LZ_predator, revision 3, written by Kaze, in fact a modified LZPRE originally written by Matt Mahoney. HTSIZE: 268435456slots x 4bytes Allocating 768MB ... OK Decompressed stream being delivered at 70 MB/s Compressed stream being decompressed at 18 MB/s Number Of Lines: 2459508 Longest Line: 162 Original/Compressed ratio: 3.81:1 Performance of memcpy() for block 206908949 bytes in length: 3857 MB/s Writing the decompressed stream at once ... Input Pattern (it is case-sensitive; hit only 'Enter' to skip): Tao Context #0,000,000,001 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...uring these seven years He gives a 90 minutes discourse nearly every morning, alternating every month between Hindi and English. His discourses offer insights into all the major spiritual paths, including Yoga, Zen, Taoism, Tantra and Sufism. He also speaks on Gautam Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tzu, and other mystics. These discourses have been collected into over 300 volumes and 10/28/07 Copyright Osh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,002 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e only miracle that is possible is to enter this Garden of Eden again, to become childlike, to allow nature its flow. Don't block it, don't stand in the way, don't push it; just flow with it. You are nature, you are Tao; you are part of the continuous mystery that is happening. Bankei was right, it is difficult for us because we have become so much addicted to the mind and its manipulation. And even if I say to you, be natural, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,003 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...to say something. Disciples, lovers, said he should write because he had known something which was rarely known, he had become something which was unique -- there would be no Lao Tzu again. So he wrote a small book, Tao Te Ching, but the first thing he said in it was, "Tao cannot be said, Truth cannot be uttered. And the moment you utter it, it is already false." And then he said, "Now I can write at ease. I have declared the ba...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,004 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...he had known something which was rarely known, he had become something which was unique -- there would be no Lao Tzu again. So he wrote a small book, Tao Te Ching, but the first thing he said in it was, "Tao cannot be said, Truth cannot be uttered. And the moment you utter it, it is already false." And then he said, "Now I can write at ease. I have declared the basic fact: uttered, truth becomes 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,005 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...rances of tremendous value, but no philosophy is woven around them, no system is created. Those are atomic utterances. And the substratum of them all is that nothing can be said. Just like Lao Tzu's TAO TE KING: The Tao that can be uttered is no longer Tao. The truth that is said is no longer truth. Truth said becomes untrue -- said and it becomes false. Now what to do? How to understand? The Emperor must have b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,006 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ilosophy is woven around them, no system is created. Those are atomic utterances. And the substratum of them all is that nothing can be said. Just like Lao Tzu's TAO TE KING: The Tao that can be uttered is no longer Tao. The truth that is said is no longer truth. Truth said becomes untrue -- said and it becomes false. Now what to do? How to understand? The Emperor must have been reading the Diamond Sutra. And th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,007 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s a gap. One cloud has passed, another is coming and there is a gap. In those gaps, for the first time you will have glimpses of no-mind, you will have the taste of no-mind. Call it taste of Zen, or Tao, or Yoga. In those small intervals, suddenly the sky is clear and the sun is shining. Suddenly the world is full of mystery because all barriers are dropped. The screen on your eyes is no more there. You see clea...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,008 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...essiveness. And this is what Gurdjieff calls getting unidentified. This is what Bauls call realizing 'Ardhar Manush' -- the essential man. This is what Zen people call the original face. THERE IS a very famous Taoist story -- I love it tremendously. The story is about an old Taoist farmer whose horse ran away: That evening the neighbors gathered to commiserate with him since this was such bad luck. He sai...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,009 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... This is what Bauls call realizing 'Ardhar Manush' -- the essential man. This is what Zen people call the original face. THERE IS a very famous Taoist story -- I love it tremendously. The story is about an old Taoist farmer whose horse ran away: That evening the neighbors gathered to commiserate with him since this was such bad luck. He said, "Maybe." The next day the horse returned, but b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,010 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ith the lowest, and never avoid flying with the highest. Use all the centers! Then your wings will be in the sky and your roots will be in the earth. And a perfect man is a meeting of heaven and earth -- that's what Taoists 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- say: a meeting of heaven and earth. Th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,011 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...not a problem. You can just check in, and always continue to check. There is a possibility the mind can deceive you: it can rationalize laziness as non-doing. It can say "I have become a Zen master" or "I believe in Tao" -- but you arc not deceiving anybody else. You will be deceiving only yourself. So be alert. When you are lazy you will know it certainly. It is like a headache: how do you know when you 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,012 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...inction between what belongs to Buddha and what to Lao Tzu is impossible, the merger has been so total. It is not only a synthesis, it is an integration. Out of this meeting Zen was born. Zen is neither Buddhist nor Taoist and yet both. To call Zen "Zen Buddhism" is not right because it is far more. Buddha is not so earthly as Zen is. Lao Tzu is tremendously earthly, but Zen is not only earthly: its vision transforms the ea...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,013 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... silent out of the awareness that whatsoever you say goes wrong; the moment you say it, it goes wrong. Those who have spoken, they have spoken with the condition: "Don't cling to our words." Lao Tzu says: "Tao, once described, is no more the real Tao." The moment you say something about it you have already falsified it, you have betrayed it. It is such an intimate knowing, incommunicable. "Who am I?" functi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,014 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...hatsoever you say goes wrong; the moment you say it, it goes wrong. Those who have spoken, they have spoken with the condition: "Don't cling to our words." Lao Tzu says: "Tao, once described, is no more the real Tao." The moment you say something about it you have already falsified it, you have betrayed it. It is such an intimate knowing, incommunicable. "Who am I?" functions like a sword to cut all the answers t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,015 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... And Chao Chou did not get up. That would have been normal, expected. When the king comes to see you, you have to get up and receive him; it is just a formality. I have heard that Chuang Tzu, a Taoist Master, used to be in the service of the King of China. Then he left the service. After a few years the king came to hear that Chuang Tzu had become enlightened, so he went to see him. Chuang T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,016 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ring, falling away. AND I FEEL MYSELF A STUPID CHILD. That is the way, the way to the kingdom of God. Lao Tzu says, 'Be like an idiot in this world so that you can understand the illogical ways of Tao.' Jesus says, 'Be like a child -- because only those who are like children will be able to enter into the kingdom of God.' Don't be worried about those things; the non-essential is dropping away. Feel happy and g...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,017 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...- to no avail. Where do you miss? You miss in the first step. The nature of the mind is repetition, and the nature of life is no repetition. Life is always new, ALWAYS. Newness is the nature of life, Tao; nothing is old, cannot be. Life never repeats, it simply becomes new every day, new every moment -- and mind is old; hence mind and life never meet. Mind simply repeats, life never repeats -- how can mind and li...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,018 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...reality, the highest peak; nothing is beyond it. The truth, God, the absolute, Brahma -- whatsoever name you give to it, Buddha is THAT. So when a monk asks, 'What is Buddha?' he is asking what is truth? what is Tao? what is Brahma? what is that one among the many? what is the basic reality? what is the very central core of existence? -- he is asking all that. TOZAN SAID: 'THIS FLAX WEIGHS FIVE POUNDS.' ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,019 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...Tozan is talking to you. This moment you have not asked, 'What is Buddha?' but the question is there whether you ask it or not. The question goes around and around in the mind: What is truth? what is Buddha? what is Tao? Whether you ask it or not it is the question. YOU are the question. In this moment you can awake. You can look, you can shake the mind a little, create a discontinuity, and suddenly you understa...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,020 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ring; then there is no coming back, then you never touch reality. This is the state of the madman, and the normal man is different only in degree. And what is the state of a buddha, an enlightened man, a man of Tao, of understanding, awareness? He is deeply rooted in reality, he never wanders from it -- just the opposite of a madman. You are in the middle. From that middle either you can move towards being a madman or ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,021 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s. Not only seeing, you start living it. Hasidism is a totally different approach to Tantra. And Hasidism is far superior to any Tantra, because it is the natural Tantra, it is the natural way. It is the way of Tao. But the mind is very cunning. The mind wants to manipulate. The mind wants to manipulate even the relationship of love; the mind wants to manipulate even the mysterious phenomenon of prayer. The...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,022 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...d your difficulty, because when I say passionately that Hasidism is the way, you become disturbed because one day I was saying Tantra is the way, another day I was saying Zen is the way, and another day I was saying Tao is the way. So now what is the way? When I am talking about one way, I am that way. Don't cling to my words, listen to the wordless message. And if it hits your heart, if it sings in your heart, then you have...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,023 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Man is included in woman, but woman is not included in man. Man seems to be a sort of specialization. Woman seems to be more general, more fluid, more round. Tantra is the way of the feminine, just like Tao. But the Bauls have improved upon Tantra also. Tantra is too technical. The very word 'Tantra' means technique. It is a little harsh, more scientific. Bauls are more poetic; Bauls are more soft -- ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,024 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... meeting and mingling, there is life, alive, at its best; God surrounds you. Churches are empty; love-chambers are full of God. If you have tasted love the way Tantra says to taste it, if you have known love the way Tao says to know it, then by the time you reach forty-two, love starts disappearing on its own accord. And you say goodbye to it with deep gratitude, because you are fulfilled. It has been delightful, it has been a b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,025 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...oes not mean that God does not exist. In fact, it means that God exists here, now, and the responsibility is yours to discover Him. And there is no alibi, there is no excuse to postpone. In Chinese, Taoists have reached to the same viewpoint: they dropped the very word 'God'. They started using the word, 'CHI'LAN'. CHI'LAN means nature; that is God. CHI'LAN means that which happens of itself, that which is alrea...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,026 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...I'LAN'. CHI'LAN means nature; that is God. CHI'LAN means that which happens of itself, that which is already happening, that which has always been happening and will go on happening. That is the meaning of the word 'Tao' also. In the Vedas, Hindus have a beautiful word: they call it RITAMBH. That is exactly what Tao or CHI'LAN is. RITAMBH means nature, not God -- because whenever you say 'God', somehow it is always somewhere els...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,027 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...is already happening, that which has always been happening and will go on happening. That is the meaning of the word 'Tao' also. In the Vedas, Hindus have a beautiful word: they call it RITAMBH. That is exactly what Tao or CHI'LAN is. RITAMBH means nature, not God -- because whenever you say 'God', somehow it is always somewhere else, not here; at least not in you, not in your neighbor. The earth seems to be not worthy enough fo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,028 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ebody else. The Bauls dance SWANTAHSUKHAI, for their own pleasure. Singing is another of their methods, They have chosen very aesthetic methods, not hard, but very soft methods, feminine methods, Taoist methods. They sing and they are lost completely in their singing. Singing is chanting for them; singing is prayer for them. And they sing about their Beloved, and they sing about their Lord, about their God. I...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,029 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e -- religion does not have anything to do with it. But Christianity, Mohammedanism, are very primitive religions. They don't have the cultured, sophisticated attitude of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Taoism. They don't know how to argue, they only know how to fight. Their only argument is the sword; at the point of the sword is to be decided who is right. It is the church -- you will be surprised ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,030 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...and dollars to anybody who can make my elephant move his head from side to side." Again people started coming for a hundred-dollar entry fee. Again Reagy was very happy: people were coming -- yogis, Taoists, Zen masters, all sorts of magicians. But nobody could manage it, he would only move his head up and down and they would lose their hundred dollars. Then suddenly one day that blue convertible car came b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,031 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...r disappears. And without the dancer, how can the dance remain? When your poetry is perfect, there is no poet. The poetry has immense significance but no meaning. In ancient China a Taoist proverb says: "When the archer is perfect, he throws away his bow and 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpubl...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,032 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... there is no logical objection to a butterfly falling asleep under the morning sun on a beautiful flower, and dreaming of herself being Chuang Tzu. None of his disciples could help him. For centuries Taoists have been using that as a koan, because it is insoluble -- but to Buddha it is not so. Chuang Tzu and Gautam Buddha were contemporaries, but far away; one was in China, one in India. They were...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,033 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...THERE ARE OTHER RELIGIONS LIKE JAINISM, BUDDHISM, TAOISM, MOHAMMEDANISM, CHRISTIANITY, ET CETERA, WHICH HAVE NO PLACE FOR WOMEN. PLEASE COMMENT. Compared to Hinduism, all these religions -- Taoism, Jainism, Buddhism, Christianity, Mohammedanism, Judaism -- are very new. Hinduism is very old; hence it has some unique characteristics. Because it is the oldest religion in the world, a few things are in it ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,034 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- For example, Christianity, Hinduism, Mohammedanism -- these three religions repeat to their children, "There is a God." Jainism, Buddhism, Taoism, three other religions, say "There is no God." The first group of three religions have a certain mind. Their whole life is filled with the idea of God, hell, heaven, prayer. The second group of three religions...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,035 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... corpse. Making the corpse you have killed twenty beautiful women, and the end result is just utter stupidity. That's what theosophy did. Something is beautiful in Hinduism, something is beautiful in Taoism, something is beautiful in Mohammedanism, something is beautiful in Judaism, and so on and so forth. Collect all that, put it together, put it in a mixer and mix it, and what you will have will be just a corps...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,036 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... won't allow you to leave the country unless you write something." He must have been a very perceptive man, the guard. The world is in his debt for one of the greatest things that has ever been written -- the Tao Te Ching. There is no other book comparable to it. Finding no way to avoid it, because the guard wouldn't allow him to go and he wanted to leave the country as fast, as quickly, as possible -- death was comi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,037 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... the country as fast, as quickly, as possible -- death was coming closer and he wanted to die in the silence of the Himalayas -- compelled to write, he sat in the guard's room for three days and completed the book, Tao Te Ching. But the first thing that he wrote was, "Tao cannot be said. Once said, it is no more Tao." You can understand what he means. He is saying that if you read the first statement, there is no ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,038 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...er and he wanted to die in the silence of the Himalayas -- compelled to write, he sat in the guard's room for three days and completed the book, Tao Te Ching. But the first thing that he wrote was, "Tao cannot be said. Once said, it is no more Tao." You can understand what he means. He is saying that if you read the first statement, there is no need to go any further. "Truth cannot be said. Once said, it is...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,039 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...lence of the Himalayas -- compelled to write, he sat in the guard's room for three days and completed the book, Tao Te Ching. But the first thing that he wrote was, "Tao cannot be said. Once said, it is no more Tao." You can understand what he means. He is saying that if you read the first statement, there is no need to go any further. "Truth cannot be said. Once said, it is no more true" -- this is his declaration. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,040 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...And Krishnamurti is not a partial flute player. He is a total flute player; he is totally in his act, utterly in his act. He says he is fortunate that he has not read the Vedas, The Bible, the Koran, the Upanishads, Tao Te Ching. Why? -- because they might have disturbed him, might have left a few traces behind, might have become part of his being. He wants to be simply himself, in utter purity. My approach is t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,041 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... other, "Where are you going?" The other said, "Wherever the wind takes me." He must have been listening to great Zen things in the temple; he said, "Wherever the wind takes me." A great statement, pure Tao. But the first boy was very much embarrassed, offended, and he could not find how to answer him. Frustrated, angry, and also feeling guilty because, "My master said not to talk with these people. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,042 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... THROUGH THE EGO OR ARE THERE MOMENTS WHEN WE ARE FREE OF IT? Prem parijat, man has no center separate from the center of the whole. There is only one center in existence; the ancients used to call it Tao, dhamma, God. Those words have become old now; you can call it truth. There is only one center of existence. There are not many centers, otherwise the universe would not be really a universe, it would become a mu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,043 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...the buddha and is searched for by the commune, which has become actual in the buddha and is an inquiry in the commune. These three are the most important things for a seeker: the master, the commune, and the dhamma, Tao, logos, the ultimate law. Unless you are in contact with one who has already realized, it is almost impossible for you to grow. The hindrances are millions, the pitfalls many, the false doors many, the tempt...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,044 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- gracious gift from God or the whole or whatsoever you want to call it -- Tao, dhamma, logos. This moment is available to you: sing a song, live it in its totality. And don't try to sacrifice it for any other moment that is going to come in the future. Live it for its own sake. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,045 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... fill this requirement: that the body, mind, consciousness, all three should function in unity. Then suddenly one day the fourth has arrived: the witnessing. Or if you want to, call it God; call it God or nirvana or Tao or whatsoever you will. The third question: BELOVED OSHO, IN A DEEP EMBRACE WITH YOU, IN ORGASMIC PLAY WITH EXISTENCE, LITTLE MORE OF YOU, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,046 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...can prevent it. You rape a woman and you will suffer a deep wound of guilt. You may go mad, but you will have to suffer. Only suffering will cleanse you, not forgiveness. These religions are far more scientific: Taoism, Buddhism, Jainism. These three religions don't have any God, they don't have any hell, any heaven. They are purely scientific: live according to your awareness and there will be nothing like sin committed by ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,047 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... he knew nothing about the inner, but he was a predominant figure. Kings and princes, emperors, asked his advice. He was a great intellectual. Because of his dominance, China was not so innocent. The small stream of Tao immediately welcomed Bodhidharma as if Lao Tzu had come back, their old master. They saw in Bodhidharma's eyes the same shine, the same depth, the same mystery, the same dance. Tao, and whatever ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,048 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e small stream of Tao immediately welcomed Bodhidharma as if Lao Tzu had come back, their old master. They saw in Bodhidharma's eyes the same shine, the same depth, the same mystery, the same dance. Tao, and whatever Bodhidharma had brought -- in Pali it is called jhan, in Sanskrit it is called dhyan -- jhan and Tao met, and out of their meeting Zen was produced. Zen is a crossbreed, and the crossbreed is always...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,049 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...odhidharma's eyes the same shine, the same depth, the same mystery, the same dance. Tao, and whatever Bodhidharma had brought -- in Pali it is called jhan, in Sanskrit it is called dhyan -- jhan and Tao met, and out of their meeting Zen was produced. Zen is a crossbreed, and the crossbreed is always better than the parents -- both the parents. In China jhan became chan, and in Japanese it became Zen. And wh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,050 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... find Buddhism in the teachings of Gautam Buddha; he was the founder. You can find in the teachings of Mahavira that he was the founder of Jainism. You can find in the teachings of Lao Tzu that he was the founder of Taoism. But it is a very strange thing about Christianity: the founder had no idea at all, was not interested in creating a new religion. The man who founded it -- you will not believe it -- was the Emperor Const...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,051 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...D OR EGO; IS SOCIETY, EVEN THAT OF ENLIGHTENED INDIVIDUALS OR WOULD-BE ENLIGHTENED INDIVIDUALS, BY ITS VERY NATURE, OPPOSED TO ENLIGHTENMENT? First, the old saying is perfectly beautiful: A Taoist out of office, and a Confucian in the office. When you live with people, you have to follow certain rules. Those rules have no ultimacy about them; they are rules of a game. For example: if you walk on the roa...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,052 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... the world. And it is good to move in these two polarities. Don't think that they divide you. They don't divide you. In fact, they give you more freedom, more flow, more possibilities, because if you remain Taoist, then you will have to move to the Himalayas some day or other. You cannot live in the society because wherever you go, there will be trouble. Either you will have to go to the Himalayas, or people will crucif...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,053 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... home so that you cannot even relax in your bathroom, that too is obsession. The proverb is perfectly beautiful. I approve of it totally. Be a Confucian in the world, and in your innermost world be a Taoist, a follower of Lao Tzu. And there is no division! There is nothing wrong with it. You simply have a fluidity: when the other comes you follow the rules, because with the other, rules come; when you are alone t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,054 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...of death comes life. Allow death. I understand your difficulty. In spite of your fear you will have to let go. There was one very famous Zen Master, Tosan. A disciple asked him,'Master, what is Tao?' The Master said,'A dragon singing in the dry wood.' The disciple said,'I wonder whether there is anybody who can hear this.' The Master said,'There is no one in the entire world who does n...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,055 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ter chaos. All great religious people are rebels; they have to be. They have to destroy your illusion of order so that you can come to seek and search for the real order. It is what Lao Tzu calls the Tao.'Tao' means the real order which is not man-made, which is just part of reality, intrinsic to it. It is not the laws that man has managed to make, but the Law out of which man is born. Remember, there are ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,056 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... chaos. All great religious people are rebels; they have to be. They have to destroy your illusion of order so that you can come to seek and search for the real order. It is what Lao Tzu calls the Tao.'Tao' means the real order which is not man-made, which is just part of reality, intrinsic to it. It is not the laws that man has managed to make, but the Law out of which man is born. Remember, there are ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,057 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...man-made, which is just part of reality, intrinsic to it. It is not the laws that man has managed to make, but the Law out of which man is born. Remember, there are many man-made laws, but there is only one Law, the Tao; what Buddha calls the DHAMMA. Jesus brings disorder to make you alert. He is like an alarm he wants to awake you but you feel offended. He disturbs your sleep, and maybe you were having a beautiful dream. He...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,058 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... they defended the man-made order against the God-made order. They defended the law of Moses against the law of God Himself. That's what is meant when Jesus says,'Moses brings law to you, I bring love.' Love is the Tao. Have you watched? -- love is the most undisciplined and yet the most disciplined thing in the world; the most anarchic and yet the most disciplined thing in the world. When you love a person you ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,059 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... people have dared to go into the jungles on their own, alone, and they are the most beautiful people the world has ever known. My love is for Hassids, for Sufis, for Zen people, for Tantrikas, for Yogis, for Taoists. These are NONformal people; they don't really belong to any tradition as such, to any church as such, to any race as such, but they are the real people of God. The last question: ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,060 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...greement. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were aware only of two religions, Judaism and Christianity, which are both just so-so religions. Marx and Engels were not aware of Zen, they were not aware of Tao, they were not aware of meditation. It is not their fault; their whole concern was how to make society economically equal. So they said that man is only matter, and consciousness is a by-product of matter. When t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,061 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... More people have been killed by the Christian church than by anybody else. Karl Marx was reacting to these two religions, which are not religions at all but fictions, superstitions, cults. He was not aware of Taoism, he was not aware of Lao Tzu, he was not aware of Gautam Buddha and Mahavira. He was not aware that there are religions in the world which don't believe in God, which don't believe in prayer, which don't belie...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,062 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... then allow the people whose religion is based on meditation, not on prayer. That should be the clear-cut distinction, a criterion that can be followed without any fear. Allow Lao Tzu, allow people of Tao, allow people of Zen, allow people who belong to Sufism, allow people who belong to Hassidism. These are all people who in some way or other are meditative. But Zen comes to the very highest peak...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,063 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...the religion of the heart. The religion of the mind believes that if you become thoughtless, if the mind is dropped, you attain to truth. The mind is the barrier; the no-mind will be the gate. Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism -- these are the religions of the mind. They are religions of deep analysis, religions of deep awareness, religions of enlightenment. Then there are religions of the heart: Judaism, Christianit...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,064 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...move from another direction. But then there is no question of love, of presence, of God, of prayer -- nothing of the sort. When the Western world for the first time became aware of Buddhism, Jainism, Tao, they could not believe it. What type of religions are these? There is no God in them. They could not believe that religion could exist without the concept of God; God has always been the centre of religion. So t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,065 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...en continues; inside, you remain sitting, only outside you move. If you are eating, eat, but inside you remain sitting. By and by that inner posture is attained -- when one can do things and yet be without activity. Taoists call it WU WEI, action without action. Once you know how to sit inside, then you can do things, then it will not be a disturbance. But first one has to come to roots, to a deep grounding, to a centering. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,066 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nd he trusts you; and you deceive him again, and he trusts you. Then you will say that he is a fool, he does not learn. His trust is tremendous; his trust is so pure that nobody can corrupt it. Be a fool in the Taoist sense, in the Zen sense. Don't try to create a wall of knowledge around you. Whatsoever experience comes to you, let it happen, and then go on dropping it. Go on cleaning your mind continuously; go on dying to...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,067 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s fight you could not enjoy, you could not delight in life. To delight in life one needs to be a fool, trusting. Read Dosteovsky's 'the Idiot'. The main character in 'The Idiot' is a Zen character, a Tao character, a prince who is foolish, totally foolish. But his doors are open, he is not in any way fighting the world. He is relaxed. All tensions gather in you because of doubt, all tensions make their ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,068 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...n others can be violent to you. They are just waiting for the right moment. The richer you get, the more worries, more problems, more fears you have. Who bothers, if one is happy? It is said that a Taoist mystic was sought by the emperor of China because he had heard that the mystic was very wise and he wanted him to become his prime minister. Ambassadors, with a golden chariot following them and with many pres...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,069 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ve existed in the world: the religions of mathematics, represented by Jainism; the religions of music, represented by Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism; and the religions of meditation, represented by Buddhism, Taoism. My effort here is to give you a total religion, which contains all the three M's in it. It is a very ambitious adventure. It has never been tried before; hence I am going to be opposed as nobody has ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,070 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... I have a few secrets to impart to you, and I would not like to die before I have imparted them to you -- because I don't know anybody else now alive in the world who can do that work. I have secrets from Taoism, secrets from tantra, secrets from yoga, secrets from Sufis, secrets from Zen people. I have lived in almost all the traditions of the world; I have been a wanderer in many lives. I have gathered much honey fr...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,071 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ious, utterly serious. You cannot conceive of him ever laughing. But when Buddhism reached China it met a very profound philosophy -- the polar opposite. The dialectics happened there. Buddhism became the thesis and Taoism became the antithesis: the meeting of Buddha and Lao Tzu. The Chinese statue of Buddha is a cross, it is half Gautam Buddha and half Lao Tzu -- they are mingled into each other. That belly belongs to Lao Tzu, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,072 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...to Buddha. It has been the greatest meeting that has ever happened in the world. Out of it is born the most profound, the most significant phenomenon in all history: Zen. Zen is neither Buddhist nor Taoist, or it is both together. It is a strange meeting. In fact, Lao Tzu and Buddha, if they had met physically, would not have agreed on ANY point. Lao Tzu was a man of laughter. He used to move from one village to...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,073 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... sayable. If you really want to know, I can order another flask. Drink it to the full and dance -- that is the only way!" That is the only way to know anything. The meeting of Buddhism and Taoism is the strangest phenomenon in the world. But it was bound to happen; there is a certain inevitability in it because such polar opposites attract each other, just as negative and positive poles of magnetism or...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,074 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...in it because such polar opposites attract each other, just as negative and positive poles of magnetism or negative and positive electricity attract each other. Buddhism traveled from India to China. Taoism never traveled to India, because Taoism was so utterly drunk with ecstasy, with joy -- who cares? Buddhism traveled, had to travel. The seriousness became very very heavy. Once Buddha was gone, once the light ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,075 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ct each other, just as negative and positive poles of magnetism or negative and positive electricity attract each other. Buddhism traveled from India to China. Taoism never traveled to India, because Taoism was so utterly drunk with ecstasy, with joy -- who cares? Buddhism traveled, had to travel. The seriousness became very very heavy. Once Buddha was gone, once the light was gone, then it was just like a ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,076 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...elps you to dissolve into the whole. He is not talking about religions, he is not talking about so-called techniques, devices, methods. When he uses the word 'way', he means exactly what Lao Tzu means by 'tao'. Tao exactly means "the way" -- the way to what? The way beyond yourself, the way that leads you out of your confined, imprisoned state, into the open. HOW LONG THE WANDERING OF MANY LIVES.... And it ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,077 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... But when you send a journalist here, you never inquire, you never require that he should be a meditator, that he should know something about meditation, something about yoga, something about Sufism, Zen, Tao, Tantra. No, these are not the requirements. Any Tom, Harry, Dick is thought to be perfectly capable of reporting about meditation, about Tantra, about Tao, about Zen, about Sufism. And people depend on his ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,078 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...g about yoga, something about Sufism, Zen, Tao, Tantra. No, these are not the requirements. Any Tom, Harry, Dick is thought to be perfectly capable of reporting about meditation, about Tantra, about Tao, about Zen, about Sufism. And people depend on his reports, and he has never meditated in his life. He has never had a single moment of meditation. He knows nothing of a state of no-thought. He knows nothing of t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,079 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...is like an infection: you cannot teach it, but if you live with people who have already caught it, it is contagious. Then you will become slowly slowly attuned to it. It is said in one of the ancient Taoist scriptures that if even a pebble is thrown into a heap of diamonds, sooner or later the pebble will become a diamond. It is true: not about the pebbles -- it is true about man. If you are part ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,080 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... completely sunk in, the belly is too big. And not only is the belly big, even in the marble statues you can see the belly laughing, there are ripples of laughter on the belly. It has been conceived according to the Taoist idea; because China could understand only if Buddha was presented in the form of Lao Tzu. They knew Lao Tzu, they were acquainted with this enlightened man, and he was always laughing. To him there is nothing ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,081 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ght, a new light, you will have to change your whole world. The friend wrote to Count Keyserling, "Don't be worried, that's exactly the message: that even a small box can change your whole world. It is an ancient Taoist symbol; a message is contained in it. You have understood the message." Allow a single insight of a buddha in you and you will never be the same. That's my function here as a master: to give ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,082 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e telegraphic! The eighth question: BELOVED MASTER, AHA! I THOUGHT THERE WAS SOMETHING FAMILIAR ABOUT HIM -- MURPHY IS A JEW! USED TO BE CALLED MOSHE KAPOYER? Tao, this is a remarkable discovery! I wonder how you managed to find it out. It is true. Moshe Kapoyer was the only Jew in a small town and since business was bad he decided to change his name. There were other reas...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,083 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...rson has realized, whatsoever he says is going to have the taste of paradox. That's why all great religious assertions are paradoxical. They may be in the Vedas, in the Upanishads, in the Koran, in the Bible, in the Tao te Ching. Wherever, whenever you will find truth, you will find it paradoxical -- because the truth has to be total; totality is paradoxical. A doctrine is never paradoxical, a doctrine is tremendously consi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,084 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...elebrating -- because ALL anxiety will disappear, all anguish will disappear. And then you will be ready to surrender totally. First a little taste is needed. That taste can come through a Master -- the taste of Tao, the taste of Dhamma, the taste of the Way. "THOSE WHO ARE FOLLOWING THE WAY SHOULD BEHAVE LIKE A PIECE OF TIMBER WHICH IS DRIFTING ALONG A STREAM. IF THE LOG IS NEITHER HELD BY THE BANKS......] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,085 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...when it functions perfectly. When the mind is simply in tune with the universe, you are happy. When the mind goes against the nature, against the natural law -- what Buddha calls DHAMMA -- when the mind goes against Tao, when the mind goes against the current, when the mind tries to swim upstream, then there are problems, there is misery. When the mind simply follows the stream like a driftwood, just goes with the st...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,086 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...th yourself that nothing can penetrate you. Your doors are closed. When you disappear, when you are not, the doors open. Then you become just like the vast, infinite sky. And that is your nature. That is Tao. Before I enter into Chuang Tzu's beautiful parable of The Empty Boat, I would like to tell you one other story, because that will set the trend for this meditation camp which you are entering. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,087 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...n, culture, all cultivate you and help you to become somebodies. That is why I say: religion is against civilization, religion is against education, religion is against culture -- because religion is for nature, for Tao. All civilizations are against nature, because they want to make you somebody in particular. And the more you are crystallized as somebody, the less and less the divine can penetrate into you. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,088 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...me to the middle, neither left nor right, just the mid-point, a great silence descends on you such as you have not known before. And this happens in every way. The whole of life is a tightrope walk. Tao therefore desired to remain in the middle -- neither be dominated nor be dominating, neither be a husband nor be a wife, neither be a master nor be a slave. THE WAY TO GET CLEAR OF CONFUSION A...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,089 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...u may not be doing anything, but just your being there is enough for people to get angry. The question is not whether you are doing good or bad. The question is that you are there. This is the difference between Tao and other religions. Other religions say: Be good, behave in such a way that no one gets angry with you. Tao says: Don't be. It is not a question of whether you behave or misbehave. This is not the question. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,090 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... whether you are doing good or bad. The question is that you are there. This is the difference between Tao and other religions. Other religions say: Be good, behave in such a way that no one gets angry with you. Tao says: Don't be. It is not a question of whether you behave or misbehave. This is not the question. Even a good man, even a very saintly man, creates anger, because he is there. Sometimes a good man creates ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,091 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...opyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- anything in particular -- just his very being creates something, and you will feel angry. Tao is totally different. Tao has a different quality, and to me Tao is the deepest religion that has existed on this earth. There is no comparison to it. There have been glimpses, there are glimpses in the sayings o...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,092 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...l Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- anything in particular -- just his very being creates something, and you will feel angry. Tao is totally different. Tao has a different quality, and to me Tao is the deepest religion that has existed on this earth. There is no comparison to it. There have been glimpses, there are glimpses in the sayings of Jesus, in Buddha, in Kri...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,093 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...'s books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- anything in particular -- just his very being creates something, and you will feel angry. Tao is totally different. Tao has a different quality, and to me Tao is the deepest religion that has existed on this earth. There is no comparison to it. There have been glimpses, there are glimpses in the sayings of Jesus, in Buddha, in Krishna -- but only glimpses. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,094 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...hen you are not there. But if you feel that you are content, it is false -- because you are there, and it is just an ego fulfillment. You feel that you have achieved, you feel that you have reached. Tao says that one who feels that he has achieved has missed already. One who feels that he has reached has lost, because success is the beginning of failure. Success and failure are two parts of one circle, of one wh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,095 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Enough for today. The Empty Boat Chapter #2 Chapter title: The Man of Tao 11 July 1974 am in Buddha Hall Archive code: 7407110 ShortTitle: BOAT02 Audio: Yes Video: No Length: 129 mins THE...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,096 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...lows. Even though it may appear sometimes that he is doing something wrong, he cannot. It is just the opposite with you. Sometimes it appears that you are doing something good. You cannot. The man of Tao cannot do harm, it is impossible. There is no way to do it, it is inconceivable -- because he is without divisions, fragments. He is not a crowd, he is not polypsychic. He is a universe now and nothing other than...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,097 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... -- because he is without divisions, fragments. He is not a crowd, he is not polypsychic. He is a universe now and nothing other than melody is happening inside. Only this music goes on spreading. The man of Tao is not one of much action -- he is not a man of action, the least possible action happens through him. He is really a man of inaction, he is not much occupied with activity. But you are occupied with activity...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,098 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...tolerate the company of yourself. You keep looking for somebody as an escape, some occupation in which you can forget yourself, in which you can get involved. You are so bored with yourself. A man of Tao, a man who has attained the inner nature, a man who is really religious, is not a man of much activity. Only the necessary will happen. The unnecessary is cut out completely, because he can be at ease without act...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,099 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e world of activity, business and occupation, saves you from the madhouse. If you are occupied, energy moves out; then you need not care about the inward, the inner world, you can forget it. A man of Tao is not a man of much activity -- only the essential activity. It is said of Chuang Tzu that if he could stand, he would not walk, if he could sit, he would not stand, if he could fall asleep, he would not sit. Th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,100 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...uld appear with drinks. So it continued and he was very happy for two or three days, and then he began to feel uneasy because a man has to do something, you cannot just sit in a chair. Only a man of Tao can just sit in a chair and go on sitting and sitting and sitting. You cannot. The priest became uneasy. For two or three days it is okay as a holiday, as a rest. He had been so active -- so much...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,101 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...have gone mad sooner or later. No communication or talk, no social service to be done, no pagans to be converted to Christianity, no foolish people to be made wise -- what could he do? Only a man of Tao could have changed that hell into a heaven. A man of Tao, wherever he is, is 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and un...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,102 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...on or talk, no social service to be done, no pagans to be converted to Christianity, no foolish people to be made wise -- what could he do? Only a man of Tao could have changed that hell into a heaven. A man of Tao, wherever he is, is 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- at peace, at ease. Only ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,103 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...al is needed for your madness to remain engaged. So moons are not enough, we will have to go further, we will have to go on creating the useless. It is needed. People need it to be occupied. A man of Tao is not a man of much activity. His actions are the most essential -- those which cannot be avoided. That which can be avoided, he avoids. He is so happy with himself there is no need to move in actions. His activ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,104 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...who cannot swim. So the third swimming pool is going to stay empty." You can see if a man has newly acquired wealth -- he will be showing it. A real aristocrat is one who has forgotten that he is rich. A man of Tao is the aristocrat of the inner world. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,105 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ot natural, it hurts, he is eager to show it. If you want to show your simplicity what type of simplicity is this? If you exhibit your gentleness, then it is simply cunning, nothing gentle exists in it. A man of Tao is an aristocrat of the inner world. He is so attuned to it, there is no exhibition -- not only to you, he himself is not aware of it. He does not know that he is wise, he does not know that he is innocent -- how...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,106 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ou can know it; if it is just like a dress you have put on you know it, but it is not the very breath of your life. That innocence is cultivated, and a cultivated innocence is an ugly thing. A man of Tao does not know himself to be kind and gentle. He IS gentle, but he doesn't know; he is kind, but he doesn't know; he is love, but he doesn't know -- because the lover and the knower are not two, the gentleness, th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,107 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...n others. It has to be. You want to show off. The showmanship is part of the ego, what you show is not the problem. You show, you exhibit. Then the ego is there, the boat is not empty -- and a man of Tao is an empty boat. He is gentle, not aware; he is innocent, not knowing; he is wise, that's why he can move as a fool, not worried. Whatsoever he does makes no difference, his wisdom is intact, he can afford to be...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,108 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...to leave behind? Your aloneness depends on them. How could you be poor if there was no money to be left? Your poverty depends on your riches. No, a perfect man, a man who is really a sage, the man of Tao, goes his way without relying on others. If you rely on others you will suffer, if you rely on others, you will always be in bondage, you will become dependent and weak. But that doesn't mean that you should prid...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,109 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... fallen victim of the ego. THE MAN OF TAO REMAINS UNKNOWN. PERFECT VIRTUE PRODUCES NOTHING. NO SELF IS TRUE SELF. AND THE GREATEST MAN IS NOBODY. Listen.... The man of Tao remains unknown. Not that nobody will know him, but it is up to you to discover him. He is not making any effort to be known. Effort to be known comes from the ego, because ego cannot exist when you are unknown, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,110 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ference hurts you most because the ego cannot exist in indifference. With either for me or against me the ego can exist, but don't be indifferent to me because then how can I exist, how can the ego exist? The man of Tao remains unknown. That means that he is not seeking people to know him. If they want to know, they should seek him. PERFECT VIRTUE PRODUCES NOTHING. This is one of the basics of Taoist life....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,111 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...? The man of Tao remains unknown. That means that he is not seeking people to know him. If they want to know, they should seek him. PERFECT VIRTUE PRODUCES NOTHING. This is one of the basics of Taoist life. Perfect virtue produces nothing, because when you are perfectly virtuous nothing is needed. When you are perfectly virtuous there is no desire, there is no motivation. You are perfect. How can ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,112 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ry:- much that the river keeps fighting with itself. Nothing is left to move, no energy is left; you are so tired fighting with yourself, how can you move towards the sea? One of the basic laws of Tao, of Lao Tzu, of Chuang Tzu, is that if you are spontaneous it is the highest prayer; you cannot miss God, whatsoever you do you will reach him. So Chuang Tzu never talks about God; talk is irrelevant, it isn't ne...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,113 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... are having two courses at the same time. Morning and evening are together now -- four plus three are together now. Now nothing is in fragments, everything has become a whole. And to follow this whole is Tao. To follow this whole is to be religious. To follow this whole is Yoga. Enough for today. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books o...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,114 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...se. What has happened is that you have become so drunk that you cannot recognize your own face. And unless you come back and get sober you will go on searching and seeking and you will go on missing. Tao, Zen, Yoga, Sufism, Hassidism, these are all methods for bringing you back, to make you sober again, to destroy your drunkenness. Why are you so drunk? What makes you so drunk? Why are your eyes so sleepy? Why ar...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,115 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ghing, they would have omitted it. It is so contradictory to their life, it doesn't fit in. A Jesus laughing doesn't fit in with you, he becomes a stranger. But in the East it has been different, and in Zen, in Tao, the laughter reached its peak. It became the polar opposite of philosophy. A philosopher is serious because he thinks life is a riddle and a solution can be found. He works on life with his mind...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,116 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...serious because he thinks life is a riddle and a solution can be found. He works on life with his mind, and he gets more and more serious. The more he misses life, the more he gets serious and dead. Taoists, Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu, say that if you can laugh, if you can feel belly laughter that comes from the very core of your being, that is not just painted on the surface, if you can feel laughter that comes fro...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,117 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...erious process of life which moves through the opposites, which is dialectical, where the opposite helps, gives balance, gives tone, makes the background, then only can you understand Chuang Tzu -- because the whole Taoist vision is based on the complementariness of the opposites. They use two words, yin and yang. They are opposites, male and female. Just think of a world which is totally male or a world which i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,118 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ething. First you were unable to get rid of the mind, then somehow you managed it; now you cannot get rid of the meditation. Again you move from one prison to another. A real, a perfect man, a man of Tao, has no addictions. He can move easily from one extreme to another because he remains in the middle. He uses both wings. Chuang Tzu should not be misunderstood, that is why I say this. He can be misunderstood...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,119 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... If you can do this, then meditation becomes a continuous flow, not an effort on your part -- because all effort is of the mind. If meditation becomes your natural life, your spontaneous life, your Tao, then I tell you, some day Chuang Tzu will catch hold of you. Because he asks: WHERE CAN I FIND A MAN WHO HAS FORGOTTEN WORDS? HE IS THE ONE I WOULD LIKE TO TALK ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,120 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... protect, we make all the safeguards possible -- but what is the result? Ultimately, what happens? All the safeguards are broken, all cunningness proves foolishness -- ultimately death takes us away. Tao says that your cunningness will not help you, because what is it but a fight against the whole? With whom are you cunning -- with nature, with Tao, with God? Whom do you think you are deceiving -- the source from...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,121 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...unningness proves foolishness -- ultimately death takes us away. Tao says that your cunningness will not help you, because what is it but a fight against the whole? With whom are you cunning -- with nature, with Tao, with God? Whom do you think you are deceiving -- the source from where you are born and the source to which you will finally go? Is the wave trying to deceive the ocean, is the leaf trying to deceive the tree, i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,122 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ditch, and as he crawled out of it he looked at his wife and said, "If you do this to me again, I shall really lose my temper. This is too much!" Ordinary wine gives so much power when one is drunk, what about Tao, the absolute drunkenness? What about Krishna or Buddha, the greatest drunkards -- so drunk with the divine that not even a trace of the ego is left? You cannot hurt them because they are not there, you cannot in...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,123 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e that the breeze has been there. The appeal of wine is really because you are so egoistic. You are too burdened by it and sometimes you want to forget it. So the world will have to follow alcohol or Tao -- these are the alternatives. Only a religious man, a really religious man, can be beyond alcohol, marijuana, lsd -- any type of drug. Only a religious man can be beyond them; otherwise how can you be beyond ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,124 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... is momentary. Deep down you are there, and after a few hours the chemical effect is gone, your body has thrown the wine out and the ego asserts itself again. But there is a wine, I tell you -- God is that wine, Tao, or whatsoever name you like to call it. Once you taste it, the ego is gone forever. Nobody ever comes back from that drunkenness. That is why Sufis always talk of wine, Sufis always talk of women. Their woma...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,125 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... has been misunderstood all over the world. Omar Khayyam's Rubaiyat appears to be written in praise of wine and women, but it is not at all. Omar Khayyam is a Sufi, a mystic. He talks of the wine which comes through Tao; he talks of the wine in which you are lost forever and forever. This intoxicant, this divine intoxicant, is not temporary, it is nontemporal, not momentary -- it is eternal. And Sufis talk of God as the woma...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,126 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...est survive; life means survival of the fittest. So the stronger you are in your ego, the more chance you will have of surviving. The West lives through politics, the East has a totally different attitude...and Tao is the core, the very essence of the Eastern consciousness. It says: No individuality, no ego, no fight; become one with the mother; there is no enemy, the question is not of conquering. Even a m...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,127 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...gly thing? HOW DOES THE TRUE MAN OF TAO WALK THROUGH WALLS WITHOUT OBSTRUCTION AND STAND IN FIRE WITHOUT BEING BURNT? Someone asked Chuang Tzu, "We have heard that a man of Tao can walk through walls without obstruction. Why?" If you don't have any obstruction within you, no obstruction can obstruct you. This is the rule. If you have no resistance within you, in your heart, the whole wo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,128 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...he hell he lived through that night? You are living in that hell right now; millions and millions of dogs are barking around you. In every mirror, in every relationship, you see the enemy. A man of Tao can walk through the walls because he has no wall in his heart. A man of Tao finds nowhere the enemy because he is not the enemy inside. A man of Tao finds all mirrors vacant, all boats empty, because his own boa...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,129 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... hell right now; millions and millions of dogs are barking around you. In every mirror, in every relationship, you see the enemy. A man of Tao can walk through the walls because he has no wall in his heart. A man of Tao finds nowhere the enemy because he is not the enemy inside. A man of Tao finds all mirrors vacant, all boats empty, because his own boat is empty. He is mirrored, he has no face of his own, so how can you mirror,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,130 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... every mirror, in every relationship, you see the enemy. A man of Tao can walk through the walls because he has no wall in his heart. A man of Tao finds nowhere the enemy because he is not the enemy inside. A man of Tao finds all mirrors vacant, all boats empty, because his own boat is empty. He is mirrored, he has no face of his own, so how can you mirror, how can you reflect a man of Tao? All mirrors keep silent. A man of Tao ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,131 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...cause he is not the enemy inside. A man of Tao finds all mirrors vacant, all boats empty, because his own boat is empty. He is mirrored, he has no face of his own, so how can you mirror, how can you reflect a man of Tao? All mirrors keep silent. A man of Tao passes -- no footprints are left behind, no trace. All mirrors remain silent. Nothing reflects him, because he is not there, he is absent. When the ego disap...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,132 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... of Tao finds all mirrors vacant, all boats empty, because his own boat is empty. He is mirrored, he has no face of his own, so how can you mirror, how can you reflect a man of Tao? All mirrors keep silent. A man of Tao passes -- no footprints are left behind, no trace. All mirrors remain silent. Nothing reflects him, because he is not there, he is absent. When the ego disappears you are absent, and then you are whole. When ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,133 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ver clever, are going to fail. Only in the whole are you beautiful. Only in the whole are you lovely. Only in the whole is grace possible. It is not because of cunningness that the man of Tao walks through walls without obstruction, and stands in fire without being burnt. It is: NOT BECAUSE OF CUNNING OR DARING, AND NOT BECAUSE HE HAS LEARNED -- BUT BECAUSE HE HAS UNLE...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,134 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...y there is for prayer to happen. So, says Chuang Tzu, it is not because of cunningness; he is not calculating, he is not cunning or daring, because daring, cunning, calculating, are all part of the ego. A man of Tao is neither a coward nor a brave man. He does not know what bravery is, what cowardice is. He lives. He is not self-conscious, not because he has learned but because he has unlearned. The whole of religion is a ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,135 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nal Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- HIS VITALITY, HIS POWER, HIDE IN SECRET TAO. And whatsoever vitality comes to the man of Tao is not manipulated, is not created by him, it is given by the roots. He is vital because he is rooted; he is vital because he has rejoined the ocean, the one. He is back at the source, he has come to the mother....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,136 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... nothing new, I am already headless. Cut it off, and I tell you, that when the head falls down onto the earth you will see it fall and I will also see it fall, because I am not the head. The man of Tao can be burnt, but still the man of Tao cannot be burnt. The form is always on fire. It is burning already. But the formless...the formless is never touched by any fire. From where comes the power, from where come...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,137 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t it off, and I tell you, that when the head falls down onto the earth you will see it fall and I will also see it fall, because I am not the head. The man of Tao can be burnt, but still the man of Tao cannot be burnt. The form is always on fire. It is burning already. But the formless...the formless is never touched by any fire. From where comes the power, from where comes this vitality? They hide in secret Ta...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,138 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...f Tao cannot be burnt. The form is always on fire. It is burning already. But the formless...the formless is never touched by any fire. From where comes the power, from where comes this vitality? They hide in secret Tao. Tao means the great nature, Tao means the great ocean, Tao means the great source. SO A DRUNKEN MAN WHO FALLS OUT OF A WAGON IS BRUISED, BUT NOT DESTROYED. HIS BONES ARE LIKE T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,139 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... cannot be burnt. The form is always on fire. It is burning already. But the formless...the formless is never touched by any fire. From where comes the power, from where comes this vitality? They hide in secret Tao. Tao means the great nature, Tao means the great ocean, Tao means the great source. SO A DRUNKEN MAN WHO FALLS OUT OF A WAGON IS BRUISED, BUT NOT DESTROYED. HIS BONES ARE LIKE THE BO...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,140 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... fire. It is burning already. But the formless...the formless is never touched by any fire. From where comes the power, from where comes this vitality? They hide in secret Tao. Tao means the great nature, Tao means the great ocean, Tao means the great source. SO A DRUNKEN MAN WHO FALLS OUT OF A WAGON IS BRUISED, BUT NOT DESTROYED. HIS BONES ARE LIKE THE BONES OF OTHER MEN, BUT HIS...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,141 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ning already. But the formless...the formless is never touched by any fire. From where comes the power, from where comes this vitality? They hide in secret Tao. Tao means the great nature, Tao means the great ocean, Tao means the great source. SO A DRUNKEN MAN WHO FALLS OUT OF A WAGON IS BRUISED, BUT NOT DESTROYED. HIS BONES ARE LIKE THE BONES OF OTHER MEN, BUT HIS FALL IS DIFFERENT. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,142 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...HERE. IF THERE IS SUCH SECURITY IN WINE, HOW MUCH MORE IN TAO? THE WISE MAN IS HIDDEN IN TAO, NOTHING CAN TOUCH HIM. Watch a drunkard, because the man of Tao is in many ways similar to him. He walks, but there is no walker; that is why he looks unbalanced, wobbling. He walks, but there is no direction, he is not going anywhere. He walks, but the boat is empty, only mo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,143 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... against drugs. Society has given you a working arrangement for the ego: through it you manage somehow, you steer your life somehow. But if the whole takes possession then there is no problem -- you become a man of Tao. Then there is no need for this ego, you can throw it to the dogs. But you can do otherwise also. You can simply destroy this ego through chemicals. This can be done. Then there WILL be a problem because you ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,144 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...gaged in safeguarding his own wound. Who has got the energy? But still it happens, because you are so ready to be wounded, so ready, just waiting on the brink for anything. You cannot touch a man of Tao. Why? -- because there is no one to be touched. There is no wound. He is healthy, healed, whole. This word whole is beautiful. The word heal comes from the whole, and the word holy also comes from the whole. He i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,145 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...and other dimensions of existence become available to you. When one reaches the highest point -- the point of ARIHANTA, Jainas call it, the point of ARHAT, Buddhists call it, the point of the perfect Tao, the man of Tao, Chuang Tzu calls it -- then the whole existence listens. Says Chuang Tzu: "...AND ALL BEINGS WILL BE PRESENT AS MOURNERS AT THE WAKE." What more is need...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,146 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ions of existence become available to you. When one reaches the highest point -- the point of ARIHANTA, Jainas call it, the point of ARHAT, Buddhists call it, the point of the perfect Tao, the man of Tao, Chuang Tzu calls it -- then the whole existence listens. Says Chuang Tzu: "...AND ALL BEINGS WILL BE PRESENT AS MOURNERS AT THE WAKE." What more is needed, and what mor...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,147 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...render, you have to be in an attitude of receptivity: you have to be feminine. Hui-k'o, another Zen Master, made his way northward to H'sin-yeh, where he began teaching, and among those who came to hear him was Tao-ho, a noted teacher, a very well-known author, a famous scholar on Buddhist philosophy. But Hui-k'o's teaching was not like that of any other Buddhist school's, and Tao-ho was very much disturbed.....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,148 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... and among those who came to hear him was Tao-ho, a noted teacher, a very well-known author, a famous scholar on Buddhist philosophy. But Hui-k'o's teaching was not like that of any other Buddhist school's, and Tao-ho was very much disturbed.... The teaching was absurd, almost sacrilegious, because Huik'o used to say, "Kill your parents." A beautiful saying -- but don't take it literally. The parents are w...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,149 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...l have to learn aloneness. And finally you will meet the Buddha, your Master, and you have to kill the Master too. But these are dangerous things to say. And the way he used to say them. This scholar Tao-ho became very angry. He said, "This man will destroy all religion." That's what people say about me. ... He determined to destroy this unholy doctrine and to that end dispatched several of his best ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,150 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t students to dispute with Hui k'o.... Hui-k'o is the successor of Bodhidharma, and of course he was a worthy successor, of a great Master. He was a great disciple. Hui-k'o was attacked by this man Tao-ho in many ways, and he used to send his disciples to dispute with and to defeat this man. ... Tao-ho awaited their return with high expectations of hearing that they had won a notable viCtory ov...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,151 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...as a worthy successor, of a great Master. He was a great disciple. Hui-k'o was attacked by this man Tao-ho in many ways, and he used to send his disciples to dispute with and to defeat this man. ... Tao-ho awaited their return with high expectations of hearing that they had won a notable viCtory over the hated interloper, but they did not come back.... Not a single person ever came back. Whosoever went to H...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,152 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t out other emissaries, and still others, but none came back to report the expected victory. It was only after some time had passed that he met some of his messengers and said to them: "I had opened your eyes to the Tao; why were you such faithless emissaries?" One of them spoke up for the rest: "The original eye is perfect in itself, but your teaching has rendered us half blind." "The original eye is perfect i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,153 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... saying: those who say that they know, know not. That's what Socrates has been saying: "I know only one thing: that I know nothing." These are all ignoramuses, and I am happy with this company -- the Upanishads, the Taoists, the Zen people, the Sufis. I am tremendously happy with this company. In fact, to know reality, to know yourself, you have to unlearn. Knowledge is good, but good only for the practical world, good only ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,154 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... "hallucination," and only "religious maniacs" do meditation, and people who are "mentally sick". That means all the Vedas were written by mentally sick people. And the Bible and the Koran and the Dhammapada and the Tao Te Ching and the Zend-Avestaall were written by mentally ill people. Then all that has been of any value on this earth was illness! Then Buddha has no health; then Buddha has no well-being. Then who else ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,155 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...they don't believe in scriptures. They say it is beyond the scriptures; it is a transmission beyond the scriptures. But if they ever write a Bible, or if they are forced to, like Lao Tzu was once forced to write the Tao Te Ching because the king wouldn't allow him to leave the country unless he wrote his experiences.... Lao Tzu wanted to go to the Himalayas, to die there; certainly there cannot be any more beautiful ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,156 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...er you have known." And he ordered the guards on the boundary saying that "This man is not to be allowed to go out." So he was caught at a guard post, and for three days he sat in the guards' room and wrote down the Tao Te Ching. If somebody, forces a Zen Master to write down a Bible, a Veda, then they will say there was song in the beginning. Neither word nor silence, but song. There was song in the beginning, and God ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,157 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s religion. It is religion of the kindergarten class. Zen people are talking about the highest statement. India's highest consciousness was transplanted into China, and China's highest consciousness, Taoism, met with Buddhism. These are two of the greatest flowerings of human consciousness. Never again has humanity reached such a peak as Buddhism, as it reached in Buddha; and never again has it reached anything l...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,158 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t flowerings of human consciousness. Never again has humanity reached such a peak as Buddhism, as it reached in Buddha; and never again has it reached anything like Lao Tzu. And just think: Zen is a crossbreeding of Taoism and Buddhism. It is a meeting of Buddha and Lao Tzu. It is a meeting of two of the highest peaks. Naturally Zen goes still higher. Zen goes higher than Buddhism and higher than Taoism because it contains all t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,159 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...hink: Zen is a crossbreeding of Taoism and Buddhism. It is a meeting of Buddha and Lao Tzu. It is a meeting of two of the highest peaks. Naturally Zen goes still higher. Zen goes higher than Buddhism and higher than Taoism because it contains all that was beautiful in these two cultures, the ancientmost cultures, the longest seekers in the world, who have staked all that they had for their seeking. Zen is the purest flower. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,160 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...EL AND REMEMBER? YOU KEEP REMINDING ME BUT I KEEP FORGETTING AND LOSE PATIENCE. WHY AM I SUCH A FOOD? AND THEN I THINK 'SO WHAT?' AND THEN I WANT TO SCREAM 'NO MORE!' BUT GO ON. Tao Sudas, MAN HAS BEEN CONDITIONED DOWN THE CENTURIES FOR GOALS, destinations, purposes, meanings -- that's how man has lived hitherto, with the goal-oriented ideology. Hindu, Christian, Mohamme...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,161 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ples. Lao Tzu remained an individual. Yes, a few people followed him; down the centuries, a few individuals have moved into the world of Lao Tzu, but only individuals -- no religion came out of it, because the whole Taoist approach is such that it cannot create fanatics. And unless you can create fanatics, you cannot create a religion. The whole of Lao Tzu's philosophy is such that it gives you such balance, such tranquillity, s...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,162 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...en the New Testament was translated into Greek, that "messiah" became "Christ" and the followers of the messiah became "Christians." It is one of the most primitive religions. It has not the heights of Buddhism, Taoism, Hassidism, Zen -- nothing of that sort, it is very primitive. And that is the reason why Christianity has become the biggest religion in the world -- because it appeals to the retarded mind. N...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,163 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ental can bring you to freedom, to total newness, freshness, a new birth. Because of this phenomenon all religions have failed, because they were trying just to imitate somebody's enlightenment. The Taoists are still trying to imitate Lao Tzu -- after twenty-five centuries doing the same things, eating the same things, living the same way, thinking that they will become Lao Tzu. But in twenty-five centuries not ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,164 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t this is what Mohammed brought into the world -- and he was the only messenger. He is so uneducated, so ignorant that what he says does not look like philosophy, not like great treatises like the Upanishads, or the Tao Te Ching, or the Dhammapada -- nothing like it. Just such things he is saying in the Koran, that a Mohammedan can marry four women, it is his religious right. And this persists.... In India now t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,165 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [..., there is no need. I say to you that it always repeats itself, unless somebody intelligently prevents it. Judaism, Christianity, Mohammedanism, Hinduism, are all God -- oriented. Jainism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, are not God -- oriented. And the difference can be seen immediately. The God -- oriented religions become cults immediately. God is a very dangerous concept because in the name of God comes...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,166 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ople will just joke around. He cannot say, "I am an incarnation of God," because God does not exist. From where are you getting this incarnation -- an incarnation of nobody? So in Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism, Confucianism, no problem arises about the messiahs, messengers. And then how can you have popes and bishops and priests? This is the whole ladder. If you accept the highest rung on the ladder you will have to...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,167 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...as also present." He said, "You must be joking." And nowhere is it mentioned that there were four monkeys... but I know because originally those four monkeys were Chinese. They are very traditional, Taoist monkeys, at least three thousand years old, so I knew the fourth was bound to be there. From Taoism they traveled to Japan, and they had never been three. But his whole life he kept those three monkeys by his ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,168 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...here were four monkeys... but I know because originally those four monkeys were Chinese. They are very traditional, Taoist monkeys, at least three thousand years old, so I knew the fourth was bound to be there. From Taoism they traveled to Japan, and they had never been three. But his whole life he kept those three monkeys by his side; they are still preserved in the Gandhi memorial museum in Delhi. But it is a lie, because the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,169 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ing beautiful which appeals; people can get caught in the whirlwind of Hassidism. Hassidism is really something, one of those rare flowers that have come into the history of human consciousness. Zen, Taoism, Sufism, Hassidism: these four seem to be the four pillars that have arisen out of the whole of history -- something tremendously beautiful. But to be that beautiful they had to be unorthodox, they had to be r...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,170 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... it. Yes, blessed are the poor because theirs is the whole kingdom of this earth -- that's what Karl Marx is saying. Strange, that nowhere else -- in the context of Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Taoism or Confucianism -- does communism appear; it appears only in the context of Christianity. It is not just accidental, because you can see fascism also appears in the context of Christianity. Socialism, Fabian ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,171 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ed to Buddhism, just because the court had the topmost intellectuals of the country and they were all defeated one by one -- they could not answer -- the whole of China was converted. They were Confucians, they were Taoists, but they were converted; they could not answer the Buddhist monk. The emperor had simply to surrender -- this seems to be a human, intelligent way -- and then the whole country followed automatically. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,172 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... will come out clean and there will be no need to fall again into a well." The man said, "I don't want any wisdom and any philosophy at this moment...." But the monk had moved on. A Taoist old man stops. He is thirsty, and looks in the well. The man is still crying for help. The Taoist says, "This is not manly. One should accept everything as it comes -- that's what the great Lao Tzu has said. S...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,173 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...n said, "I don't want any wisdom and any philosophy at this moment...." But the monk had moved on. A Taoist old man stops. He is thirsty, and looks in the well. The man is still crying for help. The Taoist says, "This is not manly. One should accept everything as it comes -- that's what the great Lao Tzu has said. So accept it! Enjoy! You are crying like a woman. Be a man!" The man said, "I am ready to be c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,174 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...oman. Be a man!" The man said, "I am ready to be called a woman but first please save me! I am not manly. And you can say anything that you want to say afterwards -- first pull me out." But the Taoist said, "We never interfere in anybody's business. We believe in the individual and his freedom. It is your freedom to fall in the well, it is your freedom to die in the well. All that I can do is just suggest t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,175 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... "It is my good fortune that you have come, a Confucian scholar. I know you, I have heard about your name. Now do something for me, because Confucius says, 'Help others.'" Seeing the response of the Buddhist and the Taoist, the man thought, "It is better to talk philosophy if these people are to be convinced to save me." He said, "Confucius says, 'Help others.'" The Confucian monk said, "You are right. And I will help. I am...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,176 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ty of dead masters, they cannot say no. You can accept all the masters of the world, be a disciple of all the masters of the world. There are people who are following Zen, who are following Sufism, who are following Tao, anything. Neither Lao Tzu can prevent them, nor Bodhidharma can prevent them, nor Jalaluddin Rumi can prevent them. Those people are gone, just words echoing are left. But I am yet in the flesh. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,177 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e could not do. He was not an awakened being, he was not an enlightened being. Gautam Buddha also does not have a God, nor does Mahavira have a God, but they never went mad. All the Zen masters and all the great Tao masters -- Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu -- nobody went mad, and they don't have any God. They don't have any hell or heaven. What is the difference? Why did Gautam Buddha not go mad? And it is no...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,178 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ne of those were awakened ones. They were great scholars who had gone and translated... And the scriptures were beautiful. China had nothing compared to it. It had only one book written by Lao Tzu on Tao, but that too does not come to the height of Gautam Buddha's sutras, because it was a written book, and written under force, compulsion. He had never written in his whole life, and he never spoke. People used...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,179 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...d. There are three religions in the world... one that arose out of Gautam Buddha's inspiration, another that arose out of Adinatha's inspiration, and a third that arose out of Lao Tzu's inspiration, Tao. These three are the highest peaks ever arrived at, and all three have no God. Compared to these three, Mohammedanism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism are just very 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,180 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nly politically open but also philosophically open -- not confined to the out-of-date ideas of Karl Marx, but open to all kinds of theories, philosophies, religions; experiences of Zen, and Sufism, and Hassidism, of Tao and Yoga -- it can certainly prove the savior of humanity. BELOVED OSHO, I HAVE OFTEN HEARD YOU SPEAK OF ALONENESS AND LONELINESS AS BEING OPPOSED; OF ALONENESS BEING A STATE ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,181 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [..., with no soul, with no consciousness. It is understandable -- but not forgivable -- because Karl Marx was not acquainted with Gautam Buddha, nor was he acquainted with the Eastern flowers of Zen, of Tao, of Yoga. Without knowing anything about authentic religion -- he thought that Christianity was equivalent to religion -- he created a religionless society. This is moving from one extreme to another extreme. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,182 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s not produced any religions; its whole consciousness is extrovert. My message to Gorbachev is: Introduce meditations in the schools, in the colleges, in the universities; open the doors for Zen, for Tao, for Hassidism, and let people see that the essential religion is not a bondage, but the ultimate freedom. All other freedoms are small -- political, economical, social. The only freedom that cannot be destroyed ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,183 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... you can become aware of an eternal life inside you. This should be absolutely essential, because everybody has to die; nobody can avoid it. And under the big umbrella of meditation, you can be introduced to Zen, to Tao, to Yoga, to Hassidism, to all kinds and all possibilities that have existed, but which education has not taken any care of. In this fifth dimension, you should also be made aware of the martial arts like aikido,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,184 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... whole sequence. They were ready to kill, but when the time for real action came -- one man had become really angry, had lost his cool -- why did the crowd disappear?" The crowd said, "They are both Taoists, followers of Lao Tzu, and this is the criterion in Taoist schools; that the moment a person becomes angry he is defeated. There is no need to fight -- he has shown his impotence, he has shown his fear. That'...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,185 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... the time for real action came -- one man had become really angry, had lost his cool -- why did the crowd disappear?" The crowd said, "They are both Taoists, followers of Lao Tzu, and this is the criterion in Taoist schools; that the moment a person becomes angry he is defeated. There is no need to fight -- he has shown his impotence, he has shown his fear. That's enough! His anger shows that he is a coward. N...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,186 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...0/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- His own master, was Lao Tzu, the source of the Taoist tradition, one of the greatest beings who has ever walked on the earth. Says Lieh Tzu: THREE YEARS AFTER I BEGAN TO SERVE THE MASTER, MY MIND NO LONGER DARED TO THINK OF RIGHT OR WRONG, AND...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,187 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e world is not filled with enemies, it is a family, an organic unity; and the world is not against you, you can float with it. That is the meaning of this small parable. This is a parable used by Zen people and Taoists, and I must tell you a few things before I enter into it. Taoists and Zen people have always joked about Confucius. This is, in fact, a joke. Because Confucius, to them, is the pinnacle of th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,188 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... against you, you can float with it. That is the meaning of this small parable. This is a parable used by Zen people and Taoists, and I must tell you a few things before I enter into it. Taoists and Zen people have always joked about Confucius. This is, in fact, a joke. Because Confucius, to them, is the pinnacle of the legal mind. Confucius is the very paragon of ego -- subtle, polished, cultured. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,189 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e unnecessary troubles are created. So Confucius has three thousand three hundred rules for how a man should behave. For each step he has rules: how one should dress... And try to see the difference between the Taoist, Zen and Confucian minds. Because that is how, all over the world, the distinction has existed: the moralist is different from the religious man. The difference is very subtle. A moralist tries to be humble; a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,190 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... India to become communist. It was very, very easy for China to become communist -- and so suddenly, and so easily, because the Confucian trend is absolutely political, diplomatic, material. Zen and Taoists have always laughed about Confucius, and this is one of their subtle jokes. Try to understand it. CONFUCIUS WAS LOOKING AT THE CATARACT AT LULIANG. IT FALLS FOAM A HEIGHT OF TWO HUNDRED FE...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,191 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... the scriptures where it is said millions of times that one who knows, never says; one who says, has not known yet. But these are very, very paradoxical things. Lao Tzu says, in the very beginning of'Tao-Te-Ching', that truth cannot be uttered, and that which can be uttered is not true. But Lao Tzu uttered this -- so what to think about it? Is it true, or not? It is the uttered word, it has been said. Now you wil...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,192 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- That is absolutely wrong, and I don't think that it has been said by the Ch'an master Tao Lin; he cannot say this. This must be Ta Hui's addition, because this is not the teaching of Buddha, and he's asking the overall teaching of the Buddhist philosophy -- just the gist. The gist of B...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,193 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ondhand, thirdhand 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- -- because the old master Tao Lin could not have left out mentioning the roots. Unless meditation is mentioned you don't know anything about the teachings of Gautam Buddha. And he must have mentioned it: if he had not mentioned it, then Po wo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,194 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...any lives you have practised it. You have put so much energy into it, into forgetting yourself. You remember money, you remember others, you remember the world. To remember all these things -- all these things which Taoists call 'the ten thousand and one things'.... If you want to remember these ten thousand and one things, you will have to forget yourself, because your eyes will be focused on things, on people, on the world, an...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,195 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... which can be triggered without sex too, which can be triggered only by meditation. There is no need to go into sex. Once they had known that the process could be triggered by other means also -- by Yoga methods, by Tao methods, by Tantra methods, by Sufi methods -- once they knew that the same state could be attained, of no ego, no mind, no time, without going into sex, they had found the key. But the key was found ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,196 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... is left? -- that is you, and that is God. But what you call it does not matter. You can call it God if the word appeals to you; if it doesn't appeal to you you can call it NIRVANA, YOU can call it Tao, or whatever. But don't be worried about it, that you can't believe in God. It is good. This is my approach: if somebody says, "I believe in God," I say, "It is good. Now let us start from there, that will do." I...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,197 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... third: love, love intensely, love totally, love withholding nothing back and you will attain, because love kills the ego. The fourth, to be aware, to be meditative, has been chosen by Buddhism, Jainism, Zen, Taoism. My effort here, Miguel, is to create a symphony of all the religions. Here, Sufis and Hassids and the people of Zen and Taoism are meeting and merging. I am creating an ocean in which rivers from ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,198 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...fourth, to be aware, to be meditative, has been chosen by Buddhism, Jainism, Zen, Taoism. My effort here, Miguel, is to create a symphony of all the religions. Here, Sufis and Hassids and the people of Zen and Taoism are meeting and merging. I am creating an ocean in which rivers from different mountains, bringing different flavors, bringing different fragrances, are meeting and merging and creating something absolutely ne...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,199 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...M, published and unpublished Query:- you hang yourself, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that you should have committed the suicide of the ego: through love, through awareness; through Yoga, through Tantra, Taoism, Zen, Sufism, Hassidism. It doesn't matter; these are different ways of committing suicide. I don't mean the physical, I mean the metaphysical. Once you are not there, all that is left is God. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,200 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...body is ringing them. Some music, some melody, is there, but I can't see anybody creating it. This music is known by the Christian mystics as 'the Word', LOGOS. Nanak calls it NAM, Lao Tzu calls it Tao, Buddha calls it DHAMMA. But to call it music is the best, to call it NAD is the best, because it is a tremendous orchestra. All the planes of existence are involved in it. It is not only that the soul is full of...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,201 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... deep meditation is not different from Zarathustra. Zarathustra in his deep silence is not different from Lao Tzu. And I call THIS the Sanatan Dharma. The word SANATAN means eternal, and DHARMA means Tao -- the law, the ultimate law. Ais DHAMMO SANANTANO, Buddha repeats again and again: This is the eternal law of life. But by Sanatan Dharma the Shankaracharya means Hindu religion. Hindus think that their religion...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,202 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... only place in the whole world where all religions are meeting and merging into a new kind of religiousness, a totally different quality. Nobody bothers here whether you are a Christian or a Parsi, whether you are a Taoist or a Buddhist, because we have found the source. And once you know the source it does not matter from what shore you drink, in what kind of bucket you draw the water from the source. The bucket is non-essentia...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,203 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ill say: Only in emptiness, only in nothingness, does godliness happen. But he is talking about the positive phenomenon. For Gautam Buddha, for Mahavira, for the long tradition of Zen Masters and the Taoists, nothingness simply means no-thingness. All things have disappeared, and because things have disappeared there is pure consciousness left behind. The mirror is empty of any reflection, but the MIR...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,204 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Drop conscience and create consciousness, and then you will be living an authentic life. And to be authentic is to be divine. To be authentic is to know what God is all about. To be authentic is to be true to Tao, the ultimate nature. AIS DHAMMO SANANTANO, Buddha says: This is the ultimate law. Be conscious, be a light unto yourself. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 199...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,205 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...It is very rare to come across a professor who is still learning. They stopped the day they left their universities; the day they graduated, the day they became M.A.s or Ph.D.s or D.Litt.s they died. Taoists in China have a saying that a man dies nearabout the age of thirty; then it is only a question of when you are going to bury him. You may bury him after thirty years, forty years, fifty years, that is another...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,206 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...can ride on that harmony, you can ride on that cloud of harmony and go far away from your ordinary reality. Yoga can comprehend all that; that is the sixth. And the seventh is transcendental: Tantra, Tao, Zen. Buddha's attitude is of the seventh -- pragyaparamita. It means wisdom that is transcendental, wisdom that comes to you only when all the bodies have been crossed and you have become just a pure awareness, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,207 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...d to one of Buddha's greatest disciples, Sariputra. Why to Sariputra? The first day I told you that there are seven planes, seven rungs of the ladder. The seventh is the transcendental: Zen, Tantra, Tao. The sixth is the spiritual-transcendental: yoga. Up to the sixth, method remains important, 'how' remains important. Up to the sixth, discipline remains important, ritual remains important, techniques remain imp...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,208 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... and no meet -- then you will know it. Where the body and the soul meet, when the world and God meet, where opposites are no longer opposites -- only then will you have a taste of it. The taste of it is the taste of Tao, of Zen, of Hasidism, of Yoga. The word yoga is also meaningful. It means coming together. When a man and woman meet, it is 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundatio...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,209 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ture, called the materialist -- very predominant in the West; another culture, called the spiritualist -- very predominant in India; and China has a third kind of culture, neither materialist nor spiritualist. It is Taoist: live the moment and don't bother for the future, because to bother about heaven and hell and paradise and moksha is basically to be continuously concerned about yourself. It is very selfish, it is very self-c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,210 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ha. He has no borders to his being. His being is as vast as existence itself. He is one with the whole. But in the world of the geosphere, cause-and-effect is the only dhamma, the only law, the only Tao. Science is still confined to the geosphere, because it still goes on thinking in terms of cause-and-effect. Modern science is a very rudimentary science, very primitive, because it cannot conceive of anything mo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,211 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...dy will be just the opposite -- more in tune with somebody else. But there is no need to get hooked into one kind of experience. Both experiences can remain available. And the ninth is transcendence, Tao, no ego, no-mind, nobodiness, nothingness, in tune with the whole. That is the whole message of Prajnaparamita Sutra, the Heart Sutra: gate gate paragate -- gone, gone, gone beyond -- parasamgate ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,212 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... book is the only book. The word bible means the book. They have not named it because for them this is the only book, all else is rubbish. What about the Upanishads? What about the sayings of Buddha? What about the Tao Teh Ching of Lao Tzu? Why should The Bible be the only book? It is beautiful, but when it becomes the only book it has become ill. This is the sacred disease. When you claim for your truth that it is the who...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,213 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... home for them except this whole universe. Even when it was recognized that Sosan had become enlightened, he continued his old beggar's way. And nothing was special about him. He was an ordinary man, the man of Tao. One thing I would like to say, and you have to remember it: Zen is a crossbreeding. And just as 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,214 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...r took place. That's why Zen is more beautiful than Buddha's thought and more beautiful than Lao Tzu's thought. It is a tare flowering of the highest peaks and the meeting of those peaks. Zen is neither Buddhist nor Taoist, but it carries both within it. India is a little too serious about religion -- a long past, a long weight on the mind of India, and religion has become serious. Lao Tzu remained a laughingstock -- Lao Tz...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,215 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...y clouds are moving, in and out. The division is dropped, the boundary is no more there. You have become the sky and the sky has become you. Treat Sosan as a natural phenomenon. He is not a man. He is God, he is Tao, he is a Buddha. Before we try to move into his significance, a few things have to be understood. They will give you a push. MIND IS A DISEASE. This is a basic truth the East has discovered...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,216 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [..., just a few years back, there was a French hypnotist, Emile Coue -- he happened to rediscover one of the basic laws of the human mind. He called it "the law of reverse effect" -- that is one of the oldest sutras in Taoist and Zen thinking. Sosan is talking about this law. Try to understand this law, then his sayings will be simple to understand. For example, if you don't feel sleepy what will you do? You will tr...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,217 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... -- that whether you go back or you go ahead, you reach the same goal. The question is not of backward or forward, the question is of not being on the bridge. Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, they say fall back into nature, Tao. Shankara, Buddha, Jesus, they say go ahead, pass through the bridge, reach the divine. This will look very paradoxical, but it is not -- because both the banks are the same, because this bridge is a circle. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,218 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...dy the case. You are at the goal, you exist in the goal. You cannot exist out of it, there is no possibility of going out of it. Howsoever much you wander you cannot go out of it. Wherever you go you will carry your Tao within you. It is your intrinsic nature. It is not dispensable, you cannot put it aside and forget it. You are already there because HERE is that 'there.' You need not look in the future: you simply be here and y...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,219 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s the source. You have touched infinite life. Jesus says, "I am here to teach you the life abundant, infinitely rich." And the way is to let things be. You don't come in, you don't come in your own way. Let your Tao flow, let your nature move... WHEREVER it goes! OBEY THE NATURE OF THINGS (YOUR OWN NATURE), AND YOU WILL WALK FREELY AND UNDISTURBED. WHEN THOUGHT IS IN BONDAGE THE TRUTH IS HI...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,220 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... the whole body is disturbed. Then the mind says, "Eating is bad, so go on a fast." And a fast is also dangerous. If you listen to the body it will never overeat, it will never under eat -- it will simply follow the Tao. A few scientists have been working on this problem and they have discovered a very beautiful phenomenon: small children, they eat whenever they feel hungry, they go to sleep whenever they feel t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,221 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...because of eating. And one more thing which no one ever suspected came to be understood, and that was miraculous. Only Sosan can understand, or Lao Tzu or Chuang Tzu, because they are the Masters of Tao. This was such a discovery! They came to understand that if a child was ill, then he would not eat particular foods. Then they tried to understand why he was not eating those foods. The foods were analyzed and it...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,222 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [.... And there are as many worlds as there are minds, because every mind lives in his own world. You can laugh at others' foolishnesses, but unless you start laughing at your own you will not be able to become a man of Tao, the man of nature, the man of truth. So what to do? Try in small things not to bring the mind in. You look at a flower -- you simply look. You don't say, "Beautiful! Ugly!" You don't say anything...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,223 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Query:- If the nature flows towards north, the wind blows towards north. If the nature changes and starts blowing towards south, the wind blows towards south. It has no choice of its own. A man of Tao has no choice of his own. Wherever the river takes him he goes with it. He never pushes the river, he never fights with it. He has no choice, he has no like and dislike. You may even feel that he has likes and di...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,224 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- to us? Why should he make Mahakashyap the greatest?" But remember, a man of Tao, a man of enlightenment, simply flows like a cloud. He has no liking, no disliking, because those all belong to the dreaming mind, to the dreaming ego. REST AND UNREST DERIVE FROM ILLUSION; WITH ENLIGHTENMEN...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,225 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... say yes, a total yes on your part, you become religious. If you say no, that means you will continue the struggle. You will fight the current, you will move against the river. You think that you are wiser than Tao, you think you are greater than the existence. Then of course, naturally, obviously, you will be frustrated because that is not the case. The moment you say yes, your life starts flowering in a new dimension....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,226 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ecause there lies the possibility of getting out of it. If you HAD brought it from the very birth, then there would be no way of getting out of it. But then there would be no need, because then it would be a part of Tao. It is not a part of Tao, it is man-created. It is utilitarian, it has a purpose; society cannot exist without language. The individual need not be twenty-four hours a day a part of society. For a few minutes...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,227 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...sibility of getting out of it. If you HAD brought it from the very birth, then there would be no way of getting out of it. But then there would be no need, because then it would be a part of Tao. It is not a part of Tao, it is man-created. It is utilitarian, it has a purpose; society cannot exist without language. The individual need not be twenty-four hours a day a part of society. For a few minutes even, if you...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,228 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ot exist without language. The individual need not be twenty-four hours a day a part of society. For a few minutes even, if you become no part of the society, suddenly you merge with the whole and become part of Tao. And you should be flexible. When you need to move in society, you should use language; when you need not move into society, you should drop language. Language should be used as a function, as a mecha...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,229 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...uage. When I have to speak I use language; when you are not there I am without language, then inside no words are moving. When I communicate I become a part of society. When I am not communicating I become a part of Tao, part of the universe, part of nature, or God -- whatsoever name you want to give it, you can give. With God, silence is communication; with man, language is communication. If you want to communic...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,230 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t now I am too small, but later on, I am going to become a buddha." Hyakujo became a monk afterwards, when he was twenty years old. He joined a monastery at Yueh Chou, and his first master was called Tao-chih. Tao-chih gave him his first spiritual name which was Hui Hai meaning, Ocean of Wisdom. Hyakujo was not a monk for long before he heard about the great master, Ma Tzu, and went to him at Chia...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,231 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... too small, but later on, I am going to become a buddha." Hyakujo became a monk afterwards, when he was twenty years old. He joined a monastery at Yueh Chou, and his first master was called Tao-chih. Tao-chih gave him his first spiritual name which was Hui Hai meaning, Ocean of Wisdom. Hyakujo was not a monk for long before he heard about the great master, Ma Tzu, and went to him at Chiang-si. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,232 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...MENTAL PROCESSES THAT WOULD BE OF USE, AND NO TAO TO FOLLOW." This is the ultimate statement of a witness. There are no mental processes. He has left the mind far behind, and there is no goal of Tao, or Dhamma. He himself is the goal; he is the buddha. He is Tao, he is Dhamma; he is the truth itself. Now, there is no question of any mental processes or any goal of Tao. TAO KUANG ASKED, "IF BOT...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,233 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... This is the ultimate statement of a witness. There are no mental processes. He has left the mind far behind, and there is no goal of Tao, or Dhamma. He himself is the goal; he is the buddha. He is Tao, he is Dhamma; he is the truth itself. Now, there is no question of any mental processes or any goal of Tao. TAO KUANG ASKED, "IF BOTH THOSE STATEMENTS ARE TRUE, WHY IS IT THAT EVERY DAY YOU CON...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,234 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... far behind, and there is no goal of Tao, or Dhamma. He himself is the goal; he is the buddha. He is Tao, he is Dhamma; he is the truth itself. Now, there is no question of any mental processes or any goal of Tao. TAO KUANG ASKED, "IF BOTH THOSE STATEMENTS ARE TRUE, WHY IS IT THAT EVERY DAY YOU CONVENE GATHERINGS DURING WHICH YOU URGE OTHERS TO LEARN HOW TO FOLLOW THE TAO BY MEANS OF ZEN?" ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,235 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ls function. He has not understood Hyakujo's great statement, he has simply analyzed it and found that there is a contradiction. But this man says there is no mental process that would be of any use, and there is no Tao to follow. If this is true, then why does this man go on teaching great assemblies. You have to see how intellectuals function and how they miss. He asked him, "IF BOTH THOSE STATEMENTS ARE TRUE, as you say, W...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,236 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...the strangest fellow, but always to the point. He looked strange. You could not understand him. He was not part of the common crowd. So first, Bodhidharma made it a very special dispensation and then it met with Taoist mystics. This is one of the greatest meetings of two religions where there was no conflict. They simply understood each other's silence -- not even a debate. They looked into each other's eyes and knew ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,237 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...y simply understood each other's silence -- not even a debate. They looked into each other's eyes and knew that they were both in the same space. So Zen is a by-product of the meeting of Buddhism and Taoism. It has a different character from both, it is a crossbreed: something of Tao that is essential, and something of Buddha that is essential has created a new phenomenon, Zen. And when it reached China, it took ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,238 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ach other's eyes and knew that they were both in the same space. So Zen is a by-product of the meeting of Buddhism and Taoism. It has a different character from both, it is a crossbreed: something of Tao that is essential, and something of Buddha that is essential has created a new phenomenon, Zen. And when it reached China, it took a few centuries to be clear that it was no longer the orthodox Buddhism and no lo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,239 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ial, and something of Buddha that is essential has created a new phenomenon, Zen. And when it reached China, it took a few centuries to be clear that it was no longer the orthodox Buddhism and no longer the orthodox Taoism, it was something new. Out of the meeting of those two came a strange flower, and this flower has been carried to Japan, where it blossomed to its ultimate peak. THE MONKS WERE PUZZLED BY THI...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,240 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [.... The point is that you can be just a listener without any judgment. That prepares you for your meditation. Maneesha has brought these dialogues, ONCE A TAOIST... In the first place nobody can be a Taoist. Tao is neither a religion nor a philosophy. It is simply the purest understanding of meditation where everything disappears, including you. Then what remains is Tao. Buddha will call it dhamma; you can call i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,241 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...int is that you can be just a listener without any judgment. That prepares you for your meditation. Maneesha has brought these dialogues, ONCE A TAOIST... In the first place nobody can be a Taoist. Tao is neither a religion nor a philosophy. It is simply the purest understanding of meditation where everything disappears, including you. Then what remains is Tao. Buddha will call it dhamma; you can call it truth,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,242 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...A TAOIST... In the first place nobody can be a Taoist. Tao is neither a religion nor a philosophy. It is simply the purest understanding of meditation where everything disappears, including you. Then what remains is Tao. Buddha will call it dhamma; you can call it truth, consciousness, beauty. But all these words denote one oceanic feeling of awareness in which you are not separate from the cosmos. But the difficulty with man is...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,243 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ople started making an ism. And his whole life he had been teaching that there is no ism, no philosophy, no theory. You have to drop all these mind activities. You have to attain to a silent and empty space. That is Tao. Nobody can be a Taoist, so from the very beginning, we know that the questions are going to be wrong. Of course you can answer rightly to wrong questions -- and that's what Hyakujo is going to do...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,244 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...hole life he had been teaching that there is no ism, no philosophy, no theory. You have to drop all these mind activities. You have to attain to a silent and empty space. That is Tao. Nobody can be a Taoist, so from the very beginning, we know that the questions are going to be wrong. Of course you can answer rightly to wrong questions -- and that's what Hyakujo is going to do. ONCE A TAOIST, HAP...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,245 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e may have removed one question to the side... he brings another.... He does not see the point. THE VISITOR ASKED, "IS COSMIC VITALITY THE TAO?" Neither does he know cosmic vitality, nor does he know Tao. This is where intellectuals get lost, in words. Words are a far more thick forest than you can find anywhere else. Apparently it seems to be perfectly right to ask a question, "Is cosmic vitality the ultimate li...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,246 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ntellectuals get lost, in words. Words are a far more thick forest than you can find anywhere else. Apparently it seems to be perfectly right to ask a question, "Is cosmic vitality the ultimate life? The same as the Tao?" But the question is arising out of curiosity, not out of inquiry. It does not matter if you don't answer. What I mean by urgency is, it matters that we should find our life source, the cosmic vitality. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,247 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...PURNAMEVA VASHISHYATE AUM That is the whole. "That" means the ultimate, the absolute, the hidden aspect of reality, the invisible, the unmanifest. You can call it God truth, nirvana, Tao, Dhamma, Logos. THAT IS THE WHOLE. THIS IS THE WHOLE TOO. And by "this" is meant the phenomenal world, the manifest world, the world that surrounds you. "That" means your ce...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,248 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... and all the religions and all the traditions. Theosophy was one of the greatest efforts ever made to bring all the traditions closer to each other: Hinduism, Mohammedanism, Christianity, Judaism, Jainism, Buddhism, Taoism. Theosophy was trying to find out the essential core of them all, and Krishnamurti was taught in every possible way all that is great. He may have forgotten about it, and I know that he must have forgotten bec...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,249 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- cannot be found by practicing anything -- neither Yoga nor Tantra nor Zen nor Tao. God cannot be known by practicing anything whatsoever. Who will practice? All practices are confined to the mind and the mind practicing something means the mind is strengthened more and more through the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,250 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... purpose and nature never creates anything without any purpose -- it must have some purpose. But psychology has not yet been able to find any purpose and psychology may not be able to find. Unless Yoga, Tantra, Zen, Tao and all these methodologies of reviving subtle energies of the mind are included in scientific research work, psychology may not be able to find out any function Even physiology has not found fun...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,251 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... get nd of the relative, they can help to remove the barriers en I am talking to you, that's exactly the purpose of my talking to you: to help you to get rid of the relative. All the methods of Yoga, Tantra, Zen and Tao are negative -- negative in the sense they don't give you the absolute, but they help you to be finished with the relative. The sutra says: THROUGH THE RELATIVE ONE LEAVES DEATH BEHIN...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,252 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...years. When you say that somebody has died today, don't be misguided by your statement: he has been dying for eighty years, today the process is complete. There is an ancient Chinese tradition in the Taoist school at seems to be the only tradition in the whole world where when a child is born the family cries, they weep because the birth is nothing but an arrow moving towards death. They don't celebrate it, they ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,253 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...rself was decided. That other name was not needed at all. And I have given her the name Ma Yoga Vivek, because now the decision has come through her vivek -- her awareness, her consciousness. Ma Yoga Tao is here, for example. She has been thrice a sannyasin. I have given her the name Tao because in a past life she was Chinese and a Taoist monk. She might not know it, but I have given her the name Tao. Someday she...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,254 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...me Ma Yoga Vivek, because now the decision has come through her vivek -- her awareness, her consciousness. Ma Yoga Tao is here, for example. She has been thrice a sannyasin. I have given her the name Tao because in a past life she was Chinese and a Taoist monk. She might not know it, but I have given her the name Tao. Someday she remembers, and then she will know why I have given her a Chinese name. Now it is irr...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,255 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...me through her vivek -- her awareness, her consciousness. Ma Yoga Tao is here, for example. She has been thrice a sannyasin. I have given her the name Tao because in a past life she was Chinese and a Taoist monk. She might not know it, but I have given her the name Tao. Someday she remembers, and then she will know why I have given her a Chinese name. Now it is irrelevant, but the moment she will remember that sh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,256 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Ma Yoga Tao is here, for example. She has been thrice a sannyasin. I have given her the name Tao because in a past life she was Chinese and a Taoist monk. She might not know it, but I have given her the name Tao. Someday she remembers, and then she will know why I have given her a Chinese name. Now it is irrelevant, but the moment she will remember that she had been a Taoist monk, she will know why the name was given to ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,257 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...She might not know it, but I have given her the name Tao. Someday she remembers, and then she will know why I have given her a Chinese name. Now it is irrelevant, but the moment she will remember that she had been a Taoist monk, she will know why the name was given to her. Everything is meaningful. It may not be so obvious, and it may not be possible to explain it to you. So many things will remain unexplained fo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,258 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ming good news to the Western man has become bad news. He feels accidental, unnecessary -- there is no reason why he should be here. The East knows three religions which don't have any God -- Jainism, Buddhism, Taoism -- three religions which are not centered on God. And these three religions seem to be saner than the religions which have come out of Judaism -- Judaism, Christianity, Mohammedanism. These three 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,259 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...y out of the question to discuss God, to discuss heaven and hell. Hence I want you to understand that Zen has come as a flowering out of the meeting of Gautam Buddha and Lao Tzu. It is the meeting of Dhamma and Tao. It is a crossbreed of Bodhidharma and Chuang Tzu. These two religions have reached to the highest peak, and they are unorganized religions. Where they have become organized they are dead. For example, in Tibet i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,260 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...dual is the only one who can know the highest peaks of consciousness and the depths of consciousness. Out of the meeting of Gautam Buddha and Lao Tzu, Zen is born. Zen is neither Buddhism, nor is it Tao; it is both, just as you are both your mother and your father. You are neither -- something of your father, something of your mother is flowing in you. Zen has come to the highest point of expression. It has...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,261 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... DAITEN REPLIED, "I AM A ZEN MONK." SEKITO ASKED, "WHAT IS ZEN?" DAITEN REPLIED, "IT IS RAISING EYEBROWS AND MOVING EYEBALLS." There is a certain ancient method coming from Taoism to Zen -- it can give you a very empty mind. If you just close your eyes and move your eyeballs, soon you will see you are getting dizzy just as the whirling Dervishes in Sufism get dizzy, just by whirling. Bu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,262 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... having now. You have to bring them from the center to the surface, to your ordinary day-to-day life. And persuade the buddha to come along with you. He is your Dhamma, he is your nature, he is your Tao. He is bound to come. He has been waiting and waiting, but you never invited him. You never even bothered about him. It has been long, a millennia he has been sitting there just like a seed. Allow him space. I...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,263 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...oming a buddha." This man, Tanka Tennen, became a master in his own right. But his whole teaching was just to be natural. That's my whole teaching: just to be natural. Nature is dhamma, nature is Tao, nature is Zen. And the moment you are natural, flowers will shower over you. The moment you will be natural, not only will you celebrate and dance, the whole existence around you will dance and celebrate. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,264 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... ABOUT YOU. They are very very understandable. There is nothing special about them. If they didn't write those crude remarks about me, that would not be right. Lao Tzu has said: When I talk about Tao, very few are there who understand it. Those who understand -- they become silent. Many are there who feel offended -- they become angry. And the angry people there are more of. And Lao Tzu says: If people don't ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,265 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e boundaries, blurring of the divisions, overlapping, overflowing. This is what is called trust or faith or surrender. At absolute zero, absolute surrender, life takes over once more and we are returned to God or to Tao or to DHAMMA, to free-flowing totality. God is the free-flowing totality, God is not a person.We return to our pure being only when we become a free-floating totality. In this state everything: is okay, right. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,266 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... remember me. Calm and quiet, remember me, be full of my presence, and suddenly it will be there, and it will function as a catalytic agent. A catalytic agent is a miraculous thing. This is Jesus' real miracle. Tao has a word for it, they call it WEI-WU-WEI, action without action. The Master does not DO anything to you, he does not interfere in your being, he simply is there. But he is pulsating and his pulsation is strong;...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,267 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...WE ARE SEPARATED FROM THE THING ITSELF" -- AT WHICH KYOZAN MADE HIS BOWS. Maneesha, before I discuss the sutras, something of great importance has to be understood. Zen is neither Buddhism nor Taoism; it is a crossbreed. When the great Bodhidharma met the masters of Taoism in China, the meeting and their dialogues created something new, which has the flavor of Buddhism in it but is not dependent on Buddhis...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,268 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...S. Maneesha, before I discuss the sutras, something of great importance has to be understood. Zen is neither Buddhism nor Taoism; it is a crossbreed. When the great Bodhidharma met the masters of Taoism in China, the meeting and their dialogues created something new, which has the flavor of Buddhism in it but is not dependent on Buddhist literature. It has also the flavor of Tao in it, but is not dependent on...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,269 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...at Bodhidharma met the masters of Taoism in China, the meeting and their dialogues created something new, which has the flavor of Buddhism in it but is not dependent on Buddhist literature. It has also the flavor of Tao in it, but is not dependent on Taoist tradition. It is independent of both the parents. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,270 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...aoism in China, the meeting and their dialogues created something new, which has the flavor of Buddhism in it but is not dependent on Buddhist literature. It has also the flavor of Tao in it, but is not dependent on Taoist tradition. It is independent of both the parents. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,271 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... nature itself takes the best of both the parents and leaves all that is non-essential. Zen's greatness and height is because it has left all the non-essentials of Buddhism and all the non-essentials of Taoism, and two great peaks have merged into a higher peak, which has only the flavor from both. But the synthesis of the flavors makes it a totally new phenomenon. Hence the traditional Buddhist will not give a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,272 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...m both. But the synthesis of the flavors makes it a totally new phenomenon. Hence the traditional Buddhist will not give any credit to Zen. He will simply laugh and will say, "It is just crazy." The traditional Taoist also will say the same thing: "It is crazy. It is not part of our system." But this became a great opportunity to rebel against all traditions. Zen is pure rebellion. But unfortunately, the way history mo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,273 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...whom he had been fighting his whole life have come back; the scholars have become again important. Bodhidharma rebelled against the Buddhist tradition, and part of his rebellion was meeting with the Tao and bringing all the flowers of Tao and creating a new experience. But he was as unaware of the fact as Buddha was. Buddha was saying, "Don't make a tradition of me," but the tradition was made. Bodhidharma rebel...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,274 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...life have come back; the scholars have become again important. Bodhidharma rebelled against the Buddhist tradition, and part of his rebellion was meeting with the Tao and bringing all the flowers of Tao and creating a new experience. But he was as unaware of the fact as Buddha was. Buddha was saying, "Don't make a tradition of me," but the tradition was made. Bodhidharma rebelled against the tradition, but was n...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,275 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...erything remains incomplete. You cannot complete anything because you are in such a hurry -- another thing is waiting, lined up! People die with empty hands. All the Eastern religions -- Taoism, Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism -- have given a totally different dimension, the whole eternity. You are not confined into seventy years; birth and death are simply episodes in your eternity. Many times you have ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,276 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... of their own treasures." NOT MINDFUL OF BUDDHISM... Naturally, when you become enlightened you are no more interested in any `ism'. It may be Buddhism, it may be Jainism, it may be Taoism, it does not matter. Enlightenment takes you beyond all `isms'. `Isms' are simply philosophical statements. Enlightenment is the very experience. So he says, NOT MINDFUL OF BUDDHISM -- because Buddhism wi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,277 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s it becomes such an urgency that it has to be done whatever the consequences -- whatsoever the losses, you have to know yourself -- unless this becomes such a total thirst, you will not become a buddha. Or a man of Tao -- which are not two things; a man of Tao is the Chinese expression for the same experience as becoming a buddha. BEFORE THE EXISTENCE OF THE WORLD THE SELF-NATURE REMAINS INTACT. NOW THAT YOU HAV...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,278 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...o be done whatever the consequences -- whatsoever the losses, you have to know yourself -- unless this becomes such a total thirst, you will not become a buddha. Or a man of Tao -- which are not two things; a man of Tao is the Chinese expression for the same experience as becoming a buddha. BEFORE THE EXISTENCE OF THE WORLD THE SELF-NATURE REMAINS INTACT. NOW THAT YOU HAVE SEEN THIS OLD MONK -- Joshu is pointing ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,279 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... mirror. Only a blind man can pass without seeing himself in me, his own image. The master's basic, fundamental function is to be a mirror to the disciple so the disciple can have a certain idea of what a man of Tao means, what it means to be a buddha. Joshu, with a lion's roar, is saying, "When you have seen this old monk, you are no longer someone else but a master of yourself." A master only reflects your masterhood. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,280 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ssential nature is that of a buddha, 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- the man of Tao. Deeper and deeper -- because the deeper you go, the more will be your experience of your eternal reality. Flowers will start showering on you, the whole existence will rejoice your silence. Ju...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,281 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...he truth. RINZAI SAID: FOLLOWERS OF THE TAO... Now, this is... from the very beginning he commits a mistake. Not intentionally -- he is a great lover of Buddha and Lao Tzu, of Tao and Dhamma. Dhamma is Buddha's finger pointing to the moon, and Tao is Lao Tzu's finger pointing to the same moon. Only the fingers differ. That's why Buddhism never came to clash with Taoism when it reached Chin...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,282 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Now, this is... from the very beginning he commits a mistake. Not intentionally -- he is a great lover of Buddha and Lao Tzu, of Tao and Dhamma. Dhamma is Buddha's finger pointing to the moon, and Tao is Lao Tzu's finger pointing to the same moon. Only the fingers differ. That's why Buddhism never came to clash with Taoism when it reached China. This is a rare incident in history. Whenever one religion tra...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,283 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... of Buddha and Lao Tzu, of Tao and Dhamma. Dhamma is Buddha's finger pointing to the moon, and Tao is Lao Tzu's finger pointing to the same moon. Only the fingers differ. That's why Buddhism never came to clash with Taoism when it reached China. This is a rare incident in history. Whenever one religion travels there is immediately conflict with the existing religion -- naturally, because their concepts differ. This is the on...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,284 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ct with the existing religion -- naturally, because their concepts differ. This is the only instance in the whole of history where this did not happen, when Buddhism reached China and was welcomed by the Taoists. It is a phenomenal thing, it is absolutely unique and rare. Do you think Christianity will welcome Hinduism in the same way, or Hinduism will welcome Mohammedanism in the same way, or Mohammedanism will ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,285 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... They have all been in conflict, arguing, fighting, killing, burning for fictitious concepts which have no evidence of existence at all. This is the only instance in the whole of history, where the lovers of Tao simply welcomed Bodhidharma. They saw that the finger is different but the moon is the same, and to fight for fingers is absolutely idiotic. They are all pointing to the same moon. Rinzai commits his first mi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,286 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...comed Bodhidharma. They saw that the finger is different but the moon is the same, and to fight for fingers is absolutely idiotic. They are all pointing to the same moon. Rinzai commits his first mistake because Tao does not allow any followers. You can love Tao, you can live Tao, but you cannot be a follower -- because Tao is not an ordinary religion. It is not a church, it has no organized discipline. It is the path of ver...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,287 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...different but the moon is the same, and to fight for fingers is absolutely idiotic. They are all pointing to the same moon. Rinzai commits his first mistake because Tao does not allow any followers. You can love Tao, you can live Tao, but you cannot be a follower -- because Tao is not an ordinary religion. It is not a church, it has no organized discipline. It is the path of very unique, eccentric people. You cannot fall ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,288 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...same, and to fight for fingers is absolutely idiotic. They are all pointing to the same moon. Rinzai commits his first mistake because Tao does not allow any followers. You can love Tao, you can live Tao, but you cannot be a follower -- because Tao is not an ordinary religion. It is not a church, it has no organized discipline. It is the path of very unique, eccentric people. You cannot fall into the trap of foll...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,289 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... absolutely idiotic. They are all pointing to the same moon. Rinzai commits his first mistake because Tao does not allow any followers. You can love Tao, you can live Tao, but you cannot be a follower -- because Tao is not an ordinary religion. It is not a church, it has no organized discipline. It is the path of very unique, eccentric people. You cannot fall into the trap of following because there is nothing to follow -- n...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,290 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...not fall into the trap of following because there is nothing to follow -- no doctrine, no discipline, no special way to reach to the truth. And further on he says that Dhamma is not fixed; Dhamma and Tao are exactly equivalent. If Dhamma is not fixed, how can you follow it? You can follow a thing which is dead and fixed, but Tao is a living phenomenon. It has no scripture, it has only a deep, personal intimacy wh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,291 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...o the truth. And further on he says that Dhamma is not fixed; Dhamma and Tao are exactly equivalent. If Dhamma is not fixed, how can you follow it? You can follow a thing which is dead and fixed, but Tao is a living phenomenon. It has no scripture, it has only a deep, personal intimacy which is handed down, hand to hand, from master to disciple. The same is true of Zen. It is a transmission, invisible to outsider...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,292 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...field. In that magnetic field it is easier for you to relax, it is easier for you not to doubt. It is easier for you to enter into yourself, seeing that so many people are entering; there is no fear. Tao is an energy field which is being transferred from master to disciple. And the moment it is transferred, the disciple becomes a master in his own right. Now he has his own field of energy. Energy is invisible; on...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,293 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...atch me, feel me, but don't follow me." You have to find your own path alone. And that is a great beauty, that your enlightenment will be fresh and virgin, not second hand. There are no followers of Tao, but Rinzai is a man of philosophy where there are only followers. In Tao, in Zen, in Dhamma, there are only lovers... love at the highest peak, where you open your heart to the unknown realities, to the unknown ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,294 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ne. And that is a great beauty, that your enlightenment will be fresh and virgin, not second hand. There are no followers of Tao, but Rinzai is a man of philosophy where there are only followers. In Tao, in Zen, in Dhamma, there are only lovers... love at the highest peak, where you open your heart to the unknown realities, to the unknown invisible mysteries of your own being. It is a trust certainly, but not a ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,295 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...more intimate. I can show you my inner world in order to help you to see your own inner world." The function of the master is to provoke a quest in you for your inner treasures. There are no followers of Tao. There are only lovers. Rinzai says: I AM TALKING ABOUT THAT WHICH IS DISTINCTLY SOLITARY AND BRIGHT AND IS LISTENING TO MY EXPOUNDING OF THE DHARMA. THIS ONE KNOWS NO OBSTRUCTIONS A...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,296 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... PURITY AND CLEANNESS, SHINING THROUGH THE TEN DIRECTIONS OF SPACE, WHERE MYRIAD THINGS ARE IN THE STATE OF SUCHNESS. Now he is saying something of experience. He knows that your suchness, your nature, your Tao is immortal, and it is all over the cosmos. It is a very difficult job... and I have suffered so much from these people. Reading their scriptures, I had to sort out what was their childhood, what ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,297 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...Followers don't exist in the world of the buddhas -- only lovers, only those who are ready to expose themselves to their very core. Otherwise what he is saying is significant. Just change `followers' into `lovers of Tao'. MEN OF ABILITY KNOW ONLY NOW THAT FUNDAMENTALLY THERE IS NO CAUSE WHATEVER FOR CONCERN. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,298 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ified, because this body will change, this mind will change. A thousand times they have already changed. Only this watcher is your treasure, which always remains... eternity to eternity. Lao Tzu calls it Tao. Buddha calls it Dhamma. Whatever the name, this is your pure existence. It opens the doors of all the mysteries -- mysteries that you can feel, but you cannot say; mysteri...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,299 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...gions: Judaism -- he was a Jew; Christianity -- which is an offshoot of Judaism; and a little bit of Islam -- that, too, is an offshoot of Judaism. He had no knowledge about the Eastern religions: Buddhism, Jainism, Tao, Zen. They were unknown dimensions to him. Secondly, he was not aware he could not be aware, of me and my people -- we were not yet there -- and a totally new quality of religion which I call reli...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,300 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t conceive. In Hindu concept you cannot conceive. Q:* OF WHAT? -- SUICIDE. THOUGH NOT ALL WHAT HAPPENS THERE WAS SUICIDE. A:* Jonestown -- Jonestown you cannot conceive under Hindu or Buddhist or Jaina or Tao traditions -- impossible, for the simple reason that Krishna, who is the God of the Hindus is a lover of life. He has sixteen thousand wives. Do you think such a man will...? Q:* COMMIT SUICIDE? ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,301 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...undation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- nothing, they don't have any philosophic ground. Their arguments are childish. Compared to the Eastern religions, Buddhism, Taoism, Jainism, they are simply in the kindergarten school. To condemn them is very easy; it does not need a great mind to condemn Judaism or Christianity. It is so simple a job. But to condemn Gautam Buddha is not ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,302 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ANY REDEEMING FEATURES OF THE OTHER RELIGIONS; BUDDHISM, HINDUISM, CHRISTIANITY? A:* Christianity, Judaism, Mohammedanism, these three religions have nothing to offer -- except stupidity. Buddhism, Taoism, Jainism, have much to offer. Hinduism is just in the middle of these two -- much nonsense, much sense, all mixed. What Buddhism Taoism, Jainism, has to offer in a sense is the method of meditation. Those are ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,303 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ism, these three religions have nothing to offer -- except stupidity. Buddhism, Taoism, Jainism, have much to offer. Hinduism is just in the middle of these two -- much nonsense, much sense, all mixed. What Buddhism Taoism, Jainism, has to offer in a sense is the method of meditation. Those are the three religions who are based on the method of meditation. All the three have no idea of God. All the three are completely free of t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,304 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...... I have appreciated them on all accounts but as far as homosexuality is concerned I cannot support even Socrates. He was a homosexual. His homosexuality destroys much of his credibility that he did not understand Tao -- the way of nature. And homosexuality, moreover, is a religious disease. And condemning all the religions, for all the harm they have done to humanity: one of the greatest harm is homosexuality. Because it ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,305 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [..., but appearances are not always true. Friedrich Nietzsche was not aware that there are religions in the world which have no God -- yet even in those religions man is not free. He was not aware of Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism -- the most profound religions of all. For all these three religions there is no God. For the same reason Lao Tzu, Mahavira and Gautam Buddha have denied God -- because they could see that with...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,306 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... doers, thinkers. But it remains only an attraction; they cannot manage to do what these people are asking. Their attraction was basically from the opposite pole. They would be in better company with Taoists, with Zen, but they may not be interested. I don't see many women interested in Zen or Taoism. Really Zen and Taoism are, in a way, feminine. They want you to relax and be inactive. What I am ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,307 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... are asking. Their attraction was basically from the opposite pole. They would be in better company with Taoists, with Zen, but they may not be interested. I don't see many women interested in Zen or Taoism. Really Zen and Taoism are, in a way, feminine. They want you to relax and be inactive. What I am saying is that you are neither. My approach transcends Gurdjieff and J. Krishnamurti together....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,308 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...action was basically from the opposite pole. They would be in better company with Taoists, with Zen, but they may not be interested. I don't see many women interested in Zen or Taoism. Really Zen and Taoism are, in a way, feminine. They want you to relax and be inactive. What I am saying is that you are neither. My approach transcends Gurdjieff and J. Krishnamurti together. Gurdjie...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,309 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s interested because yoga belongs to the same hemisphere of the mind. Physiological activity or mental activity -- activity as such is one part of the mind. I cannot say that I belong to the traditions of Zen or Tao, although I love those traditions more than any other. But I cannot be part of their group because they are using the other side of the mind -- the inactive mind. Their whole effort is how to shift your conscious...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,310 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...IS LIKE SOWING SEED. WHEN I EXPOUND TO YOU THE ESSENTIALS OF DHARMA, IT IS LIKE THE SHOWERS FROM HEAVEN. AS YOU ARE RECEPTIVE TO THE TEACHING, YOU ARE DESTINED TO SEE THE TAO." Tao is Chinese for what we call samadhi; the Japanese call it satori, the Chinese call it tao. Tao is perhaps the best of all these expressions, because it is not part of language. It simply indicates something inexp...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,311 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...THE SHOWERS FROM HEAVEN. AS YOU ARE RECEPTIVE TO THE TEACHING, YOU ARE DESTINED TO SEE THE TAO." Tao is Chinese for what we call samadhi; the Japanese call it satori, the Chinese call it tao. Tao is perhaps the best of all these expressions, because it is not part of language. It simply indicates something inexpressible, something that you can know but cannot say, something that you can live b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,312 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...you can know but cannot say, something that you can live but cannot explain. It is something that you can dance, you can sing, but you cannot utter a single word about it. You can be it; you can be the expression of Tao, but you cannot say what it is that you are expressing. MA TZU AGAIN ASKED: "SINCE THE TAO IS BEYOND COLOR AND FORM, HOW CAN IT BE SEEN?" You have to understand this dialogue ve...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,313 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... what has to be asked. There are thousands of things to ask, but the essentials are very few and unless you start by asking the essentials, you will not come close to the truth. As Nangaku mentioned the Tao, Ma Tzu immediately asked: "SINCE THE TAO IS BEYOND COLOR AND FORM, HOW CAN IT BE SEEN? -- you are saying that if you enter into samadhi, you will see the Tao." THE MASTER SAID: "THE DHARMA-EYE OF ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,314 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...se to the truth. As Nangaku mentioned the Tao, Ma Tzu immediately asked: "SINCE THE TAO IS BEYOND COLOR AND FORM, HOW CAN IT BE SEEN? -- you are saying that if you enter into samadhi, you will see the Tao." THE MASTER SAID: "THE DHARMA-EYE OF YOUR INTERIOR SPIRIT IS CAPABLE OF PERCEIVING THE TAO. SO IT IS WITH THE FORMLESS SAMADHI." It was for this reason that the East had to develop the c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,315 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... `the third eye', arises in you; a new sensitivity which can feel and see what is not possible for your outer senses. The dharma-eye, which is the third eye of your interior spirit, is capable of perceiving the Tao. When I say to you in meditations, "Go deeper, look deeper," I am trying in every way so that your third eye, which has remained dormant, opens up. Ma Tzu still asked, "IS THERE STILL MAKING AND UNMAK...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,316 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s cloud floating in the sky, in total freedom, unattached to anything. IF YOU DO, THE TAO IS IMMOVABLE. Nangaku is saying, "If you don't listen to my advice and still go home, remember that your Tao, your empty buddha inside, never goes anywhere. So you are just acting; just a dead body, a corpse is going. Your real being is immovable; it never goes anywhere, it is always now and here." And he sa...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,317 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... "I AM TENDING AN OX," THE DISCIPLE ANSWERED. I have to explain to you that "I am tending an ox" does not mean exactly what it says. It is a symbolic saying in Zen. There are ten cards in Tao, just like tarot cards. Those cards are called "tending an ox." The ox is a symbol of your own self. Searching for the self is the meaning of those symbolic cards. When those cards were brought from China to ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,318 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...oor buddhas." An unnecessary effort, if you understand; just recognize it yourself -- don't let me harass you! MA TZU CONTINUED, "CULTIVATION IS OF NO USE FOR THE ATTAINMENT OF TAO." Call it Tao, or the buddha, or the dharma -- it is the same. CULTIVATION IS OF NO USE... Don't try to cultivate, just be! For one day try it at least, not cultivating; just for twenty-four hours give me a chance! Be a buddha...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,319 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... clean it every moment, because every moment, just by its nature, dust goes on gathering." If you can avoid defilement, there is no need of any cultivation; you will realize the ultimate truth, the Tao. A Zen haiku: ENTERING THE FOREST, HE MOVES NOT THE GRASS. ENTERING THE WATER, HE MAKES NOT A RIPPLE. He is talking about the full moon. A full ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,320 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s; these are great philosophers. But their problems about God... Nobody has met God, it is purely a concept. And there are religions who don't believe in God. Jainism has no God, Buddhism has no God, Taoism has no God. God is not an essential phenomenon for any religion to exist. And then there are different descriptions of God. The Old Testament says that God is a very angry God, very jealous and very temperamen...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,321 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... slept before." If you really want to be living at the maximum, don't listen to the duality of the mind. The only security in existence is going beyond the mind. The beggar was a great Taoist master. His name was Lieh Tzu. But people had forgotten that fifty years before he had dropped his kingdom. He said, "The only security I have found is in being silent, in being myself, where all duality...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,322 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...abyss, endless, beginningless. The moment you look you get dizzy, you start running, you immediately escape. But where can you escape to? Wherever you go that emptiness will be with you because it is you. It is your Tao, your nature. One has to come to terms with it. Meditation is nothing but coming to terms with your inner emptiness: recognizing it, not escaping; living through it, not escaping; being through i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,323 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...es; freedom from possession, nonpossession; freedom from this world and that; freedom from matter and mind -- freedom from all choices and divisions. Then the impossible is dropped and you become natural, you become Tao, then you float. When the impossible effort is gone, anxiety disappears, then you are no longer in anguish. And when you are no longer in anguish, bliss arises. Bliss is not something to be achieved. You only...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,324 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [..., but now they are shifting from the belly to the head. There have been other traditions that have thought from other parts of the body. Lao Tzu says you think from the soles of your feet. So there are techniques in Taoist yoga to get out of the soles of your feet -- because THERE the thinking is going on. What is the reality? The reality is: you are beyond. But you can get attached to any part of the body -- the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,325 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...re and the divine, a meeting of the created and the creator, a meeting of body and soul, a meeting of that which is below and of that which is above, a meeting of the earth and the sky. Says Lao Tzu: Tao happens when earth and heaven meet. This is the meeting. Witnessing is the basic source. But it will be difficult to become a witness in the sex act if you are not trying to become a witness in other acts of ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,326 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... the simple reason that it gives you prejudices, superficial prejudices. Anything going against it you immediately take the idea that it is wrong, it is right. It happened to Lao Tzu, the source of Taoism, that he was made the chief justice of the Supreme Court of China. He begged the emperor, "You are committing a mistake; I'm not the right man. You will repent." But the emperor knew that he wa...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,327 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ditation is a demolishing of the personality. There was a great clash between meditation and Confucian philosophy, which was predominant in China. It was a long struggle. There was a small stream of Tao -- Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu -- but it was a very small stream. It had no national impact because the people who were impressed by Confucius remained in their heads, and Tao was the philosophy of the heart. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,328 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...struggle. There was a small stream of Tao -- Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu -- but it was a very small stream. It had no national impact because the people who were impressed by Confucius remained in their heads, and Tao was the philosophy of the heart. So when Buddhist monks reached China from India, there was immediately a deep communion between them and the small Taoist stream. Just looking into each other's eyes they und...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,329 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ssed by Confucius remained in their heads, and Tao was the philosophy of the heart. So when Buddhist monks reached China from India, there was immediately a deep communion between them and the small Taoist stream. Just looking into each other's eyes they understood, language was not a barrier. But with Confucius there was a continuous argument for centuries. And it is a strange fact that Confuci...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,330 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... argument for centuries. And it is a strange fact that Confucius has won, finally, because the communism that now prevails over China is an extension of Confucius. Mao is a Confucian, and they have destroyed all the Taoist monasteries; their scriptures; they have forced the Taoist meditators to go to the fields and work there. China has gone against Lao Tzu, who was its greatest son. It has gone with Confucius, who is ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,331 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ucius has won, finally, because the communism that now prevails over China is an extension of Confucius. Mao is a Confucian, and they have destroyed all the Taoist monasteries; their scriptures; they have forced the Taoist meditators to go to the fields and work there. China has gone against Lao Tzu, who was its greatest son. It has gone with Confucius, who is just as ordinary as Manu in India -- just a social thinker, crea...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,332 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ere the people who understood Bodhidharma without a single word being said to them. They were the people who simply accepted Gautam Buddha and his immense contribution of meditation. But China has slipped out of the Taoist world of non-verbal, non-linguistic silence. But in Japan things were different. When the philosophy of meditation reached Japan, it already had a religion, Shinto -- very primitive, without a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,333 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ill the vacuum, and then came the philosophy of meditation. And by now it was even richer than it was when it had reached China, because Gautam Buddha's approach to life was tremendously enhanced and enriched by the Taoist approach. They melted into each other, they made each other brighter, lovelier, deeper, higher. In fact it was a miracle. Meditation has never reached to such heights as when Gautam Buddha and Lao Tzu's ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,334 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... something; you have to write it down and hand it over to the government. Then you can leave.' So he was forced on the boundary by these officials. In three days he went and quickly wrote the whole 'Tao Teh Ching'. But in the first line he says, 'Tao cannot be uttered, and the tao that is uttered is no more tao.' So even taoism is not pure tao -- the 'ism' makes it impure. So forget about macrobiotics -- that it...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,335 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...n and hand it over to the government. Then you can leave.' So he was forced on the boundary by these officials. In three days he went and quickly wrote the whole 'Tao Teh Ching'. But in the first line he says, 'Tao cannot be uttered, and the tao that is uttered is no more tao.' So even taoism is not pure tao -- the 'ism' makes it impure. So forget about macrobiotics -- that it can be pure taoism. It is a theory, an hypothes...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,336 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...a staff in his hand, killing small children who are still happy. The society has not destroyed them -- they are still spontaneous. Look at this schoolmaster: sad, angry, always angry, always killing the natural, the Tao, the spontaneous. He will be happy only when all these children become old and dead. Then he will be at ease, he has done his job. Psychologists say that people who are attracted towards schools, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,337 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t has always been burning. It is there, but you go on looking outside. Once you look within, the light is there. It has always been there. You have never missed it for a single moment. You cannot miss it. It is your Tao, your nature, your very self -- no need to offer any candle for the inside, and no candle can go inside. But for the outside candles can be offered. So remember: all those who offer you something for your pa...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,338 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...phical note before I talk about the sutras Maneesha has brought. These sutras belong to the world of Zen. To me, Zen is the only authentic religiousness. It has nothing to do with Buddhism, it has nothing to do with Taoism. In fact it is a rebellion against the traditions of Buddhism and of Taoism. But it has carried the essential message of Buddha. It has discarded all that was mere commentary. It has cut all rubbish out of the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,339 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... belong to the world of Zen. To me, Zen is the only authentic religiousness. It has nothing to do with Buddhism, it has nothing to do with Taoism. In fact it is a rebellion against the traditions of Buddhism and of Taoism. But it has carried the essential message of Buddha. It has discarded all that was mere commentary. It has cut all rubbish out of the way. It is the very essence of Buddha's experience -- and that is also the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,340 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... the essential message of Buddha. It has discarded all that was mere commentary. It has cut all rubbish out of the way. It is the very essence of Buddha's experience -- and that is also the experience of Lao Tzu, of Tao. Zen is paving the path for the future humanity of one religiousness. Zen is the only authentic gold that has come out of the whole past of humanity. My love for it is not in vain. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,341 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...S ON THIS MATTER? All the methods that lead man to realization are, essentially, awareness. Their non-essential components may be different. I have spoken on yoga, on tantra, on Hassidism, on Tao, on Zen, on all possible methods that humanity has tried. I wanted you to be aware of all the ways through which man has been searching to reach the truth that liberates -- but each method is essentially awarenes...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,342 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ence and the center. A master has to be alert not to give you impossible goals, because those impossible goals will make you feel, "It is not for me. It is too much, too big. I am too small." A Taoist parable is: There is a statue of Lao Tzu, the founder of Tao. And a young man has been thinking for years to go to the mountains and see the statue of Lao Tzu. He loves the words, the way Lao Tzu has spoken, t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,343 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ot to give you impossible goals, because those impossible goals will make you feel, "It is not for me. It is too much, too big. I am too small." A Taoist parable is: There is a statue of Lao Tzu, the founder of Tao. And a young man has been thinking for years to go to the mountains and see the statue of Lao Tzu. He loves the words, the way Lao Tzu has spoken, the style of life that he has lived, but he has never seen any of...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,344 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... thinking for years to go to the mountains and see the statue of Lao Tzu. He loves the words, the way Lao Tzu has spoken, the style of life that he has lived, but he has never seen any of his statues. There are no Taoist temples, so there are very rare statues and they are all in the mountains -- standing in the open, carved out of the mountain -- no roof, no temple, no priest, no worship. And years pass, and there are so...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,345 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...st came and went by, and they reached one of the most beautiful statues of one of the greatest men who has ever walked on the earth. Even his statue had something -- it was not just a piece of art, it was created by Taoist artists to represent the spirit of Tao. Tao believes in the philosophy of let-go. It believes you are not to swim, but just to flow with the river, allow the river to take you wherever it is going -- beca...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,346 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...of the most beautiful statues of one of the greatest men who has ever walked on the earth. Even his statue had something -- it was not just a piece of art, it was created by Taoist artists to represent the spirit of Tao. Tao believes in the philosophy of let-go. It believes you are not to swim, but just to flow with the river, allow the river to take you wherever it is going -- because every river ultimately reaches to the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,347 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... statues of one of the greatest men who has ever walked on the earth. Even his statue had something -- it was not just a piece of art, it was created by Taoist artists to represent the spirit of Tao. Tao believes in the philosophy of let-go. It believes you are not to swim, but just to flow with the river, allow the river to take you wherever it is going -- because every river ultimately reaches to the ocean. So ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,348 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... reaches to the ocean. So don't be worried, you will reach the ocean. There is no need to be tense. In that lonely spot the statue was standing, and there was a waterfall just by the side -- because Tao is called the watercourse way. Just as the water goes on and on flowing with no guidebooks, with no maps, with no rules, no discipline... but strangely enough in a very humble way, because it is always seeking th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,349 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... is always seeking the lower position everywhere. It never goes uphill. It always goes downhill, but it reaches to the ocean, to its very source. The whole atmosphere there was representative of the Taoist idea of let-go. The old man said, 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- "Now b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,350 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...was not out there; it was your own dreaming-faculty. The garden was not out there; it was your own awareness. And the home is your own being, SATCHITANAND. It is you, your innermost nature, SWABHAVA, Tao -- or call it whatsoever name you would like to call it. It is nameless. These are the four states, and I talked about them in such detail because it will help you to understand these sutras, and other sutras...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,351 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...-- the rose has been there, the sun has been there, the green trees have been there, you have been there -- and not a single word has crossed. You have tasted, for the first time, what meditation is. You have tasted Tao. You have had a glimpse into the being of Kabir and Krishna and Christ. You have tasted Bhagwan. You have come to see something of tremendous import, for the first time; and once tasted, you will welc...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,352 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...conflicts, fights, violence. There has been bloodshed -- a great effort to convert the other! The only religious meeting which can be appreciated happened in China between the Buddhist monks and the Taoist monks. They did not argue, they did not fight, they did not try to convert anybody. In fact seeing each other, they immediately understood that they are standing in the same space. Out of this communion of Bud...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,353 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ks. They did not argue, they did not fight, they did not try to convert anybody. In fact seeing each other, they immediately understood that they are standing in the same space. Out of this communion of Buddhism and Taoism ch'an was born. It is the only meeting of two religions which can be said to be friendly, compassionate, loving. There has been no conflict at all, no argument even, but a sheer understanding. In deep sil...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,354 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ving. There has been no conflict at all, no argument even, but a sheer understanding. In deep silence they both could see that their paths may have been different, but they have arrived at the same peak. Taoists had no name for it; they have left it unnamed. Buddhists have a name for it, dhyan. But it was so new they had to make a new symbol for it, and that symbol was pronounced ch'an. It remained the culmination an...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,355 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ad to make a new symbol for it, and that symbol was pronounced ch'an. It remained the culmination and synthesis of the two greatest and most highly evolved religions -- but it remained confined too, to Buddhists and Taoists. When it was taken to Japan by Japanese seekers, it reached a new height; it became free from Buddhism and Taoism too, it became simply Zen. There was no need for all the Buddhist doctrines t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,356 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...and most highly evolved religions -- but it remained confined too, to Buddhists and Taoists. When it was taken to Japan by Japanese seekers, it reached a new height; it became free from Buddhism and Taoism too, it became simply Zen. There was no need for all the Buddhist doctrines to support it; nor was there any need for the Taoist philosophy to support it. It was so complete and entire in itself that in Japan ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,357 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...o Japan by Japanese seekers, it reached a new height; it became free from Buddhism and Taoism too, it became simply Zen. There was no need for all the Buddhist doctrines to support it; nor was there any need for the Taoist philosophy to support it. It was so complete and entire in itself that in Japan dhyan, in the name of Zen, came to its purest quality. Nowhere else in the world has it happened. The essence is...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,358 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... different devices, the silence. And Zen has evolved new devices which were not in the Buddhist jhan nor were they in Chinese ch'an. Zen has taken a totally new course, a new freshness, a new birth. Even Taoists and Buddhists feel a little strange about Zen. The most orthodox ones laugh at it, that it is absolutely absurd. I have seen prominent Buddhist monks. One was Bhikkhu Sangharakshita. He was an ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,359 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e is no possibility I can conceive that can go beyond it. It has left everything possible behind; now only the essential has remained -- pure consciousness. Now it has nothing to do with Buddhism, nothing to do with Taoism. It is yours if you do it, whoever you may be: man, woman, black, white, it doesn't matter. What I am teaching is exactly pure Zen, without using the word Zen, because although it has gone beyo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,360 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... difficult to forget them; it is very easy to remember them. They have a way of reaching to the deepest core of your being. Hence, Sufis have been using parables. It is a totally different world from Zen, Tao, Yoga, Tantra. I welcome you into the world of Sufis today.... It is more artistic, more poetic, more aesthetic, and its ways are very subtle. A CERTAIN MAN DECIDED THAT HE WOULD SEEK THE PE...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,361 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... never again. Now you are looking for Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu never comes again. Once is all. Nothing is ever repeated. God's creativity is infinite. He is not repetitive. And if you read a Buddhist, a Confucian, a Taoist, then you will be more confused -- because they describe different things. And you may be a very clever person, an intelligent person, intellectual, and you may join ALL those characteristics together. Now you...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,362 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e are so many flowers. And then the spring is gone, and you never go to nature and say, "You look very contradictory. Where are the flowers? And how can you go on contradicting yourself in this way?" Tao is contradictory. It has to be. That is the dialectics of life. But you never go to nature! If a cuckoo is calling and then suddenly it stops for no reason at all, you don't go to the cuckoo and say "Why have you...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,363 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...en. In the summer the leaves will disappear and branches will be standing bare, naked, dry, against the sky. But you don't go to the trees saying "How dare you be so contradictory!" I am part of this Tao. I am not a philosopher. So all my statements are of the moment, for the moment. Remember it. There is no need to believe in them. Enjoy them! Relish them! While the flower is there, drink its beauty. It will be ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,364 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...D UPON IT TO EXIST, AND IT DOES NOT ABANDON THEM. TO ITS ACCOMPLISHMENTS IT LAYS NO CLAIM. IT LOVES AND NOURISHES ALL THINGS, BUT DOES NOT LORD IT OVER THEM. The Tao goes on flowing -- to the left, to the right, to the sinner, to the saint, it is available. It goes on raining on all. It makes no distinctions of higher and lower, of the accepted, the chosen, and the rejected, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,365 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... There are moments... have you not watched in your own being? You may be a man ordinarily. Sometimes you are not a man at all: you are a woman. You may be a woman ordinarily, but sometimes you are a man. The Tao goes on flowing. Nothing can obstruct it. There are female moments in every male's consciousness, and there are male moments in every female's consciousness. Man and woman are together, undivided, two aspects of ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,366 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- of love, because it makes you aware of the invisible unity of all. TO ITS ACCOMPLISHMENTS IT LAYS NO CLAIM. God remains silent. Tao remains silent. It lays no claim. IT LOVES AND NOURISHES ALL THINGS, with no distinctions, BUT DOES NOT LORD IT OVER THEM. That is another thing so nice about Tao, about the real G...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,367 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... God remains silent. Tao remains silent. It lays no claim. IT LOVES AND NOURISHES ALL THINGS, with no distinctions, BUT DOES NOT LORD IT OVER THEM. That is another thing so nice about Tao, about the real God: it is not bossy! The moment your God becomes bossy, your ego has entered in your God, you have falsified God. That's how many Gods have become untrue Gods. Your mind has corrupted them. You h...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,368 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...d them. You have brought all your nonsense to the concept of God. You have poisoned the very concept. THE TAO LOVES AND NOURISHES ALL THINGS, BUT DOES NOT LORD IT OVER THEM. Thus the Tao is something purely helpful -- never coercive. The Taoist never speaks of obedience, but only of BEING IN HARMONY with the Tao. The internal and the outer are in harmony, in absolute harmony. They are notes, two ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,369 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...to the concept of God. You have poisoned the very concept. THE TAO LOVES AND NOURISHES ALL THINGS, BUT DOES NOT LORD IT OVER THEM. Thus the Tao is something purely helpful -- never coercive. The Taoist never speaks of obedience, but only of BEING IN HARMONY with the Tao. The internal and the outer are in harmony, in absolute harmony. They are notes, two notes, of the same music -- two musical ins...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,370 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ES AND NOURISHES ALL THINGS, BUT DOES NOT LORD IT OVER THEM. Thus the Tao is something purely helpful -- never coercive. The Taoist never speaks of obedience, but only of BEING IN HARMONY with the Tao. The internal and the outer are in harmony, in absolute harmony. They are notes, two notes, of the same music -- two musical instruments in the same orchestra, in absolute harmony: Being in harmony is the way of ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,371 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...Tao. The internal and the outer are in harmony, in absolute harmony. They are notes, two notes, of the same music -- two musical instruments in the same orchestra, in absolute harmony: Being in harmony is the way of Tao. In the moment of awakening to the real, one realizes, not that one SHOULD not rebel against Tao or God, but that one simply CANNOT. You cannot be otherwise! Notwithstanding what you go on b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,372 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...-- two musical instruments in the same orchestra, in absolute harmony: Being in harmony is the way of Tao. In the moment of awakening to the real, one realizes, not that one SHOULD not rebel against Tao or God, but that one simply CANNOT. You cannot be otherwise! Notwithstanding what you go on believing. You may think of yourself as an individual -- you are not, because you are not separate. Your thinking i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,373 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t is the one ecstasy. That one ecstasy is God. The taste of it is God. God is not a person with form or without form. God is the taste on your tongue of that moment -- of that moment of bliss, of that moment of Tao, of that moment when ALL stops, time stops, and the world stops. I am not a Totapuri at all. He was very much obsessed with the formless, otherwise why should he bother to cut Ramakrishna's foreh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,374 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... forget all possibilities of growing. Never condemn a man, never make him feel guilty. It is a crime. Rather, when you find a man is doing something wrong, provoke his natural goodness! Remind him of his Tao, of the kingdom that is within, of his divine nature. Remind him of his divine nature first, and with that remembrance he will be able to see what wrong he is committing. You will not even be needed to pinpoint i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,375 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... I say is one thing, and to understand me is quite another. If you only understand that which I am saying, you will gather only the superficial; you will miss the essential, because the essential cannot be said. The Tao that can be said is not the true Tao. And the God that can be uttered is not the real God. Religion in its fundamental richness remains unexpressed. So what I am saying is not that which I am. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,376 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...d me is quite another. If you only understand that which I am saying, you will gather only the superficial; you will miss the essential, because the essential cannot be said. The Tao that can be said is not the true Tao. And the God that can be uttered is not the real God. Religion in its fundamental richness remains unexpressed. So what I am saying is not that which I am. Buddha was passing throug...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,377 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... your beliefs, your concepts, your prejudices -- let this be the touchstone. Believe only in that which works. And then it is no more belief: it is trust, because you have seen its work. You know it corresponds with Tao; you know it is in tune with the ultimate law of life, with Dhamma. This should be the one and only criterion for all those who follow on the path. Philosophy is abstract, woolly and utterly...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,378 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...cient statement: SATYAM EVAM JAYATE -- it is only truth that wins. Why is it only truth that wins? Because to be true is to be with God; to be true is to be with the ultimate law of existence, is to be in tune with. Tao. And the whole cannot fail. The individual is bound to fail. And unless you remember, you will remain an individual. The moment you remember, the miracle happens, the paradox happens: in self-remembering, sel...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,379 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...knowledge: man longs for awareness. Man desires the world: man longs for God. That which is intrinsic to you is longing. Divert your energies from desire into longing. Desire distracts you from your Tao, from your Dharma, from your nature. Desire takes you astray. It allures you into fantasies which are not possible. It drives you crazy, because it gives you hopes which cannot be fulfilled, which are unfulfillab...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,380 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... come back the same. You come back a totally different person, with a new vision of life, with a new understanding, with peace in the heart, with a great silence and harmony in the being. You come in tune with Tao, in tune with the whole. You come no more as an ego, but as a part of the divine plan, of the divine whole. HAIDAR ALI, WHEN HE HAD MASTERED THE REPETITIONS AND THE EXERCISES, WHEN HE KNEW THE...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,381 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Misery has only one meaning, that things are not fitting with your desires -- and things never fit with your desires, they cannot. Things simply go on following their nature. Lao Tzu calls this nature Tao. Buddha calls this nature Dhamma. Mahavir has defined religion as the nature of things. Nothing can be done. Fire is hot and water is cool. Don't try to impose your will on the nature of things. That is what the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,382 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...reet to another American doctor. There he was told the same thing. He went out into the street in a daze. Stumbling along, he found himself in the Chinese quarter, where he saw a sign identifying the office of a Taoist Chinese surgeon. Deciding to have one more medical opinion, Benson went in. He told the Chinese doctor that he had been to two American doctors and both of them wanted to perform immediate surgery to cut o...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,383 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... of my friends, a great poet, Ramdhari Singh Dinkar went to China. He was talking to a great Chinese philosopher, Lin Yu-Tang. Ramdhari had heard much from me about Lao Tzu; he had become immensely interested in the Taoist approach to reality. He said to Lin Yu-Tang, "I love Lao Tzu." Lin Yu-Tang looked at the poet, puzzled, and said, "But the source of Lao Tzu is in the Upanishads!" And Lin Yu-Tang is right, sin...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,384 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...all the poor people are converted. And the other extreme is also happening: the West is turning Buddhist. The intelligentsia of the West, of the rich countries, is becoming more interested in Zen, in Tao, in Yoga, and the poor people of the East are becoming more interested in Jesus. It is not just an accident; there is some hidden reason behind it. The poor people in the East are now finding a consolation in Jes...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,385 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... should also take note of the fact that socialism is a by-product of Christianity; it has not happened in Hinduism, it has not happened in Buddhism, it has not happened in Jainism, it has not happened in Taoism. Christianity has given birth to the idea of socialism, because basically Christianity has been a consolation for the poor. Socialism is now the ultimate consolation for the poor. Socialism does not make them ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,386 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... seduced by your idea. Get lost immediately! I have heard about that device, but I believe in Lao Tzu. He is my Master and he says machines are devices to cheat nature, and I don't want to cheat nature. Nature means Tao! If you cheat nature...." And of course, in a way it is right: when you invent a machine and it starts doing the work of man you are doing something which is not natural. Machines are not natural, and if a ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,387 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... man. Man is not whole and woman is not whole. They are two fragments of one whole. So whenever they become one in the sexual act, they can be in harmony with the innermost nature of things, with the Tao. This harmony can be a biological birth for a new being. If you are unaware, that is the only possibility. But if you are aware, the act can become a birth for you, a spiritual birth. You will be twice-born throu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,388 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...sfied with what you are. In other words, you do not long to be anything other than what you are. Then your mind exists in the moment. There is nothing to be tense about; you are at ease with yourself. You are in the Tao. To me, if there is no gap you are religious; you are in the dharma. The gap can have many layers. If the longing is physical, the tension will be physical. When you seek a particular body, a part...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,389 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ed that God exists. But they have no evidence, no proof, no argument, no eye-witness, and they themselves don't feel anything about God. The belief is creating a doubt in them. But there are religions like Buddhism, Taoism, Jainism, where God is not a belief; it is not part of their religions. I have never come across a Jaina or a Buddhist who doubts the existence of God. How can you doubt if you don't believe? I...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,390 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Hindus cannot be married again, but can be married again as Christians. And these people have not become Christians because they are convinced of Christianity's superiority over their own religion. Taoism, Buddhism, Jainism are far higher in their analysis of human consciousness, in finding ways and means to help humanity to come back home. Christianity has nothing comparable to it; and whatever they have can b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,391 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ion. In your good moments you find you are not. Now, wait a little more: go deeper into this state of not being yourself, and you will discover the immense depth of your "isness," of your being. One Taoist master, Hui Hi, used to say to his disciples: "When you come to meet me, leave yourself out." And he was not one of the so-called saints you have become accustomed to hearing about. He used to keep a big staff...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,392 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... this and that -- whatsoever life needs, he will do it. He is nobody special. Buddha's teaching flowered in China -- it came to perfection. Nansen is a meeting of Buddha and Lao Tzu, the meeting of Buddhism and Taoism, and Zen is the meeting of all that is beautiful in Buddha and all that is beautiful in Lao Tzu. That's why there is nothing like Zen, because two streams, tremendously powerful, tremendously beautiful, utterl...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,393 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ns met -- they clashed. The off-shoot was Sufism -- Sufis were born; very beautiful people. But it seems as if a child was born out of a rape, not out of love. This meeting of Buddha's teaching with Taoism is out of love. They simply fell in love, there has 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,394 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- been no clash, as if they suited each other perfectly. Something was lacking in Taoism and something was lacking in Buddhism. They simply complemented each other, they became a new being. The two disappeared and something new was born. The new was this man Nansen. Now try to understa...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,395 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... but not images of meditation in action, no. And you cannot find an image of any Zen Master just sitting with closed eyes -- he is always doing something. That was the thing missing in Buddhism which was supplied by Taoism. Life should be a balance between inactivity and activity. If you are completely active, you miss something -- you miss the inner. If you are completely inactive, you again miss something -- the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,396 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... do even this much? This is a perfectly alert man. He has not renounced his wife; he has lived in the world like an ordinary man. But he is not ordinary, he is extraordinary. Buddhism and Tao met, and Zen was born, so Zen says both are good. If you live in the world, it is okay, but live with alertness. If you renounce, if you feel like renouncing, that too is good, but renounce with alertness. So the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,397 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e that this whole existence is full of divinity. Then you don't call God 'The Father' or 'The Mother'; in fact then you don't give it any name. Lao Tzu says 'I don't know His name, so I will call it Tao. But this is just to indicate. I don't know His name.' Godliness has no name, no limitation. Wherever you pour your love you will discover it. Pour your love on a tree and the tree becomes God. P...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,398 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... scriptures are public. And the truth is a secret. Not that somebody is keeping it a secret, not that somebody is hiding it -- its very intrinsic nature is such that it cannot be said. Lao Tzu says: The Tao cannot be said. And the moment you say it, you have falsified it. THERE IS A SECRET ONE INSIDE US. THE PLANETS IN ALL THE GALAXIES PASS THROUGH HIS HANDS LIKE BEADS. And...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,399 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...hings. If you want to know what sannyas is, there is no way to know directly. You can just see the people to whom sannyas has happened -- you will have to see the lighted things. One cannot speak of Tao or Go ;l but only of the things that reveal it. Look at me. Look into my eyes. And if the depth calls you forth from your caves then plunge in! By becoming a sannyasin, by and bye you will come to feel what it is...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,400 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...morrow, no beast ever projects for the future. Then why are you unnecessarily worried for the future? Can't you see the cosmos around you? Everything is taken care of. Do you think that that universal spirit -- God, Tao, Dhamma -- will not take care of you? Do you think the universal spirit has abandoned you? WE SENSE THAT THERE IS SOME SORT OF SPIRIT THAT LOVES BIRDS AND ANIMALS AND THE ANTS. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,401 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...sturbed -- that has to be penetrated. After the primal scream the real work starts; then you have to start reliving those nine months in the womb. They will give you the first taste of trust -- a tongue-tip taste of Tao. And once you have remembered that, once you have recapitulated it consciously, your life is transformed. Then you live a relaxed life; then trust is born in you. Then you are no longer struggling, then there is ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,402 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... failing, goes on failing. He cannot succeed. Success is within God and with God. And remember, by 'God' I don't mean a person sitting somewhere in heaven, but the cosmic spirit. Sense the cosmic spirit, the Tao -- the law that pervades, permeates, the whole existence. Out of which you are born, and to which one day you will return. It is said of Saint Theresa that she wanted to make a great cathedral, one of the m...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,403 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... good in Mohammedanism. But Mohammedanism is the lowest kind of religion. Mohammedanism, Judaism, Christianity -- all are hypothetical. There have been only two religions which are not hypothetical, Buddhism and Taoism. Zen is a crossbreed of these two, and the crossbreed is always better than both the parents. It is the meeting of Buddha and Lao Tzu; out of this meeting is born Zen. It is not Buddhism, it is not Taoism; it ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,404 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ddhism and Taoism. Zen is a crossbreed of these two, and the crossbreed is always better than both the parents. It is the meeting of Buddha and Lao Tzu; out of this meeting is born Zen. It is not Buddhism, it is not Taoism; it has its own individuality. It carries everything beautiful that comes from Buddha and everything great that comes from Lao Tzu. It is the highest peak that man has ever reached. Hinduism is...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,405 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...inst this mess, searched alone rather than believing. That is one of the most important things to remember. Any religion that begins with belief is going to give you an auto-hypnotic experience. Only Taoism and Buddhism don't start with a belief. Their whole effort is that you should enter yourself without any concept of what you are going to find there. Just being open, available, without any prejudice, without ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,406 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [..., available, without any prejudice, without any philosophy and scripture -- just go in, open-hearted, and when you reach to the point where mind is silent, not a single thought moving... According to Tao and Buddha, even God is a thought. When there is no thought, you reach the highest Everest of consciousness. At that point you know that every living being has the potentiality of being a god. Bud...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,407 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...gs, real and unreal. But it cannot name this man. Rinzai is pointing to his own realization, and the new man that is born out of realization. The mind-ground cannot give a name to this man -- the new man, the man of Tao, or the man of enlightenment. Why can it not give a name to it? Because a name is a thought, and Zen does not accept any thought, sacred or profane; it accepts only the pure consciousness, the em...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,408 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...THIS IS CALLED THE `MYSTERIOUS PRINCIPLE.'" 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Tao is exactly at the same height of understanding as Buddha. The word `tao' does not mean anything. It was under compulsion that Lao Tzu called it tao -- a meaningless word -- just as Buddha has called it dhamma. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,409 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... To look outside it is absolutely necessary that you should have two eyes. But to look inside, these two eyes should melt into one. And as you turn inwards, there is only one eye of the law, one eye of Tao, or simply the third eye. He asked his followers before his last breath, "AFTER I AM GONE, DO NOT DESTROY MY TREASURY OF THE TRUE EYE OF THE LAW. I have given you a treasury, I have introduced yo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,410 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...Eve had the same consciousness and the same sachchidanand as Gautam Buddha. Gautam Buddha is a very evolved being and the evolution is going on without God managing it. Existence is accepted by Buddhism, Jainism and Taoism as autonomous and eternal. That looks meaningful. But God is removed completely. And the Christians who were translating Buddhist scriptures were worried why Buddha did not prevent his disciple...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,411 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ny organized church, a pope, a priest, an imam, a shankaracharya. Nobody has succeeded them. Once in a while some individual understands the significance. They have not even named their religion. It is simply called Tao. And Tao means only `the path' -- no goal. They understood exactly what I am saying: that there is no goal, but only the path. And unless you learn to enjoy the journey itself, you will become mo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,412 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...a pope, a priest, an imam, a shankaracharya. Nobody has succeeded them. Once in a while some individual understands the significance. They have not even named their religion. It is simply called Tao. And Tao means only `the path' -- no goal. They understood exactly what I am saying: that there is no goal, but only the path. And unless you learn to enjoy the journey itself, you will become more and more serious -...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,413 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s of Zen have tried in a single effort to express the inexpressible. So first, something about the history of these ten bulls. Basically, there were eight pictures, not ten; and they were not Buddhist, they were Taoist. Their beginning is lost. Nobody knows how they started, who painted the first bulls. But in the twelfth century a Chinese Zen master, Kakuan, repainted them; and not only that, he added two more p...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,414 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... is lost. Nobody knows how they started, who painted the first bulls. But in the twelfth century a Chinese Zen master, Kakuan, repainted them; and not only that, he added two more pictures, and eight became ten. The Taoist pictures were ending on the eighth; the eighth is emptiness, nothingness. But Kakuan added two new pictures. That is the very contribution of Zen to religious consciousness. When one moves on a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,415 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... mind, the mind full of thoughts; that is the seed. One renounces the outer, one renounces the inner, one becomes empty -- that's what meditation is all about. One becomes totally empty. But is this the end? The Taoist pictures ended with nothingness. Kakuan says this is not the end -- one comes back to the world, one comes back to the marketplace; only then is the circle complete. Of course, one comes totally new. One never...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,416 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ravelers to arrive. One has arrived, now one helps others to arrive. One has become enlightened, now one helps others towards the same goal. And each and everyone is searching for the same goal. The Taoist eight bulls are good but not enough; beautiful, but something is missing in them. Emptiness is perfect, but there is a perfection still to be attained. Emptiness is perfect, let me repeat it, but still there i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,417 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...c. You have attained to silence and silence is beautiful, but your silence is not yet a fulfillment, it is not an overflowing; it is not a blissful dance of your inner being. Here Kakuan goes beyond Taoism and beyond Buddhism -- because both ended on emptiness, as if the journey was complete. You have reached Everest, cool, collected, calm. Now what is the point of going back to the marketplace? But if your medi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,418 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...hth picture has nothing in it: a circle with nothing inside; neither the bull nor the seeker after the bull. Whip, rope, bull, the fighter, all have disappeared. Pure emptiness. This eighth picture was the last Taoist picture, because Taoism could not see what more could happen. Finished! Everything has disappeared. No-thing has happened, now what more can happen? Everything has been transcended. Pure transcendence has happ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,419 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...in it: a circle with nothing inside; neither the bull nor the seeker after the bull. Whip, rope, bull, the fighter, all have disappeared. Pure emptiness. This eighth picture was the last Taoist picture, because Taoism could not see what more could happen. Finished! Everything has disappeared. No-thing has happened, now what more can happen? Everything has been transcended. Pure transcendence has happened, now what more can ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,420 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ranscendence has happened, now what more can happen? But Kakuan created two more pictures -- must have been a great creator -- and those will be the remaining two pictures we will be discussing. But this is the last Taoist picture. This is the difference between Tao and Zen, and this is the difference between Buddhism and Zen also. Buddha would also have liked the eighth to be the last. His disciples, Bodhidharma and ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,421 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... But Kakuan created two more pictures -- must have been a great creator -- and those will be the remaining two pictures we will be discussing. But this is the last Taoist picture. This is the difference between Tao and Zen, and this is the difference between Buddhism and Zen also. Buddha would also have liked the eighth to be the last. His disciples, Bodhidharma and Kakuan and Baso, have gone a little farther than the maste...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,422 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... So don't listen from the head; that is the wrong point to listen from. In Zen they say: Listen from the belly. That is better. Try it sometime: listen to me from the belly. That is better than the head. In Tao they say: listen from the bottom of your feet. That is even better -- because if you listen from the bottom of your feet, to travel from the feet to the head it will pass through your whole being. If you 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,423 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [.... "I see," said the first child. If life is really complete, the circle has to come back to the very first step. Then the circle has to become complete. That was what was missing before Kakuan. The Taoist pictures ended with the eighth, but Kakuan felt, and he felt rightly, that the circle was not complete -- something was missing. A man starts in the world; he must end in the world. Only then i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,424 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s, there is agony, but out of the agony, ecstasy is born. Yes, you will have to die as an ego, but if you can die as an ego, you will be born as God, as a Buddha. And love will give you the first tongue-tip-taste of Tao, of Sufism, of Zen. Love will give you the first proof that God is, that life is not meaningless. The people who say life is meaningless are the people who have not known love. All that they are s...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,425 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- strange. My discourses have been collected in two hundred books, books on Vedanta, books on Tao, books on Yoga, books on Sufism, books on the Upanishadas, books on the Geeta, the Bible, the Tao Te Ching, but he has been reading only one book -- FROM SEX TO SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS. An eighty-three-yea...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,426 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nd unpublished Query:- strange. My discourses have been collected in two hundred books, books on Vedanta, books on Tao, books on Yoga, books on Sufism, books on the Upanishadas, books on the Geeta, the Bible, the Tao Te Ching, but he has been reading only one book -- FROM SEX TO SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS. An eighty-three-year-old man, has remained celibate for almost fifty years, why should he be interested in the book F...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,427 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...verty. Man has to given both kinds of richnesses. Why not both? Science has developed the technology to make you outwardly rich. Religion has developed the technology to make you inwardly rich: that is Yoga, Tantra, Taoism, Sufism, Hassidism -- these are the technologies of the inner. A story: The central figure of this story is one of those persons who accepts everything that happens as manifestati...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,428 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...he people he has used were only mediums, vehicles. The words are not their own; the words have come from God. So is the case with the Upanishads and the Geeta, and so is the case with the Koran and the Bible and the Tao Te Ching. Koran is a descendance from the beyond. Mohammed is only on the receiving end; he has not composed it, he has not written it. It has been written through him, he was only a medium. He h...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,429 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...you are right. Modern psychology has to take a quantum leap. It has to become the psychology of the Buddhas. It will have to go deep into Sufism, into Hasidism, into Zen, into Tantra, into Yoga, into Tao. Only then will it really be psychology. The word "psychology" means the science of the soul. It is not yet psychology; it is not yet the science of the soul. These are the two possibilities: you ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,430 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... great synthesis of all the great religions. That is rare, unique. The Bible belongs to the Christians, the Talmud belongs to the Jews, the Vedas belong to the Hindus, the Dhammapada to the Buddhists, the Tao Te Ching to the Taoists. But this small book, THE SECRET OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER, belongs to no one in particular, or, it belong to all. It is deeply based in Taoist teachings. It is a flowering of the Taoist ap...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,431 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nthesis of all the great religions. That is rare, unique. The Bible belongs to the Christians, the Talmud belongs to the Jews, the Vedas belong to the Hindus, the Dhammapada to the Buddhists, the Tao Te Ching to the Taoists. But this small book, THE SECRET OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER, belongs to no one in particular, or, it belong to all. It is deeply based in Taoist teachings. It is a flowering of the Taoist approach to life and ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,432 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s, the Dhammapada to the Buddhists, the Tao Te Ching to the Taoists. But this small book, THE SECRET OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER, belongs to no one in particular, or, it belong to all. It is deeply based in Taoist teachings. It is a flowering of the Taoist approach to life and existence. But it is not only that -- Zarathustra has played a role. Zarathustra's teachings have been incorporated in it Buddhist teachings have...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,433 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Tao Te Ching to the Taoists. But this small book, THE SECRET OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER, belongs to no one in particular, or, it belong to all. It is deeply based in Taoist teachings. It is a flowering of the Taoist approach to life and existence. But it is not only that -- Zarathustra has played a role. Zarathustra's teachings have been incorporated in it Buddhist teachings have also been incorporated in it. And a certai...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,434 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...for centuries THE SECRET OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER was only conveyed orally. Secondly, with an oral tradition the book remains always alive. That's how it became a synthesis. Basically it was born in the Taoist climate of China. But then Bodhidharma reached China -- a new master with a new message from India, Buddha's message. And the people who were following THE SECRET OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER were very open people; th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,435 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ner light. This is the story of this book before we enter into the sutras. The book comes from an esoteric circle in China. The founder of this esoteric circle is said to have been the well-known Taoist adept, Lu Yen. Where did Lu Yen get this secret teaching? He himself attributes it to Master Kuan Yiu-hsi, for whom, accord-ing to tradition, Lao Tzu wrote down his TAO TE CHING. Lao Tzu never ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,436 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... never wrote a single word in his whole life. He declined again and again the invitation to write anything. He conveyed to his disciples what he had come to know, but he was not ready to write, because he said, 'The Tao which can be said is not the true Tao.' The Tao which can be expressed is already falsified. It can be learned only in intimate contact with the Master. There is no other way of communicating it. It can only be l...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,437 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e life. He declined again and again the invitation to write anything. He conveyed to his disciples what he had come to know, but he was not ready to write, because he said, 'The Tao which can be said is not the true Tao.' The Tao which can be expressed is already falsified. It can be learned only in intimate contact with the Master. There is no other way of communicating it. It can only be learned in a deep communion where the d...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,438 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... declined again and again the invitation to write anything. He conveyed to his disciples what he had come to know, but he was not ready to write, because he said, 'The Tao which can be said is not the true Tao.' The Tao which can be expressed is already falsified. It can be learned only in intimate contact with the Master. There is no other way of communicating it. It can only be learned in a deep communion where the disciple an...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,439 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ion where the disciple and the Master meet, where the disciple holds nothing back, where the disciple and the Master overlap, where their consciousnesses merge into each other. Only in such a meeting, communion, can Tao be conveyed. So he refused again and again. He lived a long life. But when he was going to die he left China on a water buffalo. Why on a water buffalo? His whole teach-ing had been the teaching o...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,440 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... one can again become alive, one can again find the door to the divine. The sutras: Master Lu-tsu said: THAT WHICH EXISTS THROUGH ITSELF IS CALLED THE WAY (TAO). The word 'Tao' essentially means 'the Way'. Nothing can be said about the goal. The goal remains elusive, inexpressible, ineffable. But something can be said about the Way. Hence, Taoists have never used the word 'God', 'truth...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,441 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...LLED THE WAY (TAO). The word 'Tao' essentially means 'the Way'. Nothing can be said about the goal. The goal remains elusive, inexpressible, ineffable. But something can be said about the Way. Hence, Taoists have never used the word 'God', 'truth', NIRVANA, no; they simply use the word 'Way'. Buddha says, 'Buddhas can only show you the Way. If you follow the path, you will reach to the truth.' Truth w...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,442 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... disciple. I cannot walk for you, and I cannot eat for you. I cannot live for you, and I cannot die for you. These things have to be done by oneself. But I can show the Way, I have walked on the Way. Tao simply means 'the Way'. THAT WHICH EXISTS THROUGH ITSELF IS CALLED THE WAY. And the definition is beautiful. Lu-tsu says, 'That which exists by itself, that which needs nobody else's support...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,443 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ut he will not know. And the breeze will caress him, but he will not know. And you can put him under the shade of a big tree and the coolness of it, but he will not know. That's how man is. We ARE in Tao, because where else can we be? To live is to be on the Way. To live is to live in God. To breathe is to breathe in God. Where else can we be? But just as the fish lives in the ocean and is completely oblivious of...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,444 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e be? To live is to be on the Way. To live is to live in God. To breathe is to breathe in God. Where else can we be? But just as the fish lives in the ocean and is completely oblivious of the ocean, we are living in Tao and are completely oblivious of Tao. In fact, it is so obvious, that's why we are so oblivious. The fish knows the ocean so well... the fish is born in it, the fish has never been out of it, the fish takes it for...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,445 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...o live is to live in God. To breathe is to breathe in God. Where else can we be? But just as the fish lives in the ocean and is completely oblivious of the ocean, we are living in Tao and are completely oblivious of Tao. In fact, it is so obvious, that's why we are so oblivious. The fish knows the ocean so well... the fish is born in it, the fish has never been out of it, the fish takes it for granted, hence the fish is not awar...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,446 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...blivious. The fish knows the ocean so well... the fish is born in it, the fish has never been out of it, the fish takes it for granted, hence the fish is not aware of it. We are on the Way, we are in God, we live in Tao, through Tao, but we are not aware of it. The Tao exists, because without the Tao trees will not grow, and stars will not move, and th- blood will not circulate, and the breath will not come in. Life will disappe...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,447 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... fish knows the ocean so well... the fish is born in it, the fish has never been out of it, the fish takes it for granted, hence the fish is not aware of it. We are on the Way, we are in God, we live in Tao, through Tao, but we are not aware of it. The Tao exists, because without the Tao trees will not grow, and stars will not move, and th- blood will not circulate, and the breath will not come in. Life will disappear. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,448 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... born in it, the fish has never been out of it, the fish takes it for granted, hence the fish is not aware of it. We are on the Way, we are in God, we live in Tao, through Tao, but we are not aware of it. The Tao exists, because without the Tao trees will not grow, and stars will not move, and th- blood will not circulate, and the breath will not come in. Life will disappear. Life is possible only if there is a fundam...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,449 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... never been out of it, the fish takes it for granted, hence the fish is not aware of it. We are on the Way, we are in God, we live in Tao, through Tao, but we are not aware of it. The Tao exists, because without the Tao trees will not grow, and stars will not move, and th- blood will not circulate, and the breath will not come in. Life will disappear. Life is possible only if there is a fundamental law holding it. Life is po...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,450 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... much harmony? There must be a law that keeps the harmony going, flowing, keeps everything in accord. But we don't know about it. We don't know. anything about our own being, and we are joined through our being with Tao. TAO HAS NEITHER NAME NOR SHAPE. IT IS THE ONE ESSENCE, THE ONE PRIMAL SPIRIT. It is the ocean of life that surrounds us. It is within and with-out -- the pure essence. It is existence, it is...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,451 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ife that surrounds us. It is within and with-out -- the pure essence. It is existence, it is the primal spirit. No name can contain it. All names are its name, and no shape is particular to it because all shapes are Tao's shape. Tao exists in millions of forms. In the tree it is green, in the flower it is red. In man it is man, in fish it is fish. It is the same law. You can replace the word 'Tao' with 'God' and it will be the s...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,452 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ounds us. It is within and with-out -- the pure essence. It is existence, it is the primal spirit. No name can contain it. All names are its name, and no shape is particular to it because all shapes are Tao's shape. Tao exists in millions of forms. In the tree it is green, in the flower it is red. In man it is man, in fish it is fish. It is the same law. You can replace the word 'Tao' with 'God' and it will be the same. What Chr...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,453 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...icular to it because all shapes are Tao's shape. Tao exists in millions of forms. In the tree it is green, in the flower it is red. In man it is man, in fish it is fish. It is the same law. You can replace the word 'Tao' with 'God' and it will be the same. What Christians and Mohammedans call God, Taoists call Tao, Buddhists call it Dharma, Jews used to call it Logos, but they mean the same thing. No name can contain it, or, it ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,454 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t is green, in the flower it is red. In man it is man, in fish it is fish. It is the same law. You can replace the word 'Tao' with 'God' and it will be the same. What Christians and Mohammedans call God, Taoists call Tao, Buddhists call it Dharma, Jews used to call it Logos, but they mean the same thing. No name can contain it, or, it can be expressed by any name. ESSENCE AND LIFE CANNOT BE SEEN. THEY ARE CONTAINE...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,455 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... green, in the flower it is red. In man it is man, in fish it is fish. It is the same law. You can replace the word 'Tao' with 'God' and it will be the same. What Christians and Mohammedans call God, Taoists call Tao, Buddhists call it Dharma, Jews used to call it Logos, but they mean the same thing. No name can contain it, or, it can be expressed by any name. ESSENCE AND LIFE CANNOT BE SEEN. THEY ARE CONTAINED IN THE LIGH...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,456 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... ESSENCE AND LIFE CANNOT BE SEEN. THEY ARE CONTAINED IN THE LIGHT OF HEAVEN. THE LIGHT OF HEAVEN CANNOT BE SEEN. IT IS CONTAINED IN THE TWO EYES. You have these two eyes. These two eyes for the Taoist are very significant. Only modern science has been able to see the truth of it. These two eyes are not only the visible eyes. These two eyes represent the male and the female in you. Now modern science says th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,457 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Jesus says, 'When your two eyes become one there will be light.' He is talking like a Taoist alchemist. When your two eyes become one, there will be light. When your two eyes become one -- when your male and female disappear into each other -- that is the ultimate orgasmic experience. What...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,458 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... of the meeting of the man and the woman. This is an exterior meeting. It is a miracle that it happens even for a single moment, but there is a deep possibility. And that has been the work of Tantra, Tao, Yoga, and all the great secret teachings of the world: to help you become aware of your feminine and your masculine inside -- what TANTRIKAS call Shiva and Shakti, and what Taoists call 'yin' and 'yang'. The pol...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,459 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...And that has been the work of Tantra, Tao, Yoga, and all the great secret teachings of the world: to help you become aware of your feminine and your masculine inside -- what TANTRIKAS call Shiva and Shakti, and what Taoists call 'yin' and 'yang'. The polarity, the positive and negative in you, the day and night in you -- they have to meet there. THE LIGHT OF HEAVEN CANNOT BE SEEN. IT IS CONTAINED IN THE TWO EYES. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,460 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... what Plotinus calls 'the flight of the alone to the alone'. THE GREAT ONE IS THE TERM GIVEN TO THAT WHICH HAS NOTHING ABOVE IT. And if you can become that One, you have become the great One. This is the Taoist way of saying something about God without using the word 'God'. If you become one, you have become God. THE SECRET OF THE MAGIC OF LIFE CONSISTS IN USING ACTION IN ORDER TO ATTAIN ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,461 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... death because the light never dies. The whole of life, the whole existence consists of nothing but light. All are forms of light. You can ask modern physics too, and modern physics is in perfect agreement with Tao that all is light; forms go on changing, but the light continues. Light is eternal. Many scriptures of the world begin with the word 'light'. 'In the beginning... God said, Let there be light...' ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,462 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... And when this light is there moving inside you, the body becomes a servant. The senses become obedient servants. You need not try to control them -- they follow you of their own accord. This is the beauty of Tao: it never enforces anything, it does not want to cultivate any character. It says: Simply become full of light and all else will follow. THEREFORE YOU ONLY HAVE TO MAKE THE LIGHT CIRCULATE: THAT IS THE DEEPEST...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,463 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ness of Yoga -- Yoga tries to fix the light. It also tries to fix the light between the two eyes -- just exactly between the two eyebrows at the third-eye centre. Yoga tries to fix it. That is the difference between Tao and Yoga: Yoga wants to fix it. 'Concentrate on the third eye' -- in a nutshell, that is the whole philosophy of Yoga. 'If you can concentrate your whole consciousness on the third eye you will be transformed, yo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,464 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... give a push to the seventh centre. It will start rising like water in a reservoir. And the push to the seventh centre will open the bud that has remained a bud for centuries, for millions of lives. Tao works from a different standpoint. Tao says: To fix the light is very difficult. Don't become concerned with fixing it. The easy way is to circulate it. Mind always finds circulation easy. It is mind's nature to ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,465 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... centre. It will start rising like water in a reservoir. And the push to the seventh centre will open the bud that has remained a bud for centuries, for millions of lives. Tao works from a different standpoint. Tao says: To fix the light is very difficult. Don't become concerned with fixing it. The easy way is to circulate it. Mind always finds circulation easy. It is mind's nature to move. Mind always finds it difficult to...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,466 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [.... The easy way is to circulate it. Mind always finds circulation easy. It is mind's nature to move. Mind always finds it difficult to concentrate, so why not use mind's capacity? Why not ride on it? Tao is a spontaneous science. Don't cultivate, don't force, don't create unnecessary troubles for yourself. Use the natural capacity of the mind: that it moves, that it likes movement, that it is a wanderer. Use it. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,467 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...it moves, that it likes movement, that it is a wanderer. Use it. Let light circulate -- we will come to know how to circulate it later on -- find paths, and let it circulate. Through its circulation Taoists came to discover the seven hundred points of acupuncture. Circulating it all over the body, they became aware that there are seven hundred points where light becomes very very aflame. And they counted them ex...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,468 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...hundred points. Now even machines have been invented which can just picture your seven hundred points and where the light is missing in your points, where the energy is not moving in the right meridians. How did the Taoists come to know about it? They had no machines, no technology. Their only technique was to go in and circulate the light. We will come to know about the actual method -- how to circulate it. This is just to...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,469 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...llizes on its own. You need not worry about fixing it. Circulating, circulating, circulating, one moment, suddenly, you find all has stopped, and the thing has happened that Yoga tries to MAKE happen. In Tao it is a happening. In Yoga it is a hard, long journey of effort. Yoga is male-oriented. Tao is not female-oriented. Tao is both -- a synthesis. Circulation is masculine energy, and fixation is feminine energ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,470 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... moment, suddenly, you find all has stopped, and the thing has happened that Yoga tries to MAKE happen. In Tao it is a happening. In Yoga it is a hard, long journey of effort. Yoga is male-oriented. Tao is not female-oriented. Tao is both -- a synthesis. Circulation is masculine energy, and fixation is feminine energy. Reach to the non-active, reach to the passive through action. Through 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,471 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...y, you find all has stopped, and the thing has happened that Yoga tries to MAKE happen. In Tao it is a happening. In Yoga it is a hard, long journey of effort. Yoga is male-oriented. Tao is not female-oriented. Tao is both -- a synthesis. Circulation is masculine energy, and fixation is feminine energy. Reach to the non-active, reach to the passive through action. Through 10/28/07 Copyri...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,472 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ith God?' The Zen Master said, 'The end-point of man's journey is NOT union with God, because there has never been a separation. All that is needed is the flash of insight that makes one see it.' Tao, Zen, Tantra -- their insight is far more deep than the so-called market-place religion. Christianity thinks in terms of joining with God, of being one with God, but the Zen Master's insight is far more penetrati...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,473 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... priests, have to be thrown even if for d few days you will feel impoverished. It is natural to feel impoverished for a few days; you have to accept it. But if you go on moving towards the natural, you will find Tao in your life. Tao is a natural flowering. Follow nature. Nobody wants to be miserable and everybody is. They are not following nature. Nobody wants to be anything other than blissful and nobody is blissful....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,474 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...n if for d few days you will feel impoverished. It is natural to feel impoverished for a few days; you have to accept it. But if you go on moving towards the natural, you will find Tao in your life. Tao is a natural flowering. Follow nature. Nobody wants to be miserable and everybody is. They are not following nature. Nobody wants to be anything other than blissful and nobody is blissful. Listen to the desire --...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,475 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... You even destroy animals if they live with you. You don't allow them their natural essence, you civilize them just as you have become civilized. You don't allow nature to have its own way, you don't allow Tao to have its own flow. Essence is that which you bring into the world. The personality is that which the world imposes upon the essence. The world is very afraid of the essence because the essence is always re...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,476 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...es distant, distant, distant, and disappears. Suddenly a great silence explodes in you. In this state of no space and no time, you come to know your essence. And to know one's essence is to have the first glimpse of Tao. THE PRIMAL SPIRIT IS BEYOND THE POLAR DIFFERENCES. All the polar differences disappear: man/woman, summer/winter, hot/cold, love/hate, positive/negative, time/space, life death; all polar opp...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,477 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...an, every Hindu, every Jew -- whosoever has lived with the idea of God's personality will have to face this, will have to go through this anxiety period, this anguish. That is the beauty of the Buddha's idea and the Taoist idea that God is nothingness, another name for nothingness. One who has lived with that idea of nothingness from the very beginning will not hesitate, he will simply disappear into it. THE PRIMA...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,478 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nothingness, then you will be able to enter into the nothingness of existence itself. WHEN MEN ARE SET FREE FROM THE WOMB, THE PRIMAL SPIRIT DWELLS IN THE SQUARE INCH... This is a Taoist map. Don't get puzzled. There are different maps of human consciousness. Different maps use different symbols. This is a Taoist map. Taoists say that after a child is born from the womb, the primal spirit ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,479 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...THE WOMB, THE PRIMAL SPIRIT DWELLS IN THE SQUARE INCH... This is a Taoist map. Don't get puzzled. There are different maps of human consciousness. Different maps use different symbols. This is a Taoist map. Taoists say that after a child is born from the womb, the primal spirit starts dwelling in the third eye. Between the two eyes, between the two, exists the third, exactly in the middle -- what the Yog...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,480 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...DWELLS IN THE SQUARE INCH... This is a Taoist map. Don't get puzzled. There are different maps of human consciousness. Different maps use different symbols. This is a Taoist map. Taoists say that after a child is born from the womb, the primal spirit starts dwelling in the third eye. Between the two eyes, between the two, exists the third, exactly in the middle -- what the Yoga map calls AJNA...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,481 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... the womb, the primal spirit starts dwelling in the third eye. Between the two eyes, between the two, exists the third, exactly in the middle -- what the Yoga map calls AJNA CHAKRA, the third-eye centre. That's what Taoists call the dwelling place of the primal spirit. ... THE PRIMAL SPIRIT DWELLS IN THE SQUARE INCH, BUT THE CONSCIOUS SPIRIT DWELLS BELOW IN THE HEART -- the ordinary physical heart. THIS HEART IS ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,482 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...RUE THOUGHT IN THE SQUARE INCH MOVE! This physical heart is constantly dependent on the outside world. It is affected by the outside world, it is part of the outside world inside you. This is not the true heart. Taoists say the true heart is in the third eye; it moves not, it is unmoving; it is always the same. The physical heart is always in chaos, and the spiritual heart in the third eye is always in order. It is order its...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,483 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...-- it is impossible. THE WAY TO THE ELIXIR OF LIFE KNOWS AS SUPREME MAGIC... And three are the constituents of this supreme magic: ... SEED-WATER, SPIRIT-FIRE, AND THOUGHT-EARTH -- these are Taoist symbols -- THESE THREE. WHAT IS SEED-WATER? IT IS THE TRUE, ONE ENERGY: (EROS). SPIRIT-FIRE IS THE LIGHT: (LOGOS). THOUGHT-EARTH IS INTUITION. You will have to understand these three. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,484 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ocent and beautiful. The culprit is the mind, the MIND IS the devil. You will have to dissolve the mind, hence the urge, hence the purpose of all the methodologies that have been developed down the ages: Tao, Yoga, Tantra, Zen, Hassidism. Become a river and then nothing is needed. That's what THE SECRET OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER says: Achieve inaction through action, achieve effortlessness through effort. But first ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,485 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...isturbed, all is destroyed. And in India the calamity is that these monkeys have become the leaders of this country -- perverted people, suffering from abnormalities, not natural, not flowing, not in Tao. My whole effort here is to create a miniature world where money is absolutely accepted, where women and men live together in joy, in celebration, without fear, where all that goes on in the world ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,486 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... there are no demarcating lines -- there cannot be. So all distinctions are only for practical purposes, they have no existential value. This is the first thing to be understood. This is very fundamental to the Taoist alchemy. Once this is understood, then the whole alchemy of Taoism becomes comprehensible. Then the lower can be transformed into the higher, because the lower contains the higher already. The baser metal can ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,487 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ions are only for practical purposes, they have no existential value. This is the first thing to be understood. This is very fundamental to the Taoist alchemy. Once this is understood, then the whole alchemy of Taoism becomes comprehensible. Then the lower can be transformed into the higher, because the lower contains the higher already. The baser metal can be transformed into gold because nothing is separate -- the baser c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,488 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...non-separation is heaven. To disappear completely, utterly into the whole, is MOKSHA, NIRVANA. It is ultimate freedom. The second thing to be understood: that life is polar. That is also very fundamental to the Taoist approach. But the polarity is not that of opposition. The polarity means that the opposites are complementary to each other, they support each other. Life cannot exist without death, hence death is...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,489 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...any ways, it can happen for many reasons. So homosexuality is possible because of this inner duality. And now science is even capable of changing your physical sex. That too is possible, because the Taoist finding has been found to be scientifically true, too. Now just by changing the hormones and your chemistry a little bit, the man can become a woman and the woman can become a man -- even physiologically. That...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,490 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...fe is polar and the polarities are not opposites but complementaries. And third: that each is double inside, no one is single. In India we have the concept of ARDHANARISHWAR. That corresponds to the Taoist approach. Shiva has been sculpted, painted as both -- half man, half woman. Half of his body is that of a man and half of his body is that of a woman. When for the first time those statues were dis...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,491 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...Without it consciousness cannot live. The woman... and remember by 'woman' I don't mean just woman, I mean the woman principle. And you have to remember that continuously, otherwise you will start feeling that these Taoist people seem to be against woman. They are not. They are not saying anything against or for, they are simply describing. And they are not saying anything for man or for woman, they are talking about the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,492 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...BOUT BY THE CIRCULATION OF THE LIGHT, AND IN THIS WAY THE SPIRIT IS MAINTAINED, THE ANIMA SUBJUGATED. The light has to circulate in the eyes. The eyes are the most lighted part of your being. Taoists say your eyes are parallel to the sun. If you don't have eyes you cannot see light, and only the similar can see the similar. Your eyes are condensed light, that's why you can see light through the eyes. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,493 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...not so complacent, he cannot be; he knows that there are Christians. And the Christian cannot go on believing that he has the sole copyright for truth, because he knows that there is the Mohammedan, and there is the Taoist, and there is the Buddhist. And who knows? This age is very confused -- it has never been so before. But remember, this confusion is a great blessing; something is on the way, something tremen...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,494 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... released? These are not the ways, these are just imaginings. And if you believe in a certain thing, you will start seeing it -- that is the danger. Don't start with belief. That is the vision of Tao: inquire, experiment, and wait for the conclusion to come on its own. The sutras. Master Lu-tsu said: WHEN THE LIGHT IS MADE TO MOVE IN A CIRCLE, ALL THE ENERGIES OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, OF THE LIGHT...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,495 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...and never returns. You become more and more empty inside, hollow. You become a black hole. This is exactly what happens on a greater scale in the universe. Physicists have now discovered black holes. Taoists discovered black holes long before, but they were not concerned about the black holes there in the faraway space, they were concerned about the black holes inside you. A black hole is a state when all your en...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,496 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... downward slope. Thirty-five is the peak; if seventy is the average age, then thirty-five is the peak. After thirty-five you are on a downward slope; you can go on rolling down without any energy . The Taoist experience is that this energy that you spend in your extroversion can be more and more crystallized rather than spent if you learn the secret science of turning it backwards. It is possible; that is the whole...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,497 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ething of immense power will start entering you. You may even become frightened because you have never known it; you have never seen the complete circle of energy. And although it is not mentioned in Taoist scriptures this seems to me the most simple experiment anybody can do, and very easily. Just standing before the mirror in your bathroom, first look into the reflection: you are looking and the reflection is t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,498 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...cle you will not need another woman, you will not need another man, because your own man, your own woman will meet and merge into each other. You will be whole; and to be whole is to be holy. This is Tao and this is Tantra too: to be whole is to be holy. WHEN THE LIGHT IS MADE TO MOVE IN A CIRCLE, ALL THE ENERGIES OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, OF THE LIGHT AND THE DARK, ARE CRYSTALLIZED. This is wh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,499 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- constant conflict. If you are one, conflict disappears; you have come home. This is what Taoists call crystallization. And the method to achieve it is to make the light move in a circle so your yin and yang are no longer separate. The light has to move just exactly as your breathing moves: in and out...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,500 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...d, and then the female part will take possession; you will be pregnant. And to be pregnant is to be prayerful, because then nothing is left to be done. Effort is finished and now you are effortless. This is what Taoists call 'inaction through action'. You have been doing many experiments on moving the light in a circle, you have succeeded after a long concentrated effort; something has crystallized in you -- the man and ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,501 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...g in you, the eyes become aflame, they look drunk. There is a dance in the eyes -- a subtle light, a totally different quality comes to the eyes. Now the eyes not only see things, but they share too. Tao cannot be divided, but it can be shared. And the sharing of Tao is through the eyes. When I initiate you into sannyas, I ask you to look at me. I want to look into your eyes, I want my eyes to dig deep into y...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,502 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...here is a dance in the eyes -- a subtle light, a totally different quality comes to the eyes. Now the eyes not only see things, but they share too. Tao cannot be divided, but it can be shared. And the sharing of Tao is through the eyes. When I initiate you into sannyas, I ask you to look at me. I want to look into your eyes, I want my eyes to dig deep into your eyes, to have a contact there, because behind your two eyes ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,503 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...st because you have never been in contact with it, in the beginning it looks like a fantasy. BY CONCENTRATING THE THOUGHTS, ONE CAN FLY; BY CONCENTRATING THE DESIRES, ONE FALLS. Desire is the Taoist name for energy moving downward. 'Outward' and 'thought' is the Taoist symbol for energy moving inward. So don't misunderstand. By 'thought', Taoists don't mean your so-called thoughts, by 'thought' they mean ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,504 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...looks like a fantasy. BY CONCENTRATING THE THOUGHTS, ONE CAN FLY; BY CONCENTRATING THE DESIRES, ONE FALLS. Desire is the Taoist name for energy moving downward. 'Outward' and 'thought' is the Taoist symbol for energy moving inward. So don't misunderstand. By 'thought', Taoists don't mean your so-called thoughts, by 'thought' they mean thought-energy purified of desire. If it is purified of desire ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,505 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...TRATING THE DESIRES, ONE FALLS. Desire is the Taoist name for energy moving downward. 'Outward' and 'thought' is the Taoist symbol for energy moving inward. So don't misunderstand. By 'thought', Taoists don't mean your so-called thoughts, by 'thought' they mean thought-energy purified of desire. If it is purified of desire and all desire has disappeared, then there is no need to go out, because you go out on...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,506 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...NG METHOD IS NECESSARY. Thought has to be purified of desire. Once thought is purified of desire it is no-thought. Mind without desires is a no-mind. It is what Patanjali calls SAMADHI, Zen people call SATORI, Taoists call crystallization: the balance of the outward and the inward. And no energy is lost; it goes into the world and comes back, like a bird flying in the morning out into the sky, and by the evening it comes ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,507 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... IS AS IF A MAN AND WOMAN EMBRACED AND A CONCEPTION TOOK PLACE. THEN ONE MUST BE QUITE STILL AND WAIT. Meditation is complete and prayer begins. To bring meditation to prayer is the whole work of Tao. The Secret of Secrets, Vol 1 Chapter #8 Chapter title: Real is for Always 18 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,508 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ou are conscious. But you go to the same space, the same unfathomable, magical space within you, where there is no thought, no desire, no vibration in your mind, all is quiet. All methods lead to it -- Yoga, Tantra, Tao, Hassidism, Sufism -- all methods lead to it from different angles; they have been devised for different people. BUT WHEN THE PRACTICE IS STARTED, ONE MUST PRESS ON FROM THE OBVIOUS TO THE PROFO...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,509 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...oze Khajuraho, Konarak, because they will say they don't represent the real image of India. Why are they so much against me? -- because here Yoga is happening, Sufism is happening, Zen is happening, Tao is happening, Tantra also. And Tantra is creating trouble. These people in New Delhi are utterly sexually frustrated, repressed people. Khajuraho is being born again here. To whom does Khajuraho belong?...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,510 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...atsyayana's KAMA SUTRA. Why are you so afraid of me and my people? They are not doing any harm to anybody. They are not training for any war, they are preparing for a more loving life. Yes, alongside with Yoga, Tao, Zen, Tantra is also a part. And because a few newspapers -- and they also belong to the same repressed sexual mind -- print some nude pictures taken in the ashram... That is all they have against me....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,511 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...thout any content. The mirror is there but reflecting nothing, nothing whatsoever. Just like the mirror, the consciousness is there, but nothing is occupying it. That unoccupied awareness IS DHYANA. Taoists use the word 'contemplation' to translate it. It is only because some word has to be used. So remember the meaning -- it is not the meaning in the dictionaries. If you look into the dictionaries you will have...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,512 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... of reverie, you start dreaming; you become feminine energy, yin. To avoid both just look at the tip of the nose -- a simple device, but the result is almost magical. And this is not only so with the Taoists, Buddhists know it, Hindus know it. Down the ages all the meditators have somehow stumbled upon the fact that if your eyes are just half open, in a very miraculous way you escape two pitfalls. One is being di...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,513 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... approach is neither of action nor inactiOn, my approach is that of utter balance, symmetry, in you. Hence I say to my sannyasins: Don't leave the world. Be in the world and yet be not of it. This is what Taoists call WEI WU WEI, action through inaction -- the meeting of yin and yang, anima and animus; it brings enlightenment. Imbalance is neurosis; balance is enlightenment. The third question: ARE ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,514 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...hin, 'When could that possibly have been?' 'When you bring me my morning tea,' said Dogo, 'I accept it. When you serve me a meal, I eat it. When you bow to me, I acknowledge it. How else do you expect to learn Zen?' Tao can be shared but cannot be divided. Tao can be shown but cannot be said. The Master lives in Tao. The disciple has to imbibe the spirit of it. It is not a teaching, it cannot be a teaching -- all...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,515 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... 'When you bring me my morning tea,' said Dogo, 'I accept it. When you serve me a meal, I eat it. When you bow to me, I acknowledge it. How else do you expect to learn Zen?' Tao can be shared but cannot be divided. Tao can be shown but cannot be said. The Master lives in Tao. The disciple has to imbibe the spirit of it. It is not a teaching, it cannot be a teaching -- all teachings are superficial. It has to be deeper than ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,516 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...erve me a meal, I eat it. When you bow to me, I acknowledge it. How else do you expect to learn Zen?' Tao can be shared but cannot be divided. Tao can be shown but cannot be said. The Master lives in Tao. The disciple has to imbibe the spirit of it. It is not a teaching, it cannot be a teaching -- all teachings are superficial. It has to be deeper than a teaching. It has to be an energy transfer. It has to be hea...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,517 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... A circle is created; circulation starts happening. This is just an example. And this is not only for Pradeepa, it is for you all. If you want to be more and more deeply in tune with me, if you want to share the Tao that has happened to me, you will have to be more conscious, more alert to what you are doing, what you are eating, what you are reading, what you are listening to, where you are going, with whom you are ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,518 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...and the painting was complete. And it is one of the most beautiful paintings of Jesus. Just a few strokes and the painting came alive and Jesus surfaced, because now Michelangelo's heart was in tune. Tao can be shared. But then you have to learn the ways of sharing it with the Master, and you have to be very watchful about many things. It is simple in a way and yet very complex, too. Simple, because if you are re...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,519 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...in the same way as if you were hugging your beloved, and you will be surprised; the whole existence becomes your beloved. Again there is great love arising ill yoU. They go together. Hence in Yoga, in Tantra, in Tao -- in all these three great systems and sciences of human consciousness and the expansion of human consciousness -- breathing is one of the key phenomena. They have all worked on breathing. Buddha...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,520 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...anguage expires. In the attempt to say it, language expires, and by its very death does point at last to what it cannot say. And that has to be, on a profounder level, the relationship with the Master. Then only can Tao jump as a flame from the Master to the disciple. You will have to learn the art of breathing. The sutras. Master Lu-tsu said: THE DECISION MUST HE CARRIED OUT WITH A COLLECTED HEART A...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,521 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...NOT BE WITHOUT IMAGININGS. SHOULD ONE NOT BREATHE? ONE CANNOT BE WITHOUT BREATHING. THE BEST WAY IS TO MAKE A MEDICINE OF THE ILLNESS. This is the Tantra approach and this is the approach of Tao, too: TO MAKE A MEDICINE OF THE ILLNESS. And this is something special to Tao and Tantra. Yoga says: Avoid sex. Bypass it -- it is dangerous. But Tao and Tantra both say: Don't avoid it. Transfor...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,522 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...EATHING. THE BEST WAY IS TO MAKE A MEDICINE OF THE ILLNESS. This is the Tantra approach and this is the approach of Tao, too: TO MAKE A MEDICINE OF THE ILLNESS. And this is something special to Tao and Tantra. Yoga says: Avoid sex. Bypass it -- it is dangerous. But Tao and Tantra both say: Don't avoid it. Transform its energy and then the illness itself can become the medicine. And you...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,523 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... This is the Tantra approach and this is the approach of Tao, too: TO MAKE A MEDICINE OF THE ILLNESS. And this is something special to Tao and Tantra. Yoga says: Avoid sex. Bypass it -- it is dangerous. But Tao and Tantra both say: Don't avoid it. Transform its energy and then the illness itself can become the medicine. And you can ask scientists; they are doing exactly that, particularly in allopathy. Injections a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,524 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...xactly that, particularly in allopathy. Injections are prepared out of the illness itself, to be injected, and they become medicinal. What allopathy has discovered recently is a very ancient discovery for Tantra and Tao. Anything that is God-given must have some tremendous purpose behind it. Don't avoid it. Avoiding it, you will remain poor. Don't escape from it, because then something will remain unlived in you...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,525 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...he yogi, the so-called yogi, is continuously afraid. He is afraid of seeing a woman, he is afraid of touching a woman. He is AFRAID. And what kind of freedom is this? This fear can 't bring freedom. Tao and Tantra have a totally different approach. They say: Whatsoever is God-given, transform it. It is raw material. Something of a great treasure must be hidden in it. Sexual energy can be transformed if you ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,526 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...se mysteries, to enter in those mysteries. He will be a poet, he will not be a philosopher. He will be an artist, he will not be a theologian. His science will also have a different tone. His science will be that of Tao, not an effort to conquer nature, because that effort is just foolish. How can you conquer nature? -- you are part of nature. His science will be of understanding nature, not of conquering nature. He will not rap...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,527 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ART CORRECTLY DURING BREATHING MUST BE UNDERSTOOD. IT IS A USE WITHOUT USE. Effort without effort, practising without practising, a pathless path, a gateless gate -- these are the expressions of Tao and Zen. You have to do something without effort, without strain. So the Master says: IT IS A USE WITHOUT USE. ONE SHOULD ONLY LET THE LIGHT FALL QUITE GENTLY ON THE HEARING. You ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,528 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... So the Master says: IT IS A USE WITHOUT USE. ONE SHOULD ONLY LET THE LIGHT FALL QUITE GENTLY ON THE HEARING. You are to be in a let-go. That is the difference between Yoga and Tao: Yoga is the path of will and Tao is the path of surrender. Yoga says: Breathe in this way, take this much breath deep inside, hold it there for this long, then exhale deeply, then hold it out for that long -- ma...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,529 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... IT IS A USE WITHOUT USE. ONE SHOULD ONLY LET THE LIGHT FALL QUITE GENTLY ON THE HEARING. You are to be in a let-go. That is the difference between Yoga and Tao: Yoga is the path of will and Tao is the path of surrender. Yoga says: Breathe in this way, take this much breath deep inside, hold it there for this long, then exhale deeply, then hold it out for that long -- make a certain pattern through will....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,530 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ao is the path of surrender. Yoga says: Breathe in this way, take this much breath deep inside, hold it there for this long, then exhale deeply, then hold it out for that long -- make a certain pattern through will. Tao says: Let it happen. ONE SHOULD ONLY LET THE LIGHT FALL QUITE GENTLY ON THE HEARING -- just as you are listening to me. My words are falling on your ears. You need not jump upo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,531 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...East are not useful for the West, they are dangerous. Then he started saying that the Eastern methods should not be used in the West because the West has followed a totally different line of evolution. Yoga, Tantra, Tao, Zen, Sufism -- no Eastern methods should be tried by the Western mind. Then he started saying that. He was really afraid. And he was not aware of what he was talking about -- he had never tried these method...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,532 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ly of clothing, dresses, and nothing else. Behind the dresses, the same naked humanness. So what nonsense is Jung talking about: that the West has to develop its own alchemy, its own Tantra, its own Tao? But he was afraid. This was his way to avoid facing his own fear. The West has not to evolve anything just because it is the West. Yes, every age has to evolve its own methods, but that is a different matte...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,533 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...bliss, of being in benediction, of being in that splendor called God? These are the secrets: Master Lu-tsu said: YOUR WORK WILL GRADUALLY BECOME CONCENTRATED AND MATURE. The path of Tao is not that of sudden enlightenment. It is not like Zen. Zen is sudden 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpubli...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,534 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... is not like Zen. Zen is sudden 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- enlightenment, Tao is a gradual growth. Tao does not believe in sudden, abrupt changes. Tao believes in keeping pace with existence, allowing things to happen on their own, not forcing your way in any way, not pushing the river in ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,535 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...sudden 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- enlightenment, Tao is a gradual growth. Tao does not believe in sudden, abrupt changes. Tao believes in keeping pace with existence, allowing things to happen on their own, not forcing your way in any way, not pushing the river in any way. And Tao says: Th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,536 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- enlightenment, Tao is a gradual growth. Tao does not believe in sudden, abrupt changes. Tao believes in keeping pace with existence, allowing things to happen on their own, not forcing your way in any way, not pushing the river in any way. And Tao says: There is no need to be in a hurry beca...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,537 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ual growth. Tao does not believe in sudden, abrupt changes. Tao believes in keeping pace with existence, allowing things to happen on their own, not forcing your way in any way, not pushing the river in any way. And Tao says: There is no need to be in a hurry because eternity is available to you. Sow the seeds in time and wait, and the spring comes, as it has always been coming. And when the spring comes there will be flowers. B...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,538 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ovement there is grace in nature. Nature is very feminine, it moves like a woman. It does not run, it is not in a hurry, there is no haste. It goes very slowly, a silent music. There is great patience in nature, and Tao believes in the way of nature. 'Tao' exactly means nature, so Tao is never in a hurry; this has to be understood. Tao's fundamental teaching is: learn to be patient. If you can wait infinitely, it may even h...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,539 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ture is very feminine, it moves like a woman. It does not run, it is not in a hurry, there is no haste. It goes very slowly, a silent music. There is great patience in nature, and Tao believes in the way of nature. 'Tao' exactly means nature, so Tao is never in a hurry; this has to be understood. Tao's fundamental teaching is: learn to be patient. If you can wait infinitely, it may even happen instantly. But you...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,540 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... woman. It does not run, it is not in a hurry, there is no haste. It goes very slowly, a silent music. There is great patience in nature, and Tao believes in the way of nature. 'Tao' exactly means nature, so Tao is never in a hurry; this has to be understood. Tao's fundamental teaching is: learn to be patient. If you can wait infinitely, it may even happen instantly. But you should not ask that it should happen inst...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,541 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ste. It goes very slowly, a silent music. There is great patience in nature, and Tao believes in the way of nature. 'Tao' exactly means nature, so Tao is never in a hurry; this has to be understood. Tao's fundamental teaching is: learn to be patient. If you can wait infinitely, it may even happen instantly. But you should not ask that it should happen instantly: if you ask, it may never happen. Your very asking ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,542 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...- and whenever it comes it is good, and whenever it comes it is fast, WHENEVER it comes. Even if it takes ages to come then too it is not late, it is never late. It always comes in the right moment. Tao believes that everything happens when it is needed: when the disciple is ready the Master appears. When the disciple is ultimately ready, God appears. Your worthiness, your emptiness, your receptivity, your passi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,543 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... could have stayed in one intercontinental hotel and there would have been no need to go anywhere else; it is all alike. And they think they are reaching somewhere. Speed is driving people neurotic. Tao is the way of nature, as the trees grow and rivers move, and the birds, and the children -- exactly in the same way one has to grow into God. YOUR WORK WILL GRADUALLY BECOME CONCENTRATED AND MATURE. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,544 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... POSSIBILITIES OF ERROR, WHICH I WOULD LIKE TO BRING TO YOUR SPECIAL ATTENTION. Master Lu-tsu says: Before the condition arises in you in which you sit like a withered tree before a cliff... This is a Taoist expression, of tremendous beauty and significance. It means alive and yet dead, dead and yet UTTERLY alive. It means living in the world with great joy and celebration, but not being part of the world; being i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,545 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...tting under a tree will help, rather than going and sitting in front of a movie house or going to the railway station and sitting on the platform; going to nature, to the mountains, to the trees, to the rivers where Tao is still flowing, vibrating, pulsating, streaming all around. Trees are in constant meditation. Silent, unconscious, is that meditation. I'm not saying to become a tree; you have to become a buddha! But Buddha ha...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,546 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...thing in common with the tree: he's as green as a tree, as full of juice as a tree, as celebrating as a tree, of course with a difference -- he is conscious, and the tree is unconscious. The tree is unconsciously in Tao, a Buddha is consciously in Tao. And that is a great difference, the difference between the earth and the sky. But if you sit by the side of a tree surrounded by beautiful birds singing, or a peacock dancing,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,547 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e's as green as a tree, as full of juice as a tree, as celebrating as a tree, of course with a difference -- he is conscious, and the tree is unconscious. The tree is unconsciously in Tao, a Buddha is consciously in Tao. And that is a great difference, the difference between the earth and the sky. But if you sit by the side of a tree surrounded by beautiful birds singing, or a peacock dancing, or just a river flo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,548 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ARD IS OVER AND HE IS BORN AGAIN INTO THE WORLD OF TURMOIL. If you succeed in meditation you are born in heaven, in eternal bliss. If you don't succeed, if you go astray... That going astray in Taoism is called: "At worst, one is born among the fox-spirits." A fox-spirit is the spirit of a poet. The fox-spirit is the spirit of imagination. Even if you fail in your meditations something will be gained. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,549 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... it possesses you. You can distract yourself for the moment, but no distraction is going to help. Aloneness has to be accepted because it is ultimate. It is not an accident, it is the very way things are. It is Tao. Once you accept it, the quality changes. Aloneness is not creating sadness. Your idea that you should not be alone, that is creating sadness; your idea that to be alone is to be sad is creating the problem. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,550 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... sun rises and there is great light, you are full of light within and without. The whole existence becomes aflame. And the third: IN THE WATER BLOWS THE WIND OF THE GENTLE. Water, in Taoism, represents the ultimate source of things. It represents the Tao itself. Lao Tzu has called his path 'The Watercourse Way' for many reasons. First, the water is soft, humble, seeks the lowest place. Just as Je...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,551 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...d without. The whole existence becomes aflame. And the third: IN THE WATER BLOWS THE WIND OF THE GENTLE. Water, in Taoism, represents the ultimate source of things. It represents the Tao itself. Lao Tzu has called his path 'The Watercourse Way' for many reasons. First, the water is soft, humble, seeks the lowest place. Just as Jesus says, "Those who are the last in this world will be the first in...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,552 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nd the fifth secret, the secret of the secrets is that now things start happening on their own. You need not do anything. In fact, if you do anything it will be a hindrance. Now everything is spontaneous on its own. Tao has taken possession of you -- or call it God. You are possessed! You have disappeared utterly; now only God is in you. Just as He blooms in flowers and the trees, He will bloom in you in the Golden Flower. Now i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,553 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... surrender is woman; with the fourth crossed, you have crossed man and woman both. Will gone, surrender too, gone... now you are not there, you are nowhere to be found. There is nobody, nothingness, NIRVANA. And Tao now fulfills its own work -- just as spring comes and trees bloom and rains come and clouds gather and morning comes and the sun rises, and in the night the sky is full of stars -- all goes on without any effort ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,554 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [..., published and unpublished Query:- questions. And when the mind has no question to ask, in that utter silence where no question is present, you come to know that which is -- call it God, call it Tao, truth, NIRVANA, or what you will. That's why I say there is no particular reason in my saying whatsoever I say to you. There is no particular motive behind it, it is a simple response to your being. I am on...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,555 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...changing things but nothing will really ever change. Unless the whole takes possession of you and your heart is no more moved by outer things, but is moved by the innermost core of your being -- call it God, heaven, Tao -- when you are not moving it, when you are just an instrument in the hands of the total, this is what Jesus means when he says, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done." That is his way of saying it, a Jewish way of...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,556 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...but you are not ready to receive Him. Yes, Lu-tsu is right: the most fundamental thing of all the religions is to bring about emptiness. The whole work of all the yogas, tantras, of all the alchemical systems -- Tao, Sufi, Hassidic -- consists in only one thing: making the heart empty... ... THEREWITH THE MATTER IS SETTLED. I will repeat this beautiful story: The nun Chiyono studied for y...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,557 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...experimented with. My ashram is a lab; we experiment here. That too is creating great trouble, because man has forgotten to experiment. We are experimenting in a multi-dimensional way. We are experimenting with Tao, we are experimenting with Sufism, we are experimenting with Jainism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity; we are experimenting with Tantra, Yoga, alchemy. We are experimenting with all the possibilities that can ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,558 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... each other, they are complementary. Opposites are just like wings of a bird, two wings -- they look opposite to each other but they support each other. The bird cannot fly with one wing. Tantra and Tao have to be experimented with together. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,559 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [.../07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Now Yoga has a great insight into discipline, and Tao has a great insight into spontaneity. They are opposite on the surface, but unless your discipline makes you more spontaneous and unless your spontaneity makes you more disciplined, you will not be whole. Yoga is...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,560 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... the timeless, to the real life. The Secret of Secrets, Vol 2 Chapter #12 Chapter title: Tao is already happening 7 September 1978 am in Buddha Hall 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpubli...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,561 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... LOTUSES TO BLOOM, TO FEEL TAO, BE WORTHY OF TAO, TO BE TAO. I WANT TO FALL INTO LOVE! WILL IT, CAN IT REALLY HAPPEN? CAN THIS REAL, BEAUTIFUL SOUL INSIDE BURST INTO BEING? Tao, that's why I have given you the name Tao: there is a message for you in it. Tao means spontaneity, nature. Tao is not a practice, it is not effort, it is not cultivation. It is patience, it is trust, it is waiti...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,562 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... WORTHY OF TAO, TO BE TAO. I WANT TO FALL INTO LOVE! WILL IT, CAN IT REALLY HAPPEN? CAN THIS REAL, BEAUTIFUL SOUL INSIDE BURST INTO BEING? Tao, that's why I have given you the name Tao: there is a message for you in it. Tao means spontaneity, nature. Tao is not a practice, it is not effort, it is not cultivation. It is patience, it is trust, it is waiting for things to happen, even if one has t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,563 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... I WANT TO FALL INTO LOVE! WILL IT, CAN IT REALLY HAPPEN? CAN THIS REAL, BEAUTIFUL SOUL INSIDE BURST INTO BEING? Tao, that's why I have given you the name Tao: there is a message for you in it. Tao means spontaneity, nature. Tao is not a practice, it is not effort, it is not cultivation. It is patience, it is trust, it is waiting for things to happen, even if one has to wait for eternity. T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,564 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...IT, CAN IT REALLY HAPPEN? CAN THIS REAL, BEAUTIFUL SOUL INSIDE BURST INTO BEING? Tao, that's why I have given you the name Tao: there is a message for you in it. Tao means spontaneity, nature. Tao is not a practice, it is not effort, it is not cultivation. It is patience, it is trust, it is waiting for things to happen, even if one has to wait for eternity. Tao needs no work on your part. All that you...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,565 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Tao means spontaneity, nature. Tao is not a practice, it is not effort, it is not cultivation. It is patience, it is trust, it is waiting for things to happen, even if one has to wait for eternity. Tao needs no work on your part. All that you can do will be an undoing, because the moment the doer comes, nature disappears. The moment the doer takes hold of you, you are possessed by the idea of the ego. And then ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,566 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...All that you can do will be an undoing, because the moment the doer comes, nature disappears. The moment the doer takes hold of you, you are possessed by the idea of the ego. And then there is a wall between you and Tao -- or call it God. The doer has to dissolve, and you cannot do anything to dissolve it. How can you do anything to dissolve the doer? Whatsoever you do will go on feeding it. Just a simple understanding that...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,567 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...eded, not cultivation, not practicing. You don't need to become virtuous, religious. The people who try to become virtuous and religious become simply egoistic and nothing more. Drop this hankering, Tao, to be something other than you are. This is the moment! Just be in it! Be UTTERLY one with the whole. And it need not be practiced because it is already the case. All that is needed is a little bit of understand...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,568 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... And it need not be practiced because it is already the case. All that is needed is a little bit of understanding, a vision, and then all starts happening of its own accord. That's why I have given you the name Tao. The message is that you are not to create a character around you, that you are not to manufacture a certain personality in you, that you are not to think of future, of NIRVANA, of enlightenment, of God. God is n...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,569 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...laxed, is as sacred as prayer. Looking at a tree, talking to a friend, walking early in the morning, working in the factory or in the office, is as holy as anything else. This is the understanding that is needed for Tao to happen. Tao is already happening; just your misunderstanding... Tao is already showering -- in the sunrays, on the green trees. But you just think, "This is just the sun and they are just the trees -- ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,570 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ooking at a tree, talking to a friend, walking early in the morning, working in the factory or in the office, is as holy as anything else. This is the understanding that is needed for Tao to happen. Tao is already happening; just your misunderstanding... Tao is already showering -- in the sunrays, on the green trees. But you just think, "This is just the sun and they are just the trees -- where is God? These are...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,571 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ng early in the morning, working in the factory or in the office, is as holy as anything else. This is the understanding that is needed for Tao to happen. Tao is already happening; just your misunderstanding... Tao is already showering -- in the sunrays, on the green trees. But you just think, "This is just the sun and they are just the trees -- where is God? These are just people -- where is God?" You want God to be someth...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,572 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ng special, not something specific. God is all these conditions, God is this totality. This moment -- my talking to you, your listening to me, this communion, this silence, this bridging -- yes, this is God, this is Tao. So forget all about achieving. Don't become an achiever. My sannyasins have to drop all kinds of ambitions -- material. worldly and spiritual -- all. To be ambitious is to be stupid. That's why I say ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,573 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ons is released because ambitions have been dropped -- and that energy becomes an oceanic experience within your soul. That is paradise, that is God. God is not a goal, but an experience of a non-ambitious mind. Tao has not to be achieved! The achievers go on missing it. The non-achievers suddenly realize that they have always lived in paradise, but because of their ambitions they were not able to see it. So ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,574 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...Tao has not to be achieved! The achievers go on missing it. The non-achievers suddenly realize that they have always lived in paradise, but because of their ambitions they were not able to see it. So Tao, just try to understand what I am sharing with you. I am sharing with you this moment, this space. I am not giving you any goals. I am not driving you crazy for some achievement in the future. I am not inspiring ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,575 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [..., there is no need to focus, no need to choose, no need to will. These are the ways of the ego, and the ego has to be utterly dropped. Then you live in a totally different way, an egoless way. And that is the way of Tao. The third question: OSHO, WHY DO I ALWAYS FALL ASLEEP DURING THE DISCOURSE? This is a very ancient religious practice, this is not new. You are not doing something special. R...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,576 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ly if they are difficult. If things are very simple and easy they cannot enjoy them. They need long, hard, arduous ways. Sannyas is a simple phenomenon because the whole foundation of it is to relax and live in Tao, relax and let God take care of you. It has to be very simple; it is simple, but your mind understands difficult things more easily. If you have barriers to cross you become challenged. When Hillary r...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,577 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... ONE of the most famous haiku by Matsuo Baso. It has that special flavor that only awakened people are aware of. Its beauty is not only aesthetic but existential. Its fragrance is that of Buddhahood. Tao simply means that which is, with no qualification, with no adjective. Tao means: just so. The old pond Frog jumps in The sound of water Haiku is not ordinary poetry. The ordinary poetr...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,578 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...hat only awakened people are aware of. Its beauty is not only aesthetic but existential. Its fragrance is that of Buddhahood. Tao simply means that which is, with no qualification, with no adjective. Tao means: just so. The old pond Frog jumps in The sound of water Haiku is not ordinary poetry. The ordinary poetry is of imagination. The ordinary poetry is a creation of the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,579 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...existential. say something more, qualitatively! At that instant Baso heard the plop of a frog jumping into the pond. He said, Frog jumps in The sound of water Now, this is Tao: the immediate, that which is, alive, throbbing, this very moment. Tao knows no past, no future. Tao knows only one kind of time, that is present. Tao knows only herenow. Just let your mind disappear and then the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,580 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... instant Baso heard the plop of a frog jumping into the pond. He said, Frog jumps in The sound of water Now, this is Tao: the immediate, that which is, alive, throbbing, this very moment. Tao knows no past, no future. Tao knows only one kind of time, that is present. Tao knows only herenow. Just let your mind disappear and then there is no past and no future. Past and future are mind creations. In ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,581 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ping into the pond. He said, Frog jumps in The sound of water Now, this is Tao: the immediate, that which is, alive, throbbing, this very moment. Tao knows no past, no future. Tao knows only one kind of time, that is present. Tao knows only herenow. Just let your mind disappear and then there is no past and no future. Past and future are mind creations. In reality, there is only present. A...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,582 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Frog jumps in The sound of water Now, this is Tao: the immediate, that which is, alive, throbbing, this very moment. Tao knows no past, no future. Tao knows only one kind of time, that is present. Tao knows only herenow. Just let your mind disappear and then there is no past and no future. Past and future are mind creations. In reality, there is only present. And when there is no past, no future, how can you e...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,583 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- present also disappears. That is the moment of Tao: when time disappears, when one is in utter immediacy, when one is utterly herenow, neither roaming somewhere in the ghosts of the past or in the unborn images of the future. This is the moment of enlightenment: ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,584 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...he meeting with God. In that silence, the benediction, the blessing. In that silence is the Kingdom of God. Baso said, Frog jumps in The sound of water. This is a statement of Tao. This is Tao -- simple, pure, nude. At this response the Master was immensely delighted. The Master is always delighted whenever a disciple comes back home. The delight of the Master knows no bounds, as if he...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,585 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...th God. In that silence, the benediction, the blessing. In that silence is the Kingdom of God. Baso said, Frog jumps in The sound of water. This is a statement of Tao. This is Tao -- simple, pure, nude. At this response the Master was immensely delighted. The Master is always delighted whenever a disciple comes back home. The delight of the Master knows no bounds, as if he becomes ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,586 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... is ready to go on the journey of exploration. This is the way of all the Buddhas. Their statements are nothing but triggering points of a certain process in you called meditation. This is the way of Tao: to bring you to that which is. This is my way too: to help you to fall utterly in the moment. THIS moment! THIS is it! Tao is not a doctrine. It is a special way of becoming aware. It is the way of awakening...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,587 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ng points of a certain process in you called meditation. This is the way of Tao: to bring you to that which is. This is my way too: to help you to fall utterly in the moment. THIS moment! THIS is it! Tao is not a doctrine. It is a special way of becoming aware. It is the way of awakening, the way of enlightenment, the way of coming back home. Tao simply means 'the Way'. And remember, it docs not mean it in the or...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,588 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...o help you to fall utterly in the moment. THIS moment! THIS is it! Tao is not a doctrine. It is a special way of becoming aware. It is the way of awakening, the way of enlightenment, the way of coming back home. Tao simply means 'the Way'. And remember, it docs not mean it in the ordinary sense of the word. Whenever you hear the words 'the way' you start thinking of a goal somewhere faraway, of where the way leads you. No, T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,589 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Tao simply means 'the Way'. And remember, it docs not mean it in the ordinary sense of the word. Whenever you hear the words 'the way' you start thinking of a goal somewhere faraway, of where the way leads you. No, Tao means 'the Way', but not in reference to a goal Then what does it mean? It means 'the way things are'. It simply means the way things are, already are, just so. Nothing has to be achieved, all is ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,590 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [.... Nothing has to be achieved, all is showering on you. Just be herenow and celebrate. My definition of religion is celebration. But there are people who would not like such a simple phenomenon as Tao: their egos do not feel challenged enough, they are always interested in the hard way. They are always interested in difficulties. If there are not difficulties, they will create them. They cannot do things in a ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,591 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...Frog jumps in Plop! Yes, God is like that.... It has to be remembered again and again by you, because your ego will play tricks on you. That is how people go on missing the simple way of Tao. Christianity has so much of a following, Buddhism has a great following, Islam has a great following, but Tao is still not a church. It never has been a church, it never became an organization. Individuals have ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,592 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ain by you, because your ego will play tricks on you. That is how people go on missing the simple way of Tao. Christianity has so much of a following, Buddhism has a great following, Islam has a great following, but Tao is still not a church. It never has been a church, it never became an organization. Individuals have existed, individuals have followed it, individuals have attained through it, but it never became the way of the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,593 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... I have one question... " "I know," said the young man, smiling. "Everyone asks me the same thing, and I don't mind telling you -- standing up, in a hammock." This is the way of the ego. Tao is simple, utterly simple. You don't have to stand up in a hammock. The most fundamental thing about Tao is that it is a child's play. But to be a child seems to be almost impossible for people. Who wants to be a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,594 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...don't mind telling you -- standing up, in a hammock." This is the way of the ego. Tao is simple, utterly simple. You don't have to stand up in a hammock. The most fundamental thing about Tao is that it is a child's play. But to be a child seems to be almost impossible for people. Who wants to be a child?Jesus says, "Unless you are like small children, you will not enter into my Kingdom of God." But i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,595 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...are like small children, you will not enter into my Kingdom of God." But it seems nobody wants to be a child; that is where our misery lies. All these days we have been going deeper and deeper into the world of Tao. Today are the last sutras, the concluding remarks by Master Lu-tsu. They are simple. You have to be simple to understand them. There is not much knowledge in them, but certainly much insight. They will not ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,596 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...OLDEN FLOWER. This is a summary of the whole treatise, so that you can remember. THE TAO, THE UNDIVIDED, GREAT ONE, GIVES RISE TO TWO OPPOSITE REALITY PRINCIPLES... First, what is Tao? -- that which is, unnamed, unqualified, simply that which is. It contains all. It contains the trees and the stars, it contains you and me and the animals and the birds. It contains all that is. And that which i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,597 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...d the stars, it contains you and me and the animals and the birds. It contains all that is. And that which is contains all that has ever been, and that which is contains all that is ever going to be. Tao cannot be said just because it contains all -- and no word can contain all. The very purpose of a word is to denote. The very purpose of a word is to classify. A table is a table and not a chair, and a chair is a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,598 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...g is a dog and not a man. The word is meaningful only because it has a definite boundary around it. It excludes everything out of it. It includes only something tiny and excludes the whole existence. Tao includes all, excludes nothing. That's why Tao cannot be said. It can be shown but not said. The man of Tao can give you a taste of it if you are ready to go into him and let him come into you. The man of Tao can...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,599 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...l only because it has a definite boundary around it. It excludes everything out of it. It includes only something tiny and excludes the whole existence. Tao includes all, excludes nothing. That's why Tao cannot be said. It can be shown but not said. The man of Tao can give you a taste of it if you are ready to go into him and let him come into you. The man of Tao can give you a glimpse, a lightning glimpse of the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,600 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...des everything out of it. It includes only something tiny and excludes the whole existence. Tao includes all, excludes nothing. That's why Tao cannot be said. It can be shown but not said. The man of Tao can give you a taste of it if you are ready to go into him and let him come into you. The man of Tao can give you a glimpse, a lightning glimpse of the totality of existence... but you may become frightened. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,601 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Tao includes all, excludes nothing. That's why Tao cannot be said. It can be shown but not said. The man of Tao can give you a taste of it if you are ready to go into him and let him come into you. The man of Tao can give you a glimpse, a lightning glimpse of the totality of existence... but you may become frightened. That's what happened in the great song, Bhagavad-Gita. The disciple Arjuna asked Krishna his ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,602 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... I was going to be mad, or as if I had already gone mad. Thank you for coming back to your original form." And Krishna said, "This is not my original form. That was my original form." Tao is infinity. Tao is totality. Tao is all that is, hence it cannot be said. But in the deep intimacy of a Master and a disciple, something of it starts pulsating. There are moments when you become available to the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,603 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s going to be mad, or as if I had already gone mad. Thank you for coming back to your original form." And Krishna said, "This is not my original form. That was my original form." Tao is infinity. Tao is totality. Tao is all that is, hence it cannot be said. But in the deep intimacy of a Master and a disciple, something of it starts pulsating. There are moments when you become available to the whole, when you ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,604 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [..., or as if I had already gone mad. Thank you for coming back to your original form." And Krishna said, "This is not my original form. That was my original form." Tao is infinity. Tao is totality. Tao is all that is, hence it cannot be said. But in the deep intimacy of a Master and a disciple, something of it starts pulsating. There are moments when you become available to the whole, when you don't function as...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,605 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...you don't function as a separate entity, when you lose the idea of separation for a few moments, when you are one and united. When the drop disappears into the ocean -- even for a single moment -- then you know what Tao is. So Tao cannot be said but can be showed. That's what I have been doing here. This is not a school of philosophy. I'm not teaching you any philosophy at all. This is an existential school. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,606 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...arate entity, when you lose the idea of separation for a few moments, when you are one and united. When the drop disappears into the ocean -- even for a single moment -- then you know what Tao is. So Tao cannot be said but can be showed. That's what I have been doing here. This is not a school of philosophy. I'm not teaching you any philosophy at all. This is an existential school. I am teaching you existence...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,607 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... have denied God in order to be. If there is no God, ego is possible. If there is God how can the ego be supported? By what? Then you are no more there; that is the fear. God is the death of the ego. Tao can be tasted, Tao can be experienced, but one condition has to be fulfilled: you have to be so simple that you don't have any ego. You have to be so silent that there is no idea of 'I'. THE TAO, THE UNDIVIDED...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,608 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... order to be. If there is no God, ego is possible. If there is God how can the ego be supported? By what? Then you are no more there; that is the fear. God is the death of the ego. Tao can be tasted, Tao can be experienced, but one condition has to be fulfilled: you have to be so simple that you don't have any ego. You have to be so silent that there is no idea of 'I'. THE TAO, THE UNDIVIDED, GREAT ONE, GIVES ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,609 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t have any ego. You have to be so silent that there is no idea of 'I'. THE TAO, THE UNDIVIDED, GREAT ONE, GIVES RISE TO TWO OPPOSITE REALITY PRINCIPLES... This is the very fundamental of the Taoist approach: that the one becomes two -- because then only is the play possible. The one has to become two, and the two have to be opposites to each other; then the game starts. The ancient Hindu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,610 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ures say God was alone and was feeling really very very lonely. He decided to create the other. That's why Hindus say the existence is LEELA, a play. God created the other just to have a little fun. Tao is one, but the moment it becomes manifested it has to become two. Manifestation has to be dual: it cannot be one, it has to be two, it has to split into two. It has to become matter and consciousness, it has to ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,611 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e a little more alert, and if you start looking deeper, into the depths of things, you will be surprised -- these opposites are not really opposites but complementaries. And behind both is one single energy: that is Tao. TAO... GIVES RISE TO TWO OPPOSITE REALITY PRINCIPLES, THE DARK AND THE LIGHT, YIN AND YANG. FROM YIN COMES THE RECEPTIVE FEMININE PRINCIPLE; FROM YANG COMES THE CREATIVE MASCULINE PRINCIPLE;...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,612 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s closer to religion than a man, and has always felt closer to religion than a man. You may not have observed the fact. The fundamental fact is: that religion thinks in terms of one, wholeness, totality. That's what Tao is, or God, or whatsoever you will. Science dissects and goes on splitting and has reached to the electron, to the smallest particle. These are polar-opposite ways. Religion goes on joining things together, toget...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,613 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...cience dissects and goes on splitting and has reached to the electron, to the smallest particle. These are polar-opposite ways. Religion goes on joining things together, together, together, and comes to the ultimate Tao which contains all. It is the ultimate unity. Science goes on splitting and splitting, specializing and more specializing. They say specialization means to know more and 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,614 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...al comes as a single unit, unitary, and then is split. It is just like a ray passing through a prism is split into seven colors. Conception functions like a prism: the one white ray splits into seven colors. The one Tao splits into two opposite polarities: man and woman. Remember that no man is man alone, the woman is behind, hidden in him; and so is it with the woman. Both are bisexual. If the conscious mind is ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,615 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...romise in a thousand and one ways, which hurts and wounds. The meeting with the outer woman or the outer man is going to be only momentary. But there is another meeting, and that is one of the secret messages of Tao: that you can find your inner woman -- where your conscious and unconscious meet, where your light and darkness meet, where your earth and sky meet, where your positive and negative meet. And once that meeting ha...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,616 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nscious meet, where your light and darkness meet, where your earth and sky meet, where your positive and negative meet. And once that meeting has happened within you, you are whole. This is what is called the man of Tao. The man of Tao is neither man nor woman. He has come back to his oneness. He is alone... all one. You cannot call Lao Tzu a man or a woman, or Buddha a man or a woman, or Jesus a man or a woman. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,617 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nd darkness meet, where your earth and sky meet, where your positive and negative meet. And once that meeting has happened within you, you are whole. This is what is called the man of Tao. The man of Tao is neither man nor woman. He has come back to his oneness. He is alone... all one. You cannot call Lao Tzu a man or a woman, or Buddha a man or a woman, or Jesus a man or a woman. Biologically they are, spiritual...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,618 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ugh. But this is ugly, this is becoming mechanical. This is dehumanizing. Either one becomes false, pseudo, or one becomes very hard, has to grow a hard crust to keep oneself in constant control. Tao says there is no need to deny the opposite polarity of your being. Accept it, it is you! Both these rays are you. Let them meet and merge! Let them dance together! Let them become one so deeply that again you can...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,619 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...o deny the opposite polarity of your being. Accept it, it is you! Both these rays are you. Let them meet and merge! Let them dance together! Let them become one so deeply that again you can have the vision of one -- Tao, the great One, undivided. IN THE PERSONAL BODILY EXISTENCE OF THE INDIVIDUAL THEY ARE REPRESENTED BY TWO OTHER POLARITIES, ANIMA AND ANIMUS. ALL DURING THE LIFE OF THE INDIVIDUAL THESE TWO A...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,620 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...oth, because they are diametrically opposite. But logic is not true to life itself. More true to life is what is known as dialectics. Logic is not true to life. Logic is linear; it does not contain the opposite. Tao says the opposite is always there, running parallel to it. The process is not logical but dialectical. Thesis is opposed by antithesis: man is opposed by woman, and out of this opposition, out of this conflict, o...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,621 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...her. There are planes upon planes, and one can go on reaching. The ultimate plane is the total synthesis of your life. All conflict disappears -- is not dropped, but disappears of its own accord. This is Tao, the Tao, the undivided, the great One. IF THE LIFE-ENERGY FLOWS DOWNWARD, THAT IS, WITHOUT LET OR HINDRANCE INTO THE OUTER WORLD, THE ANIMA IS VICTORIOUS OVER THE ANIMUS; NO GOLDEN FLOWER IS ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,622 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e are planes upon planes, and one can go on reaching. The ultimate plane is the total synthesis of your life. All conflict disappears -- is not dropped, but disappears of its own accord. This is Tao, the Tao, the undivided, the great One. IF THE LIFE-ENERGY FLOWS DOWNWARD, THAT IS, WITHOUT LET OR HINDRANCE INTO THE OUTER WORLD, THE ANIMA IS VICTORIOUS OVER THE ANIMUS; NO GOLDEN FLOWER IS DEVELOPE...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,623 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...is transformation? And what is conservation of energy? Conservation of energy is a meditative process. It is not moralistic. I will suggest a small method to you that will be of immense help. It has been used by Taoists down the ages. It is given only from the Masters to the disciples; that's why it has not been written in the books. But now the time has come that it should be given, because now millions of people are workin...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,624 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ns of people are working on their spiritual search THROUGH books. Masters are not so available either. This is a simple method of transforming your energy and leading it upwards. And always remember, Taoist methods are very simple, so don't think, "How can such a simple thing be of such great importance?" Practice it, experiment with it and you will know. 10/28/07 Copyright Os...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,625 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...TION ALL THROUGH LIFE MAY REACH THE STAGE OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER, WHICH THEN FREES THE EGO FROM THE CONFLICT OF THE OPPOSITES, AND IT AGAIN BECOMES PART OF THE TAO, THE UNDIVIDED GREAT ONE. From Tao to Tao, from One to One -- as Plotinus says, "The flight of the alone to the alone." The Secret of Secrets, Vol 2 Chapter #14 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,626 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...L THROUGH LIFE MAY REACH THE STAGE OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER, WHICH THEN FREES THE EGO FROM THE CONFLICT OF THE OPPOSITES, AND IT AGAIN BECOMES PART OF THE TAO, THE UNDIVIDED GREAT ONE. From Tao to Tao, from One to One -- as Plotinus says, "The flight of the alone to the alone." The Secret of Secrets, Vol 2 Chapter #14 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,627 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...The observer and the observed, in the ultimate sense, in reality, are one. They are two only because we have not yet been capable of seeing the One. Remember THE SECRET OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER. It says: Tao is one; then it divides itself into two, yin and yang, darkness and light, life and death. But the reality is One. It looks like two; it looks like two because we see it through the prism of the mind. The twoness...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,628 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ot depend on a woman, you need not depend on a man? -- because dependence brings slavery. Only out of the experience of heterosexual orgasm does a person start searching for ways, means, and methods -- Yoga, Tantra, Tao -- so that he can attain the same state on his own or on her own. And yes, it can be attained, because deep inside each man is a man and a woman -- half comes from his father, half comes from his ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,629 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e are many therapists. But my therapist is unique in the sense that he is not only working according to the findings of psychology -- he is working according to the findings of Yoga, of Tantra, of Sufism, of Zen, of Tao, of Hassidism. He's a spiritual guide. But for that, knowledge acquired only from books will not help. You will have to go through a transformation. And the participants in your groups can also be...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,630 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...do standing on the moon? Have you ever thought about it? You will look utterly weird to yourself: "What are you doing here?" Life is the way. Life has no goal. That's why I love the word Tao. Tao means the way, with no goal. Simply the way. It was courageous of Lao Tzu, twenty-five centuries ago, to tell people that there is no goal and we are not going anywhere. We are just going to be here, so make...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,631 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...anding on the moon? Have you ever thought about it? You will look utterly weird to yourself: "What are you doing here?" Life is the way. Life has no goal. That's why I love the word Tao. Tao means the way, with no goal. Simply the way. It was courageous of Lao Tzu, twenty-five centuries ago, to tell people that there is no goal and we are not going anywhere. We are just going to be here, so make the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,632 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... twenty-five centuries ago, to tell people that there is no goal and we are not going anywhere. We are just going to be here, so make the time as beautiful, as loving, as joyous as possible. He called his philosophy Tao, and Tao means simply `the way.' Many asked him, "Why have you chosen the name Tao? Because you don't have any goal in your philosophy...." He said, "Specifically for that reason I have chos...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,633 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ive centuries ago, to tell people that there is no goal and we are not going anywhere. We are just going to be here, so make the time as beautiful, as loving, as joyous as possible. He called his philosophy Tao, and Tao means simply `the way.' Many asked him, "Why have you chosen the name Tao? Because you don't have any goal in your philosophy...." He said, "Specifically for that reason I have chosen to cal...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,634 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ywhere. We are just going to be here, so make the time as beautiful, as loving, as joyous as possible. He called his philosophy Tao, and Tao means simply `the way.' Many asked him, "Why have you chosen the name Tao? Because you don't have any goal in your philosophy...." He said, "Specifically for that reason I have chosen to call it 'the way,' so that nobody forgets there is no goal, but only the way." ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,635 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... What I want to emphasize is that because of the difference in conversion, something very great has happened. And that is that many things are born out of the meeting of Buddhism with Confucianism, of Buddhism with Taoism, of Buddhism with Shintoism. Many creative things have happened which have not happened in Hindus becoming Christians, Hindus becoming Mohammedans, Mohammedans becoming Christians, Jews becoming Mohammedans or...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,636 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...oduced new methods that were inconceivable before. It was a friendship -- nobody was higher, nobody was lower. When a Hindu becomes a Christian, the Christian priest guides him in what to do. When a Taoist becomes friendly with Buddhism, nobody is going to guide him; they both have to share their experiences. And out of this sharing, a loving, friendly.... In China, Ch'an was the crossbreed betw...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,637 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... becomes friendly with Buddhism, nobody is going to guide him; they both have to share their experiences. And out of this sharing, a loving, friendly.... In China, Ch'an was the crossbreed between Buddhism and Tao -- and Ch'an is certainly higher than both. Each child has to be higher than both the parents; otherwise, there would be no evolution. Evolution depends on the simple fact that every child has to defeat his fathe...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,638 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...be no evolution. Evolution depends on the simple fact that every child has to defeat his father, his mother, in every possible way, in every possible direction. Ch'an is far superior to Buddhism and Tao both. It is not out of conflict and violence and blood; it is out of sheer love and joy. It is an inquiry: what you have found, what I have found... perhaps they can be one whole. And that one whole is Ch'an. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,639 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... perhaps they can be one whole. And that one whole is Ch'an. In Japan, the thing happened even on a bigger scale. Ch'an reached a higher form, even more delicate and more superior, when Buddhism and Tao became acquainted with the old Japanese religion of Shinto. When Shinto dissolved into Buddhism, they refined Ch'an because they had a few new experiences which Buddhists had never encountered, which Taoists had ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,640 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...uddhism and Tao became acquainted with the old Japanese religion of Shinto. When Shinto dissolved into Buddhism, they refined Ch'an because they had a few new experiences which Buddhists had never encountered, which Taoists had never known. Zen is the highest peak of meditation that has ever been reached. Not only Zen... but in Japan almost a miracle has happened. Japan has tried the insights of Zen in othe...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,641 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e warrior, but the Japanese have transformed them for the war that you are going to fight inside yourself with the darkness, with your own ego, with all that is ugly in you. Karate is connected with Tao, is connected with Gautam Buddha, is connected with Confucius. But neither Confucius nor Gautam Buddha nor Lao Tzu were aware that their meditative techniques would bring such a transformation that even martial a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,642 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- does not try to bring a rope and get me out." Just at that moment, a Lao Tzu monk, a Taoist monk came by. He also heard. He looked in and he said, "Listen man -- my master used to say that you should act in awareness, walk in awareness. Now you see? -- you have not been aware." The ma...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,643 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...master used to say that you should act in awareness, walk in awareness. Now you see? -- you have not been aware." The man said, "I will learn awareness but first -- this time -- take me out!" The Taoist monk said, "That is beyond me, because nobody can save anybody else. That's what my master has said." The man shouted, "It is said in a different context! It is not said in the context of a man dying in ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,644 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...er missionaries who have gone beyond sixty, seventy. It is very difficult to find a person in a well." The man said, "This is a strange philosophy -- even stranger than those two... the Buddhist, the Taoist. You are using us as stepping stones; you want us to be in the wells." He said, "Of course, because unless there are poor, how can we help? Unless there are sick, how can we serve? Unless there are miserab...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,645 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...conscious and aware, he can see that the essential religion is one. Only rituals differ, and rituals are meaningless. Drop the rituals and save the essential religion. Then Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism -- all will come to the same point: the enquiry of your interiority, the inward journey. If we can let the boundaries of nations disappear and the boundaries of religion disappear if the world ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,646 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... that he has proclaimed that the devil is not a fiction but a reality. I would like to see the reality. You will be surprised to know that there are religions in the world which don't have any devil: Taoism in China has no devil; Jainism in India has no devil; Buddhism has no devil. But the most surprising thing for you will be that all these religions don't have God either. So there is a certain relationship bet...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,647 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...devil is only a fiction, then their God also is a fiction. The reason behind this declaration is not to prove the reality of the devil, but to support the reality of God. There are religions -- like Taoism in China -- which have no devil, because they have no God. There are religions in India -- Jainism -- which have no devil because they have no God. Buddhism in Japan, in Ceylon, in India, in Thailand, in Korea...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,648 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ey are human beings who have realized their innermost potential, and that you can do it just as they have done it. The idea of messiahs is Western. You will be surprised to know that all these three religions -- Taoism, Buddhism, Jainism -- don't even believe in God. They are godless religions, so there is no question of any messiah, any messenger from God, any begotten son of God; there is no question of any such possibilit...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,649 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...erence to the centre -- the initiative path that leads from outward observance to inner conviction, from belief to vision, from potency to act, from dream to reality. This TARIQA -- method, technique, path, way, Tao, Dhamma -- is the whole science of religion. The circumference is there, the centre is there, but one has to move from the circumference because we are there and we have to use a certain radius. Only a radius can...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,650 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...m. Inside him something like a satori was happening. The West was not aware of these phenomena, that s why nobody told him that this was a satori. Had he been to the East -- in a Sufi country, in a Zen country, or a Taoist country -- it would have been immediately recognised. And great possibilities would have opened. Just the reverse happened in the West. Nijinsky went mad because he became so disoriented. He c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,651 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... there a possibility of contacting God. God is not a person -- that is the second thing to remember. It is human to think about God as a person. When we think about God as a person it looks warmer. Lao Tzu says 'Tao', but Tao doesn't seem so warm. You cannot hug Tao. Tao cannot hug you. Buddha says 'Dhamma' -- the law. But the law seems to be cold. You need some warm embrace, you need a God who can love you, who can ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,652 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ossibility of contacting God. God is not a person -- that is the second thing to remember. It is human to think about God as a person. When we think about God as a person it looks warmer. Lao Tzu says 'Tao', but Tao doesn't seem so warm. You cannot hug Tao. Tao cannot hug you. Buddha says 'Dhamma' -- the law. But the law seems to be cold. You need some warm embrace, you need a God who can love you, who can caress...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,653 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...not a person -- that is the second thing to remember. It is human to think about God as a person. When we think about God as a person it looks warmer. Lao Tzu says 'Tao', but Tao doesn't seem so warm. You cannot hug Tao. Tao cannot hug you. Buddha says 'Dhamma' -- the law. But the law seems to be cold. You need some warm embrace, you need a God who can love you, who can caress you, who can kiss you, who can take you close, who c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,654 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... person -- that is the second thing to remember. It is human to think about God as a person. When we think about God as a person it looks warmer. Lao Tzu says 'Tao', but Tao doesn't seem so warm. You cannot hug Tao. Tao cannot hug you. Buddha says 'Dhamma' -- the law. But the law seems to be cold. You need some warm embrace, you need a God who can love you, who can caress you, who can kiss you, who can take you close, who can ho...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,655 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...One has to understand the totality of it; and one has to live in such a way that no one fact becomes, or pretends to become, the whole. There is no need to destroy. There is no need to fight. That is the approach of Tao, the approach of Sufism, Zen. There is a famous Zen story.... A king told his old carpenter that he would like a certain table. The old man said, 'I am very old and my son is yet no...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,656 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... You can have a cardiogram of the tree. Electronic instruments can detect the moods of the tree. When a woodcutter comes around the tree the tree is shaken with fear, is sad, is afraid, clings to her life. No Taoist will cut a tree in that state, no, not at all. If the tree is not willing, then who are we? When the tree on its own is ready to share, then only can it be cut. Now this table will have a different quality...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,657 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...his is a significant question, but the question arises because of a wrong attitude in Western medicine. In the East we have a totally different outlook. The polar opposite to Western medicine is the Taoist attitude about medicine. You will have to understand a few things. First, the questioner says: I AM MUCH CONFUSED ABOUT THE FOLLOWING QUESTION. I AM TRAINED AS A PHYSICIAN, AND I HAVE ALWAYS FELT DEEPLY T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,658 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... by poor people became rich, then the tuberculosis became more and more available to everybody. Cancer is a new phenomenon. It is absolutely new. It is not mentioned in any ancient medicine manual -- Taoist or Hindu -- it is absolutely new. It had to wait for the twentieth century to happen. A great tension is needed for it to happen. So much unnatural tension is needed for it to happen that it was not possible b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,659 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ll it, but it goes on slipping. That's what I go on doing. I go on telling it but it goes on slipping. No word ever does any justice to truth; all words falsify. Sufis agree perfectly with Lao Tzu when he says, 'The Tao that can be said is Tao no more. The truth that can be uttered has already become a lie.' You will have to experience it on your own. But man is imitative, so entirely imitative, that he just im...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,660 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ipping. That's what I go on doing. I go on telling it but it goes on slipping. No word ever does any justice to truth; all words falsify. Sufis agree perfectly with Lao Tzu when he says, 'The Tao that can be said is Tao no more. The truth that can be uttered has already become a lie.' You will have to experience it on your own. But man is imitative, so entirely imitative, that he just imitates other peoples' words, their p...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,661 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ting high just by being in contact with him -- a contact-high. Just because he is so turned on, you will start feeling turned on. That is religiousness, that is IMAN -- what Hindus call DHARMA and what Lao Tzu calls Tao and what the Jews call TORAH. That is the most fundamental law of religion -- to be drunk with the unknown, with the invisible; to be drunk with something that is not of this world, not available here; to be drun...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,662 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e the great moments, when you are frozen between action and inaction. Remain frozen. Don't do anything, just remain in that moment. You are on the verge of a new birth. If you can wait, a new life will arise -- what Taoists call WEI WU WEI, action without action. And that happens only when you are frozen between action AND inaction, if you choose you miss that birth. If you can remain frozen, don't choose -- so what? Remain in t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,663 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... And Buddha is not alone -- Mahavir has lived without God. And Mahavir is not alone; many many other enlightened people have preceded them and succeeded them. In the East, the greatest traditions, Buddhist,Jaina and Tao, are all God-less -- and yet they are religions. The West is incapable of understanding how they can be religions, how they can call themselves religions if there is no God. They cannot think of a religion ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,664 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ll that exists is divine, how can it be ordinary? Don't try to be ordinary; otherwise, you will go on failing and you will create misery for yourself. Even I cannot help, even I cannot go against the Tao, against the fundamental law of life. God only creates the extraordinary; this whole existence is special. These raindrops, this morning, the people around you this moment is extraordinary; it can't be repeated a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,665 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Life is strange. Here sometimes kings are beggars and beggars are kings. Don't be deceived by the appearance. Look in. The heart is rich when it throbs with joy, the heart is rich when it falls in harmony with Tao, with nature, with the ultimate law of life, with dhamma. The heart is rich when you fall in harmony with the whole; that is the only richness there is. Otherwise, one day you will weep and you will say 'It is to...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,666 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Nothing ever dies, nothing IS ever reborn. How can there be rebirth when nothing ever dies? It is all one process, it is all one continuum. Life has never known death. You are dreaming. I have heard a Taoist story... A great emperor was sitting by the side of his dying son -- the only son. All his hopes were shattered: he had only one child -- he was old -- and the child was dying. And the physicians had ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,667 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e they all have their arguments. Christians say Jesus is crucified to save humanity; he gives his own life. And in the Christian context it looks perfectly right. But looked at from the Hindu, Jaina, Buddhist or Tao context it is absurd. According to these four religions, the crucifixion of Jesus is possible only if he had done some great evil acts in his past life. Otherwise crucifixion is not possible. What to say of the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,668 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... all come rushing out. He has not brought the toys, but the children are out -- that is the point. That is the whole work of a master. You come to me and I give you toys: go to the Encounter, go to Tao, go to T'ai Chi, or go, if you are a little toughie, then go to the torturers, Rolfing, etc.... These are toys. You don't want to come out of the house -- I have to create toys. But these are all lies. Ikkyu is j...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,669 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...aturally, I mean one can live without improving upon oneself in any way. One can live in trust -- that's what nature is. One can live in spontaneity. One can live without being a doer. One can live in inaction, what Taoists call WEI-WU-WEI -- action through inaction. Nature means you are not to do anything; it is already happening. The rivers are flowing -- not that they are doing something. And the trees are growing -- not ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,670 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...tarted. And you will understand me only by listening. You will understand me only when you have forgotten all about understanding what I am saying. All statements are lies. Lao Tzu is true. He says: Tao cannot be said, and the moment you say it you have betrayed it. He is absolutely true. Truth is so infinite and words are so finite. Only when you have something infinite in you... silence is infinite, unbou...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,671 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ook arrogant. People who don't understand or don't want to understand can find arrogance anywhere. Once it happened, I read these words of Lao Tzu to a professor: "When the superior man hears of the Tao, he practises it; when the ordinary man hears of the Tao, he ignores it; when the inferior man hears of the Tao, he laughs at it. If it were not laughed at it would not be the true Tao." And do you know what...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,672 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...don't want to understand can find arrogance anywhere. Once it happened, I read these words of Lao Tzu to a professor: "When the superior man hears of the Tao, he practises it; when the ordinary man hears of the Tao, he ignores it; when the inferior man hears of the Tao, he laughs at it. If it were not laughed at it would not be the true Tao." And do you know what the professor said? He said, "How arrogant of Lao TZU --...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,673 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Once it happened, I read these words of Lao Tzu to a professor: "When the superior man hears of the Tao, he practises it; when the ordinary man hears of the Tao, he ignores it; when the inferior man hears of the Tao, he laughs at it. If it were not laughed at it would not be the true Tao." And do you know what the professor said? He said, "How arrogant of Lao TZU -- who does he think he is to know? He thinks himself the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,674 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... the superior man hears of the Tao, he practises it; when the ordinary man hears of the Tao, he ignores it; when the inferior man hears of the Tao, he laughs at it. If it were not laughed at it would not be the true Tao." And do you know what the professor said? He said, "How arrogant of Lao TZU -- who does he think he is to know? He thinks himself the superior man? the sage? that he knows? How arrogant of him t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,675 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... And do you know what the professor said? He said, "How arrogant of Lao TZU -- who does he think he is to know? He thinks himself the superior man? the sage? that he knows? How arrogant of him to claim that he knows Tao! So Lao Tzu thinks," he said, "he is one of the superior who really understands the Tao, while lesser people ignore or laugh at it? How arrogant!" Now it is not very apparent. You could not have thought this...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,676 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... think he is to know? He thinks himself the superior man? the sage? that he knows? How arrogant of him to claim that he knows Tao! So Lao Tzu thinks," he said, "he is one of the superior who really understands the Tao, while lesser people ignore or laugh at it? How arrogant!" Now it is not very apparent. You could not have thought this way, but it can be interpreted this way. Just to see the resistance of...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,677 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ip in. There is nothing to hinder. And suddenly the bright light of the Buddha land. And suddenly you are in a totally different world -- the world of the Lotus Law, the world of Dharma, the world of Tao. WONDERFUL, INDEED, THE LOTUS FLOWER OF THE LAW! 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,678 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [.... Create as much love heat in you as possible. Only that can melt you. When I say 'become water' I mean become a flow -- don't remain stagnant. Move, and move like water. Lao Tzu says: The way of the Tao is a watercourse way . It moves like water. What is the movement of water? or of a river? The movement has a few beautiful things about it. One, it always moves towards the depth, it always searches for the lowes...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,679 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...itious; it never hankers to be the first, it wants to be the last. Remember, Jesus says: Those who are the last here will be the first in my kingdom of God. He is talking about the watercourse way of Tao -- not mentioning it, but talking about it. Be the last, be non-ambitious. Ambition means go uphill. Water goes down t searches for the lowest ground, it wants to be a nonentity. It does not want to declare itsel...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,680 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... first place I was never born. Birth is an illusion. And I am not going to die either -- how can I die? because I was never born. Death is another illusion. I will be here, I have always been here. I am the taste of Tao. I am part of this eternity, I am a wave in this ocean. Sometimes as a 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpubl...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,681 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... WHATEVER RUNS COUNTER TO THE MIND AND WILL OF ORDINARY PEOPLE HINDERS THE LAW OF MEN AND THE LAW OF BUDDHA. What is the Law of Men and the Law of Buddha? What is Tao, what is Dhamma? To be just natural, easy. To be that which you are, with no hankering to be somebody else. Just see the point: great joy arises then. Of course nobody will know you, nobody will know that you are...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,682 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... kind of religion is this? And this happened again in China. China is one of the ancientmost countries, maybe the most ancient: has the ancientmost scriptures, the longest tradition: of religion -- Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism -- has created great enlightened people, has always lived in a religious way. And what happened? Suddenly all the Bibles, Korans, Dhammapadas, Vedas, Tao Te Ching, ANALECTS of Confucius -...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,683 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... longest tradition: of religion -- Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism -- has created great enlightened people, has always lived in a religious way. And what happened? Suddenly all the Bibles, Korans, Dhammapadas, Vedas, Tao Te Ching, ANALECTS of Confucius -- all disappeared. And people started carrying a small red book written by Mao Zedong; that became their Bible. Suddenly God no more exists, the soul is just nonsense, meditation ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,684 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...right Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- transformed by being close to him -- but there is nothing which can be said about truth. The Tao that can be said is not the true Tao. The truth that is uttered becomes immediately a lie. WHO SEES NAUGHT, SAYS NAUGHT, HEARS NAUGHT, SIMPLY SURPASSES THE BUD...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,685 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- transformed by being close to him -- but there is nothing which can be said about truth. The Tao that can be said is not the true Tao. The truth that is uttered becomes immediately a lie. WHO SEES NAUGHT, SAYS NAUGHT, HEARS NAUGHT, SIMPLY SURPASSES THE BUDDHA. Buddhahood i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,686 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...indu, is a Mohammedan, is a Christian, is a Jain, is a communist, and all, and none. Why does everything turn into its opposite? Nobody wants it to be so; still it turns. It is the way of existence, Tao, Dhamma; it is how things move. Just as fire bums, it is fire's nature, so is this the nature of existence, that it automatically turns into its opposite. Why does it turn into its opposite? Because the opposite ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,687 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s "breaking through the bottom." Then there is no "Is" and no "Is not". Then you cannot say "God is" and you cannot say "God is not". Then the whole is, then the one is -- undivided. This whole is God, or nirvana or Tao. THE MIND CANNOT BECOME THE BUDDHA... Now, this is a koan: THE MIND CANNOT BECOME THE BUDDHA; THE BODY CANNOT BECOME THE BUDDHA; ONLY WHAT CANNOT BECOM...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,688 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nd boundaries are breaking on their own. Man has become more grown-up. So around me all kinds of people will be here. Jews are here, Mohammedans, Christians, Hindus, Parsis, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, Taoists -- all kinds of people are here. People who believe in Yoga, people who believe in Tantra, people who believe in Zen, people who believe in Hassidism -- they are here. And I have to nourish them all. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,689 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... These moments that I am with you, I am at the very source of things. If you can fall in tune with me, if you can become harmonious with me, you will also be at the very source of things. You will have a taste of Tao or Dhamma or God, or whatsoever you want to call it. I am available to you. In that gesture, a great door is available to you. You can move from the false to the true, you can move from the sound to the silen...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,690 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... reflect emptiness. The unconscious man is like a painted picture, fixed. The conscious man is only a mirror. There is a very beautiful Sufi parable: It happened that in a great king's court a Taoist painter arrived. And he said he could do something which nobody else could do. The painter of the king's court was offended; he said, "I am ready to accept the challenge. We both will do paintings and then the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,691 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ur to it. Come the morning, the sun rising, and it will have a different colour to it. And come the night... My painting is not a dead thing, I have made something alive." The Chinese painter was a Taoist; he knew that only a mirror can be alive. You can make a beautiful painting -- howsoever beautiful it may be, it is still dead, it is stagnant. Only a mirror can remain flowing. Each child is b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,692 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... saying it so beautifully -- what is the point of my saying it in any other way? He is doing it perfectly well; I cannot improve upon it. Whatsoever I say will be degrading it, so I will keep quiet." In old Taoist monasteries, it was an ancient rule: "Say something only if you can improve upon silence." It was written in all Taoist monasteries, on the main entrance gate: "Say something only if you can improve upon silen...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,693 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...not improve upon it. Whatsoever I say will be degrading it, so I will keep quiet." In old Taoist monasteries, it was an ancient rule: "Say something only if you can improve upon silence." It was written in all Taoist monasteries, on the main entrance gate: "Say something only if you can improve upon silence. Otherwise keep quiet." What is the point of saying something if you cannot improve upon silence? ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,694 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...pses of the unknown. Those moments will make you aware that there is eternity beyond time. Those moments will give you a feel of what it is to be in meditation. Those moments will allow you a little taste of God, of Tao, of Tantra, of Zen. Those moments will bring the possibility of change, because those moments will come, not from your past but from your future. Agreeing it is your past which agrees with me. Ope...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,695 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... gives you a certain style, a discipline. Tantra takes all disciplines away. When there is no discipline, when there is no enforced order, a totally different kind of order arises in you. What Lao Tzu calls Tao, what Buddha calls DHARMA -- that arises in you. That is not anything done by you; it happens to you. Tantra simply creates space for it to happen. It does not even invite, it does not wait; it simply creates a s...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,696 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... of help has to be used, because man has been damaged so much that all sources of help should be made available. You may not even be able to understand why I am making available all the methods to you: Yoga, Tantra, Tao; Sufi, Jain, Buddhist, Hindu; Gestalt, Psychodrama, Encounter, Primal Therapy, Polarity Balancing, Rolfing, Structural Integration -- why I am making all these things available to you. You have never heard of the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,697 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ing, giving, charity. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Buddhism, Jainism and Tao, they have created a third type of mind which is neither ordinary nor extraordinary; in fact, which is not a mind at all. To give it a name it will be good to call it a no-mind. So try to understand the classific...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,698 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...call it a no-mind. So try to understand the classification. Ordinary mind, extraordinary mind -- just the opposite of it, but still in the same dimension of more -- then no-mind, which Buddhism, Jainism, Tao have created. What is this no-mind? -- the third approach towards reality. Buddhism and Jainism don't preach charity, they preach indifference. They don't say, "Give!" because giving is part of taking, the sa...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,699 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... and you are trying to burn others' lights? You may blow them off, you may put them off -- your own inner being is dark. You cannot help, you cannot give, you have nothing to give. Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism, Lao Tzu, Mahavira and Siddhartha Gautam can help you out of it, but Tilopa says don't be satisfied even with that indifference, silence, a detached standing, aloofness, because it is still not a happening, st...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,700 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...lunge into the unknown. Without it you have wandered for many lives and you will wander. Without it the supreme accomplishment is not possible. Take courage and take the jump. Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 1 Discourses on Ko Hsuan's The Classic of Purity Talks given from 11/06/80 am to 20/06/80 am E...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,701 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...hed: 1980 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 1 Chapter #1 Chapter title: Just an empty passage 11 June 1980 am in Buddha Hall Archive code:...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,702 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ir memory, they are coming from their experience. They have touched the divine, and the moment you touch the divine you evaporate, you cannot exist any more. You have to die for God to be. This is a Taoist insight. Tao is another name for God. far more beautiful than God because God, the word "God", has been exploited too much by the priests They have exploited in the name of God for so long that even the word h...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,703 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... are coming from their experience. They have touched the divine, and the moment you touch the divine you evaporate, you cannot exist any more. You have to die for God to be. This is a Taoist insight. Tao is another name for God. far more beautiful than God because God, the word "God", has been exploited too much by the priests They have exploited in the name of God for so long that even the word has become contam...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,704 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e it reminds him of all the non.sense that has happened on the earth down the age.s in the name of God, in the name of religion. More mischief has happened in the name of God than in any other name. Tao in that sense is tremendously beautiful. You cannot worship Tao because Tao does not give you the idea of a person. It is simply a principle, not a person. You cannot worship a principle -- you cannot pray to Tao...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,705 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... earth down the age.s in the name of God, in the name of religion. More mischief has happened in the name of God than in any other name. Tao in that sense is tremendously beautiful. You cannot worship Tao because Tao does not give you the idea of a person. It is simply a principle, not a person. You cannot worship a principle -- you cannot pray to Tao. It will look ridiculous, it will be utterly absurd, praying to...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,706 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...arth down the age.s in the name of God, in the name of religion. More mischief has happened in the name of God than in any other name. Tao in that sense is tremendously beautiful. You cannot worship Tao because Tao does not give you the idea of a person. It is simply a principle, not a person. You cannot worship a principle -- you cannot pray to Tao. It will look ridiculous, it will be utterly absurd, praying to a principle...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,707 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Tao in that sense is tremendously beautiful. You cannot worship Tao because Tao does not give you the idea of a person. It is simply a principle, not a person. You cannot worship a principle -- you cannot pray to Tao. It will look ridiculous, it will be utterly absurd, praying to a principle. You don't pray to gravitation, you cannot pray to the theory of relativity. Tao simply means the ultimate principle that binds the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,708 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...worship a principle -- you cannot pray to Tao. It will look ridiculous, it will be utterly absurd, praying to a principle. You don't pray to gravitation, you cannot pray to the theory of relativity. Tao simply means the ultimate principle that binds the whole existence together. The existence is not a chaos that much is certain; it is a cosmos. There is immense order in it, intrinsic order in it, and the name of...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,709 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s the ultimate principle that binds the whole existence together. The existence is not a chaos that much is certain; it is a cosmos. There is immense order in it, intrinsic order in it, and the name of that order is Tao. Tao simply means the harmony of the whole. No temples have been built for Tao; no statues, no prayers, no priests, no rituals -- that's the beauty of it. Hence I don't call it a doctrine, nor do I call it a reli...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,710 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... ultimate principle that binds the whole existence together. The existence is not a chaos that much is certain; it is a cosmos. There is immense order in it, intrinsic order in it, and the name of that order is Tao. Tao simply means the harmony of the whole. No temples have been built for Tao; no statues, no prayers, no priests, no rituals -- that's the beauty of it. Hence I don't call it a doctrine, nor do I call it a religion,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,711 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... not a chaos that much is certain; it is a cosmos. There is immense order in it, intrinsic order in it, and the name of that order is Tao. Tao simply means the harmony of the whole. No temples have been built for Tao; no statues, no prayers, no priests, no rituals -- that's the beauty of it. Hence I don't call it a doctrine, nor do I call it a religion, it is a pure insight. You can call it Dharma; that is Buddha's word for T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,712 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Tao; no statues, no prayers, no priests, no rituals -- that's the beauty of it. Hence I don't call it a doctrine, nor do I call it a religion, it is a pure insight. You can call it Dharma; that is Buddha's word for Tao. The word in English that comes closer or closest to Tao is "Nature" with a capital N. This profound insight is also one of the smallest treatises ever written. It is so condensed -- it is 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,713 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...hat's the beauty of it. Hence I don't call it a doctrine, nor do I call it a religion, it is a pure insight. You can call it Dharma; that is Buddha's word for Tao. The word in English that comes closer or closest to Tao is "Nature" with a capital N. This profound insight is also one of the smallest treatises ever written. It is so condensed -- it is 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,714 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...d the grasp of the scholars. The scholars can only see contradictions in them because the scholar functions through logic and all the mystic expressions are paradoxical -- illogical or supralogical. And particularly Taoist sayings are superb in that way -- nobody has been able to transcend their paradoxes. Even in this small treatise you will come across paradoxes almost in every sentence, in every utterance. Tha...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,715 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e. That's not so. Ko Hsuan himself is a Master in his own right. In his preface to this small treatise he says a few things which have to be remembered. First he says: "When I attained to union with Tao I meditated upon this insight ten thousand times before writing it down." He says, "When I attained to union with Tao..." He is not just a disciple, he is an enlightened man. He has attained to union with Tao. He...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,716 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e he says a few things which have to be remembered. First he says: "When I attained to union with Tao I meditated upon this insight ten thousand times before writing it down." He says, "When I attained to union with Tao..." He is not just a disciple, he is an enlightened man. He has attained to union with Tao. He is not writing notes heard from somebody else, he has experienced it himself. He has attained to the ultimate union w...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,717 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...n with Tao I meditated upon this insight ten thousand times before writing it down." He says, "When I attained to union with Tao..." He is not just a disciple, he is an enlightened man. He has attained to union with Tao. He is not writing notes heard from somebody else, he has experienced it himself. He has attained to the ultimate union with Tao: he has become one with nature. He says in the preface, "It is onl...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,718 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [....." He is not just a disciple, he is an enlightened man. He has attained to union with Tao. He is not writing notes heard from somebody else, he has experienced it himself. He has attained to the ultimate union with Tao: he has become one with nature. He says in the preface, "It is only for the seekers of the beyond; the worldly cannot understand it." He makes it clear in the preface that if you are a worldly ma...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,719 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...rself totally, become a nothingness. And the moment you are totally nothing, at that very moment, truth descends in you; you become full of it. First you have to be empty of yourself and then you become full of God, Tao, Dharma, or whatsoever name you would like to choose for it. He says: "I received it from the divine ruler of the Golden Gate." This is a mysterious saying, "the Golden Gate." That is Taoist way of saying tha...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,720 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...you become full of God, Tao, Dharma, or whatsoever name you would like to choose for it. He says: "I received it from the divine ruler of the Golden Gate." This is a mysterious saying, "the Golden Gate." That is Taoist way of saying that God is not really a person but a gate, an opening into existence, and if you are empty, the door opens WITHIN vou. It is your ego that is blocking the door, it is you who are blocking the do...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,721 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ternity is; you have gone beyond time. Now these small sutras: THE VENERABLE MASTER SAID THE SUPREME TAO IS FORMLESS... FROM THE VERY BEGINNING Ko Hsuan wants you to know that Tao has no form. So you cannot make a statue of Tao, you cannot create a temple around Tao, you cannot create rituals; no priesthood is possible. THE SUPREME TAO IS FORMLESS... It...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,722 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... small sutras: THE VENERABLE MASTER SAID THE SUPREME TAO IS FORMLESS... FROM THE VERY BEGINNING Ko Hsuan wants you to know that Tao has no form. So you cannot make a statue of Tao, you cannot create a temple around Tao, you cannot create rituals; no priesthood is possible. THE SUPREME TAO IS FORMLESS... It is the universal law of existence. You cannot worship, you ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,723 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ERABLE MASTER SAID THE SUPREME TAO IS FORMLESS... FROM THE VERY BEGINNING Ko Hsuan wants you to know that Tao has no form. So you cannot make a statue of Tao, you cannot create a temple around Tao, you cannot create rituals; no priesthood is possible. THE SUPREME TAO IS FORMLESS... It is the universal law of existence. You cannot worship, you cannot pray. All your worship is ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,724 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...money, power, prestige. Whatsoever you are asking for you are asking for something wrong because there is nobody to give you anything. The very idea of getting by asking is absurd. Be utterly silent. Tao is not the path of prayer, it is the path of meditation. ... TAO IS FORMLESS, YET IT PRODUCES AND NURTURES 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,725 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- HEAVEN AND EARTH. It does not mean that Tao is indifferent to you; it simply means you cannot worship it, you cannot pray to it. But it goes on nourishing you, you are nourished by it; it nurtures you. The whole breathes it. It is the heartbeat of the cosm...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,726 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ou are nourished by it; it nurtures you. The whole breathes it. It is the heartbeat of the cosmos, but not a person. THE SUPREME TAO HAS NO DESIRES... So if you want to have a communion with Tao you will have to drop all desires. People simply go on changing their desires, but they basically remain the same. People go on changing their outer structures of life; they call it character. Somebody smokes, yo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,727 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- But we have to call it something. See the non-fanatic attitude. You can call it anything -- XYZ. Tao simply means XYZ. Just because we have to call it something, we call it Tao. If you choose some other name there is no problem. So when Buddhists reached China they were surprised because Taoist mystics simpl...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,728 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [..., published and unpublished Query:- But we have to call it something. See the non-fanatic attitude. You can call it anything -- XYZ. Tao simply means XYZ. Just because we have to call it something, we call it Tao. If you choose some other name there is no problem. So when Buddhists reached China they were surprised because Taoist mystics simply agreed with them. They said, "Perfectly right! We call it Tao,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,729 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...-- XYZ. Tao simply means XYZ. Just because we have to call it something, we call it Tao. If you choose some other name there is no problem. So when Buddhists reached China they were surprised because Taoist mystics simply agreed with them. They said, "Perfectly right! We call it Tao, you call it dharma. It is the same thing, because we define Tao as nameless you define Dharma as nameless. We say Tao is formless, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,730 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... it Tao. If you choose some other name there is no problem. So when Buddhists reached China they were surprised because Taoist mystics simply agreed with them. They said, "Perfectly right! We call it Tao, you call it dharma. It is the same thing, because we define Tao as nameless you define Dharma as nameless. We say Tao is formless, you say Dharma is formless, so there is no problem. We are only speaking differe...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,731 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... So when Buddhists reached China they were surprised because Taoist mystics simply agreed with them. They said, "Perfectly right! We call it Tao, you call it dharma. It is the same thing, because we define Tao as nameless you define Dharma as nameless. We say Tao is formless, you say Dharma is formless, so there is no problem. We are only speaking different languages, but we are indicating towards the same truth." ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,732 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...urprised because Taoist mystics simply agreed with them. They said, "Perfectly right! We call it Tao, you call it dharma. It is the same thing, because we define Tao as nameless you define Dharma as nameless. We say Tao is formless, you say Dharma is formless, so there is no problem. We are only speaking different languages, but we are indicating towards the same truth." That is one of the most beautiful things t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,733 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ting towards the same truth." That is one of the most beautiful things that has ever happened in history. When Buddhism reached China there was no conflict, no argumentation, no conversion, and yet Buddhists and Taoists met and mingled and become one, absolutely one. It has not happened in the history of Christianity or in the history of Judaism or in the history of Mohammedanism, their history is full of ugliness. It ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,734 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... tastes the same -- it is salty. This one sentence will do!" The same happened in China. Buddhists went there and the whole of China became Buddhist without anybody converting anybody else. Because Taoism was so generous and Buddhism was so understanding; there was no question of converting. The whole idea of converting anybody is ugly, is violent. They never argued -- yes, they communed, they nodded at each ot...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,735 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s said in his own words." And out of this meeting -- which is the rarest in the whole of humanity -- Zen was born. Out of the meeting of Buddha and Lao Tzu, out of the meeting of Buddha's insight and Taoist insight, out of the meeting of Dharma and Tao, Zen was born. Hence Zen is a rare flowering. Nowhere else has it happened that way -- so silently, without bloodshed, without a single argument. There was no ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,736 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... of this meeting -- which is the rarest in the whole of humanity -- Zen was born. Out of the meeting of Buddha and Lao Tzu, out of the meeting of Buddha's insight and Taoist insight, out of the meeting of Dharma and Tao, Zen was born. Hence Zen is a rare flowering. Nowhere else has it happened that way -- so silently, without bloodshed, without a single argument. There was no question of argument; the difference was only of lang...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,737 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ot a fanatic -- he cannot be. Ko Hsuan says: I DO NOT KNOW ITS NAME BUT FOR TITLE CALL IT TAO. It is a nameless experience, but we have to call it something so we will call it Tao. That is arbitrary. If you have some other name -- God, LOGOS, DHARMA, truth NIRVANA -- you can choose from those names; they are all beautiful because it has no name of its own so any name will do. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,738 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...lfillment. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 1 Chapter #2 Chapter title: Existence is God's expression 12 June 1980 am in Buddha Hall Archive ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,739 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...u choose Gurdjieff, choose Gurdjieff, but remember you are choosing a dead Master. You can go on repeating his methods your whole life -- nothing is going to happen through them. Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 1 Chapter #3 Chapter title: Grow Real Roses 13 June 1980 am in Buddha Hall Archive code: 800...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,740 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... to anyone!" 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 1 Chapter #4 Chapter title: Discover your own God 14 June 1980 am in Buddha Hall Archive code: 8...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,741 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e, he cannot know what a blessing life is. You have to know that even dust is divine, that your body is a temple. You have to become Zorba the Buddha! Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 1 Chapter #5 Chapter title: A World Inside You 15 June 1980 am in Buddha Hall Archive code: 80...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,742 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ITS RADICAL ESSENCE, TAO FLOWS FORTH EVEN TO THE LAST OF THINGS, BRINGING FORTH HEAVEN AND EARTH AND ALL THAT IS IN BETWEEN. THE PURE IS THE CAUSE OF THE TURBID, AND MOVEMENT OF STILLNESS. Taoism is not a religion in the ordinary sense of the term, it is not a so-called religion; it is AUTHENTICALLY religious. But to be authentically religious it has to be basically scientific. Science and religion are...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,743 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Science and religion are separate only as far as their direction is concerned, but not in their approach. Religion can be scientific without being a science; science can be religious without being a religion. Tao is scientific without being a science. Science means trying to know the objective world without any prejudice, without any A PRIORI conclusions. The same is true about the inner world, the subjective world. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,744 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...is discovered which goes against our older theories, we discard the older theories in favor of the new discovery. But the same is not true about the inner; to the inner we have a very deep clinging. Tao is in that way a scientific approach to the inner -- you can call it the science of the subjective, the science of being. This is one of the most significant things to remember while we will be meditating over th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,745 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...cience of the subjective, the science of being. This is one of the most significant things to remember while we will be meditating over these sutras of Ko Hsuan. The second thing to remember is that Tao is the first revelation, realization, of the fact that existence is polar. No other religion has been so clear about this tremendously significant fact. "Existence is polar" means that existence is not logical, i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,746 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... summer and winter, birth and death, these are polarities opposed to each other. But the opposition is only apparent; deep down they are complementaries. What Hegel discovered just two hundred years ago Taoists had discovered almost five thousand years before. They were the pioneers of dialectics; they were the first dialecticians of the world. They contributed one of the most important insights to existence: you wi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,747 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...Aristotelian there would have been no life at all. There would have been peace all over -- nobody to know it nobody to experience it. It is good that God is Hegelian, that he has created polarities. Tao talks about YIN and YANG: that is its most fundamental approach to understanding existence. And you have to go deep into it. There is a great attraction between man and woman for the simple reason that they ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,748 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [..., they should become as dissimilar as possible; they should keep their uniqueness intact. They should become more and more feminine, then the mystery deepens. And that is the way of existence, the way of Tao. Only one modern psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung, had some insight about this Taoist approach. He was the only one in the West who had pondered over and studied Taoism deeply; he introduced Taoism ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,749 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...act. They should become more and more feminine, then the mystery deepens. And that is the way of existence, the way of Tao. Only one modern psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung, had some insight about this Taoist approach. He was the only one in the West who had pondered over and studied Taoism deeply; he introduced Taoism in his psychology, and he brought Taoism up to date. If you want to understand Taoism it ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,750 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...is the way of existence, the way of Tao. Only one modern psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung, had some insight about this Taoist approach. He was the only one in the West who had pondered over and studied Taoism deeply; he introduced Taoism in his psychology, and he brought Taoism up to date. If you want to understand Taoism it will be good to understand Carl Gustav Jung and his understanding about Taoism; he was movi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,751 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...way of Tao. Only one modern psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung, had some insight about this Taoist approach. He was the only one in the West who had pondered over and studied Taoism deeply; he introduced Taoism in his psychology, and he brought Taoism up to date. If you want to understand Taoism it will be good to understand Carl Gustav Jung and his understanding about Taoism; he was moving along the right lines. But...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,752 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...rn psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung, had some insight about this Taoist approach. He was the only one in the West who had pondered over and studied Taoism deeply; he introduced Taoism in his psychology, and he brought Taoism up to date. If you want to understand Taoism it will be good to understand Carl Gustav Jung and his understanding about Taoism; he was moving along the right lines. But after his death that work stopped. He ha...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,753 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nsight about this Taoist approach. He was the only one in the West who had pondered over and studied Taoism deeply; he introduced Taoism in his psychology, and he brought Taoism up to date. If you want to understand Taoism it will be good to understand Carl Gustav Jung and his understanding about Taoism; he was moving along the right lines. But after his death that work stopped. He had taken only a few steps -- because ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,754 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...d over and studied Taoism deeply; he introduced Taoism in his psychology, and he brought Taoism up to date. If you want to understand Taoism it will be good to understand Carl Gustav Jung and his understanding about Taoism; he was moving along the right lines. But after his death that work stopped. He had taken only a few steps -- because Taoism is a vast ocean -- he had moved in the right direction, but the work has stopped. It...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,755 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ism it will be good to understand Carl Gustav Jung and his understanding about Taoism; he was moving along the right lines. But after his death that work stopped. He had taken only a few steps -- because Taoism is a vast ocean -- he had moved in the right direction, but the work has stopped. It has to be deepened. Many more people have to work to make the insight modern because the language is old and sometimes the o...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,756 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... down under its weight. The East has become so lazy and lousy out of its looseness. A certain tension is needed, but there is a state of tension which is also a state of equilibrium. And that is the whole art of Tao. The equilibrating pulse of the mystical life, the secret... The words in this sutra are not to be understood biologically, physiologically. Each man and each woman also have their opposite within them. If yo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,757 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nconscious are polar opposites and there is a tension between the two. That tension has to become neither too loose nor too tight. This is the whole art of religion, or the whole science of religion. Tao does not believe in miracles; it believes in scientific methods to transform your life. Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and Lieh Tzu were walking together along a forest path one day when they came upon a fast-flowing ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,758 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...u and Lieh Tzu were walking together along a forest path one day when they came upon a fast-flowing river which barred their way. Immediately Lieh Tzu sat down on the bank of the river and meditated upon the eternal Tao. Ten minutes later he stood up and proceeded to walk on the water to the other side. Next, Chuang Tzu sat in the lotus posture for twenty minutes, whereupon he stood up and also walked across the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,759 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...so walked across the river. Lao Tzu, watching this in amazement, shrugged his shoulders, sat down on the river bank like the others and meditated for over an hour. Finally, with complete trust in the Tao, he closed his eyes, took one step into the river and fell in. On the other shore, Chuang Tzu laughed, turned to Lieh Tzu and said, "Should we tell him where the rocks are?" Tao d...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,760 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... the Tao, he closed his eyes, took one step into the river and fell in. On the other shore, Chuang Tzu laughed, turned to Lieh Tzu and said, "Should we tell him where the rocks are?" Tao does not believe in any nonsense. It is very pragmatic, practical, down to earth. A street vendor was trying to sell his product. All day long he would call out, "Try a bottle of my elixir -- long-life loti...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,761 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...u guarantee it?" asked the customer. "Because I have only worked with him for three hundred years," answered the boy. All other religions are much more concerned with such stupidities -- miracles, wonders. Not Tao. Tao is very straight, hence there is a great future for Tao. When all other religions have gone down the drain, Tao will still be around for the simple reason that it will fit in with the scientific climate ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,762 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...asked the customer. "Because I have only worked with him for three hundred years," answered the boy. All other religions are much more concerned with such stupidities -- miracles, wonders. Not Tao. Tao is very straight, hence there is a great future for Tao. When all other religions have gone down the drain, Tao will still be around for the simple reason that it will fit in with the scientific climate that is g...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,763 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ked with him for three hundred years," answered the boy. All other religions are much more concerned with such stupidities -- miracles, wonders. Not Tao. Tao is very straight, hence there is a great future for Tao. When all other religions have gone down the drain, Tao will still be around for the simple reason that it will fit in with the scientific climate that is growing everyday on the earth. It will not only fit in wi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,764 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... All other religions are much more concerned with such stupidities -- miracles, wonders. Not Tao. Tao is very straight, hence there is a great future for Tao. When all other religions have gone down the drain, Tao will still be around for the simple reason that it will fit in with the scientific climate that is growing everyday on the earth. It will not only fit in with the scientific climate, it will help 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,765 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... TAO MANIFESTS BOTH AS THE PURE AND THE TURBID, BOTH AS MOVEMENT AND STILLNESS. Don't be offended by the "turbid"; it simply means muddy, not clear, vague. Both are manifestations of Tao. TAO MANIFESTS BOTH AS THE PURE... And the word "pure" does not mean anything moral, virtuous, et cetera; it has nothing to do with morality. "Pure" simply means clear, transparent; and "...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,766 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...word "pure" does not mean anything moral, virtuous, et cetera; it has nothing to do with morality. "Pure" simply means clear, transparent; and "turbid" means muddy, not clear, vague. These are both manifestations of Tao. The ordinary man is turbid; the Bud&a is pure. The man who is sleepy is muddy, cloudy; he is surrounded by much smoke of his own creation. The man who has awakened out of all dreams and desires h...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,767 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... dreams and desires has a clarity; he has no smoke around him, no clouds. He is like a sunny day: the sun is there without any clouds. TAO MANIFESTS BOTH... And remember, both are Tao. Never forget it. The asleep person is as divine as the awakened one, as godly as the awakened one. There is no intrinsic difference; the difference is only in manifestation. One is full of dreams, desires, hence...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,768 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ar he can see through and through. TAO MANIFESTS... BOTH AS MOVEMENT AND STILLNESS. So there is no need to insist that you should be still; even in movement you can experience Tao. You can experience Tao in stillness. There are two possibilities. Buddha sat for years in silence and then he experienced Tao. He calls it NIRVANA; that is his name for Tao. And Jalaluddin Rumi d...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,769 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...d through. TAO MANIFESTS... BOTH AS MOVEMENT AND STILLNESS. So there is no need to insist that you should be still; even in movement you can experience Tao. You can experience Tao in stillness. There are two possibilities. Buddha sat for years in silence and then he experienced Tao. He calls it NIRVANA; that is his name for Tao. And Jalaluddin Rumi danced for years, and then one day it...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,770 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e is no need to insist that you should be still; even in movement you can experience Tao. You can experience Tao in stillness. There are two possibilities. Buddha sat for years in silence and then he experienced Tao. He calls it NIRVANA; that is his name for Tao. And Jalaluddin Rumi danced for years, and then one day it happened while he was dancing: through dance he attained to Tao. He calls it God; that is his name ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,771 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...vement you can experience Tao. You can experience Tao in stillness. There are two possibilities. Buddha sat for years in silence and then he experienced Tao. He calls it NIRVANA; that is his name for Tao. And Jalaluddin Rumi danced for years, and then one day it happened while he was dancing: through dance he attained to Tao. He calls it God; that is his name for Tao. One can approach either through stillness or ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,772 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... for years in silence and then he experienced Tao. He calls it NIRVANA; that is his name for Tao. And Jalaluddin Rumi danced for years, and then one day it happened while he was dancing: through dance he attained to Tao. He calls it God; that is his name for Tao. One can approach either through stillness or through movement. It is because of this fact that in my commune both kinds of meditations are being used. People ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,773 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...alls it NIRVANA; that is his name for Tao. And Jalaluddin Rumi danced for years, and then one day it happened while he was dancing: through dance he attained to Tao. He calls it God; that is his name for Tao. One can approach either through stillness or through movement. It is because of this fact that in my commune both kinds of meditations are being used. People are dancing, people are singing, and meditating. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,774 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...something in you is contributed by the earth, by the turbid, and something in you is contributed by the sky, by the pure, by the clear. You are a synthesis of the earth and the sky. Up to now, except Tao, all the religions have chosen. Either they have chosen to be very earthly... For example, Judaism is very earthly and Jainism is very unearthly. Jainism has chosen the sky component of your being and Judaism has...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,775 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ly and Jainism is very unearthly. Jainism has chosen the sky component of your being and Judaism has chosen the earthly component of your being, but both are halves. They are not whole; something is missing in both. Tao is whole. And in my understanding, in my realization, Tao is the only experience which is holy, because it is whole. HEAVEN IS PURE, EARTH IS TURBID. That's why I say to y...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,776 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...omponent of your being and Judaism has chosen the earthly component of your being, but both are halves. They are not whole; something is missing in both. Tao is whole. And in my understanding, in my realization, Tao is the only experience which is holy, because it is whole. HEAVEN IS PURE, EARTH IS TURBID. That's why I say to you be a Zorba -- but not Zorba the Greek because then you are just turbid,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,777 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...eminine. In a certain way yes, they are related, but not totally synonymous. [A T THIS POINT A CUCKOO BEGAN TO CALL, LOUDLY AND INSISTENTLY... ] This is feminine! Now she is saying, "All this Tao is nonsense!" This is just a protest! Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 1 Chapter #6 Chapter title: ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,778 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... [A T THIS POINT A CUCKOO BEGAN TO CALL, LOUDLY AND INSISTENTLY... ] This is feminine! Now she is saying, "All this Tao is nonsense!" This is just a protest! Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 1 Chapter #6 Chapter title: The Taste of Eternity 16 June 1980 am in Buddha Hall Archive code...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,779 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... become a child again. And Jesus is right when he says: Unless you are a child again, unless you are reborn, you will not enter into my kingdom of God. Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 1 Chapter #7 Chapter title: Into the Open Sky 17 June 1980 am in Buddha Hall Archive co...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,780 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t awake between two jokes, between the two jokes I am there to drop a bomb inside you which will explode sooner or later. And the moment it explodes you are finished! Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 1 Chapter #8 Chapter title: Now Here 18 June 1980 am in Buddha Hall Archive code: 800...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,781 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... has to be found, has to be inquired into. And it is not very far away either -- it is within you. Falling in love with a Master means really falling in love with your ultimate nature, falling in love with your Tao. Hence your joke is beautiful. Two madmen went into a pub and while looking around for a place to sit they saw themselves in a big mirror on the opposite wall. One madman said to the other, "Hey, look at th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,782 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... they cannot be, because they are not part of any church, any religion, any sect, any belief, any dogma. They are free of all nonsense; they are very sensitive, they are not foolish. It is only man who falls from Tao. The whole existence moves according to Tao, except man. And why does man fall? -- for the simple reason that man is the only conscious being; it is his privilege to be conscious. Now, consciousne...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,783 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... any religion, any sect, any belief, any dogma. They are free of all nonsense; they are very sensitive, they are not foolish. It is only man who falls from Tao. The whole existence moves according to Tao, except man. And why does man fall? -- for the simple reason that man is the only conscious being; it is his privilege to be conscious. Now, consciousness is a double-edged sword. If you use it rightly you will e...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,784 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...except man. And why does man fall? -- for the simple reason that man is the only conscious being; it is his privilege to be conscious. Now, consciousness is a double-edged sword. If you use it rightly you will enjoy Tao far more deeply than any bird, than any tree, than any river, than any star. But if you are not conscious you will fall from Tao; you will be miserable -- more miserable than any bird, than any tree, than any riv...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,785 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... consciousness is a double-edged sword. If you use it rightly you will enjoy Tao far more deeply than any bird, than any tree, than any river, than any star. But if you are not conscious you will fall from Tao; you will be miserable -- more miserable than any bird, than any tree, than any river, than any star. The birds are not miserable -- they cannot be, because they cannot go against Tao. They have no ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,786 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... will fall from Tao; you will be miserable -- more miserable than any bird, than any tree, than any river, than any star. The birds are not miserable -- they cannot be, because they cannot go against Tao. They have no egos, they simply follow the Tao; it is a natural phenomenon. They cannot understand it, they cannot be conscious of it. Their bliss is unconscious. Man is conscious hence either he ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,787 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ore miserable than any bird, than any tree, than any river, than any star. The birds are not miserable -- they cannot be, because they cannot go against Tao. They have no egos, they simply follow the Tao; it is a natural phenomenon. They cannot understand it, they cannot be conscious of it. Their bliss is unconscious. Man is conscious hence either he will be very miserable or he will be very consciously bliss...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,788 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...The birds are really in a beautiful space. You can also be in the same space -- and in a far better way, in a far deeper way. Surrender to nature, that's the lesson. Surrendering to nature means surrendering to Tao. You cannot believe that you can be Buddhas; because you are living such idiotic lives, it seems impossible. Even Jesus' parents could not believe, Buddha's father and wife could not believe, Mah...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,789 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ll again the sixth time he exclaimed in frustration while frantically arranging his feathers, "Look... do something! Give me the fucking address and I'll walk there!" Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 1 Chapter #9 Chapter title: Tao Takes Care 19 June 1980 am in Buddha Hall Archive code: 800...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,790 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... address and I'll walk there!" Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 1 Chapter #9 Chapter title: Tao Takes Care 19 June 1980 am in Buddha Hall Archive code: 8006190 ShortTitle: GGATE109 Audio: Yes Video: No Length: 0 mins 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,791 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ITHOUT AND CONTEMPLATING FORM, HE REALIZES THAT IN FORM, FORM IS NOT; LOOKING AT THINGS STILL MORE REMOTE AND CONTEMPLATING MATTER, HE REALIZES THAT IN MATTER, MATTER IS NOT. Tao believes in spontaneity -- not in cultivating virtues, not in creating a character, not even in conscience, they are all ego efforts, and ego is against Tao. Tao is a state of let-go: to be in tune with existence...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,792 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...IZES THAT IN MATTER, MATTER IS NOT. Tao believes in spontaneity -- not in cultivating virtues, not in creating a character, not even in conscience, they are all ego efforts, and ego is against Tao. Tao is a state of let-go: to be in tune with existence with such totality that there is no separation at all. You are not even the part, you are the whole. You are not the wave but the ocean itself. Hence there ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,793 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...THAT IN MATTER, MATTER IS NOT. Tao believes in spontaneity -- not in cultivating virtues, not in creating a character, not even in conscience, they are all ego efforts, and ego is against Tao. Tao is a state of let-go: to be in tune with existence with such totality that there is no separation at all. You are not even the part, you are the whole. You are not the wave but the ocean itself. Hence there is no...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,794 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t-go: to be in tune with existence with such totality that there is no separation at all. You are not even the part, you are the whole. You are not the wave but the ocean itself. Hence there is no question of doing. Tao means being. All other so-called religions insist on doing. They believe in commandments: "Do this, don't do that." They have many shoulds and should nots. The Buddhist scriptures have thirty-thre...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,795 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...atsoever I am today; tomorrow I will change. And today, anyway, is so small, nothing much is possible. I will start tomorrow." Of course the tomorrow never comes; it is there only in the imagination. Tao believes in this moment; Tao has no idea of future. If you can live this moment in purity, in silence, in spontaneity, then your life is transformed. Not that you transform it: Tao transforms it, the whole transf...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,796 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... I will change. And today, anyway, is so small, nothing much is possible. I will start tomorrow." Of course the tomorrow never comes; it is there only in the imagination. Tao believes in this moment; Tao has no idea of future. If you can live this moment in purity, in silence, in spontaneity, then your life is transformed. Not that you transform it: Tao transforms it, the whole transforms it. You simply allow the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,797 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...there only in the imagination. Tao believes in this moment; Tao has no idea of future. If you can live this moment in purity, in silence, in spontaneity, then your life is transformed. Not that you transform it: Tao transforms it, the whole transforms it. You simply allow the river to take you to the ocean; you need not push the river. But when such great truths are put into language, difficulties arise because our langu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,798 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...RABLE MASTER SAID: WHEN MAN ATTAINS THE POWER TO TRANSCEND THAT WHICH CHANGES... HEAVEN AND EARTH ARE UNITED IN HIM. The first thing that's absolutely wrong is the idea of attainment. Tao does not believe that you have to attain anything or that you CAN attain anything. You are already that which you can be: nothing more can be attained. The very idea of attainment, of achievement is alien to the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,799 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...Tao does not believe that you have to attain anything or that you CAN attain anything. You are already that which you can be: nothing more can be attained. The very idea of attainment, of achievement is alien to the Taoist approach. There is nothing to attain, nothing to achieve. The idea of attainment and achievement is rooted in our egos. The ego is always ambitious; it can't be otherwise. Either it has to attain worldly ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,800 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...is always ambitious; it can't be otherwise. Either it has to attain worldly things or it has to attain other-worldly powers, SIDDHIS, but something has to be attained. The ego lives by attaining. And Tao says the ego has to be dissolved, you cannot be allowed to be ambitious -- to be ambitious is to go against Tao. Tao teaches non-ambitiousness. You have just to be yourself as you are. You are already perfect; yo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,801 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ldly powers, SIDDHIS, but something has to be attained. The ego lives by attaining. And Tao says the ego has to be dissolved, you cannot be allowed to be ambitious -- to be ambitious is to go against Tao. Tao teaches non-ambitiousness. You have just to be yourself as you are. You are already perfect; you have never left your perfection for a single moment. You are already in Tao; it is just that you have started ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,802 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...powers, SIDDHIS, but something has to be attained. The ego lives by attaining. And Tao says the ego has to be dissolved, you cannot be allowed to be ambitious -- to be ambitious is to go against Tao. Tao teaches non-ambitiousness. You have just to be yourself as you are. You are already perfect; you have never left your perfection for a single moment. You are already in Tao; it is just that you have started dream...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,803 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... ambitious is to go against Tao. Tao teaches non-ambitiousness. You have just to be yourself as you are. You are already perfect; you have never left your perfection for a single moment. You are already in Tao; it is just that you have started dreaming that you have lost it, that you have gone far away. It is just like as in your sleep you remain in your room, in your bed, but you can dream of faraway p...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,804 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... there is frustration; that brings pain, that brings anguish. Whatsoever happens, success or failure, you will suffer. Ego brings suffering; whether it succeeds or fails makes no difference. Hence with the Taoist approach this idea of attainment is totally wrong -- remember it. The translator says: WHEN MAN ATTAINS THE POWER... Again the word "power" is not right because Tao does not believe in ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,805 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ce with the Taoist approach this idea of attainment is totally wrong -- remember it. The translator says: WHEN MAN ATTAINS THE POWER... Again the word "power" is not right because Tao does not believe in power. It believes, really, in 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,806 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Thy kingdom come, thy will be done. Don't listen to me, you simply go on doing whatsoever you want to do. Who am I to suggest? I am no more, I am in your hands. This was real powerlessness. This is Tao. Ko Hsuan would have understood it; the Jews could not understand it. And the whole gathering was of Jews, friends or enemies. And they had always believed in achievement, in power, in ambition -- all their proph...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,807 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... prophets were doing so many things, how can Our Lord be without miracles?" So they have invented even better miracles, greater miracles than those of all the prophets. But my feeling is that Jesus was a man of Tao. He was really a man who can be called religious. I have heard a beautiful story. It is not recorded anywhere. It must have gone from one Master to another, just by word of mouth: that Moses, Abraham, Ezekie...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,808 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...OWER TO TRANSCEND THAT WHICH CHANGES... No. If I were to translate it... I don't know Chinese at all, but who cares? I can still translate, not knowing a single word of Chinese, because I know the spirit of Tao; that's my experience. If I were to translate it, I would say; WHEN MAN SURRENDERS TO THE POWER OF TAO, HE TRANSCENDS THAT WHICH CHANGES. When man becomes utterly powerless...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,809 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... to be almost dead. And she died after three months; after remaining one year in a coma she died. But for one year she continued to breathe; her breathing was perfect, there was no disturbance in it. Tao takes care of your breathing; it is natural. Your blood circulates continuously, day in, day out, year in, year out. For centuries man used to think that there was no circulation of the blood in the body; blood s...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,810 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ad, jog, jump, and within twenty-four hours you will have a bad stomach; you will have disturbed the whole process. It does not need you at all. Once the food has gone below your throat you need not bother about it; Tao takes care of it. All that is essential is natural, and to live your whole life in a natural way is the only teaching of Tao. It teaches you powerlessness, but there is great power in powerlessness -- the pow...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,811 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ll. Once the food has gone below your throat you need not bother about it; Tao takes care of it. All that is essential is natural, and to live your whole life in a natural way is the only teaching of Tao. It teaches you powerlessness, but there is great power in powerlessness -- the power of God, the power of the whole, not your power, not my power, not anybody's power. Then there arises a purity in you. You ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,812 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... disappeared; it is there waiting to take revenge. And it will find its own way -- it will come from the back door. If you don't allow it to come from the front door it will come from the back door. Tao does not believe in any cultivated character; it believes in a natural purity, in a natural stillness. You must have watched how if you try to become silent then each and every thing becomes a disturbance, a dist...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,813 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ating, you are not forcing anything; you are simply relaxed. Things go on happening, you remain untouched; you remain absolutely centered, and effortlessly centered. This thing has to be remembered: Tao teaches you effortless naturalness; it does not believe in effort as Yoga does. Yoga and Tao are totally opposite to each other. That's why Yoga could not penetrate China. Buddha impressed China for the simple re...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,814 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...in untouched; you remain absolutely centered, and effortlessly centered. This thing has to be remembered: Tao teaches you effortless naturalness; it does not believe in effort as Yoga does. Yoga and Tao are totally opposite to each other. That's why Yoga could not penetrate China. Buddha impressed China for the simple reason that he also says that you should be natural, that your meditation should be effortless,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,815 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ublished Query:- That's what I call the meeting of the East and the West, the meeting of materialism and spiritualism. That's my idea of Zorba the Buddha: HEAVEN AND EARTH ARE UNITED IN HIM. Tao is not other-worldly like Jainism; it is not this-worldly either like Charvakas. It believes in the unity of existence; it does not divide existence in any way. Its whole vision is that of total unity, organic un...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,816 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ere is the road, and you will tell me about my future!" That's what has happened in the East: the East has fallen into the well, lost track of the concrete, become too metaphysical. Tao seems to be the only life vision which is total. It does not deny the earth, it does not deny the sky. It accepts both, it accepts the unity of both. It says: The man who has come to know spontaneous purity and s...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,817 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ther outer nor inner -- that is your mind. THE SOUL OF MAN LOVES PURITY . . By purity Ko Hsuan always means innocence, so don't misunderstand it with any moralistic meaning of purity because Tao does not believe in any morality or any immorality: only innocence. That's why the child is innocent, because when he is born he is just the intrinsic center; the two circles have not yet gathered around the cent...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,818 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... with the futile, that you start forgetting everything that is intrinsic, that is really valuable. Running after money, you forget all about the inner treasure. Running after power, you forget all about the power of Tao, which is the supreme power. Running after name and fame, you forget completely that name and fame are just momentary. But they go on goading you; they won't leave you for a single moment. In the night you will d...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,819 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...dle will do, and all darkness disappears. Just a little light of understanding and desires start disappearing. Then arises spontaneous stillness. Remember this word "spontaneous"; that is the key word as far as Tao is concerned. WHEN THE MIND IS UNCLOUDED, THE SOUL IS SEEN TO BE PURE. And when there are no desires, thoughts automatically disappear, because thoughts are servants of desires. When ther...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,820 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... CEASE TO BE BEGOTTEN AND THE THREE POISONS WILL BE ELIMINATED AND DISSOLVED. This is something very significant to remember. All the religions have talked only about five senses it is only Tao that talks about six senses. All the religions have talked about five desires because man consists of five senses; Tao talks about six desires. The insight is tremendous because just recently, just in this centur...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,821 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...y significant to remember. All the religions have talked only about five senses it is only Tao that talks about six senses. All the religions have talked about five desires because man consists of five senses; Tao talks about six desires. The insight is tremendous because just recently, just in this century, science has discovered the sixth sense; otherwise the sixth sense was not known. Your ear has two senses; your ear i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,822 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... drunkard walking you can see that he cannot walk straight; zigzag he goes. His steps are not in harmony for the simple reason that alcohol affects the sixth sense, that which keeps your body balanced. It has been a Taoist insight for five thousand years that there are six senses. Through the eye the desire for beauty arises, through the ear the desire for music arises, from the nose the desire for nice smells arises, from the t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,823 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...everything is transformed. ... AND THE THREE POISONS WILL BE ELIMINATED AND DISSOLVED. What are the three poisons? The first is sexuality -- not sex, remember, but sexuality. Sex is natural. Tao is not against sex, it is the only religious approach which is in total agreement with sex. Tao has its own science of sex, it has its own Tantra, which really goes far deeper than Indian Tantra. But sexuality is...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,824 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... What are the three poisons? The first is sexuality -- not sex, remember, but sexuality. Sex is natural. Tao is not against sex, it is the only religious approach which is in total agreement with sex. Tao has its own science of sex, it has its own Tantra, which really goes far deeper than Indian Tantra. But sexuality is a totally different phenomenon; sexuality means a perverted state of sex energy. Then it become...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,825 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ro. "Isn't there anyone in this-a village who fucks-a?" Children become sexual before their time, and then you will find eighty year-old men running after women. Both are in an unnatural state. Tao believes in total naturalness. It is not against sex, it is against sexuality, because it knows that if sexuality does not enter in your life -- that means if perversion does not enter in your life -- if nobody t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,826 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...orty-two he will transcend it. He will have seen by that time that it is child's play and enough is enough. And that transcendence is beautiful. Anything that happens on its own is beautiful because it comes through Tao. And then anger will not be there in your mind, neither will greed. THE REASON MEN DO NOT POSSESS THE ABILITY TO ACHIEVE THIS IS BECAUSE THEIR MINDS ARE NOT CLEAR AND THEIR DESIRES ARE UNRESTR...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,827 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ON MEN DO NOT POSSESS THE ABILITY TO ACHIEVE THIS IS BECAUSE THEIR MINDS ARE NOT CLEAR AND THEIR DESIRES ARE UNRESTRAINED. Meditation brings both clarity and a certain inner discipline. And by "meditation" Tao simply means watching your mind and its functions. HE WHO HAS THE POWER TO TRANSCEND HIS DESIRES, LOOKING WITHIN AND CONTEMPLATING MIND... That is the definition of meditati...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,828 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nt mind. Ninety-nine percent watchfulness, one percent mind. One hundred percent watchfulness and there is no mind in the mind. All thoughts have gone, the mind is absolutely empty. And in that emptiness Tao comes in, rushes in. You have created the right space for it. ... LOOKING WITHOUT AND CONTEMPLATING FORM... Then you are capable of looking without. First look within, let the mind disappear, attain ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,829 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...E REMOTE AND CONTEMPLATING MATTER, HE REALIZES THAT IN MATTER, MATTER IS NOT. That too is of great significance. It is only now that modern physicists have said that matter does not exist, but Tao has been saying for five thousand years that: ... IN MATTER, MATTER IS NOT. If you can meditate, start from within, then look around and then look into things at their deepest core. First...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,830 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...If you can meditate, start from within, then look around and then look into things at their deepest core. First mind disappears, then form disappears, then matter disappears. Then what is left? That which is left is Tao, is nature. And to live in that nature is to live in freedom, is to live in eternal bliss. "Tao" is the word of Ko Hsuan for God. "Dhamma" is the word of Buddha for Tao. Buddha says: AIS DHAMMO SANANT...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,831 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...rst mind disappears, then form disappears, then matter disappears. Then what is left? That which is left is Tao, is nature. And to live in that nature is to live in freedom, is to live in eternal bliss. "Tao" is the word of Ko Hsuan for God. "Dhamma" is the word of Buddha for Tao. Buddha says: AIS DHAMMO SANANTANO -- this IS the eternal law. Once you have seen the eternal law you become part of eternity. Time is tran...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,832 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...hat is left? That which is left is Tao, is nature. And to live in that nature is to live in freedom, is to live in eternal bliss. "Tao" is the word of Ko Hsuan for God. "Dhamma" is the word of Buddha for Tao. Buddha says: AIS DHAMMO SANANTANO -- this IS the eternal law. Once you have seen the eternal law you become part of eternity. Time is transcended, space is transcended. You are no more and for the first ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,833 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...Time is transcended, space is transcended. You are no more and for the first time you are. You are no more as a separate entity, but for the first time you are the whole. This is my vision too. My agreement with Tao is absolute. I cannot say that about other religions; with Tao I can say it without any hesitation. Tao is the most profound insight that has ever been achieved on the earth. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,834 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t time you are. You are no more as a separate entity, but for the first time you are the whole. This is my vision too. My agreement with Tao is absolute. I cannot say that about other religions; with Tao I can say it without any hesitation. Tao is the most profound insight that has ever been achieved on the earth. Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 1 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,835 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...re as a separate entity, but for the first time you are the whole. This is my vision too. My agreement with Tao is absolute. I cannot say that about other religions; with Tao I can say it without any hesitation. Tao is the most profound insight that has ever been achieved on the earth. Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 1 Chapter #10 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,836 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ute. I cannot say that about other religions; with Tao I can say it without any hesitation. Tao is the most profound insight that has ever been achieved on the earth. Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 1 Chapter #10 Chapter title: Saying Yes to Life 20 June 1980 am in Buddha Hall Archive code:...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,837 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... to uncondition you, then you will be able to say yes to yourself. Every tree says yes to itself; every animal, every bird says yes. Nobody is needed to teach it. The no is taught; yes is natural. Yes is part of Tao; no is a conditioning. Renata, you have felt rightly that: I HAVE THE FEELING THAT ALL MY MISERY IS ROOTED IN THIS INCAPACITY. That is true. That is the beginning of a tremendous journey; yo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,838 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...itioned, your life becomes a flow, a beautiful flow. And then the ocean is not far away. Every river reaches to it with no maps, with no guides. Every river reaches to it naturally, spontaneously. That is the way of Tao. The second question: OSHO, I DON'T WANT TO TAKE SANNYAS BECAUSE I BELIEVE IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF DO-IT-YOURSELF. WHAT HAVE YOU TO SAY ABOUT IT? ANGELO, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,839 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...the car she noticed the white circle on the dashboard. "That's really an interesting circle on your dashboard," she said. "It sure, is," he replied. "Would you like to screw?" Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 2 Discourses on Ko Hsuan's The Classic of Purity Talks given from 21/06/80 am to 30/06/80 am ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,840 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... English Discourse series 10 Chapters Year published: 1980 Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 2 Chapter #1 Chapter title: Man is a Becoming 21 June 1980 am in Buddha Hall Archive code: 8...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,841 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...er. As he stepped forward and bent over to pick up his bell, there was suddenly heard the sound of nine ringing bells -- ting-a-ling, ting-a-ling, ting-a-ling... Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 2 Chapter #2 Chapter title: It is always today 22 June 1980 am in Buddha Hall Archive code...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,842 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Consciousness is experienced only when you are unconditioned and not reconditioned again, when you are left alone to yourself, utterly innocent. I call it purity. That's the essence of Ko Hsuan's Tao. These sutras of Ko Hsuan are called THE CLASSIC OF PURITY. Tao has no doctrines, no teachings. It believes in absolute emptiness of the mind, in nothingness. When you are utterly empty you come in contact with t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,843 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... and not reconditioned again, when you are left alone to yourself, utterly innocent. I call it purity. That's the essence of Ko Hsuan's Tao. These sutras of Ko Hsuan are called THE CLASSIC OF PURITY. Tao has no doctrines, no teachings. It believes in absolute emptiness of the mind, in nothingness. When you are utterly empty you come in contact with the beyond. The beyond is not far away, but you are so full of ru...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,844 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...found-a my wife in-a bed-a with a Chinese." "What-a did-a you say?" asked his friend. "What-a could-a I say?" says Arturo. "I don't-a know-a any Chinese!" Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 2 Chapter #3 Chapter title: Transcending the Transcendental 23 June 1980 am in Buddha Hall Archive code: ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,845 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... the organic whole. You have disappeared; you have become the very ocean. You are no more a wave, you are no more a dewdrop, you are oceanic. To experience this oceanic vastness is the experience of Tao. And the secret is in meditation. And one has to pass through three stages: first satori, the experience of the void; second SATORI, the experience that the void is void; and the third SATORI... now nothing can b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,846 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Master is one who has reached to this third, one who has transcended the transcendental, one who has gone beyond the beyond Then he has the being of the whole. To be in tune with him is to be in tune with God, with Tao, with truth. To be in tune with him is to be in tune with bliss, with beauty, with benediction. Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 2 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,847 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...the whole. To be in tune with him is to be in tune with God, with Tao, with truth. To be in tune with him is to be in tune with bliss, with beauty, with benediction. Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 2 Chapter #4 Chapter title: Just Joking Around 24 June 1980 am in Buddha Hall Archive code...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,848 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nd ignorance. Many times they appear to be the same ut they are not same; they can never be the same. Innocence is a state of meditativeness. When you are silent, aware, open, in contact with the whole, in tune with Tao, then you are innocent. Lao Tzu is innocent, Buddha is innocent, Krishna is innocent, Jesus is innocent. These are not knowledgeable people. Of courss what they have said out of their knowing we ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,849 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... is the only criterion for an ambitious mind: the end makes the means right. For a non-competitive mind there is no question of thinking of others; you simply go on growing on your own. Your roots go deeper into Tao, into nature. Not that other trees have reached deeper so you have to reach -- you reach deeper for your own nourishment, you reach deeper for your own enrichment, you reach deeper because your branches can go hi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,850 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...r!" she replies. "I could-a say I was-a honest. I loved love, I loved love more than anything-a else!" Says Saint Peter to the angel, "Take this one to my room!" Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 2 Chapter #5 Chapter title: This Moment is All 25 June 1980 am in Buddha Hall Archive code: 8...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,851 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...derstand, because we are brought up through words with the idea as if everything can be said -- and we try to say it. And by saying those things which are not sayable, we falsify them. Lao Tzu says: Tao cannot be said; the moment you say it you have already falsified it. Truth cannot be communicated, no word is adequate enough, big enough to contain it. It is so vast, vaster than the sky, and words are so tiny. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,852 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...they are authentic, then they will arise in other directions also; they will arise everywhere. Yes, every religion sooner or later will die -- that is the nature of things. That is simply the way of Tao, nothing is wrong about it. When your wife dies, it is not that you did something wrong by loving her while she was alive; it was perfectly right to love her while she was alive. And now it is perfectly right not...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,853 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ormed. You say: PLEASE TELL ME WILL YOUR SANNYASINS BECOME AS DULL AND CRAZY AS ALL THE OTHER STUPID RELIGIONS? Nobody can be an exception. Life lives according to a fundamental law, it follows Tao: nothing is an exception. So sooner or later the same is going to happen to my sannyasins. But before it happens, Han Vanier, take the jump. Because it is going to happen one day, you need not pre...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,854 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ed, watch -- the three poisons of Ko Hsuan. And through watchfulness you will be able to get rid of them. In fact, through watchfulness they simply start disappearing. Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 2 Chapter #6 Chapter title: I really mean business 26 June 1980 am in Buddha Hall Archive code: 8...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,855 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...m Radha, 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- It is precisely because of that. Tao is so vast that one is afraid to lose one's identity in it. We are like dewdrops and Tao is like an ocean. The dewdrop is afraid, very much frightened to get closer to the ocean -- one step in the ocean and he wi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,856 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...dation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- It is precisely because of that. Tao is so vast that one is afraid to lose one's identity in it. We are like dewdrops and Tao is like an ocean. The dewdrop is afraid, very much frightened to get closer to the ocean -- one step in the ocean and he will be lost forever. He wants to cling to his identity; howsoever small, howsoever tiny, h...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,857 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Ego represents the unhealthy state of our being. It is assertive. To relax is against the ego, to be non-ambitious is against the ego. Just a moment of relaxation is enough and you will have the taste of Tao, because it is always there, it is never lost. You go on creating the walls, but all walls crumble in a split second. Hence, wherever it happens, in whatsoever situation it happens, you become frightened of that ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,858 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ever situation it happens, you become frightened of that situation. People have become afraid of love for the simple reason because love is the most potential force in existence -- when the window in Tao opens on its own accord. Love means the wall disappears, the wall is no more, and the bridge arises. Of course it happens only between two persons, but even to let it happen between two persons gives you such joy...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,859 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...stitution, a social institution produced by the cunning mind, by the cunning priests, by the vested interests. Love is natural. Love is dangerous for the ego. If love is allowed you will start tasting little bits of Tao, but that taste will create in you a longing to have more of it. It is so sweet, it is so exquisite, it is so beautiful! Then you will be ready to sacrifice all nonsense that goes with the ego. You will be ready ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,860 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...but you cannot stop the process now. It is so ecstatic that if it is so beautiful with one single person, how much it will be with the whole...! A Buddha is one who is in an orgasmic relationship with the whole. Tao is the ultimate orgasm, not between two individuals but between the part and the whole, between the dewdrop and the ocean. But the dewdrop has to disappear, but it loses nothing. Our all fears are...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,861 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... life should be; they make it more and more a commodity. They teach you how to earn more, but they don't teach you how to live deeply, how to live totally. And these are the ways from where you can get glimpses of Tao. These are the ways from where small doors and windows open into the ultimate. You are told the value of money but not the value of a rose flower. You are told the value 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,862 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... of being a prime minister or a president but not the value of being a poet, a painter, a singer, a dancer. Those things are thought to be for crazy people. And they are the ways from where one slips slowly into Tao. Prem Radha, Tao is certainly greater than mind -- Tao is greater than everything. Tao is God, Tao is the whole. But we are very much afraid of losing ourselves, and we keep on feeding our egos in...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,863 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... a president but not the value of being a poet, a painter, a singer, a dancer. Those things are thought to be for crazy people. And they are the ways from where one slips slowly into Tao. Prem Radha, Tao is certainly greater than mind -- Tao is greater than everything. Tao is God, Tao is the whole. But we are very much afraid of losing ourselves, and we keep on feeding our egos in thousand-and-one ways. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,864 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...g a poet, a painter, a singer, a dancer. Those things are thought to be for crazy people. And they are the ways from where one slips slowly into Tao. Prem Radha, Tao is certainly greater than mind -- Tao is greater than everything. Tao is God, Tao is the whole. But we are very much afraid of losing ourselves, and we keep on feeding our egos in thousand-and-one ways. We are doing two things in our ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,865 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... dancer. Those things are thought to be for crazy people. And they are the ways from where one slips slowly into Tao. Prem Radha, Tao is certainly greater than mind -- Tao is greater than everything. Tao is God, Tao is the whole. But we are very much afraid of losing ourselves, and we keep on feeding our egos in thousand-and-one ways. We are doing two things in our life: closing all windows and do...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,866 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...se things are thought to be for crazy people. And they are the ways from where one slips slowly into Tao. Prem Radha, Tao is certainly greater than mind -- Tao is greater than everything. Tao is God, Tao is the whole. But we are very much afraid of losing ourselves, and we keep on feeding our egos in thousand-and-one ways. We are doing two things in our life: closing all windows and doors to the sun, to the m...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,867 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...y-five miles an hour?" Prem Radha, one has to decide one thing once forever: whether one wants to live the life of the ego, which is more like death than like life, or one wants to live the life of Tao, which is death in a sense and resurrection in another sense. It is both a crucifixion and a resurrection. The dewdrop disappears, but it becomes the ocean. It loses nothing, it only gains. Sannya...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,868 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...urrection in another sense. It is both a crucifixion and a resurrection. The dewdrop disappears, but it becomes the ocean. It loses nothing, it only gains. Sannyas means that you have decided to live the life of Tao, that you will not cling to the mind, that you will let it go, that you will not nourish it anymore, that you will not support it in any possible way, that you will go on finding how you have been supporting it a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,869 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...you put your intellect aside, your head aside, then something deeper inside you starts functioning which is incomprehensible from the periphery. Your center starts functioning, and your center is always in tune with Tao. Your circumference is your ego, your center is in tune with Tao. Your center is not yours, it is not mine; the center is universal. Circumferences are personal -- your circumference is your circumference, my cir...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,870 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...per inside you starts functioning which is incomprehensible from the periphery. Your center starts functioning, and your center is always in tune with Tao. Your circumference is your ego, your center is in tune with Tao. Your center is not yours, it is not mine; the center is universal. Circumferences are personal -- your circumference is your circumference, my circumference is my circumference -- but my center and y...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,871 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... trying to do something far bigger, far more important than Sigmund Freud, but Freud succeeds because he is doing the right kind of work that the mind is capable of doing. Assagioli is trying to do the same thing as Tao but through the mind. Mind is NOT capable of synthesizing. Tao does it from a totally different dimension: it goes beyond mind, it goes into no-mind. And when you reach into no-mind synthesis happens -- not that ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,872 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...mund Freud, but Freud succeeds because he is doing the right kind of work that the mind is capable of doing. Assagioli is trying to do the same thing as Tao but through the mind. Mind is NOT capable of synthesizing. Tao does it from a totally different dimension: it goes beyond mind, it goes into no-mind. And when you reach into no-mind synthesis happens -- not that you have to do anything about it. Assagioli's s...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,873 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ey are unwilling to meet; forcing them to meet, but basically, because they are opposites, they cannot meet. And he is using the mind which cannot create synthesis, which is capable only of analysis. Tao uses meditation, not mind. It is not interested in synthesis at all. It simply moves beyond the mind, and then synthesis comes like a shadow. You can see it happening here. For example... Take a more contempo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,874 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... come in. But you two, I'm sorry, you're not allowed!" The two nuns, very offended, ask, "Why?" and Saint Peter answers, "Heaven is not a piss house!" Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 2 Chapter #7 Chapter title: I have heard 27 June 1980 am in Buddha Hall Archive code: 80...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,875 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...HEN ONLY there is a possibility of spiritual growth, never before it. People are immature, people are childish. And they talk about God and they talk about NIRVANA, enlightenment, and they talk about Tao, Dharma, they talk about truth -- they talk about great things without being at all aware that their psychological age is that of a child. All they need is toys to play with. And that's what they have done with t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,876 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Growing up is a totally different phenomenon: it means you are coming closer to immortality, to deathlessness. Growing old means coming closer to your grave and growing up means coming closer to God, to Tao, to eternity. They are not synonymous; not only that they are not synonymous, they are diametrically opposite to each other. And when there is a deep rhythm between your body-mind complex, then your soul can ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,877 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ways for the deterioration of human consciousness in this age. Because of these three persons, Buddhas have almost disappeared. People like Lao Tzu are not possible anymore even in China; communism won't allow them. Taoist monasteries have been destroyed, converted into schools and hospitals. Taoist meditators have been forced to work in the fields or in the factories. Even old mystics, seventy years old, eighty years old mystic...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,878 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ons, Buddhas have almost disappeared. People like Lao Tzu are not possible anymore even in China; communism won't allow them. Taoist monasteries have been destroyed, converted into schools and hospitals. Taoist meditators have been forced to work in the fields or in the factories. Even old mystics, seventy years old, eighty years old mystics, have been forced to do ordinary work just because the government cannot all...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,879 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...acted by your meditation. Real rest -- real relaxation, real purity and stillness -- is not imposed by any artificial means; it is a spontaneous unfoldment. Then how it happens? It happens through understanding. Tao believes in understanding. Try to understand Nobody wants to understand -- we want to avoid, we want somehow to bypass our problems. You have problems -- you go to somebody like Maharishi Mahesh Yogi ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,880 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...; you will have to solve them still. Sooner or later they will surface again. And repressing them is dangerous because they will gain more energy, and the time that is being lost meanwhile is wasted. Tao depends on understanding. Now in the world there are only two things prevalent. One is analysis, Freudian analysis, and many offshoots of it: analyze the problem, go on analyzing it. It is like peeling an onion: ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,881 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e eastern approach has been: Seeing that this thing is too long and will never end, bypass it. Just repeat a mantra and forget all about it. But by forgetting all about it you cannot solve anything. Tao is absolutely right: neither analysis will help nor forgetting, but witnessing, understanding, seeing -- seeing clearly. It is neither analysis nor a repetition of a mantra. Tao does not believe in either; its ap...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,882 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nnot solve anything. Tao is absolutely right: neither analysis will help nor forgetting, but witnessing, understanding, seeing -- seeing clearly. It is neither analysis nor a repetition of a mantra. Tao does not believe in either; its approach is totally new. And then only you will find, in that understanding a transformation happens. You will find stillness, purity and rest. HE WHO ATTAINS PURI...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,883 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...stillness, purity and rest. HE WHO ATTAINS PURITY AND STILLNESS ENTERS INTO THE IMMUTABLE TAO. And through that witnessing, through that understanding, awareness, you enter into the eternal Tao. Tao means the ultimate law of nature, what Buddha calls Ais DHAMMO SANANTANO. This is the ultimate law of existence, Tao. HAVING ENTERED INTO THE IMMUTABLE TAO HE IS NAMED THE POSSESSOR OF TAO. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,884 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ness, purity and rest. HE WHO ATTAINS PURITY AND STILLNESS ENTERS INTO THE IMMUTABLE TAO. And through that witnessing, through that understanding, awareness, you enter into the eternal Tao. Tao means the ultimate law of nature, what Buddha calls Ais DHAMMO SANANTANO. This is the ultimate law of existence, Tao. HAVING ENTERED INTO THE IMMUTABLE TAO HE IS NAMED THE POSSESSOR OF TAO. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,885 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nd through that witnessing, through that understanding, awareness, you enter into the eternal Tao. Tao means the ultimate law of nature, what Buddha calls Ais DHAMMO SANANTANO. This is the ultimate law of existence, Tao. HAVING ENTERED INTO THE IMMUTABLE TAO HE IS NAMED THE POSSESSOR OF TAO. He is only NAMED, Ko Hsuan says, remember. We have to say something, we have to give that experience a certain name...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,886 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...the object, the owner and the owned, the observer and the observed. But when you enter into ultimate rest, stillness, all duality is transcended; there is only one. In fact, saying that one possesses Tao... it will be far better and far more true to say that one is possessed by Tao. Tao fills you, totally fills you; you become part of it. Not that Tao is in your hands, but that you are in the hands of Tao. But ou...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,887 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...u enter into ultimate rest, stillness, all duality is transcended; there is only one. In fact, saying that one possesses Tao... it will be far better and far more true to say that one is possessed by Tao. Tao fills you, totally fills you; you become part of it. Not that Tao is in your hands, but that you are in the hands of Tao. But our language is such... our language is made by people who are interested in poss...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,888 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...er into ultimate rest, stillness, all duality is transcended; there is only one. In fact, saying that one possesses Tao... it will be far better and far more true to say that one is possessed by Tao. Tao fills you, totally fills you; you become part of it. Not that Tao is in your hands, but that you are in the hands of Tao. But our language is such... our language is made by people who are interested in possessin...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,889 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...cended; there is only one. In fact, saying that one possesses Tao... it will be far better and far more true to say that one is possessed by Tao. Tao fills you, totally fills you; you become part of it. Not that Tao is in your hands, but that you are in the hands of Tao. But our language is such... our language is made by people who are interested in possessing things. Just the other day somebody has asked th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,890 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... possesses Tao... it will be far better and far more true to say that one is possessed by Tao. Tao fills you, totally fills you; you become part of it. Not that Tao is in your hands, but that you are in the hands of Tao. But our language is such... our language is made by people who are interested in possessing things. Just the other day somebody has asked that, "Osho, my whole mind always goes on thinking how to...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,891 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- ONLY WHEN HE CAN TRANSMUTE ALL LIVING THINGS CAN HE BE TRULY NAMED THE POSSESSOR OF TAO. Who can be called a possessor of Tao? One who knows that he does not possess -- that is the first condition to be fulfilled -- one who knows that he is possessed by Tao, that he is no more, only Tao is. But what will be the indication? How we will r...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,892 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...NAMED THE POSSESSOR OF TAO. Who can be called a possessor of Tao? One who knows that he does not possess -- that is the first condition to be fulfilled -- one who knows that he is possessed by Tao, that he is no more, only Tao is. But what will be the indication? How we will recognize that he possesses the Tao? He gives a beautiful symbol to recognize the man of Tao. Ko Hsuan says: ONLY WH...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,893 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...SSOR OF TAO. Who can be called a possessor of Tao? One who knows that he does not possess -- that is the first condition to be fulfilled -- one who knows that he is possessed by Tao, that he is no more, only Tao is. But what will be the indication? How we will recognize that he possesses the Tao? He gives a beautiful symbol to recognize the man of Tao. Ko Hsuan says: ONLY WHEN HE CAN TRANSMUTE ALL LIVING...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,894 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... not possess -- that is the first condition to be fulfilled -- one who knows that he is possessed by Tao, that he is no more, only Tao is. But what will be the indication? How we will recognize that he possesses the Tao? He gives a beautiful symbol to recognize the man of Tao. Ko Hsuan says: ONLY WHEN HE CAN TRANSMUTE ALL LIVING THINGS CAN HE BE TRULY NAMED THE POSSESSOR OF TAO. The transl...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,895 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ed -- one who knows that he is possessed by Tao, that he is no more, only Tao is. But what will be the indication? How we will recognize that he possesses the Tao? He gives a beautiful symbol to recognize the man of Tao. Ko Hsuan says: ONLY WHEN HE CAN TRANSMUTE ALL LIVING THINGS CAN HE BE TRULY NAMED THE POSSESSOR OF TAO. The translation is again a little wrong. Ko Hsuan must have meant all living be...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,896 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... have beings. Being is only when you have reached the unfoldment of your consciousness. Being means when becoming is finished, when becoming is no more needed, when you have arrived home. The man of Tao is one whose touch transmutes people into living, first, and then into being. That's the miracle of a Master: If you allow him to touch you, if you become available to him, he can stir life in you and, finally, h...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,897 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e miracle of a Master: If you allow him to touch you, if you become available to him, he can stir life in you and, finally, he can make you aware of your own being. The only proof of somebody's being the man of Tao is that in his proximity people start living on a totally different plane, become more and more livelier, start attaining a certain crystallization of being. The man of Tao is one who can impart his Tao to others...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,898 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... only proof of somebody's being the man of Tao is that in his proximity people start living on a totally different plane, become more and more livelier, start attaining a certain crystallization of being. The man of Tao is one who can impart his Tao to others, who can function like a catalytic agent, that if you fall in tune with him you go through a transformation, a mutation. HE WHO IS ABLE TO UNDERSTAND THIS CAN LEAD OTH...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,899 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...g the man of Tao is that in his proximity people start living on a totally different plane, become more and more livelier, start attaining a certain crystallization of being. The man of Tao is one who can impart his Tao to others, who can function like a catalytic agent, that if you fall in tune with him you go through a transformation, a mutation. HE WHO IS ABLE TO UNDERSTAND THIS CAN LEAD OTHERS TO SACRED TAO. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,900 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...S CAN LEAD OTHERS TO SACRED TAO. One who understands the alchemy of how to transform the dead into living and how to help the becoming into being, who knows this art of alchemy, can lead people to the sacred Tao. The word "sacred" is used only in the last sutra. This is very significant because when you use the word "sacred Tao" it becomes synonymous to God. But he has not mentioned it before because to m...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,901 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... becoming into being, who knows this art of alchemy, can lead people to the sacred Tao. The word "sacred" is used only in the last sutra. This is very significant because when you use the word "sacred Tao" it becomes synonymous to God. But he has not mentioned it before because to mention it before will make you worshippers. And all worshippers have gone wrong: they have become Christians, Hindus, Mohammedans; The...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,902 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ippers. And all worshippers have gone wrong: they have become Christians, Hindus, Mohammedans; They are not transmuted. Hence he has kept this beautiful word "sacred" for the very end; this is his last word: "sacred Tao". This can be said only when you have understood all the sutras; now you will not become a worshipper. Worshipping is not going to help, praying is not going to help -- only meditation, only under...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,903 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... when you have understood all the sutras; now you will not become a worshipper. Worshipping is not going to help, praying is not going to help -- only meditation, only understanding, only awareness. And calling Tao sacred means everything is sacred, because Tao fills everything. The whole existence is the manifestation of Tao. There is no other God than the universe. There is no other God than this very life. There is no ot...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,904 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...you will not become a worshipper. Worshipping is not going to help, praying is not going to help -- only meditation, only understanding, only awareness. And calling Tao sacred means everything is sacred, because Tao fills everything. The whole existence is the manifestation of Tao. There is no other God than the universe. There is no other God than this very life. There is no other God than this moment, this now,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,905 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...help, praying is not going to help -- only meditation, only understanding, only awareness. And calling Tao sacred means everything is sacred, because Tao fills everything. The whole existence is the manifestation of Tao. There is no other God than the universe. There is no other God than this very life. There is no other God than this moment, this now, this here. 10/28/07 Copyright O...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,906 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... now, this here. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 2 Chapter #8 Chapter title: We can share 28 June 1980 am in Buddha Hall Archive code: 8006280...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,907 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e a lotus flower; now the parents, the society, the educational system, the church, they are all trying to close him, to make him a prison cell. Nobody likes it -- nobody can like it -- it is against nature, against Tao. Freedom is our natural love, hence the child starts resisting. He has to repress his resistance; he cannot assert it because he has to depend on the parents. He is utterly helpless; he cannot live ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,908 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... You are worried because you will see many contradictions here. When I am speaking on Meera I will be speaking for love. When I am speaking on Buddha I will be speaking for meditation. When I am speaking on Tao I will be speaking on transcendence of love and meditation both. And you will be confused, you will think that I am contradictory. I am not contradictory, I am simply vast enough -- I can contain contradictions. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,909 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...que things! 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 2 Chapter #9 Chapter title: Save me from the Pillar! 29 June 1980 am in Buddha Hall Archive cod...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,910 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...in the ass!" 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 2 Chapter #10 Chapter title: Religion: the Ultimate Luxury 30 June 1980 am in Buddha Hall Archive ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,911 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... he get the title? What did he do?" "Nothing," said Mahavira, "but last time he spoke here it took us seven hundred years to get him to stop, and send him to Poona!" Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 1 Talks on extracts from "The Lieh Tzu" Talks given from 11/02/77 am to 24/02/77 am Eng...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,912 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...published: 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 1 Chapter #1 Chapter title: Voluntary death 11 February 1977 am in Buddha Hall Archive ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,913 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... hunger to know; if these parables lead you on an unknown journey, on a pilgrimage -- then only, only by treading the path, will you become acquainted with the path. Lieh Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lao Tzu, the three Taoist Masters, only talk about the Way 'Tao' means the Way -- they don't talk about the goal at all. They say: The goal will take care of itself; you need not worry about the goal. If you know the Way you know the g...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,914 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ead you on an unknown journey, on a pilgrimage -- then only, only by treading the path, will you become acquainted with the path. Lieh Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lao Tzu, the three Taoist Masters, only talk about the Way 'Tao' means the Way -- they don't talk about the goal at all. They say: The goal will take care of itself; you need not worry about the goal. If you know the Way you know the goal, because the goal is not at the very...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,915 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...us, and you are not Lao Tzu, and you are not Lieh Tzu. You are you, a unique individual. Only by walking, only by living your life, will you find the Way. This is something of great value. That's why Taoism is not an organised religion cannot be. It is an organic religion but not an organised religion. You can be a Taoist if you simply live your life authentically, spontaneously; if you have the courage to go int...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,916 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ing your life, will you find the Way. This is something of great value. That's why Taoism is not an organised religion cannot be. It is an organic religion but not an organised religion. You can be a Taoist if you simply live your life authentically, spontaneously; if you have the courage to go into the unknown on your own, individual, not leaning on anybody, not following anybody, simply going into the dark nigh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,917 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ave the courage, that risk is there -- it is risky, it is adventurous. Christianity, Hinduism, Mohammedanism are super-highways: you need not risk anything, you simply follow the crowd, you go with the mob. With Tao you have to go alone, you have to be alone. Tao respects the individual and not the society. Tao respects the unique and not the crowd. Tao respects freedom and not conformity. Tao has no tradition. Tao is a rebe...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,918 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...venturous. Christianity, Hinduism, Mohammedanism are super-highways: you need not risk anything, you simply follow the crowd, you go with the mob. With Tao you have to go alone, you have to be alone. Tao respects the individual and not the society. Tao respects the unique and not the crowd. Tao respects freedom and not conformity. Tao has no tradition. Tao is a rebellion, and the greatest rebellion possible. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,919 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [..., Mohammedanism are super-highways: you need not risk anything, you simply follow the crowd, you go with the mob. With Tao you have to go alone, you have to be alone. Tao respects the individual and not the society. Tao respects the unique and not the crowd. Tao respects freedom and not conformity. Tao has no tradition. Tao is a rebellion, and the greatest rebellion possible. That's why I call Tao 'the pathless p...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,920 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...d not risk anything, you simply follow the crowd, you go with the mob. With Tao you have to go alone, you have to be alone. Tao respects the individual and not the society. Tao respects the unique and not the crowd. Tao respects freedom and not conformity. Tao has no tradition. Tao is a rebellion, and the greatest rebellion possible. That's why I call Tao 'the pathless path'. It IS a path, but not like other path...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,921 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e crowd, you go with the mob. With Tao you have to go alone, you have to be alone. Tao respects the individual and not the society. Tao respects the unique and not the crowd. Tao respects freedom and not conformity. Tao has no tradition. Tao is a rebellion, and the greatest rebellion possible. That's why I call Tao 'the pathless path'. It IS a path, but not like other paths. It has a very different quality to it ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,922 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...he mob. With Tao you have to go alone, you have to be alone. Tao respects the individual and not the society. Tao respects the unique and not the crowd. Tao respects freedom and not conformity. Tao has no tradition. Tao is a rebellion, and the greatest rebellion possible. That's why I call Tao 'the pathless path'. It IS a path, but not like other paths. It has a very different quality to it the quality of freedom...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,923 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...d not the society. Tao respects the unique and not the crowd. Tao respects freedom and not conformity. Tao has no tradition. Tao is a rebellion, and the greatest rebellion possible. That's why I call Tao 'the pathless path'. It IS a path, but not like other paths. It has a very different quality to it the quality of freedom, the quality of anarchy, the quality of chaos. Tao says 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,924 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... rebellion possible. That's why I call Tao 'the pathless path'. It IS a path, but not like other paths. It has a very different quality to it the quality of freedom, the quality of anarchy, the quality of chaos. Tao says 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- that if you impose a discipline on ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,925 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...n order arises in your being. That order is out of chaos, not out of any pattern. This is a totally different gestalt: it is born into you and it is fresh; it is not traditional, it is virgin; it is not second-hand. Tao does not believe in the second-hand religion and in the second-hand God. If you take the God of Jesus you become a Christian, if you take the God of Krishna you become a Hindu, if you take the God of Mohammed you...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,926 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...n the second-hand religion and in the second-hand God. If you take the God of Jesus you become a Christian, if you take the God of Krishna you become a Hindu, if you take the God of Mohammed you become a Mohammedan. Tao says: But until you find YOUR God you are not on the Way. So all these ways simply distract you from the real Way. Following others, you are going astray. Following any pattern of life, you are be...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,927 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...all these ways simply distract you from the real Way. Following others, you are going astray. Following any pattern of life, you are becoming a slave. Following any pattern, you are imprisoning yourself. And God, or Tao, or DHARMA, or truth. is possible only to one who is absolutely free, unconditionally free. Of course, freedom is dangerous because there is no security in it, no safety in it. There is great safe...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,928 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... never enquire. And truth cannot be found unless you have enquired unless you have enquired on your own. If you take borrowed truths, you become knowledgeable; but to be knowledgeable is not to know. Tao is very much against knowledge. Tao says that even if you are ignorant and the ignorance is yours, it is good at least it is yours. and it has an innocence to it. But if you are burdened with accumulated knowledg...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,929 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...found unless you have enquired unless you have enquired on your own. If you take borrowed truths, you become knowledgeable; but to be knowledgeable is not to know. Tao is very much against knowledge. Tao says that even if you are ignorant and the ignorance is yours, it is good at least it is yours. and it has an innocence to it. But if you are burdened with accumulated knowledge, scripture, tradition, then you ar...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,930 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s not know, to hide the fact that he is ignorant. Man is cunning, clever, and he can create rationalisations; but these rationalisations are bogus -- you cannot move with them into truth. You will have to drop them. Tao says that ignorance is not the barrier against truth -- knowledge is the barrier. Let me tell you a few anecdotes. In Samuel Beckett's great work, WAITING FOR GODOT, happens this small incident. P...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,931 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...m, they have never met him -- it is an invention. One has to invent; out of misery one has to invent the tomorrow and something to cling to. Your gods, your heavens, your paradises, your MOKSHAS, are all inventions. Tao does not talk about them. This play of Samuel Beckett, WAITING FOR GODOT, IS very essentially Taoist. ... In the midst of the first act, two strangers -- Pozzo and Luckystorm onto the stage. P...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,932 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...and something to cling to. Your gods, your heavens, your paradises, your MOKSHAS, are all inventions. Tao does not talk about them. This play of Samuel Beckett, WAITING FOR GODOT, IS very essentially Taoist. ... In the midst of the first act, two strangers -- Pozzo and Luckystorm onto the stage. Pozzo seems to be a man of affluence; Lucky, the servant, is being driven to a nearby market to be sold. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,933 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...? What is there to think? And through thinking how can one arrive at truth? Thinking cannot deliver truth. Truth is an experience, and the experience happens only when thinking is no longer there. So Tao says that theology is not going to help, philosophy is not going to help, logic is not going to help, reason is not going to help. You can go on thinking and thinking, and it will be nothing but invention -- the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,934 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... And then you can go on and on, one dream can lead into another and that other dream can lead you into another... dream within dream within dream that's what all philosophy, theology is. I have heard a Taoist parable: A man of the State of Cheng was one day gathering fuel when he came across a startled deer which he pursued and killed. Fearing lest anyone should see him, he hastily concealed the carcass in ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,935 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [.... A man who is sexually satisfied is not going to dream about sexual objects. That's the whole of Freudian psychology: you dream about things which are missing in your life, you dream to compensate. That's the whole Taoist approach too. What Freud says about thinking, about dreaming, the Taoist approach says about thinking as such. And dreaming is only a part of thinking and nothing else. Thinking is dreaming wi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,936 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...cts. That's the whole of Freudian psychology: you dream about things which are missing in your life, you dream to compensate. That's the whole Taoist approach too. What Freud says about thinking, about dreaming, the Taoist approach says about thinking as such. And dreaming is only a part of thinking and nothing else. Thinking is dreaming with words, dreaming is thinking with pictures -- that's the only difference. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,937 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ogians, scientists, are very far away. Their whole approach is verbal. The poetic approach is more existential, and the mystic's approach is existential par excellence; it is absolutely existential. Tao means to exist on the Way, and to exist in such a way that the Way and you are not two. This existence is one -- we are not separate from it. The separation, the idea of separation, is very illusory. We are joine...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,938 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... The whole is one -- separation is not possible. The very idea of separation is the barrier. The idea of separation is what we call the ego. If you are with the ego, you are not on the path, you are not in Tao. When the ego is dropped, you are in Tao. Tao means an egoless existence, living as part of this infinite whole, not living as a separate entity. Now, ordinarily we have been taught to live as separate entit...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,939 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... is not possible. The very idea of separation is the barrier. The idea of separation is what we call the ego. If you are with the ego, you are not on the path, you are not in Tao. When the ego is dropped, you are in Tao. Tao means an egoless existence, living as part of this infinite whole, not living as a separate entity. Now, ordinarily we have been taught to live as separate entities, we have been taught to have our ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,940 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ot possible. The very idea of separation is the barrier. The idea of separation is what we call the ego. If you are with the ego, you are not on the path, you are not in Tao. When the ego is dropped, you are in Tao. Tao means an egoless existence, living as part of this infinite whole, not living as a separate entity. Now, ordinarily we have been taught to live as separate entities, we have been taught to have our ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,941 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...living as a separate entity. Now, ordinarily we have been taught to live as separate entities, we have been taught to have our own will. People come to me and they ask me 'How should we develop our will-power?' Tao is against will, Tao is against will-power, because Tao is for the whole and not for the part. When the part exists in the whole, everything is harmonious. When the part starts existing on its own, ev...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,942 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Now, ordinarily we have been taught to live as separate entities, we have been taught to have our own will. People come to me and they ask me 'How should we develop our will-power?' Tao is against will, Tao is against will-power, because Tao is for the whole and not for the part. When the part exists in the whole, everything is harmonious. When the part starts existing on its own, everything becomes disharmonious --...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,943 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e been taught to live as separate entities, we have been taught to have our own will. People come to me and they ask me 'How should we develop our will-power?' Tao is against will, Tao is against will-power, because Tao is for the whole and not for the part. When the part exists in the whole, everything is harmonious. When the part starts existing on its own, everything becomes disharmonious -- there is discord, conflict, confus...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,944 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...r grandfather may be in the apple and that you may be eating your grandmother or grandfather. And, some day, your children will eat you. Everything is connected. This connectedness is what is meant by the word 'Tao': the 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- connectedness, the interconnectedness...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,945 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...at Buddha and Mahavir left their kingdoms and became beggars, and by becoming beggars they declared 'Now we have become emperors' -- because they became happy. A sannyasin is a person who has learned the Way of Tao, and he says 'I am no more. Only the whole is.' This is the meaning of Jesus when he goes on saying: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of God. 'Poor in spirit' means a man who has no ego, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,946 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...le is playing through me. I am a nonentity, a nothingness, a nobody....' This is the meaning of 'the poor in spirit': one who possesses nothing, who has nothing, who knows nothing, who is nothing. Tao says: When you are nothing you will become all. Dissolve and you will become whole. Claim that you are and you will be miserable. This Tao, this merging with the whole, this disappearing into the cosmos, can...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,947 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...othing, who has nothing, who knows nothing, who is nothing. Tao says: When you are nothing you will become all. Dissolve and you will become whole. Claim that you are and you will be miserable. This Tao, this merging with the whole, this disappearing into the cosmos, cannot be taught. You can learn it, but it cannot be taught. So Lieh Tzu and other Taoist Masters don't preach anything; they don't have anything t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,948 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... whole. Claim that you are and you will be miserable. This Tao, this merging with the whole, this disappearing into the cosmos, cannot be taught. You can learn it, but it cannot be taught. So Lieh Tzu and other Taoist Masters don't preach anything; they don't have anything to preach. They talk in parables. You can listen to the story, and if you really listen, something... something will burst open in you. So the whole thin...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,949 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... is egoless, in whom God is flowing easily, one who is glowing with God, streaming with his energy... just by the side of him, sitting silently, waiting, some day you are overflooded. Let me tell you one Taoist story. A disciple of Lao Tzu said 'Master, I have arrived.' Lao Tzu said 'If you say you have arrived. then it is certain that you have not arrived.' The disciple waited for a few month...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,950 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...was trying hard. The day you said "If you say you have arrived, then you have not arrived" it struck home. How could 'I' arrive? because 'I' is the barrier. so I had to give way.' It can arrive. and Taoists even call it 'It'. They don't call it 'he'. they don't call it 'she', they don't call It 'God the Father', they don't call it by any personal name they simply say 'it'. 'It' is non-personal, it is the name of...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,951 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...call it 'It'. They don't call it 'he'. they don't call it 'she', they don't call It 'God the Father', they don't call it by any personal name they simply say 'it'. 'It' is non-personal, it is the name of the whole: 'Tao' means it. 'Tao has arrived' he said 'and it came only when I was not there.' Lao Tzu said 'Tell the other disciples the situation in which it happened.' And he said 'The only thing that I c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,952 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...'he'. they don't call it 'she', they don't call It 'God the Father', they don't call it by any personal name they simply say 'it'. 'It' is non-personal, it is the name of the whole: 'Tao' means it. 'Tao has arrived' he said 'and it came only when I was not there.' Lao Tzu said 'Tell the other disciples the situation in which it happened.' And he said 'The only thing that I can say is that I was not good, I ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,953 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... it. I was just sitting. I was not even seeking, searching, enquiring. I was not there. and suddenly it overflooded me.' It happens that way. It can happen to you here if you just become more and more passive. Tao is the way of the feminine. All other religions are aggressive, all other religions are more male-oriented; Tao is more female. And remember, truth comes only when you are in a feminine state of consc...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,954 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... It happens that way. It can happen to you here if you just become more and more passive. Tao is the way of the feminine. All other religions are aggressive, all other religions are more male-oriented; Tao is more female. And remember, truth comes only when you are in a feminine state of consciousness -- never otherwise. You cannot conquer truth. That is foolish, silly even to think about, that you can conquer trut...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,955 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...enly your consciousness will soar high, will be on its wings... and you can go to the very south, to the open seas where you belong. Intellect is the burden on man. The last thing before we go into this parable: Tao starts with death. Why? There is something significant in the beginning. Tao says that if you understand death you will understand everything, because in death your boundaries will be blurred. In death, you will ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,956 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... the very south, to the open seas where you belong. Intellect is the burden on man. The last thing before we go into this parable: Tao starts with death. Why? There is something significant in the beginning. Tao says that if you understand death you will understand everything, because in death your boundaries will be blurred. In death, you will disappear. In death, ego will be dropped. In death, mind will be no longer th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,957 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... dropped. In death, mind will be no longer there. In death, all that is non-essential will be dropped and only the essential will remain. If you can understand death you will be able to understand what Tao is, what the pathless path is -- because religion is also a way of dying, love is also a way of dying, prayer is also a way of dying. Meditation is voluntary death. Death is the greatest phenomenon. It is the cul...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,958 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ow 'The body is dying, the ego is dying, but I am not dying because I am the witness.' That witness is the very core of existence. That witness is what other religions call 'God'. and what Lieh Tzu. Chuang Tzu call 'Tao': the knower, the knowing element, consciousness, awareness, alertness. Start living a conscious life. Do whatsoever you are doing, but do as if you are a witness to it -- watch it, silently go o...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,959 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nguish. You are split: you are neither alive nor dead. Either be totally alive, and then you will know what life is; or be totally dead, then too you will know what life is -- because with totality opens the door of Tao. Be total. A man who is asleep cannot be total in anything. You are eating, you are not total there; 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,960 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [..., carrying water from the well becomes meditation, cooking food becomes meditation. Small things are transformed: they become luminous acts, and each act becomes so total that each act has the quality of Tao. Then you are not the doer when you are total. Then God is the doer, or the total is the doer -- you are just a vehicle, a passage. And becoming that passage is bliss, is benediction. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,961 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...n you are not the doer when you are total. Then God is the doer, or the total is the doer -- you are just a vehicle, a passage. And becoming that passage is bliss, is benediction. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 1 Chapter #2 Chapter title: Sublime laziness 12 February 1977 am in Buddha Hall Archive co...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,962 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...No Length: 90 mins WHERE DOES EDUCATING THE SUBCONSCIOUSNESS CONFLICT OR HARMONISE WITH TAO, AS IT IMPLIES DISCIPLINE WITH SELF-EFFORT FROM AN EXTERNAL EXPRESSION? Tao knows nothing of discipline. Tao is anarchic, spontaneous, effortless. All disciplines are unnatural -- they have to be. Nature needs no discipline, it is sufficient unto itself. Trees and rivers and animals and ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,963 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ins WHERE DOES EDUCATING THE SUBCONSCIOUSNESS CONFLICT OR HARMONISE WITH TAO, AS IT IMPLIES DISCIPLINE WITH SELF-EFFORT FROM AN EXTERNAL EXPRESSION? Tao knows nothing of discipline. Tao is anarchic, spontaneous, effortless. All disciplines are unnatural -- they have to be. Nature needs no discipline, it is sufficient unto itself. Trees and rivers and animals and stars -- they don't know anything...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,964 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...eing is overflowing 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- with joy. Tao is spontaneity, it is not discipline, hence Tao is the ultimate in religion -- no religion touches that peak. The moment a religion starts becoming a discipline, it has already fallen very low. There are thr...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,965 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- with joy. Tao is spontaneity, it is not discipline, hence Tao is the ultimate in religion -- no religion touches that peak. The moment a religion starts becoming a discipline, it has already fallen very low. There are three stages of a religion. Just like there is chil...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,966 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... becomes a church, a creed, theology. Now religion is very old; and some day, somewhere, the religion dies but the church continues. You ask 'Where does educating the subconsciousness conflict or harmonise with Tao, as it implies discipline with self-effort from an external expression?' Tao never allowed itself to become even an organic religion -- naturally, it never allowed itself to become a church. It h...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,967 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...eligion dies but the church continues. You ask 'Where does educating the subconsciousness conflict or harmonise with Tao, as it implies discipline with self-effort from an external expression?' Tao never allowed itself to become even an organic religion -- naturally, it never allowed itself to become a church. It has remained spontaneous, hence there are no followers, there is no church like the Vatican, or...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,968 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... organic religion -- naturally, it never allowed itself to become a church. It has remained spontaneous, hence there are no followers, there is no church like the Vatican, or the Shankaracharya -- nothing like that. Tao has remained available for those who are courageous enough to be spontaneous. It needs great courage to be spontaneous because to be spontaneous means to remain in a state of constant uncontrol. Spontaneity means...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,969 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...r not knowing where it is going -- not caring where it is going, not bothering, not trying to plan, not trying to project. To be natural needs great courage, hence there are very few people who have attained to Tao. There are millions of Christians, millions of Mohammedans, millions of Hindus, millions of Buddhists, but Tao has remained a transcendence, a fragrance -- untethered, unimprisoned -- hence its beauty...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,970 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... To be natural needs great courage, hence there are very few people who have attained to Tao. There are millions of Christians, millions of Mohammedans, millions of Hindus, millions of Buddhists, but Tao has remained a transcendence, a fragrance -- untethered, unimprisoned -- hence its beauty, its sublime exquisiteness, its superb truth. The superconscious, the conscious, the unconscious: these divisions exi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,971 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ause there is nothing to hide. You stand nude to your own vision... nothing to hide, nothing to escape from, nothing to be afraid of -- you have accepted yourself. In deep acceptance you become one. Tao says that man has an undiscriminated consciousness. You cannot call it 'the conscious', you cannot call it 'the unconscious', you cannot call it 'the subconscious', because these divisions are really fabricated, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,972 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ems to be the only way, and when you forget something that is inside you, the unconscious is created. The unconscious disappears when you again become spontaneous like a child. The whole teaching of Tao is to be again like a child. It means to undo all that the society has done to you; it means to destroy, to dismantle, the structure that society has put around you; to claim your freedom again which is your birt...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,973 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...put around you; to claim your freedom again which is your birth-right; to be radically transformed; to go beyond the structure of the society, to go above. To go to nature against nurture: that's what the message of Tao is. There is no discipline in Tao -- Tao is not Yoga. Tao is just the diametrically opposite standpoint to Yoga. If Patanjali and Lao Tzu met, they would not be able to understand each other -- i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,974 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...gain which is your birth-right; to be radically transformed; to go beyond the structure of the society, to go above. To go to nature against nurture: that's what the message of Tao is. There is no discipline in Tao -- Tao is not Yoga. Tao is just the diametrically opposite standpoint to Yoga. If Patanjali and Lao Tzu met, they would not be able to understand each other -- impossible; Patanjali would talk about discipline. I...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,975 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ich is your birth-right; to be radically transformed; to go beyond the structure of the society, to go above. To go to nature against nurture: that's what the message of Tao is. There is no discipline in Tao -- Tao is not Yoga. Tao is just the diametrically opposite standpoint to Yoga. If Patanjali and Lao Tzu met, they would not be able to understand each other -- impossible; Patanjali would talk about discipline. If Patan...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,976 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...-right; to be radically transformed; to go beyond the structure of the society, to go above. To go to nature against nurture: that's what the message of Tao is. There is no discipline in Tao -- Tao is not Yoga. Tao is just the diametrically opposite standpoint to Yoga. If Patanjali and Lao Tzu met, they would not be able to understand each other -- impossible; Patanjali would talk about discipline. If Patanjali met Confuciu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,977 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ly, he responds fully. A man of character can never respond fully. He has ideas, he has to do things in a certain way. Before the situation arises he has already decided how to act, he has rehearsed. The man of Tao lives without rehearsal; he never manages, he never jumps ahead. Let the moment come and he is there to reflect it -- whatsoever is needed will come out of his being. He trusts nature: his trust is absolute, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,978 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ything is just managed. Naturally, he lives a very pseudo life: his love is not alive, his smile is painted, his gestures are all impotent, meaningless. He manages -- that's all, but he never lives. Tao has no discipline. It does not trust in character, it trusts in being, in your nature. And there is no effort, because all effort is going to create trouble. Effort means conflict, effort means imposing 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,979 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- something, effort means that you are at war with yourself. Tao trusts in effortlessness. Jesus says to his disciples: Look at the lilies in the field, they toil not, they labour not. They don't plan for the tomorrow yet they are tremendously beautiful. Even Solomon was not s...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,980 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s these lilies in the field. What is the secret of the lilies in the field? They live naturally, they bloom naturally: there is no effort, 'they toil not'. Jesus must have got this message from some Taoist source. There are stories that he travelled to India. there are stories that he even travelled to Japan. There is a place in Japan which people say that he came to. There are stories that he travelled to Tibet...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,981 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...avelled to Japan. There is a place in Japan which people say that he came to. There are stories that he travelled to Tibet. If he had travelled to Japan and Tibet he must have come to know something, something about Tao; he must have gathered something. Maybe he never went to Japan and never went to Tibet, maybe it was his own experience he came upon in his own inner search, but he is a Taoist -- Jesus can be counted upon. He is...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,982 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e come to know something, something about Tao; he must have gathered something. Maybe he never went to Japan and never went to Tibet, maybe it was his own experience he came upon in his own inner search, but he is a Taoist -- Jesus can be counted upon. He is a Taoist, hence the Jews could not trust in him. They are fundamentally a law-abiding people, they have lived according to law: the Ten Commandments of Moses. And Jesus says...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,983 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...; he must have gathered something. Maybe he never went to Japan and never went to Tibet, maybe it was his own experience he came upon in his own inner search, but he is a Taoist -- Jesus can be counted upon. He is a Taoist, hence the Jews could not trust in him. They are fundamentally a law-abiding people, they have lived according to law: the Ten Commandments of Moses. And Jesus says: Moses has given you law. I will give you ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,984 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... 'Duty' is an ugly four-letter word -- avoid it! It has destroyed nature, it has destroyed humanity, it has not allowed man to flower and bloom. No, there is no discipline and there is no effort in Tao, there is only understanding. Remember, let me repeat it: there is only understanding. Effort means you have not understood rightly -- that's why you have to make effort. If I say 'Love is enough' and you underst...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,985 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ery understanding of the fact has transformed you. Suddenly you see that you are a totally different man, the old man is gone and the new is born -- there was no effort. And one thing more about it: Tao is sublime laziness. It does not believe in aggression, it does not believe in the male element. Tao is feminine: passivity. receptivity. Try to understand this. There are two ways to approach truth. One way is t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,986 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...man, the old man is gone and the new is born -- there was no effort. And one thing more about it: Tao is sublime laziness. It does not believe in aggression, it does not believe in the male element. Tao is feminine: passivity. receptivity. Try to understand this. There are two ways to approach truth. One way is that of aggression, almost like rape. That's why I always say science has raped: it is aggressive, it ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,987 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [.... Violence arises only when love fails, aggression arises only when love fails. Science is a failure -- failure in the sense that we could not persuade nature. It would have been better to persuade. Tao persuades nature. There is no need to coerce; love, and by and by nature reveals its secrets to you. Science tries to force. You come to know some facts but they are ugly, they are abortive, they are not naturall...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,988 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...l significant in his eyes. That Jew proved his undoing: in a roundabout way the atom bomb was created. Life is very deeply interconnected: whatsoever happens here will have repercussions there. Tao says: Never coerce nature, otherwise nature will throw all coercion back on you, and you will be destroyed. Persuade, love. And, as Tao says don't coerce outer nature, Tao says don't coerce inner nature too. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,989 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ply interconnected: whatsoever happens here will have repercussions there. Tao says: Never coerce nature, otherwise nature will throw all coercion back on you, and you will be destroyed. Persuade, love. And, as Tao says don't coerce outer nature, Tao says don't coerce inner nature too. Science tries to coerce outer nature, Yoga tries to coerce inner nature -- so science and Yoga can go together very well; t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,990 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ns here will have repercussions there. Tao says: Never coerce nature, otherwise nature will throw all coercion back on you, and you will be destroyed. Persuade, love. And, as Tao says don't coerce outer nature, Tao says don't coerce inner nature too. Science tries to coerce outer nature, Yoga tries to coerce inner nature -- so science and Yoga can go together very well; they are fellow-travellers. Einstein ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,991 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...not be any more vital. At that peak you meet the divine. Your highest energy comes closest to God's feet; God's lowest energy is closest to man's highest energy, and there is the communion. To understand Tao is simply to understand. Your repressions are like diseases, and all your efforts bring nothing but repressions. I have heard.... A mysterious man was constantly found waiting on the doorste...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,992 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...an egotrip. To drop all those trips, and live here-now, and love the small things of life, is to become spiritual. That is the difference between the so-called 'ordinary spirituality' and the spirituality that is of Tao. If you go and you find Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu or Lieh Tzu, you will not be able to recognise them.; they will be very ordinary. You will have to be with them to feel. They don't impose any extraordi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,993 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ith them to feel. They don't impose any extraordinariness, they will not show you miracles, and they will not show you SIDDHIS and powers; they will be very ordinary. To be ordinary is the message of Tao, to be so ordinary that you don't have any idea to be anything else, to be so contented, so contented.... Eating, drinking, loving, talking, listening, walking, sleeping, sitting in the sun or under the moon. Loo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,994 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...destroyed, paralysed. Once upon a time, the Duke of Lu went forward to meet a sea bird that had made its appearance in the confines of that country, and escorted it to his ancestral hall. This is a Taoist parable. There, an ox, a sheep and a pig were slaughtered, and a feast was spread before the sea bird, while the band was playing the celebrated music composed under the supervision of the Emperor ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,995 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...been allured towards things for which you are not made. You have not been given a chance to be yourself, you have been manipulated to be somebody else. All ideologies force on you something which you have to become. Tao says: You are already that. There is no need to become -- you are already that. You are a being -- there is no becoming. You are that already -- start living it. See the revolutionary message. The...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,996 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ou can be. Just start delighting m it, celebrate, live. And the more you celebrate, the more you live in a natural way, the more you will start feeling your innermost core. And in the innermost core of your being is Tao: it is your nature, the Way. IS IT GOOD TO TAKE RISKS? Good or bad is not the question. If you are alive you have to take risks. Life is a risk. Only death is secure, life is never secu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,997 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...st. And how beautiful he is! The grace on his face, the colour, the joy, the glee, the gladness, the vitality -- as if he has wings, and he is so much absorbed. In that absorbed moment he is closest to God, he is in Tao, he is on the Way, he is enjoying this moment. H e is tremendously happy, so happy that he is not even aware of happiness, because only miserable people become aware of happiness. He is so happy -- who bothers? H...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,998 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s; so as far as I am concerned, there is no need to be worried. But before deciding anything, you should ask Oscar, because I have the feeling that he is jealous. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 1 Chapter #3 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,000,999 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... 'GOOD!'SAID CONFUCIUS 'HERE IS A MAN WHO KNOWS HOW TO CONSOLE HIMSELF.' THIS IS a beautiful parable, and not only beautiful but very subtle. If you look only on the surface, you will miss the meaning. Taoist parables are not on the surface. They are very deep, and they have to be penetrated and looked and meditated upon, then only will you know the real meaning. On the surface, this parable seems as if it is in fa...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,000 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...parable seems as if it is in favour of Confucius; on the surface; it seems that the parable is saying that Confucius is wise. The reality is just the opposite. There is a great diametrical opposition between the Taoist attitude and the Confucian attitude; Confucius is as far away from the Taoist vision as possible. Confucius believes in law, Confucius believes in tradition, Confucius believes in discipline. Confucius believe...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,001 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t the parable is saying that Confucius is wise. The reality is just the opposite. There is a great diametrical opposition between the Taoist attitude and the Confucian attitude; Confucius is as far away from the Taoist vision as possible. Confucius believes in law, Confucius believes in tradition, Confucius believes in discipline. Confucius believes in character, morality, culture, society, education. Tao believes in spontan...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,002 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s as far away from the Taoist vision as possible. Confucius believes in law, Confucius believes in tradition, Confucius believes in discipline. Confucius believes in character, morality, culture, society, education. Tao believes in spontaneity, individuality, freedom. Tao is rebellious; Confucius is very conformist. Taoism is the profoundest non-conformism that has ever been evolved anywhere in the world, at any ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,003 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...fucius believes in law, Confucius believes in tradition, Confucius believes in discipline. Confucius believes in character, morality, culture, society, education. Tao believes in spontaneity, individuality, freedom. Tao is rebellious; Confucius is very conformist. Taoism is the profoundest non-conformism that has ever been evolved anywhere in the world, at any time in history; essentially it is rebellion. So ther...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,004 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s believes in discipline. Confucius believes in character, morality, culture, society, education. Tao believes in spontaneity, individuality, freedom. Tao is rebellious; Confucius is very conformist. Taoism is the profoundest non-conformism that has ever been evolved anywhere in the world, at any time in history; essentially it is rebellion. So there has been a rebellion and the Taoist mystics, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tz...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,005 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...Confucius is very conformist. Taoism is the profoundest non-conformism that has ever been evolved anywhere in the world, at any time in history; essentially it is rebellion. So there has been a rebellion and the Taoist mystics, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and Lieh Tzu, go on ridiculing the Confucian attitude. This is a parable of ridicule. You will understand it when I explain it to you. Their ridicule is also very subtle, not gross...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,006 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...appiness. The day you understand this, you can be happy any moment. If there is a cause, then the cause will take time: you will have to practise it, you will have to practise long. And the whole radical attitude of Tao is that you can be happy THIS moment. What does this mean? This means that there is no cause, so there is no need to practise. It is just a question of allowing it -- is is already there if you ALLOW. If you ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,007 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...o be wasted. If there is a cause, then... then a long time will be needed, and even then one never knows -- you may succeed, you may not succeed. See the difference between the Hindu attitude and the Taoist attitude. The Hindu, the Jain, the Buddhist -- they all say: Past lives, KARMA, has to be removed. Much has to be done, great discipline is needed -- only then will you be able to attain. Ashtavakra, Lao Tzu, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,008 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...cing his existence. But this poor man who has nothing,'a rope round his waist'... singing? Singing a song of joy? Strumming a lute? Confucius is enchanted, magnetised, but he asks a wrong question. A Taoist will never ask such a question. Joy is, and SIMPLY is; it has no cause to it, hence no methods are possible, only understanding. That man said 'I HAV MANY JOYS.' If you hav...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,009 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...no children dying -- he cannot compare himself, that he has lived ninety years of age. If he is left alone, will he be happy? All his happiness will disappear because it was coming from comparisons. Tao says: If you are alone, absolutely alone, and your happiness still remains the same, then you have attained -- otherwise you have not attained. A comparative happiness is a pseudo happiness. 'I have a big ca...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,010 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... the goal. To ask for more, Confucius says, is to ask for the impossible. This is all that a man can have, and this man knows the way to console himself, and he is happy and he is singing. But to the Taoist, consolation is negative -- it is not contentment. Contentment has nothing to do with consolation; contentment is a totally different dimension. Try to understand it: consolation means somehow rationalising on...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,011 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...inning. Had I listened to you, I would have saved myself so many unnecessary troubles.' The world, the other-world; the householder's life and the monk's life... so many troubles. If you listen to Tao, then the message is very simple: Be rooted in your being, and you will be saved from all the troubles, all the troubles that having brings and the troubles that not having brings. You just be. Being ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,012 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...essage is very simple: Be rooted in your being, and you will be saved from all the troubles, all the troubles that having brings and the troubles that not having brings. You just be. Being is the goal of Tao. And one thing more to be understood: Being... you already are. There is no becoming; you are not to become -- it is already the case, you have it within you. It just has to be allowed to open so ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,013 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ut they are very profound. You have to dive deep, you have to dig, you have to go into them and you have to know the difference between discipline and spontaneity. Whenever anything is of discipline, Tao is against it. Whenever anything is of spontaneity, Tao is for it. Tao is spontaneity, Tao is suchness, Tao is a tremendous acceptance of whatsoever is. And in that acceptance one flowers. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,014 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...deep, you have to dig, you have to go into them and you have to know the difference between discipline and spontaneity. Whenever anything is of discipline, Tao is against it. Whenever anything is of spontaneity, Tao is for it. Tao is spontaneity, Tao is suchness, Tao is a tremendous acceptance of whatsoever is. And in that acceptance one flowers. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 1...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,015 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...have to go into them and you have to know the difference between discipline and spontaneity. Whenever anything is of discipline, Tao is against it. Whenever anything is of spontaneity, Tao is for it. Tao is spontaneity, Tao is suchness, Tao is a tremendous acceptance of whatsoever is. And in that acceptance one flowers. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 1 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,016 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... and you have to know the difference between discipline and spontaneity. Whenever anything is of discipline, Tao is against it. Whenever anything is of spontaneity, Tao is for it. Tao is spontaneity, Tao is suchness, Tao is a tremendous acceptance of whatsoever is. And in that acceptance one flowers. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 1 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,017 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... have to know the difference between discipline and spontaneity. Whenever anything is of discipline, Tao is against it. Whenever anything is of spontaneity, Tao is for it. Tao is spontaneity, Tao is suchness, Tao is a tremendous acceptance of whatsoever is. And in that acceptance one flowers. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 1 Chapter #4...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,018 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...r anything is of spontaneity, Tao is for it. Tao is spontaneity, Tao is suchness, Tao is a tremendous acceptance of whatsoever is. And in that acceptance one flowers. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 1 Chapter #4 Chapter title: No bargain with reality 14 February 1977 am in Buddha Hall Arch...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,019 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... bound to be smaller than you. Acceptance is bigger than you -- it happens. When does acceptance happen? It happens when you don't cling to any consolation. So put all consolations aside. It is hard. Tao is so pure that in the beginning it is very hard. You want to play with toys, and Tao never gives any toys. It has no belief systems to supply, it simply forces you to encounter the reality, whatsoever it is. Pai...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,020 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...acceptance happen? It happens when you don't cling to any consolation. So put all consolations aside. It is hard. Tao is so pure that in the beginning it is very hard. You want to play with toys, and Tao never gives any toys. It has no belief systems to supply, it simply forces you to encounter the reality, whatsoever it is. Painful? -- then let it be painful, what can be done? Whatsoever is, is; it has to be loo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,021 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... and drop your 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- lullabies, that's the only way. Tao is simple and yet arduous: simple, because Tao cannot be arduous; arduous, because you are very complex and you cannot be simple easily. The complexity is in you not in Tao. Tao is a very simple approach, a more ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,022 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- lullabies, that's the only way. Tao is simple and yet arduous: simple, because Tao cannot be arduous; arduous, because you are very complex and you cannot be simple easily. The complexity is in you not in Tao. Tao is a very simple approach, a more simple approach is not possible. No discipline,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,023 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... lullabies, that's the only way. Tao is simple and yet arduous: simple, because Tao cannot be arduous; arduous, because you are very complex and you cannot be simple easily. The complexity is in you not in Tao. Tao is a very simple approach, a more simple approach is not possible. No discipline, no character, no morality, nothing is expected of you -- only one thing: that you live naturally, simply, in tune with existe...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,024 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... lullabies, that's the only way. Tao is simple and yet arduous: simple, because Tao cannot be arduous; arduous, because you are very complex and you cannot be simple easily. The complexity is in you not in Tao. Tao is a very simple approach, a more simple approach is not possible. No discipline, no character, no morality, nothing is expected of you -- only one thing: that you live naturally, simply, in tune with existence. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,025 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [..., no morality, nothing is expected of you -- only one thing: that you live naturally, simply, in tune with existence. And don't bring beliefs and don't bring any theories, don't bring any theologies. Tao mystics never talk about God, reincarnation, heaven, hell. No, they don't talk about these things. These are all creations of human mind: explanations for something which can never be explained, explanations for ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,026 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ent you may not be here, so this is the only moment you have. NOW IS the only time you have and HERE is the only place you have. I am not telling you to prepare, to get ready. That's the whole message of Tao too: YOU ARE READY AS YOU ARE. YOU start enjoying this moment and happiness will follow you. It always follows you, because it is in the tail. When you go about doing your business, the tail comes. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,027 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...id happen that for a year and a half I didn't speak at all -- no morning discourse, no evening darshan. That year and a half was the time immediately after I was born. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 1 Chapter #5 Chapter title: There can be no regret 15 February 1977 am in Buddha Hall Archive ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,028 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- `I KNEW HE WOULD BE WORTH TALKING TO' SAID CONFUCIUS `AND SO HE IS, BUT HE IS A MAN WHO HAS FOUND IT, YET NOT FOUND ALL OF IT' Tao is not rational. It is not anti-rational either. Its is superrational. Life is more than reason. Life is more than can be understood by the mind. Life has to give you more than you can learn. It is bigger than yo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,029 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s more than reason. Life is more than can be understood by the mind. Life has to give you more than you can learn. It is bigger than your capacity of learning. It is bigger than you can ever know, but it can be felt.Tao is intuitive. Tao is more total. When you approach life through the head, and only through the head, it is a part approach; misunderstanding is bound to be there. A man who is trying to figure it out is ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,030 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... is more than can be understood by the mind. Life has to give you more than you can learn. It is bigger than your capacity of learning. It is bigger than you can ever know, but it can be felt.Tao is intuitive. Tao is more total. When you approach life through the head, and only through the head, it is a part approach; misunderstanding is bound to be there. A man who is trying to figure it out is bound to fall into a tremen...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,031 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e understood-then the parable is of tremendous importance. And we are going to go into it very slowly, trying to understand each sentence in it, each word actually. The Confucian approach is a mind approach. The Taoist approach is a no-mind approach. Confucius thinks about life. Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu, don't think about life because they say: You can go on thinking and thinking about and about, and you will go round a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,032 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...rt -- the flower of love will never bloom in your being. So with sannyas. So with everything that is significant. So with everything that is organic. So with everything that is alive. This is the basic standpoint of Tao. Now this parable. WHEN LIN LEI WAS NEARLY A HUNDRED, HE PUT ON HIS FUR COAT IN THE MIDDLE OF SPRING, AND WENT TO PICK UP THE GRAINS DROPPED BY THE REAPERS, SINGING AS HE MAD...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,033 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...EI WAS NEARLY A HUNDRED, HE PUT ON HIS FUR COAT IN THE MIDDLE OF SPRING, AND WENT TO PICK UP THE GRAINS DROPPED BY THE REAPERS, SINGING AS HE MADE HIS WAY THROUGH THE FIELDS. Lin Lei is a Taoist Master, but as Taoist Masters are, they live a very ordinary life. They don't live in any extraordinary way, they don't claim that they are special beings, talented geniuses, sages, saints, MAHATMAS; they don'...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,034 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...D, HE PUT ON HIS FUR COAT IN THE MIDDLE OF SPRING, AND WENT TO PICK UP THE GRAINS DROPPED BY THE REAPERS, SINGING AS HE MADE HIS WAY THROUGH THE FIELDS. Lin Lei is a Taoist Master, but as Taoist Masters are, they live a very ordinary life. They don't live in any extraordinary way, they don't claim that they are special beings, talented geniuses, sages, saints, MAHATMAS; they don't claim anything. They...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,035 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...al like nature itself. They are not in any way egoistic. For example, if in India you want to find out where the MAHATMAS are you can easily find them. But if you had gone to visit ancient China and wanted to know a Taoist Master, nobody would have been able to tell you where you would find one. You would have had to look, move, wander around the country... and at some time you might have come across one. But there is ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,036 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ntry... and at some time you might have come across one. But there is no way unless you have experienced something of it in your own being. Unless you have the taste, the flavour, you will not be able to recognise a Taoist Master. Lin Lei is a Taoist Master -- very simple, very old, very ancient; a hundred years old and he is picking up the grains dropped by the reapers. Now this is the lowliest job one can find, the most ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,037 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... across one. But there is no way unless you have experienced something of it in your own being. Unless you have the taste, the flavour, you will not be able to recognise a Taoist Master. Lin Lei is a Taoist Master -- very simple, very old, very ancient; a hundred years old and he is picking up the grains dropped by the reapers. Now this is the lowliest job one can find, the most beggarly and yet... ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,038 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...he is picking up the grains dropped by the reapers. Now this is the lowliest job one can find, the most beggarly and yet... ... SINGING AS HE MADE HIS WAY THROUGH THE FIELDS. The Taoist is always happy because he does not wait for any cause: he does not wait for any special situation in which he is going to be happy. Happiness is like breathing, happiness is like the beat of the heart -- happ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,039 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...mething that happens to him. Happiness is not something that happens and does not happen, happiness is something that is always there. He is full of happiness. Happiness is the stuff that existence is made of; and a Taoist has fallen in harmony with existence -- naturally he is happy. Whatsoever he is doing, he is doing it happily. His happiness precedes his action. Sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are u...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,040 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s not something that you possess. It is given to you by others and taken away, given to you by circumstances and taken away. This is not of worth because you remain a slave, you are not a Master. The Taoists call that person a Master whose happiness is absolutely his own. He can be happy irrespective of the situation: young he is happy, old he is happy; as an emperor he is happy, as a beggar he is happy. His song...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,041 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- are-gone forever. After you have died, that which was before your birth will remain -- that is uncaused. That's why Taoists don't believe that God created the world, that God created man, that God created souls. If God had created souls then they were caused and one day they would disappear -- howsoever far that day might be is no...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,042 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...re caused and one day they would disappear -- howsoever far that day might be is not material. If the world were caused and man had been created, then one day the world would be uncreated and man would be uncreated. Taoists say 'That which is eternal, uncaused, uncreated' -- they don't have a creator. In fact, nobody has ever reached that peak, that sublime peak, of understanding as have the Taoists. All other religions look juv...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,043 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ncreated and man would be uncreated. Taoists say 'That which is eternal, uncaused, uncreated' -- they don't have a creator. In fact, nobody has ever reached that peak, that sublime peak, of understanding as have the Taoists. All other religions look juvenile. The Taoist maturity is so tremendous, is of such splendour, is of such depth and height, that no other religion can be compared to it; they all look like kindergarten schoo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,044 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... 'That which is eternal, uncaused, uncreated' -- they don't have a creator. In fact, nobody has ever reached that peak, that sublime peak, of understanding as have the Taoists. All other religions look juvenile. The Taoist maturity is so tremendous, is of such splendour, is of such depth and height, that no other religion can be compared to it; they all look like kindergarten schools -- made specially for children. Made ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,045 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... father. If your real father has disappeared then you still need an imaginary father in heaven to control you: you are not mature enough, you cannot be on your own, you have to lean on somebody or other. Taoists have no concept of God -- not that they are godless, they are the most godly -- but they don't have a concept of God; existence is enough. There is no creator, there is no creation, there is eternity. This ha...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,046 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ething that has to be learned. He never looks within his own being, he never looks into his own inner consciousness; he never tries to understand the knower. He is after knowledge -- and there is the difference. The Taoist is not after knowledge, but he wants to know: Who is this knower? What is this knowing? He wants to know the source of this knowing, where this consciousness is arising from. You are here, you ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,047 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ow: Who is this knower? What is this knowing? He wants to know the source of this knowing, where this consciousness is arising from. You are here, you are listening to me. Now, you can be either a Confucian or a Taoist because these are the only two standpoints possible. If you are listening to me and you become more and more interested in what I am saying and start collecting it, then you are a Confucian. But if while ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,048 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...Who is this consciousness in me? What is this consciousness in me? What is its nature? What is its quality? Where does it come from? Where is it going...? If this passion to know your consciousness arises, you are a Taoist. And only a Taoist is a religious person. The Confucian is a scholar, he is a pundit, he is a professor. If you talk to him, he will talk about great things; but if you look into his being, t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,049 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...usness in me? What is this consciousness in me? What is its nature? What is its quality? Where does it come from? Where is it going...? If this passion to know your consciousness arises, you are a Taoist. And only a Taoist is a religious person. The Confucian is a scholar, he is a pundit, he is a professor. If you talk to him, he will talk about great things; but if you look into his being, there is nothing. Al...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,050 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ucian is a scholar, he is a pundit, he is a professor. If you talk to him, he will talk about great things; but if you look into his being, there is nothing. All that he has gathered is borrowed. Again and again the Taoists write stories in which Confucius is going from somewhere to somewhere, always travelling, accumulating, and always looking from where he can get knowledge -- as if knowledge were a commodity, as if knowledge ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,051 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...utes. But that is not the way of religion. What Buddha discovered, what Lao Tzu discovered, Lieh Tzu discovered, you will have to discover again. Confucius is on the wrong track. Confucius is used in Taoist tales as a laughing stock. CONFUCIUS, WHO WAS ON A JOURNEY TO WEI, SAW HIM IN THE DISTANCE. TURNING TO HIS DISCIPLES HE SAID 'THAT OLD MAN SHOULD BE WORTH TALKING TO.' Why? Because a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,052 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- logical. This is illogical, but Taoists are illogical people. And I would like you to become illogical because only illogical people are fortunate enough to be happy. The logicians are never happy, they cannot be: they have taken a wrong route from...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,053 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...hole West is Confucian, logical, intellectual. The Confucian approach is based on the idea that truth has to be learned, that it is only a question of learning: if you learn well you will know what truth is. No, the Taoists say truth has to be LIVED, not learned. Truth has to be experienced: just by becoming more knowledgeable you will not know it. In fact, to have truth you will have to go through unlearning, you will have to w...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,054 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ow. Begin with ignorance, and some day you may be fortunate enough to know. Begin with knowledge, and this is certain: that you will never be able to know. The Confucian goes on trying to learn. The Taoist goes on trying to unlearn. LIN LEI NEITHER HALTED HIS STEPS NOR PAUSED IN HIS SONG. TU KUNG WENT ON PRESSING HIM UNTIL HE LOOKED UP AND ANSWERED WHAT HAVE I TO REGRET? First he won'...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,055 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...HALTED HIS STEPS NOR PAUSED IN HIS SONG. TU KUNG WENT ON PRESSING HIM UNTIL HE LOOKED UP AND ANSWERED WHAT HAVE I TO REGRET? First he won't even stop his song to listen to what this man is asking. because Taoists are not interested in curious people. They say that curiosity leads nowhere, curiosity is a disease; curiosity is not enough -- curiosity is not enquiry. Enquiry means you are ready to put your life at stake....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,056 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... happy about?' because if this man really were the man of enquiry. he would not jump upon him so suddenly. He would wait, he would come to the Master, sit by the side of the Master, he would wait. In Taoist circles this is an accepted norm that when a disciple comes to the Master he has to wait, unless the Master asks him 'For what have you come?' And the Master will only ask when he has tested that you are not j...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,057 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... 'What is there to regret? I am alone, like a great peak of the Himalayas... alone. Everything is beautiful and silent and blissful.' 'AND THE TIME OF YOUR DEATH IS NEAR.' Death, to the Taoist, is just returning home, the journey is over. Just as you go into a foreign land.... For example, when my sannyasins go back they go into a foreign land. Whenever they can come back -- this is their home -- th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,058 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...d and unpublished Query:- your very nature. All men can be happy only if they stop FINDING CAUSES to be happy, one has just to be happy for no reason at all. And he has given the whole message of Tao in these four sentences. Be anarchic. Be authentically true to your own being. Listen only to yourself. Don't allow anybody to discipline you. Don't allow anybody to make a slave of you. Don't allow anybody to co...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,059 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...polite. If you don't go deep you may never understand. Meditate over these parables; they have great messages -- decode them. Your life will be tremendously enriched through them. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 1 Chapter #6 Chapter title: I am a cross to you 16 February 1977 am in Buddha Hall Archive ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,060 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... pleasures -- they are not all, one should go beyond them, but in themselves they are beautiful. A man should not deny anything, because the denied part will take revenge. The moment you start denying you go against Tao. Tao is to be natural: a feast and not a fast. A fast can be used only when it comes naturally. Sometimes animals fast. Sometimes you may have observed your dog fasting: you put the food 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,061 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...sures -- they are not all, one should go beyond them, but in themselves they are beautiful. A man should not deny anything, because the denied part will take revenge. The moment you start denying you go against Tao. Tao is to be natural: a feast and not a fast. A fast can be used only when it comes naturally. Sometimes animals fast. Sometimes you may have observed your dog fasting: you put the food 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,062 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... PROCESSES (PLANNING, BUDGETING, ACCOUNTING, RULES, REGULATIONS). WOULD IT BE APPROPRIATE TO ACKNOWLEDGE CONFUCIUS AND WESTERN SCIENCE AS PART OF THE TAO, AND THEREBY SPIRITUAL? Tao is vast -- science can be included in it. But science is not vast and Tao cannot be included in it. Science is a part of the vast mystery of life. If you take science as a part, then there is nothing wrong; but s...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,063 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... WOULD IT BE APPROPRIATE TO ACKNOWLEDGE CONFUCIUS AND WESTERN SCIENCE AS PART OF THE TAO, AND THEREBY SPIRITUAL? Tao is vast -- science can be included in it. But science is not vast and Tao cannot be included in it. Science is a part of the vast mystery of life. If you take science as a part, then there is nothing wrong; but science pretends, claims, that it is the whole, thereby everything goes wro...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,064 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...using the intellect every day. What am I doing here right now? Intellect is so significant that even when you have to talk about something which is not within intellect, you have to us. intellect. Even to talk about Tao, you have to take the help of the intellect, you have to lean on intellect. How can Tao be against intellect. reason? The only thing that Tao wants you to understand is that life is more than reason, vaster than ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,065 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nt that even when you have to talk about something which is not within intellect, you have to us. intellect. Even to talk about Tao, you have to take the help of the intellect, you have to lean on intellect. How can Tao be against intellect. reason? The only thing that Tao wants you to understand is that life is more than reason, vaster than reason. Reason covers a small space, but that is not the boundary of the totality. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,066 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ch is not within intellect, you have to us. intellect. Even to talk about Tao, you have to take the help of the intellect, you have to lean on intellect. How can Tao be against intellect. reason? The only thing that Tao wants you to understand is that life is more than reason, vaster than reason. Reason covers a small space, but that is not the boundary of the totality. Lao Tzu is big and Confucius can be includ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,067 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...overs a small space, but that is not the boundary of the totality. Lao Tzu is big and Confucius can be included in him, but Confucius is very narrow and Lao Tzu cannot be included in him. Lao Tzu is Tao. Confucius is Torah. 'Torah' is a Hebrew word, but I like it because it goes well with Tao. Tao means love, Torah means law. In the word 'tarot' is the word 'torah'.'Tarot' comes from two words: TORAH ROTA; it me...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,068 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... is big and Confucius can be included in him, but Confucius is very narrow and Lao Tzu cannot be included in him. Lao Tzu is Tao. Confucius is Torah. 'Torah' is a Hebrew word, but I like it because it goes well with Tao. Tao means love, Torah means law. In the word 'tarot' is the word 'torah'.'Tarot' comes from two words: TORAH ROTA; it means the wheel of law, the rotating wheel of law. Torah means the law. Law is bound to be ri...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,069 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ig and Confucius can be included in him, but Confucius is very narrow and Lao Tzu cannot be included in him. Lao Tzu is Tao. Confucius is Torah. 'Torah' is a Hebrew word, but I like it because it goes well with Tao. Tao means love, Torah means law. In the word 'tarot' is the word 'torah'.'Tarot' comes from two words: TORAH ROTA; it means the wheel of law, the rotating wheel of law. Torah means the law. Law is bound to be rigid a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,070 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...fined; if it is not defined, it will not be of any use. The law has to have definitions, clear-cut boundaries, only then can it be of any use. That's where Jesus entered into the history of the Jews: he brought Tao into the world of Torah. Naturally he asked to be crucified -- it was only natural, because Torah cannot tolerate Tao. The law 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,071 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...en can it be of any use. That's where Jesus entered into the history of the Jews: he brought Tao into the world of Torah. Naturally he asked to be crucified -- it was only natural, because Torah cannot tolerate Tao. The law 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- and the law-oriented mind cannot al...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,072 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... will be very difficult, it will be very dangerous. One has to follow the law. But law is not life. One should remember that the law has to be used, has to be followed, and yet one has to remain available to Tao, the beyond. Tao should be the goal and Torah should become just a means. And Torah should not claim 'I am the whole'. Once Torah claims 'I am the whole', life becomes meaningless. Once logic claims 'I am the who...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,073 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...difficult, it will be very dangerous. One has to follow the law. But law is not life. One should remember that the law has to be used, has to be followed, and yet one has to remain available to Tao, the beyond. Tao should be the goal and Torah should become just a means. And Torah should not claim 'I am the whole'. Once Torah claims 'I am the whole', life becomes meaningless. Once logic claims 'I am the whole', life becomes...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,074 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ed to the lowest denominator. Then love is nothing but chemistry -- a hormonal thing. Then everything can be reduced to the lowest, then the lotus is nothing but mud. One should remain available for Tao; following Torah, one should remain open to Tao. In fact, Torah is right only if it leads you in the direction of Tao. Law is really right if it leads you towards love. If it goes against love, then that law is i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,075 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ove is nothing but chemistry -- a hormonal thing. Then everything can be reduced to the lowest, then the lotus is nothing but mud. One should remain available for Tao; following Torah, one should remain open to Tao. In fact, Torah is right only if it leads you in the direction of Tao. Law is really right if it leads you towards love. If it goes against love, then that law is illegal. For example, the law sa...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,076 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... reduced to the lowest, then the lotus is nothing but mud. One should remain available for Tao; following Torah, one should remain open to Tao. In fact, Torah is right only if it leads you in the direction of Tao. Law is really right if it leads you towards love. If it goes against love, then that law is illegal. For example, the law says that you should make love only to your wife. Good, if you love the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,077 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s love not law. And if you can manage to get married to the woman, it becomes law also -- but it is not against love. A wise man will see that his life always uses the law for love. Torah is a stepping stone towards Tao. This ashram, naturally, has to be run according to Confucius, but Confucius here is in the service of Lao Tzu. You see this mad man here? Confucius is in the service of Lao Tzu: Torah in service of ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,078 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... This ashram, naturally, has to be run according to Confucius, but Confucius here is in the service of Lao Tzu. You see this mad man here? Confucius is in the service of Lao Tzu: Torah in service of Tao. Then there is no problem. Vice versa, then things go wrong; then you are standing on your head and something has to be done immediately. YESTERDAY, ALTHOUGH SITTING IN AN UNCOMFORTABLE POSITION, I SLEPT D...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,079 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ing you, in destroying you, so that a new being is born, so that a resurrection becomes possible. I am a cross to you, so that I can also become a resurrection to you. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 1 Chapter #7 Chapter title: Choose the new 17 February 1977 am in Buddha Hall Archive cod...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,080 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... has not left his mark on history; Nadir Shah. Alexander. Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin. Mao they have left their marks on history. Mao was a Confucian. he believed in Confucius and he tried hard to destroy all Taoist possibilities and potentialities in China. He destroyed many Taoist monasteries, he wanted to uproot them completely. Why -- because they don't teach any struggle. If you don't teach any struggle. how can you ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,081 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin. Mao they have left their marks on history. Mao was a Confucian. he believed in Confucius and he tried hard to destroy all Taoist possibilities and potentialities in China. He destroyed many Taoist monasteries, he wanted to uproot them completely. Why -- because they don't teach any struggle. If you don't teach any struggle. how can you teach revolution? The attitude of Tao is of cooperat...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,082 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...He destroyed many Taoist monasteries, he wanted to uproot them completely. Why -- because they don't teach any struggle. If you don't teach any struggle. how can you teach revolution? The attitude of Tao is of cooperation, not conflict. The attitude of Tao is not to be against nature but to be with it, to allow nature, to let it have its way, to cooperate with it. to go with it. The attitude of Tao is of great re...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,083 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... to uproot them completely. Why -- because they don't teach any struggle. If you don't teach any struggle. how can you teach revolution? The attitude of Tao is of cooperation, not conflict. The attitude of Tao is not to be against nature but to be with it, to allow nature, to let it have its way, to cooperate with it. to go with it. The attitude of Tao is of great relaxation. Remember, it is not Or inac...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,084 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... The attitude of Tao is of cooperation, not conflict. The attitude of Tao is not to be against nature but to be with it, to allow nature, to let it have its way, to cooperate with it. to go with it. The attitude of Tao is of great relaxation. Remember, it is not Or inactivity. It is neither of activity nor of inactivity; it is transcendental. The Taoist word is WU WEI: it means action through inaction. That is the goal of T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,085 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ave its way, to cooperate with it. to go with it. The attitude of Tao is of great relaxation. Remember, it is not Or inactivity. It is neither of activity nor of inactivity; it is transcendental. The Taoist word is WU WEI: it means action through inaction. That is the goal of Tao: Do. but don't be the doer. Act, but let Tao act through you -- simply be cooperative. Then, through Tao, you can be restful IN LIFE. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,086 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Tao is of great relaxation. Remember, it is not Or inactivity. It is neither of activity nor of inactivity; it is transcendental. The Taoist word is WU WEI: it means action through inaction. That is the goal of Tao: Do. but don't be the doer. Act, but let Tao act through you -- simply be cooperative. Then, through Tao, you can be restful IN LIFE. But how you can be restful with Confucius? He's right: he says...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,087 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... is not Or inactivity. It is neither of activity nor of inactivity; it is transcendental. The Taoist word is WU WEI: it means action through inaction. That is the goal of Tao: Do. but don't be the doer. Act, but let Tao act through you -- simply be cooperative. Then, through Tao, you can be restful IN LIFE. But how you can be restful with Confucius? He's right: he says that as far as his philosophy is concerned,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,088 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...tivity; it is transcendental. The Taoist word is WU WEI: it means action through inaction. That is the goal of Tao: Do. but don't be the doer. Act, but let Tao act through you -- simply be cooperative. Then, through Tao, you can be restful IN LIFE. But how you can be restful with Confucius? He's right: he says that as far as his philosophy is concerned, 10/28/07 Cop...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,089 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... at the stars. They are very selfish -- they shine for themselves; they don't sacrifice. Otherwise, the whole existence would become ugly and dark. Selfishness is natural. And the self that I am teaching you is what Tao is: your nature. Listen to it, follow it. Your nature is saying to you 'Be happy.' If this Tzu Kung had asked Lao Tzu, he would have said 'Great congratulations. You are tired of study? Very good....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,090 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...tion 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- children would be able not only to forgive, they would be able to love, they would be able to be grateful. Once Tao is understood, the whole business of psychoanalysis will disappear, because the whole business of psychoanalysis depends on the fact that you cannot forgive your mother and your father. Lying on the couch of a ps...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,091 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ou cannot forgive your mother and your father. Lying on the couch of a psychoanalyst, what do you do? You just rage against your mother and your father. What do you do in primal therapy? Janov will be meaningless if Tao is understood. What do you do when you kick and scream in Primal Therapy? Whom are you kicking? Your mother and father. Whom are you screaming at? Your mother and your father. If you listen to a p...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,092 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- all -- he simply lives through his innermost core -- who follows his Tao. If society fits with that inner Tao, good, he goes with the society; he is not reactionary. If the society does not fit with his inner Tao, he goes alone. He is not a traditional. conventional, straight person. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,093 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...o International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- all -- he simply lives through his innermost core -- who follows his Tao. If society fits with that inner Tao, good, he goes with the society; he is not reactionary. If the society does not fit with his inner Tao, he goes alone. He is not a traditional. conventional, straight person. His criterion is his inner soul. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,094 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... all -- he simply lives through his innermost core -- who follows his Tao. If society fits with that inner Tao, good, he goes with the society; he is not reactionary. If the society does not fit with his inner Tao, he goes alone. He is not a traditional. conventional, straight person. His criterion is his inner soul. 'Gentleman' means one who has been persuaded by the society to sell his authentic being and to ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,095 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... And remember this too: Confucius is always comparative. He always creates this distinction between the gentleman and the mean man, the superior and the inferior, the extraordinary and the ordinary. Tao says: Nobody is superior and nobody is inferior; nobody is great and nobody is mean, because we belong to one reality, to one Tao. How can we be mean or superior or inferior? That is impossible -- we are made of ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,096 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... and the mean man, the superior and the inferior, the extraordinary and the ordinary. Tao says: Nobody is superior and nobody is inferior; nobody is great and nobody is mean, because we belong to one reality, to one Tao. How can we be mean or superior or inferior? That is impossible -- we are made of the same stuff. It is God that pulsates in you, it is God that pulsates in me, it is God that pulsates in the trees and in the roc...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,097 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...bout Lao Tzu's teaching. The teaching is so utterly different, so utterly true, so utterly amoral, so utterly rebellious and so utterly individual. It believes in no man-made laws, only in nature. Trust in nature is Tao. And Lao Tzu says: You can rest in life, because even while you are walking you can remain unmoving. Your innermost centre can remain unmoving; you can become the centre of the cyclone. The wheel ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,098 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... your remains far away. You touch the earth and yet something in you remains high in the skies. Confucian life will be a very ordinary life, very logical, mathematical, classified, but very ordinary. Taoist life is really extraordinary, very rich, because it contains the negative and the positive both, the yin and yang both, conflict and cooperation both, love and hate both, life and death both. A...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,099 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...tivity in it, it will create neurosis -- obsessive action. Inactivity is good, but if there is no activity in it, it will be a sort of death, a lethargy, a dullness. Both are good, the whole is good. Tao says: The whole is good. Don't choose. Let it be as it is. As it is, it is a wise arrangement. There cannot be a better world than this. There is no possibility of any improvement. You accept both, and through th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,100 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...l; then discomfort is good, beneficial. But always remember one thing: Go on growing. Don't become a rut. Don't start moving in the same vicious circle again and again and again. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 1 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,101 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...NOW, AND BY PROFESSION BE A PSYCHOTHERAPIST? WHAT, OR HOW, IS A TAO WAY OF DOING THERAPY? It is from Poonam. It is of tremendous significance. The first thing: 'Can one believe in Tao...?' Tao does not depend on belief. You cannot believe in it. Tao knows no belief system. It does not say 'Believe.' That's what other religions do. Tao is the dropping of all belief systems. Then arises a ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,102 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...N BE A PSYCHOTHERAPIST? WHAT, OR HOW, IS A TAO WAY OF DOING THERAPY? It is from Poonam. It is of tremendous significance. The first thing: 'Can one believe in Tao...?' Tao does not depend on belief. You cannot believe in it. Tao knows no belief system. It does not say 'Believe.' That's what other religions do. Tao is the dropping of all belief systems. Then arises a totally new kin...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,103 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... WAY OF DOING THERAPY? It is from Poonam. It is of tremendous significance. The first thing: 'Can one believe in Tao...?' Tao does not depend on belief. You cannot believe in it. Tao knows no belief system. It does not say 'Believe.' That's what other religions do. Tao is the dropping of all belief systems. Then arises a totally new kind of trust -- trust in life. Belief means believing in co...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,104 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...significance. The first thing: 'Can one believe in Tao...?' Tao does not depend on belief. You cannot believe in it. Tao knows no belief system. It does not say 'Believe.' That's what other religions do. Tao is the dropping of all belief systems. Then arises a totally new kind of trust -- trust in life. Belief means believing in concepts. Concepts are ABOUT life. Trust is not concerned with concepts. Trust is immedia...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,105 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... in concepts. Concepts are ABOUT life. Trust is not concerned with concepts. Trust is immediate, direct, in life; it is not about life. Belief is far away from life. The stronger the belief, the greater the barrier. Tao is neither a belief nor a disbelief but the dropping of all beliefs and disbeliefs. When you drop all beliefs and disbeliefs and you are immediate, in contact with life, a trust arises, a great 'yes' arises in yo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,106 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...disbeliefs and you are immediate, in contact with life, a trust arises, a great 'yes' arises in your being. That 'yes' transforms, transforms totally. So the first thing you ask: 'Can one believe in Tao...?' No, it is not a belief. Don't approach through the door of belief otherwise you will reach into a philosophy, into a religion, into a church, into a dogma, but you will never reach into life. Life simply is....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,107 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...verbalisations, it reveals to you; everything becomes so crystal clear, so transparent. In that transparency you are not separate from it how can you believe in it or disbelieve in it? YOU ARE IT. That is the way of Tao: to become Tao. The second thing: 'Can one believe in Tao, not interfering with other people's lives...?' Once you have stopped interfering with your own life, you have stopped interfering with others' lives...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,108 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... it reveals to you; everything becomes so crystal clear, so transparent. In that transparency you are not separate from it how can you believe in it or disbelieve in it? YOU ARE IT. That is the way of Tao: to become Tao. The second thing: 'Can one believe in Tao, not interfering with other people's lives...?' Once you have stopped interfering with your own life, you have stopped interfering with others' lives. If you ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,109 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... transparent. In that transparency you are not separate from it how can you believe in it or disbelieve in it? YOU ARE IT. That is the way of Tao: to become Tao. The second thing: 'Can one believe in Tao, not interfering with other people's lives...?' Once you have stopped interfering with your own life, you have stopped interfering with others' lives. If you continue to interfere with your own life, you are boun...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,110 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...uld live a simple, ordinary life; one should allow God to do whatsoever he wants. If he wants you to be this way, good. If he wants you to be that way, good. Let his kingdom come, let HIS will be done -- that is the Taoist attitude. Then there is no interference. When there is no ideal there is no interference. And once you enjoy the freedom that comes when you don't have any ideals, how can you interfere in anybody's life? ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,111 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... centre, because it is only in love that one becomes centred. Their illness is not the real problem; the real problem is that deep down they have never been loved, that they have never known the milieu of love. So a Taoist therapist will simply give his love, his understanding, his vision. He will share his energy and he will not in any way interfere. And the healing is going to happen. Healing will happen, not by any effor...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,112 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ns, in love, 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- have become vehicles of God, for Tao. Somebody can be a therapist. Tao is not against therapy, but the therapy will have a different quality. It will be WU WEI; it will be action in inaction, it will be feminine. It will not be aggressive, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,113 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- have become vehicles of God, for Tao. Somebody can be a therapist. Tao is not against therapy, but the therapy will have a different quality. It will be WU WEI; it will be action in inaction, it will be feminine. It will not be aggressive, it will not force the patient to be healed;...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,114 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... go to the temple to renew your contact with God. To renew your contact with God because he is the source of healing and health and wholeness. Yes, a person can be a psychotherapist. In fact, only a Taoist can be an authentically real psychotherapist. But he will not be the doer. He will be just a vehicle, a medium. I IMAGINE YOU CAN TALK ABOUT ALL THE 'TRAPS' OF GROWTH BECAUSE YOU EXPERI...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,115 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... CONCEPTS? The real cannot be talked about. The moment you talk about the real it becomes an abstract concept. The moment something is expressed it becomes a concept. That's why Lao Tzu says The Tao that can be talked about is no longer Tao. The truth that can be uttered becomes a lie. The real cannot be talked about, the real can only be experienced. And it is good that the real cannot be talked about, othe...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,116 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...annot be talked about. The moment you talk about the real it becomes an abstract concept. The moment something is expressed it becomes a concept. That's why Lao Tzu says The Tao that can be talked about is no longer Tao. The truth that can be uttered becomes a lie. The real cannot be talked about, the real can only be experienced. And it is good that the real cannot be talked about, otherwise people would simply gather words abo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,117 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... are blocking the path. The whole approach has to be understood, and that's what I go on doing while I am talking. You may be surprised because for all of these few days I have not been talking about Tao, rather I have been criticising Confucius. He is the trap; he has to be broken, demolished completely, with no compassion. He has to be smashed to pieces and bits, and thrown. Once Confucius is gone. Lao Tzu ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,118 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...faster you go, the further away you will reach -- far away from enlightenment. It is not a question of reaching, it is not a question of arriving -- you have to simply slow down. And thats what the whole teaching of Tao is, and my teaching too. Slow down. Relax. Forget ideals. Forget that there is any future. Let this moment be all. Relax. Enjoy the small things of life, so that you are not going, so that you are not always ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,119 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... grew up and I practised for it. AND THE THIRD: WHAT DO YOU SAY ABOUT DRINKING? A difficult question -- don't take it seriously. A drink in time is fine. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 1 Chapter #9 Chapter title: Only forgotten 19 February 1977 am in Buddha Hall 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,120 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... cannot be otherwise because existence is a universe, it is not a `multiverse'. It is one. It is glued together. It is a togetherness. It is a cosmos. That which keeps the universe together is what we call truth, or Tao, or God. Tao is not a person, neither is god a person, but the unity that runs through everything, like a thread running through a garland. The universe is not a heap of things, separate, individual, like islands...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,121 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...herwise because existence is a universe, it is not a `multiverse'. It is one. It is glued together. It is a togetherness. It is a cosmos. That which keeps the universe together is what we call truth, or Tao, or God. Tao is not a person, neither is god a person, but the unity that runs through everything, like a thread running through a garland. The universe is not a heap of things, separate, individual, like islands. No, the uni...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,122 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... garland. The universe is not a heap of things, separate, individual, like islands. No, the universe is one, together, and sometimes keeps it together... it is not falling apart. That which keeps it together is God, Tao. But man can approach through two ways towards this truth. Those two ways have to be understood. Truth is one but the paths are two. Thew first path is VIA AFFIRMATIVA, the positive path, the `y...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,123 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...lp, meditation is not talked about at all. That's why in Christianity, in Islam, in Judaism, in Hinduism, meditation has not been developed. Meditation has been developed utterly by the Buddhists and the Taoists -- that is their secret key. You can divide all the religions into two: Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity -- all are on the path of VIA AFFIRMATIVA. Buddhism and Tao -- they are basically negative, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,124 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...y the Buddhists and the Taoists -- that is their secret key. You can divide all the religions into two: Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity -- all are on the path of VIA AFFIRMATIVA. Buddhism and Tao -- they are basically negative, on the path of VIA NEGATIVA. Hinduism and Islam have flowered to their utmost in Sufism. That is the meeting of the Hindu and the Mohammedan and a really beautiful flower has come ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,125 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ranscended both the parents. The child is more beautiful than the mother and the father -- has to be, because both mother and father have dissolved into it. So Sufism is the peak of the affirmative. And Buddhism and Taoism met and gave birth to Zen: that is the optimum on the path of meditation. Again more beautiful than Buddhism and Taoism, better than both the parents: again a crossbreeding. The meeting of Isl...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,126 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... have dissolved into it. So Sufism is the peak of the affirmative. And Buddhism and Taoism met and gave birth to Zen: that is the optimum on the path of meditation. Again more beautiful than Buddhism and Taoism, better than both the parents: again a crossbreeding. The meeting of Islam and Hinduism happened in India. Islam came to India, met with Hinduism and a beautiful child was born. The meeting of Taoism and ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,127 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Taoism, better than both the parents: again a crossbreeding. The meeting of Islam and Hinduism happened in India. Islam came to India, met with Hinduism and a beautiful child was born. The meeting of Taoism and Buddhism happened in China. Buddhism went to China, met with Taoism and a beautiful child, Zen, was born. If everything disappears from the world and only two things can be retained, Sufism and Zen, nothin...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,128 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... The meeting of Islam and Hinduism happened in India. Islam came to India, met with Hinduism and a beautiful child was born. The meeting of Taoism and Buddhism happened in China. Buddhism went to China, met with Taoism and a beautiful child, Zen, was born. If everything disappears from the world and only two things can be retained, Sufism and Zen, nothing will be lost. They are the highest crescendos, but of two different pa...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,129 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...MEONE ASKED LIEH TZU 'WHY DO YOU VALUE EMPTINESS? IN EMPTINESS THERE IS NO VALUING.' Naturally, what value can emptiness have? It is condemned all over the world. Except for the Taoists and the Buddhists, nobody understands what emptiness is -- it is condemned. In the West you say 'The empty mind is the devil's workshop.' Now what more of a condemnation can there be? Devil's workshop? -- the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,130 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ists, nobody understands what emptiness is -- it is condemned. In the West you say 'The empty mind is the devil's workshop.' Now what more of a condemnation can there be? Devil's workshop? -- the empty mind? And the Taoists and the Buddhists say that the empty mind is the goal. When you are totally empty, God comes in. The devil can exist only with an active mind, never with an inactive mind. The devil can exist ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,131 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...tiness within? When you go to the well to draw water and you bring water home, what do you use? The emptiness of the earthen pot. That emptiness is valuable and that emptiness is not created by you. Taoists say: That which is not created by man is valuable. That which is created may have a relative value, a market value, but really it is not valuable: it has no value. A man-made thing is a commodity. Of course i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,132 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e reduced to being a thing, the more your freedom is lost. If you can die as if nothing had happened, if you disappear from the world and not even a trace is left, then.... It happened that a great Taoist died and Lieh Tzu went to show his respect, but there had gathered thousands of people. He was puzzled, and without paying his respects to the dead man and his dead body, he came back. A few people followed hi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,133 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...o the dead man and his dead body, he came back. A few people followed him and they said 'Why? You had come to pay your respects -- why are you going back?' He said 'This man cannot have been a man of Tao. So many people are crying and weeping, somehow he must have become indispensable to their lives. He must have proved of some use, otherwise why are these people crying and weeping as if their father had died or ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,134 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...children -- you love them. Love has no value. Your work has value, but finally all that has value comes at the feet of that which is valueless, or invaluable. Remember, the goal cannot have any value. That's why Taoists say that life has no purpose. It shocks people. One day a man came to me and he said 'What is the purpose of life'? And I said 'There is no purpose. Life simply is.' He was not...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,135 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... TAKING AND GIVING, WE LOSE THE PLACE.' 'BEST BE STILL...'. Now, rather than answering what a value is or why emptiness is a value, the insistence of Lieh Tzu is on experience. The Taoist approach is basically existential. They don't believe in abstract speculations and concepts. They say: You can experience it, so why borrow second-hand knowledge? In fact, God can never be second-hand; he has ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,136 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ve to come to your own God. Of course when you have come, you will find that my God and your God are the same, but you will have to come to it on your own; it has to bloom in your own being. There is a Taoist story: Duke Huan, seated above in his hall was once reading a book, and the wheelwright P'ien was making a wheel below it. Laying aside his hammer and chisel, P'ien went up the steps and said 'I ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,137 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... It cannot be conveyed when the sage is alive, so how can it be conveyed when the sage has been gone for centuries? You are just wasting your time, sir' he said. 'This is all rubbish.' This old man is a man of Tao. Taoists have beautiful parables like these: an ordinary man, a poor man, a wheelwright -- nobody knows about him, but he has an insight. The whole approach of Taoism is that only experience can give you the clue...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,138 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...annot be conveyed when the sage is alive, so how can it be conveyed when the sage has been gone for centuries? You are just wasting your time, sir' he said. 'This is all rubbish.' This old man is a man of Tao. Taoists have beautiful parables like these: an ordinary man, a poor man, a wheelwright -- nobody knows about him, but he has an insight. The whole approach of Taoism is that only experience can give you the clue. Que...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,139 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ubbish.' This old man is a man of Tao. Taoists have beautiful parables like these: an ordinary man, a poor man, a wheelwright -- nobody knows about him, but he has an insight. The whole approach of Taoism is that only experience can give you the clue. Questions can be asked, questions can be answered, but they are of no ultimate value. You have to eat to know the taste, you have to love to know what love is. Th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,140 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ng new servants; you can go on killing the old, he will supply new ones. Thoughts never stop on their own. They stop only when the desiring mind disappears. That is the meaning of BEST BE STILL...'. That is the Taoist way of saying: Be desireless. Hence they say: Even the desire to know God, to reach God, is a barrier. Just be still, with no desire, as if nothing has to be done, as if nothing is going to happen. Be absolute...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,141 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...to breathe, in what rhythm stillness will be easier, whether to close the eyes completely or just to look at the tip of your nose. He will give you indications, hints, he will supply you with a map. Taoists don't have any maps. They say: If you try a particular posture and you look at your nose and you breathe in a certain way, you will impose a certain stillness which is not true. It is cultivated, it is a prac...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,142 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s nothing to do with any practice. The true stillness does not come out of exercise. The true stillness comes out of understanding the understanding that desire is futile. Try to understand this. In Tao there are no exercises. They don't have anything like Patanjali's YOGA SUTRAS They don't have the 'eight limbs of Yoga'. They don't tell you what posture, what discipline, what type of morality... what to eat, wh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,143 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...do the bodily part, and the mind part lingers with it. He is not feeling happy, but he has to do the bodily part; he shows happiness, and a sort of happiness follows at the back of it. Body and mind go together. Taoists say this has to be understood, otherwise you will create a false stillness. The stillness that is created by body posture is not the real stillness; it is a trick. It is almost as chemical as when you take a ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,144 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... have lost vitality. And when they become afraid of food, then they cannot eat well, because the moment they eat well, immediately the energy is supplied to the sex organs and again sexuality arises. Tao is a totally different approach. It does not say to cultivate, it says to understand. 'BEST BE STILL...' Through understanding. Through awareness. '... BEST BE EMPTY. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,145 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... away this very moment, who will you be? If this very moment, by some miracle, your past can be dropped, who will you be? You will not know who you are. So whatsoever you are, is your past. And by emptiness Taoists mean: drop the past. That's what I mean when I give you sannyas. You ask me 'What is sannyas?' It has a thousand and one meanings. One of the most important meanings is dropping out of the past, getting o...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,146 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...SS AND EMPTINESS, WE FIND WHERE TO ABIDE...' In emptiness is your home. You become a temple, a shrine. In that emptiness burns the flame of your consciousness, and that flame is that of God, of Tao. This is VIA NEGATIVA. 'TAKING AND GIVING WE LOSE THE PLACE.' The moment you start taking and giving -- do this, don't do that, relate, connect, with people -- you lose your pla...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,147 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ght to be afraid, but if it becomes a habit and the fear becomes ingrained, then it is dangerous. That danger has happened in the past in the East. Many people became afraid of relating: Buddhists escaped from life, Taoists escaped to the Himalayas or to the mountains so as not to be in contact because, 'TAKING AND GIVING, WE LOSE THE PLACE.' But that is not the meaning of Lieh Tzu. He says...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,148 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... shines in a cloudless sky. Then you have come to your inner paradise. Hell and heaven are both within. Hell is just your circumference, heaven is your very centre. You are the centre of the cyclone. Tao says that nothing really has to be done. One has just to penetrate into one's own being. I have come across a very beautiful parable. The parable is by Ken Reed. Listen to it very attentively a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,149 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... that has to be done is that you have to remember who you are. Forgetfulness is the world, remembrance is God. To forget is to be lost. To remember is to be back home. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 1 Chapter #10 Chapter title: You are blessed 20 February 1977 am in Buddha Hall Archive co...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,150 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...oss, fragrance is subtle. A flower is visible, fragrance is invisible. A flower is material, fragrance is simply spiritual. That's what I am doing here trying to bring together all the flowers of Tantra, of Yoga, of Tao, of Sufism, of Zen, of Hasidism, Jews, Moslems. Hindus, Buddhists. Jains-l am trying to bring together all the fragrances that have been released down the centuries. This is a great experiment which has never bee...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,151 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... the common cold is good -- you can depend on it, it never kills anybody, it has never killed anybody. But never choose cancer, and that is the greater possibility. Now she asks 'The danger of your talks on Taoism is that there are a lot of lazy, irresponsible people...'. The first thing: the moment you start thinking about others you are getting into an ego-trip. Who are you to think about others and th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,152 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... interfere? Anand Prem has a do-gooder in her being; she is very worried about others -- that is a dangerous thing. And of course she is condemnatory. This question has a condemnation: 'The danger of your talks on Taoism is that there a lot of lazy, irresponsible people around who rationalise their bad habits by claiming to be inactive Taoists.' Who are you to tell them that their habits are bad? Laziness is a better habit...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,153 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... course she is condemnatory. This question has a condemnation: 'The danger of your talks on Taoism is that there a lot of lazy, irresponsible people around who rationalise their bad habits by claiming to be inactive Taoists.' Who are you to tell them that their habits are bad? Laziness is a better habit than to be obsessed by activity. To be obsessed by activity is madness. 10/28/07 Copyr...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,154 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... the Super Chief. Anand Prem is in search and it is impossible for her, the way she looks at things with such condemnation, to find anybody whom she can love. 'Please clarify the difference between a Taoist and a lazy escapist.' There is not much, and if there is, it is so inner that only the person will know -- you will never be able to judge from the outside. Look at me. I am also a lazy person. Have you se...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,155 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...on will know -- you will never be able to judge from the outside. Look at me. I am also a lazy person. Have you seen me doing anything, ever? It is very difficult from the outside to know. And I love lazy persons... Taoists or not; I love lazy persons because out of lazy persons never any Adolf Hitler is born, never any Genghis Khan, never any Tamburlaine. Lazy people have silently lived their lives and disappeared, without ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,156 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... disappeared, without leaving any trace on history, without contaminating humanity. They have not polluted consciousness. They were here as if they were not. To be lazy and aware... and you have become a Taoist. It does not mean that you become inactive. It simply means that the obsessive activity disappears. It simply means that you have become capable of not-doing too. It is said about a Zen Master that a per...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,157 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... he is so capable... SO CAPABLE that he is capable of not doing them too.' 'Not doing them too.' See the beauty of it. He is 'so capable... SO CAPABLE... of not doing them too.' A Taoist is a man who does only that which is absolutely necessary. His life is almost like a telegram. When you go to the Post Office you don't write a long letter when you are giving a telegraphic message. You go on ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,158 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...u will never write only ten words. And have you watched the thing? A telegram is more expressive than all letters. It says much more in very few words. The unnecessary is dropped, only the most necessary is there. A Taoist is telegraphic, his life is like a telegram. The obsessive, the unnecessary, the feverish, has been dropped. He does only that which is absolutely necessary. And let me tell you that the absolutely necessary i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,159 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...is like a telegram. The obsessive, the unnecessary, the feverish, has been dropped. He does only that which is absolutely necessary. And let me tell you that the absolutely necessary is so little that you will see a Taoist almost as if he were lazy. But remember, I am not praising laziness. I am simply condemning the egoistic attitude. Against 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Found...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,160 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... lazy. To be REALLY lazy means not to be inactive, but to be so full of energy that you are a reservoir of energy. Lazy as far as the world is concerned, but tremendously dynamic inside, not dull. A Taoist is lazy from the outside; from the inside he has become a river-like phenomenon, he is continuously flowing towards the ocean. He has dropped many activities because they were unnecessarily leaking his energy....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,161 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... YOU SAID TODAY 'ASK A BUDDHA WHY HE IS HAPPY AND HE WILL SHRUG HIS SHOULDERS.' PLEASE, OSHO, WHY ARE YOU HAPPY? I will not even shrug my shoulders. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 1 Chapter #11 Chapter title: Reality... That which works 21 February 1977 am in Buddha Hall Archive c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,162 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...WITH THE ANSWER. Now, go slowly into this parable step by step. First: A MAN CAME OUT FROM WITHIN A STONE CLIFF; RISING AND FALLING, WITH THE SMOKE AND ASHES. This is a Taoist attitude that if you move, flow with life without any resistance, without any effort, without any direction of your own; if you follow life wherever it leads like a dry leaf in the wind.... The wind goes to th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,163 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... and direction are by-products of the ego. You want to be somebody, you want to reach somewhere, you want to prove something. you want to do something, you want to swim against the current, then you are not a man of Tao. Don't swim at all. There is no question of going against the current, but just going with the river wherever it leads. Not pushing, not pulling, not trying to manipulate life, but just rising and falling with it...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,164 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...he river wherever it leads. Not pushing, not pulling, not trying to manipulate life, but just rising and falling with it, then you are dissolved. Then how can anything harm you'? Have you watched it? Taoists go on telling these stories again and again. You may have watched it happening many times -- a drunkard falls on the road, but is not hurt; you fall and you break a few bones. What happens? Why has the drunka...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,165 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...d bring him. But he was never hurt! And in the morning he was as fresh as ever again rushing to the office, and in the evening again the same story. Watching him, one thing became absolutely certain: Taoists are right, because when he fell he was unselfconscious. When he fell, he simply fell, he was not resisting. When you fall, you don't simply fall, you try to protect, you become hard, you resist. In that very ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,166 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...you become hard, you resist. In that very resistance is danger. When you are hard your bones are bound to break. Not because the earth is going to hurt you, your own resistance hurts you. Out of this Taoist attitude have arisen many arts in the Far East: aikido, jujitsu, and others. The approach is to be relaxed. Even if the enemy hurts you, absorb it rather than fight with it, and you will not be hurt -- difficu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,167 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...at art. To persuade yourself not to become hard when somebody is striking you is difficult because we have been trained for centuries to protect, to fight, to struggle, to make effort to survive. The Taoist attitude is to go with life, to go all the way, to go without any conditions. Wherever it leads, go with it. Trust life so tremendously that you don't fear, that you don't have any fear of life. You come from ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,168 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ooperation with nature. The growth comes through harmony, through harmonious cooperation. The growth comes not as a conquest, but as a surrender. That's the difference between other religions and the Taoists. The other religions emphasise the will too much, and Taoists say: Will is really the calamity. Surrender. One should become as will-less as possible. The moment you are will-less, then there is no problem: a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,169 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ugh harmonious cooperation. The growth comes not as a conquest, but as a surrender. That's the difference between other religions and the Taoists. The other religions emphasise the will too much, and Taoists say: Will is really the calamity. Surrender. One should become as will-less as possible. The moment you are will-less, then there is no problem: all blocks removed... and deep inside you the superhuman rises ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,170 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... what way, you create trouble for me, because I attained it only when I had dropped all the ways.' And that is one of the greatest insights ever, and that is one of the very fundamental things of the Taoist approach towards life. Never ask 'By what way?' If you ask, you ask a wrong question. And there is a possibility that some foolish person may answer. Fools are all around. If you ask a foolish question, you ar...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,171 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... will. You know the proverb 'Where there's a will, there's a way.' Let me say to you: Where there's a way, there's a will. The way comes out of the will. The way is nothing but will translated practically into life. Tao has no way, because Tao has no will. Will means struggle, will means fight. All ways are ways of struggle. Tao is a pathless path -- no way -- things are good as they are. There is nowhere to go, so what is the p...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,172 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...erb 'Where there's a will, there's a way.' Let me say to you: Where there's a way, there's a will. The way comes out of the will. The way is nothing but will translated practically into life. Tao has no way, because Tao has no will. Will means struggle, will means fight. All ways are ways of struggle. Tao is a pathless path -- no way -- things are good as they are. There is nowhere to go, so what is the point of any way'? One ha...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,173 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e's a will. The way comes out of the will. The way is nothing but will translated practically into life. Tao has no way, because Tao has no will. Will means struggle, will means fight. All ways are ways of struggle. Tao is a pathless path -- no way -- things are good as they are. There is nowhere to go, so what is the point of any way'? One has simply to relax and be here-now. And remember, relaxation is not a way that you have ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,174 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [.... He can make great efforts to become sane -- he will become more insane. He is insane because he is tense. Now you are giving him another goal to become more tense about, even more. There is no way. Tao says: Drop all ways. All ways are mind-inventions. All ways are man-fabricated. Tao is when there is no way, no will. When you are not going anywhere -- no goal to achieve, nothing to become, nowhere to arrive --...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,175 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [.... He is insane because he is tense. Now you are giving him another goal to become more tense about, even more. There is no way. Tao says: Drop all ways. All ways are mind-inventions. All ways are man-fabricated. Tao is when there is no way, no will. When you are not going anywhere -- no goal to achieve, nothing to become, nowhere to arrive -- then what will you do'? You will simply plop, you will relax into exist...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,176 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ND WENT THROUGH FIRE. 'WHAT ARE THESE THINGS YOU CALL STONE AND FIRE?' That is innocence. He does not know what stone is and what fire is; he must be a very childlike man. This is the idea, the Taoist idea, that a man should be so innocent -- 'the cloud of unknowing'. 'WHAT ARE THESE THINGS YOU CALL STONE AND FIRE?' SAID THE MAN. 'THE THING YOU HAVE JUST COME OUT FROM WAS STONE, THE THING YOU HAVE J...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,177 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...real greatness is so ordinary that it claims nothing; it is so ordinary that it never tries to prove anything. 'MY MASTER IS ONE WHO, THOUGH ABLE TO DO IT, IS ABLE NOT TO DO IT.' This is the Taoist concept of the real Master: real Masters have never done miracles. In the West, Christians go on trying to prove that Jesus did miracles. If you ask Taoists, Buddhists, they will laugh. They will say these...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,178 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...LE TO DO IT, IS ABLE NOT TO DO IT.' This is the Taoist concept of the real Master: real Masters have never done miracles. In the West, Christians go on trying to prove that Jesus did miracles. If you ask Taoists, Buddhists, they will laugh. They will say these people are insulting Jesus. If it is true that he did miracles then it simply proves that he was not a real Master -- Buddha never did any miracles. But ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,179 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... knowledge, but through his experience, and there is a disciple, a receiving open heart -- wherever this rare opportunity arises, there is great lightening... enlightenment. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 1 Chapter #12 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,180 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Video: No Length: 110 mins THE PUNDIT IN TODAY'S STORY -- WAS HE NOT ALSO A BEAUTIFUL TAOIST? PERHAPS NOT REACHED THE OCEAN, BUT ON THE WAY? He can be called a Taoist, but not a man of Tao. Taoist in the sense that he believes that Tao is true, but not a man of Tao because his belief is unbased. It is not his own experience, it is not his own existential understanding; it i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,181 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Length: 110 mins THE PUNDIT IN TODAY'S STORY -- WAS HE NOT ALSO A BEAUTIFUL TAOIST? PERHAPS NOT REACHED THE OCEAN, BUT ON THE WAY? He can be called a Taoist, but not a man of Tao. Taoist in the sense that he believes that Tao is true, but not a man of Tao because his belief is unbased. It is not his own experience, it is not his own existential understanding; it is still knowledge, it is ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,182 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Length: 110 mins THE PUNDIT IN TODAY'S STORY -- WAS HE NOT ALSO A BEAUTIFUL TAOIST? PERHAPS NOT REACHED THE OCEAN, BUT ON THE WAY? He can be called a Taoist, but not a man of Tao. Taoist in the sense that he believes that Tao is true, but not a man of Tao because his belief is unbased. It is not his own experience, it is not his own existential understanding; it is still knowledge, it is not k...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,183 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...THE PUNDIT IN TODAY'S STORY -- WAS HE NOT ALSO A BEAUTIFUL TAOIST? PERHAPS NOT REACHED THE OCEAN, BUT ON THE WAY? He can be called a Taoist, but not a man of Tao. Taoist in the sense that he believes that Tao is true, but not a man of Tao because his belief is unbased. It is not his own experience, it is not his own existential understanding; it is still knowledge, it is not knowing. To be a Taoist is easy, it is ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,184 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ALSO A BEAUTIFUL TAOIST? PERHAPS NOT REACHED THE OCEAN, BUT ON THE WAY? He can be called a Taoist, but not a man of Tao. Taoist in the sense that he believes that Tao is true, but not a man of Tao because his belief is unbased. It is not his own experience, it is not his own existential understanding; it is still knowledge, it is not knowing. To be a Taoist is easy, it is very cheap: you can always borrow ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,185 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nse that he believes that Tao is true, but not a man of Tao because his belief is unbased. It is not his own experience, it is not his own existential understanding; it is still knowledge, it is not knowing. To be a Taoist is easy, it is very cheap: you can always borrow knowledge. To be a man of Tao is arduous, it needs guts. Sometimes you may be more impressed by a Taoist than a man of Tao, because the Taoist is ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,186 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...unbased. It is not his own experience, it is not his own existential understanding; it is still knowledge, it is not knowing. To be a Taoist is easy, it is very cheap: you can always borrow knowledge. To be a man of Tao is arduous, it needs guts. Sometimes you may be more impressed by a Taoist than a man of Tao, because the Taoist is understandable by your intellect. He has some affinity with you, he talks the same logic and...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,187 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...anding; it is still knowledge, it is not knowing. To be a Taoist is easy, it is very cheap: you can always borrow knowledge. To be a man of Tao is arduous, it needs guts. Sometimes you may be more impressed by a Taoist than a man of Tao, because the Taoist is understandable by your intellect. He has some affinity with you, he talks the same logic and the same language that you can understand. To understand the man of Tao may...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,188 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nowledge, it is not knowing. To be a Taoist is easy, it is very cheap: you can always borrow knowledge. To be a man of Tao is arduous, it needs guts. Sometimes you may be more impressed by a Taoist than a man of Tao, because the Taoist is understandable by your intellect. He has some affinity with you, he talks the same logic and the same language that you can understand. To understand the man of Tao may be difficult because...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,189 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ot knowing. To be a Taoist is easy, it is very cheap: you can always borrow knowledge. To be a man of Tao is arduous, it needs guts. Sometimes you may be more impressed by a Taoist than a man of Tao, because the Taoist is understandable by your intellect. He has some affinity with you, he talks the same logic and the same language that you can understand. To understand the man of Tao may be difficult because there is no ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,190 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...d by a Taoist than a man of Tao, because the Taoist is understandable by your intellect. He has some affinity with you, he talks the same logic and the same language that you can understand. To understand the man of Tao may be difficult because there is no bridge yet between you and him. He exists in a very transcendental world, in a totally different reality. He is part of a separate reality. If he is right, you are totally wro...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,191 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...be difficult because there is no bridge yet between you and him. He exists in a very transcendental world, in a totally different reality. He is part of a separate reality. If he is right, you are totally wrong. The Taoist can be right and he does not make you feel that you are totally wrong. The Taoist is in tune with you, not in tune with Tao. That is the meaning of the end of the story: THE MARQUIS WAS DELIGHTED... but not ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,192 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ry transcendental world, in a totally different reality. He is part of a separate reality. If he is right, you are totally wrong. The Taoist can be right and he does not make you feel that you are totally wrong. The Taoist is in tune with you, not in tune with Tao. That is the meaning of the end of the story: THE MARQUIS WAS DELIGHTED... but not enlightened. The answer was really beautiful, delicious, but it has ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,193 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... reality. He is part of a separate reality. If he is right, you are totally wrong. The Taoist can be right and he does not make you feel that you are totally wrong. The Taoist is in tune with you, not in tune with Tao. That is the meaning of the end of the story: THE MARQUIS WAS DELIGHTED... but not enlightened. The answer was really beautiful, delicious, but it has no nourishment in it. You can enjoy it, but y...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,194 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... empty gesture -- howsoever beautiful, but still an empty gesture. It is impotent, it is not creative. Yes, it can entertain you -- but that's all. So I can concede that the pundit, the scholar was a Taoist. He believed in the philosophy of Tao, but it was a philosophy, a dogma to be believed in. He has not lived it, he has not tasted it; it is not yet his heart. It has not happened to him. It is like a blind man...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,195 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...eautiful, but still an empty gesture. It is impotent, it is not creative. Yes, it can entertain you -- but that's all. So I can concede that the pundit, the scholar was a Taoist. He believed in the philosophy of Tao, but it was a philosophy, a dogma to be believed in. He has not lived it, he has not tasted it; it is not yet his heart. It has not happened to him. It is like a blind man who has heard many things about ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,196 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... the statement. I look into the being, into the experience, into knowing. What a person says is not very relevant... what he is, the being is relevant, not knowledge. So, I can concede that he was a Taoist and beautiful too, but all imitation; no real diamonds -- artificial. Artificial diamonds also can be beautiful -- at least, they can appear beautiful. Flowers of plastic can look beautiful, they can be made i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,197 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t they are not real. There is deception, fraud. The second thing: you ask 'Perhaps not reached the ocean, but on the way?' Then you have not understood me... whatsoever I have been saying here. Tao is a PATHLESS PATH. What does it mean? It means that the Way and the goal are one; if you are on the Way, you have arrived. That is the beauty of Tao: If you are on the Way, you have arrived home... because the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,198 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...you have not understood me... whatsoever I have been saying here. Tao is a PATHLESS PATH. What does it mean? It means that the Way and the goal are one; if you are on the Way, you have arrived. That is the beauty of Tao: If you are on the Way, you have arrived home... because the Way and the goal are not separate, the journey and the destiny are not separate -- the journey itself is the goal. That is the meaning of the word 'tao...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,199 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...: If you are on the Way, you have arrived home... because the Way and the goal are not separate, the journey and the destiny are not separate -- the journey itself is the goal. That is the meaning of the word 'tao'. Tao means THE WAY: the Way itself is the goal. THE MEANS is the end, there is no other end. Whatsoever you say looks logical, 'The man may be just on the way -- may not be yet enlightened, but on the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,200 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...r it is not, either you have arrived or you have not arrived, and between these two there is none. There are no mid-way stations. A man on the Way means a man in the ocean -- drowned, arrived, disappeared. As far as Tao is concerned, the Way and the goal cannot be separated, they are not separate. That's the beauty of Tao and the great understanding of Tao. Once there is a goal, then you will become tense, because then there wil...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,201 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... are no mid-way stations. A man on the Way means a man in the ocean -- drowned, arrived, disappeared. As far as Tao is concerned, the Way and the goal cannot be separated, they are not separate. That's the beauty of Tao and the great understanding of Tao. Once there is a goal, then you will become tense, because then there will arise the desire and the ambition to achieve it. Then you will have to prepare for it: time will be ne...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,202 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...the Way means a man in the ocean -- drowned, arrived, disappeared. As far as Tao is concerned, the Way and the goal cannot be separated, they are not separate. That's the beauty of Tao and the great understanding of Tao. Once there is a goal, then you will become tense, because then there will arise the desire and the ambition to achieve it. Then you will have to prepare for it: time will be needed; methods, techniques will be n...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,203 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Way and the goal. And then the Way is also divided into many milestones, into many stages: the first, the second, the third... one goes on dividing. Then there is very much space for your mind to be projected into. Tao leaves no space for the mind. It utterly destroys the mind because there is no goal. Just think about it, contemplate it: if there is no goal, how can the mind exist? Then this moment is all there is; this is ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,204 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...rom the unconscious, arises this statement: 'And remember' shouted the old gambler 'if you must play, always be sure to take the bank!' You listen to me, you listen, to these murmurs, whisperings, of Tao. For a moment a small light burns on the surface of your consciousness, it lights a little, but it is a very flickering light -- it comes and it goes. In that flickering light, for a moment, you seem to understan...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,205 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...hings were going on there, great games were being played, but it was a very secret school. Such secret schools have always existed. Jesus was trained in such a small school called the Essenes. In Zen monasteries, in Taoist monasteries in China, small groups have always existed, working together in deep secrecy and privacy. For the first time all secrecy is thrown and all privacy is thrown -- for a certain reason: because ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,206 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...be more practical and you will be less in trouble, conflict, schizophrenia. Never choose two opposite things together otherwise they will create a split in your being. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 1 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,207 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... YOU TO HAVE THIS EFFECT ON PEOPLE WHICH IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH YOUR OWN BASIC PEACE? IF YOU INSIST ON MAKING AN EFFECT, IT WILL UNSTEADY YOUR BASIC SELF, AND TO NO PURPOSE.' TO BE is to miss Tao. To be is to miss the whole. To be is to be separate, so not to be is the door. To be is going astray. Not to be is coming home. When you are not, god is. When you are, God is not. and both have never been seen t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,208 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...not. and both have never been seen together; they cannot be together by their very nature. Just as darkness and light cannot exist together: if one is, the other is not. So the basic, the very basic, teaching of Tao is to be in a state of non-being, what Buddhists call ANATTA, a state of no-self. Empty, a deep nothingness, nobody inside... then you really are. But then you are not: the whole is. The moment you start thinking...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,209 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... moment you understand 'I am a wave' that means you have understood you are not -- only the ocean is. Sometimes the ocean waves and you are, and sometimes the ocean remains silent and you disappear. Tao says: The ego is the only barrier. All other religions say the same, but Tao goes deepest in its approach; its insight is the greatest. All religions say that the ego has to be dropped, but if you listen, if you ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,210 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ot -- only the ocean is. Sometimes the ocean waves and you are, and sometimes the ocean remains silent and you disappear. Tao says: The ego is the only barrier. All other religions say the same, but Tao goes deepest in its approach; its insight is the greatest. All religions say that the ego has to be dropped, but if you listen, if you read, if you look into those religious people, you will find that their insig...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,211 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ing. If you can produce things out of nothing, if you become a miracle man, then you have something. So religions repress the ego on the second layer, then the ego asserts itself on the third layer. Tao says: The ego has to disappear from all the layers. One has to understand it so totally that it cannot find another way for its existence, so that it cannot find another shelter in your being. When ego disappears...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,212 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...or it to assert itself then YOU ARE NOT in one sense and YOU ARE, for the first time, in another sense. You are not as an individual any more, you are the whole. This is the meaning of a holy man in Taoism: A holy man is one who is not. Very paradoxical. And remember, Tao does not teach you to become humble. If you become humble the ego will continue -- it will become the ego of the humble person, it will hide b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,213 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...the first time, in another sense. You are not as an individual any more, you are the whole. This is the meaning of a holy man in Taoism: A holy man is one who is not. Very paradoxical. And remember, Tao does not teach you to become humble. If you become humble the ego will continue -- it will become the ego of the humble person, it will hide behind humbleness. So a practised humbleness, a cultivated humbleness, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,214 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... with self either. You remain an individual: you walk and live like an individual. but continuously aware that the wave is just an appearance, the reality is the ocean; that 'I am just a wave. God is the ocean, Tao is the ocean.' The disappearance of the ego is the disappearance of what Gurdjieff calls identification. That is the right word: identification. We get identified with everything, whatsoever we are close to....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,215 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... When in the self, the self disappears, when you look inside yourself and you don't find anybody there: just a pure awareness. a witnessing, a no-self, you have arrived home. This is the very basic approach of Tao, that the ego has to disappear on three levels. The ego gone... the body becomes the temple, the mind becomes the innermost shrine, and the self becomes the whole -- m now, but it can be transformed i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,216 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- nation but turned back in midjourney. When he came back, he met Po-hun Wujen. Po-hun Wujen was an old Taoist Master, a man who had really arrived. So the old man asked 'Why have you come back?' Lieh Tzu said 'I WAS ALARMED BY SOMETHING.' Listen carefully, because nobody has gone so deeply into thes...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,217 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...n who had really arrived. So the old man asked 'Why have you come back?' Lieh Tzu said 'I WAS ALARMED BY SOMETHING.' Listen carefully, because nobody has gone so deeply into these phenomena as the Taoists. 'WHAT WAS IT?' asked the old man. 'I ATE AT TEN INNS AND AT FIVE THEY SERVED ME FIRST.' Now look. He says 'I ATE AT TEN INNS AND AT FIVE THEY SERVED ME FIRST... that al...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,218 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...? In fact it should make you very delighted, that people are recognising that you are extraordinary, that you are exceptional, that you are a V.l.P.; you are being served before others. But Lieh Tzu is a disciple of Tao; he understands that this is dangerous. When people start thinking that you are exceptional, there is danger. What is the danger? The danger is that you may move again on an ego-trip; the danger is they ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,219 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...mentioned it in this way. The credit 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- goes to the Taoists. He is saying 'WHEN A MAN'S INNER INTEGRITY IS NOT FIRM..' Ordinarily you think that a man has an aura when his integrity is very firm. No, it is wrong; the aura comes fr...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,220 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...around you. Of course, whenever you come in contact with others they will be impressed. Your aura will function like an intoxicant; they will simply be impressed. You will have a very charismatic effect on them, but Taoists say that it simply shows that you have not yet become really ordinary, you are still hankering for something. Somewhere, the ego is still there, because only through the ego do your inner energies leak out. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,221 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...... because we love you.' They go on making them feel guilty, they go on torturing them in subtle ways, in a thousand and one ways: and they are always doing it for you, for your own good. 'Remember, Tao says: IN ANY WAY, the desire to impress the other, the desire to change the other, the desire to do good to the other, is violence. There should be no desire. And this is the beauty -- when you don't desire to he...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,222 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...OES IN HIS HANDS AND CAUGHT UP WITH HIM AT THE GATE. 'NOW THAT YOU HAVE COME, MASTER' HE SAID 'AREN'T YOU EVEN GOING TO GIVE ME MY MEDICINE?' This is called 'medicine' in the Taoist circles -- when a Master gives his presence to you. It is medicinal; his presence is therapeutic, his presence is a healing force. Just by being in close contact with him, just being in front of him, a great h...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,223 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- about their questions, I am concerned with their illnesses, with their disease.' In Taoist circles the presence of the Master is called 'medicine', 'the medicine'. You cannot find a more medicinal energy anywhere else. Whenever a man becomes enlightened his surrounding is therapeutic. Just being in ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,224 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...When you have looked well, when you have looked at all the nooks and corners of your being, one day, you will suddenly find that it has evaporated, it is not there. And when it is not there, God is, Tao is. When you are not, you really are. To die on one plane is to be born on another plane. To die on the plane of games is to be born on the plane of existence. That is the meaning of Jesus's crucifixion and resur...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,225 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... resurrected. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 1 Chapter #14 Chapter title: Just give way 24 February 1977 am in Buddha Hall Archive co...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,226 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ecome very lopsided. This is how I see people: moving from good to bad, from bad to good, again and again; their whole life is just a continuous movement between opposite polarities. What is my teaching? What is Tao? Tao is to accept life in its totality and not to divide it. There is nothing good and nothing bad. Whatsoever happens, let it happen. Allow it. Don't struggle. When you listen to me, suddenly your mind will ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,227 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... very lopsided. This is how I see people: moving from good to bad, from bad to good, again and again; their whole life is just a continuous movement between opposite polarities. What is my teaching? What is Tao? Tao is to accept life in its totality and not to divide it. There is nothing good and nothing bad. Whatsoever happens, let it happen. Allow it. Don't struggle. When you listen to me, suddenly your mind will say t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,228 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ON, FOR EXAMPLE A FOLLOWER OF GURDJIEFF, COMES ACROSS A TAOIST MASTER? The question is from Purna; a beautiful question, significant: What will happen if a follower of Gurdjieff comes across a Taoist Master? What happens when a river comes falling, tumbling, down off a hillock upon strong rocks? If you look, you will think 'Those rocks are so hard, what can the river do, what can this waterfall do?' ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,229 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...Even the strongest men, Napoleon or Alexander, are strong when they are outside: when they come home they are no more strong. Then their fragile wife is all strong. There is a strength in softness. Tao is the way of the soft, the feminine way, the watercourse way. Gurdjieff s way is the way of the rock. If it happens that a Taoist and a follower of Gurdjieff meet, in the beginning you will say that the follower...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,230 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...en their fragile wife is all strong. There is a strength in softness. Tao is the way of the soft, the feminine way, the watercourse way. Gurdjieff s way is the way of the rock. If it happens that a Taoist and a follower of Gurdjieff meet, in the beginning you will say that the follower of Gurdjieff is winning, but finally, eventually. you will find that he has disappeared and the Taoist has won over. That has a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,231 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...the rock. If it happens that a Taoist and a follower of Gurdjieff meet, in the beginning you will say that the follower of Gurdjieff is winning, but finally, eventually. you will find that he has disappeared and the Taoist has won over. That has always been so. You cannot defeat the soft. Maybe, for the time being, you can have a certain victory, but you cannot really defeat the soft. It is impossible to defeat the soft. The...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,232 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...he meek, for theirs is the kingdom of God.' The Gurdjieffian way is the way of the will. It takes you to the last-but-one step. It takes you exactly to the last-but-one step. The final step has to be Taoist, because through the will you can come to a peak of your will, but then one has to surrender that peak of the will; it has to be surrendered. The only difference between the path of surrender and the path of w...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,233 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...he were in a Gurdjieffian school she would be on the right track as far as her own nature is concerned -- superficial nature, of course -- the way she is right now, she would have felt very in tune. Here she is in a Taoist world, but great is her courage -- she is trying, and she will succeed. She will become effortless one day. So the question has come from the very core of her heart. It is HER question; it is not an ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,234 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... ungodly thing -- the clock. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 2 Talks on extracts from "The Lieh Tzu" Talks given from 25/02/77 am to 10/03/77 am Englis...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,235 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... English Discourse series 14 Chapters Year published: Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 2 Chapter #1 Chapter title: The Ultimate Synthesis 25 February 1977 am in Buddha Hall Archive co...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,236 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... TO HIS COURTIERS, CLEVER, THE WAY HE TALKED ME ROUND WITH HIS ARGUMENT!' TAO MEANS TRANSCENDENCE -- transcendence of all duality, transcendence of all polarity transcendence of all opposites. Tao is the ultimate synthesis -- the synthesis of man and woman, of positive and negative, life and death, day and night, summer and winter. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International F...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,237 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ty. Nothing happens without the woman. The energy of the woman is the ladder of the lowest and of the highest, of the darkest valley and of the lightest peak. This is one of the fundamental principles of Tao. It has to be understood in detail. Once it gets rooted in your heart things will become very simple. It will be good to go into the symbol of Adam and Eve. The world does not start with Adam,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,238 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ience only brings disorder; rebellion, real rebellion, brings a radical change in your being -- a hundred-and-eighty-degree turn, a conversion. But both Adam and Jesus happened through the feminine principle. In Taoist language the feminine principle is called yin and the male principle is called yang. Yang is ambition, yang is aggression, yang is desire and projection, yang is political yin is religious. Whenever you are ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,239 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- through the body. The politician is nothing but the body, the extrovert. The body is extrovert, the psyche is introvert, and when you transcend both, Tao arises. When you-are neither extrovert nor introvert, when you are not going into the outer nor into the inner, when you are not going anywhere, there is tremendous stillness, no movement because there is no moti...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,240 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...n to go in, there is no purpose to fulfil. There is nowhere to be and nobody else to be, you are absolutely content with the moment. Then you have transcended man and woman and the polarity. In that transcendence is Tao. This transcendence has been taught in different ways all over the world. Different terms have been used. I would like to explain one term to you because it will help. The term is 'israel'. It is not ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,241 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...like to explain one term to you because it will help. The term is 'israel'. It is not the name of a certain race -- certainly not of the Jews -- and it is not a name of a certain individual. 'Israel' is exactly what Tao is. Try to understand. 'Israel' is made of three symbols: is-ra-el. 'Is' means the feminine principle. 'Is' comes from the Egyptian word 'isis'. Isis means the moon goddess the moon is the feminine ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,242 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... from 'elohim' from which same root the Mohammedans derive Allah'. The Hebrew word tor God is ''elohim'; 'el' comes from there. It represents the meeting of the feminine and the masculine and their transcendence too Tao 'Israel means Tao exactly. If you are dominated by the sun you will be aggressive, madly aggressive, ambitious, political, hot, burning will desire and passion. If you are dominated by the moon you will be...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,243 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...m which same root the Mohammedans derive Allah'. The Hebrew word tor God is ''elohim'; 'el' comes from there. It represents the meeting of the feminine and the masculine and their transcendence too Tao 'Israel means Tao exactly. If you are dominated by the sun you will be aggressive, madly aggressive, ambitious, political, hot, burning will desire and passion. If you are dominated by the moon you will be cool, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,244 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... through music, dance, drama. The West has been trying to use male energy too much. The West has lost balance, but so has the East no society has yet evolved which can be called 'Israel', which can be called Tao, which has transcended both or synthesised both in such harmony that the antagonism has disappeared. Tao is the goal: to create a human being who is fully integrated, totally integrated, and also to ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,245 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t so has the East no society has yet evolved which can be called 'Israel', which can be called Tao, which has transcended both or synthesised both in such harmony that the antagonism has disappeared. Tao is the goal: to create a human being who is fully integrated, totally integrated, and also to create a human society which is totally integrated. Now this story. These few things I have told you will help yo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,246 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ME?' 'SUPPOSE,' said Hui Ang, 'THAT I HAVE A WAY TO MAKE ANYONE, HOWEVER BRAVE AND STRONG, MISS WHEN HE STABS OR STRIKES AT YOU. WOULDN'T YOUR MAJESTY BE INTERESTED?' Now, no Taoist would do this. First, the Taoist would not go to the king, the king would have to come to the Taoist. And even then he may not see the king. because he knows that the politician is the worst man possible. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,247 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...id Hui Ang, 'THAT I HAVE A WAY TO MAKE ANYONE, HOWEVER BRAVE AND STRONG, MISS WHEN HE STABS OR STRIKES AT YOU. WOULDN'T YOUR MAJESTY BE INTERESTED?' Now, no Taoist would do this. First, the Taoist would not go to the king, the king would have to come to the Taoist. And even then he may not see the king. because he knows that the politician is the worst man possible. In Buddhist classific...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,248 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...STRONG, MISS WHEN HE STABS OR STRIKES AT YOU. WOULDN'T YOUR MAJESTY BE INTERESTED?' Now, no Taoist would do this. First, the Taoist would not go to the king, the king would have to come to the Taoist. And even then he may not see the king. because he knows that the politician is the worst man possible. In Buddhist classifications they have divided man into three categories. The first they call ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,249 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...; the artist is the MADYAMPURUS, the middle man; and the religious is the MAHAPURUS, the great man. And beyond the three is the fourth, turiya -- one who has gone beyond all categories, the non-categorised. He is in Tao. He is beyond politics, he is beyond art, he is even beyond religion. He is simply beyond. No Taoist will go to teach a king. That is foolish, stupid. The disciple has to come to the Master. Why? ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,250 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... three is the fourth, turiya -- one who has gone beyond all categories, the non-categorised. He is in Tao. He is beyond politics, he is beyond art, he is even beyond religion. He is simply beyond. No Taoist will go to teach a king. That is foolish, stupid. The disciple has to come to the Master. Why? Because unless the disciple comes and seeks, he is not ready to learn. The disciple has to be humble. If a dis...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,251 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... be humble. If a disciple stamps his foot, coughs and says fiercely, 'What do you have to teach me?' then it is better not to teach him. He is incurable. But there is the difference between the Confucian and the Taoist. Confucius and his followers were constantly going to the kings and the ministers and the powerful people and trying to convert them, trying to convince them. They thought that that seemed to be the easiest wa...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,252 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...DN'T YOUR MAJESTY BE INTERESTED?' Now he is trying to persuade the king in his own language. Never do that, because when you bring religion to the level of the worst man, religion is destroyed. Tao cannot be translated into the language of greed although this is what Hui Ang is doing. He is trying to translate desirelessness into greed. The king became interested. He said, 'Excellent!' Look at the chang...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,253 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... 'THE TEACHINGS OF CONFUCIUS AND MO TZU ARE WHAT I HAVE IN MIND.' Hui Ang is a disciple of Confucius and Mo Tzu. Mo Tzu is a disciple of Confucius. Just as Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu were the two top-most Taoists, so Confucius and Mo Tzu were the two top-most Confucianists. 'CONFUCIUS AND MO TZU BECAME PRINCES WITHOUT OWNING TERRITORY.... ' Now he flatters the king even more, he buttresses him ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,254 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...itional man is ready to lose freedom for cheap things: respectability, social honour. Yes, Confucius and Mo Tzu were honoured, they were really honoured, but the honour was because they were not free men, not men of Tao. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- 'NOW YOUR MAJESTY IS THE LORD OF TEN...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,255 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...er pattern, no style from the outside, but an inner flow, an inner glow. To live in that glow, to move into that flow and allow your life to have freedom, to be in a let-go -- that's what sannyas is. And that's what Tao is. HUI ANG HURRIED OUT. AND THE KING SAID TO HIS COURTIERS, 'CLEVER, THE WAY HE TALKED ME ROUND WITH HIS ARGUMENT!' It is not clever, it is cunning. It looks clever because all cunni...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,256 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... One has to pay for truth by life. What about respectability, prestige? All nonsense. One has to give all -- only then does one become capable of knowing the truth. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 2 Chapter #2 Chapter title: A Thousand Pound Sledge Hammer 26 February 1977 am in Buddha Hall Archive co...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,257 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...sitting with friends, sipping coffee, but you have chosen not to do that. You could have gone to a movie. but you have chosen not to go there. Or you could have chosen just to lie down on your bed and relax and be a Taoist -- but that you have not chosen. You have come to Listen to me and to sit on this hard marble floor, cold and hurting -- but you have chosen. What will you say about a man who just stands outside his house...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,258 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t every moment, you cannot depend on anything, you cannot go to sleep, you have to keep aware. Then life will have a deeper significance and life will become more natural -- that is the meaning of living the life of Tao. Living life in insecurity is to live the life of Tao. I am not against marriage, I am against the ugly institution that has evolved in the name of marriage. If marriage allows freedom and love to exist toge...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,259 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...not go to sleep, you have to keep aware. Then life will have a deeper significance and life will become more natural -- that is the meaning of living the life of Tao. Living life in insecurity is to live the life of Tao. I am not against marriage, I am against the ugly institution that has evolved in the name of marriage. If marriage allows freedom and love to exist together, it is good but then marriage is tota...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,260 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...n your grave. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 2 Chapter #3 Chapter title: The Secret Taste of Honey on the Tongue 27 February 1977 am in Buddha Hall Archive...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,261 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Let us go into it very softly delicately, carefully. It has much to give to you, it has much to show to you. It can give a great clarity to you on your path. But before we enter into it a few paradigms of Taoism will be helpful. First, Taoism believes that the memory is the problem. Because of the memory we are not really 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,262 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...tely, carefully. It has much to give to you, it has much to show to you. It can give a great clarity to you on your path. But before we enter into it a few paradigms of Taoism will be helpful. First, Taoism believes that the memory is the problem. Because of the memory we are not really 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, publishe...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,263 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... is not changing. That is reality. But then you create a false, a pseudo-reality of your own invention -- fabricated in the mind, manufactured by your desire -- and you start living in it. Taoism says that to be in reality a man has to get out of his mind, a man has to become a no-mind. To be in reality a man has to uproot himself from the past, he has to forget the past. To remember that which is, the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,264 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ping the whole world. Dropping the mind means dropping the ego -- then you are no longer self-centred, then you don't have any mind whatsoever. Then you live a life with no mind of your own -- that is the meaning of Tao. Then God's mind functions through you, you don't have your own mind. You function but now you don't function from your own centre. Now the centre of the whole becomes your centre. You act but you are not the doe...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,265 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... like to go to the farthest point. Then God is available. But if you exist as you, if you exist as a self, then it is impossible. Then you exist as an ego. This ego is what this parable means by memory. These Taoist parables are very subtle. Now let us go into it. IN THE MIDDLE AGE, HUA TZU OF YANG-LI IN SUNG LOST HIS MEMORY. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Fou...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,266 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- That is a way of saying that he became a meditator. That is a Taoist expression -- lost his memory. It means: became a non-individual. It means: became a non-ego. It means: became loose from the grip of the mind, dropped the weight of the past. It is not something condemning, r...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,267 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...non-individual. It means: became a non-ego. It means: became loose from the grip of the mind, dropped the weight of the past. It is not something condemning, remember, it is a great appreciation. In Taoist circles, when somebody says 'He has lost his memory' he is praising the man, remember. Taoists have their own way of saying things, very peculiar ways of saying things. But the meaning of their gestures is pro...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,268 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...dropped the weight of the past. It is not something condemning, remember, it is a great appreciation. In Taoist circles, when somebody says 'He has lost his memory' he is praising the man, remember. Taoists have their own way of saying things, very peculiar ways of saying things. But the meaning of their gestures is profound. IN THE MIDDLE AGE, HUA TZU OF YANG-LI IN SUNG LOST HIS MEMORY. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,269 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... the fall, has sprouted new leaves. The moment something becomes old, one moment old, it is dropped immediately. One goes on slipping again and again into the present. It is a totally new style of life -- the way of Tao, the way of Zen, the way of sannyas. Watch it in your own life. How do you live? Do you bring the past in again and again? So you always live through the past? Is your life too coloured by memory ? Then you ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,270 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...o become absent-minded is a totally a different thing. It is a disease, Absent-mindedness means that memory persists but becomes distorted. You know but you don't know dearly. An absent-minded person is not a man of Tao. An absent-minded person is simply absent-minded. The man of Tao is very much present, he is not absent-minded. In fact, he is SO much present that the memory cannot interfere. His presence is tremend...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,271 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...sease, Absent-mindedness means that memory persists but becomes distorted. You know but you don't know dearly. An absent-minded person is not a man of Tao. An absent-minded person is simply absent-minded. The man of Tao is very much present, he is not absent-minded. In fact, he is SO much present that the memory cannot interfere. His presence is tremendous; his presence is so intense, the light of presence is so intense, that th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,272 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...es not live in the moment, he still lives in the past. Of course, his past is very clumsy. Absent-mindedness is a clumsy past, a clumsy memory, a lousy memory. But a man.who has lost his memory in the sense that Taoists use this term is a man who functions out of the presence of his mind -- presence of mind. Just a few days ago I was reading the memoirs of a very rare man. He was a saint who died a few years ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,273 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... moment is beautiful. Look at this moment. Let it become a drop of honey on your tongue. This moment is tremendously beautiful. What is missing? What is lacking? Be in this moment -- that is the meaning of the Taoist expression: Hua Tzu lost his memory. HIS FAMILY WERE TROUBLED ABOUT IT AND INVITED A DIVINER TO TELL HIS FORTUNE, BUT WITHOUT SUCCESS. THEY INVITED A SHAMAN TO PERFORM AN AUSPICIOUS RITE, BUT IT ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,274 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... fed up with this mechanism then the turn, the conversion, the quantum leap, becomes possible. This parable is about the mind -- and how, because of the mind, we have forgotten God, we have forgotten Tao. This parable says that unless you get out of the mind you will never be able to know the truth. If you want to know the truth there is no other way than to get out of the mind. That's what meditation is all abou...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,275 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...et out of the mind, how not to allow the mind to constantly interfere with reality. This is a great parable. Ordinarily the so-called religions are nothing but moralities. They condition your mind. Tao is a process of unconditioning. Ordinary religions hypnotise your mind, Tao is a process of de-hypnosis. One simply peels the mind away, just as you peel an onion and you find layer upon layer, layer upon layer. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,276 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...eality. This is a great parable. Ordinarily the so-called religions are nothing but moralities. They condition your mind. Tao is a process of unconditioning. Ordinary religions hypnotise your mind, Tao is a process of de-hypnosis. One simply peels the mind away, just as you peel an onion and you find layer upon layer, layer upon layer. Go on peeling, go on peeling... and a moment comes when nothing is left in y...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,277 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [.... One simply peels the mind away, just as you peel an onion and you find layer upon layer, layer upon layer. Go on peeling, go on peeling... and a moment comes when nothing is left in your hand. That nothing is what Tao is. That nothing is all, what Buddha calls SHUNYA, nothingness, emptiness. That emptiness is the source of all. When you have once touched, lived, been in that emptiness, only then will you know h...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,278 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Seek this utter freedom. Destroy conditionings. Destroy by and by all the layers that hold you down. Take off. The whole sky is yours -- in fact, even the sky is not the limit. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 2 Chapter #4 Chapter title: Tao Tantra 28 February 1977 am in Buddha Hall Archive co...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,279 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [..., even the sky is not the limit. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 2 Chapter #4 Chapter title: Tao Tantra 28 February 1977 am in Buddha Hall Archive code: 7702280 ShortTitle: TAO204 Audio: Yes Video: No Length: 96 mins ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,280 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...96 mins The first question: YOU HAVE TALKED MUCH ON LOVE, RELATIONSHIPS, UNION, ETC. IS THERE A MERGING BETWEEN THE TAO AND TANTRA? TANTRA MEANS TECHNIQUE -- and Tao can have no relationship with any technique whatsoever. Tao is non-methodological, non-technical. Tao means spontaneity. How can spontaneity have a technique? You cannot practise it; if you practise it you miss i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,281 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...U HAVE TALKED MUCH ON LOVE, RELATIONSHIPS, UNION, ETC. IS THERE A MERGING BETWEEN THE TAO AND TANTRA? TANTRA MEANS TECHNIQUE -- and Tao can have no relationship with any technique whatsoever. Tao is non-methodological, non-technical. Tao means spontaneity. How can spontaneity have a technique? You cannot practise it; if you practise it you miss it. There is no way to cultivate it; a cultivated spontaneity...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,282 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... UNION, ETC. IS THERE A MERGING BETWEEN THE TAO AND TANTRA? TANTRA MEANS TECHNIQUE -- and Tao can have no relationship with any technique whatsoever. Tao is non-methodological, non-technical. Tao means spontaneity. How can spontaneity have a technique? You cannot practise it; if you practise it you miss it. There is no way to cultivate it; a cultivated spontaneity could be anything else but it could not b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,283 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...pontaneity have a technique? You cannot practise it; if you practise it you miss it. There is no way to cultivate it; a cultivated spontaneity could be anything else but it could not be spontaneity. Tao means let go. Wherever your energy moves, allow it to move. Don't swim -- float with the river. Swimming is a technique -- if you are just flowing with the river what technique is needed? Technique means that you...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,284 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ve a direction, you want to reach somewhere. Technique means that you want to impose your will on reality, you want to be someone. somewhere, in some state; you have a desire, you have a projection. Tao says you are already there, you are already that. There is nowhere to go and nothing else to be, so just relax and let things happen. And whatsoever happens is good -- because there is no denial in Tao, no reject...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,285 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Tao says you are already there, you are already that. There is nowhere to go and nothing else to be, so just relax and let things happen. And whatsoever happens is good -- because there is no denial in Tao, no rejection, no repression. It is the greatest rebellious attitude possible. Never has man's intelligence risen higher than in Tao. But there is no way to it. You cannot be guided to it. Buddha has talked ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,286 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...let things happen. And whatsoever happens is good -- because there is no denial in Tao, no rejection, no repression. It is the greatest rebellious attitude possible. Never has man's intelligence risen higher than in Tao. But there is no way to it. You cannot be guided to it. Buddha has talked about five ways to reach truth. The first he calls the way of SHEELA, the way of morality, character, virtue. The second he calls the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,287 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e calls the way of knowledge. The third he calls the way of DHYANA, meditation; the fourth he calls the way of devotion; and the fifth he calls ASHEKSHA -- that which cannot be taught. That fifth is Tao. It cannot be taught. It can be learned but it cannot be taught. And when I say that it can be learned, I mean that if you relax, if you allow life to happen to you, if you don't create a barrier, if you are read...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,288 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ot manipulate; your mind cannot prepare in any way. You will have to live moment to moment -- as the trees live, as the stars live, as the mountains live. You will have to live in the same way, the same natural way. Tao is nature. So the Indian Tantra cannot have any merger with Tao. The Indian Tantra is very scientific. It is the science of how to transform sexual energy into spiritual energy; how to create the dynamo that...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,289 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...live moment to moment -- as the trees live, as the stars live, as the mountains live. You will have to live in the same way, the same natural way. Tao is nature. So the Indian Tantra cannot have any merger with Tao. The Indian Tantra is very scientific. It is the science of how to transform sexual energy into spiritual energy; how to create the dynamo that 10/28/07 Copyright Osho Interna...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,290 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...Query:- changes, transforms, transmutes energy; how to move from the lower to the higher; how to go from the earth to heaven. It is a way from sex to super-consciousness. It is very technological. Tao has no technique -- this is the first thing to be understood. But there is another thing of great importance -- that is, Tao has its own tantra. But it is not technique. There is no meeting possible between ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,291 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...rth to heaven. It is a way from sex to super-consciousness. It is very technological. Tao has no technique -- this is the first thing to be understood. But there is another thing of great importance -- that is, Tao has its own tantra. But it is not technique. There is no meeting possible between the Indian Tantra and the Chinese Tao, no meeting is possible. They are far away, poles apart, and it is impossible to mix th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,292 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e first thing to be understood. But there is another thing of great importance -- that is, Tao has its own tantra. But it is not technique. There is no meeting possible between the Indian Tantra and the Chinese Tao, no meeting is possible. They are far away, poles apart, and it is impossible to mix them. If somebody tries to mix them Tao will be destroyed, Tantra will not be destroyed. Always remember whenever you mix a ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,293 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e. There is no meeting possible between the Indian Tantra and the Chinese Tao, no meeting is possible. They are far away, poles apart, and it is impossible to mix them. If somebody tries to mix them Tao will be destroyed, Tantra will not be destroyed. Always remember whenever you mix a higher standpoint with a lower, the higher is destroyed not the lower. It is always the higher that loses because the higher is ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,294 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e, fragile, like a flower. If you crush a flower with a rock, the rock is not going to be destroyed. The rock may not even come to know that there has been a clash. But the flower will be gone -- crushed, destroyed. Tao is the highest possibility and Tantra can destroy it. So remember not to mix them. But Tao has its own tantra because Tao is a total world view. It has everything that is possible. It is the whol...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,295 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...k may not even come to know that there has been a clash. But the flower will be gone -- crushed, destroyed. Tao is the highest possibility and Tantra can destroy it. So remember not to mix them. But Tao has its own tantra because Tao is a total world view. It has everything that is possible. It is the whole. So there must be something in it for love, for sex there is. What is Taoist tantra? I have to use th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,296 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... know that there has been a clash. But the flower will be gone -- crushed, destroyed. Tao is the highest possibility and Tantra can destroy it. So remember not to mix them. But Tao has its own tantra because Tao is a total world view. It has everything that is possible. It is the whole. So there must be something in it for love, for sex there is. What is Taoist tantra? I have to use the word 'tantra remember, but I ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,297 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...mix them. But Tao has its own tantra because Tao is a total world view. It has everything that is possible. It is the whole. So there must be something in it for love, for sex there is. What is Taoist tantra? I have to use the word 'tantra remember, but I am not using it in the Indian sense. What is Taoist tantra? It is spontaneity in sexuality; it is spontaneity in love. For example, if you read a Tan...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,298 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ible. It is the whole. So there must be something in it for love, for sex there is. What is Taoist tantra? I have to use the word 'tantra remember, but I am not using it in the Indian sense. What is Taoist tantra? It is spontaneity in sexuality; it is spontaneity in love. For example, if you read a Tantra manual, an Indian Tantra manual, there is great ritual in it. Every step is very clearly indicated. It ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,299 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ity -- when the Master confirms it, when he gives you a signal, then you are allowed. It depends on the Master. He has to watch, watch carefully. It takes months, sometimes years, to prepare for it. Tao has its own tantra. The first thing: Tao never divides into the lower and the higher, that is the beauty of it. The moment you divide reality into the lower and the higher you are getting schizophrenic. The momen...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,300 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... he gives you a signal, then you are allowed. It depends on the Master. He has to watch, watch carefully. It takes months, sometimes years, to prepare for it. Tao has its own tantra. The first thing: Tao never divides into the lower and the higher, that is the beauty of it. The moment you divide reality into the lower and the higher you are getting schizophrenic. The moment you say something is sacred and somethi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,301 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- many forms: on one level as matter, on another level as spiritual. The spiritual is not higher and the material is not lower -- they stand on the same level. That is the Taoist attitude. Life is one. Existence is one. It is a tremendous oneness and there is no evaluation. The first thing in Tao is to drop duality. Sex is not lower and samadhi is not higher. Samadhi and ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,302 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...er and the material is not lower -- they stand on the same level. That is the Taoist attitude. Life is one. Existence is one. It is a tremendous oneness and there is no evaluation. The first thing in Tao is to drop duality. Sex is not lower and samadhi is not higher. Samadhi and sex are both expressions of the same energy. There is nothing laudable about samadhi and there is nothing condemnable about sex. The Tao...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,303 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...in Tao is to drop duality. Sex is not lower and samadhi is not higher. Samadhi and sex are both expressions of the same energy. There is nothing laudable about samadhi and there is nothing condemnable about sex. The Tao acceptance is total, absolute. There is nothing wrong about the body and there is nothing beautiful about the spirit -- they are both beautiful. Devil and God are one in Tao, heaven and hell are one in Tao, good ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,304 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... nothing condemnable about sex. The Tao acceptance is total, absolute. There is nothing wrong about the body and there is nothing beautiful about the spirit -- they are both beautiful. Devil and God are one in Tao, heaven and hell are one in Tao, good and bad are one in Tao -- it is the greatest non-dual understanding. There is no condemnation and no preparation. To prepare for what? One has simply to relax and be. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,305 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... sex. The Tao acceptance is total, absolute. There is nothing wrong about the body and there is nothing beautiful about the spirit -- they are both beautiful. Devil and God are one in Tao, heaven and hell are one in Tao, good and bad are one in Tao -- it is the greatest non-dual understanding. There is no condemnation and no preparation. To prepare for what? One has simply to relax and be. If you can love a woman...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,306 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...otal, absolute. There is nothing wrong about the body and there is nothing beautiful about the spirit -- they are both beautiful. Devil and God are one in Tao, heaven and hell are one in Tao, good and bad are one in Tao -- it is the greatest non-dual understanding. There is no condemnation and no preparation. To prepare for what? One has simply to relax and be. If you can love a woman spontaneously.... In fact, T...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,307 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Tao -- it is the greatest non-dual understanding. There is no condemnation and no preparation. To prepare for what? One has simply to relax and be. If you can love a woman spontaneously.... In fact, Tao will say that Tantra has a wrong attitude, because you have to prepare. Preparation means that you are preparing for the future. Tao knows only one time -- which is now; and only one place -- which is here. Now i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,308 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... to relax and be. If you can love a woman spontaneously.... In fact, Tao will say that Tantra has a wrong attitude, because you have to prepare. Preparation means that you are preparing for the future. Tao knows only one time -- which is now; and only one place -- which is here. Now is the only time and here is the only place. Here is heaven and now is nirvana. So don't prepare. If in some moment lo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,309 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...he woman and the woman becomes the man. Who bothers who is who? And if you are thinking about it then the mind is there and the mind is the barrier; it does not allow the unison to happen totally. So Tao simply says: go spontaneously, with no ritual, with no idea to prove. And remember, never use sexuality for anything. Tantra uses it as a step towards samadhi. Tao says: never use anything as a means. Everything ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,310 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... allow the unison to happen totally. So Tao simply says: go spontaneously, with no ritual, with no idea to prove. And remember, never use sexuality for anything. Tantra uses it as a step towards samadhi. Tao says: never use anything as a means. Everything is an end unto itself. The moment you start thinking of somewhere to go, something to reach, some result to attain out of it, you are not total, your mind is divide...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,311 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...result to attain out of it, you are not total, your mind is divided, you are already in the future. There are no means and no ends. Everything simply is an intrinsically beautiful end unto itself. In Tao this is very basic. Love, eat, go for a morning walk, swim in the river, sit in the sun, watch the stars -- but let everything be simple, not for anything else. Sing a song, but not for any result. Look at this t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,312 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... naturopath! Just go for a walk, it is beautiful. Health is a by-product; you need not worry about it, it happens. Lie down in the sun, enjoy it, but not for anything else. Lie there for its own sake. That is what Tao is. And in that relaxed attitude life starts pouring into you from everywhere. All doors open, all windows open. Existence flows into you, you flow into existence. Tao is very simple; therefor...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,313 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e. That is what Tao is. And in that relaxed attitude life starts pouring into you from everywhere. All doors open, all windows open. Existence flows into you, you flow into existence. Tao is very simple; therefore, because we are very complex, it is very difficult. Simple things don't appeal to us. Tantra appeals to many people but Tao has not that much appeal. Tao appeals very rarely. If Tao appe...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,314 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...dows open. Existence flows into you, you flow into existence. Tao is very simple; therefore, because we are very complex, it is very difficult. Simple things don't appeal to us. Tantra appeals to many people but Tao has not that much appeal. Tao appeals very rarely. If Tao appeals to you, consider yourself to be fortunate. The very possibility of your getting interested in Tao is a great blessing. When you tr...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,315 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...o you, you flow into existence. Tao is very simple; therefore, because we are very complex, it is very difficult. Simple things don't appeal to us. Tantra appeals to many people but Tao has not that much appeal. Tao appeals very rarely. If Tao appeals to you, consider yourself to be fortunate. The very possibility of your getting interested in Tao is a great blessing. When you translate everything in terms of...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,316 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Tao is very simple; therefore, because we are very complex, it is very difficult. Simple things don't appeal to us. Tantra appeals to many people but Tao has not that much appeal. Tao appeals very rarely. If Tao appeals to you, consider yourself to be fortunate. The very possibility of your getting interested in Tao is a great blessing. When you translate everything in terms of Tao it becomes spontaneity. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,317 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...n't appeal to us. Tantra appeals to many people but Tao has not that much appeal. Tao appeals very rarely. If Tao appeals to you, consider yourself to be fortunate. The very possibility of your getting interested in Tao is a great blessing. When you translate everything in terms of Tao it becomes spontaneity. The second question: OSHO, CAN YOU SUMMARISE YOUR TEACHING IN SHORT BECAUSE I AM HERE ONLY FOR A...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,318 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ao appeals very rarely. If Tao appeals to you, consider yourself to be fortunate. The very possibility of your getting interested in Tao is a great blessing. When you translate everything in terms of Tao it becomes spontaneity. The second question: OSHO, CAN YOU SUMMARISE YOUR TEACHING IN SHORT BECAUSE I AM HERE ONLY FOR A DAY OR TWO. IT is impossible. In the first plac...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,319 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Confucius says, 'Listen to the scripture, listen to the ancient masters, listen to tradition.' Lao Tzu says, 'Listen only to your own inner voice and follow it, wherever it leads. It is God's voice. It is Tao.' You ask me: I DOUBT IF ANYONE IN THE ASHRAM WOULD DEFEND CONFUCIANISM. In fact, everybody is defending it. Nobody will be able to say it, but deep down you are defending it; if you were not def...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,320 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...comes prayer. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 2 Chapter #5 Chapter title: The Fundamental Rule 1 March 1977 am in Buddha Hall Archive code: ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,321 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...OSE OF THE GENTLEMEN OF LU WHO ARE THE MOST ABNORMAL OF ALL. WHO ARE THEY TO CURE OTHER PEOPLE'S ABNORMALITY? YOU HAD BETTER GO STRAIGHT HOME INSTEAD OF WASTING YOUR MONEY.' Tao is a unique vision. It is a vision, mind you, a DARSHANA, it is not a philosophy. It is a clarity, a transparency, but not an ideology. It does not propose any system of thought -- it does not propose anything at...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,322 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ot be altered, it cannot be changed. whatever is, is, and whatever ain't, ain't. Things should be left untouched, as they are. The moment man enters and tries to change or improve, confusion arises. Tao is a great acceptance, Tao is a tremendous acceptance, Tao is an unconditional TATHATA. Whatsoever is, is -- nothing can be done about it. And there is no need to do anything either. The moment you start doi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,323 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... changed. whatever is, is, and whatever ain't, ain't. Things should be left untouched, as they are. The moment man enters and tries to change or improve, confusion arises. Tao is a great acceptance, Tao is a tremendous acceptance, Tao is an unconditional TATHATA. Whatsoever is, is -- nothing can be done about it. And there is no need to do anything either. The moment you start doing, you create mischief --...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,324 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s, is, and whatever ain't, ain't. Things should be left untouched, as they are. The moment man enters and tries to change or improve, confusion arises. Tao is a great acceptance, Tao is a tremendous acceptance, Tao is an unconditional TATHATA. Whatsoever is, is -- nothing can be done about it. And there is no need to do anything either. The moment you start doing, you create mischief -- the doers are the mi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,325 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...hrough non-doing, one can know what is. When you start doing something you bring your mind in, and the moment mind comes in there is confusion -- all clarity is lost. Try to understand this as the basic, fundamental Tao. Then today's parable will be very easily understood. It is of tremendous beauty, this parable. It 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 O...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,326 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ly. the non-violent person is trying to change reality non-violently. but both are trying to change reality. And to change is to be violent. To accept things as they are, to accept with no mind at all -- that is the Tao understanding. If you have a mind you cannot accept. You will judge. you will compare; you will say that this should not be so, it has not to be so; you will say that this can be improved this can be changed...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,327 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...good and the bad are man-created concepts. Nothing is right, nothing is wrong -- those are our conceptions. Reality simply is neutral, neither good nor bad, neither beautiful nor ugly. It simply is. This 'isness' is Tao. Now, enter this parable. We will go into it very slowly. Taste it step by step -- it can become a revelation. MR. P'ANG OF CH'EN HAD A SON WHO WAS CLEVER AS A CHILD.... ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,328 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t people were abnormal. The ordinary seems to be the normal. Lao Tzu wants to destroy the criterion. He wants to tell you that there is no criterion to judge. Each individual is unique -- that is the Tao vision. Each individual is so unique, so incomparably unique, that there is no way to judge who is normal and who is abnormal Look at the freedom Tao gives -- you can only say that people are different: nobody is...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,329 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s no criterion to judge. Each individual is unique -- that is the Tao vision. Each individual is so unique, so incomparably unique, that there is no way to judge who is normal and who is abnormal Look at the freedom Tao gives -- you can only say that people are different: nobody is normal, nobody is abnormal. People are 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 O...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,330 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e tall is beautiful in its tallness. The tall is close to the clouds, the small is close to the earth. The tall enjoys tallness, the small enjoys smallness -- what is wrong in it? Nothing is wrong -- that is the Taoist vision. Everything is good as it is. Comparison comes from the human mind. The birds are birds; they are not worried about why they are not animals. The rose is a rose; the rose is not worried about why it...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,331 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...utifully and poetically as beautifully and as poetically on the dunghill as on the diamond. No distinction is made. That's how real understanding is. Nobody is sane; nobody is insane. If someday the Tao vision becomes the universal vision many people will be saved from suffering unnecessary suffering. Who decides who is insane? As yet there are no criteria. If you go to a psychiatrist he cannot decide who is mad...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,332 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... You can also have exactly the same clarity and transparency that will be the day of benediction, that will be the day of enlightenment. That's what enlightenment is. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 2 Chapter #6 Chapter title: The Cyclone is the Centre 2 March 1977 am in Buddha Hall Archive cod...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,333 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... the consequences, the results, this and that -- a thousand and one things. You are managing. A spontaneous act is one in which you are not the manager; in which God manages, the whole manages -- call it Tao; in which you are no longer in control, you have dropped your control, you have surrendered your control. Now you don't know what is happening, you don't know where you are going, you don t know what will be the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,334 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... what will happen. It may get lost in a desert. What is going to happen is unpredictable. A predictable life is a mechanical life; unpredictable and you are throbbing with life, pulsating, vibrating. Then God, or Tao, or the whole, lives through you. You have come across life for the first time, Sahajo don't lose this contact whatsoever the cost. I know it is costly to be alive and it is very cheap to be dead. It costs n...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,335 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Sambuddha, doing nothing means allowing the whole to do thing, allowing Tao to happen. Doing nothing is the greatest thing in the world. If a man can do nothing then everything happens, then all is possible, because to do nothing means one becomes nothing, nobody, emptiness. And out of t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,336 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ny anything to anybody. Whatsoever God has given has to be accepted in deep gratitude and lived. To me God and life are synonymous. That's why whatsoever I am saying to you has a different quality to it the taste of Tao, the taste of life and love, the taste of delight. 'When I am sick,' Mulla Nasrudin was saying to me, expounding his views on the subject of illness, 'I go to see the doctor. For, after all, doc...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,337 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Even if you accept their medicine out of politeness, pour it down the drain. They have to live so they have to preach. You have to live -- so never listen to their preaching. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 2 Chapter #7 Chapter title: A Tree Grows 3 March 1977 am in Buddha Hall Archive code: 7...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,338 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... A moralist is a man of fixation, a religious man is flowing and fluid. The moralist has an idea about how to live his life; the religious person has no idea about how to live his life. He leaves it to Tao, to God, to the whole. He su;renders to the whole and the whole lives through him. He has no 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, pu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,339 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... I was sitting there waiting for you.' When you come into your own being you have come home, you have come to God. God is nothing but a name of your innermost core. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 2 Chapter #8 Chapter title: For the Sake of Harmony 4 March 1977 am in Buddha Hall Archive code...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,340 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... continues. You are deceiving nobody, you only think you are deceiving. The reality cannot be deceived and you have to suffer the consequences. If conflict is your thing then let it be so. That is the message of Tao. It has nothing to do with harmony, it has to do with let-go. If conflict is your thing and you allow it, then that is harmony for you -- because you will be in harmony with your nature. It is dif...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,341 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... has to do with let-go. If conflict is your thing and you allow it, then that is harmony for you -- because you will be in harmony with your nature. It is difficult because you immediately make ideals. You think Tao is harmony. It is, but not as an ideal. When you relax and you do your thing -- whatsoever it is, mind you, WHATSOEVER, I say -- then you are in harmony. So the first thing is that you are not to ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,342 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...d you do your thing -- whatsoever it is, mind you, WHATSOEVER, I say -- then you are in harmony. So the first thing is that you are not to impose anything upon yourself otherwise you miss the path of Tao. IT IS ALL JOLLY FINE FOR EVERYONE TO 'DO THEIR THING' BUT WHAT SHOULD BE AN ATTITUDE WHEN OUR 'THINGS' CONFLICT? Let there be conflict. Whatsoever happens, happens. What can you do? The conflict ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,343 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... respect. You would like to have no conflict but this liking is your ego. If God wills the conflict to be there then it has to be that way. Relax and let the conflict be there. To move on the path of Tao is to move relaxedly. Whatsoever happens, there should be a total acceptance of it -- both of the act and of the consequence. If the conflict brings misery then that has to be accepted. You have to flow with the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,344 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... notes possible, all the potentialities flowering. He's always new, never old. While angry, be angry. Don't give in. While loving, love; while hating, hate. Just be true, in harmony with yourself -- that's what Tao is. And then a miracle happens: when you are in harmony with yourself you start being in harmony with other people and they start respecting you. You are authentic, you are a solid man. You are not hollow, you ar...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,345 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... it. The very presence of a happy and a rebellious person shows them how unreal they are. The happy, the true person becomes a comparison. I am not saying that by relaxing, by accepting your being, by being in a Taoist attitude, you will not have any misery -- I am not saying that. You will be happy. You will have much pain, you may have to suffer many sufferings, but still you will be happy. And all those sufferings will ad...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,346 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...y means that Hui Koju gave up his activity, surrendered his activity, and Bodhidharma gave it back again because Hui Koju was now no longer a doer so he could be allowed to do. Now God or the total, or the whole, or Tao, would be the doer through him. These parables have to be meditated upon. They are not just to be literally understood, otherwise you will miss the meaning. They are great metaphors, they are poetic. They are...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,347 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... will by and by become aware that even the trees are not the other, even the stars are not the other. This is what I call becoming a sannyasin -- to fall in love with the total. That's what Lao Tzu calls Tao -- to fall in love with the total, to make love to God. That is the ultimate tantra -- to make love to God, to be in love with the whole. Naturally, when you make love to a woman or a man it is bound to be m...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,348 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...o love? How to pray? How to be friendly? How to be compassionate? How to be silent? How to live? Drop the 'how' and let life take its own course. It will. It is not waiting for any 'how'. That's what Tao calls spontaneity, TATHATA, suchness. Let life take its own course. Who are you to interfere continuously? Can't you simply eat? Why do you ask how to eat and how to taste? Can't you simply taste? Just eat, chew ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,349 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... came, and love started arising in your being. One day you will become old, life will start disappearing, and then one day death will come and the circle will be complete. Why are you always trying to interfere? Tao says you should be in WU-WEI, non-interference. Let the whole do things. This is a very radical attitude, this is the greatest revolutionary attitude ever. 'How?' is very childish. Yoga is for children, Tao is fo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,350 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...terfere? Tao says you should be in WU-WEI, non-interference. Let the whole do things. This is a very radical attitude, this is the greatest revolutionary attitude ever. 'How?' is very childish. Yoga is for children, Tao is for grown-ups. So don't ask: BUT THEN HOW IS ONE TO LIVE BEFORE BECOMING ENLIGHTENED? Just live. And just living, I tell you, is fantastic. It is far out! The ninth question: ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,351 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...The ninth question: HOW TO BE A TAOIST PSYCHOTHERAPIST WITHIN A VERY CONFUCIUS-ORIENTED MENTAL INSTITUTION? IN OTHER WORDS, HOW TO BE A NUT-HEALER INSTEAD OF A NUT-CRACKER? You can be a Taoist anywhere; nobody can hinder you, no obstacles can prevent you -- because to be a Taoist means taking the ultimate risk. I am not saying that you will not be in trouble, I have never said that. You will be in t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,352 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...IENTED MENTAL INSTITUTION? IN OTHER WORDS, HOW TO BE A NUT-HEALER INSTEAD OF A NUT-CRACKER? You can be a Taoist anywhere; nobody can hinder you, no obstacles can prevent you -- because to be a Taoist means taking the ultimate risk. I am not saying that you will not be in trouble, I have never said that. You will be in trouble, certainly you will be in trouble, but that trouble is good, beneficial. It is a ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,353 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ental institution don't be worried very much, because whether you are in the institution or in the world it is the same. There is not much difference -- just a little difference of degree. You can be Taoist anywhere because Taoism has no conditions to be fulfilled. The first thing you will have to understand is: don't think of the mad people as nuts, don't think of them as mad. That is disrespectful. Their family...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,354 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...be worried very much, because whether you are in the institution or in the world it is the same. There is not much difference -- just a little difference of degree. You can be Taoist anywhere because Taoism has no conditions to be fulfilled. The first thing you will have to understand is: don't think of the mad people as nuts, don't think of them as mad. That is disrespectful. Their family thought them mad, hence...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,355 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Now everything will prove that he is mad -- the treatment, the medicine, the doctors, the nurses, the whole atmosphere. You are hypnotising him into madness. The first thing to do -- if you really want to be a Taoist in a mental institute -- the first thing to do is to help the person to feel that he is not mad, only different. Do you see the difference it will bring? Just the word 'different'. Nothing is basically wrong w...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,356 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...es should be directly on me, nobody should come in-between. You have to face me, you have to encounter me, and the encounter has to be absolutely immediate and direct. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 2 Chapter #9 Chapter title: The Master is a Must 5 March 1977 am in Buddha Hall 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,357 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... there is no way to go back, so one is simply helpless. One cannot go back but one does not know where to go ahead because there IS no longer any ahead -- all paths have disappeared. This is the moment when Tao arises. That's why I say 'the pathless path'. Tao is the pathless path. This is the moment when all paths disappear; you look back and there is nothing. There is a beautiful Buddhist story in China. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,358 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...mply helpless. One cannot go back but one does not know where to go ahead because there IS no longer any ahead -- all paths have disappeared. This is the moment when Tao arises. That's why I say 'the pathless path'. Tao is the pathless path. This is the moment when all paths disappear; you look back and there is nothing. There is a beautiful Buddhist story in China. In a certain town a very beautiful young lady...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,359 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... has no space. And unless the heart has a space, God cannot enter you. He comes only when the space is ready, when you have the room ready for him -- your heart is the room. According to the Taoist mapping of inner consciousness there are seven holes. That is exactly the same as seven chakras. Each Taoist hole is concerned with one chakra of yoga. There are seven chakras: MULADHAR, SVADHISTHAN, MANIPURA,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,360 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...is ready, when you have the room ready for him -- your heart is the room. According to the Taoist mapping of inner consciousness there are seven holes. That is exactly the same as seven chakras. Each Taoist hole is concerned with one chakra of yoga. There are seven chakras: MULADHAR, SVADHISTHAN, MANIPURA, ANAHAT, VISHUDDHI, AJNA, SAHASRAR. These seven chakras of yoga are concerned with each hole in the heart. Wh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,361 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...he third chakra, the third hole opens in the heart. In yoga they have not talked about those seven holes because that will make it very confusing and complex. There is no need. One map is enough. The Taoists have not talked about the chakras because there is no need -- their map is also enough. When one hole opens you have passed through one chakra, when another hole opens you have passed through another chakra....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,362 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...enth chakra has opened, you have become a lotus flower. All one thousand petals have opened, your fragrance is released. You have become a Buddha. The physician was really a rare man and has a rare insight into Tao. In fact, in the ancient days, a Hindu physician, an ayurvedic physician, had to go through yoga. You will be surprised, you will not see what the relevance is. Not only did he have to go through yoga, he had to ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,363 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...vedic doctor had to understand the subtle layers of the poetry of life, the song of life, the rhythmic flow of the inner being. And he had to be a great knower of yoga too The same was the case with Taoist physicians. They had to go through deep meditation, because in those old days many people were searching. The world was not as poor spiritually as it is now. It is materially very rich today, it has never been...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,364 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... understand what is happening, to help you accept it, and fall in rapport with it so that the process becomes speedy. Then the one who is almost a sage becomes a perfect sage. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 2 Chapter #10 Chapter title: The Song of All Songs 6 March 1977 am in Buddha Hall Archive c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,365 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...at shall we do?' Matesi himself came to see. He recognised the young seeker and he recognised his awakening too. He said, 'You are so innocent. You are nature itself, rao itself. Tennen means nature, Tao, innocence. And now I am your Master and you are my disciple.' Tennen came down from the wooden statue, fell at the Master Matesi's feet and said, 'I am grateful to you for giving me my monk's nam...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,366 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t a sacrifice. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 2 Chapter #11 Chapter title: The Stage of the Sage 7 March 1977 am in Buddha Hall Archive code:...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,367 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ot find a better graveyard. It is tremendously beautiful. Lao Tzu was very old and he was in a hurry so he said, 'Okay. If you insist, I will write.' But the first sentence he wrote in the TAO TE CHING IS: 'The Tao, the truth, that can be said is not the real Tao. The Tao that can be uttered or expressed is already false.' The truth cannot be said because you can say only things which have been really known, known ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,368 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Lao Tzu was very old and he was in a hurry so he said, 'Okay. If you insist, I will write.' But the first sentence he wrote in the TAO TE CHING IS: 'The Tao, the truth, that can be said is not the real Tao. The Tao that can be uttered or expressed is already false.' The truth cannot be said because you can say only things which have been really known, known totally, known perfectly. Then you can express it. Tr...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,369 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Lao Tzu was very old and he was in a hurry so he said, 'Okay. If you insist, I will write.' But the first sentence he wrote in the TAO TE CHING IS: 'The Tao, the truth, that can be said is not the real Tao. The Tao that can be uttered or expressed is already false.' The truth cannot be said because you can say only things which have been really known, known totally, known perfectly. Then you can express it. Truth is ne...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,370 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nificant. These parables are not just to be read in one stroke and forgotten about, these parables were written to meditate upon. These are meditative devices. LIEH TZU WAS STUDYING ARCHERY. Tao is the only religion which makes no difference between the sacred and the profane. All other religions make a distinction between the sacred and the profane. Archery is a profane art -- or swordsmanship, or c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,371 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- he never touches the earth. He is not an earthly being. But Tao is something very rare and extraordinary. Tao says that any activity can be turned into a sacred activity -- any activity whatsoever, even archery, even swordsmanship. In China and Japan there are schools of arch...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,372 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ternational Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- he never touches the earth. He is not an earthly being. But Tao is something very rare and extraordinary. Tao says that any activity can be turned into a sacred activity -- any activity whatsoever, even archery, even swordsmanship. In China and Japan there are schools of archery and swordsmanship but you will be puzzled ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,373 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e Meditation Hall. What type of meditation is this? People are fighting, wrestling, learning archery -- murderous arts. What type of meditation is this? Why do they call these halls meditation halls? Tao says that any activity done with full awareness becomes a meditation. Activity is not the real thing -- how you do it, what consciousness you bring to it, is. You can pray in a very earthly way and then it become...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,374 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...bout them? Nothing seems to be sacred about them. You may be sitting in a temple but that doesn't make much difference. If your prayer can be profane then ordinary activities can be sacred. That is a Taoist contribution to the world. They say that activity is not the real thing, it is the consciousness you bring to it that is. For example, you may be wrestling. The Taoist wrestler first bows down to the oppon...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,375 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...rdinary activities can be sacred. That is a Taoist contribution to the world. They say that activity is not the real thing, it is the consciousness you bring to it that is. For example, you may be wrestling. The Taoist wrestler first bows down to the opponent. The Taoist wrestler first has to bow down to his opponent and meditate on the opponent as being God. as being divine -- not as the enemy. If he cannot meditate on the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,376 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... to the world. They say that activity is not the real thing, it is the consciousness you bring to it that is. For example, you may be wrestling. The Taoist wrestler first bows down to the opponent. The Taoist wrestler first has to bow down to his opponent and meditate on the opponent as being God. as being divine -- not as the enemy. If he cannot meditate on the enemy as being God, as being a friend then he is not ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,377 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...Taoist wrestler first has to bow down to his opponent and meditate on the opponent as being God. as being divine -- not as the enemy. If he cannot meditate on the enemy as being God, as being a friend then he is not Taoist. Then it is ordinary wrestling. But if he can see the same God in his opponent as he feels in himself then wrestling is wrestling only on the surface; deep down it has become prayer. Now, if you look from ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,378 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [.... And, you will be surprised to know, if somebody is defeated he is thought to be one who is not yet in a let-go. He was still an egoist, that's why he was defeated. Sometimes it happens that two Taoist wrestlers have been wrestling again and again for years and neither has been defeated -- because both were non-egoists. How can you defeat a non-egoist? Both were non-aggressive. Both were in such tremendous l...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,379 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... swordsmen may fight for hours and neither gets hurt. This is the art. The whole art is to be so empty that the sword cannot cut anything. Now, if somebody hits you, you shrink; if somebody hits you, you resist. The Taoist art is: when somebody hits you, you expand. You take the attack into yourself and absorb it. If somebody is throwing energy at you, don't fight with that energy, absorb it. He is giving you ene...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,380 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... it very radiant. Each activity can be turned into meditation. Even these murderous arts of archery can be turned into non-violent arts. This is a great revolution. The ego is hard and masculine. Tao believes in the feminine. The ego is aggressive, the feminine is receptive. Tao believes in the receptive. Tao believes in becoming a womb. The ego, the masculine ego is determined to penetrate rather than to be ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,381 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...rderous arts of archery can be turned into non-violent arts. This is a great revolution. The ego is hard and masculine. Tao believes in the feminine. The ego is aggressive, the feminine is receptive. Tao believes in the receptive. Tao believes in becoming a womb. The ego, the masculine ego is determined to penetrate rather than to be penetrated. The masculine ego is always 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,382 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...turned into non-violent arts. This is a great revolution. The ego is hard and masculine. Tao believes in the feminine. The ego is aggressive, the feminine is receptive. Tao believes in the receptive. Tao believes in becoming a womb. The ego, the masculine ego is determined to penetrate rather than to be penetrated. The masculine ego is always 10/28/07 Copyright Osho Internation...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,383 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... back he is nothing. The woman may be tiny, a wisp of a woman. but that woman dominates. Every husband is hen-pecked. And I am saying EVERY. If you can find a husband who is not hen-pecked then know well he is a Taoist. Then he is not masculine, that's why he is not hen-pecked. He is already feminine. Each husband has to be hen-pecked because the egoistic energy cannot win against the non-egoistic energy. Hav...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,384 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...w she becomes the conqueror. She never tries to penetrate you, she never tries to conquer you -- that is her victory. She is defenceless. But still some great strength comes from some unknown source. Taoists say that this is the strength of the water element. Man is like rock and woman is like water. When the water falls on the rocks, the rock disappears, becomes sand -- sooner or later. It is only a question of ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,385 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...get. What about you? What about the archer? Has anything happened in the archer? Has your consciousness changed a little bit? No, nothing has changed. You are a technician, you are not a real artist. Taoists say that the real thing is to see the source from where this aim comes, from where this aiming comes, from where this arrow takes the energy. Who is it who has succeeded? What is the energy? What kind of bein...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,386 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...tch these moments of let-go, cherish them, taste them more. Welcome them so that they become more and more available to you. Receive the guest gratefully so that it starts coming more and more often. Tao says that the real happens only when you are in such a state of diffused relaxedness that you cannot say I am. 'I am' means you are tense. LIEH TZU WAS STUDYING ARCHERY, AND HIT THE TARGET. HE...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,387 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ans you are tense. LIEH TZU WAS STUDYING ARCHERY, AND HIT THE TARGET. HE SOUGHT ADVICE FROM KUAN-YIN WHO ASKED HIM, 'DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU HIT THE TARGET?' This Kuan-yin is a Taoist Master and an archer. Lieh Tzu asked him about his archery and he said, 'I have become an expert; technically, technologically, I have attained my goal. I have hit the target.' The Master asked, 'DO YOU KNOW W...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,388 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...penetrate the target outside, now he started moving inside into the womb of his own being. He became feminine. Knowledge is aggression; knowing is passivity. There are two types of minds talked of in Tao: one they call MUI and the other they call UI. MUI means natural, relaxed, and UI means unnatural, tense, When you are fighting with life you exist as UI; when you are flowing with life you exist as MUI. Swimming...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,389 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... UI; when you are flowing with life you exist as MUI. Swimming, you function as UI; floating, you function as MUI. When you are in a let-go it is the natural mind in tune with the whole, in tune with Tao. Then these birds singing here are not a distraction; on the contrary, they enrich. Then everything is allowed. All the doors are open. You are not resisting, you are not struggling, you simply are. That is ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,390 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...hed Query:- The society creates the state of ui. It makes you unnatural, tense, knowledgeable; it makes you cultivated, cultured -- but it creates a hard crust around your heart and you lose your real nature, Tao. HE WENT AWAY TO PRACTICE AND AFTER THREE YEARS AGAIN REPORTED TO KUAN-YIN. 'DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU HIT THE TARGET?' -- again the same question -- 'I KNOW,' said Lieh Tzu. Again i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,391 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...IS APPLIES NOT ONLY TO ARCHERY BUT TO RULING ONESELF: THEREFORE THE SAGE SCRUTINISES NOT THE FACT OF SURVIVAL OR RUIN, BUT ITS REASONS. THIS APPLIES NOT ONLY TO ARCHERY BUT TO RULING ONESELF: In fact, in Tao and Zen, archery is just a way to learn something about life. When somebody insults you, remember that the person who has insulted you is outside you, on the periphery, like the target; you are deep within ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,392 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...-- to where it started, to where you felt the turmoil. Let it come back there; look there. This can become the key of an inner transformation. A new being is possible. Archery is just a device. Taoists have devised many devices. But in all the devices the basic thing, the essential thing, is to turn to one's own nature. Meditate on this parable and start using it in your life. First, look for moments o...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,393 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... meet, where the snake turns to its own tail and starts eating it, you become complete, a whole circle. That's the stage of the sage. That's what sannyas is all about. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 2 Chapter #12 Chapter title: Stand in Your Son's Shoes 8 March 1977 am in Buddha Hall Archive cod...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,394 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e same energy that is involved in the thoughts which is used in centring. When the energy becomes centring, thoughts simply flop dead. They don't have any energy. They disappear. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 2 Chapter #13 Chapter title: Raise no Dust, Leave no Tracks 9 March 1977 am in Buddha Hall Archive co...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,395 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [..., IGNORES WHAT HE DOES NOT NEED TO SEE. IN THE JUDGEMENT OF HORSES OF A MAN LIKE KAO THERE IS SOMETHING MORE IMPORTANT THAN HORSES.' WHEN THE HORSE ARRIVED IT DID PROVE TO BE A GREAT HORSE. Tao is the vision of the total, the vision of the whole. Parts don't matter; parts don't have any meaning in themselves. The meaning belongs to the whole, to the unity, tot he organic unity -- if you look for meaning...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,396 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... the hormones. That's why Freud reduced all love to sexuality -- then prayer too, then God too. Everything becomes sexual. The moment prayer, love and God all become sexual something is missed. Tao's approach is just the opposite. Tao says rather than explaining the thing by the part, rather than explaining the hole by the part, try to explain the part by the whole. For example, this haiku I told you.... ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,397 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s why Freud reduced all love to sexuality -- then prayer too, then God too. Everything becomes sexual. The moment prayer, love and God all become sexual something is missed. Tao's approach is just the opposite. Tao says rather than explaining the thing by the part, rather than explaining the hole by the part, try to explain the part by the whole. For example, this haiku I told you.... The ancient pond ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,398 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... bigger. The meaning certainly comes to the lowest, but the lowest is not the determining factor. Look at the different approach. If you ask the scientist he will say the lotus is nothing but the mud; if you ask the Taoist he will say the mud is nothing but the lotus. The difference is tremendous. When you say that the lotus is nothing but the mud, the dirty mud, you have destroyed all beauty. Then only dirty mud is left in ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,399 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ence is tremendous. When you say that the lotus is nothing but the mud, the dirty mud, you have destroyed all beauty. Then only dirty mud is left in your hands and in your soul. Then you are left with a filthy life. Taoists say that if a lotus can come out of the mud then the mud cannot be just mud, it must be carrying the lotus, the possibility of the lotus. The fragrance, the colour, the beauty of the lotus must be hidden some...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,400 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e of Meera for Krishna, the love of Ananda for Buddha, the love of Mary Magdalene for Jesus, is nothing but sexuality. Can't you see how much beauty is destroyed immediately with a stroke? If you ask the Taoist he will say that even when a man goes to make love to a prostitute there is something of prayer in it, there is something of the divine in it. Just few days ago I saw an article written by the DATTABAL. He...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,401 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...site places. So there is not much difference. But can't you see the difference? The difference is tremendous. vital, and of great value. And much will depend on that difference. The Taoist vision is to look at the part through the whole so that the whole can give a meaning to the part, can make it meaningful. Not otherwise. Your eyes are beautiful but taken out of your body they won't be. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,402 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Take things out of their context and they lose all meaning, they lose all beauty, they lose all truth. Truth is with the whole, so is beauty, so is goodness. This is the first thing to be understood about Tao -- it is a vision of the whole. And the whole has not to be put together... this is the second thing to remember. There have been people who try to put the whole together. For example, Freud's psychoanalysis...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,403 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ts together again. Freud has destroyed but Assagioli has not been able to revive anything; he cannot. This will be difficult but it has to be understood -- because it will help you to understand the Taoist attitude. Freud does analysis. First he cuts off the limbs of the body and then he spreads all the limbs on the table and examines them. Then comes Assagioli. He puts all the limbs together again, binds them t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,404 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ity is destroyed even if you put things back it will not be the real unity. So I am not in favour of Freud's analysis, neither am I in favour of Assagioli's synthesis. My attitude is exactly that of Tao. What does Tao say? Tao says look for the unity that existed before analysis began. Go to the primordial, the primitive unity, the original. Go to the original. Synthesis comes after analysis, it ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,405 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...n if you put things back it will not be the real unity. So I am not in favour of Freud's analysis, neither am I in favour of Assagioli's synthesis. My attitude is exactly that of Tao. What does Tao say? Tao says look for the unity that existed before analysis began. Go to the primordial, the primitive unity, the original. Go to the original. Synthesis comes after analysis, it follows analysis, it succeeds a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,406 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...put things back it will not be the real unity. So I am not in favour of Freud's analysis, neither am I in favour of Assagioli's synthesis. My attitude is exactly that of Tao. What does Tao say? Tao says look for the unity that existed before analysis began. Go to the primordial, the primitive unity, the original. Go to the original. Synthesis comes after analysis, it follows analysis, it succeeds analysis. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,407 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... trees are in us; we are in the earth and the earth is in us and we are intertwined. We are members of each other, we don't exist separately. To look from this high standpoint of ultimate unity is what Tao is. And then things have a totally different colour. Then your vision reveals to you things which cannot be revealed on lower planes. It is not a question of putting them together. One day a Chr...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,408 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... together into truth. They know the same truth, they live the same life, they enjoy the same bliss. Their samadhi is one. I am not putting anything together, I am simply saying it is so. The second thing: Tao is not interested in understanding anything in separation -- because that understanding will be false, rooted in falsity. You cannot understand a thing separately because in that very separation, in that very def...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,409 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... fluid, river-like. He is no longer like an ice-cube. He has melted. An ice-cube has definite boundaries, an ice-cube can be defined, but when you have melted, all definitions disappear. Tao does not give any explanation but it understands; science gives explanations but it doesn't understand. And the very explanations become barriers to understanding. The moment you have explained a thing you have d...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,410 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... everything is not explained. Something remains unexplained, something remains elusive, something remains mercury-like. You go on grasping it and it continues to slip out -- that's the beauty of life. Tao says that the whole life is mercury-like. The total is so alive that no fixed explanation is possible. You cannot label anything because things change so fast. By the time you have labelled something your label i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,411 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... time you have labelled something your label is already false -- the thing has changed. The moment you have said something the utterance is already meaningless because the reality is no longer the same. Explanation, Tao has none; understanding, it has tremendously. And it is one of the basic ingredients of understanding that life is a mystery. The third thing: science tries to explain things by their causes and ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,412 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...Tao has none; understanding, it has tremendously. And it is one of the basic ingredients of understanding that life is a mystery. The third thing: science tries to explain things by their causes and Tao tries to understand things by their ends. The difference is of tremendous value and has to be understood. Science goes into the causes, the 'how' of things. Tao goes into the end, the ultimate flowering, the 'why...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,413 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...g: science tries to explain things by their causes and Tao tries to understand things by their ends. The difference is of tremendous value and has to be understood. Science goes into the causes, the 'how' of things. Tao goes into the end, the ultimate flowering, the 'why' of things. For example, if you fall in love with a woman or a man, science will ask 'how' -- how did you fall in love? It will go into the causes of it. Tao wi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,414 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ings. Tao goes into the end, the ultimate flowering, the 'why' of things. For example, if you fall in love with a woman or a man, science will ask 'how' -- how did you fall in love? It will go into the causes of it. Tao will ask 'why'. It will go into the end of it. Science moves towards the seed for its explanation and Tao moves towards the flower or the fruit for its understanding. Science goes into the past, Tao goes into the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,415 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... with a woman or a man, science will ask 'how' -- how did you fall in love? It will go into the causes of it. Tao will ask 'why'. It will go into the end of it. Science moves towards the seed for its explanation and Tao moves towards the flower or the fruit for its understanding. Science goes into the past, Tao goes into the future. Science looks into the dead, Tao looks into the possibility and potentiality . 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,416 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...he causes of it. Tao will ask 'why'. It will go into the end of it. Science moves towards the seed for its explanation and Tao moves towards the flower or the fruit for its understanding. Science goes into the past, Tao goes into the future. Science looks into the dead, Tao looks into the possibility and potentiality . 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,417 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e end of it. Science moves towards the seed for its explanation and Tao moves towards the flower or the fruit for its understanding. Science goes into the past, Tao goes into the future. Science looks into the dead, Tao looks into the possibility and potentiality . 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,418 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s brought to a psychoanalyst, the psychoanalyst goes into the cause -- why did he become mad in the first place? He has to go there. He has to look into the past to find the cause there. If you are brought to a Taoist he will not go into the past. He will look into the future. He will think of what purpose your madness can be used for. Just look at t.he approach. For what purpose can your madness be used? If you are mad can...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,419 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...lable -- maybe that's why he is mad. His madness can be used in a creative way. There is no need to think of how to destroy it, the need is how to use it, how to be creative about it. If you go to a Taoist he will look into your madness, he will try to figure out your future, your higher possibilities, and he will try to see how to use your madness for that future, how to make your madness serve your destiny. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,420 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...re is how to make it creative. Madness is great energy. If you look into the past it is a problem, if you look into the future it can be used and can become a stepping-stone. Everything can be used. Tao believes in doing exactly what a gardener does in using manure. You can hoard manure and it will simply stink and it will make your life impossible. But you can spread the manure on the flower-beds and the same s...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,421 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...le. What is madness? It is manure. What is anger? What is hatred? What is jealousy? They are manure. If you go on hoarding them you will go mad, certainly. It will be impossible to live with it. The Taoist approach is to spread it on the flower-beds. It can serve meditation, it can serve love, it can serve joy, it can serve happiness, it can serve God. A madman can reach God faster than the so-called sane p...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,422 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...to be mad. Madness has tremendous potentiality. Everything is potential -- look how it can be used. Look at the future. Never think in terms of being a full moon, always remain a new moon. So the Tao approach is never for the cause but for the end. It is eschatological, it is not casual. And it is tremendously beautiful -- because God is the end of the whole existence. That is the ultimate, where we are movin...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,423 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...as an object -- then there is no dialogue. Between a husband and a wife the dialogue never happens because both think Of the other as an object, as a means. They don't think of the other as a person. Tao says everything is subject; even that which stands in your way has its own subjectivity. You can provoke a dialogue with a rock, you can provoke a dialogue with. a tree. And what to say about human beings? You ca...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,424 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ort with existence, when you touch the rock as you would like to touch a person -- you feel the texture of it, you close your eyes, you create a sort of relationship with it. And, if you are ready, if you understand Tao, you will be able to create a relationship with the rock. It will start talking to you sooner or later; it will respond. The whole existence is full of God. There is nothing that is dead, there cannot be. How...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,425 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s possibility. It will take time because your mind has been too conditioned by the objective. It will take time but it happens. You can develop this sensibility. And when this sensibility has grown you have become a Taoist. No object is just an object. Every object is full of subjectivity because every object has a soul to it. Nothing is soulless. As you are full of soul, 'interiority', so is everything else. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,426 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...THE FELLOW YOU SENT TO FIND ME HORSES. HE CANNOT EVEN TELL ONE COLOUR FROM ANOTHER, OR A MARE FROM A STALLION. WHAT CAN HE KNOW ABOUT HORSES? Now something has to be understood. This is the Taoist approach about things. A mare means the feminine, a mare means yin quality. The Duke could not understand the man. The man is not talking about the body, the man IS TALKING about the soul, the man is talking a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,427 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...outside, they could not see the inner quality, the inner quality of the feminine. By saying that the horse was a mare, this man, Chiu-fang Kao, said something of tremendous value. The horse is non-aggressive and Taoists say that when a person is non-aggressive he is unconquerable. When a person is aggressive he can be conquered -- because a person who is aggressive depends on his own energy. All energies are limited and when...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,428 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...HE CANNOT EVEN TELL ONE COLOUR FROM ANOTHER, OR A MARE FROM A STALLION. WHAT CAN HE KNOW ABOUT HORSES?' PO-LO BREATHED A SIGH OF WONDER. 'SO NOW HE HAS RISEN TO THIS?' This is the beauty of Tao. They are absurd people, very paradoxical, but if you start loving them you will know that they have a certain quality which is missing everywhere else. PO-LO BREATHED A SIGH OF WONDER. He could not believe i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,429 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...them you will know that they have a certain quality which is missing everywhere else. PO-LO BREATHED A SIGH OF WONDER. He could not believe it, it was incredible -- because this means the ultimate in Tao. 'SO NOW HE HAS RISEN TO THIS?' He does not even make a judgement about whether the horse is a mare or a stallion -- these distinctions are only on the surface -- and he has reached to the deepest core. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,430 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... HE DOES NOT NEED TO SEE. IN THE JUDGEMENT OF HORSES FOR A MAN LIKE KAO THERE IS SOMETHING MORE IMPORTANT THAN HORSES.' So he is not just a man who knows horses, now he knows something more. He knows real Tao. He has the insight to see the whole and not to be worried about the parts. He can see the gestalt, the very pattern, the innermost pattern, of the horse -- now he is not worried about the body, the colour, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,431 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... You can also become great horses and you can also become knowers of great horses. But remember, this parable is not about horses; horses are just an excuse. The parable is about the sage, the Taoist sage, the great sage. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Meditate over it...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,432 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... for you. I cannot chew for you, you will have to chew for yourself. I can simply seduce you. These are seductions, not commentaries -- just seductions so you become interested in a different dimension. And each Taoist parable opens a dimension, opens a new door. If you go into it, more doors will open and if you go into those doors, even more will open. It is a non-ending mystery. Tao: The...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,433 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nd each Taoist parable opens a dimension, opens a new door. If you go into it, more doors will open and if you go into those doors, even more will open. It is a non-ending mystery. Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 2 Chapter #14 Chapter title: The Ego on the Tip of the Nose 10 March 1977 am in Buddha Hall Archive cod...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,434 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...great experiment is afoot. You may not be aware of how fortunate you are. You may not be aware that something of tremendous import is happening here, something which can become the door to a great synthesis. A great Tao can arise. We can attain to the primordial unity. The groups are meant to destroy the Western psychology and the simple meditative techniques are meant to destroy the Eastern psychology. When both are dropped...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,435 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [..., is sannyas. The fifth question: DOES THE MAN OF TAO LIKE TO TASTE MANY WOMEN OR DOES HE STAY WITH ONE UNTIL HE IS ABLE TO EAT THE MASTER? THE first thing: for the man of Tao there is not many and one. For the man of Tao all women are one woman -- because the man of Tao looks at the energy and not at the form. For the man of Tao one woman is different from another woman only because o...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,436 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...: DOES THE MAN OF TAO LIKE TO TASTE MANY WOMEN OR DOES HE STAY WITH ONE UNTIL HE IS ABLE TO EAT THE MASTER? THE first thing: for the man of Tao there is not many and one. For the man of Tao all women are one woman -- because the man of Tao looks at the energy and not at the form. For the man of Tao one woman is different from another woman only because of the frame -- the sky is the same. For the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,437 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...MEN OR DOES HE STAY WITH ONE UNTIL HE IS ABLE TO EAT THE MASTER? THE first thing: for the man of Tao there is not many and one. For the man of Tao all women are one woman -- because the man of Tao looks at the energy and not at the form. For the man of Tao one woman is different from another woman only because of the frame -- the sky is the same. For the man of Tao there is feminine energy and masculine en...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,438 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... TO EAT THE MASTER? THE first thing: for the man of Tao there is not many and one. For the man of Tao all women are one woman -- because the man of Tao looks at the energy and not at the form. For the man of Tao one woman is different from another woman only because of the frame -- the sky is the same. For the man of Tao there is feminine energy and masculine energy, yin and yang -- whether you stand at one w...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,439 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... one woman -- because the man of Tao looks at the energy and not at the form. For the man of Tao one woman is different from another woman only because of the frame -- the sky is the same. For the man of Tao there is feminine energy and masculine energy, yin and yang -- whether you stand at one window and look at the sky or you stand at another window and look at the same sky makes no difference. So the first thing i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,440 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...same sky makes no difference. So the first thing is that all women are one woman because there is only one feminine energy. It is one sky framed in different windows. The second thing: for the man of Tao one woman is all women because when you look from a window into the sky if you are not too much obsessed with the frame it is the same sky, it is one sky. So one woman is all women and all women are one woman for...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,441 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...n is all women because when you look from a window into the sky if you are not too much obsessed with the frame it is the same sky, it is one sky. So one woman is all women and all women are one woman for the man of Tao -- because a man of Tao thinks in terms, contemplates in terms of energies not of forms. He thinks in terms of the formless. When I look into you I am not bothered at all by the frame you exist in, I look at the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,442 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... from a window into the sky if you are not too much obsessed with the frame it is the same sky, it is one sky. So one woman is all women and all women are one woman for the man of Tao -- because a man of Tao thinks in terms, contemplates in terms of energies not of forms. He thinks in terms of the formless. When I look into you I am not bothered at all by the frame you exist in, I look at the painting, I don't look a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,443 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t bothered at all by the frame you exist in, I look at the painting, I don't look at the frame. The frames differ but the painting is the same. It is the one God, the same one sky. And for the man of Tao, in fact, the man and the woman also start disappearing by and by. There is only one energy -- call it xyz. Taoists call it Tao. It means nothing. It means x. There is only one energy, Tao. It functions in two wa...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,444 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...r but the painting is the same. It is the one God, the same one sky. And for the man of Tao, in fact, the man and the woman also start disappearing by and by. There is only one energy -- call it xyz. Taoists call it Tao. It means nothing. It means x. There is only one energy, Tao. It functions in two ways, man and woman. It is the same energy. It has to create a polarity to function otherwise it will not be able ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,445 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ng is the same. It is the one God, the same one sky. And for the man of Tao, in fact, the man and the woman also start disappearing by and by. There is only one energy -- call it xyz. Taoists call it Tao. It means nothing. It means x. There is only one energy, Tao. It functions in two ways, man and woman. It is the same energy. It has to create a polarity to function otherwise it will not be able to function at a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,446 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... And for the man of Tao, in fact, the man and the woman also start disappearing by and by. There is only one energy -- call it xyz. Taoists call it Tao. It means nothing. It means x. There is only one energy, Tao. It functions in two ways, man and woman. It is the same energy. It has to create a polarity to function otherwise it will not be able to function at all. These two hands of mine are same energy. I am in both...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,447 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ergy. I am in both. But if I want to clap them I can clap them, I can put them against each other. I can hit my right hand with my left, or I can love my left hand with my right. But I am flowing in both hands. I am Tao. The right hand is yang, the left hand is yin. You are Tao. The masculine is your right hand, the feminine is your left hand. Now you can create either a clash between the two or you can create a harmony between ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,448 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...hem, I can put them against each other. I can hit my right hand with my left, or I can love my left hand with my right. But I am flowing in both hands. I am Tao. The right hand is yang, the left hand is yin. You are Tao. The masculine is your right hand, the feminine is your left hand. Now you can create either a clash between the two or you can create a harmony between the two. But whether it is a clash or a harmony, the energy...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,449 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t hand. Now you can create either a clash between the two or you can create a harmony between the two. But whether it is a clash or a harmony, the energy remains the same. The man who has attained to Tao has gone beyond man and woman. He is Tao. The sixth question -- and now for the bombshell: LIEH TZU NEVER EXISTED, RIGHT? WHETHER Lieh Tzu existed or not does not matter. Right or wro...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,450 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ther a clash between the two or you can create a harmony between the two. But whether it is a clash or a harmony, the energy remains the same. The man who has attained to Tao has gone beyond man and woman. He is Tao. The sixth question -- and now for the bombshell: LIEH TZU NEVER EXISTED, RIGHT? WHETHER Lieh Tzu existed or not does not matter. Right or wrong, it does not matter at all. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,451 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...name was, whether it was Lieh Tzu or something else? It is possible that they were written by many people then too there is no problem. Whosoever wrote one of these stories must have touched the consciousness of Tao, otherwise they could not have been written. One man may have written them or many men, but whenever these stories were written somebody had penetrated in to the Tao consciousness, somebody had understood what li...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,452 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...se stories must have touched the consciousness of Tao, otherwise they could not have been written. One man may have written them or many men, but whenever these stories were written somebody had penetrated in to the Tao consciousness, somebody had understood what life is, somebody had had a vision. In the West this is very significant. People go on writing books and books about whether Shakespeare ever existed or...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,453 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...lished Query:- nothing about Lieh Tzu. But why should one bother? This is going into the non-essential, this is looking at the colour of the horse. The colour of the horse was black and the man of Tao reported it as being yellow. And the horse was a stallion and the man reported it as being a mare. Lieh Tzu may have been a woman, he may not have been a man. Who knows? He may not have been a Chinese, he may hav...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,454 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- joins you to existence. To feel one with the cosmos is to get out of the ego; to feel separate is to be with the ego. Ego is what Tao is not; and Tao is what ego is not. If you are in the ego you will never taste Tao, if you want to taste Tao you will have to drop the ego. Dropping it, you come home; dropping it, the benediction is there. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,455 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- joins you to existence. To feel one with the cosmos is to get out of the ego; to feel separate is to be with the ego. Ego is what Tao is not; and Tao is what ego is not. If you are in the ego you will never taste Tao, if you want to taste Tao you will have to drop the ego. Dropping it, you come home; dropping it, the benediction is there. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,456 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...oins you to existence. To feel one with the cosmos is to get out of the ego; to feel separate is to be with the ego. Ego is what Tao is not; and Tao is what ego is not. If you are in the ego you will never taste Tao, if you want to taste Tao you will have to drop the ego. Dropping it, you come home; dropping it, the benediction is there. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 1 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,457 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...h the cosmos is to get out of the ego; to feel separate is to be with the ego. Ego is what Tao is not; and Tao is what ego is not. If you are in the ego you will never taste Tao, if you want to taste Tao you will have to drop the ego. Dropping it, you come home; dropping it, the benediction is there. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 1 Talks on Fragments from ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,458 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... is not. If you are in the ego you will never taste Tao, if you want to taste Tao you will have to drop the ego. Dropping it, you come home; dropping it, the benediction is there. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 1 Talks on Fragments from Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching Talks given from 11/06/75 am to 20/06/75 am E...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,459 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ll have to drop the ego. Dropping it, you come home; dropping it, the benediction is there. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 1 Talks on Fragments from Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching Talks given from 11/06/75 am to 20/06/75 am English Discourse series 10 Chapters ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,460 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Year published: Originally the "Three Treasures" series was published as two volumes, later republished as four volumes. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 1 Chapter #1 Chapter title: On The Absolute Tao 11 June 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive code...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,461 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s four volumes. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 1 Chapter #1 Chapter title: On The Absolute Tao 11 June 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive code: 7506110 ShortTitle: TREAS101 Audio: Yes Video: No Length: 106 mins O...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,462 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...itten, because that will help you to understand them. For ninety years Lao Tzu lived -- in fact he did nothing except live. He lived totally. Many times his disciples asked him to write, but he would always say: The Tao that can be told is not the real Tao, the truth that can be told becomes untrue immediately. So he would not say anything; he would not write anything. Then what were the disciples doing with him? They were ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,463 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...understand them. For ninety years Lao Tzu lived -- in fact he did nothing except live. He lived totally. Many times his disciples asked him to write, but he would always say: The Tao that can be told is not the real Tao, the truth that can be told becomes untrue immediately. So he would not say anything; he would not write anything. Then what were the disciples doing with him? They were only being with him. That's what satsang i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,464 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...uction for the book. It simply makes you alert: now words will be following, don't become a victim of the words. Remember the wordless. Remember that which cannot be communicated through language, through words. The Tao can be communicated, but it can only be communicated from being to being. It can be communicated when you are with the Master, just with the Master, doing nothing, not even practicing anything. Just being with th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,465 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...If you try to be perfect you will follow Buddha, you will follow Mahavir, you will follow Jesus. If you try to be total only then can you have the feeling of what it means to be near Lao Tzu, what it means to follow Tao. Tao is totality. Totality is not perfect, it is always imperfect -- because it is always alive. Perfection is always dead -- anything that becomes perfect is dead. How can it live? How can it live ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,466 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ect you will follow Buddha, you will follow Mahavir, you will follow Jesus. If you try to be total only then can you have the feeling of what it means to be near Lao Tzu, what it means to follow Tao. Tao is totality. Totality is not perfect, it is always imperfect -- because it is always alive. Perfection is always dead -- anything that becomes perfect is dead. How can it live? How can it live when it has become ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,467 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e, not a result. Result is when you desire it; consequence is when you were not even thinking about it, there was no desire, no thinking about it. It happens as part of the inner law of existence. That law is called Tao. IT IS BECAUSE HE LAYS CLAIM TO NO CREDIT THAT THE CREDIT CANNOT BE TAKEN AWAY FROM HIM. Understand Lao Tzu. And understand your inner greed. Because the greed can say.... It happens ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,468 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... He is both. And if you can understand him, nothing is left to be understood. You can forget Mahavirs, Buddhas, Krishnas -- Lao Tzu alone is enough. He is the master key. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 1 Chapter #2 Chapter title: Ordinariness 12 June 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive code: ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,469 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...k at the difference of the point of view. Lao Tzu says you are merged in existence, you are not separate. You have never been, you can never be separated. How is it possible? You exist in the ocean of the divine, or Tao, or whatsoever you name it. How can you be separate? So first a wrong notion that "I am separate," then another wrong notion comes out of the first -- that "I have to merge." And if you try to merge you will rema...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,470 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... air bubble, that's all. Cool down a little. And just look around: you have always been in the ocean, you have never been anywhere else. You cannot be, because nothing else exists. There is no space except God -- or Tao. So the sooner you realize the foolishness of desire, of merging, the better. You are already that which you are seeking. This is the message of all the awakened ones: you are already that which you are seeki...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,471 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...tence celebrates. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 1 Chapter #3 Chapter title: On The Character of Tao 13 June 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive code...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,472 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ed and unpublished Query:- Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 1 Chapter #3 Chapter title: On The Character of Tao 13 June 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive code: 7506130 ShortTitle: TREAS103 Audio: Yes Video: No Length: 105 mins O...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,473 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...but the argument is the same. And logic is a whore. There is a story; one of Lao Tzu's greatest disciples, Lieh Tzu, reports it... Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and Lieh Tzu -- they are the three pillars of the world of Tao. Lao Tzu goes on talking in epigrams, maxims; he does not even elaborate. But Lieh Tzu and Chuang Tzu, being disciples of Lao Tzu, cannot argue. They go on telling parables, stories, analogies. This word has to b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,474 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s, maxims; he does not even elaborate. But Lieh Tzu and Chuang Tzu, being disciples of Lao Tzu, cannot argue. They go on telling parables, stories, analogies. This word has to be continuously remembered: Tao cannot be explained, only analogies can be given -- indications. Tao cannot be discussed, it can only be shown. So a deep sympathetic heart is needed -- it is not a question of the mind at all. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,475 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...huang Tzu, being disciples of Lao Tzu, cannot argue. They go on telling parables, stories, analogies. This word has to be continuously remembered: Tao cannot be explained, only analogies can be given -- indications. Tao cannot be discussed, it can only be shown. So a deep sympathetic heart is needed -- it is not a question of the mind at all. Lieh Tzu reports a story, that in his town once it happened: the rich...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,476 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ut the inner emptiness is a nondoer. Remember this analogy. It is a key word in Lao Tzu. TAO IS A HOLLOW VESSEL, AND ITS USE IS INEXHAUSTIBLE, FATHOMLESS. If Tao or God were not empty then their use could not be inexhaustible, then some day they would be exhausted. And what God can be called God who is exhaustible? One day that God will be dead, it will be exhausted. But ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,477 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...n created as a person sitting somewhere in the skies and controlling. He is not controlling. He is not a person. In fact he is not a he, and he is not a she also. All our words are irrelevant because Tao is a vast hollowness, a vast space, emptiness. Your logic will immediately arise in the mind: then how are things there? Ask the physicists; now they have come to the same understanding as Lao Tzu. Now they say t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,478 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...f bliss -- bliss upon bliss. CONTINUOUSLY, CONTINUOUSLY IT SEEMS TO REMAIN. DRAW UPON IT AND IT SERVES YOU WITH EASE. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 1 Chapter #4 Chapter title: Emptiness 14 June 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive code...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,479 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...only will you be able to understand that you are interdependent -- you can make the tree happy and the tree can make you happy. And the whole of life is interdependent. This interdependence I call God, Lao Tzu calls Tao -- this whole interdependence. God is not a person somewhere, this whole interdependence is God, Tao, dharma. The Vedas call it rit, the law. Whatsoever you like to call it, call it, but this int...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,480 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ou happy. And the whole of life is interdependent. This interdependence I call God, Lao Tzu calls Tao -- this whole interdependence. God is not a person somewhere, this whole interdependence is God, Tao, dharma. The Vedas call it rit, the law. Whatsoever you like to call it, call it, but this interdependence is the whole thing. And if near me you can learn interdependence, you have learned all. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,481 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e. And you see. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 1 Chapter #5 Chapter title: On The Danger Of Overweening Success 15 June 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive code...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,482 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... never fanatic; only extremists are fanatics, they cling to a certain position. And the middle is not a position, it is a constant gaining of balance. Try to understand. This is the most meaningful feeling that Tao can give to you. The middle is not a fixed state, it is a constantly changing movement. So you cannot be in the middle like the man who can be on the left or on the right. You cannot cling to the middle. One who ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,483 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...needs to lean toward the capitalist and the capitalist to lean toward the communist. Life is not as clear-cut as thinking. Thinking is very linear, life is maddening. I have heard one anecdote, not written by a Taoist but the anecdote is Taoist -- knowingly or unknowingly, the man has brought Taoism into it. It is a German anecdote. It happened once: a small chicken was sitting in the henhouse, absolutely Buddha-like, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,484 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...pitalist and the capitalist to lean toward the communist. Life is not as clear-cut as thinking. Thinking is very linear, life is maddening. I have heard one anecdote, not written by a Taoist but the anecdote is Taoist -- knowingly or unknowingly, the man has brought Taoism into it. It is a German anecdote. It happened once: a small chicken was sitting in the henhouse, absolutely Buddha-like, not a 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,485 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Life is not as clear-cut as thinking. Thinking is very linear, life is maddening. I have heard one anecdote, not written by a Taoist but the anecdote is Taoist -- knowingly or unknowingly, the man has brought Taoism into it. It is a German anecdote. It happened once: a small chicken was sitting in the henhouse, absolutely Buddha-like, not a 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Fou...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,486 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... hell. Remain balanced and you are in heaven; become unbalanced and a hell is created -- nobody else is creating it for you. Lao Tzu has no God, no personal God, to punish anybody. It is simply Tao. Tao is just a law, a universal law. If you move according to it you are happy, if you move against it you become unhappy. In fact, unhappiness is a symptom, just as happiness is a symptom -- a symptom of how ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,487 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [.... Remain balanced and you are in heaven; become unbalanced and a hell is created -- nobody else is creating it for you. Lao Tzu has no God, no personal God, to punish anybody. It is simply Tao. Tao is just a law, a universal law. If you move according to it you are happy, if you move against it you become unhappy. In fact, unhappiness is a symptom, just as happiness is a symptom -- a symptom of how ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,488 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...universal law. If you move according to it you are happy, if you move against it you become unhappy. In fact, unhappiness is a symptom, just as happiness is a symptom -- a symptom of how you are moving: according to Tao or against Tao. When you are moving according to Tao you are happy, blissful, celebrating. Every moment is a joy, a delight. Life seems like poetry. Every moment you see something flowering, growing; every ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,489 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...If you move according to it you are happy, if you move against it you become unhappy. In fact, unhappiness is a symptom, just as happiness is a symptom -- a symptom of how you are moving: according to Tao or against Tao. When you are moving according to Tao you are happy, blissful, celebrating. Every moment is a joy, a delight. Life seems like poetry. Every moment you see something flowering, growing; every mome...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,490 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...against it you become unhappy. In fact, unhappiness is a symptom, just as happiness is a symptom -- a symptom of how you are moving: according to Tao or against Tao. When you are moving according to Tao you are happy, blissful, celebrating. Every moment is a joy, a delight. Life seems like poetry. Every moment you see something flowering, growing; every moment you see a thousand things to be grateful for. You ar...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,491 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...one, now retire, enjoy it. Don't postpone enjoyment, that is the meaning of the word "retire." Enjoy here and now. RETIRE WHEN YOUR WORK IS DONE. SUCH IS HEAVEN'S WAY. That is Tao. Never go to the extreme, the work is always done within the limits. Remain in the limits, enclosed in the limits. That is the discipline, the discipline of a sannyasin -- always remaining in the middle, always r...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,492 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...the greatest fulfillment that life can give you. That is a deep moment of total balance, tranquility. We have called it enlightenment, liberation, moksha, nirvana -- or you name it. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 1 Chapter #6 Chapter title: There Is No Meaning 16 June 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive co...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,493 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... You can pin it down but it is no more a butterfly, the life has left it. Just like a butterfly is the inner balance, you cannot pin it down. That's why it is indefinable, elusive. Says Lao Tzu: The Tao that can be said is no more Tao. The truth that can be uttered has already become untrue. Indian scriptures say "That" cannot be known by scriptures. nayam atma pravachanen labhya. You cannot understand "That" by...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,494 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...o more a butterfly, the life has left it. Just like a butterfly is the inner balance, you cannot pin it down. That's why it is indefinable, elusive. Says Lao Tzu: The Tao that can be said is no more Tao. The truth that can be uttered has already become untrue. Indian scriptures say "That" cannot be known by scriptures. nayam atma pravachanen labhya. You cannot understand "That" by any verbal communication. "That...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,495 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... somebody will turn up someday and everything will be right, and you will be in heaven. It has not happened, it is not going to happen. Otherwise there would be no need of religion, no need of yoga, no need of Tao. By and by everybody would have come to the right life -- but it never happens. But hope goes on winning over experience, and to the very end you go on hoping that someday, somehow, everything will be good. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,496 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...l sexually than anybody else. This is a trick. But now to create another rumor that bald people are the only ones who become enlightened will be too much! Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 1 Chapter #7 Chapter title: On The Utility Of Not Being 17 June 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,497 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...f death on his face; his face will look as alive as ever. He has simply disappeared into the black hole with no struggle. That hara in the body is non-being. It is absence, it is a nothingness. And the whole of Taoist practice is to be alert to the hara. They have created a different type of breathing for it; they call it belly-breathing. You cannot find a more silent man than a Taoist who has been doing belly-breathing ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,498 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...sence, it is a nothingness. And the whole of Taoist practice is to be alert to the hara. They have created a different type of breathing for it; they call it belly-breathing. You cannot find a more silent man than a Taoist who has been doing belly-breathing and has become attuned to it. You breathe from the chest. All over the world chest breathing, which is a shallow breathing, exists. Maybe it is because of th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,499 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...y -- a relaxation, a non-tense state of affairs. Have you ever watched a small child breathing? He breathes from the belly. You can watch and you will see. That's how Lao Tzu wanted everybody to breathe. That is the Taoist yoga: just like a child, the belly goes up and down and the chest remains absolutely unaffected, as if the chest has nothing to do with breathing -- and it has nothing to do with breathing. Bu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,500 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...hen nothing can destroy you, you have transcended time and space. Then you have become one with the total, and this is what holiness is -- to become whole is to be holy. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 1 Chapter #8 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-RO...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,501 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ything else. Life is really short and much has to be done. Don't fool around. The fourth question: DO GROWTH AND SPIRITUALITY HAVE ANY MEANING IN TAO? NONE WHATSOEVER -- because Tao is whatsoever is the case right now. Tao is the present. Growth brings future in. The very idea of growth brings the future in, and then everything is 10/28/07 Copyright Osho ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,502 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...h has to be done. Don't fool around. The fourth question: DO GROWTH AND SPIRITUALITY HAVE ANY MEANING IN TAO? NONE WHATSOEVER -- because Tao is whatsoever is the case right now. Tao is the present. Growth brings future in. The very idea of growth brings the future in, and then everything is 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,503 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...thing is 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- distorted. Not that you don't grow in Tao, in fact you only grow in Tao, but the idea of growth is completely foreign to the world of Tao. They don't talk of growth: they only talk of how to be, not how to grow. And if you know how to be...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,504 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- distorted. Not that you don't grow in Tao, in fact you only grow in Tao, but the idea of growth is completely foreign to the world of Tao. They don't talk of growth: they only talk of how to be, not how to grow. And if you know how to be, that is the only way to grow...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,505 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- distorted. Not that you don't grow in Tao, in fact you only grow in Tao, but the idea of growth is completely foreign to the world of Tao. They don't talk of growth: they only talk of how to be, not how to grow. And if you know how to be, that is the only way to grow. If you know how to be in this moment you are on the path of grow...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,506 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... become that which is your very being, the very basis of being -- so right now is the work. This passing moment has to be used so intensely, absorbed so intensely... then it becomes growth. Growth is not an ideal in Tao, it is a byproduct. And about spirituality Tao does not concern itself at all -- if you ask Lao Tzu he will laugh. If you talk about spirituality he may slap your face, he may throw you out and say to you, "...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,507 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...- so right now is the work. This passing moment has to be used so intensely, absorbed so intensely... then it becomes growth. Growth is not an ideal in Tao, it is a byproduct. And about spirituality Tao does not concern itself at all -- if you ask Lao Tzu he will laugh. If you talk about spirituality he may slap your face, he may throw you out and say to you, "Go somewhere else. Don't bring such stupid things to...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,508 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... allow to happen in life, because life is the preparation for death. And death is never against life, it is simply the completion. All that has been in life comes to a peak in death. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 1 Chapter #9 Chapter title: On The Wise Ones Of Old 19 June 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive code...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,509 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...so, together. Remember always that life is a togetherness of opposites -- a deep harmony. HE WHO EMBRACES THIS TAO GUARDS AGAINST BEING OVER-FULL. Whosoever comes to know that Tao is balance, religion is balance, God is balance, GUARDS AGAINST BEING OVER-FULL. Don't move too much to one side, otherwise the balance will be lost, and imbalance is the only sin for Lao Tzu. To be balanced is t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,510 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...NG OUT AND RENEWAL He is always fresh and young; he is never weary, he is never tired. The balance gives him eternal life. Balance is vitality. Balance is life. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 1 Chapter #10 Chapter title: Wisdom And Understanding 20 June 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,511 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...their own accord. Sitting silently, quietly with me, you grow. Nobody is doing anything, neither I nor you. Just sitting silently, the existence within you grows on its own. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 2 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,512 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Talks on Fragments from Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching Talks given from 21/06/75 am to 30/06/75 am English Discourse series 10 Chapters ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,513 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Year published: Originally the "Three Treasures" series was published as two volumes, later republished as four volumes. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 2 Chapter #1 Chapter title: On Knowing The Eternal Law 21 June 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive co...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,514 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ehow a wrong conception about death has entered humanity, the conception that death is the enemy. This is the basis of all wrong conceptions, and this is the basis of humanity going astray from the eternal law, from Tao. How has this happened? It has to be understood. Man has taken death as the enemy of life, as if death is there to destroy life, as if death is against life. If this is the conception then of cou...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,515 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...OIL) FROM WHICH IT SPRINGS. TO RETURN TO THE ROOT IS REPOSE; IT IS CALLED GOING BACK TO ONE'S DESTINY. GOING BACK TO ONE'S DESTINY IS TO FIND THE ETERNAL LAW. To know Tao is Enlightenment. And not to know the Eternal Law, Tao, Is to court disaster. Now many things have to be understood. First, THE UTMOST IN PASSIVITY. Death is a passivity. Death is th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,516 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...OOT IS REPOSE; IT IS CALLED GOING BACK TO ONE'S DESTINY. GOING BACK TO ONE'S DESTINY IS TO FIND THE ETERNAL LAW. To know Tao is Enlightenment. And not to know the Eternal Law, Tao, Is to court disaster. Now many things have to be understood. First, THE UTMOST IN PASSIVITY. Death is a passivity. Death is the utmost in passivity. You will not be able to do anyth...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,517 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Nobody else is responsible -- only you and you alone. If you suffer it is because of you, if you feel blissful it is because of you. You are your hell and your heaven too. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 2 Chapter #2 Chapter title: Choicelessness 22 June 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive code: 7...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,518 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...TION SEEKS -- NOT YOUR RESPONSE. If you are ignorant there is no need to seek my presence, it is already there. In your infinite ignorance, without boundaries, you meet me, you meet the whole, you meet God, you meet Tao. You have not known the beauty of ignorance, no. You are trying to pretend to be ignorant but your knowledge won't allow you to. It comes in between, it is always there surrounding you. Even if yo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,519 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ere with me this moment, you will be with me forever because this moment contains eternity. There is no other moment except this. There is no other time than the present. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 2 Chapter #3 Chapter title: On The Futility Of Contention 23 June 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,520 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...iving you a false direction, an imaginary direction. It is creating a dream world. Yes, it is indeed true, as the ancients say, `TO YIELD IS TO BE PRESERVED WHOLE'. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 2 Chapter #4 Chapter title: Buddhas And Fools 10/28/07 Copyright...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,521 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...mpletely. Once you understand that everything has a reason for being there you don't bother to interfere with nature, you start floating with it. You don't push the river, you simply float with it; that is what Tao is. The whole teaching of Lao Tzu is that there is not a single need to do anything on your part, everything has already been done for you, you simply accept it and float. Let things be as they are. Don't make an...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,522 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... growing? Every moment is perfect. Where do you want to go and grow, and for what? The ego goes on pushing you into the future, into desire, do this, do that -- it never allows you to rest a little. And the whole of Tao, the attitude, the vision of Tao, is to relax and enjoy and through enjoyment things start settling on their own. If the whole existence goes on living in such a beautiful way why is only man in trouble? Because ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,523 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [.... Where do you want to go and grow, and for what? The ego goes on pushing you into the future, into desire, do this, do that -- it never allows you to rest a little. And the whole of Tao, the attitude, the vision of Tao, is to relax and enjoy and through enjoyment things start settling on their own. If the whole existence goes on living in such a beautiful way why is only man in trouble? Because no dog is trying to b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,524 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...st ordinary and enjoy. To be ordinary is the most extraordinary thing that can happen to you; but the desire to be extraordinary, to be spiritual, supermen, not of this world but of the other world, is a mania. Only Tao is a natural religion. All other religions are in subtle ways unnatural. Lao Tzu is the future of the whole of humanity and all possibilities of bliss and benediction lie through him, pass through him. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,525 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... know unhappiness cannot disturb you, and happiness cannot disturb you. You have attained to an unperturbable state, the state of bliss. That is the goal of all buddhas. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 2 Chapter #5 Chapter title: On The Qualities of The Taoist 25 June 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,526 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...he goal of all buddhas. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 2 Chapter #5 Chapter title: On The Qualities of The Taoist 25 June 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive code: 7506250 ShortTitle: TREAS205 Audio: Yes Video: No Length: 82 mins ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,527 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...THEY BREAK INTO LOUD LAUGHTER -- IF IT WERE NOT LAUGHED AT, IT WOULD NOT BE TAO. The first is SATWA, the second is RAJAS, the third is TAMAS. The highest type of man, when he hears about Tao, suddenly feels in tune with it. It is not an intellectual understanding for him, his total being vibrates with a new song; a new music is heard. When he hears about truth, suddenly something fits in, he is no lo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,528 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nature. For the first-rate mind the path is not a path at all, he simply enters the temple without any path, there is no need for any bridge. Lao Tzu says that when the highest type of man hears the Tao there is immediate perception, immediate understanding. Just by looking at the master who has attained, just by hearing his word, or just by hearing his breathing, silent, peaceful, sitting by his side, he unders...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,529 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ffort itself is a barrier in the final stages of the transformation. By trying hard one comes to know that even trying hard is a barrier, and one drops it. Because when you are trying hard to live in accordance with Tao, that life cannot be a spontaneous life; it can be only a forced phenomenon, a discipline, not a freedom. It will become a bondage. By trying hard no-one can achieve that which is already there, but by trying har...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,530 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e fighting, resisting, doing something. He is in tune with the river, and he can simply float. But don't try it unless you know how to swim, otherwise you will be drowned. The same thing happens with Tao. You make a great effort to live in accordance with the truth, then by and by you understand that your great effort helps a little, but hinders a lot. To live in accordance is to be in a let-go, it is not to figh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,531 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...message hit home. From that day I became a dry leaf and the missing link which was so elusive was elusive no more. The missing link was only this: that you can attain many things through effort but you cannot attain Tao through effort. Finally you have to leave effort -- and suddenly everything fits, you are in accordance. Then you don't give direction, then you are no longer a director; then you don't say to the winds: Go south...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,532 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... insensitive, then nothing can be done -- I can give you a thousand and one flowers but the fragrance will not happen. The mediocre man understands the word but misses the meaning. He goes on listening to Tao -- if there is a man of Tao he has a certain attraction towards him, he feels that there is something. A little aware, he suspects that there is something but he cannot be certain. He understands and yet he ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,533 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...done -- I can give you a thousand and one flowers but the fragrance will not happen. The mediocre man understands the word but misses the meaning. He goes on listening to Tao -- if there is a man of Tao he has a certain attraction towards him, he feels that there is something. A little aware, he suspects that there is something but he cannot be certain. He understands and yet he understands not. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,534 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [.... 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- The lowest type thinks this truth, Tao, is some sort of joke. He is so profane, so shallow, that nothing about the depth appeals to him and the laughter is a protection. When the shallow man, the lowest type, hears about truth he laughs. He laughs bec...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,535 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... DULL OF COMPREHENSION; The third type and the second type are the greater part of humanity -- the first type is a rare flower. Because of this greater part of humanity, the majority, the man who understands Tao seems dull of comprehension. A real man of understanding seems dull of comprehension to the people of the first and second type. WHO IS ADVANCED IN TAO SEEMS TO SLIP BACKWARDS. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,536 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ld be no need to rule because people would live by their inner discipline. There would be no need for the courts and the police; in fact, there is no need to govern a man who understands. He lives in accordance with Tao. Because of the second type, democracy exists in the world, and because of the third type, dictatorship exists in the world. If the third type is too forceful then any democracy will turn into a d...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,537 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...quality, that he has a light, riches, treasures -- to see them you will have to become the first type. Even to have a glimpse of them, you will at least have to become the second type. For the third type, the man of Tao is an empty vessel, he has nothing. SHEER WHITE APPEARS LIKE TARNISHED; He is so pure you cannot feel him because you can feel only that which you have -- the same can feel the same. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,538 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...the truth, if you feel the truth, then take the risk and go on the greatest adventure -- the adventure of truth, the adventure to seek God, the adventure to know oneself. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 2 Chapter #6 Chapter title: Discipline And Control 26 June 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,539 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... specific formulas, I have none. I have only a general attitude -- the light of understanding, the fragrance of understanding. And whatsoever happens in it is good, is virtuous. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 2 Chapter #7 Chapter title: On The Softest Substance 27 June 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive co...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,540 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...adoxical. He says: Resist not evil. Christian theologians have not been able to explain it or explain it away either -- it is a problem for them, an enigma. Resist not evil? What is Jesus teaching? Jesus is teaching Tao. Jesus is teaching the secret of wu wei. He says: Resist not evil and the evil will die. And you will survive because the evil is always self-protective, always in defense, always guilty, always protective, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,541 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ever be able to utter a single word about it -- the tongue is not made for that, lips are incapable of that. All that they can say is always about and about and about, it is never the thing. That's why Lao Tzu says: Tao cannot be uttered, and that which can be uttered cannot be Tao. In silence it is heard and known; in silence it is felt and lived; in silence you become it, it becomes you. Not through action will you reach b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,542 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ot made for that, lips are incapable of that. All that they can say is always about and about and about, it is never the thing. That's why Lao Tzu says: Tao cannot be uttered, and that which can be uttered cannot be Tao. In silence it is heard and known; in silence it is felt and lived; in silence you become it, it becomes you. Not through action will you reach but through inaction and silence. But that doesn...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,543 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...action becomes inaction, when they are both together, balanced, you are no longer part of this world; the duality disappears in that balancing. In that centering the duality is no longer there, you have transcended. Tao is transcendence, truth is transcendence. Balance between any duality and suddenly the door opens. The door has always remained opened, only you are so much engaged in actions that you don't have the space to...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,544 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t is open. Yes, Lao Tzu is true -- THE TEACHING WITHOUT WORDS AND THE BENEFIT OF TAKING NO ACTION ARE WITHOUT COMPARE IN THE UNIVERSE. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 2 Chapter #8 Chapter title: In Existence There Is No Question 28 June 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,545 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...D GET THAT IT WAS OKAY NOT TO BE OKAY. IF YOU COULD GET THAT IT WAS OKAY NOT TO BE OKAY YOU COULD GET THAT YOU WERE OKAY THE WAY YOU ARE. YOU'RE OKAY, GET IT? Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 2 Chapter #9 Chapter title: On Calm Quietude 29 June 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive code:...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,546 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... water is in neither hydrogen nor oxygen. The quality of water is a new quality -- a harmony. When hydrogen and oxygen meet in a certain proportion, the quality to quench thirst arises. The whole art of yoga, Tao, religion as such is that night and day should meet in a certain proportion; is how to manage the harmony between the Devil and the Divine, the dark and the light, the summer and winter, life and death; is how to...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,547 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...w to manage the harmony between the Devil and the Divine, the dark and the light, the summer and winter, life and death; is how to create a harmony within them so that a third quality arises. That is Brahma, that is Tao. In English you don't have any word for it. God, Devil, heaven, hell, you have but you don't have any word equivalent to moksha or Brahma or Tao, because Christians, Jews, Mohammedans have all li...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,548 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... that a third quality arises. That is Brahma, that is Tao. In English you don't have any word for it. God, Devil, heaven, hell, you have but you don't have any word equivalent to moksha or Brahma or Tao, because Christians, Jews, Mohammedans have all lived the life of a perfectionist, but not of perfection. They have tried to cut off the lower, to destroy it, and just to remain with the higher. This is sheer stu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,549 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...me the master. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 2 Chapter #10 Chapter title: Every Buddha Enriches The Universe 30 June 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,550 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... is no doubt about it, you take it for granted, it is real. When you feel blissful immediately the suspicion arises: You and happy? Impossible. Something has gone wrong somewhere. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 3 Talks on Fragments from Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching Talks given from 11/08/75 am to 20/08/75 am ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,551 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ately the suspicion arises: You and happy? Impossible. Something has gone wrong somewhere. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 3 Talks on Fragments from Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching Talks given from 11/08/75 am to 20/08/75 am English Discourse series 10 Chapters ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,552 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Year published: Originally the "Three Treasures" series was published as two volumes, later republished as four volumes. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 3 Chapter #1 Chapter title: Pursuit of Knowledge 11 August 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,553 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ntact with the rose, the eyes will always be there. The smell will come through the nose. I can listen to the singing birds but that song will always be secondhand, and unless you know firsthand how can you know the Tao of heaven? How can you know the ultimate? The very ground of being? There is only one possibility of coming in contact with the ultimate directly, immediately, without any mediators, and that is -- inside yoursel...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,554 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... WITHOUT LOOKING OUT OF ONE'S WINDOWS ONE CAN SEE THE TAO OF HEAVEN. Science goes on discovering laws and laws and laws but it will never discover THE law, and THE LAW is the meaning of the word Tao. Science will go on discovering gods and gods and gods but will never discover THE GOD, and THE GOD IS the meaning of the word Tao: the very ultimate, beyond which nothing exists, beyond which no...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,555 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...will never discover THE law, and THE LAW is the meaning of the word Tao. Science will go on discovering gods and gods and gods but will never discover THE GOD, and THE GOD IS the meaning of the word Tao: the very ultimate, beyond which nothing exists, beyond which nothing is possible. Science goes on discovering -- and every day the more science discovers, the more old theories are discarded and...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,556 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... accomplished without any effort on your part. It is the effort that has created the whole mess. Dropping all effort, just sitting silently looking within -- WU-WEI. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 3 Chapter #2 Chapter title: Don't do Nothing! 12 August 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,557 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...u can go on doing for eternity. This much I know: that everybody is already enlightened. Whether he will come to know it eventually or not depends, depends on himself. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 3 Chapter #3 Chapter title: Conquering the World by Inaction 13 August 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,558 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...BY DAY. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Just the opposite is the student of Tao, the student of truth, not of knowledge, the student of being, not of becoming. He is just the opposite. He goes on losing day by day, he unburdens himself, he unlearns. His only learning is how to unlearn. The o...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,559 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...only needs not to create trouble and conflict. It only needs to be with the whole. To be with the whole is to be religious. To be against the whole is to be worldly. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 3 Chapter #4 Chapter title: Boy! Did we Shake that Thing! 14 August 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archiv...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,560 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...? Ask the hats! They suddenly came. Somebody sent them to me, they came across my path. You have to ask them not me. And they wanted to be welcomed and respected. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 3 Chapter #5 Chapter title: Beyond Honour and Disgrace 15 August 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,561 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... like eternal stars, unmoving, unchanging, guiding those who are ready to be guided, ready to pour down all they have to those whose hearts are open, who are not closed. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 3 Chapter #6 Chapter title: I will never Leave You 16 August 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,562 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... There are two types of religions in the world: prayer oriented religions and meditation oriented religions. Christianity, Judaism, Mohammedanism, Hinduism -- these are prayer oriented religions. Jainism, Buddhism, Taoism -- these are meditation oriented religions. For a prayer oriented religion the concept of a personal God is needed -- to relate to. For meditation-oriented religions God is a useless hypothesis; it can be...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,563 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...eded -- to relate to. For meditation-oriented religions God is a useless hypothesis; it can be discarded easily into the dustbin. It is not needed. Buddha could attain without any belief in God. The Taoist Lao Tzu never mentions the word God -- never! There must be a very great difference -- try to understand it. Prayer is a dialogue between two persons: God and you. You are talking to God, it is a dialogue...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,564 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...cret of it all. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 3 Chapter #7 Chapter title: Difficult and Easy 17 August 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,565 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ives such a simple life, such an innocent life, that his faith grows, his trust grows, his gratefulness grows -- he becomes a vehicle for the ultimate grace to flow from him. He becomes a passage for the divine, for Tao. But one who lightly gives promises, who lightly postpones things, who never thinks that things are difficult.... Try to understand this. Lao Tzu says: Everything is simple if you take it righ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,566 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... of solving them? You create, you can solve. These sutras of Lao Tzu are very significant. Pay attention to them. Meditate over them. Let your being be soaked with them. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 3 Chapter #8 Chapter title: This is the Queen; Cleopatra 18 August 1975 am in Buddha Hall 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,567 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...lf. Then you are alone. In that total aloneness God happens. There is no other way. The guru would like to help you but it cannot be done. It is simply not the way things happen. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 3 Chapter #9 Chapter title: Beginning and End 19 August 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive code...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,568 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ow slowly towards the ocean; and you are left totally alone, with no possession, with no body, with no mind. In that aloneness flowers the flower of Buddha. You have come to the Buddhaland. You have come to know the Tao. These sutras of Lao Tzu are methods: How to attain to the inner Buddhaland. Now, try to understand the sutras. THAT WHICH LIES STILL IS EASY TO HOLD; You have been trying,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,569 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...pse. If you fight with the river then you will never come to encounter your own corpse. And blessed is the man who has seen his own corpse flowing down the river of life. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 3 Chapter #10 Chapter title: What next? 20 August 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive code...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,570 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ublished Query:- Growth is present-based. Progress is future-oriented. Growth comes out of living and progress comes out of sacrificing. Growth is life, progress is suicide. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 4 Talks on Fragments from Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching Talks given from 21/08/75 am to 31/08/75 am E...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,571 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s out of living and progress comes out of sacrificing. Growth is life, progress is suicide. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 4 Talks on Fragments from Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching Talks given from 21/08/75 am to 31/08/75 am English Discourse series 9 Chapters ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,572 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Year published: Originally the "Three Treasures" series was published as two volumes, later republished as four volumes. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 4 Chapter #1 Chapter title: Never be the First in the World 23 August 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archiv...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,573 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...o conception of the fourth; but in the East, Buddha, Krishna, Mahavir, Lao Tzu -- they have looked into the fourth, the beyond that goes beyond alI. That fourth, the TURIYA, is ecstasy, exultation, samadhi, nirvana, Tao. In that fourth even the other disappears. First in sex the body disappears but the mind remains. In love the mind disappears but the spirit remains. In prayer the spirit also disappear but the ot...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,574 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... In that fourth even the other disappears. First in sex the body disappears but the mind remains. In love the mind disappears but the spirit remains. In prayer the spirit also disappear but the other, the Tao, the God, remains. In the fourth even God disappears. Nothing remains -- or only nothing remains. In that total emptiness where all dualities dissolve, love is absolutely fulfilled. Love is the key to ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,575 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...cipline on you. An imposed discipline is a slavery, and when it comes from your innermost core it is freedom, freedom fulfilled, freedom come to its ultimate blossoming. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 4 Chapter #2 Chapter title: Bring the other two Buddhas also! 24 August 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archiv...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,576 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ose is fulfilled. You move ahead. The last step has to be taken in the divine, in God, and the Master has to be dropped. The Master is naught but a door. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 4 Chapter #3 Chapter title: They know me not 25 August 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,577 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... IN MY WORDS THERE IS A PRINCIPLE. IN THE AFFAIRS OF MAN THERE IS A SYSTEM. These two things have to be understooD -- IN MY WORDS THERE IS A PRINCIPLE. Lao Tzu is saying there is only one principle. Tao is the principle. TAO means to be natural and flowing, to be in a deep let-go, not fighting with life but allowing it, accepting I Not pushing the river but floating with the river wherever it leads. This is the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,578 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... recognize a sage in that very recognition you have taken a great step, because that very recognition shows that something has responded within you. An ego has been hurt. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 4 Chapter #4 Chapter title: What Type of Heaven is This? 26 August 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,579 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...o the marketplace, they come back again into the world beautiful; supremely beautiful. You will also come back. But this passage has to be passed. This much cost has to be paid. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 4 Chapter #5 Chapter title: Sickmindedness 27 August 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive cod...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,580 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... third layer, aware, meditative -- that chaos turns into a cosmos. It is chaos because you are not centred, not aware. If you are aware it becomes a cosmos, an order; and not the order of human rules -- the order of Tao, the order of what Indians have called the DHARMA, DHAMMA, RIT; the ultimate order, not manmade. And, if you remain alert, the chaos is there but you are not in the chaos, you transcend it -- awa...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,581 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... So the sage is healthy because he has no mind. Attain to no-mindness. Move layer by layer. Peel your onion completely, until -- only emptiness is left in your hand. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 4 Chapter #6 Chapter title: This is the Whole World I Have 28 August 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archiv...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,582 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... be there in the end, because you ARE existence. Thinking is a learnt thing. You can learn it, you can unlearn it. It is acquired. You can drop it any day you want to drop it. But your nature, what Lao Tzu calls Tao, your original nature, is not acquired, it has always been there, it is the source. No thought can be original, but NO-THOUGHT can be original. Remember that. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEE...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,583 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- are needed. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 4 Chapter #7 Chapter title: Hard and Soft 29 August 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive co...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,584 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...young. The body of course will become old, but the innermost core of your being remains young, fresh. It never becomes old, it is never dead. And Lao Tzu says: This is the way to be really religious. Float with Tao, move with Tao, don't create any private goals and ends, the whole knows better, you be simply with it. The whole has created you, the whole breathes within you, the whole lives in you, why do YOU bother? Let the...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,585 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... of course will become old, but the innermost core of your being remains young, fresh. It never becomes old, it is never dead. And Lao Tzu says: This is the way to be really religious. Float with Tao, move with Tao, don't create any private goals and ends, the whole knows better, you be simply with it. The whole has created you, the whole breathes within you, the whole lives in you, why do YOU bother? Let the re...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,586 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...eaning, it has significance. Meaning is concerned with utility, significance with delight. Delight in it and you will be soft. Flow with the river. Become the river. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 4 Chapter #8 Chapter title: It is Just a Joke 30 August 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,587 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... you are moving upcurrent. If you move with the river you cannot feel yourself. You will feel the river, but not yourself. A nd sooner or later you will become the river. Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 4 Chapter #9 Chapter title: Nothing Weaker Than Water 31 August 1975 am in Buddha Hall Archive cod...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,588 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... The story seems to be very significant. The meaning is that when you breathe YOU don't breathe, God breathes in you. The whole breathes in you. This has to be understood very deeply because the whole method of Tao, the whole science of Yoga, depends on breath. Because this is going to be the last lecture on Lao Tzu I would like to tell you everything about the system so that if you want you can move into it; not only t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,589 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...light and bliss. This is the first act, this breath. Many more things have to be understood about it. If life starts with breath, and death also, and everything is between these two, then yoga, Tao, tantra, and all sciences of inner alchemy, cannot neglect breathing. Yoga calls it PRANA. That word is beautiful..Yoga calls breathing PRANA. PRANA means the ELAN VITAL, the very vitality of you...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,590 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...yer; hidden deep in it is life itself. Once you discover that in breath there is hidden God himself you have come to know yourself. That's why there is so much insistence and so much search in yoga, Tao and tantra about breathing. If you simply go on breathing and thinking that this is just air coming in and going out you will never be able to penetrate the mystery of it. And you will remain completely oblivious...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,591 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [.... A child breathes in unconsciousness. A sage breathes consciously. He is again a child, a rebirth has happened. Now he breathes but he is aware. This is ANAPANA-SATI YOGA BUDDHA. This is the way of Tao: how to breathe consciously. One observes. One relaxes into oneself and looks, looks at the breathing, follows it, moment to moment: incoming, outgoing; and there are beautiful happenings. When you follow th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,592 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nywhere, then you have no private goal, then his goal is yours, and wherever he is going he is always right because there cannot be any wrong for the whole. The whole alone is. This is the circle of Tao: from breath, unconscious breath, to conscious breath. And the emphasis of Lao Tzu is continuously that you can relax. That's why he praises the weak not the strong, because the strong cannot relax. That's w...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,593 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... it! And try to be blissful in every state of mind. Whatsoever happens outside, don't allow it to disturb your bliss. Go on being blissful. I will tell you one anecdote. Chuang Tzu, one of the great Taoists of China, was sitting in front of his hut playing on an instrument and singing. Just that very morning his wife had died, and he was singing. The emperor came, just to offer his consolations to Chuang Tzu. Ch...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,594 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... reach to the "one" which is neither this nor that, which is neither East nor West, which is neither man nor woman. That "one" has been called by the mystics God, truth, MOKSHA, NIRVANA, the absolute, Dhamma, Logos, Tao -- different names but pointing to the same one reality. It was possible up to now somehow to go on living in a schizophrenic way, but now it is no longer possible. We have come to a point where the decision...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,595 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... KNOWS BEYOND THE MIND. Mind is knowledge, meditation is non-knowledge. Mind knows, meditation experiences. Mind can only give you a certain acquaintance but not the taste. If you want the taste of the Tao you have to move to no-mind, to meditation, to AGNOSIA. A tremendous awareness is needed, an awareness that can help you to cut yourself off from the mind, from words, from theories, from philosop...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,596 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...o the Order; he returned all the donations that had come to the Order. At the age of twenty-five he became free from the Theosophists. Since then he has never read the Gita, the Koran, the Bible. the upanishads, the Tao Te Ching, the Talmud. Since then he has been reading only detective novels. This is how mind works. That prohibition is still a hangover. Guenter, it is not that I am not aware that there are many...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,597 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ous countries in the East under Confucius, Lao Tzu, Mencius, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu -- the great heritage. And then the impact, the great impact of Buddha and Bodhidharma. Thousands of monasteries, thousands of monks, Taoist, Buddhist, Confucian, and at least five thousand years of traditional up-bringing, yet within ten years after the revolution all that disappeared. Now China is as strongly convinced of atheism as it was convin...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,598 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...on, an idea. You cannot drop it, you can only understand it. Can you drop your shadow? You can run as fast as you want but your shadow will run at the same speed, exactly the same speed. There is a Taoist story about a man who became afraid of his shadow. He was reading a story... He was alone on a farm in a small hut, and in the deep darkness of the night, reading a story that was saying shadows are nothing bu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,599 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... at all; if you translate, you destroy. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- The Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu has been translated many times, many people have translated it, and each translation has something of its own. But when all the translations are read together you will be surprised: it seems t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,600 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s good that we don't know who wrote it. It indicates one thing: that before he wrote it he had disappeared into a cloud of unknowing. It is the only book in the Western world which comes close to the Upanishads, The Tao Te Ching, The Dhammapada. There is a rare insight in it. First he calls it a cloud. A cloud is vague, with no definable limits. It is constantly changing; it is not static -- never, even for two c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,601 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- only apprentices. No book reaches that perfection. The same is true about Lao Tzu: his Tao, his approach to the ultimate truth seems to be impossible to improve upon. It very rarely happens that a person gives you the total perfection of a thing, but it happens. It happens in other arts...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,602 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... about silence nothing can be said. And all that is said about silence will be wrong. How can you say anything about silence? To say something will be falsifying it. That's why Lao Tzu says Nothing can be said about Tao -- and if something is said, in the very saying of it, it has become untrue. Tao is silent. But that silence is not the silence of a cemetery. It is the silence of a garden where trees are alive breathing and yet...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,603 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... you say anything about silence? To say something will be falsifying it. That's why Lao Tzu says Nothing can be said about Tao -- and if something is said, in the very saying of it, it has become untrue. Tao is silent. But that silence is not the silence of a cemetery. It is the silence of a garden where trees are alive breathing and yet there is utter silence. It is not a dead silence, it is an alive silence. Hence ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,604 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... here. You always remain here. Here and now is the only reality, there is no other. But desire can create a dream. And in desire you go on moving outwards. Now, what does it mean to turn inwards? Tao's question is significant, it is very relevant. What does it mean to turn inwards? It means seeing the futility of desire, seeing the futility of dreaming, seeing the illusoriness of dreaming. In that very seeing...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,605 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...'t be ideological and don't be always hankering to be somebody else. Don't hanker for betterment, just be natural and relax into your being. And whatsoever is natural is good. This is the meaning of Tao, this is the meaning of Zen. But you have your repressed unconscious. And when you hear me, naturally you hear from the repressed unconscious. That repressed unconscious immediately gives colors, changes meanings...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,606 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ak. They meet at the peak, but on the way there is no meeting, they are completely unique and separate. In Thailand, Buddhism has taken a different form, a different shape. In China, meeting with Tao, it absorbed completely the whole spirit of Tao. Buddhism has a very big heart. It is not like Christianity or Mohammedanism, confined to a very limited area; it can absorb so many things, apparently looking ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,607 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...is no meeting, they are completely unique and separate. In Thailand, Buddhism has taken a different form, a different shape. In China, meeting with Tao, it absorbed completely the whole spirit of Tao. Buddhism has a very big heart. It is not like Christianity or Mohammedanism, confined to a very limited area; it can absorb so many things, apparently looking even contradictory. Tao has no m...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,608 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e spirit of Tao. Buddhism has a very big heart. It is not like Christianity or Mohammedanism, confined to a very limited area; it can absorb so many things, apparently looking even contradictory. Tao has no method. Tibet is all method. Tao is no-method, simple spontaneity -- living life according to nature with no fight. Every method is a fight, every method is to define yourself. Tao's work is how to become ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,609 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...m has a very big heart. It is not like Christianity or Mohammedanism, confined to a very limited area; it can absorb so many things, apparently looking even contradictory. Tao has no method. Tibet is all method. Tao is no-method, simple spontaneity -- living life according to nature with no fight. Every method is a fight, every method is to define yourself. Tao's work is how to become undefined, how to become one with the wh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,610 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ing even contradictory. Tao has no method. Tibet is all method. Tao is no-method, simple spontaneity -- living life according to nature with no fight. Every method is a fight, every method is to define yourself. Tao's work is how to become undefined, how to become one with the whole; and absorbing Tao, Chinese Buddhism came to have a different taste, totally different. And the same has happened in Korea, in M...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,611 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...imple spontaneity -- living life according to nature with no fight. Every method is a fight, every method is to define yourself. Tao's work is how to become undefined, how to become one with the whole; and absorbing Tao, Chinese Buddhism came to have a different taste, totally different. And the same has happened in Korea, in Mongolia, in Sri Lanka, in Burma, in other small countries of Asia -- because it became ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,612 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... If there is only one science, there can be only one religion. If one science is enough to explore the inner world of man, then that one religion need not have any adjective to it -- Christianity, Hinduism, Taoism or anything. Just as science is simply science, religion is simply religion. In fact, according to me, there is only one science with two dimensions: one dimension working on the outside ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,613 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Western, and the idea was only to translate the book; but as he was translating the book, he got more and more involved in it. The whole Western culture started looking pygmy in comparison to the Chinese insight of Tao. So a second personality started growing, and in thirty years the second personality became perfectly mature. But the first personality was not erased. And Carl Gustav Jung, the great psychoanalys...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,614 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ter to help him, so that the translation is not only literal but essential, that it carries the very fragrance of the original -- not just the verbal change of language. He was never a disciple of a Tao master; otherwise, this catastrophe would have been avoided, and things would have been totally different. Because since his death, nobody has tried that hard to understand the East's basic contribution. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,615 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...as not understood the whole situation. If I was to suggest, I would have told Richard Wilhelm, "You learn language from a linguistic expert. And while you are learning language, also learn meditation under some Taoist master -- because the I CHING is a Taoist book -- so before you are capable of translating it, you are also capable of understanding it; so it is not only word-to-word translation, but it is translation of a d...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,616 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... If I was to suggest, I would have told Richard Wilhelm, "You learn language from a linguistic expert. And while you are learning language, also learn meditation under some Taoist master -- because the I CHING is a Taoist book -- so before you are capable of translating it, you are also capable of understanding it; so it is not only word-to-word translation, but it is translation of a deep understanding. "And i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,617 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Being awake themselves, they have found tremendous treasures of blissfulness, of ecstasy. They would like to share it, so they go on sharing it but there is no question of conversion. Jainism, Buddhism, Taoism -- these three religions are the religions of meditation. Their history is simply clean, no bloodshed. Judaism, Christianity, Islam are the religions of prayer. Their whole history is full of blood and ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,618 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...y prayer, then the hypothesis of God is needed; otherwise to whom are you going to address it?" People like Patanjali are also under the same umbrella. They should be taken out. They belong really to Taoism, Jainism, Buddhism -- the religions of meditation. Taoism, Buddhism, Jainism -- they don't believe in any god. They don't believe in anything. They believe only in one thing -- and that, too, hypotheticall...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,619 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...hom are you going to address it?" People like Patanjali are also under the same umbrella. They should be taken out. They belong really to Taoism, Jainism, Buddhism -- the religions of meditation. Taoism, Buddhism, Jainism -- they don't believe in any god. They don't believe in anything. They believe only in one thing -- and that, too, hypothetically. You know you are. You feel you are. You cannot deny it beca...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,620 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... snake to help him walk!' Foolish, stupid -- because the snake walks perfectly well without any legs. In fact, legs will hinder. But what to do? The snake goes on saying: 'Help me.' Or as it is said in old Taoist scriptures: 'To talk about truth is as if to put a hat on a man who is already wearing one.' To put another hat on top of the hat -- useless. So what am I doing here? I am just giving you patience, the c...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,621 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t is your authentic being. You become identified with anything you hold. IF YOU DO NOT TAKE THE TROUBLE TO DIFFERENTIATE AND GRASP APPEARANCES, YOU WILL REALIZE TAO IN AN INSTANT. `Tao' is the Chinese word for dharma, for the truth. IF YOU FOLLOW OTHERS, AND SUCCEED IN LEARNING SOMETHING BY KEEPING YOURSELVES BUSY WITH YOUR STUDIES, YOU WILL FINALLY RETURN TO THE REALM OF B...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,622 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...beauty. The world is freer and you can be yourself. But this distinction must be remembered: when I say that you can be yourself, I do not mean your ego. When I say you can be yourself, I mean your nature, your Tao, your Existence. But it has an individuality. That individuality is not personality. So I say they belong to the same Existence, yet individually. They respond from the same depth, but individually. No sense of e...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,623 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ymbols are just symbols, they indicate; more than that is meaningless. So it has always been a problem. The Upanishads always talk of upward, and the symbol is fire -- fire constantly running upward. For Lao Tzu and Taoists, water is the symbol -- water running downward, finding the most downward position possible. It can rest only when the deepest abyss has been found. But fire will rest only with the sun. It will go upward, up...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,624 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Rana is there she is not at ease, because Rana now is a downward flow. This upward flow is bound to be an effort for us. Unless you will it, you will not achieve it. Now, again, you will find a conflict between Tao and the Upanishads. Lao Tzu says, "Effortlessness is the means," and the Upanishads says, "Effort, total effort, is the means." When Lao Tzu says "effortlessness", he means be so still that not a single movement ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,625 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...o further; you have come to the last limit. The tension has come to its ultimate, the maximum; it cannot go further. When tension comes to a total climax, you suddenly relax and you reach the point which is meant by Tao, by Lao Tzu -- effortlessness. You come to the center. So there are two ways: either relax directly as Tao implies, or relax indirectly as the Upanishads say. Create the tension to its ultimate, and then ther...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,626 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ther. When tension comes to a total climax, you suddenly relax and you reach the point which is meant by Tao, by Lao Tzu -- effortlessness. You come to the center. So there are two ways: either relax directly as Tao implies, or relax indirectly as the Upanishads say. Create the tension to its ultimate, and then there will be relaxation. And I think the Upanishads are more helpful, because we are tense and we understand the m...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,627 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... thoughts, if there are no memories, if there are no past burdens of experience, you are freed from society inside. You become virgin, pure, innocent. You are reborn. And then you know what your nature is, what your Tao is, what your dharma is. Dharma is translated again and again as "religion'. It is not; it is not religion. dharma means nature; dharma means that which you are already -- your essence. Two words ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,628 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... This is the nature -- the inner sky, the inner space. One uncovers it, discovers it, through witnessing. Witnessing is the basic, essential thing. It can be used in many, many techniques. In the Chinese Taoist tradition, they have a method known as "Tai-Chi". It is a method of centering, a method of witnessing. They say do whatsoever, but remain conscious of the center at the navel. Walking, be conscious of the cent...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,629 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...centered in the navel. Again, if you are conscious of the navel, you cannot think. The moment you begin to think, you will not be conscious of the navel. This is a body technique. Buddha uses breathing, breath; Taoists use hara. They call the center at the navel hara. That's why Japanese suicide is known as hara-kiri. It means committing suicide remaining centered in the hara so it is not suicide, it is not just suicide. Th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,630 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...No PARIPOORN CHANDRA AMRIT RASAIKI KARANAM NAIVEDYAM "ACCUMULATION OF THE NECTAR OF THE INNER FULL MOON IS NAIVEDYA, THE FOOD OFFERING." YOU MUST have heard about the Taoist concept of yin and yang -- the concept of polar opposites into one reality. Reality exists through polar opposites -- through the positive and the negative, through the male and the female, through yin and yan...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,631 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...cept yourself and flow with nature wheresoever it leads you. That is your destiny. Do not come in between; do not try to pull yourself to be something else. That is struggle. This is what is meant by Tao, this is what is meant by dharma, this is what is meant by the inner swabhava -- the inner nature. Follow it! And when I say follow it, I do not mean make some effort. Really, I mean allow it to be: allow your de...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,632 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t to be completed, and it is a pity that the donkey has died." Man goes on rationalizing. Rationalizations will not help. Do not try to choose. Rather, allow! Feel your swabhav -- your nature -- your Tao; feel your intrinsic possibilities. Be sensitive, meditate, and do not try to choose. By and by, you will move in a particular direction. That movement will come to you; it will not be a chosen effort. It will ha...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,633 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... lie. Say it, and 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- you have falsified it. The Tao that can be said is not the true Tao. The truth that can be expressed is no longer truth, the God that can be formulated and defined is no longer God." What he is saying is that language is rooted in duality,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,634 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- you have falsified it. The Tao that can be said is not the true Tao. The truth that can be expressed is no longer truth, the God that can be formulated and defined is no longer God." What he is saying is that language is rooted in duality, and truth is transcendental to duali...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,635 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... not be able to know what in reality is the case. Immanuel Kant is right, but philosophically only. He is not aware of the world of meditation, he is not aware of the Sufis and the Zen people and the Taoists. Otherwise there is a way to know things as they are in themselves: just put the mind aside. Look with empty eyes and then there is no interference with reality. And suddenly you will see the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,636 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... And if you have listened well, you will be surprised: ... ALL THESE DIFFERENT SHADES BECOME ONE COLOR... The Koran and the Gita and the Bible and the Dhammapada and the Tao Te Ching -- suddenly all become one color. All the shades dissolve into one color. The whole spectrum of seven colors disappears and all become one color, white. Hence the color white has always been a symbol for...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,637 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [..., then in that choiceless awareness all psychological pain simply evaporates like dewdrops in the early morning sun. And left behind is a pure space, left behind is virgin space. This is the One, the Tao, or you can call it God. This One that is left behind when all pain disappears, when you are not divided in any way, when the observer has become the observed, this is the experience of God, samadhi, or whatever ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,638 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...er than the conscious. Above the conscious, parallel to the unconscious, there is the superconscious. And still above the superconscious there is the cosmic mind -- you can call it the divine mind or the God mind or Tao. That means the ultimate in consciousness: all has become conscious and you are as big as the cosmos. If you go deeper than the conscious you will be entering into darkness. If you go above the ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,639 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...to give to that One is just an arbitrary choice. You can call it God -- but remember it is not God as opposed to the Devil. The God of wisdom is not opposed to the Devil, it contains the Devil in it. You can call it Tao, you can call it dharma, you can call it Logos, or whatever you will. But remember one thing: it contains the opposite. That is the essential thing to be remembered. When a wise man asserts the word 'god', th...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,640 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...of blessings. 'GOOD' AND 'EVIL' HAVE NO MEANING... Then there is no question of good and evil. All is good, supremely good. ... IN THE WORLD OF THE WORD... Logos, God, Tao. Good and bad are... ... MERE NAMES, COINED IN THE WORLD OF 'ME' AND 'YOU'. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,641 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nlightened for me -- even trees, even rocks." Hakim Sanai says: MY FRIEND, EVERYTHING EXISTING EXISTS THROUGH HIM... God is the only reality -- or call it truth, or nature, or Tao, or whatsoever you will. Names don't matter. Don't go on fighting about names; X-Y-Z, anything will do. Just remember one thing, that something is there, miraculously present, which surrounds all, which permeates...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,642 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...oot `ag' -- ag means pushing. The more you push the river, the more agony is created. And while you are pushing the river, you are certainly trying to swim upstream. You are going against nature, against Tao, against God. The non-doer is one who has relaxed with the river, who is floating with the river, flowing with the river, one who has become part of the river, who does not think himself separate at all; one ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,643 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ot be conquered: you can only allow yourself to be conquered by God. Don't be aggressive with truth -- that is the sure way to miss it. That's why science goes on missing God, and will go on missing, unless it takes Tao as its foundation. It will go on missing. Science will never come to know that God exists; it will not have even a glimpse of the divine. And the reason is in its masculine methodology. Science is aggressive...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,644 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...inherent necessity, that technology has to be against nature. It can be for nature -- it can be friendly to nature, it can be part of nature, it can be in communion with nature. The technology has to be based on Taoist approaches. Technology as it exists in the West, if imported, will be another error, another fatal error. But the West has gone through a great experiment; we need not make all the mistakes that they have made...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,645 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ve into each other, that dissolution is God. When the painter is lost in his painting, that moment is God. God is a space -- a space where dualities dissolve, disappear, and oneness arises. A famous Taoist story says a great emperor asked the greatest painter of his land to paint the wall of his bedroom with Himalayan mountain peaks. "Paint the Himalayas" -- he was a lover of the Himalayas. The painter worked fo...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,646 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...matter whether you live or die, because all is one. It does not matter what happens to you, because your deepest core always remains beyond all happenings. You are neither a sinner nor a saint then. Taoists, Sufis, Zen people, they never call their masters saints -- never; they call them sages. And they make a great distinction between the saint and the sage. The saint is against the sinner, the saint is part of...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,647 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [..., but the rock cannot express it through language. You need language. The fear is because of you, the fear is because of the very medium of language. Truth said becomes untrue. Lao Tzu has said, "The Tao that can be said is no more Tao. The truth that can be said is no more true." Why? -- because language, the very mechanism of language, depends on duality. For example, if you ask me whether God is light or darkn...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,648 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... through language. You need language. The fear is because of you, the fear is because of the very medium of language. Truth said becomes untrue. Lao Tzu has said, "The Tao that can be said is no more Tao. The truth that can be said is no more true." Why? -- because language, the very mechanism of language, depends on duality. For example, if you ask me whether God is light or darkness, if I say light, it is wrong...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,649 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...take revenge in some other circumstances. You have created a karma, a pattern; now it will follow you. But why move into a discussion unnecessarily? Why create an argument? I have heard one Chinese Taoist parable. Three Taoists, followers of Lao Tzu, went into a forest to meditate. They decided that they were not going to chatter, discuss anything. One year passed in 10/28/07 ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,650 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ther circumstances. You have created a karma, a pattern; now it will follow you. But why move into a discussion unnecessarily? Why create an argument? I have heard one Chinese Taoist parable. Three Taoists, followers of Lao Tzu, went into a forest to meditate. They decided that they were not going to chatter, discuss anything. One year passed in 10/28/07 Copyright Osho Intern...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,651 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...he whole universe. Just think: if Buddha was not there, if he had not happened, if Jesus was not there, if he had not happened, if the Upanishads were never written, if Lao Tzu had not accepted to write down the Tao Te Ching, if there was no Bible, no Koran, no Vedas, where would you have been? You would have been just in the trees, you would have been monkeys. The whole universe has been helping you to grow -- k...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,652 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Chinese moves from up to down, into the depth, so Chinese symbols can express things no other language can express -- because every language is linear, and Chinese is in the depth. So if you have read Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching in translation, you know that every translation differs. If you read ten translations then all the translations will be different; you cannot say who is wrong and who is right, because Chinese carries so...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,653 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...j. This is the end aspect of every step. Remember this: through constant practice a moment comes when you can drop the practice completely, and unless you can drop the practice you have not attained. Taoist masters have used many dimensions: poetry, painting, and many other crafts have been used as training grounds. Painting has been used for centuries in China and Japan. Taoist painting has a principle, and that...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,654 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... practice you have not attained. Taoist masters have used many dimensions: poetry, painting, and many other crafts have been used as training grounds. Painting has been used for centuries in China and Japan. Taoist painting has a principle, and that principle is that first one should become proficient in painting, in the technique of painting -- it takes many years -- and then for a few years one has to drop painting ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,655 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... I remember one story I would like to tell you. It happened once in Burma that a great temple was to be built, and the main door had to be something unique on the earth. So many painters, Zen masters, Taoist masters, were asked, and the one who was the greatest was invited to design the door. That great master had a habit that whenever he would paint something, design something, his chief disciple would sit by his...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,656 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ppeared, the ego has disappeared. "And when I was not," the master said, "the painting flowed by itself. This design I have not done. All those hundred designs you rejected were my doings. This design is through Tao, through nature; it has dropped from the cosmos itself. I was just a vehicle. I could forget and become a vehicle." When you can forget the method, the effort, the self, the other, when everythi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,657 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...world wars, were because of this will. Science should not be any more the conquest of nature. Science must now become the way towards nature -- surrender to nature, not conquest of nature. And unless science becomes Taoist -- surrender to nature -- science is going to eliminate the whole of humanity from this earth. This planet will be destroyed by science. And science can destroy only because science has become associated with ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,658 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...amidst sinners. They are not two -- the more saints, the more sinners. If you want sinners to disappear you will have to destroy saints first; when saints disappear sinners disappear. Lao Tzu says in Tao Te Ching that when the world was really religious there were no saints. When there were saints immediately sinners appeared. So the saint cannot exist without the sinner. That means they are joined together someh...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,659 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...this way: when the breath goes in, where does it go? It goes to your center, it touches your center. When it goes out, from where does it go out? It moves from your center. Your center has to be touched. That is why Taoist mystics and Zen mystics say that the head is not the center, the navel is your center. The breath goes to the navel, then it moves out. It goes to the center. 10/28/07 Cop...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,660 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Any point in the body can be made an object of centering. For example, tantra uses the sex center for centering. Tantra works with bringing your consciousness to it totally. The sex center will do. Taoists have used the big toe as the center. Move your consciousness down to the big toe; remain 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,661 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... absence of the self is the blessing. The seventh technique: WITHOUT SUPPORT FOR FEET OR HANDS, SIT ONLY ON BUTTOCKS. SUDDENLY, THE CENTERING. This technique has been used by Taoists in China for centuries, and it is a wonderful technique -- one of the easiest. Try this: WITHOUT SUPPORT FOR FEET OR HANDS, SIT ONLY ON BUTTOCKS. SUDDENLY, THE CENTERING. What is to be done? Y...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,662 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...relative. That is why Lao Tsu insists so much that truth cannot be said. The moment you say it, it has become untrue because it has become relative. So whatsoever word we use -- the truth, the absolute, PARA-BRAHMA, Tao -- whatsoever word we use, the moment we use it, it has become relative and it has become untrue. The one has become divided into three. So Gurdjieff says that "The Law Of The Three" is basic for ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,663 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... is so deceptive that he can show one thing when he really means another, he can rationalize. For example, in China, in old China, there was something like tantra -- a secret science. It is known as Tao. Tao has similar trends to tantra. For example, Tao says that it is good, if you want to be freed of sex, that you should not stick to one person -- to one woman or one man. You should not stick to one person if ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,664 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...o deceptive that he can show one thing when he really means another, he can rationalize. For example, in China, in old China, there was something like tantra -- a secret science. It is known as Tao. Tao has similar trends to tantra. For example, Tao says that it is good, if you want to be freed of sex, that you should not stick to one person -- to one woman or one man. You should not stick to one person if you w...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,665 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ing when he really means another, he can rationalize. For example, in China, in old China, there was something like tantra -- a secret science. It is known as Tao. Tao has similar trends to tantra. For example, Tao says that it is good, if you want to be freed of sex, that you should not stick to one person -- to one woman or one man. You should not stick to one person if you want to be freed. Tao says that it is better to ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,666 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...rends to tantra. For example, Tao says that it is good, if you want to be freed of sex, that you should not stick to one person -- to one woman or one man. You should not stick to one person if you want to be freed. Tao says that it is better to go on changing partners. This is absolutely right, but you can rationalize it; you can deceive yourself. You may just be a sex maniac and you can think that "I am doing tantra pract...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,667 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...be a sex maniac and you can think that "I am doing tantra practice, so I cannot stick to one woman. I have to change." And many emperors in China practiced it. They had big harems only for this. But Tao is meaningful if you look deep down into human psychology. If you know only one woman, sooner or later your attraction for that woman will wither away, but your attraction for women will remain. You will be attra...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,668 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...will be attracted by the other sex. This woman, your wife, will really not be of the opposite sex. She will not attract you, she will not be a magnet for you. You will have become accustomed to her. Tao says that if a man moves amidst women, women, he will not only go beyond one, he will go beyond the opposite sex. The very knowledge of many women will help him to transcend. And this is right -- but dangerous, b...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,669 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ife: sex can give you more life. To lovers sex can become a life-giving force, but for that you need a surrender. And once you are surrendered, many dimensions change. For example, tantra has known, Tao has known that if you ejaculate in the act, then it cannot be life-giving to you. There is no need to ejaculate; ejaculation can be totally forgotten. Tantra and Tao both say ejaculation is because you are fighti...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,670 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...sions change. For example, tantra has known, Tao has known that if you ejaculate in the act, then it cannot be life-giving to you. There is no need to ejaculate; ejaculation can be totally forgotten. Tantra and Tao both say ejaculation is because you are fighting; otherwise there is no need of it. The lover and the beloved can be in a deep sexual embrace, just relaxing into each other with no hurry to ejacu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,671 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...er with no hurry to ejaculate, with no hurry to end the affair. They can just relax into each other. And if this relaxation is total, they both will feel more life. They both will enrich each other. Tao says a man can live for one thousand years if he is not in any hurry with sex, if he is deeply relaxed. If a woman and man are deeply relaxed with each other, simply melting into each other, absorbed into each ot...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,672 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...alien to it. Then the existence becomes your home. And with that feeling that "Now I am at home in the existence," all worries are lost. Then there is no anguish, no struggle, no conflict. This is what Lao Tzu calls Tao, what Shankara calls ADVAITA. You can choose your own word for it, but through a deep love embrace it is easy to feel it. But be alive, shaking, and become the shaking itself. The third sutra: ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,673 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...acades are lost; the society, the culture, the civilization, is lost. You are a part of nature. As trees are, as animals are, as stars are, you are a part of nature. You are in a greater something -- the cosmos, the Tao. You are floating in it. You cannot even swim in it; YOU are not. You are just floating -- being taken by the current. These three things give you the ecstasy. Sex is just a situation in which it ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,674 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ber, you are doing something wrong and you will create misery because of it. There is no God who is punishing you. Whenever you fall a prey to some illusion, you punish yourself. The law, DHARMA, the Tao is there. If you move in harmony with it, you feel blissful. If you move against it, you feel yourself to be in misery. There is no one sitting there in the skies to punish you. There is no record of your sins; t...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,675 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...feel it as the enemy? The enemy is created by your denial. The death cannot harm you, because the harm is your interpretation. Now no one can harm you; it has become impossible. This is the secret of Taoist teaching. Lao Tzu's basic teaching is this: if you accept, the whole existence is with you. It cannot be otherwise. If you deny, you create the enemy. The more you deny, the more you defend, the more you prote...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,676 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...that can happen, will happen. But then you are not searching for it, not seeking it; you are not greedy for it. You have no mind for it at all: whether it happens or not, it is all the same to you. Tao means surrender -- surrender to swabhav, to nature. Then you are not. Tantra and Yoga are techniques. Through them you will reach to swabhav, but it will be a long process. Ultimately after every technique you wi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,677 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... you will ask, `Techniques? Are not techniques against tao?' If I say, `No technique is needed; simply surrender and God will happen to you,' you will immediately ask, `How?' -- your mind. If I say, `Tao is right here and now: you need not practise anything, you simply take a jump and surrender,' you will say, `How? How can I surrender?' If I give you a technique to answer your `how', your mind will say, `But is ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,678 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...l happen to you. If you can surrender right now, it is okay. If you cannot surrender, then pass through techniques -- that training is needed. It is needed because of you, not because of swabhav, not because of tao. Tao needs no training. It is needed because of you. And the techniques will destroy you. You will die through the techniques, and the innermost nature will evolve. You have to be shattered completely. If you can shat...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,679 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...set. Where are those days, the days of the past, those golden days? This is a six thousand-year-old inscription! Lao Tzu says that in the days of the past, in the days of the ancients, everything was beautiful. Then Tao prevailed, then there was nothing wrong, and because there was nothing wrong, no one preached. There was nothing wrong to be changed, transformed, and there was no priest, no preacher, no moral leaders, because e...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,680 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... be changed, transformed, and there was no priest, no preacher, no moral leaders, because everything was so right. Lao Tzu says that in those days, those old days, there was no religion. There was no need because Tao prevailed. Everyone was so religious that there was no need for religion. There were no sages then, because there were no sinners. Everyone was such a sage that, naturally, no one was aware of who was a sage and ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,681 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ly, no one was aware of who was a sage and who was a sinner. Psychologists say that this past never existed. This past is just the deep memory within every individual of the womb. It existed. Really, Tao was in the womb, and everything was beautiful, everything was as it should be. Completely unaware of the world, the child is moving in bliss. The situation of the child in the womb is just as it is for Vishnu on ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,682 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...is silent, and unless you are silent you cannot understand it. The first layer of attunement is with society, the second layer of attunement is with nature, and the third layer, the deepest, is with Tao or DHARMA. That is the pure existence. Then the tree, then the rains, then the clouds, they are also left behind. Then, just existence.... Existence has no moods. Existence is always the same. Existence is always...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,683 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... escapist. You are a failure. You have accepted defeat." Don't listen to what others say. Feel the inner feeling. Feel what is happening to you. If you feel good flowing with the stream, this is the way. This is Tao for you. Don't listen to anybody, just listen to your own heart. Maturity accepts, whatsoever there is. I have heard an anecdote. A Mohammedan, a Christian and a Jew were asked a question. The que...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,684 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...on. rf you understand me, in a single moment, like lightning, you can become enlightened. But if you don't understand me, then you will have to crawl slowly through group methods, meditations, prayers, Yoga, Tantra, Tao... you will have to move slowly, slowly. Either you become enlightened instantly, this moment, or you have to grow into it slowly, slowly. The growth movement is a movement for growth; growth can only...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,685 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...h, very ancientmost. And travellers from different paths have come -- travellers from different directions and dimensions. Jews are here and Mohammedans are here and Hindus and Jains and Buddhists and Christians and Taoists -- all kinds of people are here. All cultures are meeting here; all religions pouring into each other. And a natural synthesis will arise. We are not creating any synthesis, but it is happening on its own. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,686 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e behaves compassionately but is not compassionate. All her compassion is nothing but a means to reach to heaven. And to reduce compassion to a means is ugly; compassion is an end unto itself. An ancient Taoist parable says: A man fell into a well. He started shouting loudly, "Save me! I am drowning!" A Buddhist monk passed by. He looked in the well and he said, "Be calm, be quiet, don't be dist...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,687 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... am following the ultimate law." The king said, "There is no question of ultimate law. The law that I have decided, that has to be followed." Lao Tzu said, "Your law is all nonsense. I follow the Tao. You are also one of the criminals." Now who were those judges? Whom were they serving? Whom were they representing? They were representing the vested interests. But Lisa got angry. She is...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,688 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e thrown away and you will be beyond mind. But when Buddha's teachings reached China a tremendously beautiful thing happened: a cross-breeding happened. In China, Lao Tzu has given his experience of Tao in a totally non-philosophical way, in a very absurd way, in a very illogical way. But when the Buddhist meditators, Buddhist mystics, met the Taoist mystics they immediately could understand each other ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,689 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...oss-breeding happened. In China, Lao Tzu has given his experience of Tao in a totally non-philosophical way, in a very absurd way, in a very illogical way. But when the Buddhist meditators, Buddhist mystics, met the Taoist mystics they immediately could understand each other heart to heart, not mind to mind. They could feel the same vibe they could see that the same inner world had opened they could smell the same fragrance. And...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,690 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... something new started growing up; that is Zen. It has both the beauty of Buddha and the beauty of Lao Tzu; it is the child of both. Such a meeting has never happened before or since. Zen is neither Taoist nor Buddhist; it is both and neither. Hence the traditional Buddhists reject Zen and the traditional Taoists also reject Zen. For the traditional Buddhist it is absurd, for the traditional Taoist it is too phi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,691 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...it is the child of both. Such a meeting has never happened before or since. Zen is neither Taoist nor Buddhist; it is both and neither. Hence the traditional Buddhists reject Zen and the traditional Taoists also reject Zen. For the traditional Buddhist it is absurd, for the traditional Taoist it is too philosophical, but to those who are really interested in meditation, Zen is an experience. It is neither absurd...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,692 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Zen is neither Taoist nor Buddhist; it is both and neither. Hence the traditional Buddhists reject Zen and the traditional Taoists also reject Zen. For the traditional Buddhist it is absurd, for the traditional Taoist it is too philosophical, but to those who are really interested in meditation, Zen is an experience. It is neither absurd nor philosophical because both are terms of the mind; it is something transcendental. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,693 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...pon it -- that means you are trying to improve upon God. All religions are trying to do that -- to improve upon God. Chuang Tzu is not in favour of that. He says nature is ultimate, and that ultimate nature he calls Tao. Tao means that nature is ultimate and cannot be improved. If you try to improve upon it, you will cripple it -- that is how we cripple every child. Every child is born in Tao, then we cripple hi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,694 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...t -- that means you are trying to improve upon God. All religions are trying to do that -- to improve upon God. Chuang Tzu is not in favour of that. He says nature is ultimate, and that ultimate nature he calls Tao. Tao means that nature is ultimate and cannot be improved. If you try to improve upon it, you will cripple it -- that is how we cripple every child. Every child is born in Tao, then we cripple him wit...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,695 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...timate nature he calls Tao. Tao means that nature is ultimate and cannot be improved. If you try to improve upon it, you will cripple it -- that is how we cripple every child. Every child is born in Tao, then we cripple him with society, civilisation, culture, morality, religion... we cripple him from every side. Then he lives, but he is not alive. I have heard that a small girl was going to a party, a frie...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,696 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...f it. The whole of nature is an overflowing of sex energy, of love. The birds sing, the trees flower -- this is all sexual energy, exploding. Flowers are sex symbols, the singing of the birds is sexual, the whole of Tao is nothing but sex energy -- the whole of nature propagates itself, loves itself, moves into deeper ecstasies of love and existence. If you want to destroy nature condemn sex, condemn love, create moral conce...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,697 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...u are angry, are you angry? Because when there is anger, you are not; when there is love, you are not. In anger, in love, in any passionate emotion, you are not. In anything alive, you disappear; then 'It' exists -- Tao. So a man of Tao is one who has come to understand that 'I' is the most useless thing. It only creates problems and nothing else -- so he drops it. Really there is no need to drop it, once he unde...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,698 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...se when there is anger, you are not; when there is love, you are not. In anger, in love, in any passionate emotion, you are not. In anything alive, you disappear; then 'It' exists -- Tao. So a man of Tao is one who has come to understand that 'I' is the most useless thing. It only creates problems and nothing else -- so he drops it. Really there is no need to drop it, once he understands, it drops -- there is no ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,699 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... You completely forget about it. Whatsoever is healthy is forgotten but whatsoever is ill is remembered -- it becomes a continuous note in the mind, a continuous tension in the mind. A perfect man of Tao does not know himself; YOU know, because you are ill. Ego is illness, a substantial illness, because you continuously have to remember that you are somebody. This shows that you are in a deep 'dis-ease'. Disease ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,700 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...and sprouts. How do the trees flower at the right season? How do the stars move? Look at this cosmos -- so mysterious, so complicated, so complex, but moving so easily, so simply, so effortlessly. It is protected by Tao, by nature, by the spirit of nature itself. Man is foolish because he thinks himself very wise. Then the child grows. And have you ever observed that every child is beautiful? It is very difficult...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,701 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...el sleepy, go to sleep. If you don't feel sleepy there is no need -- just drop the idea. Move unintentionally and soon this neurotic style of life will be dropped and you will fall back to the source. That source is Tao. THE UNCONSCIOUSNESS AND ENTIRE SINCERITY OF TAO ARE DISTURBED BY ANY EFFORT AT SELF CONSCIOUS DEMONSTRATION. ALL SUCH DEMONSTRATIONS ARE LIES. Live, but don't make your life a demonst...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,702 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... new act, you go deeper into lies. How do you think you can be blissful through these lies? You may attain much of the rubbish of this world but you will lose all of the real. Says Chuang Tzu: Be in Tao, authentically in it, sincerely in it. There is only one sincerity 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,703 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...y 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- needed of you, and that sincerity is towards Tao -- your inner nature, your authentic being. No other sincerity is needed -- let the whole world say you are insincere. That is what Buddha's father said to him -- because Buddha deserted his parents. That is ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,704 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...eserted his parents. That is what Buddha's wife said to him because he deserted her. That is what his whole kingdom said to him because he deserted the whole kingdom. But he was happy, and he remained sincere to his Tao, his nature. And he said: No other way is possible. If you suffer, you suffer because of your expectations -- not because of me. You are here to fulfill yourself. Others are here to fulfill themse...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,705 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... that deeply. Only then will you be able to be really sincere to your inner self; and that sincerity is religiousness. Hindus have called this RIT. Jesus calls it the Kingdom of God. Chuang Tzu calls it Tao. Whatsoever the word used, it means to stay close to one's unconsciousness, and to flow with it without any conditions. It means to flow unconditionally with the unconscious, wherever it leads -- and ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,706 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ot it. Celebrate it! Something unique has happened to everyone, God has given a unique gift to everyone, and you condemn it You want something better! You try to be wiser than the existence, you try to be wiser than Tao -- then you go wrong. Remember, the part can never be wiser than the whole, and whatsoever the whole is doing is the final thing, you cannot change. You can make an effort to do so and waste your ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,707 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...p to you how much you knock on others' doors and how much you wander here and there. Finally you will come to your own and to the realisation that your own has always been there. Nobody can take it away. Nature, the Tao, cannot be taken away from you. This man was disturbed because of his shadow. The method he hit upon was to run away from it. That is the method everybody hits upon. It seems that the mind has a vicious logic...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,708 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...der the shade. 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- That shade Chuang Tzu calls 'Tao', your innermost nature -- utterly innermost, absolutely innermost. So what is to be done? One, don't listen to the mind. It is a good tool for the outside but it is absolutely a barrier for the i...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,709 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...umulates energy. Secondly, ego is always afraid, that is why it is always ready to fight -- there is fear. Ego can never be fearless, never. Why? Because it is a false thing, it is not natural, it is not part of the Tao. It is an artificial human device, you have to manage it and maintain it continuously. If for even a single moment you don't manage it it will disappear -- that is the fear. So you are constantly alert. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,710 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... HSING TZU WAS A TRAINER OF FIGHTING COCKS FOR KING HSUAN. HE WAS TRAINING A FINE BIRD. THE KING KEPT ASKING IF THE BIRD WERE READY FOR COMBAT. This man, Chi Hsing, was not only a trainer, he was a man of Tao. In China, in Japan, in the Far East, they have used all sorts of things as stepping boards for meditation. All sorts of things: archery, painting, swordsmanship, even training cocks and birds to fight. Name any ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,711 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...day for the competition was coming nearer and nearer and the Emperor's cock must win. And this man went on delaying -- and the excuses that he was giving looked just absurd Whenever there is a man of Tao his statements will look absurd. They are, because they don't fit in with your mind. He says again after ten days: 'NOT YET. HE FLARES UP WHEN HE HEARS ANOTHER BIRD CROW'. He is still immature, childish. This is ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,712 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...e without ego. So this is the training of a Samurai, of a Zen warrior -- to fight without the ego just like this cock. Now he is nearly ready. But remember the words, 'nearly ready'. Why not perfect? Because the Tao says the perfect cannot exist in this world, only the nearly perfect. The moment you are perfect you disappear. Perfection cannot exist in matter, in the material. Matter itself gives a little imperfection ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,713 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ASURE. HE LEARNED TO HIDE EVERY DISTINCTION. SOON NO ONE IN THE KINGDOM KNEW WHAT TO MAKE OF HIM. THUS THEY HELD HIM IN AWE. This story carries one of the most secret keys of Tao. Tao says that whatsoever is beautiful in you, hide it, never act it out; whatsoever is truthful in you, valuable, hide it, because whenever a truth is hidden in the heart, it grows like a seed hidden in the eart...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,714 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [.... HE LEARNED TO HIDE EVERY DISTINCTION. SOON NO ONE IN THE KINGDOM KNEW WHAT TO MAKE OF HIM. THUS THEY HELD HIM IN AWE. This story carries one of the most secret keys of Tao. Tao says that whatsoever is beautiful in you, hide it, never act it out; whatsoever is truthful in you, valuable, hide it, because whenever a truth is hidden in the heart, it grows like a seed hidden in the earth. Do...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,715 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...s on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- life because you have never done the right thing -- hidden the seed of the flower within. This opposite is the path, and I say this is one of the most secret keys of Tao. A man of Tao remains ordinary, absolutely ordinary. Nobody knows who he is, nobody knows what he carries within him, what treasure. He never advertises, he never tries to display. But why do we a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,716 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ublished Query:- life because you have never done the right thing -- hidden the seed of the flower within. This opposite is the path, and I say this is one of the most secret keys of Tao. A man of Tao remains ordinary, absolutely ordinary. Nobody knows who he is, nobody knows what he carries within him, what treasure. He never advertises, he never tries to display. But why do we advertise? Because of the ego. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,717 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... have become a commodity, you have made yourself a commodity on display, always on display, always begging for somebody to say: You are good, beautiful, you are saintly, you are great, extraordinary. Tao is against this, because Tao says that this is how you waste your life. The same energy can move directly towards your being and when the being is revealed it is extraordinary. So a man who is in search of se...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,718 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... you have made yourself a commodity on display, always on display, always begging for somebody to say: You are good, beautiful, you are saintly, you are great, extraordinary. Tao is against this, because Tao says that this is how you waste your life. The same energy can move directly towards your being and when the being is revealed it is extraordinary. So a man who is in search of self knowledge will remain ordi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,719 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...etimes teachers are left behind and disciples move fast and reach the goal. Because you can give good advice to others it doesn't mean that you have attained that truth. This is good. The advice is beautiful and Tao says the same thing. Tao has the same teaching but not with the same mind as the Prince. Chuang Tzu has put the teaching in the Prince's mouth but the Prince is just like a scholar, a pundit, who shows the words ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,720 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...behind and disciples move fast and reach the goal. Because you can give good advice to others it doesn't mean that you have attained that truth. This is good. The advice is beautiful and Tao says the same thing. Tao has the same teaching but not with the same mind as the Prince. Chuang Tzu has put the teaching in the Prince's mouth but the Prince is just like a scholar, a pundit, who shows the words but who has not lived it ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,721 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Prince is just like a scholar, a pundit, who shows the words but who has not lived it through. It is not a live experience; it is just a doctrine. The Prince must have heard it from somewhere, from some Taoist source, because this is one of their keys. YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENED? THIS ANIMAL ADVERTISED HIS CLEVERNESS, HE TRUSTED IN HIS OWN SKILL. HE THOUGHT NO-ONE COULD TOUCH HIM. REMEMBER THAT! ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,722 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...king about the container? Just taste the contents, and if the contents are good, forget the container. This Prince was in the same position as the monkey, even worse, but he uttered one of the secrets of Taoist teachings. He may have read about it, he may have been taught it, and suddenly the situation provoked his knowledge. So he said to the companion: Don't display! Don't become an exhibitionist, otherwise you wil...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,723 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...rating that there is no comparison. Athens could not tolerate him, everybody felt offended. Chuang Tzu says: Don't rely on talent when you deal with men. Remain hidden! It has to be remembered that a Taoist master has never been crucified or poisoned. Never! Because they never rely on talent. They never say that they are distinct from you. They never say that they are higher than you, more divine than you, holier...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,724 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...they become aware leave them otherwise you will be in trouble. So he was a constant wanderer -- no address, no home. Where to find him? But they tried, when the emperor orders it has to be tried. They asked many Taoist teachers: Where can we find Chuang Tzu? They said: Very difficult, nobody knows. He moves like the wind, unknown, like a cloud, whereabouts unknown. But you go, and if some villager says that there is a ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,725 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...king? Chuang Tzu said: Wait, and let me think. And the next day, when they came to ask him, he was not found in that village; he had escaped. People had suspected, they had come to know. A man of Tao moves absolutely without identity. Why? Because if you show talent then people cannot forgive you. People can forgive fools, but they cannot forgive wise men. That is why Jesus was crucified, Socrates was poisone...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,726 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ding ways and means to be outstanding. If you cannot be anything else, at least you can be the tallest dwarf. But be something, somebody. The whole education, culture, civilization teaches you to be outstanding, and Tao says: Don't be outstanding, drop all that is outstanding; just be ordinary, just be simple. Easy is right; to be ordinary is to be right, because to be ordinary you will be easy. If you want to be extraordinary, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,727 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... OUTSTANDING. HE RENOUNCED EVERY PLEASURE. HE LEARNED TO HIDE EVERY DISTINCTION. SOON, NO ONE IN THE KINGDOM KNEW WHAT TO MAKE OF HIM. THUS THEY HELD HIM IN AWE. And Tao says, that when nobody knows what to make of you -- you are so ordinary that nobody knows what to make of you, nobody knows any utility for you, you cannot be used, you are so ordinary, without any talent -- then...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,728 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...you. You will 'do' on your own, it will be your flowering. A rose flowers, not for those who will pass, not for those who will see, not for those who will smell the fragrance. No! It flowers on its own. A man of Tao flowers on his own. He is like a rose, he is not a utility. And a man who has not known his innermost being is always like a thing, always on display in the window of a shop; always waiting for somebody to come a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,729 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ke me a thing. I am a most valuable thing, you will never get any thing better than me. Come and use me! This is your whole cry. And if this is your cry, you will become a thing. A man of Tao drops all distinctions, he burns all certificates, he destroys all bridges, he remains 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, pub...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,730 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... be done through that understanding; it is an unconscious phenomenon. Rules are conscious, understanding is unconscious, and Chuang Tzu is always in favour of the unconscious. The whole tradition of Tao is for the unconscious. Don't force rules, just try to understand things. If you force rules upon yourself you will not become enlightened, you will remain ignorant inside, just decorated from without. ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,731 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...AS GOT HIMSELF A HUNDRED IDEAS THINKS HE KNOWS MORE THAN ANYBODY ELSE. SUCH A ONE AM I. ONLY NOW DO I SEE WHAT THEY MEAN BY EXPANSE! When you come to the superior, when you come to a man of Tao, only then do you realise what it means to be wise, what it means to be intelligent, what it means to be mature, what it means to be expanding, what it means to be really conscious, total, integrated. When you co...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,732 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ang Tzu is against both types of conflict. So-called science and so called religion are not enemies, they are partners, they have a deep affinity. To understand Chuang Tzu and Lao Tzu, to understand Tao, you will have to understand that they don't believe in fighting of any sort. They say: Don't fight, live Just be in a let-go, so nature can penetrate you and you can penetrate nature. They say: Just be ordinary,...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,733 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...you fight from both sides and the energy is dissipated. The same energy can become ecstatic if allowed to move in an inner harmony, not fighting. Acceptance, accepting whatsoever is, is the basis of Tao. Tao does not create any 'ought'. Chuang Tzu says: Don't say to anybody that you ought to do this, you should do this, you ought not to be like this. Chuang Tzu says these things are dangerous, you are poisoning....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,734 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ight from both sides and the energy is dissipated. The same energy can become ecstatic if allowed to move in an inner harmony, not fighting. Acceptance, accepting whatsoever is, is the basis of Tao. Tao does not create any 'ought'. Chuang Tzu says: Don't say to anybody that you ought to do this, you should do this, you ought not to be like this. Chuang Tzu says these things are dangerous, you are poisoning. Ther...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,735 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nting remains, when the painting is no longer a conscious effort, when the unconscious takes over, you have to see the phenomenon to feel it, what it is. Then those are not the hands of Picasso, then the unconscious Tao, nature, has taken over. Picasso's hands are instrumental, they work as vehicles, some other energy is there. Watch Picasso painting -- he is no longer a man. He is not at all a part of you; he has become a ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,736 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... something of the other world. But this is nothing. When a Buddha speaks he is not the speaker. When a Buddha moves he is not the walker. When a Buddha puts his hand on your head he is not the hand. Tao -- you may call it God, whatsoever name you choose -- has taken over. Now the hand is not of Buddha, it is instrumental. God is touching you through him and Buddha is not there at all, not standing between ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,737 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...nd unpublished Query:- When the Shoe Fits Chapter #10 Chapter title: Man Is A Born In Tao 20 October 1974 am in Buddha Hall Archive code: 7410200 ShortTitle: SHOE10 Audio: Yes Video: No Length: 99 mins F...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,738 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...is their condemnation. Whenever they want to condemn anybody, they will say: He believes in 'eat, drink and be merry.' But Chuang Tzu says: Eat, drink and be merry. If you can be totally in it, you have achieved the Tao, nothing more is needed. Be simple, allow nature, and don't force nature in any direction. Don't become a soldier, a fighter, a warrior with life. Surrender to life and let life happen through you. That is the fi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,739 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... life has meaning. Then life has a dance. Then every step is happy because it is not a step filled with duty, it is a step moving into the unknown. The river is going towards the sea. Insecurity is the nature of Tao. Don't make securities -- otherwise you are cutting yourself off 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,740 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...you are cutting yourself off 10/28/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- from nature, from Tao. And the more secure you are, the further away you will be. Move into the unknown and let the unknown have its own way. Don't force it, don't push the river, allow it to flow, and never promise a rose garden to a...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,741 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...ity, that is the only security possible. The man who can live in insecurity is happy because he is the only one who is secure, secure in the arms of life itself. His security is not man-made; his security is that of Tao, of the ultimate nature itself. Life takes care of you -- why are you so worried about taking care of yourself? Why cut yourself off from life? Why uproot yourself from life Life feeds you, life breathes in you, ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,742 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... up to this moment, to this shore, and the river will bring you up to many other shores. Why be worried? Birds are not worried, trees are not worried. And man is the most conscious being, why should he worry? If the Tao takes care of a rock, if the Tao takes care of a river, if the Tao takes care of a tree, why do you doubt that life will take care of you? You are the supreme most flowering of life at this moment. Life is bound ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,743 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [..., and the river will bring you up to many other shores. Why be worried? Birds are not worried, trees are not worried. And man is the most conscious being, why should he worry? If the Tao takes care of a rock, if the Tao takes care of a river, if the Tao takes care of a tree, why do you doubt that life will take care of you? You are the supreme most flowering of life at this moment. Life is bound to take care of you more than any...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,744 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... many other shores. Why be worried? Birds are not worried, trees are not worried. And man is the most conscious being, why should he worry? If the Tao takes care of a rock, if the Tao takes care of a river, if the Tao takes care of a tree, why do you doubt that life will take care of you? You are the supreme most flowering of life at this moment. Life is bound to take care of you more than anything else. Life is more concerned...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,745 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...you will not reach through worrying. You need not even make an effort. Be effortless. Let your whole life be a let-go and you will reach. Life takes care. In your own hands you are in dangerous hands; in Tao's hands, you are in the hands of a mother -- the ultimate mother. Now listen to these words: FISHES ARE BORN IN WATER, MAN IS BORN IN TAO. Chuang Tzu says that as fishes are born in wate...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,746 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...in the hands of a mother -- the ultimate mother. Now listen to these words: FISHES ARE BORN IN WATER, MAN IS BORN IN TAO. Chuang Tzu says that as fishes are born in water, so man is born in Tao. The water takes care of fishes, the Tao takes care of you. You are fishes in Tao, nature -- you can call it God. Chuang Tzu never uses that word deliberately, knowingly, because it has been overloaded with so mu...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,747 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Now listen to these words: FISHES ARE BORN IN WATER, MAN IS BORN IN TAO. Chuang Tzu says that as fishes are born in water, so man is born in Tao. The water takes care of fishes, the Tao takes care of you. You are fishes in Tao, nature -- you can call it God. Chuang Tzu never uses that word deliberately, knowingly, because it has been overloaded with so much nonsense. He simply uses Tao -- a more...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,748 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... FISHES ARE BORN IN WATER, MAN IS BORN IN TAO. Chuang Tzu says that as fishes are born in water, so man is born in Tao. The water takes care of fishes, the Tao takes care of you. You are fishes in Tao, nature -- you can call it God. Chuang Tzu never uses that word deliberately, knowingly, because it has been overloaded with so much nonsense. He simply uses Tao -- a more neutral word. The Vedas use the word RIT...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,749 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... fishes, the Tao takes care of you. You are fishes in Tao, nature -- you can call it God. Chuang Tzu never uses that word deliberately, knowingly, because it has been overloaded with so much nonsense. He simply uses Tao -- a more neutral word. The Vedas use the word RIT -- RIT means Tao, nature. Man is born in Tao, that is why we cannot feel it. Fishes cannot feel water, they know it too deeply because they have been born in it....] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,750 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...l it God. Chuang Tzu never uses that word deliberately, knowingly, because it has been overloaded with so much nonsense. He simply uses Tao -- a more neutral word. The Vedas use the word RIT -- RIT means Tao, nature. Man is born in Tao, that is why we cannot feel it. Fishes cannot feel water, they know it too deeply because they have been born in it. They have lived with it so much that there has never been a separat...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,751 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... never uses that word deliberately, knowingly, because it has been overloaded with so much nonsense. He simply uses Tao -- a more neutral word. The Vedas use the word RIT -- RIT means Tao, nature. Man is born in Tao, that is why we cannot feel it. Fishes cannot feel water, they know it too deeply because they have been born in it. They have lived with it so much that there has never been a separation. The fishes never know w...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,752 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...g that if they can save man from sleep then more life will be saved. They say: If you are going to live for ninety years, thirty years will be lost in sleep this is too much of a waste. Scientists are more wise than Tao -- too much of a waste, and your mind will also say: Yes, if thirty years can be saved, life will be much more enriched. But I tell you you will become just mad. If your thirty years of sleep are lost you may be ...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,753 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...o your home; leave the office, leave it behind, and don't carry the files in your head. When you are inactive, enjoy inactivity, and when you are active, enjoy activity -- and let the body feel and move according to Tao not according to your mind. IF FISHES BORN IN WATER, SEEK THE DEEP SHADOW OF POND AND POOL, ALL THEIR NEEDS ARE SATISFIED. IF MAN, BORN IN TAO, SINKS INTO THE DEEP SHADOW OF NON-ACTION TO F...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,754 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... move, and by and by you go deeper until you settle on the earth. You have reached the root and everything settles. Then there is no worry, no thought, no world no you -- only that which is, remains. That is Tao. Then enriched, rejuvenated, you come back to the world, and by and by it becomes as easy as coming out of your house and going in. It becomes that easy. When you want to, be active, but remember that this activi...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,755 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [... Meditate and be active -- let the energy flow. You melt into existence through action. And when the energy is gone and you relax, then be silent. Find a cool spot in the pond and relax there. Action can lead you to Tao; inaction can also lead you to Tao. .... Because there is nothing else than Tao. If you become aware through action you will also meet him. Action is pouring your energy into the Tao, and in inaction Tao pour...] /OSHO.TXT (197MB) discourses/ Context #0,000,001,756 (480bytes or less long) holding the 'Tao' pattern: [...energy flow. You melt into existence through action. And when the energy is gone and you relax, then be silent. Find a cool spot in the pond and relax there. Action can lead you to Tao; inaction can also lead you to Tao. .... Because there is nothing else than Tao. If you become aware through action you will