Nakamichi 'Hayabusa' a.k.a. 'Peregrine'
Falconinely fast ( ͡⚆ ͜ʖ ͡⚆) textual decompressor


/Photo by Masaki/

Above four kanjis were written as a reply to paying my respects to Prof. Okumura, they are the motto/banner of this page.
Fastest textual decompression is targeted, here comes Nakamichi.

Update, 2015-Feb-12:

Couldn't resist and finally wrote 'Hayabusa' (peregrine falcon), a lightweighted 'Tengu' with Match Lengths 8 and 4.
Nakamichi 'Tengu' is a native XMM (128bit) decompression etude, 1MB Sliding Window is in use.
Nakamichi 'Hayabusa' is a native GP (64bit) decompression etude, 2MB Sliding Window is in use.
The beauty of this last Nakamichi variant is in its:
- licenselessness (100% FREE); ( ͡⚆ ͜ʖ ͡⚆)
- falconine textual decompression speed;
- potential ability to remove in future the second reload (in the literal branch), exploiting the fact of 7 bytes MAX long literals.

Since 'Hayabusa' targets only Enlgish texts, in my opinion, the most relevant such benchmark has to be executed on the queen of English prose:
02/13/2015  03:45 AM        33,258,496 Agatha_Christie_89-ebooks_TXT.tar
02/13/2015  03:46 AM        13,365,137 Agatha_Christie_89-ebooks_TXT.tar.lz4
02/13/2015  04:09 AM        13,148,167 Agatha_Christie_89-ebooks_TXT.tar.Nakamichi

D:\_KAZE\EBOOKs_for_benching\z>..\lz4 -9 -Sx -b -T1 Agatha_Christie_89-ebooks_TXT.tar
Nb of threads = 1 ; Compression Level = 9
Agatha_Christie :  33258496 ->  13365090 ( 40.19%),   12.6 MB/s ,  908.7 MB/s

D:\_KAZE\EBOOKs_for_benching\z>..\Nakamichi_Hayabusa_GP.exe Agatha_Christie_89-ebooks_TXT.tar.Nakamichi /benchmark
Nakamichi 'Hayabusa', written by Kaze, based on Nobuo Ito's LZSS source, babealicious suggestion by m^2 enforced, muffinesque suggestion by Jim Dempsey enforced.
Decompressing 13148167 bytes ...
RAM-to-RAM performance: 896 MB/s.
Memory pool starting address: 00000000011D0080 ... 64 byte aligned, OK
Copying a 512MB block 1024 times i.e. 512GB READ + 512GB WRITTEN ...
memcpy(): (512MB block); 524288MB copied in 193533 clocks or 2.709MB per clock
RAM-to-RAM performance vs memcpy() ratio (bigger-the-better): 33%
'Hayabusa' happened to outspeed one of the two LZ kings (LZ4) on OSHO.TXT reaching 960 MB/s vs 947.4 MB/s,
but this is the exception that validates the rule, heh-heh.

unsigned int Decompress (char* ret, char* src, unsigned int srcSize) {
	char* retLOCAL = ret;
	char* srcLOCAL = src;
	char* srcEndLOCAL = src+srcSize;
	unsigned int DWORDtrio;
	unsigned int DWORDtrioDumbo;
	while (srcLOCAL < srcEndLOCAL) {
		DWORDtrio = *(unsigned int*)srcLOCAL;
#ifndef _N_GP
#ifdef _N_prefetch_64
		_mm_prefetch((char*)(srcLOCAL + 64), _MM_HINT_T0);
#ifdef _N_prefetch_128
		_mm_prefetch((char*)(srcLOCAL + 64*2), _MM_HINT_T0);
#ifdef _N_prefetch_4096
		_mm_prefetch((char*)(srcLOCAL + 64*64), _MM_HINT_T0);
// |1stLSB    |2ndLSB  |3rdLSB   |
// -------------------------------
// |OO|L|xxxxx|xxxxxxxx|xxxxxx|xx|
// -------------------------------
// [1bit          16bit]    24bit]
// L = 0b means Long MatchLength, (8-L) or 8
// L = 1b means Long MatchLength, (8-L) or 4
// OO = 00b means Literal                                                                        
// OO = 01b MatchOffset, 0xFFFFFFFF>>OO, 3 bytes long i.e. Sliding Window is 3*8-L-OO=3*8-3=21 or 2MB    
// OO = 10b MatchOffset, 0xFFFFFFFF>>OO, 2 bytes long i.e. Sliding Window is 2*8-L-OO=2*8-3=13 or 8KB    
// OO = 11b MatchOffset, 0xFFFFFFFF>>OO, 1 byte long  i.e. Sliding Window is 1*8-L-OO=1*8-3=5 or 32B     
		if ( (DWORDtrio & 0x03) == 0x00 ) {                                                       
				#ifdef _N_GP
		memcpy(retLOCAL, (const char *)( (uint64_t)(srcLOCAL+1) ), 8);
				#ifdef _N_XMM
		SlowCopy128bit( (const char *)( (uint64_t)(srcLOCAL+1) ), retLOCAL );
		retLOCAL+= ((DWORDtrio & 0xFF)>>3);
		srcLOCAL+= ((DWORDtrio & 0xFF)>>3)+1;
		} else {
		DWORDtrioDumbo = (DWORDtrio & 0x03)<<3; // To avoid 'LEA'
				#ifdef _N_GP
			memcpy(retLOCAL, (const char *)( (uint64_t)(retLOCAL-((DWORDtrio&(0xFFFFFFFF>>DWORDtrioDumbo))>>3)) ), 8);
				#ifdef _N_XMM
			SlowCopy128bit( (const char *)( (uint64_t)(retLOCAL-((DWORDtrio&(0xFFFFFFFF>>DWORDtrioDumbo))>>3)) ), retLOCAL );
		retLOCAL+= 8-(DWORDtrio&0x04);
		srcLOCAL+= 4-(DWORDtrioDumbo>>3);
	return (unsigned int)(retLOCAL - ret);

; 'Hayabusa' decompression loop, 6d-14+2=91 bytes long:
; mark_description "Intel(R) C++ Intel(R) 64 Compiler XE for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version Build 20140";
; mark_description "-O3 -D_N_GP -FAcs";

  00014 41 8b 01         mov eax, DWORD PTR [r9]                
  00017 89 c1            mov ecx, eax                           
  00019 83 e1 03         and ecx, 3                             
  0001c 75 17            jne .B6.5 
  0001e 0f b6 c0         movzx eax, al                          
  00021 c1 e8 03         shr eax, 3                             
  00024 49 8b 49 01      mov rcx, QWORD PTR [1+r9]              
  00028 49 89 0a         mov QWORD PTR [r10], rcx               
  0002b 4c 03 d0         add r10, rax                           
  0002e ff c0            inc eax                                
  00030 4c 03 c8         add r9, rax                            
  00033 eb 35            jmp .B6.6 
  00035 c1 e1 03         shl ecx, 3                             
  00038 41 bb ff ff ff 
        ff               mov r11d, -1                           
  0003e 41 d3 eb         shr r11d, cl                           
  00041 44 23 d8         and r11d, eax                          
  00044 83 e0 04         and eax, 4                             
  00047 41 c1 eb 03      shr r11d, 3                            
  0004b f7 d8            neg eax                                
  0004d 83 c0 08         add eax, 8                             
  00050 49 f7 db         neg r11                                
  00053 4d 03 da         add r11, r10                           
  00056 c1 e9 03         shr ecx, 3                             
  00059 f7 d9            neg ecx                                
  0005b 83 c1 04         add ecx, 4                             
  0005e 4d 8b 1b         mov r11, QWORD PTR [r11]               
  00061 4d 89 1a         mov QWORD PTR [r10], r11               
  00064 4c 03 d0         add r10, rax                           
  00067 4c 03 c9         add r9, rcx                            
  0006a 4d 3b c8         cmp r9, r8                             
  0006d 72 a5            jb .B6.3 
The package (181KB) containing the source:


And the performance with epub2txt 'Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar' corpus:
10/05/2014  03:23 AM   273,401,856 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar
10/05/2014  06:54 AM   117,126,206 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.lz4                   ! -9 !
10/06/2014  07:43 PM   115,558,538 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.v1.2_19.lzt           ! -19 !
10/05/2014  03:23 AM   113,511,873 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.Z
02/12/2015  08:17 AM   113,073,442 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.Hayabusa.Nakamichi
10/05/2014  09:12 AM   107,237,997 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.Tengu.Nakamichi
10/06/2014  04:06 AM   102,514,628 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.lzh                   / LHA32 version 2.67 /
10/06/2014  02:23 AM   101,966,054 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.method1.zpaq          / zpaq 6.50 /
10/05/2014  06:47 AM    97,569,200                   ! -tzip -mx9 !
10/06/2014  02:25 AM    87,439,698 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.method2.zpaq          / zpaq 6.50 /
10/06/2014  02:21 AM    82,724,804 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.sr2
10/06/2014  07:18 PM    77,194,175              ! -cD !
10/06/2014  03:34 AM    75,388,190 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.ST3_block256.bsc      ! -m0 -Tt -b256 !
10/05/2014  06:53 AM    69,832,119 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.7z                    ! -t7z -mx9 !
10/06/2014  07:57 PM    69,398,819 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.v1.2_39_block256.lzt  ! -39 -b256 -p1 !
10/06/2014  08:36 PM    67,946,358 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.v1.2_49_block256.lzt  ! -49 -b256 -p1 !
10/05/2014  06:56 AM    66,517,316 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.order04.PPMonstr      ! -m1024 -o4 !
10/06/2014  03:35 AM    65,416,196 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.ST4_block256.bsc      ! -m1 -Tt -b256 !
10/06/2014  03:36 AM    61,018,244 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.ST5_block256.bsc      ! -m2 -Tt -b256 !
10/06/2014  02:27 AM    59,401,801 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.method3.zpaq          / zpaq 6.50 /
10/05/2014  07:00 AM    58,736,456 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.order06.PPMonstr      ! -m1024 -o6 !
10/05/2014  02:55 AM    58,266,061 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.tangelo               / Version 2.3 /
10/06/2014  02:32 AM    57,962,141 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.method4.zpaq          / zpaq 6.50 /
10/05/2014  07:41 AM    56,862,830 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.bbb                   ! cfm128 !
10/05/2014  07:05 AM    55,962,342 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.order08.PPMonstr      ! -m1024 -o8 !
10/06/2014  03:33 AM    55,464,039 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.BWT_block256.bsc      ! -m3 -Tt -b256 !
10/06/2014  03:02 AM    55,117,057 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.method5.zpaq          / zpaq 6.50 /
10/05/2014  07:26 AM    55,011,526 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.order32.PPMonstr      ! -m1024 -o32 !
10/05/2014  07:15 AM    54,635,921 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.order16.PPMonstr      ! -m1024 -o16 !
10/06/2014  07:16 PM    52,631,060                 ! -cc !
10/06/2014  02:06 AM    48,194,287 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.paq8hp12              ! -8 !
Benchmarks below are for laptop with Core 2 Q9550s @2833MHz.
D:\_KAZE\EBOOKs_for_benching\z>..\lz4 -9 -Sx -b -T1 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar
Nb of threads = 1 ; Compression Level = 9
Autobiography_4 : 273401856 -> 117125927 ( 42.84%),   12.7 MB/s ,  902.3 MB/s

D:\_KAZE\EBOOKs_for_benching\z>..\Nakamichi_Hayabusa_GP.exe Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.Nakamichi /benchmark
Nakamichi 'Hayabusa', written by Kaze, based on Nobuo Ito's LZSS source, babealicious suggestion by m^2 enforced, muffinesque suggestion by Jim Dempsey enforced.
Decompressing 113073442 bytes ...
RAM-to-RAM performance: 832 MB/s.
Memory pool starting address: 0000000007130080 ... 64 byte aligned, OK
Copying a 512MB block 1024 times i.e. 512GB READ + 512GB WRITTEN ...
memcpy(): (512MB block); 524288MB copied in 193289 clocks or 2.712MB per clock
RAM-to-RAM performance vs memcpy() ratio (bigger-the-better): 30%

D:\_KAZE\EBOOKs_for_benching\z>..\lz4 -9 -Sx -b -T1 enwik8
Nb of threads = 1 ; Compression Level = 9
enwik8          : 100000000 ->  42283793 ( 42.28%),   18.1 MB/s ,  929.5 MB/s

D:\_KAZE\EBOOKs_for_benching\z>..\Nakamichi_Hayabusa_GP.exe enwik8.Nakamichi /benchmark
Nakamichi 'Hayabusa', written by Kaze, based on Nobuo Ito's LZSS source, babealicious suggestion by m^2 enforced, muffinesque suggestion by Jim Dempsey enforced.
Decompressing 43010309 bytes ...
RAM-to-RAM performance: 768 MB/s.
Memory pool starting address: 0000000002EA0080 ... 64 byte aligned, OK
Copying a 512MB block 1024 times i.e. 512GB READ + 512GB WRITTEN ...
memcpy(): (512MB block); 524288MB copied in 193336 clocks or 2.712MB per clock
RAM-to-RAM performance vs memcpy() ratio (bigger-the-better): 28%

D:\_KAZE\EBOOKs_for_benching\z>..\lz4 -9 -Sx -b -T1 OSHO.TXT
Nb of threads = 1 ; Compression Level = 9
OSHO.TXT        : 206908949 ->  71399094 ( 34.51%),   14.2 MB/s ,  947.4 MB/s

D:\_KAZE\EBOOKs_for_benching\z>..\Nakamichi_Hayabusa_GP.exe OSHO.TXT.Nakamichi /benchmark
Nakamichi 'Hayabusa', written by Kaze, based on Nobuo Ito's LZSS source, babealicious suggestion by m^2 enforced, muffinesque suggestion by Jim Dempsey enforced.
Decompressing 75006396 bytes ...
RAM-to-RAM performance: 960 MB/s.
Memory pool starting address: 0000000004C60080 ... 64 byte aligned, OK
Copying a 512MB block 1024 times i.e. 512GB READ + 512GB WRITTEN ...
memcpy(): (512MB block); 524288MB copied in 193505 clocks or 2.709MB per clock
RAM-to-RAM performance vs memcpy() ratio (bigger-the-better): 35%

D:\_KAZE\EBOOKs_for_benching\z>..\lz4 -9 -Sx -b -T1 silesia.tar
Nb of threads = 1 ; Compression Level = 9
silesia.tar     : 211948544 ->  78036331 ( 36.82%),   16.5 MB/s , 1132.3 MB/s

D:\_KAZE\EBOOKs_for_benching\z>..\Nakamichi_Hayabusa_GP.exe silesia.tar.Nakamichi /benchmark
Nakamichi 'Hayabusa', written by Kaze, based on Nobuo Ito's LZSS source, babealicious suggestion by m^2 enforced, muffinesque suggestion by Jim Dempsey enforced.
Decompressing 92192717 bytes ...
RAM-to-RAM performance: 832 MB/s.
Memory pool starting address: 0000000005E00080 ... 64 byte aligned, OK
Copying a 512MB block 1024 times i.e. 512GB READ + 512GB WRITTEN ...
memcpy(): (512MB block); 524288MB copied in 193482 clocks or 2.710MB per clock
RAM-to-RAM performance vs memcpy() ratio (bigger-the-better): 30%
And quick comparison with 'LZ4 -9':
02/12/2015  04:18 AM           152,089 alice29.txt
02/12/2015  05:35 PM            63,705 alice29.txt.lz4
09/30/2014  06:31 AM            73,787 alice29.txt.Tengu.Nakamichi
02/12/2015  04:18 AM            74,782 alice29.txt.Hayabusa.Nakamichi

02/12/2015  03:34 AM       273,401,856 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar
02/12/2015  05:36 PM       117,126,206 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.lz4
10/05/2014  09:12 AM       107,237,997 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.Tengu.Nakamichi
02/12/2015  08:17 AM       113,073,442 Autobiography_411-ebooks_Collection.tar.Hayabusa.Nakamichi

02/12/2015  03:22 AM         3,153,408 CalgaryCorpus.tar
02/12/2015  05:35 PM         1,195,853 CalgaryCorpus.tar.lz4
09/30/2014  07:15 AM         1,296,773 CalgaryCorpus.tar.Tengu.Nakamichi
02/12/2015  09:34 AM         1,388,997 CalgaryCorpus.tar.Hayabusa.Nakamichi

02/12/2015  03:24 AM        10,192,446 dickens
02/12/2015  05:35 PM         4,442,992 dickens.lz4
09/30/2014  07:49 AM         3,993,467 dickens.Tengu.Nakamichi
02/12/2015  09:45 AM         4,197,881 dickens.Hayabusa.Nakamichi

02/12/2015  02:48 AM       100,000,000 enwik8
02/12/2015  05:36 PM        42,283,904 enwik8.lz4
09/30/2014  12:06 PM        40,860,927 enwik8.Tengu.Nakamichi
02/12/2015  11:47 AM        43,010,309 enwik8.Hayabusa.Nakamichi

02/12/2015  03:15 AM         3,903,143 MASAKARI_General-Purpose_Grade_English_Wordlist.wrd
02/12/2015  05:34 PM         1,539,449 MASAKARI_General-Purpose_Grade_English_Wordlist.wrd.lz4
09/30/2014  06:56 AM         1,308,271 MASAKARI_General-Purpose_Grade_English_Wordlist.wrd.Tengu.Nakamichi
02/12/2015  09:28 AM         1,269,686 MASAKARI_General-Purpose_Grade_English_Wordlist.wrd.Hayabusa.Nakamichi ( ͡⚆ ͜ʖ ͡⚆)

02/12/2015  03:26 AM         5,582,655 shaks12.txt
02/12/2015  05:35 PM         2,315,036 shaks12.txt.lz4
09/30/2014  06:45 AM         2,211,086 shaks12.txt.Tengu.Nakamichi
02/12/2015  09:37 AM         2,297,940 shaks12.txt.Hayabusa.Nakamichi

02/12/2015  03:22 AM       211,948,544 silesia.tar
02/12/2015  10:02 PM        78,036,550 silesia.tar.lz4
10/01/2014  12:52 PM        82,918,238 silesia.tar.Tengu.Nakamichi
02/12/2015  09:19 PM        92,192,717 silesia.tar.Hayabusa.Nakamichi


/Photo by Masaki/

Update, 2015-Feb-20:

The French artist Rachelle Bartel, a.k.a Lillycat inspired me to ... dream of a new variant called 'Loonette' a.k.a. 'The Rabbit Girl',
probably it will be XMMized 'Hayabusa' i.e. Match Lengths will be 12/8 and the Sliding Windows will be ... slid by one order i.e.
(2*8-3)bit/(3*8-3)bit/(4*8-3)bit or 13bit/21bit/29bit or 8KB/2MB/512MB.
Well, here it comes:






How it behaves is still an open question. 'Loonette' has its future in the future.

Copyleft Sanmayce, 2015 Feb 20; character encoding: charset=utf-8; for contacts: