long struggle. There was a small stream of Tao -- Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu -- but it was a very small stream. It had no national impact because the people who were impressed by Confucius remained in their heads, and Tao was the philosophy of the heart. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,052 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Confucius. Mao is a Confucian, and they have destroyed all the Taoist monasteries; their scriptures; they have forced the Taoist meditators to go to the fields and work there. China has gone against Lao Tzu, who was its greatest son. It has gone with Confucius, who is just as ordinary as Manu in India -- just a social thinker, creating ways for having a better culture, better civilization, without thinking at al...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,053 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...nu in India -- just a social thinker, creating ways for having a better culture, better civilization, without thinking at all about consciousness. The West has many philosophers of the same quality. Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu are rare flowers, exotic ... but they were the people who understood Bodhidharma without a single word being said to them. They were the people who simply accepted Gautam Buddha and his immense...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,054 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...hed by the Taoist approach. They melted into each other, they made each other brighter, lovelier, deeper, higher. In fact it was a miracle. Meditation has never reached to such heights as when Gautam Buddha and Lao Tzu's philosophies met in an eternal communion. What reached Japan was Gautam Buddha and Lao Tzu both together. China had made Gautam Buddha's approach more refined, had given it new dimensions, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,055 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... higher. In fact it was a miracle. Meditation has never reached to such heights as when Gautam Buddha and Lao Tzu's philosophies met in an eternal communion. What reached Japan was Gautam Buddha and Lao Tzu both together. China had made Gautam Buddha's approach more refined, had given it new dimensions, made it more pure. Japan was fortunate that it was in a state of vacuum. It simply absorbed this new philosoph...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,056 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...osophy without any resistance. Hence dhyan, or meditation, came to the highest flowering in Japan. The flowering of Zen has left even the original master, Gautam Buddha, far behind. It has also left Lao Tzu far behind. It went on improving because there was no resistance, no argument against it, nobody to fight with it. Everybody was immediately in an agreeable receptivity. Zen became such a flowering that nothi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,057 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...oundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- If you can also forget Confucius and Karl Marx and Mao Tse-Tung, it will be a great step towards Gautam Buddha, towards Lao Tzu, towards me -- and in the final analysis, towards yourself. "You must help me, doctor," said Hymie to his psychiatrist. "I can't remember anything for more than a few minutes. It is driving me crazy." ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,058 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ords. You can force the infinite into the words but then it is no more infinite; that is the falsification. All that is beautiful, all that is lovely, all that is good and true, remains unexpressed. Lao Tzu has said, 'Truth cannot be expressed. The moment you express it, it is no more truth.' This is one of the most fundamental things to be understood. Truth can be shown, but cannot be said. You can show tr...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,059 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... is possible only through death. Resurrection happens only after crucifixion. If you really want to be alive, be as if you are dead. If you really want to be intelligent, live as if you are an idiot. Lao Tzu has said, 'The whole world is wise except me. I am an idiot.' The word 'idiot' is beautiful. It comes from the same root as the word 'idiom'. Idiom is a personal style. Idiom means personal style and an i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,060 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...k macrobiotic people will agree with him, because he has destroyed the whole thing. He says: MACROBIOTICS IS PURE TAOISM. No principle, no theory, can be pure taoism. Even taoism is not pure taoism. Lao Tzu resisted for his whole life. He denied his disciples, he rejected all appeals to him to make a theory about his whole principle, because he said, 'Once tao is said, it is no more tao. Truth cannot be said, ca...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,061 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...nally to India. India is not a geographical point; it is the very source of all human consciousness. Everyone who wants to be reoriented has to come to the orient. 'Orient' simply means orientation. Lao Tzu.... Of course, chinese scholars never say that he was going to India; that offends their ego. They say he was going to the south, but India is the south. They say he moved towards the south, but India is the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,062 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...he was going to India; that offends their ego. They say he was going to the south, but India is the south. They say he moved towards the south, but India is the south for China. And of course, it seems meaningful -- Lao Tzu coming back to India. That seems absolutely relevant. Everybody has to come. India is everybody's home. He was caught on the boundaries of China by the government officials and they said, 'We will ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,063 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... don't desire even the next moment. Plop. This moment is enough. Buddha's saying, 'going nowhere', is a better expression. But don't be caught in words. All buddhas mean the same -- jesus, Mahavir, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu or Gautam Buddha. Whatsoever their expressions, they all mean the same. Don't by to be scholarly, and don't be a word-chopper. It is all the same. You can call it coming in, or you can even c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,064 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...w, don't be blind. Blindness won't help. Chiyono became enlightened, and this way has never been so with anybody else. Buddha was not carrying a pail of water, neither was Mahavira, nor Krishna, nor Lao Tzu, nor Zarathustra -- nobody was carrying a pail of water. And after Chiyono many have carried because it seems so simple. You can manage it, it seems so simple, no difficulty is involved. Fullmoon night comes ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,065 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...per than love, because the other is still there in love -- you have something to cling to. And when you can cling, something of you survives. But in meditation there is no other. That is why Buddha, Mahavira and Lao Tzu, they deny the existence of God. Why? They know very well God is, but they deny the existence so that you have no support left for meditation. If the other is there, your meditation can become at the most lov...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,066 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...cause they never created any following. Exactly at the same time in Greece there was Socrates, Plato, Aristotle -- the three who created the whole Western mind. Exactly at the same time in China there was Confucius, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Mencius. It seems at that peak, all over the world, mind was at its Everest. There are only three cultures: one is Chinese, another is Indian, and the other is Greek. Only three ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,067 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...hree cultures exist, all the others are just byproducts. The whole West originated with the Greek mind in Athens. The whole Chinese civilization, a totally different type of civilization, arose out of Confucius' and Lao Tzu's confrontation, and all that is beautiful in India came out of Buddha, Mahavira. And all these people existed at a single moment of history. Historians say that history moves like a wheel: there are mom...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,068 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...uth, you don't need to have any memory at all. Lies are so complex, they need a very complex bio-computer which you call memory. Truth is so simple, it does not even need to be said. I am reminded of Lao Tzu. He used to go every day for a morning walk, early, before the sun rises. Just by the side of his village there was a small hillock which was the most beautiful spot to see the sun rising. One of his neighbor...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,069 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...y, before the sun rises. Just by the side of his village there was a small hillock which was the most beautiful spot to see the sun rising. One of his neighbors asked him, "Can I also come with you?" Lao Tzu said, "Whether you can come with me is not the right question. The road does not belong to me; neither the mountains, nor the sunrise. If you can come by my side but not with me, everything is okay. But remem...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,070 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ntains, nor the sunrise. If you can come by my side but not with me, everything is okay. But remember: you are alone, I am alone. Nothing has to be said; no word has to be uttered." The man had known Lao Tzu for a long time. He agreed. But one day the neighbor had a guest and the guest was also excited and wanted to follow his host, to go with Lao Tzu on his morning walk. The neighbor explained to him: "Lao Tzu h...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,071 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e said; no word has to be uttered." The man had known Lao Tzu for a long time. He agreed. But one day the neighbor had a guest and the guest was also excited and wanted to follow his host, to go with Lao Tzu on his morning walk. The neighbor explained to him: "Lao Tzu has no other conditions except that you are alone; he does not want to become a crowd. Language is prohibited. You should not say anything, and I d...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,072 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ad known Lao Tzu for a long time. He agreed. But one day the neighbor had a guest and the guest was also excited and wanted to follow his host, to go with Lao Tzu on his morning walk. The neighbor explained to him: "Lao Tzu has no other conditions except that you are alone; he does not want to become a crowd. Language is prohibited. You should not say anything, and I don't think he will object." He did not object...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,073 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...said, "What a beautiful sunrise!" And then suddenly he remembered: you are alone, you are not supposed to use words. Only mad people use words when they are alone. They came back. Reaching the house, Lao Tzu said to his neighbor, "Please tell your guest never to come again. He is too talkative." In a two-hour morning walk he had uttered only that small sentence -- "What a beautiful sunrise!" But s...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,074 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...zu said to his neighbor, "Please tell your guest never to come again. He is too talkative." In a two-hour morning walk he had uttered only that small sentence -- "What a beautiful sunrise!" But still Lao Tzu is right. Because the guest tried to argue with him -- he said, "I simply expressed my feeling." Lao Tzu said, "I was also present, I was also experiencing the sunrise and the beauty. We were ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,075 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... morning walk he had uttered only that small sentence -- "What a beautiful sunrise!" But still Lao Tzu is right. Because the guest tried to argue with him -- he said, "I simply expressed my feeling." Lao Tzu said, "I was also present, I was also experiencing the sunrise and the beauty. We were all surrounded with the same blessing, the birds singing and the flowers opening. I am not blind; I also have a heart. Yo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,076 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ful sunrise' -- do you think I cannot understand the beauty? And moreover you forgot your promise. You are not a man who can be relied upon, you are not a man of your word." These strange people like Lao Tzu or Diogenes are the authentic people of the world. And they have known the truth not by conquering the world, not by becoming astronauts, not by climbing Everest; they have known the truth just by sitting sil...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,077 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...end. Years of preparation for what? To know that there was no need of any preparation. Milarepa, I also told Amrito about a tremendously beautiful pack of cards that existed in China, in the days of Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu. It has ten cards describing the search, the pilgrimage. Those ten cards are called The Ten Bulls of Zen. In the first picture, the bull is lost. And naturally, the owner is looking all around,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,078 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...o end to this infinite regress. My own silence is, that there is no observer and there is no observed. Hence nothing can be said about it. The moment you say it, you lie. It is one of the reasons Lao Tzu never said anything, never wrote anything. He had a great following, but a very strange following. Every disciple had come to listen, to understand, to know, but Lao Tzu insistently, his whole life long, refu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,079 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...lie. It is one of the reasons Lao Tzu never said anything, never wrote anything. He had a great following, but a very strange following. Every disciple had come to listen, to understand, to know, but Lao Tzu insistently, his whole life long, refused to say anything about truth, or to write anything about truth. He was ready to talk about anything else -- but the people had come to know about the truth.... ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,080 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...life long, refused to say anything about truth, or to write anything about truth. He was ready to talk about anything else -- but the people had come to know about the truth.... Finally the day came. Lao Tzu left for the Himalayas to enter into the eternal peace of those beautiful mountains. But the emperor of China was also interested to know what Lao Tzu had been hiding and not telling, not even giving a hint a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,081 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...o know about the truth.... Finally the day came. Lao Tzu left for the Himalayas to enter into the eternal peace of those beautiful mountains. But the emperor of China was also interested to know what Lao Tzu had been hiding and not telling, not even giving a hint about what truth is. He ordered all the borders to be closed to Lao Tzu: "He cannot leave China unless he writes something about truth." ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,082 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... beautiful mountains. But the emperor of China was also interested to know what Lao Tzu had been hiding and not telling, not even giving a hint about what truth is. He ordered all the borders to be closed to Lao Tzu: "He cannot leave China unless he writes something about truth." Lao Tzu was caught crossing the border towards the Himalayas -- respectfully, lovingly; the emperor was not an enemy but a disciple. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,083 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ao Tzu had been hiding and not telling, not even giving a hint about what truth is. He ordered all the borders to be closed to Lao Tzu: "He cannot leave China unless he writes something about truth." Lao Tzu was caught crossing the border towards the Himalayas -- respectfully, lovingly; the emperor was not an enemy but a disciple. The emperor himself was present there, because that was the route they assumed ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,084 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...uation -- loaded guns in the hands of the disciples! And we can understand the situation of the disciples: they wanted to preserve the most important experience of truth for future generations. Under compulsion, Lao Tzu closed himself in the house and wrote a small book. The first sentence in that book says, "That which can be said cannot be true. That which can be written is bound to be a lie. Remember these two statements ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,085 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...an be written is bound to be a lie. Remember these two statements while you read my book." Even loaded guns cannot force a master to say something which cannot be said. When the emperor got the book, Lao Tzu was released. But he had deceived them. If you remember these 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,086 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... statements, that truth said becomes untrue, truth expressed loses the quality of being true -- if these conditions have to be remembered while reading the book, in fact there is no point in reading it! But Lao Tzu was gone. What had been the difficulty for Lao Tzu? because every Tom, Dick, and Harry is talking about truth. Only Toms, Dicks and Harrys can talk about truth because they know nothing about it. To ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,087 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...d loses the quality of being true -- if these conditions have to be remembered while reading the book, in fact there is no point in reading it! But Lao Tzu was gone. What had been the difficulty for Lao Tzu? because every Tom, Dick, and Harry is talking about truth. Only Toms, Dicks and Harrys can talk about truth because they know nothing about it. To enter that silence where the two disappear.... ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,088 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...oner or later. A man comes to me and says, "I experienced bliss." It is nonsense. Either you can be or bliss can be. Both cannot be together. And if there is only bliss, who is going to report it? Lao Tzu's greatest disciple was Chuang Tzu. He was moving on the path. He was reporting every day his experiences -- arising of spiritual phenomena, experiences of light, lotuses flowering -- but Lao Tzu never paid a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,089 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Lao Tzu's greatest disciple was Chuang Tzu. He was moving on the path. He was reporting every day his experiences -- arising of spiritual phenomena, experiences of light, lotuses flowering -- but Lao Tzu never paid any attention to what he was saying. The only thing that he could see from Lao Tzu's face was, "Don't waste my time. Just go, start meditating again." But one day Chuang Tzu never came -- he used t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,090 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...was reporting every day his experiences -- arising of spiritual phenomena, experiences of light, lotuses flowering -- but Lao Tzu never paid any attention to what he was saying. The only thing that he could see from Lao Tzu's face was, "Don't waste my time. Just go, start meditating again." But one day Chuang Tzu never came -- he used to come early in the morning. Lao Tzu waited for him. It was time for sunset and he...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,091 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ion to what he was saying. The only thing that he could see from Lao Tzu's face was, "Don't waste my time. Just go, start meditating again." But one day Chuang Tzu never came -- he used to come early in the morning. Lao Tzu waited for him. It was time for sunset and he inquired, "Where is Chuang Tzu?" They said, "He is sitting under a tree. From the morning he has been sitting there." Lao Tzu said, "It seem...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,092 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...early in the morning. Lao Tzu waited for him. It was time for sunset and he inquired, "Where is Chuang Tzu?" They said, "He is sitting under a tree. From the morning he has been sitting there." Lao Tzu said, "It seems I will have to go and see what is happening. Something is certainly happening for the first time." And he went, shook the body of Chuang Tzu and said, "Aha! But keep your mouth shut! Now there...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,093 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...he first time." And he went, shook the body of Chuang Tzu and said, "Aha! But keep your mouth shut! Now there is no need every day to come to me to describe all that rubbish." And Chuang Tzu fell at the feet of Lao Tzu with tears of joy and he said, "Your compassion is great. How many years have I tortured you? And your compassion was so great, you never said anything. You simply said, `Continue.' You never denied. And toda...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,094 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ill bring the spring to your being, and the flowers will start opening their petals. But you are never at home. You are looking into other people's homes. Somebody is in Gautam Buddha's, somebody in Lao Tzu's, somebody in Jesus Christ's, somebody in Moses'... it is a very strange situation that you have been diverted in such a way that everybody is somewhere else, where he is not expected to be, and he is not wh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,095 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...r million years for this earth to create man. It is so precious ... and the future is much more valuable, because inside you the possibility of a Gautam Buddha, the possibility of a Zarathustra, the possibility of a Lao Tzu is there. You can also blossom in the same silence, in the same peace, in the same beauty, in the same ecstasy. ... I forgot to look at my watch! Ronald Reagan, his cabinet...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,096 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [.... It is a long journey for the sperm. According to sperm size, the tunnel they have to pass through before they reach the mother's egg is almost two miles long. We could have missed lazy people like Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu -- and how many we have missed there is no way to know. Genetics is going to be the most important science in the future. All our old habits have to be changed; they are absolutely out of dat...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,097 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...published Query:- single name will do, who was great and not controversial?" He has not answered. Then we published the letter -- but he is hiding; there is no answer. Every great man, Gautam Buddha, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu... were to their contemporaries the most controversial people. Only people who are making shoes, who are cleaning the streets are not controversial. The moment you say something original, it h...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,098 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... powerful positions. Corruption leads to power. And in return power gives you more capacity to corrupt. The past as a whole is ugly and criminal. Just because there has been a Gautam Buddha, or a Lao Tzu, or a Kabir does not matter. The past is so vast that these people can be counted out. The mainstream of humanity has been moving on wrong paths, and you are always in a crowd and the crowd loves ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,099 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...lebrate the small things of life and make this whole planet alive. It is only one, as far as we know, where people can love, where people can meditate, where people can become buddhas, where people like Socrates and Lao Tzu can exist. We are most fortunate to be on this small planet. It is one of the smallest planets in the universe, but even the greatest stars, millions of times bigger than this earth, cannot claim a singl...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,100 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... has carried the essential message of Buddha. It has discarded all that was mere commentary. It has cut all rubbish out of the way. It is the very essence of Buddha's experience -- and that is also the experience of Lao Tzu, of Tao. Zen is paving the path for the future humanity of one religiousness. Zen is the only authentic gold that has come out of the whole past of humanity. My love for it is not in vain. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,101 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...body, which will be put on a funeral pyre, or in a grave, and will disintegrate into the earth, into its basic elements." I am reminded of a disciple of Confucius. He asked Confucius, "I have heard so much about Lao Tzu...." They were contemporaries. Sometimes it happens almost like a chain-reaction.... In China there was Confucius, a great thinker but materialist; Lao Tzu, a great buddha; Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tz...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,102 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...fucius. He asked Confucius, "I have heard so much about Lao Tzu...." They were contemporaries. Sometimes it happens almost like a chain-reaction.... In China there was Confucius, a great thinker but materialist; Lao Tzu, a great buddha; Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu. In India there were Gautam Buddha, Mahavira, and six others whose scriptures have been burnt by the Hindus, whose statues have been destroyed; just their names remain in...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,103 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...rds of Mahavira. At the same time, in Greece there were Socrates, Heraclitus, Dionysius, Diogenes. Suddenly the whole world was afire with a new insight. Confucius' disciple asked him, "You must have heard about Lao Tzu. He talks about a space inside where there is only peace and nothing else, utter silence and no disturbance. Will you teach me how to enter inside?" Confucius was very angry. He said, "Stop al...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,104 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...hen you die you will have eternity for that in the grave. You can search and meditate and find what is inside. But right now, don't waste my time." That was his attitude. But, by and by, many people talked about Lao Tzu. Finally Confucius gathered courage. He was very much afraid, because the stories that he had heard about Lao Tzu were so strange: "The man can do anything. He rides on a buffalo, facing backwards -- a danger...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,105 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... right now, don't waste my time." That was his attitude. But, by and by, many people talked about Lao Tzu. Finally Confucius gathered courage. He was very much afraid, because the stories that he had heard about Lao Tzu were so strange: "The man can do anything. He rides on a buffalo, facing backwards -- a dangerous fellow." But the more he wanted to avoid him, the more he became interested. That's how the human ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,106 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...id him, the more he became interested. That's how the human mind functions. Whatever you want to avoid you will come across again and again. You will become enchanted. Finally he decided to meet him. Lao Tzu was not far away, just outside the capital in the mountains in a cave. Confucius went there. He stopped his disciples who had followed him outside the cave, because he was afraid: "That man can do anything. H...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,107 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...he cave, because he was afraid: "That man can do anything. He may hit me, and I don't want my disciples to see what happens to me." He said, "I will tell you. First let me go and encounter that man." Lao Tzu was sitting in the deep cave in darkness, very silently. He did not bother at all that Confucius had come. He did not say hello to him, he did not say, "Sit down, please." He did not take any notice. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,108 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Confucius had come. He did not say hello to him, he did not say, "Sit down, please." He did not take any notice. Confucius said, "This is strange. At least you should behave like a gentleman." Lao Tzu said, "I thought that you would not have the guts to enter into my cave. Here we don't teach morality or gentlemanship. Here we teach how to die and get resurrected. Are you ready?" -- looking into his eyes -...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,109 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...u said, "I thought that you would not have the guts to enter into my cave. Here we don't teach morality or gentlemanship. Here we teach how to die and get resurrected. Are you ready?" -- looking into his eyes -- and Lao Tzu pulled his sword. Confucius said, "Please forgive me. I will never again come in your cave!" -- perspiring, and the cave was very cool. He came out and he told his disciples, "This man is ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,110 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ver again come in your cave!" -- perspiring, and the cave was very cool. He came out and he told his disciples, "This man is dangerous. He is a dragon. He would have killed me." He did not understand Lao Tzu at all. He was not talking about ordinary death, he was talking about the death of the ego. And unless the ego dies, you are not your authentic self, you are not your original face. Confucius missed. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,111 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...nexpressible. He is trying his best. I say a child can awaken accidentally, for example, if a rat runs over the child. And if, for example, the child is Anando, can you think what will happen? -- an explosion in Lao Tzu house! The rat is not concerned with your enlightenment, but you will become enlightened... at least for the 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,112 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...us. It is dangerous because all the vested interests want humanity to remain retarded, so that the human mind does not evolve to its ultimate potential. Because once there are individuals of the caliber of Socrates, Lao Tzu, Gautam Buddha, then there is no possibility of any exploitation, physical or psychological; no possibility of any oppression, no possibility of enslaving the human soul. And all the politicians need slaves, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,113 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...master has to be alert not to give you impossible goals, because those impossible goals will make you feel, "It is not for me. It is too much, too big. I am too small." A Taoist parable is: There is a statue of Lao Tzu, the founder of Tao. And a young man has been thinking for years to go to the mountains and see the statue of Lao Tzu. He loves the words, the way Lao Tzu has spoken, the style of life that he has lived, but ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,114 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... for me. It is too much, too big. I am too small." A Taoist parable is: There is a statue of Lao Tzu, the founder of Tao. And a young man has been thinking for years to go to the mountains and see the statue of Lao Tzu. He loves the words, the way Lao Tzu has spoken, the style of life that he has lived, but he has never seen any of his statues. There are no Taoist temples, so there are very rare statues and they are all in ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,115 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [..." A Taoist parable is: There is a statue of Lao Tzu, the founder of Tao. And a young man has been thinking for years to go to the mountains and see the statue of Lao Tzu. He loves the words, the way Lao Tzu has spoken, the style of life that he has lived, but he has never seen any of his statues. There are no Taoist temples, so there are very rare statues and they are all in the mountains -- standing in the open...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,116 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... dangerous too. So he thinks, "It is better to wait till the morning. At least there will be light, and I can see better; otherwise I will fall somewhere off this small footpath. And without seeing the statue of Lao Tzu, simply be finished. Why commit suicide?" So he was sitting just outside the town, and as the sun was rising an old man came by. He saw this young man sitting; he asked, "What are you doing here?" The yo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,117 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...kes you a cloud -- of consciousness. Then there is no goal. Never ask a meditator "Why are you meditating?" because that question is irrelevant. Meditation is in itself the goal and the way together. Lao Tzu, one of the most important figures in the history of non-doing.... If history is to be written rightly then there should be two kinds of histories: the history of doers -- Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Nadirshah, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,118 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Hitler, Benito Mussolini; these are the people who belong to the world of doing. There should be another history, a higher history, a real history -- of human consciousness, of human evolution: the history of Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu, Gautam Buddha, Mahavira, Bodhidharma; a totally different kind. Lao Tzu became enlightened sitting under a tree. And a leaf had just started falling -- it was in the fal...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,119 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... history, a higher history, a real history -- of human consciousness, of human evolution: the history of Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu, Gautam Buddha, Mahavira, Bodhidharma; a totally different kind. Lao Tzu became enlightened sitting under a tree. And a leaf had just started falling -- it was in the fall, and there was no hurry; the leaf was coming zig-zag with the wind, slowly. He watched the leaf. The leaf cam...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,120 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [..., law giver, Confucius. Confucius belongs to the other history, the history of the doers. Confucius had great influence over China -- and has even today. Chuang Tzu and Lieh Tzu were the disciples of Lao Tzu. These three people have reached to the highest peaks, but nobody seems to be impressed by them. People are impressed when you do something great. Who is impressed by somebody who has achieved a state of non-...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,121 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... highest peaks, but nobody seems to be impressed by them. People are impressed when you do something great. Who is impressed by somebody who has achieved a state of non-doing? But Confucius had heard the name of Lao Tzu, and was interested -- "What kind of man is this who says that real things can be achieved only by non-doing? Nothing can be achieved by non-doing; you have to do, you have to become a great doer." And hearin...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,122 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [..., and was interested -- "What kind of man is this who says that real things can be achieved only by non-doing? Nothing can be achieved by non-doing; you have to do, you have to become a great doer." And hearing that Lao Tzu was very close by in the mountains, Confucius went with his disciples to see him. He had many disciples -- kings, princes. He was a great teacher. But he stopped everybody outside. He said, "Let me go inside...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,123 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... are so cool in the mountains, and you are perspiring." He said, "You should be glad I am alive. That man is not a man, he is a dragon. He is really dangerous. Avoid him!" We don't know from Lao Tzu's side what happened in the cave, but we know what Confucius reported. He said, "As I entered in, he did not even look at me. I went around him, but he did not take any note of me. Even that w...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,124 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...uest.'" Seeing that there was no way to have a nice, gentlemanly conversation with this man, Confucius said, "I have come from a long distance" -- thinking that he would feel a little compassion. Lao Tzu said, "That shows that you are stupid. You don't know anything about me; otherwise, you would not have come. Now you are wanting some compassion from me. A man who is absent, how can he be compassionate?" ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,125 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... you would not have come. Now you are wanting some compassion from me. A man who is absent, how can he be compassionate?" Confucius said, "At least give me some advice -- how to relax, to rest." Lao Tzu said, "For that you will have to wait. Death will come, and in your grave you will relax and rest, not before that. Because if you want to rest before that, then forget that crowd that you have left outside. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,126 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ome back to this cave again. You rest and relax." So Confucius said, "No, don't do that. They are my disciples. Some are kings, some are princes, some are great, rich people. I cannot afford it." Lao Tzu said, "That's why I said that in life you cannot afford relaxation; only death can help. Those who understand can relax in life and rest in life. And the miracle is: for them there is no death, 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,127 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... me, you have to understand: I am going to be a death to you. Without that -- unless I kill you, destroy you -- there is no way of saving you." Confucius somehow said, "I will come again." Lao Tzu laughed. He said, "Don't lie. You will never come again. This time you came because you had no idea what kind of man you were going to meet. But I enjoyed it. Now go and tell the crowd all the lies you want."...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,128 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... go and tell the crowd all the lies you want." So we don't know exactly what transpired in that cave. This much is from Confucius. Much more must have happened there, which needs guts even to report. Lao Tzu's whole teaching was the watercourse way: just go with the water wherever it is going, don't swim. You are blessed that the tide has brought you to the shore. But the mind always wants to do s...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,129 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...d so meaningless. But about the transcendental world, all words are lies. So it is not a question that I lie once in a while -- the moment you utter a word about the ultimate you have uttered a lie. Lao Tzu never wrote in his whole life, not even a single letter. And he was known, it was felt by many that he had found the treasure and he was not saying anything about it -- what a miser! Even the emperor called h...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,130 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...lose, and we can feel the coolness, the silence, the beauty. You are pregnant with something that is not of this world. Say it, write it, so that those who are groping in the dark can find the way." Lao Tzu simply said, "Do you think I have not thought about it? I have been crying and weeping; I have shed tears in the darkness of the night when nobody could see that I was crying and weeping, because I know it. B...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,131 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ame close to him. Although he had not spoken, they heard it. This is the mystery -- they heard it like a silent music, they heard it like a fragrance arising, they heard it in the beauty and the depth of the eyes of Lao Tzu. But this was possible only for very few people. Those who can understand without words don't need any devices. Prem Luca, you are not one of them. You will need words. You are no...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,132 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e only possible way is to tell you lies which point towards the truth. Slowly slowly, the moment you see the truth you will understand the compassion of the person who was ready even to lie for you. Lao Tzu was not so compassionate as I am. Lao Tzu was more concerned about the purity of truth; I am more concerned about the evolution of your being. Without your evolution, the truth will disappear from the world. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,133 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ich point towards the truth. Slowly slowly, the moment you see the truth you will understand the compassion of the person who was ready even to lie for you. Lao Tzu was not so compassionate as I am. Lao Tzu was more concerned about the purity of truth; I am more concerned about the evolution of your being. Without your evolution, the truth will disappear from the world. But if you need a few devices I don't hesi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,134 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...evolution, the truth will disappear from the world. But if you need a few devices I don't hesitate at all. I am ready to tell you anything that can help to bring you even a single step closer. At the last, when Lao Tzu was going to leave China and go into the Himalayas to die there, the emperor gave orders all over the country that wherever he crosses the boundaries he should be caught, and forced -- unless he writes his ex...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,135 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ht Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- boundary -- I will not let you go. You can rest in my cottage and write down your experience." Lao Tzu had to write it down. In three days he completed his only book -- just a small book, only a few pages. The first sentence is, "The truth cannot be said; the moment you say it, it becomes a lie. So reading my ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,136 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...he train, went to the inquiry office -- there was nobody. He tried to find out.... "I want to inquire about a few people, whether they are here -- Gautam Buddha, Socrates, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Epicurus, Mahavira, Lao Tzu." People said, "Never heard of them." And he saw people... just dry bones, as if all juice had been taken out of them, skeletons. He inquired, "Who are these people? And somebody was a great s...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,137 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...Now there is only pure consciousness, just light, eternal light. Dhyan was taken by the Buddhists to China, but in China a great transformation took place because China was under the great impact of Lao Tzu, and his whole teaching was "let-go." Gautam Buddha fights to enter into his own being; at the ultimate point he comes to let-go, but that is the last thing. Tired of the efforts, the struggle, the ascet...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,138 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e last thing. Tired of the efforts, the struggle, the ascetic practices, finally he drops everything. And in that let-go, that which he has been desiring for years happens. It happens when there is no desire for it. Lao Tzu begins with "let-go" -- so there has been a beautiful meeting. Religions have met in other places, but it has been ugly: Mohammedans with Christians, Mohammedans with Hindus, Christians with Hindus, but ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,139 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...d. Perhaps in those conditions you would have stolen too. Perhaps in those conditions stealing was not bad... because every act is relative to conditions. I have told you many times the story of when Lao Tzu was made the supreme judge of China. The first case was against a thief who had taken almost half the treasures of the richest man in the capital. And he was caught red-handed, so there was no question about ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,140 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... who had taken almost half the treasures of the richest man in the capital. And he was caught red-handed, so there was no question about his stealing. He had confessed too, that he had stolen. Still, Lao Tzu called the man whose house the thief had broken into and stolen from, and told the man, "According to me, you are both criminals. Why in the first place have you accumulated so much wealth? The whole capital ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,141 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...mber is going to be up, because from where have you gathered all this money, all this empire? According to that man you are a bigger thief than me. If you want to save yourself, throw that man out." Lao Tzu was relieved immediately. He said, "I told you before that I would not be suitable, because I don't function through the mind. To function through the mind is judgmental. I function through silence. I simply ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,142 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e to you, but those politicians are not aware that even if they can prevent my physical presence, they cannot prevent the experience of my presence in my people. That is beyond their power. In China, Lao Tzu -- a great master -- has been dead for twenty-five centuries now, but a small stream of followers has remained. They don't refer to Lao Tzu in the past tense, but in the present tense. To them Lao Tzu cannot ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,143 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ence of my presence in my people. That is beyond their power. In China, Lao Tzu -- a great master -- has been dead for twenty-five centuries now, but a small stream of followers has remained. They don't refer to Lao Tzu in the past tense, but in the present tense. To them Lao Tzu cannot be past because they can still feel the rhythm, the silence, the beauty, the peace. What more is needed? Ramakrishna died. I...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,144 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... In China, Lao Tzu -- a great master -- has been dead for twenty-five centuries now, but a small stream of followers has remained. They don't refer to Lao Tzu in the past tense, but in the present tense. To them Lao Tzu cannot be past because they can still feel the rhythm, the silence, the beauty, the peace. What more is needed? Ramakrishna died. In India, whenever a husband dies his wife has to break her bangles, take ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,145 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...s no interest in interfering in your possessions. And, moreover, China thinks that women have no souls; only man has a soul. That's why in the history of China you will not find a single woman of the caliber of Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu, Confucius, Mencius -- not a single woman. If you don't have a soul you are just a thing; you cannot compete with man. Half of humanity, in every country, in every civil...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,146 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ginning. You already have an A PRIORI prejudice. Now you are looking for Buddha and Buddha is never repeated. Now you are looking for Zarathustra and Zarathustra is only once and never again. Now you are looking for Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu never comes again. Once is all. Nothing is ever repeated. God's creativity is infinite. He is not repetitive. And if you read a Buddhist, a Confucian, a Taoist, then you will be more confused...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,147 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...already have an A PRIORI prejudice. Now you are looking for Buddha and Buddha is never repeated. Now you are looking for Zarathustra and Zarathustra is only once and never again. Now you are looking for Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu never comes again. Once is all. Nothing is ever repeated. God's creativity is infinite. He is not repetitive. And if you read a Buddhist, a Confucian, a Taoist, then you will be more confused -- because ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,148 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...isciple -- and there were people like Jung, Adler and others -- the only way for them was to escape from the master. His presence was not nourishing but poisoning. And this man goes on giving judgments on Buddha and Lao Tzu and Zarathustra and Jesus and Mohammed. And these are the few people who were really healthy. Just think of one thing: if illness exists, that is proof enough that health is also possible -- at least ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,149 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...uth is one and the true path is one. It does not belong to anybody. It is nobody's property. It is not my path and Buddha's path and Krishna's path and Zarathustra's path -- it is just THE path. Buddha, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, they have all walked on it. It is only ONE! There are not many paths really. Many people walk on the path, but the path is one. And it is so vast that they may not even meet each other. The d...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,150 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...pragmatic reality, then problems arise. There is a famous statement of Ludwig Wittgenstein: Don't look for the meaning, look for the use. And in the same way, thousands of years before Wittgenstein, Lao Tzu says: The mean-ing is the use. The use is the meaning. When you look for it, you cannot see it. When you listen for it, you cannot hear it. But when you use it, it is inexhaustible. A Master ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,151 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...d cut into pieces. Only parts can be defined: the whole cannot be defined. But the moment you cut the whole into pieces, it is no more real. The whole remains the whole. Just listen to these words of Lao Tzu: THE GREAT TAO FLOWS EVERYWHERE, TO THE LEFT AND TO THE RIGHT. ALL THINGS DEPEND UPON IT TO EXIST, AND IT DOES NOT ABANDON THEM. TO ITS ACCOMPLISHMENTS IT LAYS ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,152 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...south, but ultimately, when you reach to the peak, you will have come to the same place. At the peak, Buddha is Christ, Christ is Krishna, Krishna is Mohammed, Mohammed is Zarathustra, Zarathustra is Lao Tzu. At the peak ALL distinctions dissolve. So, Kavita, right now be Zen, be Sufi, and when you have roached to the peak be Zen/Sufi -- then forget all about it! But on the path... one has to move on some pat...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,153 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...tatements. They are ecstatic ejaculations, assertions of mad mystics. You cannot become knowledgeable by reading the Upanishads. They don't argue, they don't prove -- they simply declare! That's what Lao Tzu does, Buddha does, Plotinus, Eckhart, Rumi, Al-Hillaj -- all the mystics have been doing that. What they say is not knowledge: what they say is just an overflowing joy. When Aristotle says something, it i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,154 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...lso sitting exactly in front of me as you are sitting in front of me. You are sitting in front of me in space, they are sitting in front of me in time. So when I say something about Buddha, Mohammed, Lao Tzu, I am not talking about historical figures -- I am talking about my contemporaries. And life is immensely enriched when you can have Buddha on your one side and Lao Tzu sitting on the other side, and sipping ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,155 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...o when I say something about Buddha, Mohammed, Lao Tzu, I am not talking about historical figures -- I am talking about my contemporaries. And life is immensely enriched when you can have Buddha on your one side and Lao Tzu sitting on the other side, and sipping a cup of tea. Life is immensely rich. I am not saying burn the books. They are valuable, but they are valuable only for those who know how to cater into ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,156 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...y." "By Jove," the speaker blurted out, "you will have to excuse me. I forgot the name of the bloomin' woman." That is happening. You remember this -- Plato has said this. And you remember that -- Lao Tzu has said that. And you remember what Jesus has said, and what Mohammed has said... and you remember many things. And they have all got mixed up. And you have not said a single thing on your own. U...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,157 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... the leaf goes south. If the wind stops, the leaf waits and rests on the ground. The leaf has no idea of any destiny, no direction, no goal, nowhere to go. That is the ultimate surrender. Lao Tzu became enlightened watching a dry leaf falling from a tree. He was sitting under the tree. The leaf was ripe, a breeze came, and the leaf dropped. It fluttered, came slowly slowly like a feather, rested on th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,158 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ame, and the leaf dropped. It fluttered, came slowly slowly like a feather, rested on the ground... then a stronger wind came and it was taken up... it moved with the wind with no resistance. And the truth happened: Lao Tzu became enlightened. From that moment, he became a dry leaf in the wind. Yes, without a Master also it is possible -- but to trust a LEAF will take real guts. 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,159 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...urney is an inward journey! You need not go to Baghdad. You need not go anywhere. All that is needed is: you have to STOP going, and you have to fall into your own original source. You have to go in. Lao Tzu has said: To know God one need not even leave his room... because God is in your innermost shrine. "MY SON HAS CARRIED OUT LONG AND DIFFICULT JOURNEYS, AND AT THE SAME TIME TO HIS KNOWLEDG...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,160 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...el. Meditate over what Jesus has said, what Buddha has said. Tell stories of these strange visitors to the earth. Talk about these strange revolutions in consciousness. Talk about Buddha and Krishna and Mohammed and Lao Tzu and Zarathustra, and you will be immensely enriched. Create a milieu of the spiritual. AS SOON AS NIGHT FELL, IBRAHIM INVITED THE TRAVELERS TO BE HIS GUESTS AT A MEAL. IMMEDIAT...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,161 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...-- and that is the only point worth seeing. If there is anything worth seeing, it is God. And those who have not seen God, they are all blind. If there is anything worth hearing, it is a Buddha, or a Lao Tzu -- and those who have not heard a Buddha, they are deaf. And if there is any life, it is to live moment-to-moment in trust, in love, in joy, in celebration, in prayer, in thankfulness. In shor...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,162 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...u need 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- not even go outside your room... so says Lao Tzu. It is SO easy that you need not even open your eyes. It is so easy that it can happen in a single moment. It is so easy that you need not compete, need not practice, need not cul-tivate.... Just WATCH inside...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,163 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [..., you are miserable. Misery has only one meaning, that things are not fitting with your desires -- and things never fit with your desires, they cannot. Things simply go on following their nature. Lao Tzu calls this nature Tao. Buddha calls this nature Dhamma. Mahavir has defined religion as the nature of things. Nothing can be done. Fire is hot and water is cool. Don't try to impose your will on the nature of...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,164 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ightened, the search stops, the seeking disappears. There is no point. Buddha became enlightened... then he never went to any other Master. Jesus became enlightened... then he never went to any other Master. Or Lao Tzu, or Zarathustra, or Moses.... Hence Pythagoras is something unique. No parallel has ever existed. Even after becoming enlightened, he was ready to become a disciple to anybody who was there to reveal some asp...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,165 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... they were only vehicles, just instruments, mediums. The same happened in Egypt to Hermes: many scriptures, all written by the disciples. And the same happened with Orpheus in Greece, and the same with Lao Tzu in China and Confucius in China. The disciple loses his identity. He becomes utterly one with the Master. But something of immense value has been destroyed by the stupidity of people. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,166 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...t, and nobody else has done it afterwards either. It needs a mind which is both -- scientific and mystic. It is a rare phenomenon. It happens once in a while. There have been great mystics -- Buddha, Lao Tzu, Zarathustra. And there has been great scientists -- Newton, Edison, Einstein. But to find a man who is at home with both worlds, easily at home, is very difficult. Pythagoras is that kind of man -- a class u...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,167 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [.... It is only in such great times of chaos that great stars are born. Pythagoras was not alone. In Greece, Pythagoras and Heraclitus were born. In India, Buddha and Mahavira and many others. In China, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Confucius, Mencius, Lieh Tzu, and many more. In Iran, Zarathustra. In the brahmin tradition, many great Upanishadic seers. In the world of Judaism, Moses.... All these people, these great Masters...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,168 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ot be.... Or, there is a possibility that we can take a quantum leap. Either man can commit suicide, or man can be reborn. Both doors are open. If such times can create people like Heraclitus and Lao Tzu and Zarathustra and Pythagoras and Buddha and Confucius, why can they not create a great humanity? They can. But we go on missing the opportunity. The ordinary masses live in such unconsciousn...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,169 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...s a life great and sublime is to know truth, is to know God, is to BE truth, is to be God. But the journey is very alone. ... REVERE THE MEMORY OF THE ILLUSTRIOUS HEROES... ... of Buddha, of Lao Tzu, of Krishna, of Christ, of Moses, of Mohammed, of Mahavira. Remember! That's WHY I am talking on so many Masters: so you can remember that you are not alone on the path. Many have succeeded before you. You wi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,170 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e?! It starts with 'I' -- 'I' never becomes enlightened; 'I' is the barrier. It is 'I' that is preventing. When you become enlightened you are not; there is nobody to claim. The Upanishads say -- and Zarathustra and Lao Tzu and Jesus all say the same thing again and again in different ways.... The Upanishads are very clear; they say: If somebody says, "I am enlightened,'' then know well he is not. Enlightenment is something that...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,171 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ing to you. The SAME process! Hindus are against, Mohammedans are against, Jainas are against, Buddhists are against, Christians are against. Why? And I am bringing Christ and Buddha and Mahavira and Zarathustra and Lao Tzu and Krishna into the highest possible synthesis. Still they are all against it. The reason is: they are divided within themselves. They can only understand THAT WHICH THEY ARE. YOU can never ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,172 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...gs of Jesus or sculptures of his face all look a little ugly. They don't have that joy that is expressed by Krishna -- his flute, his dance. They don't have that laughter that you will see in Bodhidharma's pictures, Lao Tzu's pictures. They don't have that superb quality that you will find in a genius like Chuang Tzu -- the genius of the absurd. Jesus must have laughed, because he was a very earthy man. He loved good food, h...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,173 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ild walking seven steps and declaring, "Nobody is higher than me, here or anywhere else...." To declare such nonsense, one needs seventy years of experience -- seven steps won't do! It is said about Lao Tzu that he lived in his mother's womb for eighty-two yearS. Now, just think of the mother also, poor mother. Nine months is too much -- eighty-two years! He was born with white hair, an old man. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,174 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ugh Jesus. That's what Christians have been trying to prove to the world: "Jesus says, 'Anybody who ever comes, comes only through me' -- so you cannot come through Buddha and you cannot come through Lao Tzu. You have to come only through Jesus!" That is utter nonsense. When Jesus says, "You come only through me," his 'me' is not his. He has been used only as an empty vehicle. It is the same 'me' that Krishna...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,175 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [..., music arises which has nothing material in it, which is utterly spiritual. In the same way, Pythagoras says, these two fundamental laws, the law of necessity and the law of power, are rooted in one primordial law. Lao Tzu calls that law TAO, Jesus calls that law LOGOS, Buddha calls that law dharma. Moses calls that law TORAH. There is a fundamental law where all dualities dissolve and become non-dual -- that one is...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,176 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...sided way. Even philosophers lost hold of that great vision of unity, of oneness, of existence being a home. The modern philosopher has no beauty compared to Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Buddha, Socrates, Lao Tzu, Zarathustra. The modern philosopher is very ordinary; he is nothing but a professor of philosophy. His philosophy is not a delight in his being, it is not a song, it is not a music. All that he goes on doing...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,177 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...lished Query:- truth. One wing has to be science, another wing has to be religion. Those were the days of great philosophers; the world came to know REALLY great philosophers. In China, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Mencius, Lieh Tzu -- all close contemporaries of Zarathustra. In India, Gautam Buddha, Mahavira, Prakuddha Katyayana, Sanjay Vilethiputta, Makkhli Goshal, Poorna Kashyapa, and many more. In Greec...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,178 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...n life, it is the immeasurable that brings dance and celebration in life. And it is there! -- just by denying it, it is not destroyed. By denying it, only one thing happens: you become closed to it. Lao Tzu says, "Except me, everybody seems to have a clear understanding of life. Except me," he says, "everybody seems to have a very clear understanding of life. I am muddy-headed." He is stating a fact of trem...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,179 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... And life blooms only when it is rooted in the mysterious. I teach you the mystery of life, not a clearcut understanding of it. I lead you deeper and deeper into the world where you can also enjoy being muddy like Lao Tzu. The second question JESUS SAID, 'WHOEVER IS NOT WITH ME IS AGAINST ME. 'NOW THE QUESTION ARISES: IS THE SAME STATEMENT TRUE IN CONNECTION WITH YOU? OR COULD THERE BE A THIRD ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,180 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...RISES: IS THE SAME STATEMENT TRUE IN CONNECTION WITH YOU? It is always true in connection with all enlightened people, whoever they are, wherever they are. It is true with Krishna, it is true with Lao Tzu, it is true with Pythagoras, it is true with Patanjali, it is true with Buddha, it is true with me. And it will be true with you if you disappear too, if you drop this ugly idea that you are separate from exi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,181 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...nd the rabbis who managed to murder this man, they were healthy. Jesus is neurotic: Pontius Pilate is healthy, normal. If Jesus is neurotic, then Buddha is neurotic, Mahavira is neurotic, Pythagoras, Patanjali, Lao Tzu, Zarathustra, all are neurotics. Socrates is neurotic -- and the judges, those stupid judges who decided that he should be poisoned and killed, they are normal. The whole earth is a madhouse,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,182 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... total war. It will destroy all life -- not only human life but all life, life as such. Before it happens, please give one opportunity to those who have been saying again and again -- Krishna, Christ, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Zarathustra -- that the individual has to be transformed. And once the individual is transformed, society automatically changes; that is a consequence. So we are not proposing here any social revolution....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,183 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...HING, THE SPRING COMES, AND THE GRASS GROWS BY ITSELF? IT IS REALLY TRUE It is my own experience. I say it as an eye-witness to it. I say it with absolute authority. I am not saying it because Lao Tzu has said it -- I am saying it because I have known it, this way, to happen to me. Truth is something that happens of its own accord. All that is needed from your side, from your end, is receptivity, a relaxed...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,184 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ey are created by us so we can bear our suffering, so hope remains. But this is very unfortunate. It is because of this hope that you remain in a hopeless state. It is because of this seeking that you go on missing. Lao Tzu says: "Seek and you will miss." Why? -- "Seek and you will miss." Because it is INSIDE you. It can be found only when all seeking ceases. Seeking means you are running after something, some shadow, some i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,185 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...heard it. If the kingdom of God is within you then you need not go anywhere, a single step outside and you will be going away from the kingdom. You will not be coming closer to the kingdom. Seeking means going away. Lao Tzu is right: "Seek and you will miss. Do not seek and find immediately," he says. Just think of those beautiful moments when you are not doing anything. Yes, everybody has tasted it a little bit....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,186 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ir unconscious disappeared, they became only consciousness. In that consciousness is the transcendence. They remembered themselves. Pythagoras belongs to the same path as Mahavira, Buddha, Patanjali, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu. He does not belong to the other path: Krishna, Zarathustra, Jesus, Mohammed, Meera. But both paths are valid, and each one has to choose his own path, each one has to decide what his type is. Eac...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,187 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...m the very beginning the seed of intelligence has to be destroyed, almost completely burnt, so there is no possibility of any sprouts coming out of it. It is a miracle that a few people like Zarathustra, Jesus, Lao Tzu, Buddha, escaped from the social structure, from the family conditioning. They seem to be great peaks of consciousness, but in fact every child is born with the same quality, with the same potential. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,188 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...h the truth disappears, because truth needs an embodiment. It is an experience; it has to exist in the person who has realized it. When the person is no more, the truth is no more. If Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Zarathustra, Mohammed, while they are alive are only creating cults and sects, then the definition of religion is: the corpse of truth -- rotten, stinking. Jews were also very impartially inquiring abou...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,189 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...be taught. It is like an infection: when you are with a Buddha you can get infected -- if you are not too resistant, if you are not too much on guard. If you remain vulnerable with Jesus, with Zarathustra, with Lao Tzu, something of their being can penetrate your being. The being of the Master can overlap the being of the disciple. A moment comes when the Master and disciple start merging into each other; that is the moment...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,190 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...s human evolution is concerned. One of my friends, a great poet, Ramdhari Singh Dinkar went to China. He was talking to a great Chinese philosopher, Lin Yu-Tang. Ramdhari had heard much from me about Lao Tzu; he had become immensely interested in the Taoist approach to reality. He said to Lin Yu-Tang, "I love Lao Tzu." Lin Yu-Tang looked at the poet, puzzled, and said, "But the source of Lao Tzu is in the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,191 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...China. He was talking to a great Chinese philosopher, Lin Yu-Tang. Ramdhari had heard much from me about Lao Tzu; he had become immensely interested in the Taoist approach to reality. He said to Lin Yu-Tang, "I love Lao Tzu." Lin Yu-Tang looked at the poet, puzzled, and said, "But the source of Lao Tzu is in the Upanishads!" And Lin Yu-Tang is right, sincerely right: the whole mysticism of the East, wherever it h...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,192 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...heard much from me about Lao Tzu; he had become immensely interested in the Taoist approach to reality. He said to Lin Yu-Tang, "I love Lao Tzu." Lin Yu-Tang looked at the poet, puzzled, and said, "But the source of Lao Tzu is in the Upanishads!" And Lin Yu-Tang is right, sincerely right: the whole mysticism of the East, wherever it has happened -- in India, in China, in Japan -- has its source in the Upanishads....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,193 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e think that every morning we are awake when we come out of sleep. That is only pseudo awakening, that is only so-called awakening. The real awakening is when one becomes a Jesus, a Buddha, a Mahavira, a Lao Tzu. When one has come to see the merger of the within and the without, when one has come to see the oneness of life and death, when there is no division left, that state is awakening. Before that everybody is a ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,194 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... turn the children will do the same thing. That's how diseases go on being transferred from one generation to another. Progress seems to be impossible. It is really miraculous that a few people like Buddha, Lao Tzu, Mahavira, Krishna, escaped from this programming, conditioning process of the society. It is certainly a miracle! I don't call it a miracle when Jesus walks on water -- even if he does, so what? -- but I cal...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,195 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... statements have a beauty and a deep aesthetic sense about them. Jesus was the son of a poor man, a carpenter. His words don't have THAT flavor which the words of Mahavira, Yagnavalka, Patanjali, Buddha and Lao Tzu have. These people have a totally different height and a multi-dimensionality. Jesus' words are simple, as simple as a poor man's can be. Of course they have a certain straightforwardness, but they are not li...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,196 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- rich people of the West are finding insights in the words of Buddha and Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Bokuju, Rinzai. The height is appealing. Jesus seems to be plain -- beautiful words but with no sophistication. Why is the East turning closer to Jesus and the West turning close...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,197 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...solutely non-essential" -- and then begins the search for the essential. Gerrit Huiser, I don't agree with Jesus Christ. I have tried my best to agree with Jesus, with Buddha, with Patanjali, with Mahavira, with Lao Tzu. Now my new phase of work starts. I am fed up with agreeing, tired of it! So now I will simply say the truth. Enough is enough! The second question OSHO: I AM A DRUNKARD, A...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,198 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... those words represent reality or just empty wishes you have to look into the life of the man. Kahlil Gibran has written tremendously beautiful words. They come so close to Christ, to Zarathustra, to Lao Tzu, to Gautam the Buddha, and there is every possibility many people will think that Kahlil Gibran is enlightened. He may even surpass Lao Tzu and Buddha and Christ as far as expression is concerned; his express...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,199 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...mendously beautiful words. They come so close to Christ, to Zarathustra, to Lao Tzu, to Gautam the Buddha, and there is every possibility many people will think that Kahlil Gibran is enlightened. He may even surpass Lao Tzu and Buddha and Christ as far as expression is concerned; his expression may be far more beautiful because he is a skilled poet, a very skilled painter. He has the sensitiveness to appreciate beauty, but howso...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,200 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...SERVE THE POOR AND THE DOWNTRODDEN. CAN I DO IT WITH YOUR BLESSINGS? Sangam Lal Pandey YES, THESE PEOPLE ARE RESPONSIBLE for the poverty in the world. Krishna, Buddha, Mahavira, Lao Tzu, are as much responsible as Jesus Christ, for the simple reason that they all insisted on the inner AGAINST the outer. And the outer has to be developed as much as the inner, otherwise man loses balance If yo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,201 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... one aspect of the coin, but the neglected aspect is bound to take its revenge. And humanity has lived up to now in a very lopsided way. It hurts, I know, when I say that Jesus Christ Krishna, Mahavira, Buddha, Lao Tzu, are responsible for the poverty of the world, but what can I do? I have to say the truth AS it is. I feel sorry for you because it is going to hurt you, but MY responsibility is towards truth, my commitment...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,202 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...where is the blood going to come? They should not die, they should be kept alive! To keep them alive, go on giving them a little bit in donations; then they ARE alive and you can go on sucking them. Lao Tzu says to remain in a let-go. It is beautiful for the inner growth, but not good for the outside world. Let-go means no struggle, no revolution, no rebellion, just going with the river wherever it is going, not...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,203 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ppies -- they are not. The real hippies are the people who renounce the world, they are the REAL dropouts. The word'hippie' means one who has shown his hips to the world and escaped. In that sense, Mahavira, Buddha, Lao Tzu, all 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- are hippies -- literally! They all ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,204 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... there. The people who called the world illusory stopped all scientific growth. The first technological devices were invented in China, but science did not develop there. And the sole cause was Lao Tzu, because Lao Tzu said that to invent a machine is to cheat nature. The story is that an old man, a gardener, was drawing water from a well with his young son. Both were perspiring -- it was a hot summer...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,205 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... The people who called the world illusory stopped all scientific growth. The first technological devices were invented in China, but science did not develop there. And the sole cause was Lao Tzu, because Lao Tzu said that to invent a machine is to cheat nature. The story is that an old man, a gardener, was drawing water from a well with his young son. Both were perspiring -- it was a hot summer day -- and they ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,206 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...nd you go away from here before my son comes back. If HE hears you talking about a device, he is so young -- he may become seduced by your idea. Get lost immediately! I have heard about that device, but I believe in Lao Tzu. He is my Master and he says machines are devices to cheat nature, and I don't want to cheat nature. Nature means Tao! If you cheat nature...." And of course, in a way it is right: when you invent a mac...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,207 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... the work of a hundred people that simply means you have cheated nature. It is not good. This is a famous story and significant, because China developed the first devices five thousand years ago but because of Lao Tzu and his influence all that growth was stopped. Certainly if you relax with nature you can grow inwards easily, very easily. Let-go is the secret of growing inwards, but that is not the secret of growing outwa...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,208 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...d only when you are rich on both the sides does a great harmony, a great balance arise in you. Sangam Lal Pandey, you must have thought that I would not speak so about Mahavira, Krishna, Buddha and Lao Tzu. I have no commitment to any individual. I respect truth wherever it is found, but ONLY truth, and if something untrue is hanging around it I am the last person to allow it -- I will destroy it immediately. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,209 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...stroying our past. Before he succeeds it is better to destroy him." They killed him; he was only thirty-three when he was killed. Jews found him out far more quickly than anybody else has ever been. Lao Tzu lived long, Buddha lived long, Mahavira lived long. They went on saying things, but in such a way that you could not find them out -- it was impossible for you to find them out. I wanted to say the naked...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,210 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... nobody was even ready to listen. Then I changed the whole strategy, I became a little more diplomatic. Then whatsoever I wanted to say I started saying through Mahavira, through Buddha, through Zarathustra, through Lao Tzu, through Jesus.... I continued to say things but I was using other people's names. And Christians became very much interested when I said the same things in the name of Jesus! Whatsoever I said in ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,211 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...siring the far off. It's beside us, and we go on a long pilgrimage. It follows us like a shadow, but we never see it because our eyes are far away in the distance. Life must be in the being. There is a saying of Lao Tzu: "Seek, and you will lose. Do not seek, and find." The Psychology of the Esoteric Chapter #10 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,212 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...yond mind come to you." This concept is not Western. It belongs to the East. Confucius, on the other hand, is a Western mind. Those in the West can understand Confucius, but they can never understand Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu says, "You are a fool because you are only rational. To be rational, reasonable, is not enough. The irrational must have its own corner to exist. Only if a person is both rational and irrational is h...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,213 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... come to you." This concept is not Western. It belongs to the East. Confucius, on the other hand, is a Western mind. Those in the West can understand Confucius, but they can never understand Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu says, "You are a fool because you are only rational. To be rational, reasonable, is not enough. The irrational must have its own corner to exist. Only if a person is both rational and irrational is he reasona...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,214 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... said, "The fruits are not yet ripe. And who cares about fruits which are not ripe?" There have been many sannyasins who used to live on the campus, in other houses, and sometimes they were moved to Lao Tzu. And they wrote a letter to me saying, "We owe an apology to You, because living in other houses, we were always thinking, `Who cares to live in Lao Tzu.' But now that we have come to live in Lao Tzu, we know...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,215 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... the campus, in other houses, and sometimes they were moved to Lao Tzu. And they wrote a letter to me saying, "We owe an apology to You, because living in other houses, we were always thinking, `Who cares to live in Lao Tzu.' But now that we have come to live in Lao Tzu, we know perfectly well that we were repressing our desire, our longing, to be in Lao Tzu, and just consoling ourselves, `Who cares.'" Parigyan,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,216 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...y were moved to Lao Tzu. And they wrote a letter to me saying, "We owe an apology to You, because living in other houses, we were always thinking, `Who cares to live in Lao Tzu.' But now that we have come to live in Lao Tzu, we know perfectly well that we were repressing our desire, our longing, to be in Lao Tzu, and just consoling ourselves, `Who cares.'" Parigyan, don't be like the fox in Aesop's parable. Don't say, "Who ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,217 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...because living in other houses, we were always thinking, `Who cares to live in Lao Tzu.' But now that we have come to live in Lao Tzu, we know perfectly well that we were repressing our desire, our longing, to be in Lao Tzu, and just consoling ourselves, `Who cares.'" Parigyan, don't be like the fox in Aesop's parable. Don't say, "Who cares for the ocean." The whole dance of the river is for the ocean. It is moving from the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,218 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...nge kind of genius -- even to invent those stories is not easy -- but his teaching was very simple. And those who remained with him; all became enlightened. That is a rare phenomenon. He defeated even his own master Lao Tzu -- a few people became enlightened, but most of Lao Tzu's disciples remained in their old ignorance. He defeated Gautam Buddha -- a few of his disciples became enlightened, but that was a very small ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,219 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...t easy -- but his teaching was very simple. And those who remained with him; all became enlightened. That is a rare phenomenon. He defeated even his own master Lao Tzu -- a few people became enlightened, but most of Lao Tzu's disciples remained in their old ignorance. He defeated Gautam Buddha -- a few of his disciples became enlightened, but that was a very small proportion, because he had thousands of disciples and not more th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,220 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e. A film director can get a Nobel prize. A scientist can get a Nobel prize. A politician can get a Nobel prize. But there is no category in the Nobel prize for a man like Jesus, or Gautam Buddha, or Zarathustra, or Lao Tzu. And even if these people are given Nobel prizes, they will laugh. To them your Nobel prizes are just like toys; they are good for children to play with. In what way can they enhance Gautam Bu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,221 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ated -- why have I been given life? I can understand, he was a troubled man, but nobody else is responsible for it. He never tried to find a simple fact: " What is the secret of the peaceful life of Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Mahavira, Bodhidharma, Tilopa? All these Eastern mystics who have lived so joyously and so dancingly, what is their secret? Western philosophers have remained almost blind; even ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,222 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... you never bother about God. God is a creation of man's fear. If a man is fearless, he does not have any conception of God. Gautam Buddha has no conception of God. Mahavira has no conception of God. Lao Tzu has no conception of God. Where has God disappeared? As their fear disappeared, the projection of their fear, God, also disappeared. One of the fundamentals of sannyas is: Go on dropping your fear, don't...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,223 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...lpower is something against your spontaneity -- then you cannot be at ease, restful. Do you think flowers have to do much to blossom? Are trees taking bold action to grow? There is no action at all. Lao Tzu used to say, "Look at the trees, look at the rivers, look at the stars, and you will understand `actionless action.'" Certainly the river is flowing towards the ocean but you cannot call it action becaus...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,224 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...him to be born sooner, because the longer he remains inside, the more pain she has to suffer. But the child clings, and he is always born crying -- every child, without exception. Only about one man, Lao Tzu, is it said that he was born laughing. It is possible; he was an exceptional man, crazy from the very beginning. Not knowing exactly what to do, that this is the time to cry, he laughed. And he remained that ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,225 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...eness begins with the laughter. Everybody was shocked because no child has ever done that. But that is the only exception -- which may be simply a myth, which may be just a retrospective idea. Seeing Lao Tzu's whole life, the people who wrote about him must have thought that his beginning could not be the same as everybody else's; it has to be a little crazy. His whole life... his beginning has to be consistent w...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,226 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...l have to be aware about every ideal, howsoever ancient, and will respond according to his awareness and understanding -- not according to the conditioning of the society. That is true renunciation. Lao Tzu, an authentic rebel -- more authentic than Gautam Buddha and Mahavira, because he remained in the world and fought in the world -- lived according to his own light, struggling, not escaping. He became so wise...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,227 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... not see that there was any problem. The very first day in his court a thief was brought in; he had been caught red-handed, stealing from the richest man in the capital -- and he confessed that he was stealing. Lao Tzu gave six months in jail to both the rich man and the thief. The rich man said, "What? I have been robbed, I am a victim and I am being punished? Are you mad or something? There is no precedent in history that...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,228 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ich man said, "What? I have been robbed, I am a victim and I am being punished? Are you mad or something? There is no precedent in history that a man whose money has been stolen should be punished." Lao Tzu said, "In fact, you should be given a longer term in jail than the thief -- I am being much too compassionate -- because you have gathered all the money of the city. Do you think money showers from the sky? W...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,229 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...rt you will be behind bars just like me -- because from where have you got all your treasures? If I am a criminal, you are a far bigger criminal." The emperor saw the logic of the situation. He told Lao Tzu, "Perhaps you were right that it will be difficult for us to come to the same conclusions. You are relieved from your services." This man was a rebel; he lived in the society, he struggled in the society...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,230 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ands of years in your temples. Buddha simply means `the awakened one.' It is an adjective; it is not a personal name. Jesus can be called the buddha; Mahavira was called, in Jaina scriptures, the buddha; Lao Tzu can be called a buddha -- anybody who is enlightened is a buddha. The word buddha simply means `the awakened one.' "Now, awakening is nobody's property; everybody who can sleep can also awaken. It is jus...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,231 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e credit for it -- it is a universal law of the inner world. You have to simply understand the law and allow it to function without hindering it. Any effort on your part is a hindrance. This is what Lao Tzu has called "action by inaction," and the Zen people have called "effortless effort." If you have followed what I have been saying to you, you will understand the beauty of effortless effort, and actionless ac...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,232 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ow myself what I am going to say. Yes, just like Almustafa, I am not "speaking" anything, I am also a listener. And the one who is speaking has spoken through Mahavira, through Buddha, through Confucius, through Lao Tzu -- through millions of mystics. Because the mystery is the same: that the mystic becomes a hollow bamboo and allows existence to sing its songs. Jivan Mary, you are blessed; and you will be mo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,233 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...sies, anger, rage, violence, destructiveness; if your craziness becomes a light unto yourself... then all the buddhas in the world were crazy. And it is better to be in the good, crazy company of Gautam Buddha, Lao Tzu, Kabir, Nanak, Mahavira, than to be in the so-called mob, millions of people who all think that they are not crazy. One has to be very clear-cut: if Gautam Buddha is right, then the whole world is crazy; and ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,234 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e reached the center are all ready to welcome you. Not only will I be there, you will also find all those people whom I have been talking about. Just reach to the center, so I can introduce you to Chuang Tzu, to Lao Tzu, to Kabir, to Gautam Buddha, to Eknath, to Hotei, to Tilopa, Naropa... unique people; every one a unique flower, with a fragrance of his own. And it is not only a promise to Surabhi, it is a p...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,235 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...which is not natural, then life becomes an uphill task. But if you are not trying to achieve anything unnatural, then life becomes a let-go, then you start flowing downwards with the stream of life. Lao Tzu has called it the watercourse way, and I think that is the right concept for anyone who wants to live a relaxed, silent, peaceful and joyous existence. Never try to go against the current -- you cannot win. N...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,236 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... You are not so small as you appear. You are not confined to the body. You are vast enough, you can contain all. Your capacity for containing is oceanic. "While my feet walked on their own towards Lao Tzu Gate and my being was only a river-like whisper, murmuring: `Osho, Osho, Osho....' But Your hand was not there." It was there. And next time something like this happens, just look at your hand and you will no...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,237 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... But it was not his fault. In his time Athens was one of the most sophisticated, intellectual cities in the world. He was unaware that exactly at the same time Buddha was teaching meditation in India, Lao Tzu was teaching meditation in China, Mahavira was teaching meditation.... It was at exactly the same time, twenty-five centuries ago. Socrates had inherited logic from his forefathers; Greece was full of so...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,238 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- be shown, indicated. There is no way to say it directly, but there are millions of ways to indicate it indirectly. Lao Tzu says that the Truth cannot be said, and the moment you say it, you have already falsified it. The words, the language, the mind, are utterly incapable. Truth defies reason; it defies the head-oriented persona...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,239 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...- all around, but you were not empty. You are just like a house without doors -- just walls and walls and layers and layers of walls. And remember, a house is in fact not the walls but the doors. Lao Tzu says: What is a door? -- a door is nothing, it is an emptiness; and from the door you enter. The wall is something, the door is nothing. And have you observed that the house is not the walls but the emptiness...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,240 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...d have gone to Ceylon, he could have gone to Afghanistan, he could have gone anywhere in the world. Why China particularly? There was a particular reason -- China had the right soil at that moment. Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu had made the soil there. They had created a particular atmosphere, a milieu, because they lived like ordinary people. If you had come across Chuang Tzu you would not have been able to recognize...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,241 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ld not have been able to recognize him unless you had a very deep understanding, unless you had passed through a satori, a glimpse of the Eternal. Only then would you have been able to realize that a Chuang Tzu or a Lao Tzu was there, otherwise not They didn't have any outward show. You can recognize a Pope, he has the outward paraphernalia all around him; nothing inside -- everything outward. If a Pope came in...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,242 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ordinary man: fishing, cutting wood, doing this and that -- whatsoever life needs, he will do it. He is nobody special. Buddha's teaching flowered in China -- it came to perfection. Nansen is a meeting of Buddha and Lao Tzu, the meeting of Buddhism and Taoism, and Zen is the meeting of all that is beautiful in Buddha and all that is beautiful in Lao Tzu. That's why there is nothing like Zen, because two streams, tremendously ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,243 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ed in China -- it came to perfection. Nansen is a meeting of Buddha and Lao Tzu, the meeting of Buddhism and Taoism, and Zen is the meeting of all that is beautiful in Buddha and all that is beautiful in Lao Tzu. That's why there is nothing like Zen, because two streams, tremendously powerful, tremendously beautiful, utterly of the Unknown, came to a meeting. There has never been such a meeting. Other religions have ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,244 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...s is what the disciple did. I BOUGHT THIS AXE FOR TWO PIECES OF COPPER. He is bringing him from his mind to the reality. Zen is absolutely earthbound. Buddha is like the sky, and Lao Tzu is like the earth, and where earth and sky meet, there is Zen. This Nansen is the meeting of the earth and the sky. Buddha is like wings, and Lao Tzu is like roots, and this Nansen is like a tree with both ro...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,245 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...eality. Zen is absolutely earthbound. Buddha is like the sky, and Lao Tzu is like the earth, and where earth and sky meet, there is Zen. This Nansen is the meeting of the earth and the sky. Buddha is like wings, and Lao Tzu is like roots, and this Nansen is like a tree with both roots and wings. Rare reality -- the earth, the solid earth, meets the inner sky. That can be recognized only if you use the situation. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,246 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... politics and religion are opposite poles. Politics is the effort to be somebody in the hierarchy, somewhere at the top, and religion is the search to stand just at the very end of the queue, just to be nobody. Says Lao Tzu: Nobody can insult me, nobody can bring me down, because I am already there. Nobody can defeat me, not that I am very strong, but that I am already defeated. Nobody can defeat me. The ordinar...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,247 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... can a lie work? Why are people such liars? -- a lie has a fragment of truth in it. You cannot invent an absolute lie, impossible. And you cannot talk about the Absolute Truth -- that too is impossible. That's why a Lao Tzu goes on saying: If you speak, you have already entered into the world of lies. The Truth cannot be said. The moment you say it, a fragment of it is bound to be a lie. Existence is not divide...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,248 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... your split being, nothing is to be done. Simply drop helping this split to continue. By and by, move from the extremes to the middle. Hence, Buddha called his path 'The Middle Way,' madhyam nikaya. Hence, Lao Tzu says his path is 'The Golden Mean.' It is said of Confucius that he was passing through a village, and he asked a villager: Have you got any wise men in this town? The villager said: Yes, we have our ow...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,249 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ociety. Now everything becomes a cosmos, not a chaos; a new order arises. But this is no longer the order of the society -- it is the very order of existence itself. It is what Buddha calls dhamma, Lao Tzu calls tao, Heraclitus calls logos. It is not man-made. It is the very order of existence itself. Then everything is suddenly beautiful again, and for the first time really beautiful, because man-made things c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,250 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ion. You don't mean anything to them -- now they have attained. They can be humble; they can afford to be. That's why great leaders are always humble. But that humility is not the humility of a Buddha, not that of a Lao Tzu; that humility is false. When you are no one, then to be humble is very difficult. When you are defeated, then to be humble is very difficult because the ego is so hurt -- it needs food, it is hungry. Wh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,251 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ody is being unjust. Who bothers about you? Who has time to do injustice to you? Who cares? But you feel that the whole world is being unjust to you. Nobody is being unjust to you; it is your claim. Lao Tzu says: If you want to be the first in the world, you will find yourself to be the last. And if you are able to stand at the back, just to be the last, you may find yourself to be the first. Efface yourse...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,252 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... to renounce the world. Jains have insisted that you have to renounce the world. Even Buddha insisted. Buddha in fact had no householders as his disciples. The whole Indian tradition is for renouncing the world. But Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, they lived in the world; they lived fully aware. Chuang Tzu's wife died and the corpse was lying there. People were gathering, the neighbors, waiting to take the body, and he was...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,253 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...n the fool. Remember, while moving in the company of Kabir, that the enlightened man is not other than the fool. What makes a man enlightened is the realization that he is as a fool. 'My mind is that of a fool' says Lao Tzu. Kabir will agree perfectly, totally. 'How empty it is' says Lao Tzu ' -- as empty as the mind of a fool.' Emptiness takes nothing seriously, raises no one thing up over another. Worship ping nothing, it cele...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,254 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...enlightened man is not other than the fool. What makes a man enlightened is the realization that he is as a fool. 'My mind is that of a fool' says Lao Tzu. Kabir will agree perfectly, totally. 'How empty it is' says Lao Tzu ' -- as empty as the mind of a fool.' Emptiness takes nothing seriously, raises no one thing up over another. Worship ping nothing, it celebrates all. Kabir is a celebrant. He celebrates all -- all color...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,255 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ing God -- godliness, rather. Love gives you eyes to see that this whole existence is full of divinity. Then you don't call God 'The Father' or 'The Mother'; in fact then you don't give it any name. Lao Tzu says 'I don't know His name, so I will call it Tao. But this is just to indicate. I don't know His name.' Godliness has no name, no limitation. Wherever you pour your love you will discover it. Pour ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,256 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...re public, your scriptures are public. And the truth is a secret. Not that somebody is keeping it a secret, not that somebody is hiding it -- its very intrinsic nature is such that it cannot be said. Lao Tzu says: The Tao cannot be said. And the moment you say it, you have falsified it. THERE IS A SECRET ONE INSIDE US. THE PLANETS IN ALL THE GALAXIES PASS THROUGH HIS HANDS LIKE BEADS. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,257 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you.' This is the beginning of the journey -- intensity, intention, search. But this is only the beginning. The second step is, Lao Tzu says 'Seek and you shall not find. Don't seek, and find.' These are not two separate paths, these two steps are on the same path. So Kabir drives the point deep into your heart that first a great flame-li...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,258 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...n looking there is no one -- looking is a state of emptiness, as listening is. Truly listening, we are nothing; truly looking, we are nothing. It is not a matter of doing, but of being. 'The way to do is to be' says Lao Tzu. The way to do is to be -- no other doing is needed on the path of love. Just be; calm and collected, just be. Wait. Let your eyes be full of tears, let your 10/28/07 Cop...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,259 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... There have been only two religions which are not hypothetical, Buddhism and Taoism. Zen is a crossbreed of these two, and the crossbreed is always better than both the parents. It is the meeting of Buddha and Lao Tzu; out of this meeting is born Zen. It is not Buddhism, it is not Taoism; it has its own individuality. It carries everything beautiful that comes from Buddha and everything great that comes from Lao Tzu. It is...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,260 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Buddha and Lao Tzu; out of this meeting is born Zen. It is not Buddhism, it is not Taoism; it has its own individuality. It carries everything beautiful that comes from Buddha and everything great that comes from Lao Tzu. It is the highest peak that man has ever reached. Hinduism is a mess: thirty-three million gods! -- what do you expect? Hinduism has remained a philosophical, controversial, hypothetical religion. It has...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,261 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... else is female. Because everybody is female and there is a great burning to meet the lover, the god, they sleep with a statue of Krishna in their bed. But these are all mind games. Except for Gautam Buddha and Lao Tzu, and the people who became enlightened from their lineages, the whole of humanity is living in hypotheses. I appreciate the poetry of Rumi, I appreciate the beauty of many Sufi mystics, but I cannot say that ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,262 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...as. This very moment he will find himself standing beside Gautam Buddha and Rinzai. I am reminded of a small anecdote. In Zorba the Buddha Rajneesh Restaurant in heaven, Gautam Buddha, Confucius, and Lao Tzu are all sitting around a table, and a very beautiful young sannyasin carrying a very beautiful jar comes along and asks, "Would you like to have a taste of life?" Confucius immediately closed ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,263 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Buddha said, "I would like to have a sip first to see how it tastes" -- Buddha was always on the middle path. So he took a sip and he said, "It is very bitter." The girl was going to ask the same to Lao Tzu, but before she could say anything he took the whole jar and drank all the juice, and he said, "Unless you drink it wholly and totally, how can you know? This Confucius is behaving as much like an idiot as he...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,264 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Tao is exactly at the same height of understanding as Buddha. The word `tao' does not mean anything. It was under compulsion that Lao Tzu called it tao -- a meaningless word -- just as Buddha has called it dhamma. His whole life Lao Tzu never wrote. Even the emperor insisted that "You should write down your experiences. They wil...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,265 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ight of understanding as Buddha. The word `tao' does not mean anything. It was under compulsion that Lao Tzu called it tao -- a meaningless word -- just as Buddha has called it dhamma. His whole life Lao Tzu never wrote. Even the emperor insisted that "You should write down your experiences. They will be valuable for the coming centuries." Lao Tzu said, "You don't know what you are asking for. Nobody can writ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,266 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ddha has called it dhamma. His whole life Lao Tzu never wrote. Even the emperor insisted that "You should write down your experiences. They will be valuable for the coming centuries." Lao Tzu said, "You don't know what you are asking for. Nobody can write it, nobody can pronounce it. One can live it, love it, one can be dissolved into it, one can be resurrected into it, but nothing can be said abo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,267 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...an pronounce it. One can live it, love it, one can be dissolved into it, one can be resurrected into it, but nothing can be said about it. Words are too far away, too much misleading." His whole life Lao Tzu denied every proposal from the disciples that "You have lived a great life of utter silence, of peace and blissfulness; it will be a great loss to humanity if you don't write down just a small treatise, a few...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,268 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...oss to humanity if you don't write down just a small treatise, a few sutras, a few footprints that can show how you reached to this height, in what direction we have to move -- just to guide us." But Lao Tzu said, "I would love to say, but I cannot corrupt the purity of the experience. The moment I say it, it will be corrupted. The words are too small and the experience is immense. Please just forgive me!" ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,269 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [.... My death is not far away, and I would like to meet my death and welcome her in the right place" -- and there cannot be any more right place than the eternal silence of the Himalayas. It is not only Lao Tzu, but many have moved in their last days to the Himalayas and disappeared in the eternal snow. The Himalayas have a mysterious attraction: because of the height, because of the untrodden paths, there are still...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,270 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...rious attraction: because of the height, because of the untrodden paths, there are still thousands of places where man has not reached, which are absolutely unpolluted by man and his ugly radiations. Lao Tzu took leave of his disciples, but he got into trouble, because the emperor informed the guards on all the ways that go to the Himalayas. There were guards on every way that led to the Himalayas going out of Ch...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,271 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...into trouble, because the emperor informed the guards on all the ways that go to the Himalayas. There were guards on every way that led to the Himalayas going out of China. He informed the guards, "Wherever you find Lao Tzu crossing the Chinese border, hold him prisoner. Be very respectful, but make a deal with him that if he wants to go to the Himalayas, he has to write the treatise of his experiences -- just the essential hint...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,272 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...rite down the essential experience and the steps towards it -- we are under strict orders -- you will not be allowed to leave China and move into the Himalayas." Under such loving compulsion, finding no way out, Lao Tzu wrote his book, THE BOOK OF TAO. He starts from the very first line, "Truth cannot be said. The moment it is said, it becomes untrue." All those who read this small treatise are warned from th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,273 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... are their heartbeats, they are their very life -- started flowing through them. But there are other people who have attained to the ultimate: for example, Gautam Buddha or Socrates or Pythagoras or Lao Tzu. They are not poets. They don't have that talent of being a poet, either in the beginning or at the end of their experience. Their definition is bound to be different. The experience, remember, is always...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,274 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Gautam Buddha's, another is Mahavira's, and the third is Lao Tzu's. When for the first time Christian missionaries came into contact with Buddhist scriptures they could not even conceive the idea that a religion could be without a god. What kind of religion will ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,275 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ome accustomed, the woman has become accustomed. And they think nothing can be done about it: in fact I am the first man who is saying something can be done about it. Neither Gautam Buddha, nor Jesus, nor Moses, nor Lao Tzu -- none of them even thought about it. Yet it is one of the greatest problems. Every house is full of this conflict. Children grow up in the atmosphere of this non-communication. And naturall...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,276 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...to remind you of death. Just a few days before it was so green and so young, so beautiful. It used to dance in the morning sun. What has happened? A dying leaf falling from the tree was the cause of Lao Tzu's enlightenment. Because seeing the dry leaf falling, he accepted his death so totally that there was no question of any fear. If this is how life functions, then there is no question of fear. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,277 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...appear, criminals will disappear without much effort. They are simply shadows of the politicians. The politicians have created a society which is basically criminal. I have told you the story about Lao Tzu. He was made the chief justice by a Chinese emperor who thought that he was the most wise and the most respected human being in the whole empire. He could not find a better chief justice. Lao ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,278 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...out Lao Tzu. He was made the chief justice by a Chinese emperor who thought that he was the most wise and the most respected human being in the whole empire. He could not find a better chief justice. Lao Tzu told him, "It won't last long. If you say so, I will accept the post. But you don't know me, you have just heard about me." But the emperor was stubborn as emperors are supposed to be. He said, "No. You h...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,279 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...don't know me, you have just heard about me." But the emperor was stubborn as emperors are supposed to be. He said, "No. You have to accept this post." The first case that came before Lao Tzu was about a great thief who had stolen a lot of money and armaments from the richest man of the empire. The man was so rich that he was lending money to the emperor. He was far richer than the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,280 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...to the emperor. He was far richer than the emperor himself. And naturally, he had never expected what happened. The man -- the thief -- was caught red-handed. So there was no question that he should not be punished. Lao Tzu heard the whole thing, both sides, and gave the judgment that, "The thief and the rich man, both, should be sent to jail for six months." The rich man could not believe his ears. He said, "Wha...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,281 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...be sent to jail for six months." The rich man could not believe his ears. He said, "What is going on, what kind of justice is this? I have been robbed and you are sending me to jail?" Lao Tzu said, "According to me, you are the real criminal. He is just your shadow. You have accumulated the whole wealth of the country, you have left everybody poor, beggars. You have exploited so much that now it i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,282 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ary risk by appointing me your chief justice.'" 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Lao Tzu was relieved immediately. BELOVED OSHO, WHY DO YOU ALWAYS LAUGH AT THE POPE? ARE YOU AGAINST HIM FOR ANY PERSONAL REASONS? Dhyan Yogi, I have no antagonism against...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,283 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... imprisonment is your imagination, that your fetters are nothing but your thoughts, that your bondage is nothing but your own unconscious way of living. Otherwise you are as oceanic as any Gautam Buddha, as any Lao Tzu, as any Kabir, as anyone who has ever realized his ultimate, his sachchidanand. We are not separate. We belong to one existence without any demarcation lines. All limitations are mind projecti...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,284 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...uddha never laughed. And you can see Jesus ... it is impossible that that face can laugh. Mahavira cannot laugh. There is only one man ... and because of his laughter all the houses I have stayed in have been called Lao Tzu House. Lao Tzu is the only man who was born laughing. Every child is born crying. That is absolutely unique about Lao Tzu. There are many things in his life which are unique, but nothing to be compared with t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,285 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ghed. And you can see Jesus ... it is impossible that that face can laugh. Mahavira cannot laugh. There is only one man ... and because of his laughter all the houses I have stayed in have been called Lao Tzu House. Lao Tzu is the only man who was born laughing. Every child is born crying. That is absolutely unique about Lao Tzu. There are many things in his life which are unique, but nothing to be compared with the fact that he...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,286 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...only one man ... and because of his laughter all the houses I have stayed in have been called Lao Tzu House. Lao Tzu is the only man who was born laughing. Every child is born crying. That is absolutely unique about Lao Tzu. There are many things in his life which are unique, but nothing to be compared with the fact that he was born laughing. Everybody was shocked. His mother and father could not believe it. Even a smile would h...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,287 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...n the whole world literature can be compared to him. The stories are so complicated and so absurd, you cannot figure out the meaning. But certainly they tickle you. There are points when you suddenly start laughing. Lao Tzu loved Chuang Tzu for the simple reason that he was an absolutely nonserious man. Except these two enlightened ones, nobody has laughed. But because of their strangeness they have not been abl...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,288 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...o them. What is important to them is Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism. But you should remember, thousands of years have passed and we have not been able to produce another Gautam Buddha, or another Jesus, or another Lao Tzu. And it is not that millions of people have not tried the same path, but the path that leads Gautam Buddha to his highest consciousness does not lead anybody else anywhere except to a certain ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,289 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...for one exceptional story, in the whole of history there is no incidence where somebody has lived longer than ten months at the most in the mother's womb. Just one man lived there for eighty-four years. His name was Lao Tzu. He is a strange man. You cannot predict a man like Lao Tzu, what he will do. For eighty-four years he lived in his mother's womb. And when he was born he was already so old, all his hairs white, a long beard...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,290 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...no incidence where somebody has lived longer than ten months at the most in the mother's womb. Just one man lived there for eighty-four years. His name was Lao Tzu. He is a strange man. You cannot predict a man like Lao Tzu, what he will do. For eighty-four years he lived in his mother's womb. And when he was born he was already so old, all his hairs white, a long beard, and the strangest thing ... he came out laughing. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,291 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...was already so old, all his hairs white, a long beard, and the strangest thing ... he came out laughing. From the very start he behaved in a way that nobody has ever done. Nobody has even tried. This story about Lao Tzu cannot be historical, because you have to think about the mother too. Carrying a child for eighty-four years, the mother would have been dead long before. The scientific fact is that every human child is ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,292 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... think of yourself surrounded by saints. It will be so suffocating. Heaven is no longer the place to go. If you want to meet Leo Tolstoy and Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein, if you want to meet Gautam Buddha, Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu, if you want to meet Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Turgenev, if you want to meet Van Gogh, Picasso, then hell is the place. So the first thing, I am not going where Jesus went or where Mohammed asce...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,293 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...kness starts disappearing. A civilization can be based only on meditation. The only people who have been civilized were people who were in touch with their own being: a Gautam Buddha, a Socrates, a Pythagoras, a Lao Tzu; these people are civilized. Only individuals once in a while have been found civilized, but the collective mass is still far below the standard of civilization. It has to happen! ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,294 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ntaries, he is not only part of the whole, he becomes the whole. And let me tell you the final absurdity. Once in a while -- in a man like Gautam Buddha, or in a man like Mahavira, or Chuang Tzu, or Lao Tzu -- it happens that the part becomes bigger than the whole. Absolutely illogical, absolutely unmathematical -- but still absolutely right. A Gautam Buddha not only contains the whole but because of his tr...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,295 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...even in the existence of God, but lived one of the greatest lives you can conceive. You cannot find a single fault in his life. "Have they gone to hell? And if the law of your God sends Socrates, Gautam Buddha, Lao Tzu into hell, your God cannot be said to be just, cannot to be said to be compassionate -- seems to be absolutely ugly and cruel. All that he wants is belief in him. And I know millions of people who ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,296 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... will be the situation in hell?" never heard of these people here." He inquien his eyes, and who he said, "We have never heard of these people here." He inquired of another man who said, "Gautam Buddha? Socrates? Lao Tzu? From where did you get these names? These fellows are not here." He was shocked because even though he was an archbishop, a fanatic Christian, still, to put Gautam Buddha in hell seemed to be too...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,297 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...inquired of the stationmaster, "Are you certain this is hell?" The stationmaster said, "Absolutely certain. What is your problem?" The archbishop said, "My problem is, I want to know whether Gautam Buddha, Socrates, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, all these people who never believed in God, who never believed in Jesus -- are they here?" The stationmaster said, "You see all this greenery and all these flowers and all these crops and ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,298 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...elieved in Jesus -- are they here?" The stationmaster said, "You see all this greenery and all these flowers and all these crops and you see all this singing and dancing? It started when Gautam Buddha, Socrates, Lao Tzu and people like that started coming into hell. They transformed the whole face of it. Now there is nobody in hell who wants to go to heaven." This was even more shocking, and the very shock of...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,299 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... "What happened? Out of the blue without any hint of warning, my wife walked in." Just be alert. There are dangers on every step. A man who decides to be a meditator has to be very cautious. Lao Tzu's statement is that a man of meditation walks always as if he is passing through an ice-cold stream in winter, very careful, very alert. Unless you are very careful and very alert, the millions-of-years-o...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,300 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...t you have asked has been asked for centuries. Perhaps it is one of the oldest questions mankind has raised whenever there was a man who has come to know himself. It was felt around Gautam Buddha, it was felt around Lao Tzu, it was felt around Mahavira, and thousands of others who were more blessed than the ordinary humanity. But it has been felt only by those who were receptive, those who were in deep love; it has not ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,301 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...-- I feel sad about it -- but my responsibility is not for the dead. My responsibility is for those who are alive and for those who will be coming. So I have to make it clear. Gautam Buddha, Mahavira, Adinatha, Lao Tzu, Kabir, all these people who became enlightened attained to tremendous beauty, to great joy, to utter ecstasy -- to what I have been calling satyam, shivam, sundram, the truth, the godliness of the truth and ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,302 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...verything has become beautiful -- the clouds in the sky, and the song of the woodsman. The real saint becomes like a small child: simple, almost like an idiot. Saint Francis used to call himself the fool of God. Lao Tzu says: The whole world is clever except me. I am an idiot. One becomes like small children -- with no logic; tremendously alive, but not hung up in the head. Energy becomes a flow; now there are no blocks,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,303 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Query:- WHY SHOULD ONE SEARCH FOR THE FOOTPRINTS OF THE PATRIARCHS? Now there is no need. Why should one bother about buddhas, the knowers, the enlightened people? Jesus and Krishna and Lao Tzu -- why should one be worried about them? The search is finished. You have come home. Why should one search for the footprints of the patriarchs? Now there is no need. Once you are back to your innermost natur...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,304 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... it is not said in the same sense as when we say, "the great philosopher G.E. Moore," no. It is in the same sense as when We say, "the great philosopher Jesus", "the great philosopher Buddha", "the great philosopher Lao Tzu. " It has the meaning of a wise man, and that is really the meaning of the word sophia -- one who loves wisdom. Saadi is also a great poet. That's how it should be; it has always been so. Wher...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,305 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... the parrot. What Morarji Desai knows about scriptures is just parrot-like. What I am saying to you has arisen in me. I am a witness to Buddha and to Krishna and to Christ and to Zarathustra and to Lao Tzu and to all those who have become awakened. But his anger has, deep down, another reason too. Indira Gandhi has always liked my thoughts; she has always been in a kind of love towards my way of thinking. T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,306 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...r you are. Then whatsoever happens happens, whatsoever is happening is happening, and all is good, because God is. I am not saying, let me repeat again, that you will necessarily become inactive, no. Lao Tzu will become inactive, Krishna will not become inactive, but both are men of trust. Then where do they meet? -- because their personalities are totally different, not only different but diametrically ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,307 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... become inactive, but both are men of trust. Then where do they meet? -- because their personalities are totally different, not only different but diametrically opposite. Krishna lives a life of intense activity and Lao Tzu lives a life of tremendous passivity, but both are men of trust. Lao Tzu has trusted and relaxed and this is what he finds happening to him, that he falls deeper and deeper into passivity. He ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,308 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...rsonalities are totally different, not only different but diametrically opposite. Krishna lives a life of intense activity and Lao Tzu lives a life of tremendous passivity, but both are men of trust. Lao Tzu has trusted and relaxed and this is what he finds happening to him, that he falls deeper and deeper into passivity. He becomes just a presence, a silent presence. If something happens at all through him, it i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,309 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...self and in that very relaxation he has exploded into a thousand and one actions. If sometimes you find him inactive, that simply means action is getting ready, action is pregnant in his inaction. If Lao Tzu is action through inaction, then Krishna is inaction through action. But both are men of trust. As far as trust is concerned there is no difference at all, both have relaxed. When a rose relaxes it become...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,310 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...activity; it is not. So simply relax into your own self. And a third possibility is also there, because Jesus is both. Sometimes he is active and sometimes very inactive. He is just standing between Lao Tzu and Krishna. If Krishna is all action and Lao Tzu all inaction, Jesus is just exactly in the middle -- a great synthesis. Sometimes he is very active, and then he goes to the mountains for forty days to fast,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,311 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...nto your own self. And a third possibility is also there, because Jesus is both. Sometimes he is active and sometimes very inactive. He is just standing between Lao Tzu and Krishna. If Krishna is all action and Lao Tzu all inaction, Jesus is just exactly in the middle -- a great synthesis. Sometimes he is very active, and then he goes to the mountains for forty days to fast, to sit silently with the trees, to meditate, to b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,312 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ve in God can trust, and a man who believes in God may not trust; God is not so important, not necessarily needed. For example, Buddha trusts; he does not believe in God. Mahavira trusts; he does not believe in God. Lao Tzu trusts; he neither believes in God nor disbelieves in God; he never talks about God, God is almost irrelevant. Then trust is something which happens in you, it has no outer reference. Trust is your relax...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,313 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... And remember, this has been happening to all of you, because many of you were there when Buddha was on the earth, and many of you were there when Jesus was crucified, and many of you were there when Lao Tzu was alive, and many of you must have come across many Masters, because you are not new ones. You have been here as long as the existence has been here; you are ancient ones. But you have missed. A...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,314 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... thousand wives... Certainly I have a different personality than what Krishna had, but personality is not the essential thing. It is just the outer frame of the mirror. Buddha had a different personality, so had Lao Tzu. All Masters have different personalities if you look from the outside. Certainly, they lived in their time, in their own way. They did their thing, I do my thing. This is why Morarji Desai th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,315 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... receive it; the disciple is nothing but a welcome. The disciple is "feminine", a receptivity, a womb. This too is a mysterion, a secret ceremony. It was happening again and again, with Zarathustra, with Lao Tzu, with Jesus, in different ways. This is what is happening here. While I am talking to you, if you are just a curious person who has come here to listen and to see what is happening, you will ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,316 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ew spiritual people in India, as there have been everywhere. There is nothing to claim, nothing special to claim about it. Yes, Buddha has been here and Mahavira has been here and Krishna has been here. But so what? Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu and Lieh Tzu have been in China; and Zarathustra and Moses and Ezekiel and John the Baptist and Jesus and Mohammed and Saint Francis.... You can go on counting hundreds of names from all over t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,317 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...fis does not make much difference, because whatsoever one Sufi says will be said by all the Sufis. So you can bring ten thousand Sufis; it counts only as one. " That's a beautiful story. Buddha, Christ, Krishna, Lao Tzu, Mohammed, Bahaudin, Bayazid... they are not saying different things... maybe in different ways, but not different things. They are witness to a single truth, and the truth is that the kingdom of God is withi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,318 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...is sabr. SHE ASKED A CERTAIN DERVISH, WHOM WE SHALL CALL SABAR, "HOW CAN I FIND THIS FRUIT?..." Now she is asking a wrong question. She says, "How can I find this fruit?" Remember Lao Tzu's famous statement: "Seek and you will never find; do not seek and it is already found." In seeking you go astray, because seeking means "my will", non-seeking means let-go, disappearance of the ego. And when...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,319 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...: "Seek and you will never find; do not seek and it is already found." In seeking you go astray, because seeking means "my will", non-seeking means let-go, disappearance of the ego. And whenever you are not, God is. Lao Tzu is right: seek and you will miss; do not seek and find. Non-seeking is the way to find. It will look very strange, illogical, but this is how it is. This existence is illogical; that's why we...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,320 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ounder of this esoteric circle is said to have been the well-known Taoist adept, Lu Yen. Where did Lu Yen get this secret teaching? He himself attributes it to Master Kuan Yiu-hsi, for whom, accord-ing to tradition, Lao Tzu wrote down his TAO TE CHING. Lao Tzu never wrote a single word in his whole life. He declined again and again the invitation to write anything. He conveyed to his disciples what he had come to...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,321 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...he well-known Taoist adept, Lu Yen. Where did Lu Yen get this secret teaching? He himself attributes it to Master Kuan Yiu-hsi, for whom, accord-ing to tradition, Lao Tzu wrote down his TAO TE CHING. Lao Tzu never wrote a single word in his whole life. He declined again and again the invitation to write anything. He conveyed to his disciples what he had come to know, but he was not ready to write, because he said...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,322 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... He was going into absolute aloneness in the Himalayas. But he was caught on the border. And the man who caught him on the border was Master Kuan Yiu-hsi. He was a guard at the last post of the Chinese border. Lao Tzu had to pass that post; there was no other way to get out of the country. And Kuan Yiu-hsi persuaded him: 'You are going to die, you are leaving the country forever, and soon you will be leaving the body. Plea...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,323 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...aving the country forever, and soon you will be leaving the body. Please write just a few words. And I won't allow you to get out of the land if you don't write them. This price you have to pay.' And Lao Tzu had to sit in Kuan Yiu-hsi's hut for three days, and there he wrote the TAO TE CHING. The tradition of THE SECRET OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER IS said to have originated with Lu Yen. Lu Yen himself at...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,324 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... wrote the TAO TE CHING. The tradition of THE SECRET OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER IS said to have originated with Lu Yen. Lu Yen himself attributes it to Master Kuan Yiu-hsi for whom, according to tradition, Lao Tzu wrote down his TAO TE CHING. Kuan means 'the Han-ku pass', hence he is called Master Kuan, that is 'Master of the Han-ku pass.' And he must have been a great adept, otherwise it would have been im...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,325 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...rote down his TAO TE CHING. Kuan means 'the Han-ku pass', hence he is called Master Kuan, that is 'Master of the Han-ku pass.' And he must have been a great adept, otherwise it would have been impossible to persuade Lao Tzu to write. His whole life he had declined -- he could not decline the invitation of this man. This man must have had something that it was impos-sible even for Lao Tzu to say no to. This is how...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,326 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...erwise it would have been impossible to persuade Lao Tzu to write. His whole life he had declined -- he could not decline the invitation of this man. This man must have had something that it was impos-sible even for Lao Tzu to say no to. This is how the tradition of THE GOLDEN FLOWER IS connected with Lao Tzu. But it didn't start with Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu himself says that whatsoever he is saying has been said ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,327 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... could not decline the invitation of this man. This man must have had something that it was impos-sible even for Lao Tzu to say no to. This is how the tradition of THE GOLDEN FLOWER IS connected with Lao Tzu. But it didn't start with Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu himself says that whatsoever he is saying has been said before, again and again, down the centuries. He is not bringing a new truth in the world but only a ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,328 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...his man. This man must have had something that it was impos-sible even for Lao Tzu to say no to. This is how the tradition of THE GOLDEN FLOWER IS connected with Lao Tzu. But it didn't start with Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu himself says that whatsoever he is saying has been said before, again and again, down the centuries. He is not bringing a new truth in the world but only a new expression. It is always so. Truth is t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,329 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...This man must have had something that it was impos-sible even for Lao Tzu to say no to. This is how the tradition of THE GOLDEN FLOWER IS connected with Lao Tzu. But it didn't start with Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu himself says that whatsoever he is saying has been said before, again and again, down the centuries. He is not bringing a new truth in the world but only a new expression. It is always so. Truth is the same, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,330 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...soever he is saying has been said before, again and again, down the centuries. He is not bringing a new truth in the world but only a new expression. It is always so. Truth is the same, only expressions differ. What Lao Tzu said is the same as what Krishna had said before him. What Krishna said is the same as what Buddha said later on. What Buddha has said is the same as Mohammed, as Jesus, as Zarathustra have said although ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,331 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ou will not become aware of it. IT IS CONTAINED IN THE TWO EYES. But you cannot see it unless they become one, then it is released. Then there is a great explosion of light. Zarathustra calls it 'explosion of fire'. Lao Tzu calls it 'explosion of light'. It is the same. You must have come across the statement of John the Baptist. He used to say to his disciples, 'I baptize you with water. After me shall come one ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,332 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...the essence is always rebellious, the essence is always individualistic. And the world does not need any individuals, it needs sheep. It does not need rebellious people, it does not need people like Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tzu, no; these people are dangerous. It wants people who are obedient -- obedient to the status quo, obedient to the vested interests, obedient to the organized church, obedient to the state and the stupid politi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,333 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...will have to change your whole pattern of thinking. You will have to change your very language of life; otherwise you will misunderstand. These rules are for a certain purpose. Madhuri was living in Lao Tzu House, and suddenly I sent her to live in Jesus House. She cried, but accepted. And she has come closer to me -- closer than she ever was -- in that very acceptance. More love will be showering on her from my...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,334 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...the 'two'. The world is dual. And the moment you can manage to make this duality disappear in oneness, you will become invisible. It has great significance, but it is a metaphor. It does not mean that you cannot see Lao Tzu or you cannot see me. You are seeing me already, but still you are not seeing me. That part has become invisible. The polarity has disappeared inside, the duality is no more there. Only the dual can be seen, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,335 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...d its impact should disappear so that he could read what ultimate truth he had come upon. He was thinking that he had become a Buddha or a Christ, seen God or seen something which the seers of the Upanishads saw, or Lao Tzu, or Zarathustra, or Mohammed -- something, but of that importance. But he was very puzzled and surprised when he came back to his senses and looked at his notebook. What he had written was th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,336 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... made more comfortable, that's all, but happiness is impossible. It is not impossible -- it is impossible through psychoanalysis -- because there have been happy people; we have seen them. A Buddha, a Lao Tzu, a Krishna -- we have seen these dancing people Freud is not happy, that is true, and he cannot be happy unless he drops psychoanalysis and moves into some meditative process; he will not be happy. It will ta...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,337 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... When the spring comes it starts with one flower. But when the one flower is there, then one can be certain: that spring is not faraway -- it has come. The first flower has heralded its coming: Zarathustra, Krishna, Lao Tzu, Buddha, Jesus -- these were the first flowers. Now the new man is going to be born on a greater scale. According to me, this new consciousness is the most important thing that is happening to...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,338 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... has created the story of Buddha WAS Buddha. Whether the story existed or not doesn't matter. Hence I use so many parables. The parable embodies the hope, the danger, and the possibility held out by Lao Tzu or Zarathustra. If all the Bibles were destroyed, if the name of Jesus were forgotten, it would not matter anymore, so long as the fire kindled the hope, the beauty, and the possibility still went on burning....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,339 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...dled the hope, the beauty, and the possibility still went on burning. If it is proved, absolutely proved, that Buddha never happened, Jesus was never born, Mohammed never walked on the earth, Mahavira was a myth and Lao Tzu an invention of some fictitious writers, if the hope continues and if man continues to hope to surpass 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,340 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... ready to receive their message they are still ready to take you to the other shore. The moment a Master dies he becomes part of that infinite energy which Buddha has joined, Mahavir has joined, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, Jesus, Mohammed. Whenever a Master dies, more energy is redeemed -- and it is becoming a tidal wave. So many enlightened people have existed; it is becoming a continuous tidal wave. You are fortunate. If you...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,341 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...of it! all knowledge put aside. Your heart responds, your mind reacts. Responsibility is of the heart. You may not say anything; in fact, there is no need to say, "This is beautiful." I have heard... Lao Tzu used to go for a morning walk. A neighbor wanted to be with him. Lao Tzu said, "But remember, don't be talkative. You can come along, but don't be talkative." Many times the man wanted to say something, b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,342 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...sponsibility is of the heart. You may not say anything; in fact, there is no need to say, "This is beautiful." I have heard... Lao Tzu used to go for a morning walk. A neighbor wanted to be with him. Lao Tzu said, "But remember, don't be talkative. You can come along, but don't be talkative." Many times the man wanted to say something, but knowing Lao Tzu, looking at him, he controlled himself But...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,343 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...d to go for a morning walk. A neighbor wanted to be with him. Lao Tzu said, "But remember, don't be talkative. You can come along, but don't be talkative." Many times the man wanted to say something, but knowing Lao Tzu, looking at him, he controlled himself But when the sun started rising and it was so beautiful, the temptation was so much that he forgot all about what Lao Tzu had said. He said, "Look! What a beautiful morn...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,344 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...any times the man wanted to say something, but knowing Lao Tzu, looking at him, he controlled himself But when the sun started rising and it was so beautiful, the temptation was so much that he forgot all about what Lao Tzu had said. He said, "Look! What a beautiful morning!" And Lao Tzu said, "So, you have become talkative You are too talkative! You are here, I am here, the sun is here, the sun is rising -- so what is the p...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,345 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e controlled himself But when the sun started rising and it was so beautiful, the temptation was so much that he forgot all about what Lao Tzu had said. He said, "Look! What a beautiful morning!" And Lao Tzu said, "So, you have become talkative You are too talkative! You are here, I am here, the sun is here, the sun is rising -- so what is the point in saying to me 'The sun is beautiful'? Can't I see? Am I blind?...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,346 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... the doors are needed; only then will the temple be rich. And even if all the doors are accepted, then too truth has not been told in its fullness, because it is infinite. You can put Buddha, Christ, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, Mahavir, Mohammed together, still truth has not been told in its totality. It can never be told. It is infinite. All words are small. All human efforts are limited. And then, it cannot be told straight....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,347 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...was not concerned with politics at all. It has always happened: the higher you go, the more dumb you feel. And whatsoever you say, you can IMMEDIATELY see it has been misunderstood. Lao Tzu has said, "If I say something and people understand it, then I know it was not worth saying. If I say something and people don't understand, then I know that there must have been some truth in it." ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,348 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Gautam Buddha walked, and a Mahavir and a Krishna, and millions of others... No other country can claim this. Jesus is very alone in Jerusalem; Mohammed is very very alone in the Arabian countries; Lao Tzu has a very small company, Chuang Tzu and a few others. They tried hard to create something. But India has the longest spiritual vibe: for at least five thousand years the search has been deepening, and still ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,349 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...st in a certain context; when the context is gone they are gone. That is where Buddhas are different: their context is eternity. Their context is not a part of time. This is where Jesus, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, remain eternally meaningful: because they are not part of time their message is eternal. Their message exists in the context of human misery, human ignorance. Unless the whole existence becomes enlightened, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,350 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...he whole existence becomes aflame. And the third: IN THE WATER BLOWS THE WIND OF THE GENTLE. Water, in Taoism, represents the ultimate source of things. It represents the Tao itself. Lao Tzu has called his path 'The Watercourse Way' for many reasons. First, the water is soft, humble, seeks the lowest place. Just as Jesus says, "Those who are the last in this world will be the first in my ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,351 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... the real history consists of Buddhas, Christs, 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Lao Tzus. That's what I am trying to do here! Now talking about Lu-tsu -- you may not even have heard his name -- now talking on this tremendously beautiful book, THE SECRET OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER, I a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,352 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...eeting has happened within you, you are whole. This is what is called the man of Tao. The man of Tao is neither man nor woman. He has come back to his oneness. He is alone... all one. You cannot call Lao Tzu a man or a woman, or Buddha a man or a woman, or Jesus a man or a woman. Biologically they are, spiritually they are not. Spiritually they have gone beyond. Buddha has no unconscious in him, no division. He's...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,353 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...te. She is the meeting of the polar opposites. Lu-tsu is not a male chauvinist. Be a little more careful when you start talking about people like Lu-tsu. Be a little more alert. People like Lu-tsu or Lao Tzu or Chuang Tzu, or Buddha or Krishna or Christ are neither men nor women. They have gone, gone beyond. They have transcended all 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Founda...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,354 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...comparable to hypnosis or to meditation. Christianity, Judaism, Mohammedanism -- these three religions are very poor. They don't deserve even the name of `religion'. They don't have anything of what you will find in Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Gautam Buddha, Bodhidharma, Nagarjuna, Shankara. You will not find anything of any fundamental value in them. The science of hypnosis and the science of meditation are two sides ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,355 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e. It is not his effort, but on the contrary his no-effort, allowing existence to reveal its secrets to him. This is not new. The East has known it for at least five thousand years. Lao Tzu has even given it a name: `effortless effort', `action without action'. And he was trying to explain that whatever man has come to know is not through effort, although there is much effort involved; hence the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,356 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...sus says "Man cannot live by bread alone." I say to you, a man can live without bread but not without the newspaper. The newspaper is his whole wisdom. These are people who cannot argue against Jesus, Zarathustra or Lao Tzu. For example, Jesus says, that God is love, God is just, always fair, always compassionate. The Old Testament's God is a very angry God -- never forgiving, never forgetting; nobody is going to ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,357 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...rly weird to yourself: "What are you doing here?" Life is the way. Life has no goal. That's why I love the word Tao. Tao means the way, with no goal. Simply the way. It was courageous of Lao Tzu, twenty-five centuries ago, to tell people that there is no goal and we are not going anywhere. We are just going to be here, so make the time as beautiful, as loving, as joyous as possible. He called his phi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,358 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...the darkness, with your own ego, with all that is ugly in you. Karate is connected with Tao, is connected with Gautam Buddha, is connected with Confucius. But neither Confucius nor Gautam Buddha nor Lao Tzu were aware that their meditative techniques would bring such a transformation that even martial arts, which have been developed to destroy man, to murder, to commit suicide... but they can be used because the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,359 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...re -- he has passed the examination of life. BELOVED OSHO, DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT GANDHI'S FOURTH MONKEY? In China, based on almost twenty-five centuries of the teachings of Lao Tzu, some sculptor made a statue of four monkeys. Lao Tzu used to say, "Don't see anything wrong, because even by seeing it, you become in some subtle way a participant. And moreover, just by seeing it, it leaves...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,360 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...LOVED OSHO, DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT GANDHI'S FOURTH MONKEY? In China, based on almost twenty-five centuries of the teachings of Lao Tzu, some sculptor made a statue of four monkeys. Lao Tzu used to say, "Don't see anything wrong, because even by seeing it, you become in some subtle way a participant. And moreover, just by seeing it, it leaves an impression in you which may become a seed and some...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,361 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ou will find him somewhere as a sannyasin, because I don't see any other place to escape to. But it shows the level of understanding of Mahatma Gandhi. He was sex-repressive. He could not understand Lao Tzu. He was worried that people would see this naked monkey. So it is better from the very beginning if people don't know anything about it. In India, those statues don't exist; It is better to cut the fourth mon...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,362 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- does not try to bring a rope and get me out." Just at that moment, a Lao Tzu monk, a Taoist monk came by. He also heard. He looked in and he said, "Listen man -- my master used to say that you should act in awareness, walk in awareness. Now you see? -- you have not been aware." ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,363 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...eat genius as far as mind is concerned. They have impressed millions of people for thousands of years and they are still fresh. But there is an different line of people like Gautam Buddha, Bodhidharma, Jesus Christ, Lao Tzu -- these are not philosophers. What they are saying is not coming from the mind. It is coming from beyond the mind. They have put the mind aside. To understand them, just intellect is not eno...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,364 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- that it never happens again. There have been great people on the earth, but Socrates has something unique. There is Gautam the Buddha, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu -- in Greece itself there has been Pythagoras, Heraclitus; in Persia, Zarathustra... and many others, but none of them had a certain quality which only Socrates has. And that is a scientific appro...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,365 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...jority voting, then Gautam Buddha would never have been chosen, because he was a rebellious person amongst the Hindus. He was condemning the VEDAS -- which are worth condemning. He would not have got any votes. Then Lao Tzu would not have been chosen as a great enlightened man, because he was against Confucius, who had immense power over the whole land of China and all the politicians. Truth stands on its own aut...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,366 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... they were enemies to Jesus, then too there would have been some report. Buddha is reported in Hindu scriptures. Buddha is reported in Jaina scriptures, Mahavira is reported in Hindu scriptures, in Jaina scriptures. Lao Tzu is reported in Confucian scriptures. Confucius is reported in Lao-Tzuan scriptures. They were contemporaries. And the man who did such unnatural things would have dominated the whole scene. But the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,367 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... reported in Hindu scriptures. Buddha is reported in Jaina scriptures, Mahavira is reported in Hindu scriptures, in Jaina scriptures. Lao Tzu is reported in Confucian scriptures. Confucius is reported in Lao-Tzuan scriptures. They were contemporaries. And the man who did such unnatural things would have dominated the whole scene. But the reward that he got was crucifixion. Jesus himself was uned...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,368 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...not left any organization, he has not left any church. These are the beauties of the man. He remains alone, and yet the most influential person in the whole world. I love a few other people... I love Lao Tzu in China, who has also not left any following, who was not even ready to write a book, because that may become a holy scripture; people may start worshiping it -- and also for the simple reason that truth can...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,369 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...cause of human beings; otherwise, those big stars, millions of solar systems, are just dead. It is to the credit of this earth, that we have been able to produce people like Socrates, Gautam Buddha, Lao Tzu, Pythagoras. To destroy humanity means to destroy the effort of millions of years that existence has been making. Existence is trying to become conscious through us; it is trying to become aware through us. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,370 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... and he used to fall into a coma for a few minutes, unconscious, his mouth foaming -- and this man is the founder of psychoanalysis. Can you think of Gautam Buddha being afraid of death in this way? Can you think of Lao Tzu being afraid of death in this way? All his psychoanalysis is nothing but his own sexual repression -- because everything that you bring to him becomes a sexual symbol, anything... you cannot ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,371 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...let man evolve, to let man grow to a point where they become useless. There are many situations which will help you to understand. It happened in China, twenty-five centuries ago... Lao Tzu became very famous, a wise man, and he was without any doubt one of the wisest men ever. The emperor of China asked him very humbly to become his chief of the supreme court, because nobody could guide the cou...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,372 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- am not the right man," but the emperor was insisting. Lao Tzu said, "If you don`t listen to me... Just one day in the court and you will be convinced that I am not the right man -- because the system is wrong. Out of humbleness I was not saying the truth to you. Either ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,373 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... I can exist or your law and your order and your society can exist. So let us try it." The first day a thief was brought into the court who had stolen almost half the treasures of the richest man in the capital. Lao Tzu listened to the case and then he said that the thief and the richest man should both go to jail for six months. The rich man said, "What are you saying? I have been stolen from, I have been robbed -- and...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,374 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... months. The rich man said, "What are you saying? I have been stolen from, I have been robbed -- and what kind of justice is this, that you are sending me to jail for the same time as the thief?" Lao Tzu said, "I am certainly being unfair to the thief. Your need to be in jail is more, because you have collected so much money, deprived so many people of money that thousands of people are down and you are colle...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,375 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...y people of money that thousands of people are down and you are collecting and collecting money -- for what? Your very greed is creating these thieves. You are responsible. The first crime is yours." Lao Tzu's logic is absolutely clear. If there are going to be too many poor people and only a few rich people, you cannot stop thieves, you cannot stop stealing. The only way to stop it is to have a society where eve...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,376 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... just out of greed. The rich man said, "Before you send me to jail I want to see the emperor, because this is not according to the constitution; this is not according to the law of the country." Lao Tzu said, "That is the fault of the constitution and the fault of the law of the country. I am not responsible for it. You can see the emperor." And the rich man said to the emperor, "Listen, this man should ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,377 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...: what he is saying is right -- I can understand it -- but he will destroy us." The king understood it perfectly well. "If this rich man is a criminal, then I am the greatest criminal in the country. Lao Tzu will not hesitate to send me to jail." Lao Tzu was relieved of his post. He said, "I had told you before, you are unnecessarily wasting my time. I was saying I am not the right man. The reality is, your s...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,378 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... -- but he will destroy us." The king understood it perfectly well. "If this rich man is a criminal, then I am the greatest criminal in the country. Lao Tzu will not hesitate to send me to jail." Lao Tzu was relieved of his post. He said, "I had told you before, you are unnecessarily wasting my time. I was saying I am not the right man. The reality is, your society, your law, your constitution are not the rig...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,379 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...this vast universe where life exists, where consciousness exists, and where a few people have been able to become Gautam Buddhas. I would like everybody to reach to those heights of Gautam Buddha, of Lao Tzu, Zarathustra, so that all fear of death disappears and everybody knows that his inner being is part of eternity. Socrates Poisoned Again After 25 Centuries ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,380 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [.... The person who lives in your time may not be your contemporary, but the person you feel, experience, the person who moves your heart into a dance is a contemporary. To me Buddha is a contemporary, Lao Tzu is a contemporary, Bodhidharma is a contemporary, Zarathustra is a contemporary. I can still taste their experience because it is my own experience too. Rajneeshism is dead. I wanted it to be dead before...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,381 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... the society and the civilization and the religion. They are dead. Do you think any religion is alive? The religion that blossomed with Gautam Buddha died with Gautam Buddha. The song that arose with Lao Tzu disappeared with the death of Lao Tzu. The dance of Meera died with Meera. This is the natural course of things. All religions are organized around corpses. Don't worry about them; they don't have any pow...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,382 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...the religion. They are dead. Do you think any religion is alive? The religion that blossomed with Gautam Buddha died with Gautam Buddha. The song that arose with Lao Tzu disappeared with the death of Lao Tzu. The dance of Meera died with Meera. This is the natural course of things. All religions are organized around corpses. Don't worry about them; they don't have any power, they don't have any li...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,383 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...s never believed in any messiahs. You will be surprised to know that the idea of messiahs is Western. In the East the very idea of messiahs has never existed. There have been people like Gautam Buddha, Mahavira, Lao Tzu, pinnacles of wisdom, but they don't proclaim themselves messiahs, prophets. They simply say what they are: they are human beings who have realized their innermost potential, and that you can do it ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,384 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... happening deep down in your consciousness -- and every other consciousness around you is going to be affected by it. You will see it in different spheres. For example, when Gautam Buddha appeared in India, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Confucius appeared in China; Socrates, Plato, Pythagoras appeared in Greece -- at the same time, the same flame, the same truth. And there was no communication -- even the Himalayas, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,385 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...-- at the same time, the same flame, the same truth. And there was no communication -- even the Himalayas, the highest mountains between China and India, were not able to prevent it. What is happening to Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu passes on, moves on. If you look at the time before the communist revolution in Soviet Russia, it produced the greatest number of the highest quality novelists, the most creative. And not ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,386 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... right time and the right place. This generation gap is the right time. Buddha was working with the old people, with the old tradition, with all the orthodox minds and wanting them to be rebellious. So was Lao Tzu and so was Zarathustra. They could not see that the people they were talking to were so deeply rooted in the past that they could not move away from it. They could listen, they could worship them -- they ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,387 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...very idea of a circle has completion intrinsic to it. Only a complete circle is a circle and only absolute understanding is understanding. That's why there is no way to compare Buddha, Mohammed, Mansoor, Christ, Lao Tzu, Zarathustra -- there is no way. You cannot compare; they are all circles and all are complete. You cannot say that Buddha is more of a circle than Zarathustra, or Zarathustra is more of a circle than ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,388 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...zu, Zarathustra -- there is no way. You cannot compare; they are all circles and all are complete. You cannot say that Buddha is more of a circle than Zarathustra, or Zarathustra is more of a circle than Lao Tzu. You cannot use the words 'more' and 'less' as far as enlightenment is concerned. Enlightenment is never more or less. People come to me sometimes and they ask who is more enlightened -- Buddha or Mahavir...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,389 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... uttered, not a single word! There was no need. Both looked into each other's eyes and found the same reality. Yes, that will happen;. If Jesus comes to meet Buddha, that will happen. If Zarathustra comes to see Lao Tzu, that will happen. What is there to say? You know, the other knows, there is no way to talk, there is nothing to talk about. The third possibility is that one knows and one does not know, then whosoeve...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,390 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...fe. Look at a rose flower and just go on looking at it. Don't think. Don't verbalise. Don't bring language in. Don't say it is a beautiful flower. Then you have missed. I have heard.... Lao Tzu was going for a morning walk. A neighbour who used to go with him, knew him -- knew that he was a very silent man and did not like talking. Once the neighbour mentioned that the morning was beautiful -- i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,391 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ning walk. A neighbour who used to go with him, knew him -- knew that he was a very silent man and did not like talking. Once the neighbour mentioned that the morning was beautiful -- it was a beautiful morning. Lao Tzu looked very puzzled. He looked at him as if he had said something mad. The man became restless. He said, 'What is the matter? Why are you looking at me in such a way? Have I done anything wrong?'...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,392 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...looked very puzzled. He looked at him as if he had said something mad. The man became restless. He said, 'What is the matter? Why are you looking at me in such a way? Have I done anything wrong?' And Lao Tzu said, 'I am also looking at the morning, so what is the point of saying that it is beautiful? Do you think I am dead, I am dull or asleep? The morning is beautiful, but what is the point of saying it? I am al...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,393 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...t what is the point of saying it? I am also here, as much as you are.' Since then the neighbour stopped talking. He used to follow him, walk with him, and after years of going for a morning walk with Lao Tzu he also became alert about what meditation is. Then a visitor came to the neighbour and he also wanted to come for a walk. And the visitor said that day, 'It is a beautiful sunrise.' That day the neighbou...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,394 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...s. Then a visitor came to the neighbour and he also wanted to come for a walk. And the visitor said that day, 'It is a beautiful sunrise.' That day the neighbour understood. He looked puzzled as once Lao Tzu had looked puzzled at him, and he said, 'Why should you mention it? I am also here.' And Lao Tzu said, 'Now do you understand?' There is a way of being in contact with reality without words. In fact, t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,395 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...r said that day, 'It is a beautiful sunrise.' That day the neighbour understood. He looked puzzled as once Lao Tzu had looked puzzled at him, and he said, 'Why should you mention it? I am also here.' And Lao Tzu said, 'Now do you understand?' There is a way of being in contact with reality without words. In fact, that is the only way there is. Words don't help, they hinder. So sometimes, sitti...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,396 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ning in Krishna. Or, if you are too fixated on Krishna you will not be able to see what is happening in Christ. God manifests in millions of ways -- in Christ and Mahavira and Buddha and Mohammed and Zarathustra and Lao Tzu -- millions of ways. And all ways are his. But to recognise that you will need great intelligence. and the first step towards intelligence is to drop all a priori ideas, prejudices, to drop al...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,397 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ing in your mind, with no clouds. You should just look into him, and then you will be surprised. Masters are unique in their manifestation and they are one in their innermost core. Buddha, Mahavira, Krishna, Christ, Lao Tzu, Zarathustra -- they are all one in their innermost core. Their circumference is really very, very unique, and their centre is one. But to see the centre you will have to be utterly silent. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,398 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Then only is there a possibility of contacting God. God is not a person -- that is the second thing to remember. It is human to think about God as a person. When we think about God as a person it looks warmer. Lao Tzu says 'Tao', but Tao doesn't seem so warm. You cannot hug Tao. Tao cannot hug you. Buddha says 'Dhamma' -- the law. But the law seems to be cold. You need some warm embrace, you need a God who can love you, wh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,399 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...l it, they have tried to tell it, but it goes on slipping. That's what I go on doing. I go on telling it but it goes on slipping. No word ever does any justice to truth; all words falsify. Sufis agree perfectly with Lao Tzu when he says, 'The Tao that can be said is Tao no more. The truth that can be uttered has already become a lie.' You will have to experience it on your own. But man is imitative, so entirely imitative, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,400 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...the sought. To know the one who is hidden inside you is all that is needed, and for that you need not go anywhere. For that you need not even open your eyes. For that you need not even take a single step. That's why Lao Tzu says, 'If you seek, you will miss. Don't seek, and you will find.' Seeking is desiring. And once you start seeking you will go on going astray -- from one goal to another goal. Sometimes it is money that...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,401 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... may start getting high just by being in contact with him -- a contact-high. Just because he is so turned on, you will start feeling turned on. That is religiousness, that is IMAN -- what Hindus call DHARMA and what Lao Tzu calls Tao and what the Jews call TORAH. That is the most fundamental law of religion -- to be drunk with the unknown, with the invisible; to be drunk with something that is not of this world, not available he...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,402 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...olitics? Will it help me to win the coming election? Will it help me to have a bigger balance in the bank? Is it going to help me become more famous? If not, then what is the point? Why waste time?' Lao Tzu is passing; he is going on a pilgrimage. You may ask 'Pilgrimage -- to where? Is he going to Mecca or to Kailash, or is he coming to Kashi?' No. Pilgrimage to nowhere. Just enjoying -- in the mountains and th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,403 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ollowing him. They come into a forest where all the trees have been cut except one tree, and that one tree is so big and its branches so high and so long that one thousand bullock carts can rest under its shade. And Lao Tzu sends one of his disciples there who is a philosopher. 'Enquire what has happened, because the whole jungle has been cut and thousands of workers are still cutting the remaining trees, but why are they not cu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,404 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...y are not straight. Its leaves are such that no animal will eat them. When you burn the wood of this tree, only smoke comes out, no fire. It is utterly useless, that's why they have not cut it.' And Lao Tzu laughed a hearty laugh and said 'You see the use of the uselessness? Now, this tree has survived because it is useless. See the beauty of the tree. Because it is useless it is enjoying the sun and the clouds;...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,405 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- you will be able to enjoy, you will be able to dance. Look at the dance of the tree!' Lao Tzu is saying that use is not all that there is in life, and to think that use is all is to be a materialist, is to be irreligious. The man who is always asking about the use and meaning is an irreligious person....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,406 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...d in a flash of illumination'. The world has remained the same. Jesus has come and gone, and the world is not saved, so he was not the messiah. Who was the messiah? Moses, Krishna, Buddha, Mahavir, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu? -- nobody, because the world remains the same. Yes, they transformed a few people's lives, but that is not the point, The messiah is an impossible ideal. It has to be impossible; if it is made possible, then...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,407 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Even something which carries a very very far echo will help them to change. It is not that Buddha is very happy with what he says. Whatsoever he says, he feels is not true. He feels the same way as Lao Tzu felt. Lao Tzu says, "That which can be said cannot be true. The moment it is said it is falsified." But still, those who live in worlds of many many illusions, those who are deeply asleep, fast asleep, for th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,408 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...g which carries a very very far echo will help them to change. It is not that Buddha is very happy with what he says. Whatsoever he says, he feels is not true. He feels the same way as Lao Tzu felt. Lao Tzu says, "That which can be said cannot be true. The moment it is said it is falsified." But still, those who live in worlds of many many illusions, those who are deeply asleep, fast asleep, for them even a fals...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,409 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...' became `Christ' and the followers became `Christians'. Jesus was never aware that he was creating a new religion. Certainly he has a few very beautiful sayings, but not many compared to people like Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, or the seers of the Upanishads. They are very small in number, but they only look beautiful. I will have to analyze a few sayings so that you can understand what I mean. He says, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,410 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... hand clapping... What can the poor mystic do? And it is not only one mystic's experience. Down the ages, whenever anybody has experienced truth it is the same problem, that it cannot be said. When Lao Tzu was in China he experienced it. He never spoke about it; he spoke about other things. And his disciples asked again and again, "Why don't you tell us about the real thing?" And he would say, "To say anyth...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,411 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ples asked again and again, "Why don't you tell us about the real thing?" And he would say, "To say anything about it is to betray the experience." They asked him to write it down for the coming generations. Lao Tzu said, "It is impossible, it cannot be written down." When he became eighty, he started traveling towards the Himalayas because he wanted to die in the silence of the Himalayas --the last momen...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,412 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... traveling towards the Himalayas because he wanted to die in the silence of the Himalayas --the last moments in the pure world of the Himalayas. The emperor of China ordered the guards on the boundary of China: "Lao Tzu is coming and he will have to pass through the gates. You stop him there. Unless he writes down his experience, don't let him go out. That experience is valuable for the coming centuries; otherwise the coming...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,413 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... there. Unless he writes down his experience, don't let him go out. That experience is valuable for the coming centuries; otherwise the coming centuries will not be able to forgive us ever." And poor Lao Tzu was stopped at the gate. With great respect the guards touched his feet but they said, "We cannot allow you... this is our cottage, you remain in it and you write down your experience." And he...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,414 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...naturally all their faith will disappear. When I call Christianity a third-rate religion, this is my reason: it depends on third-rate things. Buddha has never walked on water, Mahavira has never walked on water, Lao Tzu has never raised any dead man back to life... If they are remembered, they are remembered for some essential qualities of life: their compassion, their love, their silence, their attainment, their fulfillment...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,415 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...as a little bit of intelligence. Life is to rejoice, life is to dance. Life is to drink the juice of it as totally as possible. I am reminded of an incident in paradise, in a restaurant.... Lao Tzu, Confucius and Gautam Buddha -- all three were sitting around a table discussing great things. Just at that moment a naked woman, immensely beautiful, came with a jar to the side of the table and asked them, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,416 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...D-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- would just like to taste, not to drink. I would just like to know how it tastes." So he had taken just a sip and he said, "It is bitter. You take it away." Lao Tzu took the whole jar from the girl's hands and drank it completely in one gulp. Even the girl was surprised. Emptying the jar, he said, "Great. It was delicious. But to know anything really, one has to go total...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,417 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ise out of nothingness? This is one of the greatest contributions of Buddha to the world. As far as the idea of no-self is concerned, he has surpassed all other masters -- Krishna and Christ and Zarathustra and Lao Tzu -- he has surpassed all. This is one of the most fundamental meditations. If it can settle in you that "I am not," then suddenly the world disappears. To know that "I am not" is to know that ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,418 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... is a pinned butterfly in an album, dead . You have transformed its quality completely, you have destroyed it. When I say illogical I mean unnameable, I mean no word will be able to express it. Lao Tzu says: Truth cannot be said. The moment you say it, it becomes untrue. This is what I mean by calling reality illogical, irrational. It is beyond the comprehension of mind. Call it supra-logical, and you ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,419 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... more that I am. Then listening has started. And you will understand me only by listening. You will understand me only when you have forgotten all about understanding what I am saying. All statements are lies. Lao Tzu is true. He says: Tao cannot be said, and the moment you say it you have betrayed it. He is absolutely true. Truth is so infinite and words are so finite. Only when you have something infinite in you......] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,420 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...stand, then there is no need to go to such statements which apparently look arrogant. People who don't understand or don't want to understand can find arrogance anywhere. Once it happened, I read these words of Lao Tzu to a professor: "When the superior man hears of the Tao, he practises it; when the ordinary man hears of the Tao, he ignores it; when the inferior man hears of the Tao, he laughs at it. If it were not laughed...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,421 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...rs of the Tao, he ignores it; when the inferior man hears of the Tao, he laughs at it. If it were not laughed at it would not be the true Tao." And do you know what the professor said? He said, "How arrogant of Lao TZU -- who does he think he is to know? He thinks himself the superior man? the sage? that he knows? How arrogant of him to claim that he knows Tao! So Lao Tzu thinks," he said, "he is one of the superior who rea...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,422 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...you know what the professor said? He said, "How arrogant of Lao TZU -- who does he think he is to know? He thinks himself the superior man? the sage? that he knows? How arrogant of him to claim that he knows Tao! So Lao Tzu thinks," he said, "he is one of the superior who really understands the Tao, while lesser people ignore or laugh at it? How arrogant!" Now it is not very apparent. You could not have thought this way, bu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,423 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ll those who have been searching in the world have been failing and failing. Only frustration comes in the end, and failure. Just think of those people -- a Gautama Buddha, a Krishna, a Christ, a Zarathustra, a Lao Tzu -- think of those people, how blissful they look, what fragrance they have. From where does it come? Just sitting silently by their side and one is thrilled, enchanted. These people have some magic, some ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,424 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ace! To me, it is not a problem at all. I can see through and through how it happened. Adolf Hitler was dogmatic. Whatsoever he said, he said it absolutely. Only a foolish person can be dogmatic. Lao Tzu hesitates. Lao Tzu says: I walk as one walks in cold winter in a cold stream. Everybody is certain except me. I am uncertain, I hesitate. I cannot claim knowledge, because all is so mysterious. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,425 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... To me, it is not a problem at all. I can see through and through how it happened. Adolf Hitler was dogmatic. Whatsoever he said, he said it absolutely. Only a foolish person can be dogmatic. Lao Tzu hesitates. Lao Tzu says: I walk as one walks in cold winter in a cold stream. Everybody is certain except me. I am uncertain, I hesitate. I cannot claim knowledge, because all is so mysterious. Now, Lao Tzu is n...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,426 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... hesitates. Lao Tzu says: I walk as one walks in cold winter in a cold stream. Everybody is certain except me. I am uncertain, I hesitate. I cannot claim knowledge, because all is so mysterious. Now, Lao Tzu is not going to convince people. If you hesitate, nobody is going to follow you. People ARE in deep confusion. People need somebody to shout loudly in their ears -- so loudly that they are convinced: "This ma...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,427 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...When I say 'melt' I mean love. Create as much love heat in you as possible. Only that can melt you. When I say 'become water' I mean become a flow -- don't remain stagnant. Move, and move like water. Lao Tzu says: The way of the Tao is a watercourse way . It moves like water. What is the movement of water? or of a river? The movement has a few beautiful things about it. One, it always moves towards the depth, it ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,428 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...sk me about Buddhas, just ask one question: 'Who am I?' and you will know who the Buddha is -- because everyone is carrying the potential of being a Buddha; there is no need to look outside yourself. Lao Tzu says: To find truth, one need not go out of his room. One need not even open the door, one need not even open his eyes -- because truth is your being. To know it is Buddhahood. Remember it: the statements...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,429 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...for the rare, the courageous, to be in contact with a Buddha. The ordinary mind cannot bear it; the presence of a Buddha is unbearable. Why? Why have people been so much against Buddha and Christ and Zarathustra and Lao Tzu? For a certain reason: these are the people who don't allow you the luxury of the untruth, the comfort of the lie, the convenience of living in illusions. These are the people who don't allow you; these are t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,430 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...re all yours, you need not be a Christian or a Hindu or a Mohammedan. The whole past is yours: use it, but don't be used by it. Use it, and go ahead. Use Buddha and Christ and Krishna and Zarathustra and Lao Tzu, but don't be confined by them. You have to go ahead. There is more to life -- there are still unexplored realities. The mystery is infinite. Man is in a kind of neurosis. This is a very pregnant situatio...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,431 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...hink you have fallen into a trap, you are hypnotized, you are wasting your life. And the people who will say this are in the majority -- they have always been in the majority. They laughed at Christ, they laughed at Lao Tzu, they ridiculed Buddha, they were against Mahavir, they are against me. And they will take all kinds of revenge on you; they will not allow you to live peacefully. This is very strange. Buddh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,432 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...r. Not that his achievement of Enlightenment is greater than anybody else's -- Enlightenment is neither less nor more -- he has attained to the same quality of consciousness as Mahavir, as Christ, as Zarathustra, as Lao Tzu. There is no question of any Enlightened man being more Enlightened than anybody else. But as far as his being a Master is concerned, Buddha is incomparable -- because, through him, thousands ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,433 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... eighty-five percent, eighty percent.... The day I feel at least fifty percent of people can understand silence, then words can be dropped. I am not very happy about them. Nobody ever was: neither was Lao Tzu, nor was Saraha, nor was Buddha -- nobody ever was. But they all had to use words, not because silence cannot be a communion -- silence can be a communion, but for that a very higher consciousness is needed....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,434 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...eligion gives you a certain style, a discipline. Tantra takes all disciplines away. When there is no discipline, when there is no enforced order, a totally different kind of order arises in you. What Lao Tzu calls Tao, what Buddha calls DHARMA -- that arises in you. That is not anything done by you; it happens to you. Tantra simply creates space for it to happen. It does not even invite, it does not wait; it simp...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,435 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...earth and they are broadcasting more and more thoughts. The further back you go, you find the earth the more and more peaceful -- less and less broadcasters. In the days of Buddha, or in the days of Lao Tzu, the world was very very peaceful, natural; it was a heaven. Why? The population was very very small, one thing. People were not thinkers too much, they were more and more prone to feeling rather than thinkin...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,436 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... through all metaphors, symbology, all languages. People ask me, "What are you doing here? Sometimes you talk on tantra and Tilopa, and sometimes you talk on yoga and Patanjali, and sometimes you talk on Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu, the taoists and the tao, and sometimes you jump to Heraclitus and Jesus -- what are you doing here?" I am talking about the same thing. I am not talking about anything else. Heraclitus or Tilo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,437 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... are trying to burn others' lights? You may blow them off, you may put them off -- your own inner being is dark. You cannot help, you cannot give, you have nothing to give. Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism, Lao Tzu, Mahavira and Siddhartha Gautam can help you out of it, but Tilopa says don't be satisfied even with that indifference, silence, a detached standing, aloofness, because it is still not a happening, still you ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,438 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...tural; more cultured, more civilized -- more unnatural. When a society becomes too cultured then comes religion to balance it. It is a subtle balancing. A natural society doesn't need religion. Says Lao Tzu, "I have heard from the ancients that there was a time when people were natural, there was no religion. When people were natural they never thought about heaven and hell. When people were natural they never t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,439 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... there was no religion. When people were natural they never thought about heaven and hell. When people were natural they never thought about moral precepts. When people were natural there was no code, no law." Lao Tzu says because of the law people have become criminals, and because of morality people have become immoral, and because of too much culture.... And China has known too much culture; no other country has known t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,440 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... known too much culture; no other country has known that much culture. Confucius has made an absolute discipline of how to culture a man -- three thousand three hundred rules to discipline. Suddenly Lao Tzu came into being to balance, because this Confucius will kill the whole society -- three thousand three hundred rules? This is too much. You will culture the man so much that the man will disappear completely....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,441 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ance, because this Confucius will kill the whole society -- three thousand three hundred rules? This is too much. You will culture the man so much that the man will disappear completely. He will not be a man at all! Lao Tzu erupts and Lao Tzu throws all the rules to the dust, and he says the only golden rule is to have no rules. This is a balancing. Lao Tzu is religion, Confucius is culture. Religion is needed l...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,442 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... will kill the whole society -- three thousand three hundred rules? This is too much. You will culture the man so much that the man will disappear completely. He will not be a man at all! Lao Tzu erupts and Lao Tzu throws all the rules to the dust, and he says the only golden rule is to have no rules. This is a balancing. Lao Tzu is religion, Confucius is culture. Religion is needed like a medicine, it is medicinal...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,443 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...an so much that the man will disappear completely. He will not be a man at all! Lao Tzu erupts and Lao Tzu throws all the rules to the dust, and he says the only golden rule is to have no rules. This is a balancing. Lao Tzu is religion, Confucius is culture. Religion is needed like a medicine, it is medicinal. You are ill, you need medicine; the more ill, of course, the more medicine. A society becomes ill when the natural ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,444 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ural, somebody gives something to you and you take, natural. But don't make out of it a profession. Don't make out of it an anxiety. ... FOR MAHAMUDRA IS BEYOND ALL ACCEPTANCE AND REJECTION. Lao Tzu teaches acceptance. And Tilopa teaches something beyond rejection and acceptance both. Tilopa is really one of the greatest masters. You reject something and you become unnatural -- that we can understand...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,445 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ords -- they are no more. they have disappeared long before; it is the whole pouring through them. Their expressions may be different, but the source is the same. The words of Jesus, Zarathustra, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Krishna, Mohammed are not ordinary words; they are not coming from their memory, they are coming from their experience. They have touched the divine, and the moment you touch the divine you evaporate, you ca...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,446 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... "Before writing down these words I contemplated ten thousand times whether to write or not, because I was taking a dangerous step." Nobody had gathered that much courage before. Ko Hsuan was preceded by Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu. Even they had not written anything; their message was remembered by their disciples. It was only written after Ko Hsuan took the dangerous step. But he also says, "Ten thousand times I ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,447 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...s the essential wisdom -- not any particular person, but simply the principle. Nothing is known about Ko Hsuan, nothing at all. Hence for at least a few centuries it had been thought that these words belonged to Lao Tzu. But Lao Tzu has a different way of speaking, a totally different way; these words can't be coming from Lao Tzu. We have gone into the words of Lao Tzu; he is even more mad than Ko Hsuan, he is even more myst...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,448 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...al wisdom -- not any particular person, but simply the principle. Nothing is known about Ko Hsuan, nothing at all. Hence for at least a few centuries it had been thought that these words belonged to Lao Tzu. But Lao Tzu has a different way of speaking, a totally different way; these words can't be coming from Lao Tzu. We have gone into the words of Lao Tzu; he is even more mad than Ko Hsuan, he is even more mystical. And it ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,449 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...an, nothing at all. Hence for at least a few centuries it had been thought that these words belonged to Lao Tzu. But Lao Tzu has a different way of speaking, a totally different way; these words can't be coming from Lao Tzu. We have gone into the words of Lao Tzu; he is even more mad than Ko Hsuan, he is even more mystical. And it is a well known fact that he never wrote anything other than TAO TE CHING, and that too he wrote un...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,450 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... few centuries it had been thought that these words belonged to Lao Tzu. But Lao Tzu has a different way of speaking, a totally different way; these words can't be coming from Lao Tzu. We have gone into the words of Lao Tzu; he is even more mad than Ko Hsuan, he is even more mystical. And it is a well known fact that he never wrote anything other than TAO TE CHING, and that too he wrote under pressure, at the last mo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,451 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... a grave. I simply want to disappear as if I had never existed." When he was passing through the country he was stopped at the border because the king had alerted all the borders and ordered that "If Lao Tzu passes out of the country through any gate he should be prevented unless he writes down whatsoever he has experienced." His whole life he had avoided it. In the end, it is said, because he was caught on the b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,452 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...nd unpublished Query:- go to the Himalayas, he stayed in a guard's but for three days and just wrote down the small treatise, TAO TE CHING. So this cannot be that THE CLASSIC OF PURITY belongs to Lao Tzu. But because nothing much is known about Ko Hsuan, people used to think that they must be words of Lao Tzu and Ko Hsuan must be a disciple of Lao Tzu who has simply written them down -- the notes of a discipl...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,453 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...n the small treatise, TAO TE CHING. So this cannot be that THE CLASSIC OF PURITY belongs to Lao Tzu. But because nothing much is known about Ko Hsuan, people used to think that they must be words of Lao Tzu and Ko Hsuan must be a disciple of Lao Tzu who has simply written them down -- the notes of a disciple. That's not so. Ko Hsuan himself is a Master in his own right. In his preface to this sm...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,454 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... So this cannot be that THE CLASSIC OF PURITY belongs to Lao Tzu. But because nothing much is known about Ko Hsuan, people used to think that they must be words of Lao Tzu and Ko Hsuan must be a disciple of Lao Tzu who has simply written them down -- the notes of a disciple. That's not so. Ko Hsuan himself is a Master in his own right. In his preface to this small treatise he says a few things which have to be reme...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,455 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...tely one. It has not happened in the history of Christianity or in the history of Judaism or in the history of Mohammedanism, their history is full of ugliness. It has happened only in the of tradition of Buddha and Lao Tzu: a very rare phenomenon -- no argumentation. They simply tried to understand each other and they laughed and they hugged and they said, "Perfectly true!" A Christian missionary went to see ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,456 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...s no question of converting. The whole idea of converting anybody is ugly, is violent. They never argued -- yes, they communed, they nodded at each other's understanding and they said, "Yes, that's true. That's what Lao Tzu also says. That's what Buddha has said in his own words." And out of this meeting -- which is the rarest in the whole of humanity -- Zen was born. Out of the meeting of Buddha and Lao Tzu, out...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,457 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...That's what Lao Tzu also says. That's what Buddha has said in his own words." And out of this meeting -- which is the rarest in the whole of humanity -- Zen was born. Out of the meeting of Buddha and Lao Tzu, out of the meeting of Buddha's insight and Taoist insight, out of the meeting of Dharma and Tao, Zen was born. Hence Zen is a rare flowering. Nowhere else has it happened that way -- so silently, without blo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,458 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...er known. Why would Jesus have remained unmarried if he had known the secret? He knew the secret of the kingdom of God, but he did not know the secret of remaining happy in marriage. He remained unmarried. Mahavira, Lao Tzu Chuang Tzu, they all remained unmarried for the simple reason that there is no secret; otherwise these people would have discovered it. They could discover the ultimate -- marriage is not such a big thing, it...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,459 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...le life. He did not discover through marriage the secret of remaining happy; he simply discovered that it would have been better if he had not got married. But in Greece there had never been such incidents as Jesus, Lao Tzu -- Jesus had yet to come, five hundred years after Socrates. Socrates was a contemporary of Lao Tzu, Mahavira, but he knew nothing about them because the world in those days had no communication. So whatsoeve...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,460 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...at it would have been better if he had not got married. But in Greece there had never been such incidents as Jesus, Lao Tzu -- Jesus had yet to come, five hundred years after Socrates. Socrates was a contemporary of Lao Tzu, Mahavira, but he knew nothing about them because the world in those days had no communication. So whatsoever was conventional happened in his life. Mohammed married not one woman, he married...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,461 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...bh is a Polack Jew! That is the most dangerous combination you can find -- Polack and Jew! Of course, he loves me and loves me tremendously -- he is here, he is one of my topmost therapists, he lives in my house, in Lao Tzu -- but hangovers are hangovers! Very excited, Isaac calls David, "Come immediately, David, I have an incredible bargain. Three hundred trousers for only fifty dollars!" David runs to Isa...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,462 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...he will have to sacrifice his religiousness. Religions have not left any other choice. Because of this, only uncreative people became interested in religion. I am not talking about Gautam the Buddha, Lao Tzu, Zarathustra, Jesus, Mohammed, Mahavira, Krishna, Kabir, Nanak; leave aside these few names. They are immensely creative, they are poets of existence. They are far greater poets than your so-called poets -- t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,463 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ss as such because that means you have made organized religion synonymous with religiousness; it is not so. Condemn the priests, condemn the Pope, condemn the Shankaracharya, but don't condemn Buddha and Lao Tzu and Jesus and Mohammed. They have contributed immensely to man's inner growth; they are absolutely creative. Of course, they have been interpreted by wrong people, but what can they do about it? They need peo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,464 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...neither too loose nor too tight. This is the whole art of religion, or the whole science of religion. Tao does not believe in miracles; it believes in scientific methods to transform your life. Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and Lieh Tzu were walking together along a forest path one day when they came upon a fast-flowing river which barred their way. Immediately Lieh Tzu sat down on the bank of the river and meditated...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,465 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...he stood up and proceeded to walk on the water to the other side. Next, Chuang Tzu sat in the lotus posture for twenty minutes, whereupon he stood up and also walked across the river. Lao Tzu, watching this in amazement, shrugged his shoulders, sat down on the river bank like the others and meditated for over an hour. Finally, with complete trust in the Tao, he closed his eyes, took one step into ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,466 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...'s books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Borrowed knowledge is always going to create that kind of state in you. You can repeat Jesus, you can repeat Krishna, you can repeat Moses, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, but repetitions won't help; you have to learn on your own. Yes, imbibe the spirit of the Masters, of the awakened ones, but remember it is not knowledge that is going to help you but wisdom. And wisdom comes...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,467 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ce we go on conditioning children, and the question arises... Your question is relevant, Gautami, because it is not only I who am saying that children are intelligent, it has been said by Buddha, by Lao Tzu, by Jesus, by all the awakened ones. Jesus says: Unless you are like a small child there is no hope for you. Again he says: Unless you become like small children you cannot enter into my kingdom of God. Again...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,468 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ous people have uniqueness. One Buddha absolutely differs from another Buddha. If you have to listen to the story of Jesus it is going to be tremendously different from the story of Gautam the Buddha or the story of Lao Tzu. They are unique people. But unconscious people, what is their story? The same sexuality, the same repression, the same greed, the same anger, the same hatred, destructiveness, suicidalness, possessiveness, j...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,469 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...t away from you. Then you can remain a judge, you can become a doctor, you can be whatsoever you want to be; it does not matter. There are great stories... One Chinese parable says: Lao Tzu used to send his disciples to learn the art of meditation from a butcher. The disciples were very puzzled -- why the butcher? And Lao Tzu would say, "You go and see. The man lives exactly the way one should l...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,470 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...atter. There are great stories... One Chinese parable says: Lao Tzu used to send his disciples to learn the art of meditation from a butcher. The disciples were very puzzled -- why the butcher? And Lao Tzu would say, "You go and see. The man lives exactly the way one should live, always herenow. It does not matter what he is doing. He is not the doer at all; he is just a watcher, he is a witness. It is a role t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,471 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...a role that he is playing -- he is acting as a butcher." And he was no ordinary butcher; he had been especially appointed by the Emperor of China to his own kitchen. The Emperor asked Lao Tzu, "How to learn to be herenow? -- because you are always talking about herenow." Lao Tzu said, "You need not ask me; your butcher is the right person. Even I send many of my disciples to watch ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,472 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... he had been especially appointed by the Emperor of China to his own kitchen. The Emperor asked Lao Tzu, "How to learn to be herenow? -- because you are always talking about herenow." Lao Tzu said, "You need not ask me; your butcher is the right person. Even I send many of my disciples to watch him." The Emperor was shocked. He said, "My butcher! What does he know about it?" Lao Tz...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,473 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Lao Tzu said, "You need not ask me; your butcher is the right person. Even I send many of my disciples to watch him." The Emperor was shocked. He said, "My butcher! What does he know about it?" Lao Tzu said, "You watch him work." And the Emperor watched. And it was really a tremendously ecstatic experience even to watch him working. His instrument, his knife, was so sharp, so shining, as if it was absol...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,474 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...imply allow the river to take you to the ocean; you need not push the river. But when such great truths are put into language, difficulties arise because our language is made by us. It is not made by people like Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu, Ko Hsuan, it is made by the mediocre people the world is full of. Obviously, language is their invention and it carries their meanings, their attitudes towards life. So whatsoever you s...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,475 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [.... What happened? Where had his power gone? And he was always talking about being the son of God... But to be the son of God simply means to be utterly powerless. How we go on misunderstanding people like Jesus, Lao Tzu, Ko Hsuan! Our misunderstanding is almost infinite. He surrendered to God. Yes, for a moment he himself had become aware of all the expectations. Almost one-hundred thousand people had gathered to see; friend...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,476 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...t he simply went. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Only Jesus can do it, or Lao Tzu or Ko Hsuan or Bodhidharma or Basho. These are people who have dropped the whole power trip, the whole number. Ko Hsuan cannot mean what the translation will create in your mind. It says: ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,477 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ssess anything. You enjoy more because your energy is free and your senses are more clear, more transparent. Nobody can see beauty more clearly than a Buddha, nobody can hear music more deeply than a Lao Tzu, nobody can taste better than Jesus. All their senses become truly sensitive, they are real senses. Your senses are dull. Your society helps you to keep them dull because the society is afraid: if your senses...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,478 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... politics, in the name of literature, art. Each child is distracted, is diverted. Hence so much stupidity, Hein. It is really a miracle how few people have escaped from this prison -- a Buddha, a Zarathustra, a Lao Tzu, a Jesus, a Pythagoras -- very few people. It is almost impossible to escape from this prison because the prison is all around and it begins from the very beginning; from your very childhood you are condition...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,479 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... consciousness. Hence there is no more any veil, no more any obstruction. The teacher is so full of thoughts that he is just the opposite end of the Master. Never call Buddha a teacher or Jesus a teacher or Lao Tzu a teacher -- they are Masters. Moreover, they don't teach at all -- why call them teachers? They don't impart any new knowledge to the world. Albert Einstein can be called a great teacher, Newton can be calle...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,480 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Einstein can be called a great teacher, Newton can be called a great teacher. Darwin can be called a great teacher, Marx, Freud -- these people can be called great teachers: they have taught many things. What Lao Tzu has taught? What Buddha has taught? What Zarathustra has taught? Nothing at all! But they have imparted a new vision, a new style of life. They have touched people's heart, and they have transformed those hea...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,481 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...u information, they give you transformation. What they say is not important, what they are is important. What they say is only a device; their silence is important. If you want to understand Buddha, Lao Tzu, Ko Hsuan, Kabir, Nanak, you will have to learn how to read between the lines. You will have to learn how to understand silence and the music of silence. You will have to be silent. It is a totally different ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,482 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ar a size 8 shoe on a size 11 foot!" All your beliefs are like that. You are wearing clothes which were perfectly good for a Buddha but are not good for you. You are wearing shoes which were perfectly good for Lao Tzu but are not good for you. You are living in houses made by others for a totally different purpose, which is not your purpose. Your whole life is a long, long misery for the simple reason that if you have a si...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,483 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...henever anybody asked Buddha about his ultimate experience he will say, "Don't ask absurd questions, ask practical questions. Ask how to reach it, don't ask what has happened. It cannot he conveyed." Lao Tzu says: Truth said becomes a falsehood Truth unsaid remains true: uttered, becomes false. The Upanishads say: Those who say that "We know," know not. Socrates in his last stage of life said. "I know onl...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,484 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...he way Greeks could have understood. He cannot speak in paradoxes, he speaks logically. Hence he says, I know only one thing, that I know nothing." Ko Hsuan will not even say that; Buddha will not say even that: Lao Tzu will not even say that. WHEN this NETHERMOST NOTHINGNESS IS REACHED, THERE IS MOST TRULY TO BE FOUND A DEEP AND UNCHANGING STILLNESS. Now for the first time a deep, unchanging stillness ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,485 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e same ut they are not same; they can never be the same. Innocence is a state of meditativeness. When you are silent, aware, open, in contact with the whole, in tune with Tao, then you are innocent. Lao Tzu is innocent, Buddha is innocent, Krishna is innocent, Jesus is innocent. These are not knowledgeable people. Of courss what they have said out of their knowing we have changed it into knowledge; what they hav...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,486 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...portance to understand, because we are brought up through words with the idea as if everything can be said -- and we try to say it. And by saying those things which are not sayable, we falsify them. Lao Tzu says: Tao cannot be said; the moment you say it you have already falsified it. Truth cannot be communicated, no word is adequate enough, big enough to contain it. It is so vast, vaster than the sky, and words...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,487 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- And in your history books you will not find names of Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu, Ko Hsuan -- not even in the footnotes. And these are the people who are the real foundations of human consciousness, these are the people who are the real hope. But you will not find th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,488 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...hese three are always standing. These three persons are responsible in many ways for the deterioration of human consciousness in this age. Because of these three persons, Buddhas have almost disappeared. People like Lao Tzu are not possible anymore even in China; communism won't allow them. Taoist monasteries have been destroyed, converted into schools and hospitals. Taoist meditators have been forced to work in the fields or in...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,489 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...esus has something beautiful which Krishna has not got, and Krishna has something else which is beautiful which is missing in Jesus. And you will be far more complete if Jesus, Krishna, Mohammed, Moses, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, Ko Hsuan, Kabir, Bahauddin, all become part of your inner being. There is no need to be so miserly. Your consciousness is so vast it can contain the whole universe, it can contain the whole sky. Even ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,490 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...erve that Jesus happened only once? And for two thousand years, how many people have tried to imitate him? Millions. And how many have become Jesus Christ? Not a single one. The same is true about Zarathustra, about Lao Tzu, about Buddha, about Mahavira, about Krishna. Not even a single person has been able to repeat, and it is not that people have not tried; people have tried in every possible way. Millions of people have tried...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,491 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ed twelve now positions they had invented. Gurdjieff drank twenty bottles of brandy, then walked on his hands on a tightrope over the plenum void, smiling with the left side of his face and grimacing with the right. Lao Tzu had a good belly laugh at all these antics. Mansoor would not stop shouting, "Ana'l Haq! Ana'l Haq!" and finally had to be put in a straitjacket and given a couple of valium. Vatsyayana gave himself a blow jo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,492 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...now, a great hunger to know; if these parables lead you on an unknown journey, on a pilgrimage -- then only, only by treading the path, will you become acquainted with the path. Lieh Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lao Tzu, the three Taoist Masters, only talk about the Way 'Tao' means the Way -- they don't talk about the goal at all. They say: The goal will take care of itself; you need not worry about the goal. If you know the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,493 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...athless path. It is not ready-made, available; you cannot just decide to walk on it, you will have to find it. And you will have to find it in your own way; nobody else's way is going to function. Buddha has walked, Lao Tzu has walked, Jesus has walked, but those ways are not going to help you because you are not Jesus, and you are not Lao Tzu, and you are not Lieh Tzu. You are you, a unique individual. Only by walking, only by ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,494 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...l have to find it in your own way; nobody else's way is going to function. Buddha has walked, Lao Tzu has walked, Jesus has walked, but those ways are not going to help you because you are not Jesus, and you are not Lao Tzu, and you are not Lieh Tzu. You are you, a unique individual. Only by walking, only by living your life, will you find the Way. This is something of great value. That's why Taoism is not an org...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,495 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ing easily, one who is glowing with God, streaming with his energy... just by the side of him, sitting silently, waiting, some day you are overflooded. Let me tell you one Taoist story. A disciple of Lao Tzu said 'Master, I have arrived.' Lao Tzu said 'If you say you have arrived. then it is certain that you have not arrived.' The disciple waited for a few months, then one day he said 'You were right, Mas...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,496 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... his energy... just by the side of him, sitting silently, waiting, some day you are overflooded. Let me tell you one Taoist story. A disciple of Lao Tzu said 'Master, I have arrived.' Lao Tzu said 'If you say you have arrived. then it is certain that you have not arrived.' The disciple waited for a few months, then one day he said 'You were right, Master. Now, it HAS 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,497 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...published Query:- ARRIVED.' First he had said 'I have arrived'. and the Master denied. And then after a few months, one day. suddenly he burst open, and he said 'It has arrived.' Lao Tzu looked with tremendous compassion and love and patted his head. And he said Now it is right. Now, tell me what has happened. Now I would like to listen. What has happened?' He said 'Up to that day when y...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,498 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ey don't call it by any personal name they simply say 'it'. 'It' is non-personal, it is the name of the whole: 'Tao' means it. 'Tao has arrived' he said 'and it came only when I was not there.' Lao Tzu said 'Tell the other disciples the situation in which it happened.' And he said 'The only thing that I can say is that I was not good, I was not bad, I was not a sinner, I was not a saint, I was not this, I w...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,499 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ree stages in the life of a religion. When religion is born -- the childhood of religion, when a Master is alive, fresh, and the energy is flowing from the source and the fragrance is coming, when Buddha is alive or Lao Tzu is alive or Jesus is alive -- then religion has its first, virgin, innocent state: the childhood. It is as fresh as the dewdrops in the morning, fresh as the rose flower, fresh as the stars, innocent; it know...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,500 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... to go above. To go to nature against nurture: that's what the message of Tao is. There is no discipline in Tao -- Tao is not Yoga. Tao is just the diametrically opposite standpoint to Yoga. If Patanjali and Lao Tzu met, they would not be able to understand each other -- impossible; Patanjali would talk about discipline. If Patanjali met Confucius, they would become friends immediately; Confucius also talks about discipl...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,501 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ot be able to understand each other -- impossible; Patanjali would talk about discipline. If Patanjali met Confucius, they would become friends immediately; Confucius also talks about discipline, control, character. Lao Tzu talks about characterlessness. Remember the word 'characterlessness' because Lao Tzu says that the real man has no character -- cannot have a character; character means something of the past. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,502 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ine. If Patanjali met Confucius, they would become friends immediately; Confucius also talks about discipline, control, character. Lao Tzu talks about characterlessness. Remember the word 'characterlessness' because Lao Tzu says that the real man has no character -- cannot have a character; character means something of the past. A real man lives in the moment. He does not live through the past, he has no ideas to live -- he...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,503 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...they are fellow-travellers. Einstein could have understood Patanjali very easily, and Patanjali could have understood Einstein very easily. But neither Einstein nor Patanjali would have been able to conceive of what Lao Tzu is saying. He would look mad, he would look absurd. He brings a totally different dimension into the world -- the dimension of the feminine. Man is aggressive, woman is receptive. Woman is a womb: recept...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,504 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... is saying. He would look mad, he would look absurd. He brings a totally different dimension into the world -- the dimension of the feminine. Man is aggressive, woman is receptive. Woman is a womb: receptivity. Lao Tzu says that truth has to be received, not sought. Seek, and you will never find, says Lao Tzu. Wait, wait in openness, wait in vulnerability and you will find, because truth will come to you. Invite, and wait. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,505 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... into the world -- the dimension of the feminine. Man is aggressive, woman is receptive. Woman is a womb: receptivity. Lao Tzu says that truth has to be received, not sought. Seek, and you will never find, says Lao Tzu. Wait, wait in openness, wait in vulnerability and you will find, because truth will come to you. Invite, and wait. Love, and wait. Be in a let-go. That is the meaning when I say 'sublime laz...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,506 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...nactive person accumulates, so it is not lethargy. A person who is lethargic is inactive and has no energy; he is impotent. Just a few days ago I was talking about Ashtavakra. Yes, he is exactly like Lao Tzu; he also praises the quality of sublime laziness. He calls it ALASI SHIROMANI. the emperor of laziness, a great king of laziness, the highest peak of laziness. But remember, inactivity plus energy, plus ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,507 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e here-now, and love the small things of life, is to become spiritual. That is the difference between the so-called 'ordinary spirituality' and the spirituality that is of Tao. If you go and you find Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu or Lieh Tzu, you will not be able to recognise them.; they will be very ordinary. You will have to be with them to feel. They don't impose any extraordinariness, they will not show you miracles, a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,508 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... there is no problem -- you should ask Oscar. I am not jealous. You can love me, and you can love a thousand and one Masters -- there is no problem. In fact, my whole effort here is to make you fall in love with Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu, Buddha, Krishna, Christ, Gurdjieff, Krishnamurti, Ramana. Ramakrishna -- a thousand and one. I am not jealous. I am vast, I can contain all your loves; so as far as I am concerned, ther...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,509 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [.... Taoism is the profoundest non-conformism that has ever been evolved anywhere in the world, at any time in history; essentially it is rebellion. So there has been a rebellion and the Taoist mystics, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and Lieh Tzu, go on ridiculing the Confucian attitude. This is a parable of ridicule. You will understand it when I explain it to you. Their ridicule is also very subtle, not gross. First let us u...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,510 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...find out the reason. But when the joy is truly there, it is so mysterious, it is so primal, that you cannot find any reason in it. If you ask a Buddha 'Why are you happy?' he will shrug his shoulders. If you ask Lao Tzu 'Why are you blissful?' he will say 'Don't ask it. Rather than asking why I am blissful, enquire why you are not.' It is like a small spring in the mountains: when there is no hindrance, the s...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,511 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... and the Taoist attitude. The Hindu, the Jain, the Buddhist -- they all say: Past lives, KARMA, has to be removed. Much has to be done, great discipline is needed -- only then will you be able to attain. Ashtavakra, Lao Tzu, Bodhidharma, Lin Chi say: Nothing is needed, just allow it. Relax, allow it, and this very moment it will start pouring in you. Confucius says 'MASTER, WHAT IS THE REASON FOR YOU...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,512 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...tre, are the reality. Everything else is illusory. To know this reality one has to come to a moment of total inactivity because whenever you are acting. you are outside yourself. That's why Lieh Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lao Tzu, emphasised passivity so much; when you are active, you are relating with the outside world. What is activity? Activity means relating with the outside. When you are passive, you are not relat...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,513 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...o into it very slowly, trying to understand each sentence in it, each word actually. The Confucian approach is a mind approach. The Taoist approach is a no-mind approach. Confucius thinks about life. Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu, don't think about life because they say: You can go on thinking and thinking about and about, and you will go round and round and you will never reach to the centre. About and about is ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,514 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...nobody else is needed to rediscover it now. What may have taken fifty years for a scientist to discover, a schoolchild can learn within five minutes. But that is not the way of religion. What Buddha discovered, what Lao Tzu discovered, Lieh Tzu discovered, you will have to discover again. Confucius is on the wrong track. Confucius is used in Taoist tales as a laughing stock. CONFUCIUS, WHO WAS ON A JOURNEY T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,515 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...o he says 'He knows a little bit, but not all of it.' This happens. A man of knowledge always goes on protecting his ego. This statement is as absurd as a statement can be. You ask a Buddha, you ask Lao Tzu. you ask Jesus, you ask Krishna and they will all say: Truth cannot be divided. It is not a thing that you can divide. It is an experience -- when it happens, it happens. When it happens, it happens totally. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,516 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...d I do my work -- beyond that I don't know what is going on', then there is no problem. I am not against intellect as such. I am against the intellect which claims to be the whole. And that is the standpoint of Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu. They are not against intellect. How can they be? They are not against anything. My hand is a part of my body, but if the hand starts claiming 'I am the whole', and if the hand starts sa...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,517 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...st intellect. reason? The only thing that Tao wants you to understand is that life is more than reason, vaster than reason. Reason covers a small space, but that is not the boundary of the totality. Lao Tzu is big and Confucius can be included in him, but Confucius is very narrow and Lao Tzu cannot be included in him. Lao Tzu is Tao. Confucius is Torah. 'Torah' is a Hebrew word, but I like it because it goes wel...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,518 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...hat life is more than reason, vaster than reason. Reason covers a small space, but that is not the boundary of the totality. Lao Tzu is big and Confucius can be included in him, but Confucius is very narrow and Lao Tzu cannot be included in him. Lao Tzu is Tao. Confucius is Torah. 'Torah' is a Hebrew word, but I like it because it goes well with Tao. Tao means love, Torah means law. In the word 'tarot' is the word ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,519 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...n. Reason covers a small space, but that is not the boundary of the totality. Lao Tzu is big and Confucius can be included in him, but Confucius is very narrow and Lao Tzu cannot be included in him. Lao Tzu is Tao. Confucius is Torah. 'Torah' is a Hebrew word, but I like it because it goes well with Tao. Tao means love, Torah means law. In the word 'tarot' is the word 'torah'.'Tarot' comes from two words: TORAH ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,520 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...because he brought a very foreign climate which had never been part of the Jewish mind. Jesus is indefinable; Moses is perfectly definable. Moses will easily agree with Confucius, will not agree with Lao Tzu. The Ten Commandments are the foundation of the law-abiding mind, and of course the law-abiding mind can always find ways and means and loop-holes in the law. A woman, a married woman, fell in love with a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,521 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... man will see that his life always uses the law for love. Torah is a stepping stone towards Tao. This ashram, naturally, has to be run according to Confucius, but Confucius here is in the service of Lao Tzu. You see this mad man here? Confucius is in the service of Lao Tzu: Torah in service of Tao. Then there is no problem. Vice versa, then things go wrong; then you are standing on your head and something has to...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,522 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...a stepping stone towards Tao. This ashram, naturally, has to be run according to Confucius, but Confucius here is in the service of Lao Tzu. You see this mad man here? Confucius is in the service of Lao Tzu: Torah in service of Tao. Then there is no problem. Vice versa, then things go wrong; then you are standing on your head and something has to be done immediately. YESTERDAY, ALTHOUGH SITTIN...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,523 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...your life is meaningless. You have to compete, you have to struggle -- only then can you leave your mark on history. If you remain silent and restful, how are you going to leave your mark on history? Lao Tzu has not left any mark on history: Tamburlaine has left his mark on history. Chuang Tzu has not left his mark on history; Nadir Shah. Alexander. Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin. Mao they have left their marks on hist...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,524 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... become ugly and dark. Selfishness is natural. And the self that I am teaching you is what Tao is: your nature. Listen to it, follow it. Your nature is saying to you 'Be happy.' If this Tzu Kung had asked Lao Tzu, he would have said 'Great congratulations. You are tired of study? Very good. So drop all thinking, now meditate. You want rest? It is possible right now.' Lao Tzu would not say 'You shall.' Future is meanin...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,525 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... to you 'Be happy.' If this Tzu Kung had asked Lao Tzu, he would have said 'Great congratulations. You are tired of study? Very good. So drop all thinking, now meditate. You want rest? It is possible right now.' Lao Tzu would not say 'You shall.' Future is meaningless, it is a trick -- a trick to console you, that though you don't have right now, but you shall. You can hope, and through hope you can poison your w...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,526 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...you are born. From one door you enter, from another door you are back to life again -- and of course the same rut, the same wheel moves. 'GREAT IS DEATH!' -- but not on the lips of Tzu Kung. Yes, if Lao Tzu were saying it, it would be okay. Not even on the lips of Confucius is death great, because the whole approach is wrong. 'THE GENTLEMAN FINDS REST IN IT...' Remember this word 'gentle...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,527 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...- only mean persons don't find rest in death. And don't hanker for rest in life' because that too is meanness according to Confucius. Rest is not possible, rest is escapism. Confucius was always worried about Lao Tzu and his teachings. It is said that once he went to see Lao Tzu. Of course, he was older than Lao Tzu so he wanted Lao Tzu to behave in a mannerly way, as an old man expects. But Lao Tzu was sitting and he wou...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,528 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... life' because that too is meanness according to Confucius. Rest is not possible, rest is escapism. Confucius was always worried about Lao Tzu and his teachings. It is said that once he went to see Lao Tzu. Of course, he was older than Lao Tzu so he wanted Lao Tzu to behave in a mannerly way, as an old man expects. But Lao Tzu was sitting and he would not even stand to greet him and he would not even say 'Sit d...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,529 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...meanness according to Confucius. Rest is not possible, rest is escapism. Confucius was always worried about Lao Tzu and his teachings. It is said that once he went to see Lao Tzu. Of course, he was older than Lao Tzu so he wanted Lao Tzu to behave in a mannerly way, as an old man expects. But Lao Tzu was sitting and he would not even stand to greet him and he would not even say 'Sit down, sir' and he didn't pay much atten...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,530 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Confucius. Rest is not possible, rest is escapism. Confucius was always worried about Lao Tzu and his teachings. It is said that once he went to see Lao Tzu. Of course, he was older than Lao Tzu so he wanted Lao Tzu to behave in a mannerly way, as an old man expects. But Lao Tzu was sitting and he would not even stand to greet him and he would not even say 'Sit down, sir' and he didn't pay much attention to him. He becam...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,531 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...cius was always worried about Lao Tzu and his teachings. It is said that once he went to see Lao Tzu. Of course, he was older than Lao Tzu so he wanted Lao Tzu to behave in a mannerly way, as an old man expects. But Lao Tzu was sitting and he would not even stand to greet him and he would not even say 'Sit down, sir' and he didn't pay much attention to him. He became very angry. 'What type of Master is this?' And he said 'Don't ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,532 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...stand to greet him and he would not even say 'Sit down, sir' and he didn't pay much attention to him. He became very angry. 'What type of Master is this?' And he said 'Don't you follow any manners?' Lao Tzu said 'If you feel like sitting, you sit; if you feel like standing, you stand. Who am I to say anything about it? It is your life. I don't interfere.' Confucius was shocked. Then he asked something about...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,533 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...f you feel like standing, you stand. Who am I to say anything about it? It is your life. I don't interfere.' Confucius was shocked. Then he asked something about the superior man, the gentleman, and Lao Tzu laughed and he said 'I have never come across any "superior" or "inferior". Men are men as trees are trees and everything participates in the same existence. Nobody is superior and nobody is inferior and it i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,534 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... inferior and it is all nonsense and rubbish!' He became very much afraid. And the man had tremendous silence around him; he was a pool of silence. Confucius came back. His disciples asked 'What about Lao Tzu?' He said 'Never go near this man, he is dangerous. If you come across a tiger, you can save your life in some way. If you come across a lion, you can save yourself. But this man is very dangerous. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,535 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...a tiger, you can save your life in some way. If you come across a lion, you can save yourself. But this man is very dangerous. He is like a dragon, a flying dragon! He will kill you! Never go! Whenever you hear that Lao Tzu is around, escape!' Confucius was very much worried about Lao Tzu's teaching. The teaching is so utterly different, so utterly true, so utterly amoral, so utterly rebellious and so utterly i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,536 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... yourself. But this man is very dangerous. He is like a dragon, a flying dragon! He will kill you! Never go! Whenever you hear that Lao Tzu is around, escape!' Confucius was very much worried about Lao Tzu's teaching. The teaching is so utterly different, so utterly true, so utterly amoral, so utterly rebellious and so utterly individual. It believes in no man-made laws, only in nature. Trust in nature is Tao....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,537 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...The teaching is so utterly different, so utterly true, so utterly amoral, so utterly rebellious and so utterly individual. It believes in no man-made laws, only in nature. Trust in nature is Tao. And Lao Tzu says: You can rest in life, because even while you are walking you can remain unmoving. Your innermost centre can remain unmoving; you can become the centre of the cyclone. The wheel moves but the hub remains...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,538 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ain in silence deep within. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Lao Tzu says: Let contradictions meet. Let paradoxes dissolve. Be paradoxical, because life is paradoxical. Live, and yet live as if you were dead. Then, when you die, die as if you were entering into another life --...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,539 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...radoxes meet, mingle, fuse, into one unity. Confucian thought is of division, classification, categorisation: Life is life, life is struggle. Death is death, death is rest -- clear-cut divisions. Lao Tzu says: There are no distinctions, no clear-cut distinctions. Life is death, death is life. A man can live tremendously and yet deep down remain absolutely transcendental, away, far away, distant, not involved ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,540 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...nterfere with your own life, if you have some ideal of how it should be, the ideal brings interference. The 'should' is the interference. If you have some ideal: that you have to be like Jesus or like Buddha or like Lao Tzu, that you have to be a perfect man or a perfect woman, that you have to be this and that, then you will interfere. You have a map, you have a direction, you have a fixed future. Your future is already dead, y...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,541 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...D, IMPERSONAL CONCEPTS? The real cannot be talked about. The moment you talk about the real it becomes an abstract concept. The moment something is expressed it becomes a concept. That's why Lao Tzu says The Tao that can be talked about is no longer Tao. The truth that can be uttered becomes a lie. The real cannot be talked about, the real can only be experienced. And it is good that the real cannot be t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,542 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...lking about Tao, rather I have been criticising Confucius. He is the trap; he has to be broken, demolished completely, with no compassion. He has to be smashed to pieces and bits, and thrown. Once Confucius is gone. Lao Tzu enters. You would like to invite Lao Tzu but Confucius is sitting on the throne; he has to be dethroned first. Once he is dethroned, suddenly you will see Lao Tzu has always been there -- the pres...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,543 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...cising Confucius. He is the trap; he has to be broken, demolished completely, with no compassion. He has to be smashed to pieces and bits, and thrown. Once Confucius is gone. Lao Tzu enters. You would like to invite Lao Tzu but Confucius is sitting on the throne; he has to be dethroned first. Once he is dethroned, suddenly you will see Lao Tzu has always been there -- the presence of Confucius was hiding him. NET...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,544 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...pieces and bits, and thrown. Once Confucius is gone. Lao Tzu enters. You would like to invite Lao Tzu but Confucius is sitting on the throne; he has to be dethroned first. Once he is dethroned, suddenly you will see Lao Tzu has always been there -- the presence of Confucius was hiding him. NETI NETI -- the negative approach: my approach is negative. I will never talk about reality because it cannot be talked abou...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,545 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... foolish one, but he is not. Childishness is foolishness, stupidity: idiotic it is. Child-likeness is totally different: it is a flowering of innocence. St. Francis is child-like, Jesus is child-like, Lao Tzu is child-like. THE LAST TIME I WAS HERE I SAW MYSELF AS A BEGGAR; THIS TIME A THIEF. PLEASE COMMENT. You are growing well! This is the spiritual path. A disciple, when he first ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,546 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ut a bundle of lies. That's why people don't look at themselves, because it is horrible to look at: the whole thing is just a lie. Socrates says 'Know thyself.' The Upanishads say 'Look within.' Jesus and Buddha and Lao Tzu they all go on teaching 'Close your eyes and go within.' But you cannot go, because whenever you look within there are lies and lies, queues upon queues of lies. It is horrible to look at those lies that you ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,547 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... one has to put oneself at stake. In modern times, Gurdjieff, Ramakrishna-they followed the path of affirmation, VIA AFFIRMATIVA. The other path is VIA NEGATIVA, through negation, through the 'no'. Lao Tzu, Buddha, Nagarjuna -- they followed the path of negation. In modern times, Ramana Maharshi, J. Krishnamurti -- they follow the path of the 'no'. These two paths have to be understood as clearl...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,548 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...stand it: value comes when something is useful. How can you value something which is not? Not only that it is not useful, it IS NOT -- how can you value it? But that is the approach of the negative. Lao Tzu says: The room is valuable not because of the walls, but the emptiness within. You use the room not the walls. Of course, when you make the house you make the walls, not the emptiness; nobody can make the emp...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,549 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... it has no value. A man-made thing is a commodity. Of course if you go into the market-place and you start selling emptiness, nobody will purchase it. There is no value in it and people will laugh. Lao Tzu is passing through a forest, and the forest is being cut. Thousands of carpenters are cutting the trees. Then he comes near a big tree -- a very big tree, one thousand bullock carts can rest underneath it -- ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,550 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... And they say 'It is useless. You cannot make anything out of it: furniture cannot be made, it cannot be used as fuel -- it gives too much smoke. It is of no use. that's why we have not cut it.' And Lao Tzu says to his disciples 'Learn from this tree. Become as useless as this tree then nobody will cut you.' Uselessness has great value. He says: Look, and watch this tree. Learn something from thi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,551 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... why It is gone. It must have been very egoistic, straight, proud of being somebody -- it is gone. This tree is not straight, not a single branch is straight. It is not proud at all. hence it exists. Lao Tzu says his disciples: If you want to live long, become useless. But remember, his meaning of the word 'useless' is; don't become a commodity, don't become a thing. If you become a thing you will be sold and pur...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,552 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...n reduce you to a means. You will never be insulted, because in this life there is no greater insult than to become a means: somebody or other is going to use you -- your body, your mind, your being. Lao Tzu says: Become a nonentity so that nobody looks at you and you can live YOUR LIFE as YOU want to live it. Nobody comes to interfere with you. It happened that Lao Tzu's disciple, Chuang Tzu, became very fa...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,553 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... body, your mind, your being. Lao Tzu says: Become a nonentity so that nobody looks at you and you can live YOUR LIFE as YOU want to live it. Nobody comes to interfere with you. It happened that Lao Tzu's disciple, Chuang Tzu, became very famous and the Emperor sent his ministers to invite Chuang Tzu to become his prime minister. Lao Tzu was very angry. He said 'You must have done something wrong, otherwise ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,554 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...YOU want to live it. Nobody comes to interfere with you. It happened that Lao Tzu's disciple, Chuang Tzu, became very famous and the Emperor sent his ministers to invite Chuang Tzu to become his prime minister. Lao Tzu was very angry. He said 'You must have done something wrong, otherwise why should the Emperor become interested in you? You must have proved yourself of some use. You must have missed my teaching, otherwise h...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,555 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... come that the Emperor has become interested in you? Now you will never be at rest.' Be a nonentity so nobody comes even to think that you can be of any use. There is a uselessness which is of tremendous use. Lao Tzu calls it 'the use of uselessness'. But certainly there is no value 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublis...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,556 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...can forget about it: nothing will be lost. Whatsoever I am saying is direct. Just to help you, because you are not capable of listening to the direct truth, you need a few witnesses. So Jesus, Krishna and Buddha and Lao Tzu and Lieh Tzu -- they are just witnesses to me. I am not to adjust with them. they have to adjust with me. And this should always be so: the dead should exist and adjust with the living and for the living...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,557 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... A woman can be a perfect disciple, and this is how it should be. Woman is receptive, an opening, a womb. They have never been Masters in the sense that men have been Masters -- like Mahavir, Buddha, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu. No, they have never been Masters like that. But there have never been disciples like women; no man has ever been able to equal them as far as disciplehood is concerned. And let me tell you this, that as far ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,558 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...an has to drop all barriers.of nation and religion and church. That's what I am doing here: trying to bring together all the fragrances released in different centuries by differing flowerings of human consciousness. Lao Tzu is a flower, so is Buddha, so is Jesus, so is Mohammed, but now we have to melt all their fragrances into one -- a universal fragrance. Then, for the first time, man will be able to be religious and yet undiv...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,559 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- A lazy person can be sane. Sometimes the laziest people have been found to be the sanest. I have the feeling that if Anand Prem comes across Lao Tzu, she will think he is lazy. He will look lazy to all purposes. If she comes across Diogenes, she will think he is lazy. If she comes around Buddha she will think he is lazy. Sitting under the Bodhi Tree...'wh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,560 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...tter. '... well-established, has a bank account, is a gentleman, a squire, has prestige, respectability. Here these people are just hobos, wanderers, vagabonds.' She would have refused Buddha, she would have refused Lao Tzu: they were not straight. She writes to me: '... these long-haired people!' With such disgust she writes, and because of this disgust she has become a very disgusting person and she will not find. For one ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,561 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [.... The moment you are will-less, then there is no problem: all blocks removed... and deep inside you the superhuman rises to its optimum height. Yes, he looked like a man. Buddha also looked like a man, so looked Lao Tzu, so looked Krishna, so looked Christ. They were all men, but still something of the beyond had penetrated them. Because of that BEYOND we have given different names: Jesus is called Christ, 'the only begotten...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,562 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ood, bones, marrow, circulates in your being; you breathe it in and out. Then, remember always, the statement in itself does not mean much, but from whom it comes. Sometimes you will be surprised listening to me: if Lao Tzu says the thing I will support it, if 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Co...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,563 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... your own, good -- at least I will be very happy if you can wake up on your own: you will save me much trouble. But it has never happened. Krishnamurti is the purest statement of the negative path as pure as Lao Tzu, as pure as Ashtavakra. A very pure statement, but pure statements become very difficult because you cannot understand them; they are so far away. You can only misunderstand them. So he has been m...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,564 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...gious people, you will find that their insight is not very deep and the ego comes up in different forms again and again. About the ego only two persons have touched the very substratum and these two persons are Lao Tzu and Gautam Buddha. Religions go on saying 'Drop the ego. Be egoless', but in a subtle way, somehow, they go on protecting it too. They say 'If you drop the ego, you will become spiritual. If you d...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,565 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...it will become the ego of the humble person, it will hide behind humbleness. So a practised humbleness, a cultivated humbleness, is not going to help. Then what is to be done? If you ask Lieh Tzu, Chuang Tzu or Lao Tzu, they will say that nothing has to be done because whatsoever you do will create the ego; ego is created out of doing. Nothing is to be done. One has just to see the ways of the ego, the subtle ways of the eg...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,566 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... be more powerful than the others and there is a continuous struggle, and in that struggle your energy starts flowing out: it becomes a sort of aura. Remember, this is not the aura that happens to a Buddha or a Lao Tzu or to Jesus. An aura happens to Buddha, but that aura is not energy coming out -- no. His whole being has become so luminous, that even from his body you can see the subtle rays of his luminosity. It is as if...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,567 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ks are so hard, what can the river do, what can this waterfall do?' But if you come after a few years, you will find those rocks are gone; they have become sand. The soft water has become victorious over hard rocks. Lao Tzu calls it 'the watercourse way', the way of the soft, the way of the feminine. What happens when a man, a very strong man and a very fragile beautiful woman come across each other, what happens...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,568 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...n have a certain victory, but you cannot really defeat the soft. It is impossible to defeat the soft. The soft is so fragile, so ready to disappear... that's why it cannot be FORCED to disappear. Lao Tzu says 'Nobody can defeat me because I am already defeated. Nobody can defeat me because I don't hanker for victory at all.' How can you defeat him who has no desire to be victorious? The way of the hard, what ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,569 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...LD LIKE TO FIND.' But there is nothing to find. 'THE TEACHINGS OF CONFUCIUS AND MO TZU ARE WHAT I HAVE IN MIND.' Hui Ang is a disciple of Confucius and Mo Tzu. Mo Tzu is a disciple of Confucius. Just as Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu were the two top-most Taoists, so Confucius and Mo Tzu were the two top-most Confucianists. 'CONFUCIUS AND MO TZU BECAME PRINCES WITHOUT OWNING TERRITORY.... ' ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,570 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...s disturbed my sleep forever. Yes, the Master is there to disturb your sleep. The sleep is nothing but the mind; mind is another name for your sleep. This is the distinction between the Confucian thought and the Lao-Tzuan thought. Confucius is an ordinary moralist, a puritan, one who believes in conditioning people, in disciplining people. Lao Tzu is a rebellious man who believes in taking people beyond all condi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,571 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... name for your sleep. This is the distinction between the Confucian thought and the Lao-Tzuan thought. Confucius is an ordinary moralist, a puritan, one who believes in conditioning people, in disciplining people. Lao Tzu is a rebellious man who believes in taking people beyond all conditionings -- unconditioning people. Only in freedom is God possible, only in utter freedom is 10/28/07 Cop...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,572 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... He represents tradition. I am destroying tradition, convention, the legal mind, the structure of the conformist. Confucius is the conformist par excellence. And you all have him in your minds. Lao Tzu rarely enters into your mind. He is rebellious. He is going beyond tradition. He is going beyond past. He is going beyond all structure. Confucius is a structure, Lao Tzu is no-structure. Confucius is charact...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,573 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ce. And you all have him in your minds. Lao Tzu rarely enters into your mind. He is rebellious. He is going beyond tradition. He is going beyond past. He is going beyond all structure. Confucius is a structure, Lao Tzu is no-structure. Confucius is character, Lao Tzu is characterlessness, freedom. Remember it. All character is imprisonment enforced on you by the society, enforced on you by the state, by the priest, by the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,574 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...Tzu rarely enters into your mind. He is rebellious. He is going beyond tradition. He is going beyond past. He is going beyond all structure. Confucius is a structure, Lao Tzu is no-structure. Confucius is character, Lao Tzu is characterlessness, freedom. Remember it. All character is imprisonment enforced on you by the society, enforced on you by the state, by the priest, by the politician. This character that you carry around y...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,575 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...racterlessness, freedom. Remember it. All character is imprisonment enforced on you by the society, enforced on you by the state, by the priest, by the politician. This character that you carry around you is a cage. Lao Tzu says there is a different character which is not imposed by the society; a different discipline which is not enforced from the outside but comes through inner awareness. Only that is true. Follow only that. F...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,576 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...comes through inner awareness. Only that is true. Follow only that. Follow only your own inner, small, still voice. Confucius says, 'Listen to the scripture, listen to the ancient masters, listen to tradition.' Lao Tzu says, 'Listen only to your own inner voice and follow it, wherever it leads. It is God's voice. It is Tao.' You ask me: I DOUBT IF ANYONE IN THE ASHRAM WOULD DEFEND CONFUCIANISM. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,577 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...and this is good. Choose the good against the bad.' Then what will you do? You will have to repress the bad and enforce the good. You will become a hypocrite. Follow Confucius and you will become a hypocrite; follow Lao Tzu and you are not following anybody, you are following yourself. And you will become an authentic being. To be authentic is the only rest there is. The fifth question: I LIKE T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,578 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...blished Query:- can open a new vista. it can open a door in your being, it can give you a vision of reality. But the fundamental rule is: do not interfere. That is real non-violence. If you go to Lao Tzu and you say that somebody is a thief, he says, 'So what! Somebody is a thief. Let it be so.' Lao Tzu is unworried about reality. If somebody is mad. Lao Tzu will say, 'So what! Let it be so. If that's how the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,579 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...f reality. But the fundamental rule is: do not interfere. That is real non-violence. If you go to Lao Tzu and you say that somebody is a thief, he says, 'So what! Somebody is a thief. Let it be so.' Lao Tzu is unworried about reality. If somebody is mad. Lao Tzu will say, 'So what! Let it be so. If that's how the whole wills it then that is how it has to be. Who are you'. Who has given you the authority to chang...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,580 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ot interfere. That is real non-violence. If you go to Lao Tzu and you say that somebody is a thief, he says, 'So what! Somebody is a thief. Let it be so.' Lao Tzu is unworried about reality. If somebody is mad. Lao Tzu will say, 'So what! Let it be so. If that's how the whole wills it then that is how it has to be. Who are you'. Who has given you the authority to change anything, to transform it? Leave reality to itself and...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,581 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... goes beautifully. rhythmically. Interfere, and everything is disturbed.' You have heard about the non-violence of Mahavir, you have heard about the non-violence of Buddha, but they are nothing compared to Lao Tzu. In their non-violence there is a subtle violence still: the violence of interference. The good has to be brought in, the bad has to be destroyed; the immoral has to be changed into moral, the wrong has to be...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,582 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... schools and colleges and universities are needed. It is a great achievement. Idiocy is not natural; it has to be learned, it has to be earned. Great effort has to be made before you can become stupid. A Buddha or a Lao Tzu or a Jesus are people who somehow escaped from society, who somehow managed it that society did not change them into stupid people. They look rare because the whole society has become stupid otherwise they wo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,583 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...U AND TOOK THE OPPORTUNITY TO TELL HIM ABOUT HIS SON'S SYMPTOMS. One thing to be remembered at this moment of this parable is that the mind always looks for the Confucian. It comes across the 'Lao Tzu' only accidentally. Mind is basically Confucian. Mind looks for a structure. an ideology. Mind looks for a principle. Mind looks for some technology so that it 10/28/07 Cop...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,584 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- can become more powerful in controlling. Mind looks for power. It is only accidental that you come across a Lao Tzu: you were not really looking for Lao Tzu, you were looking for Confucius. For example: you have come here. You were not looking for me, you were looking for a mahatma. You have come across me only accide...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,585 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- can become more powerful in controlling. Mind looks for power. It is only accidental that you come across a Lao Tzu: you were not really looking for Lao Tzu, you were looking for Confucius. For example: you have come here. You were not looking for me, you were looking for a mahatma. You have come across me only accidentally. You may have been in search of a ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,586 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ybody, when you drop all judgements, suddenly the whole of life looks so beautiful, so immensely beautiful, so divine. The Devil disappears the moment your judgement disappears. This man came across Lao Tzu by accident so he TOOK THE OPPORTUNITY TO TELL HIM ABOUT HIS SON'S SYMPTOMS. He was not aware of whom he was talking to. Lao Tzu is superb, unsurpassed. Unsurpassed before, unsurpassed after. There has nev...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,587 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...moment your judgement disappears. This man came across Lao Tzu by accident so he TOOK THE OPPORTUNITY TO TELL HIM ABOUT HIS SON'S SYMPTOMS. He was not aware of whom he was talking to. Lao Tzu is superb, unsurpassed. Unsurpassed before, unsurpassed after. There has never been such a clarity in any man ever, anywhere. Such total understanding, such absolute transparency! Even in a Buddha, ever in a ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,588 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...been such a clarity in any man ever, anywhere. Such total understanding, such absolute transparency! Even in a Buddha, ever in a Mahavir, even in a Krishna, you will find a little judgement -- but not in Lao Tzu. 'HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT YOUR SON IS ABNORMAL?' SAID LAO TZU. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,589 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... has come back!' If the whole crowd is mad, the sane person will look mad. How do you know that all people are not mad? The exceptional looks mad; the common seems to be the norm. Lao Tzu asked, 'HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT YOUR SON IS ABNORMAL?' I have heard. A Britisher was having tea on his lawn when a spaceship appeared in the sky. He watched calmly as it circled and came to ear...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,590 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...on.' The exceptional seems to be abnormal. He may be normal on another planet. If you go some day to some other planet you will be abnormal; they will send you to a plastic surgeon immediately. Lao Tzu says, 'HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT YOUR SON IS ABNORMAL?' What criterion is there? What standard do you follow? Norm means the standard. But how do you decide who is normal? Is Buddha normal? Is Jesus normal? Jesus ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,591 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... should not be talked about. Socrates -- was he normal? Athens poisoned him because he was abnormal. If you look down the ages, all great people were abnormal. The ordinary seems to be the normal. Lao Tzu wants to destroy the criterion. He wants to tell you that there is no criterion to judge. Each individual is unique -- that is the Tao vision. Each individual is so unique, so incomparably unique, that there ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,592 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...npublished Query:- any problem. Now you have confused me. Now I will never be able to walk correctly. The problem will haunt me. Which one first? Which one second? And there are one hundred legs!' Lao Tzu says that mind is confusion. The moment you think, you are confused. Thinking is confusion, hence nobody can go out of confusion by thinking. Thinking will make you even more muddled. One comes out of confusi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,593 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... harm to you may do good. Things are very complex; in fact, almost incomprehensible by the human mind. Life is so deep and so complex and we are so small, so tiny. There is no way to figure it out. So what does Lao Tzu say? Lao Tzu says, 'NOWADAYS EVERYONE IN THE WORLD IS DELUDED ABOUT RIGHT AND WRONG AND CONFUSED ABOUT BENEFIT AND HARM.' How do you decide what is right? What is the criterion? Wa...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,594 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... you may do good. Things are very complex; in fact, almost incomprehensible by the human mind. Life is so deep and so complex and we are so small, so tiny. There is no way to figure it out. So what does Lao Tzu say? Lao Tzu says, 'NOWADAYS EVERYONE IN THE WORLD IS DELUDED ABOUT RIGHT AND WRONG AND CONFUSED ABOUT BENEFIT AND HARM.' How do you decide what is right? What is the criterion? Was Mohammed ri...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,595 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... blessed him. He would have said, 'Right. For the first time reality has dawned upon you.' But Krishna says, 'You are an escapist, a coward. This is cowardice.' Now who is right and who is wrong? Ask Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu says that even the distinction between right and wrong is not possible. You simply live, whatsoever. As naturally as possible for you. I have heard. A man hired a taxi to the statio...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,596 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...him. He would have said, 'Right. For the first time reality has dawned upon you.' But Krishna says, 'You are an escapist, a coward. This is cowardice.' Now who is right and who is wrong? Ask Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu says that even the distinction between right and wrong is not possible. You simply live, whatsoever. As naturally as possible for you. I have heard. A man hired a taxi to the station. From t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,597 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...correct? Law is limited and life is excessive. If you live according to the law you may be correct but you may not be right. If you live according to life you may be right but you may not be correct. Lao Tzu's standpoint is that to make the distinction. to bring the distinction in, creates confusion. One should live spontaneously, naturally, and one should not try to follow any right and any wrong. One should rem...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,598 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... worried? He cannot overturn the whole world. He can be accepted the way he is. Why try to change him? IF THE WHOLE WORLD WERE ABNORMAL HOW COULD ABNORMALITY OVERTURN IT? And then, as far as Lao Tzu's own vision is concerned, he says the whole world is abnormal. People may be abnormal in different ways but the whole world is abnormal. But nobody looks at one's own abnormality. It is very easy to think ab...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,599 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... don't understand, Doctor,' the woman said. 'He isn't getting the sheets clean!' Whenever you think about somebody as mad, wait a minute. There is a greater possibility that you are mad. A really sane man like Lao Tzu says that nobody is mad. People are simply different. Many people are suffering unnecessarily in hospitals, in madhouses, in mad asylums -- suffering unnecessarily. They are not mad, they are different. C...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,600 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...nt to be? Would you like to be a Buddha or would you like to be just a part of a mob? Even if Buddha is abnormal one would like to be a Buddha because he is so happy, so serene, so calm, so tranquil. Lao Tzu is saying to drop these ideas; they are meaningless. Those distinctions and judgements are foolish. JOY AND SORROW, MUSIC AND BEAUTY, SMELLS AND TASTES, RIGHT AND WRONG -- WHO CAN STRAIGHT...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,601 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...aining. What is music? Nobody has yet been able to define it. All that is significant remains indefinable. WHO CAN STRAIGHTEN THEM OUT? I AM NOT EVEN SURE.... LOOK at the beauty of it. Says Lao Tzu: I AM NOT EVEN SURE THAT THESE WORDS OF MINE ARE NOT ABNORMAL.... What can I say? This is Lao Tzu's absolute health. Only such a healthy person can say, 'I am not certain that my word...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,602 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...CAN STRAIGHTEN THEM OUT? I AM NOT EVEN SURE.... LOOK at the beauty of it. Says Lao Tzu: I AM NOT EVEN SURE THAT THESE WORDS OF MINE ARE NOT ABNORMAL.... What can I say? This is Lao Tzu's absolute health. Only such a healthy person can say, 'I am not certain that my words are abnormal or not. There is no way to say.' Only a really sane person can say, 'Maybe I am mad.' Rece...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,603 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... they believe it? You only believe that which you are. More than that looks impossible, cannot be, should not be. You think that you are the limit of existence, or, you are the definition of existence. Lao Tzu says: I AM NOT EVEN SURE THAT THESE WORDS OF MINE ARE NOT ABNORMAL LET ALONE THOSE OF THE GENTLEMEN OF LU WHO ARE THE MOST ABNORMAL OF ALL. About Confucius and his followers he is ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,604 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...the freedom to do his thing. All judgement is immoral and all effort to change somebody is destructive and violent. And that's what your mahatmas and your saints have. been doing up to now. That's why I say that Lao Tzu is incomparable, unique, unsurpassed before and after. His vision is the ultimate vision of spontaneity, suchness, nature. If you understand him your life will start moving in a totally different rhythm. You...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,605 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...erence, WU-WEI. And only when you don't interfere in another's life do you respect life that's what reverence of life is all about. My teaching is exactly the same. I cannot say that about anybody else but about Lao Tzu I can say that my teaching is exactly the same. With Buddha I have differences -- although I may not tell them. With Mahavira I have many, many differences -- although I may not talk about them. But with ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,606 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...I can say that my teaching is exactly the same. With Buddha I have differences -- although I may not tell them. With Mahavira I have many, many differences -- although I may not talk about them. But with Lao Tzu I am absolutely in agreement. The agreement is unconditional and absolute because he seems to be the only one who has looked at life without any mind, who has looked at life straight, who has no idea, no ideo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,607 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ecame naked when he became enlightened, Buddha continued to use his clothes. Mahavir's nakedness is beautiful -- such innocence. Krishna is totally different, Christ is totally different. And then there is this man, Lao Tzu. No two enlightened persons have ever been the same, cannot be. Even unenlightened people are not the same, how can enlightened people be the same? Even unenlightened people, imitating each other, cannot dest...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,608 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ties too. All the possibilities are not exhausted by me, cannot be exhausted by me. Nobody can exhaust all the possibilities. And it is beautiful that nobody can exhaust all the possibilities otherwise Buddha or Lao Tzu or Mahavira or Buddha would have exhausted all the possibilities. Then what would we have been doing here? The fourth question: WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BEING SPECIAL AN...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,609 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...less religious than you -- religion is non-comparative. when religion is there it is simply there. Can you say Buddha was more religious than Jesus? Can you say Mahavira was more religious than Mohammed? Can you say Lao Tzu was more religious than Krishna? It would be absurd, the very statement would be absurd -- because religion is not quantity, it is quality of being. You cannot have more or less. There are no degrees. You can...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,610 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... has been discovered, when you have become an integrated soul and you have come to know your centre, self-confidence follows like a shadow. You cannot throw it away. A Buddha has it, a Mahavir has it, a Lao Tzu has it -- you don't have it. Hence you are always afraid it may be taken away. And sometimes you even start thinking about dropping it. It cannot be taken away if it is there; it cannot be dropped if it is th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,611 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...eply, infinitely, you will by and by become aware that even the trees are not the other, even the stars are not the other. This is what I call becoming a sannyasin -- to fall in love with the total. That's what Lao Tzu calls Tao -- to fall in love with the total, to make love to God. That is the ultimate tantra -- to make love to God, to be in love with the whole. Naturally, when you make love to a woman or...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,612 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ople to go back to sleep again. It has been the most sensational thing in the whole history of humanity. Jesus has left the deepest mark. Buddha has not left such a deep mark, neither has Mahavir, nor Patanjali, nor Lao Tzu. Jesus has left the deepest mark -- it is as if with the crucifixion history was split in two: before and after. All that was before Jesus became irrelevant and all that was after Jesus took on a new signific...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,613 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...this and that. That is his concept of the room. If everything is taken out he will say, 'What has happened to this room? Everything is empty. This is just empty.' This is no longer a room for him. To Lao Tzu this will be room, to me this will be room. Now one can expand in this room, one can be in this room. there is space, there is spaciousness. So when for the first time your mind goes off you suddenly feel...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,614 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ng and I am nothing, where do you make a definition? How do you demark where your Master ends and Jesus begins? There is no fence between me and Jesus so if you enter into me you have entered Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tzu -- you have entered all . If you enter Jesus, you have entered me. So drop these foolish ideas. But it will certainly be easier for you to be related to me. I am here alive, present, Jesus has not ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,615 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...erve two Masters he means you cannot serve the outer and inner together. He is not comparing Buddha and Krishna and himself. Beware of interpretation. Whenever you are reading words of Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, be very careful. Your mind can play tricks with you. Your mind can colour them with your own prejudice. I understand why this problem arises. This problem arises because our minds are very narrow, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,616 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...can love Buddha also, his Christianity will go very deep and if a Buddhist can understand Jesus also he will understand Buddha far more, far better. And if you can understand Mahavir and Mohammed and Zarathustra and Lao Tzu all together, and you can love them all together as a different expression of the same divine certainly your life will be the life of an emperor. Right now it 10/28/07 Copy...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,617 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...now the whole totally, the part can only know so far. A man of knowing understands the mystery of life. That's why Buddha is silent about life. He does not say a single word about it. Lao Tzu kept quiet for his whole life until he was forced, really forced, to write his experiences. He was getting old and he was moving towards the Himalayas and he wanted to disappear in the Himalayas but he was pr...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,618 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...Himalayas and he wanted to disappear in the Himalayas but he was prevented at the last boundary post of China. The guards would not allow him to pass because they had received a message from the emperor not to allow Lao Tzu to escape out of the country unless he wrote a book about his experiences. So for three days, at that outer boundary post, he remained in a tent and wrote the book -- because he wanted to get out of the count...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,619 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... world has become golden. Watching that, in that coolness, in that purified air, on that high altitude, what better space to die in? You cannot find a better graveyard. It is tremendously beautiful. Lao Tzu was very old and he was in a hurry so he said, 'Okay. If you insist, I will write.' But the first sentence he wrote in the TAO TE CHING IS: 'The Tao, the truth, that can be said is not the real Tao. The Tao t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,620 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... so strong and the water is so soft that you cannot ever logically imagine that one day the water will destroy the rock, that it will disappear as sand and the water will still be there. This is what Lao Tzu calls 'the water-course way' -- the strength of the feminine. The energy of the masculine is that of the chopper, the wood-cutter. Have you watched a wood-cutter chopping wood? That is the energy of the m...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,621 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...the ultimate truth. BRAHMA is the ultimate truth. By knowing it one becomes a BRAHMIN. When I say Krishna is a BRAHMIN I mean Mahavira is a BRAHMIN, Buddha is a BRAHMIN -- so is Moses, so is Jesus, so is Lao Tzu. I don't mean the caste BRAHMIN. By birth nobody is a BRAHMIN, nobody can be. I also know that he was a KSHATRIYA a KSHATRIYA by birth. That is meaningless. That is formal, accidental. I don't talk about acci...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,622 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... will be ready to say that he is mad. They think the whole world is mad except themselves. This is a criterion of a mad person -- he thinks the whole world is mad except himself. What about a sane person? Lao Tzu says, 'The whole world seems to be very intelligent except me. The whole world seems to be very clear except me -- I am confused. The world seems to have clarity, transparency of mind, I am muddle-headed. The...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,623 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... me. The whole world seems to be very clear except me -- I am confused. The world seems to have clarity, transparency of mind, I am muddle-headed. The whole world is clever and wise, I am an idiot.' Look what Lao Tzu is saying. This is the indication of a sane man -- the sanest ever. So, Satisha -- this is a question from Satisha -- you are coming closer to sanity because you are becoming aware of your madness. Watch ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,624 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...om the Koran and a few from the Gita -- and making something out of it. This is a hotchpotch, a KHICHARI, it is not unity, it is not the total vision. I am not putting Christ and Mohammed and Mahavir and Krishna and Lao Tzu together. No, as I see them they are one. It is not a question of putting them together, I am not making any effort to put them together, I am not trying to find some synthesis in them. They ARE one -- that i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,625 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...Mussolini or Napoleon or Alexander all died frustrated, failures. What happened to them? They exhausted their energies by fighting, by being aggressive. A Buddha dies a conqueror. Without fighting he conquers. A Lao Tzu is victorious. Without making any effort his victory is ultimate. The great horse has the quality of non-aggressiveness. Nobody can defeat him. That is the meaning of 'mare'. A...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,626 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...Tao you will have to drop the ego. Dropping it, you come home; dropping it, the benediction is there. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 1 Talks on Fragments from Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching Talks given from 11/06/75 am to 20/06/75 am English Discourse series 10 Chapters ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,627 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... but still, a distance remains. It always remains in the phenomenon of love -- you come closer and closer and closer, but even in closeness there is a distance. That is the misery of all lovers. I speak on Lao Tzu totally differently. I am not related to him because even to be related a distance is needed. I don't love him, because how can you love yourself? When I speak on Lao Tzu I speak as if I am speaking on my own...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,628 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...is the misery of all lovers. I speak on Lao Tzu totally differently. I am not related to him because even to be related a distance is needed. I don't love him, because how can you love yourself? When I speak on Lao Tzu I speak as if I am speaking on my own self. With him my being is totally one. When I speak on Lao Tzu it is as if I am looking in a mirror -- my own face is reflected. When I speak on Lao Tzu, I am ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,629 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...use even to be related a distance is needed. I don't love him, because how can you love yourself? When I speak on Lao Tzu I speak as if I am speaking on my own self. With him my being is totally one. When I speak on Lao Tzu it is as if I am looking in a mirror -- my own face is reflected. When I speak on Lao Tzu, I am absolutely with him. Even to say "absolutely with him" is not true -- I am him, he is me. Histo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,630 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...urself? When I speak on Lao Tzu I speak as if I am speaking on my own self. With him my being is totally one. When I speak on Lao Tzu it is as if I am looking in a mirror -- my own face is reflected. When I speak on Lao Tzu, I am absolutely with him. Even to say "absolutely with him" is not true -- I am him, he is me. Historians are doubtful about his existence. I cannot doubt his existence because how can I doubt ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,631 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... I became possible, he became true to me. Even if history proves that he never existed it makes no difference to me; he must have existed because I exist -- I am the proof. During the following days, when I speak on Lao Tzu, it is not that I speak on somebody else. I speak on myself -- as if Lao Tzu is speaking through a different name, a different NAMA-RUPA, a different incarnation. Lao Tzu is not like Mahavir,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,632 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...r existed it makes no difference to me; he must have existed because I exist -- I am the proof. During the following days, when I speak on Lao Tzu, it is not that I speak on somebody else. I speak on myself -- as if Lao Tzu is speaking through a different name, a different NAMA-RUPA, a different incarnation. Lao Tzu is not like Mahavir, not mathematical at all, yet he is very, very logical in his madness. He has...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,633 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...owing days, when I speak on Lao Tzu, it is not that I speak on somebody else. I speak on myself -- as if Lao Tzu is speaking through a different name, a different NAMA-RUPA, a different incarnation. Lao Tzu is not like Mahavir, not mathematical at all, yet he is very, very logical in his madness. He has a mad logic! When we penetrate into his sayings you will come to feel it; it is not so obvious and apparent. H...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,634 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...obvious and apparent. He has a logic of his own: the logic of absurdity, the logic of paradox, the logic of a madman. He hits hard. Mahavir's logic can be understood even by blind men. To understand Lao Tzu's logic you will have to create eyes. It is very subtle, it is not the ordinary logic of the logicians -- it is the logic of a hidden life, a very subtle life. Whatsoever he says is on the surface absurd; dee...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,635 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...t is the logic of a hidden life, a very subtle life. Whatsoever he says is on the surface absurd; deep down there lives a very great consistency. One has to penetrate it; one has to change his own mind to understand Lao Tzu. Mahavir you can understand without changing your mind at all; as you are, you can understand Mahavir. He is on the same line. Howsoever much ahead of you he may have reached the goal, he is on th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,636 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...d at all; as you are, you can understand Mahavir. He is on the same line. Howsoever much ahead of you he may have reached the goal, he is on the same line, the same track. When you try to understand Lao Tzu he zigzags. Sometimes you see him going towards the east and sometimes towards the west, because he says east is west and west is east, they are together, they are one. He believes in the unity of the opposit...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,637 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...owards the east and sometimes towards the west, because he says east is west and west is east, they are together, they are one. He believes in the unity of the opposites. And that is how life is. So Lao Tzu is just a spokesman of life. If life is absurd, Lao Tzu is absurd; if life has an absurd logic to it, Lao Tzu has the same logic to it. Lao Tzu simply reflects life. He doesn't add anything to it, he doesn't ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,638 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...st, because he says east is west and west is east, they are together, they are one. He believes in the unity of the opposites. And that is how life is. So Lao Tzu is just a spokesman of life. If life is absurd, Lao Tzu is absurd; if life has an absurd logic to it, Lao Tzu has the same logic to it. Lao Tzu simply reflects life. He doesn't add anything to it, he doesn't choose out of it; he simply accepts whatsoever it is. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,639 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...er, they are one. He believes in the unity of the opposites. And that is how life is. So Lao Tzu is just a spokesman of life. If life is absurd, Lao Tzu is absurd; if life has an absurd logic to it, Lao Tzu has the same logic to it. Lao Tzu simply reflects life. He doesn't add anything to it, he doesn't choose out of it; he simply accepts whatsoever it is. It is simple to see the spirituality of a Buddha, v...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,640 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...elieves in the unity of the opposites. And that is how life is. So Lao Tzu is just a spokesman of life. If life is absurd, Lao Tzu is absurd; if life has an absurd logic to it, Lao Tzu has the same logic to it. Lao Tzu simply reflects life. He doesn't add anything to it, he doesn't choose out of it; he simply accepts whatsoever it is. It is simple to see the spirituality of a Buddha, very simple; it is impossible to mi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,641 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... out of it; he simply accepts whatsoever it is. It is simple to see the spirituality of a Buddha, very simple; it is impossible to miss it, he is so extraordinary. But it is difficult to see the spirituality of Lao Tzu. He is so ordinary, just like you. You will have to grow in understanding. A Buddha passes by you -- you will immediately recognize that a superior human being has passed you. He carries the glamor of a super...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,642 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...passes by you -- you will immediately recognize that a superior human being has passed you. He carries the glamor of a superior human being around him. It is difficult to miss him, almost impossible to miss him. But Lao Tzu... he may be your neighbor. You may have been missing him because he is so ordinary, he is so extraordinarily ordinary. And that is the beauty of it. To become extraordinary is simple: only e...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,643 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... effortlessness is needed. No practice will help, no methods, no means will be of any help only understanding. Even meditation will not be of any help. To become a Buddha, meditation will be of help. To become a Lao Tzu, even meditation won't help -- just understanding. Just understanding life as it is, and living it with courage; not escaping from it, not hiding from it, facing it with courage, whatsoever it is, good or bad...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,644 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...fe as it is, and living it with courage; not escaping from it, not hiding from it, facing it with courage, whatsoever it is, good or bad, divine or evil, heaven or hell. It is very difficult to be a Lao Tzu or to recognize a Lao Tzu. In fact, if you can recognize a Lao Tzu, you are already a Lao Tzu. To recognize a Buddha you need not be a Buddha, but to recognize Lao Tzu you need to be a Lao Tzu -- otherwise it...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,645 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...nd living it with courage; not escaping from it, not hiding from it, facing it with courage, whatsoever it is, good or bad, divine or evil, heaven or hell. It is very difficult to be a Lao Tzu or to recognize a Lao Tzu. In fact, if you can recognize a Lao Tzu, you are already a Lao Tzu. To recognize a Buddha you need not be a Buddha, but to recognize Lao Tzu you need to be a Lao Tzu -- otherwise it is impossible. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,646 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...rom it, not hiding from it, facing it with courage, whatsoever it is, good or bad, divine or evil, heaven or hell. It is very difficult to be a Lao Tzu or to recognize a Lao Tzu. In fact, if you can recognize a Lao Tzu, you are already a Lao Tzu. To recognize a Buddha you need not be a Buddha, but to recognize Lao Tzu you need to be a Lao Tzu -- otherwise it is impossible. It is said that Confucius went to...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,647 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ith courage, whatsoever it is, good or bad, divine or evil, heaven or hell. It is very difficult to be a Lao Tzu or to recognize a Lao Tzu. In fact, if you can recognize a Lao Tzu, you are already a Lao Tzu. To recognize a Buddha you need not be a Buddha, but to recognize Lao Tzu you need to be a Lao Tzu -- otherwise it is impossible. It is said that Confucius went to see Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu was an old man, C...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,648 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [.... It is very difficult to be a Lao Tzu or to recognize a Lao Tzu. In fact, if you can recognize a Lao Tzu, you are already a Lao Tzu. To recognize a Buddha you need not be a Buddha, but to recognize Lao Tzu you need to be a Lao Tzu -- otherwise it is impossible. It is said that Confucius went to see Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu was an old man, Confucius was younger. Lao Tzu was almost unknown, Confucius was almost uni...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,649 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...very difficult to be a Lao Tzu or to recognize a Lao Tzu. In fact, if you can recognize a Lao Tzu, you are already a Lao Tzu. To recognize a Buddha you need not be a Buddha, but to recognize Lao Tzu you need to be a Lao Tzu -- otherwise it is impossible. It is said that Confucius went to see Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu was an old man, Confucius was younger. Lao Tzu was almost unknown, Confucius was almost universally known. Kings and...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,650 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Tzu, you are already a Lao Tzu. To recognize a Buddha you need not be a Buddha, but to recognize Lao Tzu you need to be a Lao Tzu -- otherwise it is impossible. It is said that Confucius went to see Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu was an old man, Confucius was younger. Lao Tzu was almost unknown, Confucius was almost universally known. Kings and emperors used to call him to their courts; wise men used to come for his advice. H...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,651 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Tzu, you are already a Lao Tzu. To recognize a Buddha you need not be a Buddha, but to recognize Lao Tzu you need to be a Lao Tzu -- otherwise it is impossible. It is said that Confucius went to see Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu was an old man, Confucius was younger. Lao Tzu was almost unknown, Confucius was almost universally known. Kings and emperors used to call him to their courts; wise men used to come for his advice. He was the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,652 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... need not be a Buddha, but to recognize Lao Tzu you need to be a Lao Tzu -- otherwise it is impossible. It is said that Confucius went to see Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu was an old man, Confucius was younger. Lao Tzu was almost unknown, Confucius was almost universally known. Kings and emperors used to call him to their courts; wise men used to come for his advice. He was the wisest man in China in those days. But by and ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,653 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...d a secret search. He sent his disciples to find someone who could be of help to him, and they came with the information that there lived a man -- nobody knew his name -- he was known as the old guy. Lao Tzu means "the old guy." The word is not his name, nobody knows his name. He was such an unknown man that nobody knows when he was born, nobody knows to whom -- who his father was or who his mother wa...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,654 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...derstand him. He was only for the rarest -- so ordinary a man, but only for the rarest of human minds. Hearing the news that a man known as The Old Guy existed, Confucius went to see him. When he met Lao Tzu he could feel that here was a man of great understanding, great intellectual integrity, great logical acumen, a genius. He could feel that something was there, but he couldn't catch hold of it. Vaguely, myste...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,655 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...t do you say about morality? What do you say about how to cultivate good character?" -- because he was a moralist and he thought that if you cultivate a good character that is the highest attainment. Lao Tzu laughed loudly, and said, "If you are immoral, only then the question of morality arises. And if you don't have any character, only then you think about character. A man of character is absolutely oblivious o...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,656 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... emperors, and they had never seen any nervousness in him. And he was trembling, and cold perspiration was coming, pouring out from all over his body. They couldn't believe it -- what had happened? What had this man Lao Tzu done to their teacher? They asked him and he said, "Wait a little. Let me collect myself. This man is dangerous." And about Lao Tzu he said to his disciples: "I have heard about great animals like elephan...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,657 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...y. They couldn't believe it -- what had happened? What had this man Lao Tzu done to their teacher? They asked him and he said, "Wait a little. Let me collect myself. This man is dangerous." And about Lao Tzu he said to his disciples: "I have heard about great animals like elephants, and I know how they walk. And I have heard about hidden animals in the sea, and I know how they swim. And I have heard about great b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,658 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...im, too close, you will feel afraid, a trembling will take over. You will be possessed by an unknown fear, as if you are going to die. It is said that Confucius never came again to see this old man. Lao Tzu was ordinary in a way. And in another way he was the most extraordinary man. He was not extraordinary like Buddha; he was extraordinary in a totally different way. His extraordinariness was not so obvious -- ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,659 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e Jesus; he could laugh, he could laugh a belly laugh. It is said that he was born laughing. Children are born crying, weeping. It is said about him that he was born laughing. I also feel it must be true; a man like Lao Tzu must be born laughing. He is not sad like Jesus. He can laugh, and laugh tremendously, but deep down in his laughter there is a sadness, a compassion -- a sadness about you, about the whole existence. His lau...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,660 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... in his laughter there is a sadness, a compassion -- a sadness about you, about the whole existence. His laughter is not superficial. Zarathustra laughs but his laughter is different, there is no sadness in it. Lao Tzu is sad like Jesus and not sad like Jesus; Lao Tzu laughs like Zarathustra and doesn't laugh like Zarathustra. His sadness has a laughter to it and his laughter has a sadness to it. He is a meeting of the oppo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,661 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... sadness about you, about the whole existence. His laughter is not superficial. Zarathustra laughs but his laughter is different, there is no sadness in it. Lao Tzu is sad like Jesus and not sad like Jesus; Lao Tzu laughs like Zarathustra and doesn't laugh like Zarathustra. His sadness has a laughter to it and his laughter has a sadness to it. He is a meeting of the opposites. He is a harmony, a symphony. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,662 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... THE TAO THAT CAN BE TOLD OF IS NOT THE ABSOLUTE TAO. LET ME FIRST tell you the story of how these sutras came to be written, because that will help you to understand them. For ninety years Lao Tzu lived -- in fact he did nothing except live. He lived totally. Many times his disciples asked him to write, but he would always say: The Tao that can be told is not the real Tao, the truth that can be told be...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,663 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...that he was a man of absolute silence, the neighbor always kept silent. Even a "hello" was not allowed, even to talk about the weather was not allowed. To say "How beautiful a morning!" would be too much chattering. Lao Tzu would go for a long walk, for miles, and the neighbor would follow him. For years it went on, but once it happened that a guest was staying with the neighbor and he also wanted to come, so the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,664 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... miles, and the neighbor would follow him. For years it went on, but once it happened that a guest was staying with the neighbor and he also wanted to come, so the neighbor brought him. He did not know Lao Tzu or his ways. He started feeling suffocated because his host was not talking, and he couldn't understand why they were so silent -- and the silence became heavy on him. If you don't know how ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,665 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...id, when the sun was rising: "What a beautiful sun. Look...! What a beautiful sun is born, is rising! What a beautiful morning!" That's all he said. But nobody responded because the neighbor, the host, knew that Lao Tzu wouldn't like it. And of course Lao Tzu wouldn't say anything, wouldn't respond. When they came back, Lao Tzu told the neighbor, "From tomorrow, don't bring this man. He is a chatterbox." And ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,666 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...Look...! What a beautiful sun is born, is rising! What a beautiful morning!" That's all he said. But nobody responded because the neighbor, the host, knew that Lao Tzu wouldn't like it. And of course Lao Tzu wouldn't say anything, wouldn't respond. When they came back, Lao Tzu told the neighbor, "From tomorrow, don't bring this man. He is a chatterbox." And he had only said this much: "What a beautiful sun," ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,667 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...!" That's all he said. But nobody responded because the neighbor, the host, knew that Lao Tzu wouldn't like it. And of course Lao Tzu wouldn't say anything, wouldn't respond. When they came back, Lao Tzu told the neighbor, "From tomorrow, don't bring this man. He is a chatterbox." And he had only said this much: "What a beautiful sun," or "What a beautiful morning." That much in a two-or three-hour-long walk....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,668 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...zu told the neighbor, "From tomorrow, don't bring this man. He is a chatterbox." And he had only said this much: "What a beautiful sun," or "What a beautiful morning." That much in a two-or three-hour-long walk. But Lao Tzu said "Don't bring this chatterbox again with you. He talks too much, and talks uselessly -- because I also have eyes, I can see that the sun is being born and it is beautiful. What is the need to say it?" ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,669 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...Don't bring this chatterbox again with you. He talks too much, and talks uselessly -- because I also have eyes, I can see that the sun is being born and it is beautiful. What is the need to say it?" Lao Tzu lived in silence. He always avoided talking about the truth that he had attained and he always rejected the idea that he should write it down for the generations to come. At the age of ninety he took l...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,670 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...l Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- The disciples felt very, very sad, but what could they do? They followed him for a few hundred miles, but by and by Lao Tzu persuaded them to go back. Then alone he was crossing the border, and the guard on the border imprisoned him. The guard was also a disciple. And the guard said: "Unless you write a book, I am not going to all...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,671 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... you write a book, I am not going to allow you to move beyond the border. This much you must do for humanity. Write a book. That is the debt you have to pay, otherwise I won't allow you to cross." So for three days Lao Tzu was imprisoned by his own disciple. It is beautiful. It is very loving. He was forced -- and that's how this small book, the book of Lao Tzu, TAO TE CHING, was born. He had to write it, because the disc...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,672 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ave to pay, otherwise I won't allow you to cross." So for three days Lao Tzu was imprisoned by his own disciple. It is beautiful. It is very loving. He was forced -- and that's how this small book, the book of Lao Tzu, TAO TE CHING, was born. He had to write it, because the disciple wouldn't allow him to cross. And he was the guard and he had the authority, he could create trouble, so Lao Tzu had to write the b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,673 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...at's how this small book, the book of Lao Tzu, TAO TE CHING, was born. He had to write it, because the disciple wouldn't allow him to cross. And he was the guard and he had the authority, he could create trouble, so Lao Tzu had to write the book. In three days he finished it. This is the first sentence of the book: THE TAO THAT CAN BE TOLD OF IS NOT THE ABSOLUTE TAO. THIS IS THE...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,674 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...f mind can attain, mind can express; if mind cannot attain to it, mind cannot express it. All language is futile. Truth cannot be expressed Then what have all the scriptures been doing? Then what is Lao Tzu doing? Then what are the Upanishads doing? They all try to say something which cannot be said in the hope that a desire may arise in you to know about it. Truth cannot be said but in the very effort of saying...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,675 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...g the source, by and by you have tried to suppress your thirst itself. That is the only way, otherwise it is too much, it will not allow you to live at all. So you suppress the thirst. A Master like Lao Tzu knows well that truth cannot be said, but the very effort to say it will provoke something, will bring the suppressed thirst in you to the surface. And once the thirst surfaces, a search, an inquiry starts. A...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,676 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...il? God is simply good and he cannot be bad, and there is much that is bad in life -- where to put that badness? So a devil is created. The moment you create a god, immediately you create a devil. I must tell you -- Lao Tzu never talks about God, never. Not even a single time does he use the word "god," because once you use the word "god" the devil immediately enters through the same door. Open the door -- they both come in toge...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,677 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ve the puzzle. What is the matter? Why is it happening?" The Master called all his disciples and said, "You also come, because this is really something to be understood." And he said exactly what Lao Tzu is saying. To his disciples he also said, "Don't be proud that you know. If you know that you know, you are ignorant. If you know that you don't know, you are wise. An absolutely simple man does not know eith...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,678 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... ego. He is humble. He cannot believe that he has come to heaven." It is possible that a sinner can reach and a saint can miss. If the saint is too filled with his saintliness, he will miss. Lao Tzu says: WHEN THE PEOPLE OF THE EARTH ALL KNOW BEAUTY AS BEAUTY, THERE ARISES UGLINESS. WHEN THE PEOPLE OF THE EARTH ALL KNOW THE GOOD AS GOOD, THERE ARISES EVIL... ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,679 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... LONG AND SHORT INTERDEPEND IN CONTRAST; HIGH AND LOW INTERDEPEND IN POSITION; TONES AND VOICE INTERDEPEND IN HARMONY; FRONT AND BEHIND INTERDEPEND IN COMPANY. Lao Tzu is saying that opposites are not really opposites but complementaries. Don't divide them, division is false; they are one, they interdepend. How can love exist without hate? How can compassion exist without a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,680 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...symphony of the opposites, and that is the greatest life possible. It will be most ordinary in a way, and most extraordinary in another way. That's why I say Buddha moves in the sky, he has no earth part in him. Lao Tzu is both, earth and heaven together. Buddha, even in his perfection seems to be incomplete; Lao Tzu, even in his incompletion is complete, perfect. You understand me? Try to dig it! ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,681 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...y, and most extraordinary in another way. That's why I say Buddha moves in the sky, he has no earth part in him. Lao Tzu is both, earth and heaven together. Buddha, even in his perfection seems to be incomplete; Lao Tzu, even in his incompletion is complete, perfect. You understand me? Try to dig it! Buddha in his perfection is still incomplete, the earth part is missing. He is unearthly like a ghost, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,682 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... the body part is missing; he is unembodied, a tree without roots. You are roots, but only roots; it has not sprouted, the tree has not come to bloom. Buddha is only flowers, and you are only roots -- Lao Tzu is both. He may not look as perfect as Buddha, he cannot, because the other is always there -- how can he be perfect? But he is complete. He is total. He may not be perfect but he is total. And these two word...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,683 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... perfect, try to be total. If you try to be perfect you will follow Buddha, you will follow Mahavir, you will follow Jesus. If you try to be total only then can you have the feeling of what it means to be near Lao Tzu, what it means to follow Tao. Tao is totality. Totality is not perfect, it is always imperfect -- because it is always alive. Perfection is always dead -- anything that becomes perfect is dead. How can it...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,684 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ugh the tension of the opposites, the meeting of the opposites. If you deny the opposite you can become perfect but you will not be total, you will miss something. Howsoever beautiful Buddha is, he misses something. Lao Tzu is not so beautiful, not so perfect. Buddha and Lao Tzu are both standing before you; Lao Tzu will look ordinary and Buddha extraordinary, superb. But I tell you: thousands of Buddhas exist in Lao Tzu. He...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,685 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...eny the opposite you can become perfect but you will not be total, you will miss something. Howsoever beautiful Buddha is, he misses something. Lao Tzu is not so beautiful, not so perfect. Buddha and Lao Tzu are both standing before you; Lao Tzu will look ordinary and Buddha extraordinary, superb. But I tell you: thousands of Buddhas exist in Lao Tzu. He is deeply rooted in the earth -- he is rooted in the earth,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,686 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ecome perfect but you will not be total, you will miss something. Howsoever beautiful Buddha is, he misses something. Lao Tzu is not so beautiful, not so perfect. Buddha and Lao Tzu are both standing before you; Lao Tzu will look ordinary and Buddha extraordinary, superb. But I tell you: thousands of Buddhas exist in Lao Tzu. He is deeply rooted in the earth -- he is rooted in the earth, and he is standing high in the sky; h...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,687 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...something. Lao Tzu is not so beautiful, not so perfect. Buddha and Lao Tzu are both standing before you; Lao Tzu will look ordinary and Buddha extraordinary, superb. But I tell you: thousands of Buddhas exist in Lao Tzu. He is deeply rooted in the earth -- he is rooted in the earth, and he is standing high in the sky; he is both, heaven and earth, a meeting of the opposites. There are three words to be rememb...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,688 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...y -- he is beautiful. But his beauty exists only because of your ugliness. If you disappear Buddha will disappear. He looks wise because of your stupidity; if you become wise he will no more be wise. Lao Tzu is the phenomenon of interdependence -- because life is interdependent. You cannot be dependent, you cannot be independent -- both are extremes. Just in the middle, where life is a balance, is interdependence...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,689 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Hurt a flower and you hurt a star. Everything is interconnected, nothing exists like an island. If you try to exist like an island -- it is possible, but it will be an unearthly phenomenon, almost a myth, a dream. Lao Tzu believes in interdependence. He says: Take everything as it is, don't choose. It seems to be simple and yet the most difficult thing, because the mind always wants to choose. The mind lives through choice...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,690 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...hing as it is, don't choose. It seems to be simple and yet the most difficult thing, because the mind always wants to choose. The mind lives through choice. If you don't choose the mind drops. This is the way of Lao Tzu. How 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- to drop the mind? -- don't choose! ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,691 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ow. TONES AND VOICE INTERDEPEND IN HARMONY; FRONT AND BEHIND INTERDEPEND IN COMPANY. THEREFORE THE SAGE: MANAGES AFFAIRS WITHOUT ACTION... This is what Lao Tzu calls Wu Wei: the sage manages affairs without action. Three are the possibilities -- one: be in action and forget inaction. You will be a wordly man. The second possibility: drop action, move to the Himalaya...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,692 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... He does not escape to the Himalayas. He remains in the world. He manages affairs but without any action. He is not active inside, the action remains on the outside. At the center he remains inactive. That is what Lao Tzu calls Wu Wei -- finding the center of the cyclone. The cyclone is on the outside but in the center nothing moves, nothing stirs. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foun...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,693 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...pes. He never rejects. He never renounces. And that is the meaning of my sannyas. The word sannyas means renunciation, but I don't preach renunciation. Then why do I call you sannyasins? I call you sannyasins in the Lao Tzuan sense: renounce and yet don't renounce, remain in the world but yet out of it -- this is the meeting of the opposites. So I don't tell you to move, to drop, to leave your families. There is no need. You be ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,694 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... NOT APPROPRIATE; ACCOMPLISHES, BUT CLAIMS NO CREDIT. IT IS BECAUSE HE LAYS CLAIM TO NO CREDIT THAT THE CREDIT CANNOT BE TAKEN AWAY FROM HIM. This is the absurd logic of Lao Tzu. He is absolutely logical, but he has a logic of his own. He 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,695 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...prove it and nobody can compete with it. If you try to be victorious you will be defeated. Ask the Alexanders and the Napoleons and the Hitlers: if you try to be victorious you will be defeated. Says Lao Tzu: Don't try to be victorious, then nobody can defeat you. A very subtle logic, the logic of life itself: don't claim, and your claim is absolutely fulfilled; don't try to be victorious, and your victory is abs...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,696 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ying that if you want to be successful don't try -- no, I am not saying that. It is not a result, it is a consequence. And you have to understand the difference between a result and a consequence. When you listen to Lao Tzu or to me, of course you understand the logic that if you try to be victorious, you will be defeated because there are millions of competitors. How can you succeed in this competitive world? Nobody ever succee...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,697 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [..., you will be defeated because there are millions of competitors. How can you succeed in this competitive world? Nobody ever succeeds. Everybody fails. And everybody fails absolutely, there is no exception. And then Lao Tzu says that if you don't try to succeed you will succeed. Your mind becomes greedy, and your mind says: That's right! So this is the way to succeed! I will not claim, I will not be ambitious so that my ambition...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,698 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...nd your mind says: That's right! So this is the way to succeed! I will not claim, I will not be ambitious so that my ambition can be fulfilled. Now this is asking for a result. You remain the same -- you have missed Lao Tzu completely. Lao Tzu is saying that if you really remain without any claim, without asking for any credit, fame, name, success, ambition, then as a consequence success is there, victory is ther...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,699 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...this is the way to succeed! I will not claim, I will not be ambitious so that my ambition can be fulfilled. Now this is asking for a result. You remain the same -- you have missed Lao Tzu completely. Lao Tzu is saying that if you really remain without any claim, without asking for any credit, fame, name, success, ambition, then as a consequence success is there, victory is there. The whole existence pours down in...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,700 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...king about it. It happens as part of the inner law of existence. That law is called Tao. IT IS BECAUSE HE LAYS CLAIM TO NO CREDIT THAT THE CREDIT CANNOT BE TAKEN AWAY FROM HIM. Understand Lao Tzu. And understand your inner greed. Because the greed can say.... It happens every day, almost every day -- people come to me and I tell them: Meditate, but don't ask for results. They say: If we don't ask for ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,701 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... the desire. And if the desire is there, the consequence will never happen. Don't desire and it happens. Don't ask and it is given. Jesus says: Ask, and it shall be given. Knock and the door shall be opened. Lao Tzu says: Ask not, and it shall be given. Knock not, and the door has always remained open -- just look! And I say to you: Lao Tzu goes the deepest, nobody has ever gone deeper. Lao Tzu is the gre...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,702 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...us says: Ask, and it shall be given. Knock and the door shall be opened. Lao Tzu says: Ask not, and it shall be given. Knock not, and the door has always remained open -- just look! And I say to you: Lao Tzu goes the deepest, nobody has ever gone deeper. Lao Tzu is the greatest key. if you understand him, he is the master key; you can open all the locks that exist in life 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,703 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... shall be opened. Lao Tzu says: Ask not, and it shall be given. Knock not, and the door has always remained open -- just look! And I say to you: Lao Tzu goes the deepest, nobody has ever gone deeper. Lao Tzu is the greatest key. if you understand him, he is the master key; you can open all the locks that exist in life 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,704 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...tenment or unenlightened persons. This old guy is total. You exist in him, and Buddhas also. He is both. And if you can understand him, nothing is left to be understood. You can forget Mahavirs, Buddhas, Krishnas -- Lao Tzu alone is enough. He is the master key. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 1 Chapter #2 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,705 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ance, of foolishness, of madness. But a total man is totally different. He is wise in his foolishness; he is foolish in his wisdom. He knows that he is ignorant -- that is his wisdom. In him opposites meet. Says Lao Tzu: Everybody seems to be wise except me. I appear to be a fool. Everybody is trying to be wise, trying to be knowledgeable, trying to be intelligent -- cutting out, hiding, suppressing foolishness. But ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,706 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... of its own -- if it can be joined together with wisdom. Then wisdom is total. And the greatest wise men in the dimension of totality are always fools also. They are so simple and so innocent that they look foolish. Lao Tzu must have looked foolish to many people. He was; he was both. And that is the difficulty: mind seeks perfection. Who will go to Lao Tzu? Nobody wants to be both foolish and wise. And you cannot even understan...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,707 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e always fools also. They are so simple and so innocent that they look foolish. Lao Tzu must have looked foolish to many people. He was; he was both. And that is the difficulty: mind seeks perfection. Who will go to Lao Tzu? Nobody wants to be both foolish and wise. And you cannot even understand how one can be both. How can one be both? It is reported that a Sufi mystic was traveling and came to a town. And hi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,708 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ch a balance that your wisdom carries a certain quality of foolishness, and your foolishness carries a certain quality of wisdom. Then you are total. That's why: rarest are the seekers who will go to Lao Tzu. He will seem to be absurd because sometimes he will behave like a wise man and sometimes he will behave like a foolish man. And you cannot rely on him, and he is not predictable, and nobody knows what he is ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,709 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... to be in a deep participation with his being, only then will you be able to understand the totality. Buddha is wise, Mahavir is wise. You cannot find a single bit of foolishness in them, they are perfection. Lao Tzu is not, Chuang Tzu is not, Lieh Tzu is not. They are contradictory, paradoxical, but that is where their beauty is. Buddha is monotonous. If you understand Buddha today you have understood his yesterday and y...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,710 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ha is monotonous. If you understand Buddha today you have understood his yesterday and you have understood his tomorrow also. He is a consistent thing -- clean, logical, moving in a line, linear. But Lao Tzu is zigzag, he runs like a madman. You will understand, as we go into his sayings; you will understand that he runs like a madman. His assertions don't make sense on the surface. They are the most sensible utt...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,711 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ou will have to change completely. Buddha is on the surface -- logical, rational; you can understand him without becoming a meditator; without flowing into his being you can understand him. He is understandable; not Lao Tzu. This totality.... Lao Tzu accepts this world and the other, and he accepts totally. He is not bothered about the other world; he knows that the other is going to grow out of this -- that is going to grow out...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,712 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ha is on the surface -- logical, rational; you can understand him without becoming a meditator; without flowing into his being you can understand him. He is understandable; not Lao Tzu. This totality.... Lao Tzu accepts this world and the other, and he accepts totally. He is not bothered about the other world; he knows that the other is going to grow out of this -- that is going to grow out of this, so why bother abo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,713 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...to grow out of this, so why bother about it? Live this as beautifully as possible, as totally as possible, and the other will come out of it naturally. It is going to be a natural growth. If you meet Lao Tzu he will be puzzling. Sometimes he will say something, another time he will say something else; he will assert a sentence and in the next sentence he will contradict it. That's why only very rare seekers reach...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,714 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...g, another time he will say something else; he will assert a sentence and in the next sentence he will contradict it. That's why only very rare seekers reach to him; that's why there exists no organized religion for Lao Tzu. It 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- cannot exist. Only individual seekers...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,715 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...cording to the mind, has to be according to you; because organized religion means a religion more interested in the crowd, more interested in the mob. It has to exist with the mob and with the crowd. Lao Tzu can remain uncontaminated, pure. He does not compromise. His totality becomes incomprehensible -- that's why rare seekers reach him, because he is total. The more total a person is the more incomprehensib...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,716 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...and everything. But in a wild forest you don't have any symmetry, you don't see any logic. If God is the gardener, he must be mad. Why does he grow such a forest? Buddha is like a garden, a garden of a royal palace; Lao Tzu is like a wild forest: you can be lost in it. You will feel fear and danger will lurk at every step and every shadow will scare you to death. That's why Confucius said: Don't go near him. No one knows his way...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,717 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...-- and a suppression. And who told you that you are separate and you need to be merged? You have never been separate, so why are you chasing yourself? You are merged. Look at the difference of the point of view. Lao Tzu says you are merged in existence, you are not separate. You have never been, you can never be separated. How is it possible? You exist in the ocean of the divine, or Tao, or whatsoever you name it. How can yo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,718 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...practical, that's certain -- Mohammed or Moses -- absolutely practical because with your mind they fit. That's why they look practical. Whatsoever you think is practical they also think is practical. Lao Tzu is totally different from your mind and that is the possibility of transformation. With Mohammed you will not be transformed. You may become a Mohammedan, you may become a good man, you may become virtuous ev...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,719 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...us even, but you will remain on the same track -- the dimension will not change. With Mahavir you will remain the same -- better but the same, modified but the same, refined, painted, renovated -- but the same. With Lao Tzu you will be destroyed completely and will be reborn. He is death and resurrection. Try to understand why it is so. You can understand Mahavir; his calculation is of your mind -- his logic is n...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,720 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...he three persons who have ruled this whole century are all Jews: Marx, Freud, Einstein. Three persons who have ruled the whole world -- they are all Jews. Why does it happen so? Simple. They are not impractical. Lao Tzu is impractical. Lao Tzu in 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- fact praises...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,721 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e ruled this whole century are all Jews: Marx, Freud, Einstein. Three persons who have ruled the whole world -- they are all Jews. Why does it happen so? Simple. They are not impractical. Lao Tzu is impractical. Lao Tzu in 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- fact praises impracticalness. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,722 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- fact praises impracticalness. There is a story: Lao Tzu was passing with his disciples and they came to a forest where hundreds of carpenters were cutting trees, because a great palace was being built. So the whole forest had been almost cut, but only one tree was...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,723 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...use a great palace was being built. So the whole forest had been almost cut, but only one tree was standing there, a big tree with thousands of branches -- so big that ten thousand persons could sit under its shade. Lao Tzu asked his disciples to go and inquire why this tree had not been cut yet when the whole forest had been cut and was deserted. The disciples went and they asked the carpenters, "Why have you not cut this t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,724 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... it. You cannot make furniture out of it. You cannot use it as fuel because the smoke is so dangerous to the eyes -- you almost go blind. This tree is absolutely useless. That's why." They came back. Lao Tzu laughed and he said, "Be like this tree. If you want to survive in this world be like this tree -- absolutely useless. Then nobody will harm you. If you are straight you will be cut, you will become furniture...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,725 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...be sold in the market, you will become a commodity. Be like this tree, absolutely useless. Then nobody can harm you. And you will grow big and vast, and thousands of people can find shade under you." Lao Tzu was passing through a town. All the young men of the town were forced to be enlisted in the military. They came across a hunchback. Lao Tzu said, "Go and inquire why this man has been left and ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,726 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ast, and thousands of people can find shade under you." Lao Tzu was passing through a town. All the young men of the town were forced to be enlisted in the military. They came across a hunchback. Lao Tzu said, "Go and inquire why this man has been left and not enlisted into the military." The hunchback said, "How can I be enlisted? You see, I am a hunchback. I am of no use." The disciples ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,727 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...aid, "Go and inquire why this man has been left and not enlisted into the military." The hunchback said, "How can I be enlisted? You see, I am a hunchback. I am of no use." The disciples came and Lao Tzu said, "Remember. Be like this hunchback. Then you will not be enlisted to murder or to be murdered. Be useless." Lao Tzu has a logic altogether different from your mind. He says: Be the last. Move in th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,728 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...sted? You see, I am a hunchback. I am of no use." The disciples came and Lao Tzu said, "Remember. Be like this hunchback. Then you will not be enlisted to murder or to be murdered. Be useless." Lao Tzu has a logic altogether different from your mind. He says: Be the last. Move in the world as if you are not. Remain unknown. Don't try to be the first, otherwise you will be thrown. Don't be competitive, don't...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,729 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...a dance, a flower by the side of the road, flowering for nobody in particular, sending its fragrance to the winds, without any address, being nobody in particular, just enjoying itself, being itself. Lao Tzu says: If you try to be very clever, if you try to be very useful, you will be used. If you try to be very practical, somewhere or other you will be harnessed, because the world cannot leave the practical man ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,730 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... says: If you try to be very clever, if you try to be very useful, you will be used. If you try to be very practical, somewhere or other you will be harnessed, because the world cannot leave the practical man alone. Lao Tzu says: Drop all these ideas. If you want to be a poem, an ecstasy, then forget about utility. You remain true to yourself. Be yourself. Hippies have a saying: Do your thing. Lao Tzu is the first hippie in the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,731 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... the practical man alone. Lao Tzu says: Drop all these ideas. If you want to be a poem, an ecstasy, then forget about utility. You remain true to yourself. Be yourself. Hippies have a saying: Do your thing. Lao Tzu is the first hippie in the world. He says: Be yourself and do your thing and don't bother about anything else. You are not here to be sold. So don't think of utility, just think of your bliss. Be blissful, an...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,732 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ur bliss it is okay -- share it. But don't force yourself just to be a utility because that is how suicide happens. One kills oneself. Don't be suicidal. All the teachers of the world will be more practical than Lao Tzu, that's why they have much appeal. That's why they have great organizations: Christians -- almost half the world has become Christian -- Mohammedans, Hindus, Jains, Sikhs -- they are all utilitarians. Lao Tzu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,733 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...l than Lao Tzu, that's why they have much appeal. That's why they have great organizations: Christians -- almost half the world has become Christian -- Mohammedans, Hindus, Jains, Sikhs -- they are all utilitarians. Lao Tzu stands alone, aloof. Lao Tzu stands in a solo existence. But Lao Tzu is rare and unique. If you can understand him you can also become rare and unique. And the way is to be ordinary -- then yo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,734 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... appeal. That's why they have great organizations: Christians -- almost half the world has become Christian -- Mohammedans, Hindus, Jains, Sikhs -- they are all utilitarians. Lao Tzu stands alone, aloof. Lao Tzu stands in a solo existence. But Lao Tzu is rare and unique. If you can understand him you can also become rare and unique. And the way is to be ordinary -- then you become extraordinary; the way is to be ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,735 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...tions: Christians -- almost half the world has become Christian -- Mohammedans, Hindus, Jains, Sikhs -- they are all utilitarians. Lao Tzu stands alone, aloof. Lao Tzu stands in a solo existence. But Lao Tzu is rare and unique. If you can understand him you can also become rare and unique. And the way is to be ordinary -- then you become extraordinary; the way is to be just the last, and then suddenly you find yo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,736 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...IT AND IT SERVES YOU WITH EASE. ON THE CHARACTER OF TAO THE WORLD OF LAO TZU is totally different from the worlds of philosophy, religion, ethics. It is not even a way of life. Lao Tzu is not teaching something -- he is that something. He is not a preacher, he is a presence. He has no doctrine for you -- he has only himself to offer and share. Had he been a philosopher, things would ha...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,737 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...r. He talks, he argues, he discusses in the same way as any philosopher. He discusses against philosophy, argues against philosophy, but the argument is the same. And logic is a whore. There is a story; one of Lao Tzu's greatest disciples, Lieh Tzu, reports it... Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and Lieh Tzu -- they are the three pillars of the world of Tao. Lao Tzu goes on talking in epigrams, maxims; he does not even elaborate. But L...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,738 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...s any philosopher. He discusses against philosophy, argues against philosophy, but the argument is the same. And logic is a whore. There is a story; one of Lao Tzu's greatest disciples, Lieh Tzu, reports it... Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and Lieh Tzu -- they are the three pillars of the world of Tao. Lao Tzu goes on talking in epigrams, maxims; he does not even elaborate. But Lieh Tzu and Chuang Tzu, being disciples of Lao Tzu, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,739 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...he argument is the same. And logic is a whore. There is a story; one of Lao Tzu's greatest disciples, Lieh Tzu, reports it... Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and Lieh Tzu -- they are the three pillars of the world of Tao. Lao Tzu goes on talking in epigrams, maxims; he does not even elaborate. But Lieh Tzu and Chuang Tzu, being disciples of Lao Tzu, cannot argue. They go on telling parables, stories, analogies. This word has to be con...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,740 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...orts it... Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and Lieh Tzu -- they are the three pillars of the world of Tao. Lao Tzu goes on talking in epigrams, maxims; he does not even elaborate. But Lieh Tzu and Chuang Tzu, being disciples of Lao Tzu, cannot argue. They go on telling parables, stories, analogies. This word has to be continuously remembered: Tao cannot be explained, only analogies can be given -- indications. Tao cannot be disc...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,741 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...e else -- they will have to yield." Logic is a whore, a prostitute. It can be for, it can be against. It belongs to nobody. So logic can be for philosophy and logic can be against philosophy. Lao Tzu is not an anti-philosopher because he is not a logician at all. Buddha is anti-philosophic: he argues against it. Nagarjuna is anti-philosophic: he argues against it. Not Lao Tzu. He does not argue at all, he...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,742 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ogic can be against philosophy. Lao Tzu is not an anti-philosopher because he is not a logician at all. Buddha is anti-philosophic: he argues against it. Nagarjuna is anti-philosophic: he argues against it. Not Lao Tzu. He does not argue at all, he simply states. He is not after you to convince you -- no, not Lao Tzu. Everybody else seems to be in some way trying to convince you but not Lao Tzu. He simply states and does no...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,743 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... at all. Buddha is anti-philosophic: he argues against it. Nagarjuna is anti-philosophic: he argues against it. Not Lao Tzu. He does not argue at all, he simply states. He is not after you to convince you -- no, not Lao Tzu. Everybody else seems to be in some way trying to convince you but not Lao Tzu. He simply states and does not bother whether you are convinced or not. But his seduction is great. He seduces. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,744 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...ilosophic: he argues against it. Not Lao Tzu. He does not argue at all, he simply states. He is not after you to convince you -- no, not Lao Tzu. Everybody else seems to be in some way trying to convince you but not Lao Tzu. He simply states and does not bother whether you are convinced or not. But his seduction is great. He seduces. He persuades. Not trying to convince, he convinces you deep down in the heart a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,745 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...you, she chases you. She haunts you in your dreams -- never knocks on your door, but haunts you in your dreams; never shows any interest but becomes the deepest fantasy in your being. That is the feminine trick. And Lao Tzu is a great believer in the feminine mind. We will come across it. So remember... Lao Tzu's world is not of logic but analogy. Logic is apparent, direct -- either you have to be convinced or y...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,746 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...eams; never shows any interest but becomes the deepest fantasy in your being. That is the feminine trick. And Lao Tzu is a great believer in the feminine mind. We will come across it. So remember... Lao Tzu's world is not of logic but analogy. Logic is apparent, direct -- either you have to be convinced or you have to convince the opponent; either you have to follow it, become a follower, or you become the enemy...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,747 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...gic your mind has to be active. It is easy, nothing is difficult about it. Everybody argues. More or less, everybody is a logician; good or bad, everybody is a philosopher. If you want to understand Lao Tzu that old way won't help. You will have to put your logic aside because he is not chasing you as a logician, he is not arguing against you -- if you argue against him, it will be ridiculous because he has not ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,748 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...feet are found, you can find the whole God. That's why Jesus says, "Love is God." Not that love is God, but in your experience nothing else exists through which an analogy can be made. So don't take Lao Tzu verbally and literally; these are all analogies. If he says "The spirit of the valley," this is an analogy. He is saying something -- not exactly about the valley, because the valley you know -- through the v...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,749 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...and the whole sexual energy is transformed into ecstasy -- if you have known that love then "love is God" will have a different meaning for you. So analogy depends on you. And a book of analogy like Lao Tzu's has to be read again and again -- it is a life work. You cannot simply read it in a paperback and throw it away. It is a treasure to be carried; it is a lifelong work; it is a lifelong discipline to enter t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,750 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... is a treasure to be carried; it is a lifelong work; it is a lifelong discipline to enter the analogy. Logic is superficial. You can understand Aristotle, there is nothing much. But when you come to Lao Tzu... for the first time you may even miss that there is something, but by and by Lao Tzu will haunt you. His attraction is feminine. By and by he will catch hold of your being -- you have only to 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,751 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...pline to enter the analogy. Logic is superficial. You can understand Aristotle, there is nothing much. But when you come to Lao Tzu... for the first time you may even miss that there is something, but by and by Lao Tzu will haunt you. His attraction is feminine. By and by he will catch hold of your being -- you have only to 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,752 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... allow him. In logic you have to fight; in analogy you have to be sympathetic, you have to allow it, only then can the analogy flower. So only in deep sympathy and reverence, in deep faith and trust, can Lao Tzu be understood. There is no other way. If you come to Lao Tzu through your mind you will never come to him. You will go round and round and round -- you will never touch his being. Come to him through the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,753 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... sympathetic, you have to allow it, only then can the analogy flower. So only in deep sympathy and reverence, in deep faith and trust, can Lao Tzu be understood. There is no other way. If you come to Lao Tzu through your mind you will never come to him. You will go round and round and round -- you will never touch his being. Come to him through the heart. Analogy is for the heart; logic is for the mind. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,754 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [... through your mind you will never come to him. You will go round and round and round -- you will never touch his being. Come to him through the heart. Analogy is for the heart; logic is for the mind. Lao Tzu is more a poet. Remember that. You don't argue with a poet -- you listen to the poetry, you absorb the poetry, you chew it, you let it move inside your being, you let it become a part of your blood and bones,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,755 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...rance becomes part of you. You may not remember what that poet was singing but the song has been retained: the flavor of it, the fragrance, the significance has entered you. You have become pregnant. Lao Tzu can be understood only if you become pregnant with him. Allow him. Open the doors. He will not even knock, because he is not aggressive. He will not try to argue because he does not believe in argument. He is...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,756 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Lao' pattern: [...villager -- but alive, radiant, vital. If you allow him, suddenly you will be transformed -- just an understanding, a heart-understanding, and you will be transformed by him. The second thing to remember is that Lao Tzu is not a religious man in the ordinary sense. He is not a theologian. H